The Last Day of Patrol

Story by Macabre Dragon on SoFurry

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#9 of Commissions

This story was commissioned by Makuta If you've read any of the stories commissioned by him for others in the past, then you'll know how this one goes. :P

It involves his blue, anthro cat character of the same name getting captured and violated by his wolf captor, before... well, can't give the ending away can I? No spoilers!

M/M sex, soft vore, and some brief violence are in store for you if you read this story, so try not enjoy yourself too much.

Feel free to leave a comment, vote and fave. I always love to hear what you all think.

And as always, thank you to FeralWings for your lovely help in editing this story. <3

It was a calm evening in the town of Mayene. The sun was just barely dropping past the line of trees to the south while lingering farmers tended to the crops outside the gate. Most of the townsfolk had left long ago, but the few stragglers felt no need to rush. There was a small danger of being attacked by the creatures that lived in the woods beyond, but many believed the risk to be well worth the few extra hours of work. Attackers were rare and harmless most of the time, and the guards at the gate would certainly protect them if anything hostile came prowling about. They were safe as long as they were being supervised.

Or so they thought.

The furs in this part of the land were for the most part, peaceful. The townsfolk of Mayene kept to themselves and looked out for their own (which for a population consisting mostly of cats was quite an impressive feat). There were hardly any threats to worry about in this part of the world, however, that didn't mean that they lacked security and proper law-enforcers to solve disputes.

Despite the peacefulness of the area, this didn't prevent the odd, roaming group or individual from wandering into their midst looking to take advantage. For this reason, they always hard guards patrolling the walls at night when the farmers were working in the fields and vulnerable to attack.

One such guard, was watching them.

The soft crunch of gravel under his footpaws was the only sound to accompany Makuta as he patrolled the outer walls. Most of his soft, blue fur was covered under layers of protective leather armour, along with a rope belt, a long wooden spear clutched in his paw, and a small, black bag slung across his shoulder for food. Like most cats he was rather thin and small, but what he lacked in strength he made up for in agility and speed. There was no sense in relying on metal for safety in a fight when you could avoid the blow altogether. Dangerous situations were rarely faced for a town as amiably located as Mayene, but if he was forced to act, he wanted to be able to move.

His orange eyes scanned the treeline to his right carefully, watching for any signs of movement. He thought he caught a flicker of motion, causing him to pause and glare into the foliage. There was a silence about the woods tonight that he found unsettling. Although the absence of chirping birds and other wildlife hardly announced a threat, he had a feeling in his gut that something about this night was going to be different.

Giving the air an experimental sniff, he turned and continued walking back towards the gate. If anything decided to attack, they would need to give the farmers a warning so they would have time to run inside. The stone wall behind him was tall and sturdy enough, but it wasn't the anthros on the other side of it he was concerned about.

The other guard, a small, thin cat by the name of Gurvald, looked up and leaned on his iron spear as Makuta approached. "Did you see anything?" He asked in a lazy tone.

"No, nothing," Makuta answered curtly, going back to stand at the other side of the gate.

"Heh, told ya," came the reply before Gurvald went back to leaning back against the wall.

Makuta let out a sigh and went back to watching the forest. The two of them never really had much to talk about. Perhaps it was from a lack of trying, but he didn't care to get to know the lazy cat better. They had a serious and important job to consider, and if his partner wasn't going to put in the effort, then he would.

The blue cat continued to watch the farmers as they continued to work the fields. He didn't have to stay attentive for much longer. They only had an hour or less before the sun dropped fully behind the trees. After that point everyone would go home, and he would be able to retire to his bed.

Makuta was just about to relax against the back wall when he spotted a sliver of movement at the edge of the trees. His breath caught in his throat as he stepped forward, narrowing his eyes and watching the spot intently. There was another flicker of movement over to the left, followed quickly by the obvious rustle of bushes and shadowy shapes sneaking through the underbrush. Although nobody else seemed to spot it in the fading light, he was certain that something was in there.

"Gurvald, I think there's something in the woods," Makuta said.

The other cat coughed and raised his head, wiping his nose with paw before leaning on his spear and giving Makuta a disbelieving look. "You're just seeing things, Makuta," Gurvald said. "Come on, there's only a few minutes left before we can go home. I'm not going out there to look for anything now."

Makuta kept his gaze on the trees, his breath coming in quick, panicked gasps. "B-But I saw them, we can't just..." his voice trailed off as he watched with surmounting horror at the scene in front of him. His heart was like a hammer in his chest and his orange eyes were wide as saucers as the shapes he spotted in the trees began pouring out and running for the farmers.

They were wolves, at least ten of them, running towards the oblivious gathering ahead. All of them ran towards the helpless farmers on two legs, barking and snarling with gleaming sets of white fangs and black claws. Even if they all started running now, there was no way everyone was going to make it without help.

"Gurvald, sound the alarm!" Makuta shouted, dropping his bag of food to the ground and bolting forwards without waiting to see if the other cat would follow his order. "Everyone, run! Get inside!" He yelled as his nimble legs carried him swiftly down towards the fields. Some of the farmers had already spotted the snarling wolves and were running for the gates, while others lagged behind. The stragglers were already being set upon by the wolves before getting dragged backwards into the woods.

Even from this distance, Makuta could see the heavy outline of muscles and deadly grace in the way the canines moved. They were fast, and much stronger than any of the retreating felines. Most of the farmers were faster, but there was the odd straggler that wasn't going to make it.

After a quick scan, Makuta determined that he was to help, or nobody was going to make it. He wasn't sure what he was going to do, or how much of a chance he really had against such overwhelming numbers.

But he couldn't just leave them.

With a yell, Makuta raised his spear and ran at a wolf dragging one of the cats away. The wolf never even looked up as the spear entered his leg, sliding into the meat of his thigh just above the kneecap. With a yelp, the wolf dropped the cat and collapsed just as Makuta tugged the spear free and spun to face the other attacks. It seemed that none of them had expected an attack so quickly, judging from the look of surprise on most of their faces.

