Beastly Birthday

Story by Kalenidus on SoFurry

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A pair of teenaged dragon twins strike out on their own during an expedition to secure a surprise discovery. But they're not the only ones lurking among the ancient ruins...

Birthday present for FA: tsarin avatar?user=334056&character=0&clevel=2 Tsarin. Featuring his teen dragon twins, the Foon Brothers and a certain mysterious being.

Beastly Birthday

"Are we still going the right way?" Goro asked, glancing uncertainly at the foliage surrounding them as he and his brother paused. Kentaro checked the readings on the Spirit Energy Meter he was holding in front of him.

"Well, we're closer than we were the last time we checked. Coordinates haven't changed either." Kentaro held the meter out for Goro to see. "I'd say we're on the right track."

Goro looked at the meter and then at the lush dark blue jungle surrounding them. He grunted as he hefted the machete in his hand, glancing over his shoulder at the trail of hacked plants they were leaving in their wake. His fingers were sticky with sap.

"I just hope it isn't too much further. Exploring an alien jungle is awesome, but I don't want to end up lost."

Ken rolled his eyes.

"Oh relax. We both have homing beacons on our belts and there's no way we're gonna end up out of range from the camp just walking out on foot like this. We'd need, like, a hover or something." He said, running a few fingers through his spiky hair, the humidity in the jungle making the tips droop a little. Goro huffed, wishing his own fringe would stop sticking to his forehead as he sweated. He brushed it away, then looked around at the light filtering through the canopy overhead.

"I hope you're right..."

"Oh come on bro, don't tell me you're getting cold feet." Ken smirked, poking at Goro. "It's only our second day here and already we got something cool happening! Don't you wanna be able to go back home and tell everyone about how we discovered something here on our own?"

"Well, yeah... That'd be pretty cool..." Goro admitted, feeling the tingle of excitement running through him again as he thought about telling their story back home. Not everybody got the chance to come along on an archaeological expedition to a wild, border planet. It had taken weeks of pleading and bargaining with their father to get him to let them come along on a trip with his team. They'd finally managed to convince their father by trading in their normal birthday presents for that year for the chance to come along, especially since the trip had been planned at a time that overlapped their special day in the first place.

"We shouldn't waste any more time. There's no telling when this signal might move or even vanish. Spirit Energy can be really finicky..." Ken warned, looking between the readouts and the jungle in front of them. "It's only another two hundred meters this way and it looks like the plants are starting to thin out...come on!" He said, waving Goro on eagerly as the teen dragon twin nodded, picking up his blade and hacking onwards with renewed determination.

Of course, it wasn't like he really needed to hack a way through for them. They could have pushed past most of the plants growing in the way, but that wasn't quite as thrilling as doing actual bushwhacking as they moved through the undergrowth. The further they went, Goro couldn't shake the feeling that their progress was coming along far more easily than he'd have expected for a trek through the jungle. Aside from a few lush plants and vines here and there, they were mostly moving through a sort of tunnel, with the trees and thicker growth always somehow sitting out of their way. Could they have stumbled onto some sort of overgrown, abandoned path?

The dragon didn't get to muse on these thoughts for very long before they found themselves stumbling out into something of a clearing.

"Oh wow..." Kentaro breathed, craning his neck back as they took in the sight of a truly colossal tree towering above them, the trunk and roots sprawling over a crumbling stone structure that was definitely a building in the middle of the clearing.

"Holy crap, we really found something!" Goro grinned. He turned to Kentaro. "Is that where the signal is coming from?"

Kentaro nodded, looking down at his device. "I can't get an accurate pinpoint, but yeah, that's definitely where it's coming from."

"What do you think it is? Its gotta be something sentient-made... Maybe it's an ancient Origin artifact!"

"Could be. We know this planet got seeded during Exodus for sure. This place might hold a clue to what happened to everyone here."

"Lets go then! You got your camera?"

Ken nodded, pulling a thin headpiece from his satchel and putting it on, a HUD projecting onto its eyepiece as he turned it on and the strong LED next to it blinking on and off as he tested it.

"Yup. We're rolling." Ken grinned, looking at his brother as Goro gave a thumbs up to the camera, then pointed at the ruins.

"And we are totally going in there, find out what's making this signal and get our names on an official Alliance report for an alien find!" He grinned.


