13. "I'm Just Saiyan!"

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#47 of Iron Author

Iron Author commission for shy001

Immediately following "Saiyan Training" Mac is thrust into another dimension where he must overcome several traps in order to rejoin his friends in battle and unlock his true fighting potential...

13. "I'm Just Saiyan!"

As daylight began to reach the horizon, the group of heroes; who had made a tactical retreat from their ambush at Binary Beach made their way through the forest. Bancholeomon, Bladeleomon, Sci the Taomon, Magnamon who was still dragging Exveemon along as he roared for a good fight, followed by Omnimon, Rapidmon then by Matt the Weregarurumon, Trey the Dorulumon and then Mac and his wolven-Saiyan brothers Mark and Jax, made their way toward the village they needed to protect.

"Sci! Can you not simply send us back to the village?" Omnimon asked. "As you sent us to find Mac and the others?"

"No!" The Taomon answered distinctly. "It requires a great deal of concentration, and the risk of... disembodiment increases with the number of passengers, I cannot transport us all and it would take far too long to cast my spell four times to send us all to safety!"

"He's right, we're stronger in bigger numbers anyway!" Magnamon exclaimed.

"Yeah! Let me at 'em! Let me at 'em!" Exveemon shouted. "I'm old enough to fight them, big brother!"

"No, you aren't." Magnamon growled sternly.

"We need to find some open ground!" Trey shouted. "Someplace we can fight these guys toe to... tendril." He said.

"I know just the place! Follow me!" Matt called back to the others as he leaped into the air and vanished past a line of trees. The others turned on heel and ran after him.

"Matt! Wait!" Mac called after him as he turned and watched as Trey ran as well. "Trey!"

Suddenly, the world went dark around him and Mac found himself running into the forest at night. He paused and let off a soft gasp of surprise.

A smoky mist covered the ground under his feet as a chill rose up over his ankles and he looked into the forest standing before him. "Wha-where am I?" He asked aloud and looked around. "Hello!? Jax! Mark! Trey? Where is everyone?"

"Hmmhmmhmm... they cannot hear you, wolf." A voice called from the darkness, you have been brought into another dimension where my power reigns supreme!"

The voice sounded like it came from every direction, and he sounded like Piedmon. Mac clenched his fists in nervousness as he turned to face the direction he believed the voice to be coming from. "Come on out and fight!" He shouted, hearing his voice echo around him. "Unless you're a coward!"

"Oh, am I a coward? I apologize if you think so." Piedmon chuckled. "Perhaps my company of escorts would be willing to come out and play? Hmm?" He laughed again as the forest around Mac began to wiggle back and forth with the gusts of wind now suddenly washing over the wolf.

Mac grunted and put his hands up to prevent the foliage from getting into his face, or the leaves from getting into his teeth. Soon though, it grew apparent that cobwebs were forming along the limbs of the trees like cotton candy. The harder the wind blew, the more the strands of thread from the webbing tried to reach out for him. This was part of Piedmon's plan, to try and separate and defeat him individually. Mac turned and wobbled as he tried to run, he nearly fell back a couple of times before the sheer force of the wind began to try and push him off of his toes and lift him into the air. "Ahh! What in the?" He exclaimed as he brought his arms down, trying to give himself the weight to stay sure-footed on the ground. "Nnnh!" He flailed as his feet pulled again, this time it felt as though they were sticking to the ground. Looking down, he could see that the webbing had already gathered around underneath him, and he was basically being pushed through a funnel where the white swirled around him, growing thicker and heavier with each passing yard.

Finally Mac felt his ankle catch into the webbing, he swung forward and let out a quick shriek in surprise as he fell against the curtain of webs underneath him and his body stuck fast to it. "Hey! Lemme go!" He exclaimed as he struggled to get free.

At first there was what sounded like clicking in the webbing overhead. As the cotton hammock Mac had fallen in swivelled backward some, he could see dozens of strange dots in the layers over his head. "Wh-what the...?" He said to himself as he watched. As the dots rounded the corner, a small pack of familiar looking Digimon appeared. "Dokugumon?" He said aloud.

The spider-type Digimon bobbed along in a singular line until they were almost to Mac's feet. As he tried to pull his legs away, several of them grabbed his ankles and began to spin webbing over his ankles. Mac didn't feel the weakness of being poisoned, something was different about how these Digimon were spinning their webs. There was no toxic odor, no poisoned webbing covering his ankles as they spread their thread from ankle to foot, then back up again in slow succession. "He-hey, come on guys. Let's be rational about this okay? You guys don't need to treat me like food or any--"

"Poison thread!" Three of them managed to spout off at once, instantaneously wrapping Mac's muzzle and closing it to keep him from talking.