"Get back you filthy mongrels!" Makuta shouted, brandishing the spear as the last of the farmers bolted behind him and ran for the walls. The few cats that were set upon first had already been dragged into the forest behind the gathered wolves. He couldn't get to them.

One of the wolves eyed a straggler and leapt after the fleeing cats as his companions closed in on Makuta, all four of his paws ripping at the ground in pursuit. The strong beasts snarled in unison, prowling in for the attack yet wary of the sharp spear Makuta wielded in his paws.

After a moment, the wolf to Makuta's left lunged forward, attacking with claws extended.

In a quick gamble, Makuta spun to the side and adjusted his grip, wielding the shaft of the spear like a club. The end of the spear whipped around and cracked against the wolf's jaw with a sickening crunch. He continued to turn as the beast collapsed with a yelp, digging his footpaws into the ground and pursuing the wolf that had chased the others.

A unified growl of rage sounded from the group of wolves behind Makuta as he took off. His heart was pounding in his chest, and his paws ached from the impact. He knew that it was only a matter of time before the predatory beasts worked as a team to bring him down. He had to get away. With the last of the farmers not already captured running for their lives, it was time to get out of there and cover their retreat. There was nothing he could do for the others.

He could hear the heavy impact of paws in the dirt as the wolves chased him, but he didn't dare look back. Instead, he hoisted the spear and eyed the wolf just in front of him. The massive beast was only a few meters away from the last group of cats retreating, snapping at their tails and snarling with horrifying savagery.

Thinking quickly, Makuta leapt into the air mid-stride. With a yell he whipped his arm forwards, throwing the spear at the wolf's back. Although he was aiming for the wolf's middle, the spear arced towards its target a little high and plunged hard into the creature's shoulder.

The impact spun the wolf sideways with a grunt. His muzzle twisted in an expression of pain before he smashed into the ground, snapping the spear at the hilt and sliding a few feet in the muck before coming to a halt.

Makuta leapt over the last wolf, dodging a swipe from the creature's claws before bolting with a renewed burst of speed for the town's gate. Up ahead he saw Gurvald ushering the stragglers inside, standing by the gate and waving urgently for everyone to get inside.

"Makuta, run! You can make it," Gurvald called, opening the gate wide for the last group of cats to run inside.

If Makuta hadn't been focusing on survival, he might've rolled his eyes at the encouragement from his cowardly partner. Gritting his fangs together, he put on an extra burst of speed. He could hear the wolves behind him giving chase, but not fast enough to catch him. He was a mere twenty meters from the gate, with more than enough space between him and his pursuers to slip inside and secure the entrance behind him.

It was after a few more strides however, that Makuta heard an unfamiliar set of footpaws join the fray. His sensitive ears heard a series of rhythmic, heavy thumps behind him. And unlike the patter of wolves behind him, those paws were gaining on him with a speed that would certainly overtake him in moments.

Looking up at the gate he put on an extra burst of speed, hoping to make it before whatever was chasing him caught up. The last thing he saw was Gurvald's face, looking at him with a look of extreme horror before he was thrown forward by a knock to the back of his head.

Then everything went black.

When Makuta regained consciousness, he found himself on the ground with his paws tied behind his back. His head was throbbing with pain, and his shoulder felt sore and bruised. Where was he? The last thing he remembered was running for the gate, and he was sure he going to make it. What happened? Had he tripped and fallen? That was hardly like him, especially during a fight where he needed to be nimble and fast.

He sniffed at the cool air to gain his bearings, only to cough and turn his head feebly as dust tickled his nostrils. He had no idea where he was, or any recollection of how he got there. What happened to the townsfolk? Did any of the wolves get inside? Where were the others? Where was he?

All of these thoughts went through his head as he struggled to calm his breathing. A chilly breeze kissed the fur of his back as he licked his parched lips and turned his head back to the side. He was outside then, perhaps just outside the gate? No, that hardly made any sense. Someone from the town would've come to get him, or worse...

His heart began to pound in his chest. He realized with a start that his armour and weapons were gone. He was lying completely naked on the ground... wherever he was, vulnerable to any manner of creature that could be around him at this very moment.

Was he in the woods? With a startled grunt, he turned himself over and opened his eyes to stare up into the darkness. His orange eyes glowed brightly as he scanned the area, not finding the night sky but instead staring up at the tan roof of a square tent.

It was a large, spacious tent with wooden chairs and a large, circular table placed in the corner. There was rough carpet in the middle, along with shelves of wine and a huge, wooden bed on the opposite side. The furnishings on the bed were both grand and impressive: a dark frame of polished wood to support a fluffy mattress while the shelves of wine were a brighter, hardened shade of oak. There were lanterns hanging from tiny, ornate hooks from the guy-lines twisting the ceiling, dimmed for the moment to keep the interior of his enclosure dark. Whoever resided in this tent was not only powerful, but here to stay. It would be no easy task hauling such things over large expanses of land, even for creatures as strong as the wolves...

Makuta's eyes went wide as he remembered. "Oh no...."

He nearly jumped out of his skin as the tent flap was brushed aside and a dark, massive shape moved into the tent.

"Ah, my brothers told me you were awake," a deep voice growled. The shape took a single step into the tent before pausing, its dark eyes glowing to match Makuta's own. "You're lucky that they informed me. Many of them simply want to have you themselves..."

"H-Have me?" Makuta asked, a hint of fear creeping into his voice. He did his best to close his legs and hide his intimate areas from view, but hut that only served to make the creature's eyes glow with amusement.

There was no response at first. The wolf reached up to the ceiling to grasp a hanging lantern, twisting a dial to immediately brighten the interior of the tent with light. "Why yes, you injured a good number of my wolves in your courageous attack. They're not pleased with you," the wolf said, his massive chest rumbling as he took another, single step to turn on another lantern. "But they wouldn't dare disobey me, especially when I was the one to win you in battle."

