03. "Strays"

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#38 of Iron Author

Iron Author commission for heru

When Jon Crantz comes across two men wearing masks of a canine and feline acting feral, he takes them into his home in the hopes of helping them, but that's when things get a little interesting for all three of them...

03. "Strays"

"Jon Crantz are you really going to buy that?"

The scolding tone of Abel's voice wrenched the man's attention from the magazine he had been perusing while waiting for his place in line. Glancing over the top, he realized that it was his turn and the National Inquirer in his hands looked more and more suspect as he closed it on an article of "Cultists and their Clans of Pets" that he had been reading through and he gently placed the magazine back on the rack.

Jon wasn't the type to normally pick up and read through tabloid magazines, he was an average human with shoulder-length hair and a slight physical appearance. He was often teased that his skull was bigger than his biceps, and for the most part it wasn't an exaggeration. Abel was a neighbor of Jon's family and had known him since he was a boy, so the fact that he recognized Jon being so out of character didn't alarm him much as he moved up in the line, watching the old man swipe his items through. "You don't believe in all the crap you read in that magazine, do ya boy?" He asked, raising his eyebrow curiously. "I mean, it's a bunch of garbage they make up to sell a magazine." He said as he grabbed a few cans and practically tossed them across his scanner with his thick, darkly tattooed forearms exposed from under his sleeve. "I've known ya since you were about two kid, I'd never seen you get into things like that."

"It was nothing, alright?" Jon answered with an exasperated "gah" in his voice. "I was just reading while waiting for you to swipe me through."

Abel's face grew sullen all of a sudden. "Well fine, you don't have to act like that." He said defensively. "I'm just warning you what sorts of shit these government types'll have you believe. Why were you reading that article in particular, anyway?" He asked curiously.

Jon shrugged. "Oh, I don't know. Just found it interesting, I guess."

"Interesting for some sort of cult to kidnap people and treat 'em like they're pets? What sort of nonsense is that?"

"I dunno, I guess I can just understand it at least." He chuckled idly as the merchandise went down the conveyer belt. "What's the damage?"

"Outside of my sanity?" Abel asked sarcastically. "Twenty-seven fourteen." He said, bringing the $27.14 on the screen between them. Jon swiped his card and continued down the line to where the bagger was finishing up packing his things.

She was a slim blond woman, who almost seemed totally out of place for the normal employment here. Her purple blouse dipped so low that if she bent down the wrong way her breasts would simply fall out, but judging from their eye-catching ampleness, Jon mentally thought that would likely never happen. She giggled a bit as she picked up Jon's three bags. "See somethin' you like?" She asked in a heavily country accent.

"What? N-no, sorry." He said. "I'm about as gay as they come, but those are lovely. Hope no one pokes their eyes out staring at them."

Her smile lasted in amusement. "Hasn't happened so far, but thanks, sugar."

"Connie." Abel said sternly, causing her to look at him. Jon turned his head in time to see Abel giving some unspoken signal to her before returning to his next customer.

"Well, I guess I'll be going." Jon said, gathering his things and departing with a coy smile.

The parking lot was a madhouse, as always as Jon had to step quickly to avoid three cars on his way to his little Toyota Camry that sat at about the halfway point across the pavement. He sighed in anguish as a truck parking on his driver's side left about three inches of space between the vehicles. In angst, he climbed into the passenger seat, then straddled across to the driver's side. He wasn't exactly angry that someone did that, he could easily correct it, but a lot of the times Jon just got tired of the average person taking privileges that weren't his or hers to take. He drove off, wishing he'd thought of some clever way of getting the truck driver to realize his mistakes. But then again, he never really did have a vindictive bone in his body to do something like that.

Once he got home, Jon pulled up to his garage, only to find his roommate Terry taking up the space to work on his truck. He groaned over Terry's apologies and grabbed his groceries to take them into the house. Putting the groceries into the fridge, he pulled out his egg container and opened it up. "Terry?" He asked, speaking loudly. "Hey Terry!" He shouted louder, but got no answer. He walked to the garage door and pulled it open, waving his container at the other man who glanced up from his engine. "Teeeeerry!"

"What?!" Terry shouted back, as if unsuspecting of what Jon was going to ask.

"Did you eat the last of my eggs?"

"Oh, yeah." Terry said, returning to his work. "You said you were going shopping, so I figured they were free to nosh on."

"What gave you that impression? I usually only get what I'm *out* of when I go to the store, you need to get your own food if you're going to do that."

Terry looked at Jon and shrugged. "Sorry, man." He said.

