Fifty Shades of Tan: A Little Cream With Cody - Part One

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#11 of Fifty Shades of Tan

Leilani enjoys a return visit from the teenage virgin wolf Cody - and she has a cream stick just for him. Luckily for the sea otter, Cody has one for her too.

Art by my good friend GoliathWildcat

Rhonda and Roxanne surprised me with breakfast in bed early the next morning, a selection of wild fruits and berries together with what they called porridge. We ate hugely together then snuggled naked for a time to enjoy further the afterglow of the night before. While I was eager to get back to my condominium and prepare for my young guest, I was also hesitant to leave my new friends.

"You know, love..." Rhonda said gently as we lay together on the bed, breathing heavily after another rather ardent bout of sex. "We still want to take you to the beach. God knows you probably want to dip yourself in the ocean at some point."

I had to laugh. A sea otter like me, surrounded by the ocean since birth, managed to enjoy the warm, silky waters of the Pacific four or five times a day. Now, 24 hours had passed, and I had yet to set a foot into the Atlantic here. "Perhaps." I reached for the tigress' paw. "I still have a few weeks here though. We can make time."

Roxanne brushed her striped tail across my legs and my skin tingled. "Oh yeah, love. Plenty of time still. Who knows? Maybe you'll love it here so much, you want to stay." Her tail brushed upwards, and I sighed contently, trapping it between my thighs. I was getting wet with need again, but I still had much to do today.

I giggled and reached down between my legs, stroking the tigress' exploring tail and guiding it along my folds to capture some of the heat and scent I had worked up. "We will see. My ancestors always say, 'take a day as it comes, for one day, another will not.'"

"Ah, we have a saying like that too, Leilani," Rhonda replied, sighing and laying her head on my breasts. "And you're right. We shouldn't hog all of your time. Let's maybe plan to meet, say, this Friday? There's a beach party for the whole complex, and we can scout around and find you a really hot guy to hook up with. Then we can swim."

I nuzzled them both as I sat up in the bed. "Alright, I would love it. Just remind me that morning." They both watched me get up and hunt around for my sarong wrap and I could practically feel their intent stares on my body as I dressed.

Before leaving, Rhonda presented me with a few slices of apple-crumb cake, and Roxanne offered a beautiful white-mesh bikini she had not worn in years, along with some body spray from something called Obsession. "Wear it Friday along with the spray," she laughed as she stuffed the items into a small pack for me. "And I promise you, the boys won't stay off of you."

We hugged tightly and kissed, saying our goodbyes, then I left the tigresses and returned to my place to freshen up before Cody's arrival. I showered first, though I was reluctant to wash out the heavenly smell of my feline companions, then did my hair up in a long pony-tail and changed into another sarong, something much shorter that would show off plenty of thigh. I looked at the white bikini top Roxanne had given me, then smiled and put it on. It fit a little snug around my breasts, and I realized when aroused, my nipples would be easily discernible through the fabric.


I caught myself licking my lips. It had been a long time since I had played the huntress when it came to sex and here I was, anxious and hot for the return of a wolf at least half my age.

Once I was dressed, I pondered the Obsession spray in the pack and gave it a sniff. It smelled fantastic, like berries, and honey, and cinnamon all wrapped together. I lifted a foot up behind me and splashed some of the oil across my calves.

Cody would not be able to resist me now, I thought to myself. I knew there was something very wrong about having sex with someone so young, but I had felt an immense pleasure making him cum as I had, with my paw massaging the bulge in his shorts until I could feel it erupt with such pressure. There was so much cum...

I trembled all over. Despite earlier love-making with the tigresses, I was still in need. Thoughts of him giving me another creamy treat as he had into my paw, perhaps spurting over my breasts, or into my mouth, or better still, with his pulsing length buried deep inside me, was becoming harder to push away.

Creamy treat? A new desire filled me and I returned hastily to the kitchen to open the pastry box, selecting another chocolate-covered cream stick to nibble on.

I was about ready to help myself to another of the pastries when there was a knock on the door, followed by Cody's timid voice. "M-Miss Perierre? Lani? Are you awake?"

I fought every nerve in me to run to the door. "Yes, come in Cody, please." I licked at stray cream from my paw. "I have been waiting for you."