Makuta took advantage of the light to gather more features of his surroundings. The tent was beige in color, and around twelve feet tall in the center before dropping down towards the edges. Despite the air flowing in through the flaps, the stench of wolf was unmistakable. He recognized it from the brief battle beyond the gates: a metallic, smoky odour that penetrated the nostrils. This was the wolf's lair, the home of his enemy. Now that the lanterns were on, Makuta got his first good look at the impressive creature standing before him.

The large beast towered over the thin cat. The tips of his ears brushed the tallest part of the tent roof as he moved, impressive muscles flowing and flexing underneath a layer of brown fur. The thicker fur of the canine's back and sides were colored a dark, vibrant brown whereas the belly was lighter shade. The odd scar decorated his torso and face to break the otherwise smooth complexion, adding to the already intimidating grin stretched across his muzzle. Other than a small loincloth tied about the wolf's waist to cover up the more intimate regions, he was completely naked.

Makuta swallowed in nervousness. He was helpless against such a powerful creature. There was no way he could overpower such a monster. The only chance he had was to stall whatever his captor intended and find a way to put some distance between himself and use his speed to outdistance the much slower creature.

But if that was the case, how had he been caught?

The wolf pulled up a chair and sat down in front of Makuta, his footpaws kneading the dirt in front of the cat's face. "So then, little kitty, why don't you tell me your name?" He asked. "I would like to know the name of the tiny creature that managed to injure so many of my wolves, and hamper what would've been a very successful raid."

Makuta did his best to calm his breathing before responding. "M-Makuta," he responded, tugging a little bit at the bindings behind his back.

"A good name for a cat like yourself," the wolf mused, placing a paw on his chin in thought. "I've never seen fur such as yours before. The blue really makes you quite... interesting, shall we say. Your prowess in fighting wasn't the only thing that made you stand out to me yesterday."

"T-thank you," Makuta answered, his orange eyes continuing to look around the tent's interior. "And what's your name?"

"My name is Nessar L'Orith, Leader of the Orith wolf pack." the wolf replied, nodding his head and puffing out his massive chest with pride. "We've been wandering the countryside for quite some time now, and nobody can withstand our might. If you couldn't protect your village well enough then it's our right to take what is ours."

Makuta felt some of his distress leave him, replaced by anger. "Take what is yours?" He uttered. "Those people that you took are not yours."

"Oh, of course they aren't," Nessar replied. "They're the property of whatever wolf managed to take them. Even I can't take what is theirs, if I wanted to remain leader for long that is..."

They are NOT your property," Makuta gasped, shaking at the bindings on his paws. "They're citizens of Mayene. Proud farmers and innocent cats with families and friends; you can't just take them and - "

"Yes we can," Nessar answered with a rough growl, cutting the cat off. "Those 'cats' are now the property of wolves in my tribe, and I'm sure they'll treat them very well... so don't you worry your little head about it."

Makuta shuddered at the large canine's words. That his captor purred during his reply chilled the cat down to his very bones. Treat them well? What was Nessar suggesting with those words? "I'll do anything if you let them go," he said. "We can offer you some of our crops or supplies, and you can keep me, just please release them."

Nessar chuckled, his fangs flashing in a grin before speaking. "Why how noble of you, Makuta, but you really haven't been listening to a word I've said. I'm not about to challenge my wolves for the right to return their property, especially when I have a nice, blue creature to toy with here in my tent. Oh they must be so jealous..."

Makuta's breath froze in his chest. "T-toy with me?" He asked.

The large wolf licked his lips. "Why yes, I've never managed to catch a creature as enticing or exotic as you," he growled, his deep voice rumbling. "You're going to be doing anything I want regardless of any sort of trade you can offer in return.

Nessar smiled down at his prisoner before lifting a claw to pick at something in his teeth. He licked his fangs before standing up and taking a step forwards, his muscles rippling under the rough patches of his fur.

"I'm going to enjoy the spoils of battle, my little cat, and if you even try to resist for a moment I'm going to punish you," Nessar said. He walked briskly up to Makuta, gripping the cat by the shoulders and lifting him up into a standing position. The wolf looked down with dark, predatory eyes to study his newest acquisition. "Am I clear?" He uttered.

Makuta winced as he felt the wolf's claws dig into his shoulders to hold him in place. The canine's grip was made of iron, and he found that he couldn't move even though his captor was barely even flexing.

"Yes, I understand," Makuta answered timidly, doing his best to shy away from the larger creature. The wolf's breath was foul and bestial: a hot, moist aroma that wafted across his face and tickled his nostrils. He did very little to hide his distaste, and the wolf smiled down at him with amusement.

"I don't expect you to like it little kitty, but I will expect you to obey my commands," Nessar rumbled, holding his wolfish smile. He reached down behind the cat and slid a claw upwards, slicing the bindings from the feline's wrists in a single, smooth motion. "Now, go and sit on the bed. I'll be over there shortly."

Makuta whimpered as he was shoved roughly towards the bed at the side of the tent. He rubbed his wrists tenderly, fearing the confidence that the wolf displayed in allowing him to roam around freely with the chance to escape. They must've been in the middle of the camp... he was going to have a hard time getting away.

Makuta obeyed the wolf and moved towards the bed. As he regarded the piece of furniture with a nervous swallow, he noticed that the bedframe came all the way up to his waist, whereas the mattress was almost at the top of his shoulders. He was going to have some difficulty getting up there.

"W-why the bed Nessar?" Makuta asked, turning his head and looking at his captor with renewed fear.

Nessar sighed as he walked over to the table, his paw snaking out to pull a bottle of wine from the rack before setting it down on the table. "You know very well why, little kitty," he said, digging a claw into the cork and yanking it out before pouring himself a glass. The wolf turned, leaving the bottle uncorked on the table and taking his glass with him.