Groaning, Jon retreated back into the house before opening the egg cartridge and screaming into it in frustration. He discarded the container and stormed into the kitchen again to rummage for something further to eat. Something in the pit of his stomach wished that Terry would be taken away by these "pet mongerers" that the tabloids keep mentioning, but it was just his luck that they didn't.

By the time Jon went to bed, he was already suffering from a massive headache from Terry's work in the garage, who then took his truck out for something to eat. He'd probably return with some crappy fast food that'll stink up the house and make him sick to his stomach. But as he laid there for almost an hour messing around with his tablet, the longer it felt like Terry was gone. Eventually, Jon gave up that Terry would be back that night at all and he closed the cover on his tablet, rolling over, he nestled in and closed his eyes to get some sleep.

"AROOOOOO!" A howling scream jolted Jon from his sleep and he sat upright immediately.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!" Another voice barked from somewhere outside, confusing the man enough to make him look out his window. It was too human-like to be any kind of animal, but with the low lighting along the alleyway behind his house, there was no real way of telling what was making those noises, or where they were coming from.

Sliding off his bed, Jon yawned, stretched and pulled on a pair of drawstring pants, tightening them as tightly as he could, though there was still a bit of a sag, leaving his slim hips quite exposed to the cool air of the night. As he left his room, he listened for any signs of Terry, but it was almost as if he hadn't even come home. Opening his back door, Jon poked his head outside, meeting his face to the cool night breeze. "Hello?" He asked.

"Woowooowooo!" The same sound from before, only this time it sounded more agitated. Readily, Jon grabbed a baseball bat that was propped against the dryer and he stepped outside. "WOOF! WOOF!" the sound grew louder.

"RAWWWWR!" The second noise had changed to something that resembled a cat's yowling. Jon swallowed nervously as he made his way down into the alley, the dull golden light of the street lamps barely illuminating the ground in front of him as he made his way along.

"He-hello?" He said again, but only received long growls in response.

As he turned the corner, he gasped at the sight: Two men were lying naked on the ground in the middle of the alley. Their wrists and ankles were tied and they were lying spread eagle on the concrete; writhing and moaning as they made animal-like sounds. They were fully erect, their cocks bouncing in the darkened street as Jon rushed over to them, and both had animal masks on; the one on the left had darker skin while the one on the right looked like a tanned white. Both of the men were filthy to the touch as Jon bent down to try and calm them with shushes. The darker tan man relaxed at the touch, gazing up at Jon through his dog mask as he exhaled sharply and bayed like a hound. The lighter man, wearing a cat mask twisted and tugged at his restraints, yowling as his cock drained precum down onto his stomach where it pooled then rolled off the sides.

"Oh man, who did this to you guys?" Jon asked aloud as he tried to unfasten the ropes, but got growls and barks as they each tried to bite at the man's fingers. "Relax! I'm not going to hurt you, do you understand?" He spoke calmly as he pressed his fingers onto the dog's chest while his other stroked the cat's cheek, both subtly calmed down yet they continued to struggle. Unfastening the ropes on their wrists prompted the two of them to try and bolt, but they were grabbed and held back by the rope as Jon calmly placed his hands on their backs to calm them. It worked almost too well at first, and the pair immediately seemed calmer as Jon then untied their ankles to release them from their captivity. They sniffed each other on the wrists, the ankles and even each other's cocks before turning to look at Jon with curious and appreciative gazes as he smiled nervously. "Are you two okay?"

The pair looked at each other, then moved toward Jon, sniffing him and touching him as their hands explored his slim shoulders. The two of them weren't underbuilt either, both had thick, muscular bodies like they worked out on a regular basis the one with the lighter skin even had a piercing in his left nipple, a ring that looked a lot like Terry's, which made Jon wonder as he reached forward. "Terry?" he asked. Immediately the cat man hissed and batted Jon's hand away, recoiling from it in a shocking display of fear. Jon flattened his hand out comfortingly and calmly waved him down. "It's alright, it'll be okay..." He said softly. "Let's just see if we can find someone who can help you." He said as he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. "Let's see if the police can help us with--"

"RAAAHHH!" The dog screamed suddenly, making Jon jerk at attention as he watched him swing his arms wildly at the phone. "RARARAH!" He barked in quick succession.

The two of them turned and quickly started to move away from Jon, backing out of the area when he raised his arms, making them twitch. "Oh! Hold please hold on, I'm-I'm putting the phone down, okay?" He said, turning off the screen and returning it to his pocket. "No police, I understand. Come... please come here." The two of them looked at one another, then each cocked their heads toward Jon as he reached toward them. "Come now, be calm..." He whispered assuringly as he moved closer to them. "Good... good boys..." He said as he touched them both on the cheeks of their masks, allowing them to step closer and nuzzle his neck to regain their trust. "I won't call anyone, I promise... you are safe with me."