"Mmmph! Mmmmm!" He growled, but his threats were coming off completely harmlessly as he muffled out his complaints and felt the webbing under him becoming cocooned around his back, he slowly felt his body turning over as the webbing draped across his face and twisted tightly around his head. His arms were raised and rolled together.

The top side and the bottom side of Mac's line of sight as he was turned over and over looked almost the same, it was only a matter of moments before he didn't know if he was facing upward or down toward the ground by the time the spinning stopped. He grunted as the webbing twisted around him, the Dokugumon encasing him so tightly now that he couldn't see anything but a curtain of white now over his face, growing darker and darker as layers continued to twist him inward. It would only be a matter of time before it would get so tight that he wouldn't be able to breathe.

"Nnnf...hnnn..." He couldn't call out his attacks on the spider webbing, he could only simply focus his energy until he could feel his hands burning from under the webs. Looking down he could see the fiery glow of his blazing paws as they wore away at the fibers, the Dokugumon tried to reinforce his limbs. Mac inhaled and exhaled sharply and could feel his hands start to move a little more now. "B--" He was having trouble, as the webs continued to tighten along the rest of him and he found his chest constricting now. "B--l--zing... pwww!" He gasped out his command, and felt his body react as his Blazing Paw attack suddenly illuminated the webs and the Dokugumon, who shrieked and ran away as Mac broke free of the webbing and fell to the ground. "HUFF!" He grunted as he hit the ground. "Ow. Damn..." He managed to rip off the wrapping around his mouth.

"Hmm! A very interesting turn of events, but you'll never get home." Myotismon's voice now sounded off with a laugh. "We've got you right where we want you!"

There was a cold wave of air that shot across Mac's chest, throwing him to the ground and suddenly, he found himself somewhere else completely.

Getting up, Mac looked around; He wasn't in the forest anymore, now he found himself on some long-deserted farm out in the middle of nowhere. Lightning flickered in the distant clouds as a cold chill screamed up Mac's spine. He turned around and looked behind him, nothing was recognizable.

"Oh terrific, where am I now?" He asked aloud.

"William's Arrow!"

The voice coming from behind Mac was neither that of Myotismon or Piedmon, but something else entirely. Mac turned quickly and could see a silvery object flying his way. Swinging around, Mac unleashed a powerful kick that caused the flying arrow to break into two pieces and fall to the ground. He crouched down to look at it, and glanced up; but there didn't seem to be any enemies nearby, just a field of crops and scarecrows--

"Wait a second..." He said aloud.

Creepily, half a dozen golden, glowing eyes turned to face him slowly. The wolf took a step back as one at a time, the Digimon hidden in the field looked at him. Simultaneously they lifted their arms, producing bows in their hands. "William's... Arrows!" They all called out at once, sending several shafts directly toward Mac.

Quickly, Mac maneuvered himself between the arrows that nearly struck him on all different angles. He grunted and dodged, ducked and weaved around them. As the last arrow passed within inches of his nose, Mac grabbed it and swung around, hurling the weapon back at the Digimon in the field.

"EEEYOW!" One of them screamed, alarmed, it fell from its perch and hit the ground with a dull thud. The others simply turned their attention toward their fallen comrade and completely seemed to forget about Mac for the moment as they turned with concern.

Mac got up and dusted his chest off. "Huh. What's going on?" He asked aloud as he jogged toward where the attacker fell. He gasped as he made his way closer, revealing his attackers for the first time. "Nohemon?" He said, looking at the group of scarecrow-like Digimon who surrounded their comrade, moaning in pain with an arrow jutting out of his shoulder. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Ooohhh ahhhh! No, don't hurt me! Don't hurt me, no more!" The Nohemon in the center begged as Mac approached.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I'm going to help you." Mac said, grasping the arrow by the shaft and splitting it apart so he could easily removed it without yanking the arrowhead back through. "It's me who should be worrying about you guys." He explained. "What gives you the idea of attacking me like that, huh?"

"Lord Myotismon ordered us to." The Nohemon said, leaning up and cradling his shoulder. Mac ripped off the ankle of his pant and wrapped it tightly around the injury. "Ouch! He didn't tell us you'd be able to fight back, or th-that you'd be so kind about it."

Mac winced and his ears lowered some, he cinched the makeshift tourniquet a little tighter. "I don't feel like I'm being kind, more like decent. I'd never hurt anyone without provocation."

