Ruby's Strong side

Story by Scan on SoFurry

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#4 of Ruby

Next part of the story. Just finished, in almost one go, as inspiration hit me.

I love comments, so please don't be shy.

Warning: In this story are so many things wrong that I don't want to start. Let's just say, if you are faint-hearted, go see a doctor before reading this.

Also, I know there are lots of grammar/spelling mistakes, but please try to ignore them. I wrote for 5 hours straight.

Und nun zu unserem Hauptfilm...

Ruby brushed her hair. She often neglected it, she was not the kind of girl being too obsessed with her looks. Only sometimes she looked at herself in the mirror and though of herself as just not feminine enough. But that was okay. It was okay now.

Whenever she had looked into a mirror, she had thought she was too girly. Just looking too much like a little girl. No hips, no breasts, big eyes... But she got used to it. And found a solution. She was sportive now, and for those women, it was okay to be skinny and flat as a plank, wasn't it?

She held her hair together and bound it to a pony tail. It had grown a lot in the last year. In the factory, she remembered, the girls were to shave their heads almost bald, so it would not get caught in the machinery or otherwise interfere with the working. Well, that was what they had told her. Actually, they just wanted to repress the girls somehow.

But the factory was hardly more than a far away memory to her. All the bruises had healed, even the ones in her mind. Of course, for her it was never possible to just lead a normal life all the free girls out there. She never was in any kind of school, and with the number burned into her shoulder she would not get a real job at all. Unfrees were filthy, untrustworthy and stole if they could. You bought them, not hired them.

Ruby checked her teeth and went into her room. She put on the tight pine shorts and the white shirt. Oh, she would not mind a job. It was getting boring in the house. Always the same routine. The wolf liked routine. He said it makes him feel better to know everything was in order. She could not argue with that, but her entire childhood had been made of order and routine, work by the clock and controlled by someone else.

The vixen corrected the scrunchie. It just did not feel right to buy clothes from an allowance, even though she ran the entire household all alone. She refused a high allowance anyway. What would she need it for other than a new shirt or new shorts. These shorts were very short, she thought. And a bit tight. Or was she finally getting hips?

She went down the stairs and into the kitchen. They had a lot of bowls. Ruby preferred bowls to plates, and spoons to fork and knife. Her entire she'd eaten out of a bowl, and it was comfy. With a plate you had to follow rules. But nobody minds if you slurp loudly out of a bowl, especially if you are sitting on the floor, topless.

Ruby put minced meat into a bowl, squished it with a paw, and did the same with another portion. She took the two bowls and went through the living room into the garden.

There was a wolf boy, bound to a pillar. He lay in the wet grass and opened one eye as the vixen approached. "Morning," Ruby said.

The wolf boy sat up and nodded.

"Well, I hope you learned a lesson. I will let you inside at evening. I brought you breakfast."

The wolf boy smiled and wagged his tail. Ruby was proud. The education went well.

"But before you can eat your meat," the vixen emphasised. "You have to masturbate. And ejaculate on this portion. Don't worry, it's not yours." She put one of the bowls in front of the boy. During the last months, she had read some interesting things in the network about how to train an unfree to be a pet. But she hated the word they used. Words like "whacking off" or "jizz" were not good for her. They were so... vulgar.

The boy tilted his head.

"Come on, I want to go running," the vixen said impatiently.

The boy started to rub his own crotch until his member started to grow out of its sheath. Ruby was not really a fan of watching a boy masturbate. It made her feel left out. But it the network community had said that controlling the unfree's pleasure was always the first step into making them a pet or slave.

That's why Tommy had spent the last two nights outside, in the garden. Summer was ending and it was getting chilly at evening, freezing at night. Not really a perfect setting for sleeping naked under the sky.

The wolf moaned quietly while he rubbed his own penis. He had tried that two days before, Ruby had heard him, slapped him and banned him out of the house. Does this mean he was forgiven? Or did she just accept a male has to cum from time to time? Tommy thought not. That vixen did not know much about the male physiology and sexuality, and she didn't care.