"You're a smart cat, so I know that all these questions of yours are unnecessary," Nessar continued. "You know exactly what happens to prisoners that captured by wolf tribes such as my own, yet you're trying to deny it. I picked you out for a reason, Makuta, and now you're going to satisfy my desires. If you do a good job for the next week, perhaps I'll let you go... or perhaps not." He finished with a chuckle, tilting the wine glass back and swallowing it all in a single gulp.

It was that moment that Makuta picked to run. He bolted for the tent entrance, leaping towards in the tent flaps and reaching them in a single bound before he felt the wolf's grip close around his arm. A cry of alarm was all he managed before he was tugged backwards, tripping over his footpaws to land on his back in the middle of the tent floor.

Nessar stepped over his prize with a growl, looking down with pure, animalistic ferocity. "I was wondering when you were going to make your move, kitty," he said, tossing the wine glass aside and yanking Makuta up by the shoulders. He held the cat out in front of him with as if the feline weighed nothing and stared deep into his eyes, growling with rage. "For a moment there, I thought you were going to be obedient, but it seems you're not the pet I want."

Makuta yelped again as he was thrown to the side, landing on the bed with a tiny thump. He only has a moment to reorient himself before the wolf's paw closed around his ankle and pulled him back to the edge of the mattress. He whimpered softly as he stared up at the fearsome creature, doing his best to close his legs from the horny creature's view. "No, please don't..."

The wolf chuckled and licked his lips. "Don't be ridiculous," he growled, snipping off his loincloth with a single movement of his paw to reveal a heavy, furred sheath and a massive set of testicles hanging just beneath. "I've already told you that you're mine. I can do anything I want with you, and there's nothing that you can say that's going to change my mind."

Makuta looked down at the Nessar's sheath with surmounting horror. Never in his life had he seen such a large, impressive package. The wolf's loins were similar in proportion to the creature's great size, with a small tip of red, moist flesh poking out from the tip to show the beginnings of arousal. The canine's testicles were also massive: hanging low and gently moving with each movement of the beast's muscled thighs. He had no idea how he could be expected to please his captor without at least some damage. He had to dissuade Nessar somehow...

"No, please," Makuta continued as he pulled towards the edge of the bed. He kept his legs squeezed together as best he could, but he knew it was only a matter of time before they were forced apart. "You'll hurt me."

"You cats are much more flexible than you give yourself credit for," Nessar replied with a shrug of indifference. "You weren't the first I've captured and if the raid next week goes well, you won't be my last."

Makuta swallowed in nervousness. Another raid next week? He had to get back to warn the others...

"I can see the concern for your friends on your face Makuta, but don't worry. I'll be much more gentle with them if they can learn to behave faster than you," Nessar rumbled, followed by a small chuckle as he brought his paws down to rest on the cat's knees, pulling them apart. "Now, let me have a closer look at your goods little kitty. You've been quite shy so far, but that's about to end whether you like it or not..."

Makuta whimpered as he felt his legs being pushed apart. Although he wanted nothing more than to deny the larger creature, he knew that resistance was useless at this point. Slowly, he went limp and sprawled out on the bed, allowing his captor to move his legs apart and stare hungrily down at his most intimate areas.

"Mm... just as I thought," Nessar mused. "You're quite a special one indeed." His eyes went wide with lust as he stared down at his prize. The cat's slender legs barely moved or resisted in his grasp as he took in every enticing aspect of his newest piece of property. Both Makuta's sheath and balls were the same color as the rest of the feline's body, although a little bit thicker in places. After a moment, his eyes dropped to peek under the cat's tail, his tongue flashing out to lick his lips with greed at the sight of the cat's pink, puckered tailhole.

Nessar couldn't have asked for a more arousing creature. His prisoner whimpered under his menacing stare, and twitched involuntarily with every small pinch of his claws into that luxurious blue coat.

This was going to be a perfect evening indeed.

Makuta let out a small whimper as he watched the wolf's erection grow before his very eyes. Slowly, his captor reached down and squeezed that heavy, veiny shaft before pulling down to peel back the black folds of his sheath.

"Now then, I'm going to need a bit of help before we get started here kitty," Nessar purred, bringing his hips forwards. "Turn over and crawl forwards, I want you to suck my dick."

Makuta began to panic as he heard the wolf's command. Surely he didn't actually expect him to...

"Suck my cock right now, cat, or I'm going to punish you," the wolf growled, baring his fang in a dangerous grimace.

With his heart pounding in his chest with fear, Makuta obeyed the wolf's command. Flopping over on the bed, he crawled forwards and positioned himself in front of his captor's emerging cock. He winced as the smell of bestial musk assaulted his senses, and he couldn't help but gag from the heavy, smoky scent that penetrated his nostrils.

Lifting a paw to each side, Makuta grabbed the wolf's waist. From this close, he could see a small bead of precum drooling from the canine's erect member. He pulled back for a moment, hesitating at the thought of putting such a large, dripping shaft in his mouth before he felt a vice-like grip of claws push painfully into his neck.

"Don't get any funny ideas either, Makuta," Nessar growled. "If you do so much as think about hesitating or even worse... doing damage to me with those teeth of yours... I'll slash your throat."

Makuta felt his breath quicken at the horrifying threat, those claws around his neck seemingly growing with power with each passing second. After a moment, he licked his lips and closed his eyes before slowly edging forward and opening his mouth wide.

He paused as he felt the canine's cocktip hit his upper lip. He hesitated for a moment only to be urged onwards by a small pinch from Nessar's fearsome claws. Without a second thought he lifted his head and moved forwards, sliding his mouth entirely around the wolf's massive shaft.