They stomped across the long, waving grass that covered the clearing like a shaggy pelt, marveling at the long, deep shadows cast by the tree as it blocked out the sun and kept the area under it relatively jungle-free.

They reached the side of the structure and started circling around it, looking for an entrance. It didn't take too long to find a crumbling archway, the darkness beyond it dancing with dust motes as Ken shone the light from his headpiece into it.

"Think it's safe?" Goro asked, pulling out his own flashlight after slipping his machete back into the holder at his waist. They stood together, peering down a short corridor as they ran their lights over the stone.

Ken ran through settings on his HUD. "I could run a scan for structural stability, but it'll take a bit. This stonework doesn't really look damaged, though, just old. We'll probably be fine as long as we're careful and watch our step."

Goro nodded, stepping forward with his brother into the hallway and starting to move down it. "Alright then. Signal still coming in strong?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna see if I can switch to a closer-range scan to get some more accuracy on this. There's a chance it might be coming from underground..."

Goro peered around a corner.

"I don't see any stairs yet. Looks like this passageway splits here and each path curls symmetrically." He said, glancing down the other side.

Ken grunted, peering down either end of the split. "Hrm, now, the question is, do they lead to the same place or to different places..."

"You don't want to split up, do you?" Goro asked, nervous.

"Gods, hell no! If there's one thing you learn from movies..."

Goro chuckled. "Heh, yeah... Lets go down this way first, then..." He motioned down their right.

They spent the next several minutes going down a single winding passageway until they reached a set of stairs. Making their way down, they found themselves walking into a huge, open chamber, the landing of their stairs joined by another set of stairs leading up on the opposite side.

"Oh shit, is that...?" Goro gaped as they looked into the center of the chamber.

"Oh wow..." Ken breathed, standing next to him.

A good chunk of the ceiling above had crumbled a long time ago, and thick tree roots spiraled and twisted their way down, tapering as they reached the center of a cracked mosaic set into the wide floor. The huge empty space was surrounded by low steps leading down into it from a wide, raised border. Stepping further into the chamber and shining their lights around, they could see large columns lining the edges of the border, a few of them broken and toppled over. Random shafts of light filtered in from cracks in the ceiling above, affording some visibility in the dusty gloom, but not much. Ken smirked as he crouched to examine a patch of plants lit up by one of the shafts.

"Hey Goro, check this out." He pointed at various patches of growth around the room. "They track the light. See how they've grown in swatches? That must be the path the sunlight takes through the day. I wonder how they get their water, though..." He mused. Goro shined his flashlight about, then looked back at Ken.

"Do we have a better fix on the signal?"

"Hold on, let me see what it..." Kentaro froze, looking at the display.

"What's wrong? Did we lose it?" Goro said, standing next to his brother and peering at the meter.

"No, it's... it's everywhere!" Kentaro frowned, tapping at settings on the meter. "I lowered the range for higher precision, but now this is telling me the signal is coming from all around us in this building..."

"Wait, how is that even...? Is the building the artifact?"

"I don't know!" Kentaro said, frustrated. "I've never heard of something like this..."

An unsettling feeling crept up Goro's spine as he glanced around them. The idea that they were surrounded by some sort of strong spiritual signal didn't feel very comforting. Kentaro seemed to share his unease as he looked up from the display.

"I guess...we could probably head back now... I mean, we definitely found something..."

Goro nodded. "Yeah. I think this is good enough for me..." He said nervously. They turned for the stairs just as an otherworldly growl echoed through the chamber, bits of loose dust and pebbles clattering down from overhead.

Goro swallowed. "Ken... What was that?" He whispered, hand grasping at the handle of his machete as he pointed his flashlight this way and that.

"I don't know," Kentaro whispered back, working frantically on the scan settings of the meter. "It... it sounded like it came from the passageway."

"I...Ok...c-can you scan for another way out of here...?" Goro whispered nervously as they both started moving for the opposite end of the room from the stairs.

"I'm trying, but the HUD isn't responding! All my systems are going screwy!" Ken whispered back frantically.

They reached the far back wall, but there was no exit they could see. Goro looked back towards the stairs and stifled a gasp. He switched his flashlight off and ducked behind a column, pulling Kentaro with him and covering his brother's mouth as he started to protest, his other hand cupping over the LED on his brother's headpiece.