"Then I'm afraid our master has painted a rather sad vision of you then." Another one of the Nohemon said. "And for that, we are eternally sorry!"

"Don't worry about it." Mac said, helping the injured one back to his feet. "But if you guys are really hoping to make it up to me, maybe you could point me the way out of this dimension?"

Frowning, the scarecrows looked at one another. The injured one spoke first; "We can't tell you, friend. It's against the rules."

"But if you follow our companions to Myotismon's symbol..."

"Perhaps that will be enough to send you home!"

At once, the group of scarecrows released the crows attached to their arms, and an entire flock suddenly exploded up toward the night sky. "Hurry!" They said. "Do not lose them, and be sure to touch Myotismon's symbol before day comes, or else it will vanish for another day."

"Right." Mac said. "And thank you!" He bolted through the tall grass and into the field beyond.

Mac watched the cloud of crows as they rose higher and higher into the night sky, almost becoming a stormcloud themselves. As he hopped through the grass, it became apparent that the growth was becoming much thicker and harder to work through. Mac swiped his claws into the plants, slicing them apart at thigh height as the motivation to run made him burst forward at a blazing speed. As he reached the edge of the field, Mac jumped into the air on instinct, narrowly avoiding a trap of spikes that shot up from the ground exactly at the border. Stunned by this narrow miss, Mac overcorrected himself and came to the ground at a roll. Rolling over and over again, Mac only came to a stop when his legs struck the base of a silo that rose high into the sky. He grunted in response to his abrupt stop and stared up into the sky, watching the cloud of crows as they vanished into the night. He'd lost them, he couldn't believe it! He groaned as he sat up again and looked around. Mac was at the site of an abandoned farm, several pieces of equipment, sized specifically for Digimon were sitting empty and broken down in the middle of the crop patch as he dusted himself off and got back to his feet.

"Great, now how will I get home?" He asked himself. Suddenly, a strange force struck Mac across the muzzle. "HUAHHH!" He grunted as the force of the blow almost took his head off.

"You want to know how you'll get home?" Myotismon said, suddenly appearing in front of the wolf before giving him a strong kick to the stomach before grabbing him by the shoulders. "You will never return!" He threw Mac effortlessly into the air. "Dark Wing!" He called, summoning a cloud of bats that shot from his cape and swarmed Mac, who was still falling from the throw. He was picked up by the bats, then flipped head over heels until he came down hard onto a sturdy fence.

"Nnf!" Mac grunted as he noticed Myotismon approaching. He was winded, he couldn't call on his Saiyan form. His body trembled as he tried to rise from the spot. The bats however swarmed down on him, trying to pin him down.

"Can't you see you've been beaten, Mac?" Myotismon chortled in glee. "Once my bats have feasted upon you, you will become nothing more than my own mindless minion."

Mac gasped as he looked at the tree above him, just on the outer border of the fence he'd crashed into; as the moonlight washed over it, the image of a bat could be seen. "Myotismon's sigil!" Mac said to himself as he threw his blazing paws in front of himself, causing the bats to scatter.

"What?!" Myotismon gasped in surprise as Mac leaped into the air and despite his bats' best efforts to knock his hand away, the wolf managed to touch the glowing symbol before returning to the ground. "No! That's not possible!" He roared as he charged after Mac, who watched as a glow of reddish energy enveloped him. Still he managed to deliver a strong blow to Mac's chest.

It was a flash of light that surrounded Mac and as he fell backward, he found that daylight had already come and he was phasing back into the real world. "HNN!" He grunted as he struck the ground hard. His arm muscles were burning as he regained his focus. Explosions echoed around him as the Diaboromon and Infermon launched deafening attacks all around them. He looked up and could see a grand scale melee going on around him.

"Look!" Magnamon said to Frost. "Mac has returned."

Frost grunted, catching his brother's hammer blowing fist. "That is great, Magnamon. A little help here?"

"What's the matter, dear brother? Can't face me alone?" He threw his arms back and hurled out a bolt of shadowy energy that flung Frost backward.

Immediately, Magnamon sprang into action, throwing himself hard into the Black Wargreymon and sending him fast into the air before grabbing him around his waist and driving him hard toward the ground. Shadow gave the armored Digimon a punch to the side of the head as he sailed helplessly into the ground, a forceful cone of dust erupted from their impact, which quickly evaporated into bits of digital data that quickly settled back to the earth, reforming into dust along the forest's floor. Shadow growled and kicked at Magnamon, knocking him back before finally kicking him up out of the hole. Throwing himself into the air, Shadow cracked his knuckles as he formed tight fists and summoned his massive armored claws before turning around and coming back down toward the golden armored dragon. "You will not defeat me! I will end you!" He roared as he hurtled toward him.