Makuta held his breath as he felt the canine's cock slide slowly into his mouth. It felt hot and smooth against his tongue, combined with a bestial and salty flavour that seemed to layer instantly against his taste buds. The girth of the shaft forced his mouth slightly apart, making him open his jaws wider to avoid the risk of grazing his sharp fangs along the sensitive flesh. He closed his eyes and exhaled through his nose, moving his tongue awkwardly and licking at the bottom of the shaft as his massive captor rumbled with happiness at his movements. It took every ounce of power that he had to avoid gagging when he felt the beast's tapered tip prod the back of his throat. There was nothing more he could do now. He had to please the wolf... he had to suck his cock and pleasure this horny creature or he would never find a way to escape.

"Yes... that's it," Nessar purred, moving his hips back before sliding them forwards once more. "Show me what you can do with that rough tongue of yours kitty. I want to feel your lips pressing against my sheath before you pull back. Don't you dare leave an inch of my cock untreated."

Makuta grunted weakly at the wolf's demand before moving his head forwards once more. It only took a few moments for him to gauge the rhythm of his captor's hips and work himself to accompany it. He increased the grip of his paws on the canine's sides for support, digging in his claws lightly into the thick fur before using his tongue to rub the bottom of the shaft. The thick flesh pulsed within his maw, and he could feel hot precum drooling to wet the back of his throat.

Swallowing down some of the semen, Makuta continued and did his best to make sure he obeyed all of his captor's wishes. His tongue slid up and down the shaft, coaxing and pulling at the soft skin while simultaneously coating it with more and more of his own saliva. He whimpered as the beast's musk screamed in his nostrils and the flavour of semen tickled the interior of his mouth. The scent of animalistic sex was filling the tent with a surprising amount of potency, and he was burying his nose directly in the source. His eyes watered with the raw stench of the canine's arousal, which seemed to grow all the more powerful with each passing second as Nessar's wagging tail made it blow softly into his face.

As the wolf purred and humped into his mouth, Makuta felt horribly disturbed at the act he was caught in. Once a proud guard of his town: now forced to suck the cock of the very enemy he'd sworn to protect people from...

He was snapped back to reality however, when a rather large glob of cum squirted into the back of his throat and made him gag.

Nessar growled and increased his grip on the cat's neck. "And to think you were doing so well," he growled, pinching his claws into the blue fur. "Swallow it bitch; swallow it all down and then continue. I'm almost there... and you better be more prepared this time. You're not going to miss a single drop."

Makuta regained his composure and swallowed, whimpering as he slid his mouth back onto the canine's cock. The wolf was going to cum. All the contents of those hefty orbs were going down his throat... the hot, salty mixture that remained layered on his tongue like a warm froth was only the beginning. He was going to have to take it all.

With a whine, Makuta continued, urged onwards by the sharp pinch of the claws on his neck. He bobbed his head up and down the canine's length, being sure to use his tongue with as much skill as he could manage. When he got the to tip he would pause, using his lips to squeeze the wolf's cocktip and licking at the urethra with his rough muscle before sliding back down until the tip was back at his throat. Occasionally he had to swallow to clear his palate as semen dripped out to add to the small amounts already pooling in the pockets of his cheeks. Although he was managing to gulp it down fine for the moment, he knew that it wouldn't last.

After a few more slurps of the wolf's cock, Makuta suddenly grunted as he was pushed forwards. The wolf's paw slammed down on the back of his head, forcing him to take in every inch of moist, fleshy spire into his mouth. The beast's hips pressed forwards into his face as his captor let out a smooth, rumbling growl. The length began to throb animatedly inside his mouth, and before he knew the back of his throat was filled with an incredible amount of rich, viscous seed.

The first jet of Nessar's cum hit the back of his throat like a cannon blast. The hot liquid smacked into the soft flesh of his gullet before pooling down onto his tongue and cheeks. Although he did his best to swallow it all down, there was simply too much for him to manage. The wolf held him close, forcing him to take in every single drop as promised, yet even then a good amount began to squirt out the gaps in his lips. The salty, musky fluids began to drip down his neck and chest to wet his fur.

Completely powerless, Makuta closed his eyes and whimpered as he completed the horrible act. He'd never considered the possibility of being sexually violated by one of his captors, but now it was a reality that was going to follow him for the rest of his life.

Although it had only been a minute, it seemed like hours to Makuta when the wolf finally relaxed the grip on the back of his head. When his captor stepped backward the cock slipped from his mouth and a torrent of semen came pouring out in its wake. He coughed and sputtered, licking at his fangs and the inside of his mouth to rid himself of the thick, bestial juices but that only made it worse. The animal's seed layered against his tongue, while the salty flavour stung the back of his throat. He could feel Nessar's cum inside him like a warm weight in his belly, a thought that made shiver with grief. The smell of sex was rich in the air: a powerful, primal scent that mixed with the potent musk of the massive canine in front of him. He would never be able to rid himself of that smell.... and he feared that the wolf's semen in his fur would leave a permanent stench that marked him as the canine's property forever.

Perhaps he wasn't going to make it back...

Before he had a chance to recover, Makuta was hauled roughly upwards and thrown backwards onto the bed. As soon as his back hit the mattress he felt a paw close around his ankle and pull him towards the edge of the bed once more.

"Now then, time for me to fuck your other end," Nessar growled, a wicked smile coming across his muzzle. "You have a very talented mouth, but that was nothing more than a warm-up."

Makuta began to panic as he listened to the wolf's words. He struggled in that iron-like grip, kicking out his legs and doing his best to pull away. "No! Please don't do that," he begged. "Haven't I done enough?"

"Oh no, not at all," the wolf replied. "As I said, you're mine to do with as I please until I deem otherwise. Now stop struggling or I'm going to beat you senseless, and then I will take you." He bared his fangs and growled, waiting for the cat to grow still and complacent under his grasp.

Makuta froze at the wolf's words, his breath quickening at what was to come. The taste of the wolf's semen remained in his mouth, a constant reminder of his abuse, and what he was about to endure for a second time.