"Shhhh!" He said it urgently, a note of fear in his whispered voice. "There's something in here! Turn off your light!"

Ken felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest as he reached up with trembling fingers and pushed the button. Goro let go of his mouth, the two of them backed against the column as tightly together as possible.

"Did you see what it was?"

"I didn't get a very good look, but... It's big. S-some sort of animal..." Goro almost whimpered.

Ken swallowed, forcing himself to try to think. "I've got night vision in this thing. I'm going to try to get it to work." He whispered, trying to keep his voice from shaking as he reached up to his headpiece. He cycled through the settings carefully, holding his breath as he activated the one he needed. His HUD lit up with a faint green glow across both eye-pieces. Cautiously, he poked his head out from behind the column, looking towards the entrance.

The beast was standing at the bottom of the stairs. It was large, the size of a draft horse, its body densely muscular and packed with sinew that bulged up under its skin. It moved on all fours, measured and graceful like a big cat. Its head was certainly cat-like, with a large, boxy muzzle and two straight, thick tusks jutting up from the underbite of its lower jaw. Two great horns sprouted from its head, sweeping outwards before arching up majestically, like some sort of great bull. It moved further into the room, a long and powerfully-muscled serpentine tail trailing behind it as it stalked through the plants, dipping its head here and there to sniff at the ground. Ken could see its eyes glow with an otherworldly light in his night vision display, the effect unsettling him enough to pull back, heart hammering in his chest.

"What is it?" Goro hissed into his ear.

Ken caught his breath. "T-trouble! Looks like a predator, but there was nothing like it in the briefing we got... I-I think it's looking for us."

"Shit!" Goro growled, pulling out his machete. "You bring any weapons?"

Ken shook his head even as he tugged out the hunting knife on his belt and held it up. "I don't think a knife is going to do much against that thing. Its too big!" He could feel a cold sweat running down his back as he heard plants rustle about deeper in the room.

Goro was silent for a moment, then turned back to Ken. "Maybe we can slip past it. It hasn't seen us yet. These columns line the whole place. We can hide behind them, move from column to column until we get to the entrance and we sneak out. We can make it back to camp with a good head start!"

"Yeah, but, you don't have any night vision!"

"That's why you'll be the one that says when we can move!" Goro hissed, trying not to sound panicky. "Let's hurry up before that thing finds us!"

Ken nodded, grabbing his brother's hand and squeezing, filled with determination. "Right. Ok. We can do this. I'm going to take a look."

Ken poked his head out from behind the column again and found his face less than a foot away from the beast's. The glow in its eyes flared up as it let out a growl, baring its teeth as rivulets of drool dripped past its lips.

Goro heard the growl and felt his brother's grip tighten in the same instant, adrenaline surging through his body as he pulled his brother back, stepping between him and the monster as he swung his machete down at its head with a scream.


The previously silent chamber echoed with sound as his blade clanged against one of the beast's horns, the large creature letting out a testy growl as it shifted its head, Goro trying to shove Ken into moving while his brother desperately tried not to leave him behind. They backed away frantically, Goro holding the blade between himself and the beast as it advanced on them, the ridged mane growing over its neck and spine flaring up into a faint, fire-like glow, its body painted in tones of orange as its muscles shifted about.

"Goro, oh my god...!" Ken's voice was shaking. He yanked out his knife and Goro's flashlight, shining the beam right into the creature's face, hoping to blind it.

The creature paused, blinking, then let out a snarl.

"Shit! Ken!" Goro cried out, but the creature moved too fast, avoiding the swing of his machete and then barreling past, its huge tough sides colliding with him and knocking him off his feet backwards. He barely registered the impact with the ground, already scrambling to his feet as he heard Ken let out a scream above the creature's growl. The flashlight clattered across the ground, rolling to a stop with its beam pointing askew towards the entrance where the beast was holding Ken pinned under one of its paws, growling down at him as the young dragon beat against its felinoid face.

"KEN!" Goro screamed, charging at the beast with the machete held in both hands. It turned its head towards him and Goro tripped as something slammed into his legs, sending him crashing to the floor. He felt the machete slip out of his hands as the wind was knocked out of him, his legs and sides aching. His eyes flew open as he felt himself being lifted, something strong and thick coiling around his torso and pulling his arms tight to his sides as it lifted and enveloped him. He gasped, the light from the flashlight bouncing off the wall behind them lighting up the area around them just enough for him to make out what was going on.

