Character list

Story by Solerodis on SoFurry

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#1 of My Personal Star

This is just the character reference sheet for the story. Hope you enjoy.

Valin Drasl

White wolf with black markings leading from around his ears to the corners of his eyes. Athletic build with a slightly more muscular arm set. Two partial circles on his collar bones with thick lines going to his shoulders and down the back of his arms .Pastimes include martial arts, soccer, and drawing. Kind and compassionate, with a slight smartassy side.

Martin Coers

Calm, cool, partially reserved, still passionate about things. Romantic and slightly athletic. Reddish fur, orange on from belly to chin, yellow designs on belly. Swimmer, runner, musician.

Caleb Marcos

Loud-spoken, boisterous polar bear more comfortable in less clothing. Normal coloring (Aka white fur). Spiky hair with blue-dyed tips. Football and cooking as pastimes.

Courin Drasl

Femme black dragon. Father of Valin.

Kriv Drasl

Masc pale blue dragon. Father of Valin.


Black panther, well-muscled, and very forward. Openly bisexual, and tends to play the field when not in a committed relationship. Wrestler and occasional spelunker.


Bright green cobra, likes to act 'gangsta'. Thinks he's tougher than he is.