"Alright, let's see just how much you've learned," Nessar purred, releasing the cat's legs and motioning with his claws. "Turn over and lie on your stomach."

With a tiny whimper, Makuta turned over and lay with his back facing the wolf. He gripped the blankets with his claws and pulled them towards him, closing his eyes.

"Now lift your tail..." The wolf continued.

"I-I can't..."

"You will, right now, or I'll make this much, much worse for you," Nessar said, dragging a sharp claw along the back of the cat's blue thigh. "Lift your tail high and widen those legs. I want to see what I'm getting myself into this evening." The wolf chuckled and licked his lips. There was nothing quite like taking a once strong, sure warrior and turning him into his property. The feline had been strong up until this point, but at least he was now realizing the pointlessness of resistance.

Breathing into the bedding with fear, Makuta slowly lifted his tail. He didn't want to obey the wolf, but there was nothing he could do. He was completely vulnerable, and at the mercy of the much larger creature. It wasn't the first time he'd presented himself to a partner, but that was consensual, and the wolf was much bigger than anything he'd taken before...

Nessar smiled and rumbled with happiness as the cat did as he wished. He found himself looking down at the pink, puckered opening of Makuta's tailhole with renewed arousal: his throbbing, spent cock already aching with need at the sight.

"Oh my, you're going to feel wonderful Makuta, I can already tell," the wolf purred, taking a step forwards. With a sharp yank of his claws he made the cat's legs drape over the side of the bed. He gripped his firm cock with a single paw and lined his drooling tip up with his partner's entrance, moaning as his sensitive length prodded at the hot, tight opening. He leaned forwards as the feline let out a small whimper, pausing to savour the moment as the once proud warrior was just seconds away from becoming his bitch.

"Oh shh... don't be frightened Makuta," Nessar purred, his tail straightening behind him and his thighs flexing as he prepared himself. "I'm sure with a bit of time this will feel wonderful for you as well." He grinned as he finished speaking, his tone exuding mock concern before he slid a paw up the cat's back and gripped a shoulder to hold his partner in place. Then, with a loud growl, he pushed his hips forwards, sinking his cock deep into the feline underneath him.

Makuta cried out and struggled under the wolf as he was spread apart by Nessar's massive cock. The remaining semen and precum covering the shaft made entry slightly smoother, the viscous liquids acting as a lubricant to ease its entry. The size however, was much larger and much more painful than he expected. With every centimeter that the wolf's throbbing flesh entered him he whimpered, clawing at the bedding and wriggling with discomfort. The wolf's paw weighed down on his shoulder to hold him in place, and every small movement he made to deal with the pain coming from his aching hole only made the canine growl with pleasure even louder.

"My God you feel amazing," Nessar purred, pausing for a moment with his cock half-buried to enjoy the tight flesh gripping the tip of his dick. "Keep moving exactly as you are Makuta; let me feel every little muscle inside you twitch and clench around me and I'll give you a wonderful reward afterwards..." He shuddered overtop his partner before gritting his fangs together and continuing. With a flex of his abdominal muscles and a growl, he pushed himself in the rest of the way, sliding his wet length deep into the cat's anus and stopping only when his throbbing knot met with the feline's soft, anal ring.

Despite the pain Makuta felt at being violated in such a manner, he couldn't help but grimace and curse as his body began to betray him. He was about to be fucked against his will, but as each second passed it was becoming more difficult to deny the fact that the wolf was a strong, muscular, and incredibly attractive partner.

Warm sensations of pleasure began to shoot up his spine at the sensation of being filled. It wasn't long before his feline cock began to swell within its sheath and push into the bedding at his crotch. He clenched down on the intruding length and let out an involuntary whine of need. He was obeying the wolf's wishes against his will at first, but it wasn't long before he was flexing and moving underneath the beast's strong body with voluntary, purposeful motions.

"Mm, good kitty," Nessar purred, running his claws down the cat's back as those soft, anal muscles squeezed his fully-buried member. "It seems you really do have the ability to follow my orders after all."

With a snap of his jaws when he finished speaking, Nessar slid his hips backwards and thrust inside once more. The cat yelped underneath him at the sudden intrusion, but it didn't stop there. Pulling backwards once more, he began to hump the feline into the bedding hard, sliding his cock in and out at a firm, brisk pace. He worked himself into a powerful rhythm, fucking Makuta with strong, purposeful thrusts against the mattress. The tough, wooden frame of the bed creaked with every push of his hips, and the dull, muted slap of his furry testicles against the back of his partner's soft, blue thighs resounded around the tent.

The wolf opened his mouth and allowed his tongue to loll out of the side of his mouth in an expression of bliss. Hot, rancid breath poured from his open maw as he pounded the cat underneath him. He grunted with every forward thrust, his muzzle lifting with delight as his sensitive cock slid into the hot, moist confines of Maktua's puckered tailhole. The cat continued to whine and clench underneath him with each hump, forcing a brief smile of amusement to occasionally flicker across his face.

"Are you enjoying this Makuta?" Nessar teased, pausing to grind his knot hard into the cat's entrance before continuing. "Perhaps you shouldn't go back. Perhaps you should stay here with me forever and become my own, personal little fucktoy."

Makuta let out a soft grunt at the suggestion, but otherwise couldn't manage a response. His eyes were shut tight and his claws were gripping the bedsheets with as much strength as he could muster. The wolf continued to fuck him with unparalleled strength, stretching him wide and forcing him to exhale violently with each forwards thrust. He was powerless to do anything more than wriggle and clench as he was violated, that thick, heavy spire of flesh sliding in and out and rubbing every inch of his sore flesh.