The creature's tail had caught him, holding him aloft and coiled around him like some unholy combination of snake and tentacle. He could breathe, but no matter how much struggled and flailed, its hold on him didn't loosen one bit. He snapped his attention back on his brother as Ken cried out, the big beast rasping its broad tongue over his face and neck as it let out a throaty rumble.


"Goro!" His brother shouted back, eyes widening at the sight of his brother dangling in the air in the creature's grip. "What... What do we do??" His voice was frantic.

Goro struggled, straining against the thick coils around him. "Ungh! I don't... I don't know! Hang in there!"

His brother let out a squeal as the beast's teeth found the collar of his shirt, the sound of tearing fabric loud in the stillness of the chamber as the creature ripped Ken's shirt open with a toss of its head. Ken yelped as it took a step back, a shred of fabric dangling from between its teeth as it looked down at him, no longer pinning him down. The dragon youth scrambled back, backing away as he tried getting to his feet.

"Run for it, Ken! Get back to camp!" Goro shouted, pounding at the tail around him and flailing about wildly, trying to get the creature's attention. "Hey! Over here you big bastard!"

The beast mostly ignored him, giving him a shake with its tail that bobbed him up and down several feet as it advanced on Kentaro once more. The dragon turned, panic gripping him as he attempted to flee. He'd barely taken a step before he was knocked to the ground again, the creature snuffling over his back as its heavy paws pushed down on his rump. He whimpered as he felt hot breath spilling over him, teeth nipping and then tugging off the remains of his shirt as he felt a set of claws hook into his waistband. He cried out as the remainder of his clothing was ripped into ribbons.

"Ahhh! What the fuck!?" Ken cried out, whimpering in fear. He gasped as he felt a heavy paw push down into the middle of his back, pinning him down as the beast's snout wedged itself under his tail, lifting his hips up as it snuffled. "Ahhh!" He cried out as a hot, wet length slurped up his taint, his feet scrabbling against the ground as he felt the beast's mouth open, hot breath and drool sliding over the inside of his thighs. "Goro! It's... It's licking me! NGNGhh! It's licking my ass!" He cried out, panting harshly and feeling his face flushing with shame and arousal as his body reacted to the wet warmth slithering over his tight pucker.

"WHAT?! What the hell is this thing??" Goro yelled out, flailing his legs about as the tail turned him in its coils, freeing up more and more of its dexterous end length.

Ken couldn't answer, a whimpered moan exploding out of his lips as he felt the tip of that long, sinuous tongue press firmly into his snug entrance and then worm its way in, pushing his walls open as more and more of its thickening length slithered into him. He whimpered, his dick leaking onto the ground under him as his arms lay limp to either side of his head, shivers of sensation running up and down his spine as the beast rumbled, the vibration and sound a powerful force this close to him. He gasped as he felt the tongue's widening base stretching his anal ring open wider and wider, the squirming length in him slithering a few feet deeper into his guts. He could feel his head swimming as a full, constant pressure pressed against his prostate, rubbing over it like the most expert of massages as he found himself moaning and pushing back against the creature's hot, huffing maw.

"Ken? Ken, what's going on?!" Goro asked, concerned at the sounds his brother was making. He blinked as he found himself being lowered along the beast's side, the distance and angle enough for him to get a clear look at what the creature was doing to his brother, and what it was planning to do next.

Goro swallowed, eyes growing wide as he caught sight of the length bobbing between the beast's hind legs. Spilling out of a thick sheath, the long alien member throbbed and pulsed, it's slimy mottled length crisscrossed with veins. Goro was reminded of the equipment he'd seen on some farm animals as he caught sight of some form of medial ring on it, a broad, equine-like cockhead at its tip pulsing as it swayed in the air, a thick strand of clear slime oozing down from it. It looked entirely at home on a beast this size. Goro felt a rising panic at the thought of the creature somehow getting any of that monstrous dick into his brother.