It was a nice feeling to be allowed to pleasure himself. He clenched his eyes and moaned a bit while the waves of goodness went from crotch to brain through his body. With the other paw he cupped his testicles and enjoyed the emotions waving up down there.

He loved the point where they dammed up, stacking higher and higher, until they just wanted to be spurted out. He breathed heavily, stroking faster, until he suddenly jerked back, grunted loudly and let all the feelings out.

His semen, not being milked in more than five days, flew and hit the bowl. It was quite a lot, spurting and then flowing over his paw into the wet grass. He panted a bit.

"Good, good," Ruby said and took the bowl. The meat was now covered with a nice amount of boy milk. "Now lick yourself clean and eat your breakfast."

She left the wolf boy, who just noticed his breakfast was just an inch out of his reach, and rubbed her feet clean. The master was very picky about his furniture and carpet. Generally, he was overly careful about cleanliness, except for in the basement, where he didn't mind a puddle of blood or urine here and there. As long as Ruby would clean it away sooner or later.

She entered the basement where a girl was tied up. She had arrived yesterday and in a good shape. No bruises, no cuts, nothing except for a broken paw. It was patched up with a bandage. The master had not explained what had happened to the cat girl, but Ruby knew he only bought on a discount. Thus the girl must have done something pretty bad, being disobedient or even attacking the owner.

Ruby put the bowl on the floor. The girl's paws very cuffed behind her back, so she hat to eat it like some kind of feral animal. Ruby had put the semen over it to see the girls reaction and was disappointed to see there was none. Obviously she was used to swallowing huge amounts of sperm.

"Eat up," the vixen said. "Is all you're gonna get for today, and you'll need the strength for when the master comes home."

She went up the stairs, and outside, to the long street, leading from one horizon to the other. She took a deep breath and started jogging. Three miles down the street, then change the side, run back, and repeat. She always felt so good afterwards, panting and sweaty. And then she will have sex with the wolf.

The sun went up and cast her shadow.

Ruby washed her paws and checked on the oven as the door bell rang. She blinked in surprise, tok the cooking gloves off and went to the house door.

The vixen opened the door ajar and peeked outside. "Yes?"

"I've got two boxes here for Miss... #451?"

"That's me," Ruby said.

"I need your sign for it."

"Well, can you hand me the board?" the vixen asked. "I'm naked."

She took the board from the postcat's paws and signed them. The papers really said her full name. She thought it to be more trouble having a number for the last name. "Here you go," she said.

"Thank you. Have a good day."

Ruby watched the cat walk off. There must be a reason why every second person here was feline. She might look that up later on, but for now she took the boxes inside.

They were some... stuff they had ordered. The wolf had said it was better if it went on Ruby's name instead of his. It was flattering to be called by the full name by a stranger. Even thought she certainly was no 'Miss' or even 'Misses'.

Before opening them, she took the lasagne out of the oven. Ruby was a girl who learned lessons. It can be bad to get distracted while cooking lasagne. Or pizza. And anything that has to do with milk required special attention. It was just waiting for an unwatched moment, like a cat before a fish bowl.

Then she went back to the boxes and carried them to the basement. There was her master, former owner, sitting on a desk. He never had any much time since his promotion, and it worried the vixen. Before he had been home in the afternoon and spent some time in the basement to work his stress off. But now he came home in the afternoon to continue working stressfully. And he was often out until evening.

Right now he was tipping something into his little mobile computer. The girl was sitting between his legs, head in his crotch. But she was not sucking the lupine penis, but just cuddling with it, like you cuddle with a plush animal before sleeping. A lick here and there, but that was it. The reason was maybe that the wolf's member was not hard, but soft and just a bit out of the sheath.

Ruby was not happy with that promotion, but her master had promised her to go on a vacation for her birthday to make up for it. She never had seen a beach, so it had was very attractive to her.

"Our orders came," she remarked and took the box cutter from a table. There was encrusted blood on its blade.

"That's nice," he answered, absentminded. The girl looked at Ruby briefly and then continued with snuggling the genital. She could not do much otherwise as her paws, feet and tail where tied together.

