Chapter 29: When I First Saw You

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#29 of The Mating Season 3

Chapter 29: When I First Saw You

Kel awoke sometime that afternoon when Zaldon had returned. But for the first time since he and Zaldon had reunited, Kel was not happy to see him. Zaldon was just going to leave him again, after all. Why should he be happy about that? He looked away miserably as Zaldon entered the room and the mattress shifted as Zaldon climbed in with him. Kel would still not look at Zaldon but felt his big arm close around his shoulders and draw him close. That kiss on his mane made tears spring to his eyes. Why? Why did it have to be this way? He wanted to growl, wanted to shove Zaldon off, but when Zaldon stroked his mane and kissed him, he felt himself melting sadly against his chest.

"I can't live in the summer village," Zaldon said gently after a pause, "because you are married, Kel, and if I get caught fucking around with a married male . . . you know what would happen. The only reason you and Loryn haven't been caught is because he used to fuck you out in the forest, didn't he?"

Kel nodded miserably. "But you could fuck me out in the forest."

"I know."

Kel was surprised by Zaldon's answer. His ears pricked forward and his mouth hung open as he gazed up at him. "What --?" But before Kel could even ask Zaldon what he meant, Zaldon produced something from one of the pouches in his belt and held it up in the sunlight. The object glinted brightly in the sun. Kel could see that it was something so small that Zaldon had to pinch it in his finger and thumb. Zaldon lowered the object down out of the sunlight, and Kel stared at it: it was a gold ring.

"But -- what is it?" Kel whispered, his heart hammering in his chest with a happiness he didn't understand as Zaldon slipped the ring carefully on his finger and kissed it.

"I've been waiting for you all my life -- to have you, to hold you. And . . . I can't go on waiting any longer," Zaldon answered. "When I first saw you," he whispered, lifting Kel's chin, "I said to myself 'Oh, my.' And . . . I was never the same again."

Kel felt his heart swell when Zaldon smiled down at him.

"I knew when I first saw you, I knew that I had to have you or . . . or I would just go on suffering. I can't suffer anymore. I can't. So here is this ring: just turn it on your finger and . . . I'll come running."

Kel gazed up into Zaldon's happy black eyes, helplessly in love. "So I can have you now?"

"Just say when. I'll be there."

Kel rolled over on top of Zaldon. "Now!"

They laughed, smiling into each other's eyes, and Zaldon cupped Kel's cheek as he gazed up at him.

"Are you happy, Kel?"

"Very happy!"

"Good," Zaldon whispered and kissed Kel on the lips. "The last thing I want is for you to get sick again. I want you to live a good, long life, Kel. I need that for you!"

Kel kissed Zaldon, worried by the urgency in his eyes. "I won't get sick again -- I promise. No more pushing you away. Never again!"

"Why did you do it in the first place?" Zaldon begged, squeezing Kel's paw with large black eyes. "Do you know how long I've had that ring? I was going to give it to you seven years ago when we stood outside those gates. Seven years ago, I was going to ask you to take it!"

"You were?" Kel said, his heart sinking.


Kel thought with a terrible ache of those words he had spoken. And how hurt Zaldon had looked, though he'd tried to hide it. He had pulled a smile over that anguish, had agreed with a forced smile that they should never see each other again though he had been planning, unbeknownst to Kel, to give him this gift, the gift that they could see each other anytime that they wanted.

"Tell me why," Zaldon whispered, peering up sadly into Kel's eyes.

Kel bit his lip and climbed off of Zaldon. He sat up, his back to him, and bowed his head. Zaldon sat up too, placing an uncertain paw on Kel's back.

"I thought . . . I thought you wouldn't want me anymore. I mean, you have Julyan!" Kel admitted with a miserable shrug. "Why would you want another male after having one as beautiful as him?" Kel closed his eyes, his ears flat on his head when Zaldon's paw started rubbing his back. "So I tried to push you away before you could do it to me. I know. It's stupid."

"Of course it is!"

Kel looked at Zaldon miserably, but Zaldon was smiling at him and he couldn't help but smile back.

"Kel, I love you so much -- how could you think that? No matter who else I love, I will always love you, always want you. God, how could I not want you? After all these years, I still have to fight down my desire every time you walk by." Zaldon kissed Kel's ears and he smiled happily under this hard kiss, smiled happily to have Zaldon's big arm pull him close.

"The most beautiful males," Zaldon said, shaking his head, "are always so damned insecure."