He opened his mouth to warn Ken just to find the prehensile tip of the beast's tail coiling around his neck and snout with dizzying speed. No matter how he thrashed and flailed, he couldn't get more than a muffled grunt out as he was firmly gagged. His panic gave way to horror as the beast moved its head away from Ken's rump, its unbelievably long tongue slurping out of his brother's ass with a loud wet squelch, the teen's anal ring now gaping open and dripping with slimy saliva. Those glowing eyes fixed themselves on him and he could swear they gave him a smug look before the beast turned back to Ken, the panting, prone dragon's rear completely exposed as the beast shimmied itself forward, dick throbbing in the air as its tip was angled towards its target.

Ken gasped out as he felt a hot wet mass prodding at him, then groaned as it pushed past his loosened entrance, the empty feeling he'd been left with completely obliterated as obscenely thick inches pushed into him. His claws dug furrows into the ground as the beast held him down, hunching its haunches forward as it shoved more of itself into the gasping, whimpering dragon. Ken felt like the breath was knocked out of him when the creature punched past his second sphincter, more and more length spilling into him until he felt a slight bump pushing against his ring. Less than a second later he coughed as the medial ring crashed past his straining entrance, Goro's eyes widening in disbelief as the creature pushed onwards, more than half its length buried into his brother.

The beast rumbled, a pleased sound as it let its long tongue dangle out, dripping drool down over Kentaro's back as it began to thrust. The impaled dragon could only moan and pant, writhing in place as wet squelching sounds filled the air around them as more than a foot of slimy length was dragged in and out of him with each thrust. Goro swallowed as he felt his own dick throb at the bestially erotic sight before him as his brother was ravaged by the creature. Kentaro whimpered as the beast sped up its thrusts, working itself deeper into him as slick fluids ran down his thighs and made the dirt between his legs muddy. His mind swam from the sensations as he felt the creature demand more and more depth, until he could swear he was feeling its hips crashing into his upturned rear, his passage numb to any feeling beyond the staggering girth and fullness being thrust into him. Had he been able to look at himself from Goro's position, he would have been shocked to see his abdomen bulging out with each of the monster's thrusts, its gargantuan length using his body like little more than a living cock-sleeve as it slaked its desires.

Goro had no idea what the beast had done to Kentaro to make what was happening in front of him possible, but at least it didn't look like his brother was in any form of pain. Even as overwhelmed tears ran down his face, Kentaro's dick throbbed stiffly under him, adding a steady dribble of pre to the mud beneath him. The creature hunched over him pulled its lips back in a low growl as it sped up its thrusts, nostrils flaring as its huge nuts slapped into Kentaro's soaked taint. Goro could feel the coils around him tightening and loosening as the monster approached its climax, Kentaro's rear lifting higher and higher into the air with each deep-dicked thrust until finally the beast snarled out, its mane glowing brightly as Kentaro let out a wail, the monster dick sheathed entirely in his body as it started pumping him full of thick ropes of hot beast cum. The monster's haunches quivered as it held itself inside the teen, Kentaro groaning and whimpering as his guts were pumped full, his lean stomach now bulging out further as several quarts of cum pooled in him.

Goro watched spellbound, barely noticing as his feet touched the ground, the beast bringing him closer as it let out a growl of satisfaction. It looked at the bound male, then down between its own legs as it started pulling its length out of Kentaro, the boy whimpering and groaning softly as inch after hot inch slipped out, gasping as the flared head pulled out of him with a wet pop, a slurry of cum pouring out after it. Goro felt the coils around him loosen as the tail that had held him slithered off him, the beast confidently shoving him forward with its huge paw so he landed on his knees behind his brother, his eyes glued to his twin's gaping ass. Goro felt the paw land on the back of his head, pushing him forward with inescapable strength, and then he was bracing against his brother, his muzzle shoved between those messy asscheeks. He gave a low groan as he worked on autopilot, his entire being compelled as his tongue started working itself into his brother's ass, slurping at the hot load filling it as the scents and tastes got to his head, his eyes lidding as a powerful sexual haze descended upon him. He was vaguely aware of his own clothes being torn off, huge paws spreading his legs open and then an amazing wet warmth as a flexible, slimy length of tongue started to slither its way past his own clenching pucker and work him open.

Kentaro's eyes fluttered open to the sound of worried voices, lights bouncing all over the place. He groaned, his body sore and head hazy. Someone was beside him, grasping him by the shoulders and helping him sit up, saying something he couldn't quite understand.