The dog man pressed his fingers against Jon's bare chest and growled a bit as he leaned against him while the cat crept closer and began to press his chest against the human's own in a show of trust. Both of them felt grimy and smelled like dirt and asphalt, which made Jon wonder how they could have gotten to this state.

"Come." He said, giving them each assuring pats to their chests. "We will go back to my house, it's only about a block that way." They cocked their heads at him again and he realized they probably didn't understand a word he was saying. He reached out and touched their faces again, petting them and making them lean their heads toward him. "Come on now, be good boys and we'll go get you cleaned up!" He added more cheerfully.

The dog man cocked his head and barked obediently, panting while the cat man seemed to indifferently start grooming himself. Both of them did follow Jon after some further coaxing, but it seemed even more difficult to get them to follow him than it did to get them to stay calm and collected as they returned to his house.

Jon peeked inside first, but found no sign that Terry had returned from his outing. Leading them into the house, the pair were introduced to their reflections on one of the cabinets and they both jumped back, aggressively growling or hissing at their respective image until Jon could calm them again. "Easy, easy boys." He said as he turned on a light and observed the two of them. They were indeed covered in mud, grit and grass as well as a caking layer of gravel ground into their backs from being laid out on the alley ground. "What or who could have done this to you?" He asked himself. "Well, let's get you cleaned up." He said as he led them to the steps and up them, making his way behind the pair's round, naked asses as he brought up the rear of the line. "First door to your right." He said, but his words fell on deaf ears as the cat man bapped the dog man's ear, then took off running.

"ROO ROO ROO ROO ROO!" The dog barked loudly as he chased after the other one, and both vanished into Jon's room.

"Oh, no. You guys! Come on! You need to remain calm!" Jon objected as he ran up after them, bursting into the bedroom to see the two of them chasing after one another.

The dog managed to catch the cat, sending him falling against Jon's bed. He watched as the man in the dog mask grabbed the cat's ass and spread it apart, dragging his tongue wetly across the other man's cheeks, then up the crack to the dark colored pucker. The cat gasped and moaned, spreading his stance to press his ass harder against the dog's face. Lustily the dog slapped the cat's ass, making the cat yowl and hiss in a very human-like manner. The display aroused Jon, who was so hard in his trousers now that his precum began to drip against the front of it and drain down his leg. He cleared his throat. "Let--let's see if we can get you two into a bath." He said after a moment's pause and earned a look from the other two shot at him.

Simultaneously, the dog and cat rose from their spots and approached Jon, both of them possessing what could only be described as a "come hither" stare. They craned their necks at the human, sniffed his neck as they circled him, but Jon remained steadfast in his spot, allowing them to do what they wanted for several moments before responding. "Shall we take you for a bath then?" He asked, resisting the urge to remain aroused by their antics. Finally he grabbed the dog by his cock and yanked him close, making him yelp in surprise. "Let's get you two a bath." He sounded more succinct as he spoke. His hand stroked the cat's face. "Like good pets, you two need to stay clean for me." He said, sounding more soothing now and making the cat purr and the dog lean into his idle pettings. Jon grinned a bit at their subtle obedience, it was as if nothing else mattered to them but him, and he liked that.

The bath was a bit of a mess to throw the two of them into; as soon as the pets hit the water, there was a graying of liquid under them as the soil and dirt seemed to just peel away in a lake of swirls and darkness. Jon continued the water flow though, washing the two of them from head to toe, going up and back down each of their bodies, catching every nook, cranny and curve on their muscular figures. Washing them over, one, then the other not only made Jon even harder under his tented pants, but also much hornier over the aspect that these two looked willing to do absolutely anything to him and to each other as well.

But he resisted, Jon's hand washed the dog man's backside. He enjoyed the contour of it, the butt was round and firm. The cat man seemed to grow jealous and kept trying to push himself toward the human bathing them. Jon looked up, his ass not quite as round as the dog's, but certainly not lacking in the endowment department. Full, rounded balls dangling low, swinging slightly like a pendulum, goading Jon to caress it and enjoy it as well as the two men pressed against one another and kissed. The cat man was playing with the dog man's ass, spreading the cheeks, showing his pucker to the human in more and more enticing spreads. Quickly, his will deteriorated and he realized he wanted to play with these two; they had not yet removed the masks hiding their identities, but Jon didn't care, he growled and roughly shoved his face into the dog's ass, forcibly driving his tongue against the ring of flesh that was presented to him. "Mmmhhh!" He groaned as he indulged and delighted in the taste of the dog's thick, musky hole. His fingers pushed in with his tongue, aiding to spread the ass out further, granting his tongue further access, much to the canine's pleasure who moaned in delight. He and the cat kissed, not caring about their masks as their jaws and lips met under them, the cat's cock surging back to a full erection in a matter of seconds as they pressed together. Jon played with the cat's balls and tugged on his cock, bringing him closer to his mouth so he could readily swap between the both of them, each of whom offering plenty of moans and cries of lust.

