Warmth of night

Story by Xionthefox on SoFurry

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A story for my mate (excuse me i'm not used to making new paragraphs for conversations)

A nearby clock tower begins to toll, Xion, a red and black fox of seventeen stops in his tracks, counting the clock tower's noises. He is wearing a black long sleeved button up that's unbuttoned, a faded black shirt of a gray crystal ball, black jeans and gray converse. 5o'clock and it's getting dark already, Xion's dark-red and black fur seems to melt in with the approaching night. As the sun dips down below the horizon it turns the sky the most magnificent shade of orange and purple, its breath taking. After taking countless deep breaths with his eyes closed Xion resumes his walk down the hard concrete, ignoring the noises of the passing traffic. Finding himself overcome with glee from the tranquility of the fast approaching dusk, the only thing that would make this more enjoyable is if the city noises were to cease, how it should be, quiet. The start of dusk is always so wonderful; it fills the soul with pride. Out of the windows of countless buildings light floods to the street, the strengthening moonlight in the sky being overpowered by the fluorescence. Very few are walking the streets tonight, something that should be practiced more often by anyone. He passes by a skinny Calico feline, Xion gets the feeling that he got the feline to turn his head back to stare at his swaying black tail.

Another block goes by; Xion hurries across the street once he sees a break in the traffic on the asphalt. The hovering high raises of buildings seem to open, alleviating the feeling of being surrounded, of being congested and trapped. He starts to see the green trees, and the chain link fence bordering the outskirts of the park. "Five o'clock already..." the fox thinks to himself, shaking his head seeing the constricting metal. He crosses the street, walking along the fence, he gets to the corner and the fence opens, a cobblestone pathway winds itself past trees. The grass is greener than the fox remembers, although he has been here more than a few times, things seem so surreal, natural and alive, it's probably because of the welcoming night.

Xion walks slowly down the stone pathway, he spots the third stone bench, he smiles with anticipation, smelling the aromatic wildflowers, and the simple scent of grass and nature. Xion stops at the stone bench, turning to his left and walking paw in front of paw onto the cool grass. The narrow walkway between trees opens up to a clearing alongside a hill of green and pocketed with colors of yellow white and red wildflowers. Laying there amongst the plant life, with paws behind his head, is a white wolf by the name of Kapugen. The white wolf wears only a pair of jeans, odd seeing his mate half naked at night none the less, Kapugen's red shirt and shoes lay below him. His eyes are closed in relaxation and the fox sneaks up on him with ease. "Kapu" Xion whispers sort of loudly while plopping himself down on the grass next to his mate, he props his head up on his paw, his elbow supporting the weight. Kapugen smiles big, and opens his eyes, looking into the eyes of his mate immediately.

"What...time is it?" Kapu asks in somewhat of a daze. Xion wraps a paw around his mate, moving closer to him to rest his muzzle on Kapu's fluffy chest fur.

"Mmm...it should be around five fifteen." Xion nuzzles against his mate, Kapugen pulls Xion closer with a paw on his back.

"So dark...so early" Kapu says looking up at the sky lit by artificial light that looks like moonshine. "I love these days, it's so peaceful...you can barely hear the city noise."

Xion buries his nose in his mate's fur, inhaling his scent. "Did you see the colors of the sky during the sunset?" Kapu asks quietly into Xion's ear. Xion nods, trying not to murr as he exhales his mate's aroma.

"It was such a brilliant color" Xion whispers back. "How long were you waiting for me love?" Xion asks, looking up into Kapugen's eyes.

"Not long at all, don't worry." Kapugen reassures his fox, rubbing the dark red fur on Xion's back.

"I trust you've been well." Kapu says, but sounds more like a question.

"Today is a good day. A lot better in the night, and even more so away from the city, of only just for this moment." Xion coos softly, enjoying the warmth from his mate. Crickets start to chirp around them, a firefly dances in the air aimlessly, glowing bright. "Ohh...do you hear them?" Xion asks rhetorically, Kapugen grins at his fox, leaning in and touching noses. Xion smiles and quickly gets on top of his snow white wolf, hunching over still touching noses. Kapugen lolls out his tongue and gives his mate's nose a quick lap while snaking a paw up Xion's shirt and exposing his mate's black belly fur. Xion opens his maw, poking in his foxy tongue to wrestle with his mate's. Xion moves to the button on Kapugen's jeans, fondling around clumsily not looking down to see what his paw is doing, once he feels the pop of the button, the familiar sound of a zipper follows. His mate's wolfy member already half erect, Xion works on getting his own pants undone, Kapugen lends a paw, and the same zipping sound rings out. Xion's member falls out, on top of the wolf-hood. Xion breaks the kiss, going down to his mate's neck, licking and sucking softly while his paw grasps both members, pawing slowly. He feels both shafts harden in his paw, he goes to the tips grasping and rubbing gently, his paw getting wet with pre-cum. Xion straightens up, releasing his grip so he can look down at his paw. He smiles with satisfaction and laps up the small amount of pre-cum that has matted down his black paw fur. "It tastes...so good," Xion murrs and pants loudly. Kapugen's wandering paw takes over Xion's job, pawing a little bit faster.

"Ahh...Ka..Kapu..." Xion throws his head back, moaning into the darkness of night, he leans back forward, both paws on either shoulder of his white wolf, looking deep into his eyes as he is pawed by his mate. Xion bucks his hips into Kapu's throbbing wolf-hood, his fox cock twitching. "Kapu...I...I'm..." Xion gasps as he shoots his fox seed onto his mate, Kapugen doesn't let up the pace of his paw after his mate's orgasm, and he starts to paw faster. Xion lays his muzzle on his wolf's shoulder in exhaustion, his body shivering every time his mate's paw passes over his foxy tip. Kapugen arches his back, he howls as he cums. Xion looks down at his mate's cum covered chest and belly fur, he moves down on his mate, lapping up the spilled seed hungrily, and his chest raising and falling quickly with audible pants matching. The fox gets to his mate's wolf-hood; he takes one quick lick over the very tip, licking off the last drop of cum. Xion crawls back to his wolf's side who is looking at the endless sky above.

"You were a hungry kit..." Kapugen says, still slightly out of breath. Xion murrs, closing his eyes and feeling his mate's matted chest fur.

"Tonight is a good night, so quiet and peaceful...how it should be, always." Xion whispers to his mate. Kapugen's paws wrap around his fox, pulling him closer.

"I love you Xion..." Kapugen coos softly.

"I love you too." Xion says in a low voice.

The two lovers lay with each other on the slope of the hill, alongside the wildflowers, the crickets, and the fire flies. Xion moves his paw down, redoing the button of his mate's jeans, zipping them up slowly; the fox does the same to himself and soon resumes nuzzling against his mate in the cool night's air. The night, the creeping darkness, the waving, arching, glowing trails of the fireflies and the soft chirping of the crickets everywhere, all of the serenity of nature brings an almost overwhelming sense of being and acceptance, and of hope to come, the hope that tomorrow all of the bad will be gone, everything artificial, the cars, the pollution of the air and the pollution of silence. All of the modern conveniences that are dragging down our mother Earth, wishful thinking, because without everything that we know now, we wouldn't be where we are now, or be with who we are with without it.