"...ha...ned? ....taro, can y... ....?"

He blinked again, shaking his head, a throbbing soreness radiating out from his behind as he shifted uncomfortably, his entire body feeling slick and sweaty, the ground around him smelling musky and muddy. A canteen of water was pressed to his lips and he drank greedily. He looked back at the person holding him and was surprised to find his father looking at him in a mixture of shock and worry.


"Oh Kentaro, thank god!" The older dragon hugged him, then pulled back, looking him over. "Are you Ok? Are you injured? Can you tell us what happened here?"

"I... I'm... fine. We... We followed a spirit signal here and... something... caught us..." Kentaro grimaced, memories flooding back into him. He blushed furiously as the whole thing came back to him, realizing he was naked and sitting in essentially a puddle of cum and mud. He looked around to see people from the camp surveying the scene with various expressions of surprise, confusion and embarrassment. A few feet away, Goro groaned as he was helped to his feet, holding onto one of their dad's more well-built assistants and then whimpering as a stream of viscous cum leaked out of his ass and down his legs, the dragon unable to clench his ass shut to stop it. Kentaro looked on in shock at how...engorged his brother's midsection looked. All it took was one glance down at himself to see just how similar of a state they were both in. A certain heavy sloshing feeling in his gut told him exactly what was making their bodies bulge so. Kentaro was grateful for the rescue blankets that got wrapped around both of them, going through the same thing Goro did as he was helped to his feet only to feel a warm gush of cum run down his legs.

"Professor Foon! I... think you might want to look at this..." Another assistant said, walking up to them with Kentaro's headpiece. He handed it over to the professor. "It was on the ground several feet from the boys... still recording..." He looked uncomfortable as he pulled out a tablet, tapping a few buttons as a green light lit up on the headpiece and tablet. "I think we'll have a better idea of what happened here if we look through the footage, but..." He looked at Goro and Ken, shuffling awkwardly before handing the tablet to their father. "Well, I think it's probably for the best if you're the one that looks through it and not, um..."

"Strangers, yes, I can see this is something of a delicate situation." The long noodle dragon nodded, leaning back into his coils as he took the tablet in hand. He adjusted his glasses, trying to put on a professional attitude as he opened the recording.

It took all of two seconds for his composed face to crumble into a look of shock. "What the fuck?" He gaped as a symphony of quivering moans and groans erupted from the tablet's speaker. Kentaro couldn't help himself, red-faced as he peeked at the video on the screen.

The headpiece had captured everything in embarrassingly high detail, the scene easy to make out even at a skewed angle; the audio was crystal clear. Kentaro swallowed as he saw Goro whimpering and squirming under the grip of the huge beast, his stomach bulging out obscenely with each thrust of the impossibly large phallus being rammed into him with the brutal lunging of those huge muscled hips. The dragon teen cried out, his voice half-muffled by his brother's dick firmly stuffed into his mouth as Kentaro knelt before his brother, his upper body held in the coils of the beast's tail. Kentaro's eyes widened as he could see a good deal of the tail's end length deeply embedded up his rear, the appendage pulsing and pumping with a lurid mind of its own. His own mouth in the video was busy being invaded by the beast's tongue, drool dripping down his lean chest and abs as the creature growled and rumbled into his face, those powerful glowing eyes staring fixedly into his own.

A second later the image disappeared as Professor Foon closed the file entirely. He blinked, silent for a good minute before looking back at his two sons as they now stood next to him in haggard, uncomfortable silence. He sighed.

"I know it might not exactly _seem_like it right now, but you two are incredibly lucky. I've never seen a creature like that in all of my years of exploration and research, not even in the Alliance records. Thank goodness it seems to only have had a... _recreational_interest in you two when you encountered it. We're heading back. You're both to go into quarantine. With any luck, it didn't give you anything. Expect the team to need to get a lot of samples from you two of your...find." He said with a wry smile, placing his hands on either of their shoulders as he helped them make their way to the exit.

Walking through the now well-lit passage, the twins looked at each other from either side of their father. Kentaro looked up at his dad, a tentative look on his face.

"Um, so, dad...any chance that we _don't_get our names put in the report for this find?"