"I don't think so, brother." Frost emerged finally and raised a massive orb of icy energy above his head. "HUAHHH!" He grunted and threw the ball toward the black bullet heading toward the ground.

Shadow tightened his approach even harder, speeding up to hit Magnamon in time, but only a few inches from his target, the ice ball struck him. It seemed to happen in slow motion, Magnamon clenched his fist and gave the Wargreymon a solid punch to the jaw before the frigid force of the ice bomb shot Shadow off in another direction. The impact was so cold that everyone around it could feel the chill in the air. "RRRAHHHH!" Shadow roared as he exploded out of the icy chill and flew at Frost, tackling him hard in midair. "You will taste darkness!" He shouted as he spun in midair "Black Tornado!" His voice barely echoed off the winds as he spiraled into an oil-black slick of air that suddenly shot to the ground and also enveloped Magnamon, who vanished into the storm's wrath.

In the distance, Piedmon laughed as his attackers tried to pin him down, but he simply kicked off the ground and sent himself floating into the air. Glaring down at Bancholeomon, Bladeleomon and Sci, he brought his hands forward and produced six knifes; three in each hand. "Let's see how quick you are to dodge these, boys! AHAHAHA!" He laughed maniacally as he threw the knives down on the group. Even as the first six missed, Piedmon continued to produce more knives. Bladeleomon grunted as he blocked several, then attempted feebly to project the blades back at him, which became as heavy as anvils as they hit the weapon.

"We can't take much more of this! Even three Ultimates are hard to match against a Mega leveled Digimon!"

"Leave that to me." Sci exclaimed as he threw himself back from the direct line of attack "Talisman Spells!" He cried, causing a volley of sigils to emit off his body and shoot towards Piedmon.

"Huh?" Piedmon managed to exclaim before being soundly obliterated by several explosions, vanishing into a cloud of smoke.

"HA! That did it!" Sci shouted excitedly. His excitement was short lived though as the flashes of silver shooting through the clouds proved him wrong. "Oh no!" He ducked as the knives, like pins suddenly staked him to the ground, rendering him unable to move.

"Oh did it? I'll have to remember that next time!" Piedmon said as he flickered in and out of sight, striking both of the Leomons as he suddenly began to appear in multiple places at once. Each of his copies delivering very real attacks against the two warriors while Sci struggled helplessly as the blades that held him down only twisted into the ground, pinning him down harder as his friends received dozens of brutal strikes.

"There are so many of them!" Rapidmon exclaimed as he and Omnimon continued to avoid the hundreds of blasts shot at them by Infermon and Diaboromon.

Omnimon wound up and spiraled in for an attack, viciously slashing through the hundreds of viruses that were now swarming them closer and closer. The two of them were trying to keep the army at bay, but as demonstrated when Omnimon turned back to see them reform and split into two more. "Damn, they're endless!"

A few yards away, Exveemon growled as he lumbered his shoulders into a tall, thick trunked tree and finally managed to collapse it onto the ground. As the leaves fluttered through the air upon landing, Exveemon cheered. "Yes! I did it!" He exclaimed. Suddenly, the swarms of Diaboromon easily traversed the tree, covering and obliterating it as they crossed it. "Uh-oh!" He shouted as he was then blasted by dozens of their attacks. Instinctively, he grabbed a lone branch that survived the tree and began to swat at them. "Vee-Laser!" He cried, shooting a blast of energy from his chest, which only made the viruses multiply even more. "Aw no!" He exclaimed, suddenly getting trampled under hundreds of the Diaboromon.

"We're fighting a losing battle!" Rapidmon shouted as he continued to fire his volley into the growing mass of Digimon. "They just keep coming!" A blast grazed Rapidmon's shoulder. "Whoa!" He spun around before being hit and knocked out of the air by a volley that made contact. Falling into the blackness below, Omnimon swooped down to catch him, and narrowly missed him.

"Rapidmon!" He exclaimed. "Uuhh!" He grunted as the energy blasted him and he returned to trying to destroy them. "Can't last much longer..."

As Mac got back to his feet, he ducked, seeing movement coming from overhead as Trey and Matt both slammed into the ground in front of him. Grabbing Trey, Mac helped him up. "Trey! You alright?"

"I've been better." Trey managed a weak smile.


"Doing alright." The Weregarurumon said, bringing a thumbs up. "We're being overwhelmed here!"

"Where are Jax and Mark?" Mac asked, glancing around for his brothers.