Jon pulled them from their bath, not caring that they weren't completely dry and dragged them both eagerly to his bedroom. There, he made both of them lay face down over his bed, their asses exposed as the man removed his trousers and began to play with and tease their butts. Each one he would spread the cheeks apart and invade with his tongue while the other smacked and was played with by a spare hand. His dominant heavy petting giving them a delight, he enjoyed watching the two wriggle and writhe in moans. "Good, boys." He moaned in between his tongue's breaks. He stood up, so hard for them that it actually hurt. He grabbed the dog's more ample ass first and pressed his dripping cock against it. He grunted as he pushed himself inward, feeling the dog man's flesh curling in around his cock. It was slick enough to push in easily thanks to his own spit, but the dog panted loudly and began to howl relentlessly as Jon thrust into him. He pulled himself back and thrust in harder, causing his bed to creak in response. "Ahhh--hahhh..." He panted and continued, grasping the dog's hip with one hand while the other still curled and thrust its fingers into the cat man's ass. Both of them were crying out now, in the loving attention of their newfound master's hands.

Deeper and deeper Jon fell into the dog man's ass, he could feel the plumped cushion of his pillowy backside slapping back against him, he hadn't seen a backside so well formed for him. Their flesh slapped wetly together as he continued to fuck the man in the dog mask, watching his back muscles ripple and flex. His shoulders rise and fall as he howled loudly, now pressing his face into the pillows to muffle out the sound. It happened so fast that even Jon hadn't realized that the dog man started cumming until the smell of his sex and musk overwhelmed him. The man in the dog mask shook violently as he came, thick, heavy shots of cum soaked the side of the mattress as Jon slowed his thrusts enough to let him drain every drop. "Mmmrphh... nnnhhh..." He sighed as Jon pulled back a bit and slowly withdrew his cock from the well worn ass.

Stepping over, he found that the cat man's ass was waiting too, the cat's head buried in his elbow as he flexed his back muscles and presented himself for it. Jon had a better idea though and grabbed him, flipping him over and dragging the cat further up the bed. He lifted the cat man's legs as he lined himself up, and he watched the green eyes behind the mask roll back as he began to fuck him. Jon hadn't realized until that moment that he would be going in raw, he hadn't indulged much in the man's ass, but was rather enthralled with the size of his cock as his balls spilled up his stomach some to meet his fully erect shaft. He growled lustily, making the cat inhale and exhale sharply. Reaching down, Jon began to roughly grope and stroke the man's cock in succession with fucking him. He wanted to finish for both of them, but first he wanted to send the cat over the edge. His nipple ring flipped slightly and all but jingled from the force on Jon's thrusts. The cat was yowling and moaning passionately, desperate to finally get off as his cock grew redder and redder with the human's strokes. Deeper, harder, faster, Jon's progression picked up as the ass began to wear to his girth. The cat's fingers clutched at Jon's bed, his nails dragging along the sheets like claws digging in deeper and deeper. Finally, Jon's efforts paid off; he heard the cat's growling stop, then a shake and a grunt later, white liquid shot from his tip. It splattered loudly on his chest and stomach, some of it shooting so high that it wet his mask. By that point, the cat was almost folded over double underneath the human who began to rub the cat's cum into his chest.

It was none too close, Jon was about ready to explode himself as he pulled himself free and began to stroke himself. Both the dog and cat man moved in close, their tongues emerging from under their masks to lick his wet, slick shaft as he increased his speed. Their hands grabbed each of Jon's cheeks and their fingers started to play with his pucker as if pleased to help their master reach that final goal.

It happened like a hammerblow, Jon grunted loudly as he shot a cascade of cum into both of their masks. It dribbled down the faces of the masks and began to drip along their necks and chests while their faces began to form bridges of the sticky substance between them and they kissed each other, enjoying the mess being made on them immensely.

They fucked several times before finally curling up against each other to go to sleep. Jon held each of them under an arm and slept warm and peacefully until the sun began to make itself known through his bedroom window. As he slowly awoke, he realized that the other two had begun stirring and waking up. Their reactions seemed fairly human and as the two awakened, they slowly started to pull off their masks.