His eyes snapped open for a moment as he felt a trickle of warmth deep within his bowels. The wolf's precum drooled inside him to wet his insides, making it easier for the canine's cock to enter his most intimate depths. His breathing came in quick, laboured gasps as the act continued. Mimicking his muscular partner, his mouth opened in a desperate expression of surmounting pleasure while his tongue lolled out to the side from exertion at taking such a massive beast. His hardened cock was tingling with pleasure as he was pressed into the bedding, leaking with precum to announce the approach of his own, powerful orgasm.

"I'm almost there... cat, you better take every inch of me," Nessar growled, hunching low over his prize. Placing a clawed paw on the back of Makuta's head, he pushed the feline into the bedding and increased the pace of his thrusting, rutting the cat hard into the side of the bed with as much force as he could. He bared his fangs and snarled, losing himself in the primal need to mate. All sense of holding back was gone as he felt his release slowly approaching, and any distant thoughts of taking it slow was replaced by the pure, animalistic desire to tie and breed with the creature beneath him.

After a few moments, Nessar shuddered and slammed his hips forwards with a growl. The cat squirmed underneath him as he wriggled his hips, working to force his knot inside. The muscles along his abdomen flexed with the effort as he dug his claws hard into Makuta's back while his fangs ground together with need as the throbbing knob of flesh at the base of his cock squeezed itself into the feline's tight rear. With a sudden grunt and cry of pain from Makuta, the wolf let out a deep, satisfied sigh as his knot slipped inside, plugging the cat's tailhole.

With a few more desperate thrusts, Nessar then arched his back and raised his muzzle into the air. He let out a loud, passionate howl as his ejaculation finally struck, his tail straightening and flagging in time with the heavy pulses of his cock as rope after rope of hot, bestial semen flooded into the cat's abused entrance.

Makuta cried out as he felt the wolf's orgasm pour into his insides. The first shot of seed hit deep into the furthest reaches of his bowels before flooding back, collecting with the second shot and pooling in the recesses of his flesh. The pain was practically overwhelming as the wolf's knot hilted inside him. Stars swam across his vision as a combination of pleasure and sharp, liquid fire spread throughout his body. His hindquarters felt numb as Nessar emptied his massive load inside his rear. Again and again the beast's warm seed flooded through his insides, flowing into his bowels and pushing further with each squirt of hot semen from the doggy dick buried inside him.

Despite all of this however he couldn't help but clench down as best as he could and let out a passionate whine, arching his back along with his dominant partner before blowing a load of his own across the bed underneath him. His red cock pulsed in the throes of his orgasm, shooting out his warm seed to stain the bedsheets and pool in a goopy mess underneath his crotch.

It was several long minutes before both Makuta and the wolf collapsed onto the bed. Nessar continued to hump the cat weakly as the last moments of his orgasm petered down. They laid there together in the afterglow of their sex, the confines of the tent ripe and heavy with the scent of bestial sex and spent semen.

"Mm, such a good little bitch I've captured, you were the best ride I've had all month," Nessar joked with a chuckle. "I'm afraid we're going to be tied like this for the next five minutes or so, but once we're done here I have another surprise for you. There's somebody else you haven't met." He grinned and licked the cat's ear.

Makuta whimpered as the weight of the wolf continued to push him into the mattress. "S-somebody else?" He asked, squirming weakly as the canine's cock throbbed gently inside him. He was incredibly exhausted, and his mind was much too hazy to make sense of what the wolf was saying. What did his captor mean?

"Tell me, did you not wonder why I was able to easily catch up to you when so many of my wolves were too slow?" Nessar asked.

Makuta blinked a few times, some remnants of consciousness returning to him as he did. "Y-you were just faster I thought," he stammered. "Faster than me, and the rest... "

"Are you sure? Did you see what happened?"

"No, I didn't," Makuta admitted. "But I assumed - "

"You assumed wrong, little kitty," Nessar teased, giving an experimental tug to see if they could untie and slumping back down when he couldn't manage it. "I'm no faster than the rest of my wolves, and despite my strength there would've been no way for me to catch you if it weren't for my faithful mount."

"Y-Your mount?"

"Yes... you're not the first creature in which I was able to inspire loyalty," Nessar joked, chuckling as he tauntingly licked at the back of the cat's head. "And based on the rule of ownership that I revealed to you beforehand, he's going to get a say in what happens to you next."

"But I thought you were going to let me go," Makuta complained, wriggling underneath his captor and flinching as the beast's cock rubbed at a particularly sensitive spot inside him. The words sounded foolish to him even now in his desperate state of exhaustion, but there was nothing else he could think to say.

"Oh I will of course, but it will be up to Razor and whether or not he wants to let you out of HIS bond," Nessar purred. "And I don't think he's used to letting tiny little kitties like you wander free."

Makuta held his breath, his mind racing. He had no idea what was going to happen to him, but it didn't sound good. If Nessar abused him in this fashion, he could only imagine what sort of horrors he could endure at the hands of a feral beast.

With a grunt, Nessar pulled out and stepped back, watching the cat's rump with a purr as the last remnants of his seed drooled out of the abused opening. Then, with his flaccid cock hanging limply between his legs, the giant wolf turned towards the tent entrance and called out. "Come in Razor, it's your turn."

Makuta turned onto his side, laying on the bed and watching with horror as a huge, feral gryphon strode into the tent.

The gryphon was massive, standing at the same height as the wolf and dipping his head to come through the flaps. It's body was similarly long and heavily muscled, with strong, powerful looking legs with hooked claws on the end of each digit. The beast's flanks were covered in smooth, brown fur that did little to cover the impressive, toned muscles hiding underneath, while the gryphon's plumage was an impressive set of white and black feathers leading to a curved, lethal beak on its head.

As Razor strode into the tent it's yellow, hawk-like eyes narrowed hungrily on Makuta. The massive gryphon licked the edges of its beak, thick drool falling to the floor as it did.

Makuta shrunk back in fear as the newcomer stared at him. There was no pity in the gryphon's eyes, only a deep, primal hunger that chilled him down to his very bones.