"Oh, it's barbed wire," the vixen said as she unpacked the first box. "They sell that?"

"I told you they got everything."

"Really... and the collar with the leash." It was in a quite fancy parcel.

The wolf tipped on the keyboard. "You can put it on the cat, Ruby."

The vixen opened the box and took the collar out. It hat some metal pieces on the inside, not really pointy, but maybe painful if put on too tight. Ruby tried not to get it too tight, but still enough for the cat to feel the pointy ends. Then she tied the leash to the desk's posts.

"And I got this," she mumbled while ripping open the next box.

After hearing some moaning noises, the wolf looked up and immediately repressed his laughter.

"What do you think, sir?"

"You look ridiculous!"

"Pah," Ruby said.

She had chatted a lot in the network, where she pretented to be 17-year old spoilt girl with a wealthy father â€" wish was true if you replaced almost all the words. She was in the forum with other girls pretending to be 17-year old and having rich fathers, but they all owned a 'toy boy', as they called it.

And sooner or later, one conversation had been about strap-ons and how wonderfully functional they were for humiliating boys, bugging parents and dealing with being born into the wrong gender. So Ruby thought it was a good idea to try it. And it was about the only toy missing in her master's collection.

"You have it all the time between your legs," she said. She touched the black rubber. As it went down, a tiny lever placed right under her vagina moved up, pressing indirectly against her clitoris. It made her feel tingly and shakey. It was a whole new sensation. "Heh."

"A penis means a kind of power, girl," the wolf said, convinced he sounded wise. "It takes a real boy to handle that sort of thing."

"That's just your opinion," Ruby replied. "Sir," she added hastily.

The wolf continued tapping on the keyboard. His attention was fading. "Couldn't even wear it a week, I tell ya."

"Can too."


"I bet I can," Ruby said.

"Okay. If you lose, you will have to suck your toy boy's penis and tell him how much you appreciate it."

Ruby blinked. "Okay," she said and started to talk real fast. "And if I wear it an entire week, you have to spend a night with me, sir, deal?"

"Yeah yeah, deal," he mumbled. "I gotta get this... wait, what?"

But Ruby was already gone from the basement, grinning like never before.

Ruby lay in her bed, on the back. She usually slept on her belly, but it was impossible with this thing on her. Well, she had to order the ten inches model. There were perfectly fine editions with just five inches, and according to the forums there was nothing wrong with five or eight inches.

Well, it was annoying, but nothing more than that. Just a bit annoying and it was not possible to go outside wearing it, sure. And push ups were also impossible. Ruby settled for a doubled sit-up routine instead. But other than that, what should be the problem with it?

However, she came to think about how had made that bet. It was as if that thing was not stiff and annoying, but also generating self esteem like a fog machine creates fog and a funny smell. She had felt good even though she practically had been cheeky on her master. Weird thing, a penis.

It did not seem to work with the wolf boy. He did have a penis but Ruby had done a good job with crushing all his confidence. Now he did not even dare to speak. He was a good pet, nevertheless.

"Come up here," Ruby said.

The wolf got up and crawled onto the bed, obediently.

"I know the bat was that if I lose, I have to give you head. So just so you know, I'll cut your thing off right afterwards if that's the case, so don't you sabotage me, got it?"

The boy swallowed and nodded slowly.

"Good," she said and stroked the boy's head. "Now, why don't you take my member in your mouth?" She smirked broadly.

Tommy did as he was ordered. After all, it was not the first penis he was forced to take into his mouth. It was impossible to be a boy, a sex slave and never having to have sex with your trader. The traders called it testing, Tommy knew they just were taking advantage of him to live out their gay fantasies.

Ruby folded her arms behind her head, closed her eyes and mumbled: "Yeah, that's it." She loved the tingly feeling she got from the touches, but was a bit disappointed as it never grew more than just a bit of indirect pressure.

The wolf licked and took it into his mouth as much as he could, just like on a real penis. It was new rubber, and it tasted awful. She could have at least washed it. After all, wasn't she always telling him to wash his thing when she was hosing him?

After some minutes, he realised she was asleep. He continued the licking, then carefully stopped. As she did not awake to yell on him, he curled up on the foot end of the bed and dozed off.