He came in, dressed in a pair of dazzling red-and-white board shorts, leaving his legs bare just above the knees, and a cut-off grey t-shirt that showed off a soft, muscular stomach and navel. The sleeves hiked up noticeably about his arms, ending in powerful biceps, and the shirt clung greedily to his broad chest and coconut shoulders. In his paw, he held a single white rose, complete with stem and thorns.

I smiled and got up from the kitchen table to pad up to him slowly, walking on my toes, until our bodies barely touched. "Is this for me?" I brushed my paw over the silky-soft rose petals and enjoyed the permeating scent of both the flower and the heat of the wolf holding it.

"Um, yeah...I...thought you'd like to have it." He was blushing now.

I glanced down his stomach to his groin. The wolf was in full arousal. No fabric in the world could hide it and the bulge was as large and strong as any lover I had been with in the islands. I tilted my head and lowered my paw down until it could delicately rub over his groin, and trace the thick tip through the snug cotton. " this for me too?" I whispered and leaned my head closer to his until we were touching noses.

The kiss that followed was passionate and very deep. He wrapped his arms around me and I gasped against his mouth, grabbing at his shorts and yanking one side down until I could cup his swollen sex firmly and massage him again. He strained against me, every muscle tense at once, and I knew he was already close to climax. At the last possible second, before he could pump out a warm, sticky release, I backed away from him and smiled sweetly, taking his paw into mine.

"Come, Cody," I said gently, nuzzling his cheek, and he panted against me, almost growling. "I...I...saved something for you."

I led him into the kitchen and he pressed up close behind me, his erection completely free from his shorts now. We were roughly the same height so I could feel his arousal push up against my butt. It occurred to me just then, I wore nothing under my sarong. If he had wanted to, he could have grabbed my hips, thrust his thick hardness upwards, and filled my aching heat deeply with his own.

He was a very good wolf, however, and did not force himself onto me - as much as I would have gladly allowed him. He followed me to the counter and waited while I brought out my box of pastries and reached for one of the cream-filled doughnuts. "Do you like cream-sticks...?"

Cody chuckled and nodded, his long brown hair waving. "I sure do, Lani. My Mom used to pack one for my lunch at school on Mondays. She always said it was a great way to start the week."

I smiled playfully and held the cream-covered tip to his mouth, giving the dough just enough of a squeeze to let out the white, fluffy frosting. He realized what I was doing and gently nudged the cream with his tongue, until he was licking steadily at the tip, taking the cream off as fast as I could squeeze it out. I thought about that tongue on my neck, along my breasts, teasing my nipples, and slowly moving down to my tummy and then my inviting, waiting, eager sex.

When the cream started to run out, I set it aside so we could kiss again, trading wet, messy tongue-kisses back and forth, until our mouths were filled. When I pulled my head away this time, I saw that Cody was anxiously stroking himself off. "Ohhh, Cody..." I whispered and reached down, taking him into my paw. Gods, he felt so warm. "Do you want to go to the bedroom?" I slowly worked my digits around his swollen member, squeezing, tugging, and stroking.

He could barely nod. He was going to cum if I kept this up much longer.

I bit my lip and pressed my muzzle up to his. "Have you...been with anyone before?"

"N-no, ma'am...I...I ohhh...I haven't...I just...I don't...know how..."

"Shhhh," I shushed him, churrring softly, and stepped up the pace on his poor sex, trapping his thick crown tip with my other paw. "Cum for me now, Cody." I whimpered and the paw stroking his shaft became a blur.

There was a split second where I thought he might hold back, and then his member seemed to swell to twice its size. One more tug, and then he climaxed, spurting out one rope of his seed after another. I grabbed his tip hard, and he jerked against me, having more spasms, as his cum started going again. I caught a few more squirts before moving my paw away and immediately getting to my knees in front of him, grabbing his wet sex and pushing it into my mouth. A few more quick spatters of cum hit the back of my throat and I swallowed it eagerly. Combined with the sweetness of the cream-stick we had just enjoyed, his taste was heavenly.

When he was finally done, and the last of his cum dribbled from the tip onto my tongue, I let go of him and stood up again, wiping my mouth. "Come with me now, Cody..." I grasped his shaky paw and led him towards the bedroom.

But first, I swiped another cream-stick from the box to take with us.