The man under the cat's mask was not Terry after all, his short, spiky blond hair stuck straight up as he sat up. His muscular pectoral muscles bobbed slightly with that little dangling piercing in his nipple. The sexy tanned man under the dog mask had a lot of black hair that unfurled as the mask was pulled off. His eyes were dark, and his cheeks were darker, flushed by shyness from what seemed like a rather embarrassing and shocking night. Jon was smitten with both of them, but he'd never had sex with an indian before and he too blushed on the realization of their identities.

"Are... are you to alright?"

"Oh, man... what happened?" The man formerly under the cat mask asked, putting his fingers to his temple as he looked around and realized what was going on. "Wow. It wasn't a dream?"

"I don't think so, buddy." The other man said, looking at Jon. "Well, good morning. My name's Ian, and I guess I'm glad we met under good circumstances."

"Yeah, I think you saved us. I'm Chris, and I'm pleased to have such a wonderful owner." He smiled.

"Owner?" Jon asked. "So, last night was..."

"The end result of our... "conditioning"." Ian explained. "Along with some really strong stuff that made us uncontrollably animal. Probably the most erotic experience of my life."

"Mine too." Chris grinned, then stammered at Jon's strange look. "S-sorry."

"Why don't you two explain what happened and how you're... mine?" Jon asked.

"The memory's a little fuzzy." Ian explained. "But I'll try, I can't speak for Chris. We only met shortly after our capture, but I had gone to a club with my girlfriend Dana. She'd stepped away to the bathroom and another woman approached me. She was so beautiful, I couldn't resist talking to her. She had the most golden blond hair, I mean looking at it made me feel like I was looking into the sun. She asked me for a dance, and I went with her. I think I'd forgotten about Dana for a while until we returned to the bar and she threw her drink in my face and stormed out." He sighed. "Then, the other girl gave me another drink some old guy handed her. I didn't think anything of getting dizzy, I figured I might've had one too many. She asked me to walk her to her car and..." He paused. "And I don't remember what happened immediately after that, I only remembered waking up in a small dog kennel with a bunch of other guys who were clawing and barking at their cages like they were animals... that's where I met Chris and we became friends."

Chris nodded. "About the same thing happened to me, except my girl Charline had just gone home. I was driving home when I saw this gorgeous woman walking into a bar. She had these tits and ass that didn't quit, and I wanted to just... go after her. So I parked and followed her inside. We... we danced for a really long time and she introduced me to her friend... but I think it was her dad, he was a lot older than her and they didn't look like they belonged there, but I took a drink and immediately felt dizzy. I think I blacked out while they were helping me to my car, but I woke up in the same place Ian described."

"I was reading a tabloid article on how people keep ending up in this pet ring." Jon remembered. "I had no idea it actually existed..."

"And now... we're yours." Chris said with certainty to his voice.

"Mine? I--I can't own people." He objected.

"But we're not..." Ian added. "Not really, you just picked up a couple of strays off the street didn't you?"

"Fed us? Bathed us? Fucked our brains out?" Chris added with a smile. "You're our master, and we're devoted to you."

"But you were..."

Ian shrugged. "The way I understand is that..." He couldn't resist, and started to scratch the side of his neck with his back leg. "Rrrr... is that we were set out there for a potential owner to pick us up. You picked us up, that means we belong to you."

"We promise we won't act like this outside if you don't want us." Chris said, pulling his arm away from where he'd been licking at it. "But we want to be your pets, we were conditioned to serve our master."

All this talk was causing Jon to get an erection. He'd never thought about the idea of having people devoted to him, the whole idea was hot though. Unable to control himself, he pulled them each into a passionate kiss, resurging their own erections as well. "Aw, come on." A voice distracted Jon as he looked at his door and saw Terry standing in it, a look of disgust washed across his face. "That's terrible, you shouldn't be doing that crap with your door open like that. I live here too!"

"Not for long." Jon said.

"What're you talking about?" Terry asked.

Jon realized it as soon as he kissed his pets; he couldn't keep their connection to their animal sides a secret with a roommate in the house, he couldn't let Terry share in the wealth. And in that split of a second, he decided what he had to do. "These two are going to be living here from now on, so you're out."

"What?! I have nowhere to go!"

"Well, you're three months behind on your rent with me anyway, you useless slug." Jon said demandingly, suddenly having grown a spine that he couldn't have told Terry off like this before. "All you do is eat my stuff and take up all the room in my garage. I want you out by next week."

"B-but...!" Terry started, but his voice trailed off as Jon glared at him. He frowned in surrender. "I'll... go pack my shit." He stammered as he disappeared from the door.

"Now, my pets." Jon said, wrapping his arms around each of them. "Where were we?"