Kel felt his face getting hot.

"Don't you know you're beautiful?" Zaldon went on. He cupped Kel's face in one of his big paws and smoothed his thumb under Kel's eye, gazing down at him. "After I first saw you, I couldn't stop thinking about you. All the way back to the winter village, I dreamt of you. I was lovesick. And I knew I had to come back here to be near you. You were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and you still are, Kel. Don't ever forget that."

"So I still make you say 'oh, my'?" Kel asked with a half-smile.

Zaldon looked down at Kel and kissed him on the lips. "Every time I see you," he whispered, his lips brushing Kel's.

Kel felt his heart swell with happiness, and they lay together in the sheets again. They held paws, their fingers tangling, and Kel whispered, "Zaldon, I -- I --"

"I know you do, Kel," Zaldon whispered back. "Here. Let me hold you. You'll never guess how much I enjoy just holding you in my arms."

Kel snuggled closer to Zaldon, his head on Zaldon's chest, and it was wonderful, those strong arms closing around him. His eyes traced happily over Zaldon's smiling face, those eyes like dark mirrors so warm with love, and this broad, white chest, these pink nipples that Kel loved so much to kiss and suck but always felt a little nervous about doing so. He curled his fingers in Zaldon's chest fur, loving the feel of it smoothing around his finger tips, loving the feel of Zaldon's breath on his mane, and the stifled little cry Zaldon gave when Kel pinched lightly on his nipple.

Kel let his paw wander more, smoothing over Zaldon's tight stomach, over his hip and to his buttocks. He felt his breath coming faster in his mounting excitement. He had never explored Zaldon like this. It seemed every time they were alone together, they were camping in the wilderness. And even years ago when they had made love at Lynny's hut, Kel had never really explored Zaldon in this way. He had been so nervous that Lynny or Ohana or Ohana's mother would return to discover them in the midst of fucking. But now, here in his own home, he felt relaxed and even eager to explore this hard, toned body that had been exciting him for so many years.

Kel held his breath as his paw swept under. He felt Zaldon's tail and pulled it aside. He wanted to get at Zaldon's ass. His paw clutched it at last, so hard and nicely shaped. He realized as he squeezed his fingers that Zaldon had gone very still. Kel's eyes darted up at Zaldon to see him gazing down at him, his eyes glazed with lust, a little smile on his lips, but he made no move to stop Kel's curious paw and Kel wanted to keep exploring. He realized for the first time that he had never really touched Zaldon's anus even though Zaldon had touched his and fingered his and even licked his any number of times. He wanted to touch that place now more than ever and pulled Zaldon's hip to him. His fingers traced under Zaldon's tail and there it was: that tight opening, those muscles squeezing shut against him. He dipped his finger and felt himself get hard at once. He felt Zaldon get hard too: the bigger wolf's cock bulged against Kel. Kel sank two fingers now, and when he heard a whimper, he looked up and realized Zaldon was blushing!

"Zaldon!" Kel cried with a little laugh. He couldn't believe it. "What's the matter?"

Zaldon bit his lip. "It's just . . . I've never been . . . you know."

Kel's ears pricked forward as it dawned on him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Never?"

"Well -- no," Zaldon answered, beet red now. "I've always been the one on top."

It made sense: Zaldon was so big and bulking that another male would naturally want to be beneath him being fucked by him. And with that great cock that was so deliciously monstrous, why would a male want to fuck Zaldon when he could be fucked by him? Looking at Zaldon's big erect cock and its pulsing veins, Kel suddenly wanted it inside of him, but he also wanted to be inside of Zaldon -- for the first time ever, he wanted that -- because as he looked up at Zaldon's face, he realized that Zaldon wanted it too.

"Would you?" Zaldon whispered.

"But why hasn't anyone else ever . . .?" Kel suddenly reflected that there were wolves as big as Zaldon in the winter village. Certainly one would have wanted to fuck him?

"Because," answered Zaldon with a smile, "I was saving myself for someone very special."

Kel's heart fluttered as those gentle black eyes smiled at him. Zaldon wanted Kel inside of him? He had never imagined such a thing. "You really want that?"

"Don't look so shocked, Kel," said Zaldon with a little laugh. "I've wanted it since I first saw you." He smiled.