"There!" Trey pointed toward a wall of Diaboromon and Infermon, firing blasts of energy into them only seemed to make it grow. The Digimon then began to fire bolts of energy on the brothers, who quickly blocked the attacks but were already being vastly overpowered.

"Jax! Mark!" Mac started forward, but was interrupted by a flash of light, then a shadowy form coming into view as Myotismon appeared with a smile on his face.

"You may have escaped my dark dimension, Mac. But you will not win this fight!" He brought his arms back. "Crimson Lightning!" He cried, sparking reddish electricity in between his palms before thrusting it forward.

"NO!" Both Matt and Trey leaped forward, taking the blast hard and being propelled back as Mac lunged forward, a bright glow enveloped him as he evolved into his first Saiyan form. Blazing past Myotismon, Mac simply knocked him off balance and the vampire spun around before flying into the wolf, pinning him against a tree.

Myotismon laughed. "Do you really think you can defeat all of us? Your silly Saiyan form is no match for my dark powers!

"It is if I turn up the heat!" Mac responded confidently as he readied his second transformation.

"Wh-what is this?" Myotismon said aloud as Mac's transformation began to burn his hands. He pulled them back quickly. "AHH! What are you doing?! What is this?!"

The light surrounding Mac was growing in intensity, which momentarily blinded the Digimon. As it faded, Mac stood there, ready for a battle in his second form, he flattened his palms and lowered himself into an attacking posture, growling as his multiple tails wagged. "This is what you've been waiting for."

"Impressive, you've attained your second form without the dark sword. But it doesn't matter; your forces are beaten, your time is up!"

"We'll see about that." He said, circling his hands around each other so that a wave of energy would form between his palm. "Blazing...." He focused in his mind what he wanted to accomplish with his strike. "BLAST!"

Mac thrust his palms forward and caused a mighty wave of light to shoot from his hands. First it struck Myotismon, who flung his cape up in a feeble attempt to defend himself. "No! This isn't possible!" He said as he launched himself into the air.

The wave of light radiated in a circle around him as the Blast shot straight toward the spiralling tornado that Shadow had formed around Magnamon and Frost. "EYAHH!" Shadow cried out as the light struck him and threw him out of his spin, sending him backwards and out of sight into the forest's treetops. The blast continued on, hitting Piedmon in the back. Piedmon let out a shriek of pain as the light suddenly exploded outward like a band of energy that then blazed across all the Infermon and Diaboromon, obliterating them in a single powerful blast. Rapidmon, Omnimon, Exveemon as well as Jax and Mark were suddenly facing no enemies where there had been scores of them before. Exhausted of his energy, Mac fell to his knees, panting hard as Piedmon grimaced at them.

"You fools!" He exclaimed. "You think you've won!"

"Even you cannot stand against all of us together, Piedmon!" Omnimon said, pointing at him. "We would beat you back in an instant."

"Why, you pertinent..."

"Wait, Piedmon." Shadow said flying back into range. "He is right, we don't stand a chance against them united."

"Learn your place, Shadow." Piedmon snarled at the Wargreymon. "We will defeat them, we must!"

"Myotismon has retreated and is severely weakened." Shadow pointed out. "And your army of Diaboromon and Infermon is all but wiped out. We must retreat!"

Piedmon bit his lip. He knew that Shadow was right, but he didn't want to admit it readily. "Very well!" He shouted. "We will leave you to contemplate your impending demise, fools! The wolf may have saved you once, but we live to fight another day!"

With that, Piedmon swept his arm hurled down an enormous explosion of confetti, which hid them from view, by the time the sky cleared, the two of them had vanished to someplace unknown.

Mac panted out his gladness that they had left by instantly returning to his standard wolf form. He was still shivering from exhaustion when Jax and Mark ran over to help him to his feet.

"That was great, Mac!" Jax exclaimed.

"I knew you'd have enough power to get off one of your shots." Mark said. I had no idea it would have been such a doozy."

"Is everyone alright?" Mac asked.

"Everyone is accounted for." Rapidmon said cheerfully. "Thanks to you."

"Wait, where are Matt and Trey?" Bladeleomon asked.

"Oh no." Mac gasped as he looked past where Myotismon had tried to strike him with his Crimson Lightning.

Matt and Trey were curled close to each other, only about a foot separated them as they lay on the ground unconscious. Light burns could be seen, singes had burned off some of Matt's fur as the others ran to them. They weren't moving, and from what it looked like, Mac couldn't even see them breathing. Tears of anxiety filled his eyes as he fell to his knees once again.

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