Doing chores was a bitch with that thing. It kept banging on everything, all the time. How do men get along with that? They said it was so sensitive... so maybe they were just more careful not to get it bashed on every single household object available.

At the evening of the first day she was almost up to taking it off. At noon, she was wet on her crotch as if she had peed herself, but it was because of all the pressure. She was as aroused as if she had been fantasising all day.

But she couldn't properly reach her crotch any more with her fingers. Making the boy lick her was also not an option. So what she had was a penis that was no use to her because it made it impossible to have an orgasm for her. How mean.

The master must have known that. He knew how harsh it was for Ruby to be aroused but not able to work it off. It frustrated her.

On the second day, as she was in the cellar to feed the cat girl, she was feeling like being mean to her. Frustration needs company.

The cat girl was curled up on the floor. Still unbruised. The master was so stressed he hadn't even been able to blow off some steam on her. It was time they would go on that vacation. If he would try to pack the computer, she would throw it out.

She kicked the girl. "Get up. I want to try something."

Shaking, the cat sat up. Ruby took a long string of the barbed wire and put it all around the girl, over the body, making sure the pointy ends were on her sensitive parts: Breasts, hips and vagina. She put it around very loose, so no scratch or string happened, and bound one end to the wall.

The vixen was quite proud of it. "So, now you can eat," she said, grinning. "Well, give my member a kiss first, will you?"

The girl kissed the rubber, hoping she would be fed now. Ruby put the bowl down, almost one metre in front of the cat's muzzle. "Enjoy," she hummed before going upstairs.

Angry, the cat stared at the bowl. She was hungry. But moving forward would tighten the wire. "Stupid bitch," she mumbled in a low voice.

RubyVixen :> Say, what do you do if you're going on a vacation but can't take the boy with you?

Sweet10 :> I had my big sister look after him.

Sweet10 :> After making sure he would not have sex with her. Have you seen those chastity belts for boys? They are real fun, I tell you.

RubyVixen :> No, I don't have anyone to look after him.

Oriole :> I saw a feeding machine on a picture once.

Oriole :> Made me wet to imagine my boy in that.

Sweet10 :> Feeding machine? Like, fills the bowl once a day?

Sweet10 :> girl, you get wet on anything.

Oriole :> No, it's a tube and a pump. You force him to swallow the tube until it reaches his stomach and then fix it.

Sweet10 :> Oh you mean force feeding.

Sweet10 :> I heard that hurts like hell.

Oriole :> And the machine pumps the stew into his stomach every 6 hours or so.

Oriole :> Yeah it must hurt. But you can leave him alone for weeks with that.

RubyVixen :> I'm interested. It sounds expensive, though.

RubyVixen :> My dad pays enough for the vacation.

Sweet10 :> It is not if you build it yourself.

Sweet10 :> But what if he chokes? Seriously, I would just look for someone to come by and put some cheap dog food into the bowl.

RubyVixen :> Maybe I'll give him to a friend for the days.

Oriole :> I still like the idea of binding him into a machine.

RubyVixen :> Yes it sounds tempting.

RubyVixen :> I must go, girls, dad's coming home.

Oriole :> Bye.

This evening, Ruby closed the door to her room. "Come here, boy," she said. Tommy crawled towards her. "Lick my member," she demanded. She liked that sentence, for some reason. Maybe it was because she was a girl and shouldn't have a member.

It was made of tight leather and rubber, and it started to stink. Because she could not take it off for peeing, and she was sweating under it. But the next two days, it should be fine. She can win this bet and then...

"That's enough," she said, as the rubber was dripping with spit. "Now get over the bed, you know what I am gonna do."

But the boy crawled backwards instead of doing as he was said. He tried to retreat into the other side of the room.

"Don't make me angry," the vixen snarled. "It will just make it worse for you."

She stepped to the boy and grabbed his arm. Due to her training, she was a lot stronger than the boy, who was a bit surprised.

"Oh yeah, you're happy when you can put that thing into me. But you get all whiny when I want to put my thing into you. That's what's wrong with you males!" She slapped the boy across the muzzle. "Don't you start to cry!"