Kel stroked Zaldon's ears and dragged his paw down his mane, drawing his face down to his in a kiss. They continued kissing, and Zaldon was trembling now -- he was nervous! Kel pushed Zaldon gently onto his stomach, showering his neck with slow kisses. He was glad when Zaldon closed his eyes and seemed to relax under these kisses. He pulled back, his paws rubbing from Zaldon's shoulders to his ass cheeks. God, Zaldon's back was so rippling, so tight with muscles. Zaldon had told Kel he was beautiful, but Kel wondered if Zaldon knew just how beautiful he was himself. This white back so finely toned and this deep spine. Kel dragged a finger down Zaldon's spine and to the small of his back and saw him shiver. Ah, so Zaldon liked being touched there. Kel would note that.

Straddling Zaldon's legs, Kel let his eyes wander all over Zaldon, drinking him in. He brushed Zaldon's mane aside and massaged his shoulders until he moaned. His paws went back to Zaldon's ass cheeks and he squeezed them, loving the hard feel. He was getting so hard from this! His cock was rigid with anticipation, even dripping. He gently brushed Zaldon's tail aside and spread Zaldon's ass cheeks. There was that tight opening: a dark pink like Zaldon's nipples and even like his nose. Kel slid his finger in there again and felt those walls clench up around it. God, Zaldon was so tight! He wondered if he felt that way to Lynny every time Lynny fingered him.

Kel placed the head of his cock against Zaldon's anus, then closed his eyes and slipped himself slowly inside. Zaldon groaned deeply into the pillows, and Kel paused. He knew Zaldon was in pain: he still remembered what it was like years ago, having his ass opened by Zaldon that night at their first mating season. How could he forget it? The agony and the ecstasy of that night? Feeling Zaldon inside of him had felt better than he ever could have imagined and after that, he hadn't been able to stop thinking of Zaldon . . .

"Please don't stop, Kel," Zaldon whispered, and he was breathless. "You're so big and you feel so g-good . . ." Zaldon's brows pressed together and he whimpered when Kel sank himself again.

Kel's head fell back and he closed his eyes. God, Zaldon's walls were so tight and squirming. He started moving rhythmically in and out, and it was a lovely thing, looking down to see his own throbbing cock sliding against Zaldon's straining anus. Zaldon kept whimpering, but every now and then, he moaned with deep pleasure. Kel placed his paw on the small of Zaldon's back now and started sliding himself deeper. Oh, yes, this was lovely. He rubbed his paws up and down Zaldon's back to comfort him, whispering that he loved him, that he had never imagined it was would be this delicious, being inside of him, and he loved it when Zaldon blushed to hear these things. Such a gentle giant.

"Kel," Zaldon whispered, and his voice sounded so pained. "Come closer! I want you n-near!"

Kel leaned down with a smile and kissed Zaldon's cheek, his eyes, still moving inside of him. "Oh, Zaldon. Does it hurt very badly?"

"Kel, you're filling me!" Zaldon whispered back, and Kel was saddened to see tears in his eyes. He started to pull out but Zaldon stopped him: "No, keep going! I like having you there. I've never felt so close to anyone," he whispered, and he smiled when Kel kissed him again.

When Kel had come, he slid himself out slowly, but he remained on top of Zaldon, stroking his mane, kissing away his tears, and he loved the heat of his body pressed beneath his own. He could feel Zaldon's chest heaving under him, and Zaldon was so big that Kel realized his body was rising and falling with Zaldon's heaves.

"Did you like being inside me?" Zaldon whispered.

"I loved it. I never imagined anything so deep and hot. And the way you looked lying beneath me. . . . Zaldon, I don't think you know how beautiful you are yourself." He kissed Zaldon's cheek, and Zaldon chuckled.

Kel still couldn't quite believe that Zaldon had been waiting for Kel do this to him. He wondered why Zaldon had never asked him to before, and he asked him as much.

"Well, I thought you always liked having me inside of you. And I think I was waiting for the right moment. I was going to ask you years ago, after I had given you the ring and you had called me for the first time."

"Oh, Zaldon," Kel whispered sadly. He climbed off of Zaldon, and Zaldon rolled over, wrapping Kel in his arm. "I made us waste seven years, didn't I?"

"Don't think on it anymore," Zaldon told him. "Life moves too fast for us to be full of regret. Whatever happened in the past, that's over. I have you now and I can see you whenever I like -- that's not everything I want, but it's close enough." So saying, Zaldon pulled Kel close in his arm and nuzzled him.

They cuddled under the sheets, holding to each other, Kel's head on Zaldon's chest and Zaldon's big arms around him. They fell asleep that way: happy and content.