With great force, she threw the boy onto the bed, belly onto the sheets. The vixen lifted the tail and promptly forced the rubber into the boy's tight tail hole. Muffled screams came from him while Ruby pushed in all the way, until the leather touched his fur.

Tears streamed down the boy's face while Ruby pulled out and went in again. She had not the pleasure she had thought it would be. Actually, it annoyed her. That stupid boy was only crying. She slapped his testicles. The girls on the network had said a boy would get rock hard in an instant and enjoy it.

Suddenly the door opened, and the master stood there. "Do you know what noise... what..."

Ruby pulled out of the boy. "Good evening, sir. I didn't mean to wake you up."

The wolf smiled. "I told you, Ruby. You can't handle it. See what you did to your boy. If you got a cock, it makes you want to use it. Even if it's artificial."

Ruby took a few steps back. The rubber was covered with blood. The boy's tail hole was wide. A sudden flash appeared in her mind, reminding her of the day when they had first raped her. A horse with a huge cock hat taken her virginity, and it had hurt so much... he had been tearing her apart...

"S-Sorry," she said.

"You should take it off, Ruby," the wolf said, soothingly. "It's okay, it was stupid of me."

"No. I can handle it. I lost my mind here."

"Oh, I don't care what you do to you toy. If you want to break it, then do so. I just want to sleep." And with those words, he closed the door and went back to bed.

Ruby sighed. "Er... Tommy... I... should have done it at your pace. Maybe we'll try it when you're ready. And we'll do it slowly."

The wolf boy looked at the vixen thankfully out of tear-watery eyes.

"I'll get you some ice," Ruby added and went out of the room.

"I won," Ruby greeted the master. She had waited on the stairs in front of the door.


"I kept it on a week." She stood up and opened the lock. With a long sigh of relief she took the strap-on off.

"Ah. Well done, girl, well done."

"Okay, I slipped once."

"Oh? One day I came home and had to see that my cat girl had deep cuts all over her body."

Ruby looked away. "Er, yeah. Okay. Happens. Anyway, sir, I am going to take a shower and then it's payday."

"Pay... what?"

"Forgot the bet?"

"You were serious?" the wolf asked.

"Of course," the vixen answered and went upstairs to take a long, refreshing shower.

While the wolf showered, Ruby lay on his bed, string at the ceiling. Her heart was pounding. It was actually happening. He had told her to get comfortable on the bed and that he will pay up to the bet. She smirked to herself.

The wolf returned from the shower, wearing shorts as underwear. He rubbed himself dry, opened a window and turned around.

"Er, Ruby... could you go and put on that shorts of yours?"

The vixen blinked. "Uhm... why? I mean, it's... not necessary?"

The master hesitated. And then he sighed out loud. "You thought I would sleep with you... as in having sex with you?"

Ruby only nodded slowly.

"I was afraid of that... I want to spend the night with you, Ruby, dear. I love you. I really love you. But I love you like a little sister. Or a daughter. I couldn't... have sex with you. It's just not... right?"

Ruby's mouth was wide open. "But you promised!"

"I can't!"

"But I want to! I want to have sex with you," she yelled. "I want to have your penis deep inside me, you are the only one I'd let take me!"

"Please understand, Ruby. I would feel so guilty... But... if you take on some shorts, we can cuddle before sleep..."

Ruby stood up and shook her head. "Sorry. It was a mistake of me."


"We should have talked about that before." She opened the door. "You don't have to feel guilty." And then she went over to her own room and put on shorts and shirt.

A big paw was laid on her shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going for a walk. To get my head right, sir."

"Please don't do anything stupid, Ruby."

She looked up to him. The very first time there was something like worry in his eyes. True, honest worry. "I won't. I just need to think. It was my mistake, sir."

"Okay. Well, if you still want to share a bed with me, I'll be there."

"Thank you," she said. "But it's all right." So she went down the stairs, left the house and started jogging down the dark alley.

She ran until she met the small forest and walked behind the trees, where she broke down and cried.