Nezzar walked up to the massive feral and stroked the beast's feathers, earning a happy trill from the avian's throat as it nuzzled into his paw. "I'm finished with our toy Razor, he's all yours," Nessar cooed. "What do you want do with him? Do you want to fuck him?"

Makuta's breath froze at those words, but the gryphon simply tilted his head, shaking it roughly and ruffling up his feathers.

"Ah, you must've already spent some time with your mate then have you?" Nessar added, chuckling with the gryphon as he smirked and nodded in answer.

"Well then, what would you like to do with him?" Nessar said. "Makuta wishes to go home back to his town to warn of the impending attack we're planning, should we let him do that?" The gryphon's eyes narrowed and stared menacingly down at the cat on the bed, who shrivelled away with fear.

"No? Well then what are your plans for him?" Nessar asked, his voice dropping to a smooth, knowing purr. He turned then, not bothering to wait for an answer. It seemed the wolf already knew of his faithful mount's intentions. Both of them looked down to stare down at Makuta with a primal light in their eyes, and the gryphon licked its beak once more. "Mhmm, I understand. You're in need of some nutrition after rutting your mate. Sex can be such hard work..."

"Oh no, please..." Makuta begged, shuffling away and searching the tent for any means of escape. "You said you would -"

"I'm doing exactly what I said I would, so sorry," Nessar interjected, with a tone that didn't make him sound sorry at all. "My mount is hungry, so you're going to be his supper for tonight. It's all a tiny cat like you can hope and aspire to be... to be food for such a mighty beast. You should feel honoured."

Nessar reached out and snatched the cat's footpaw in his grip, pulling him forwards and lifting him high into the air as if he were nothing more than a tiny, fluffy pillow. He turned then, holding Makuta up while the gryphon bent down low and made a soft, keening noise, licking its beak once more.

Makuta whimpered as he regarded the avian's hungry stare. Words caught in his throat as he struggled to find something to say. This couldn't be how it ended: not as food for some disgusting beast out here in the woods. He had to find a way to escape...

The wolf reached down and grabbed Makuta's arm, pulling the cat upright and turning him to face the hungry gryphon. He held the feline under each arm with his strong paws, allowing the blue creature's footpaws to dangle freely towards the ground before holding him outwards to stare directly into Razor's eyes.

"Here you are my sweet, alive and whole, just how you like them," Nessar purred, smiling at his mount. "I'll help you if he tries to struggle..."

Makuta watched with surmounting horror as the gryphon smirked and bent down low, those powerful limbs flexing as the creature lowered himself to the ground and onto his belly. The feral's lethal beak hovered just at the tips of his toes, clicking and quivering with excitement before it slowly opened, revealing a dark, fleshy maw that made his body grow numb with fear.

The gryphon's mouth was narrow at the front, while being quite wide and spacious near the throat: perfect for swallowing it's prey whole. A red, heavy tongue flicked excitedly at the base of the beak while stretching back into the moist, twitching tissue of the creature's throat. Heavy gobs of drool fell from the top of Razor's beak to pool in the pockets of its mouth before slowly sliding back to collect in the darkened, gaping gullet near the back.

As Razor held his beak open he let out a soft purr that sounded more like a wet, bubbling sound emitting from the depths of his gut while his maw was stretched to its limits. Hot, rancid air that smelled of meat and acidic juices wafted out, making Makuta wrinkle his nose in distaste as it stung his nostrils.

At the smell, Makuta began to kick his legs in a panic. He wriggled in the wolf's grasp, doing his best to get away from the horrible stench leaking from the carnivore's beak, but he couldn't escape. "No! You can't! Get him away from me, I need to - " His breath caught as he kicked forwards and the gryphon snatched his leg in its powerful beak. He gasped in terror and shook, waiting expectantly for the creature to snap his leg and gobble it down. The gryphon simply held it however, tilting it's beak upwards in anticipation as Nessar raised him higher.

Then, the gryphon expertly twisted his head, catching the cat's other leg in his maw and growling happily as he pulled it downwards. Nessar allowed more of his prey to slip downwards, which he happily snatched up with a few quick gobbles of his beak.

"W-what are you doing? S-stop, you can't..." Makuta stammered. His mind was numb with fear at his current predicament. He had no idea why the bird wasn't simply grabbing him and messily devouring him. Sure, a feral creature with the capability of unparalleled ferocity was more than likely to simply chew him piece by piece, but as such thoughts entered his head he remembered what the wolf had said.

Alive and whole, just how you like them.

Makuta stared down into the gryphon's eyes, his own amber pools widening with realization. The predator's returning glare was not one of necessity and hunger, but an intelligent, sinister amusement as prey wriggled about in his mouth. The gryphon had no desire to eat him in such a way, no, he was going to be toyed with: every little panicked movement and desperate desire to escape savoured as he made his way down the avian's gullet and into the stomach beyond.

A terrified gasp left his muzzle as Makuta felt the wolf's arms leave him. The gryphon opened its beak at the same time, allowing him to slide deeper into its beak before biting down on his chest. He grunted in discomfort as the sharp beak closed on him, but like before he was simply held, allowed to experience every tiny sensation of his forthcoming demise.

Makuta lifted his paws and held on to the top of the gryphon's beak as the predator tasted him. He could feel the gryphon's rough tongue dancing across his legs, lathering his fur with drool and coating him in the disgusting, viscous texture of bestial saliva. His footpaws were just at the back of the gryphon's throat, wriggling for some sort of purchase on the slippery, wet tissue that opened and closed teasingly beneath him. Once or twice he slipped further down, a cry of terror leaving his mouth as his footpaw dipped into the creature's throat. When this happened his limb was powerfully squeezed for a moment while the gryphon purred with delight, swallowing gently around him before allowing him to pull back, his paw covered in hot slime and fetid saliva.

"Let me out! Please you have to help me, I'll do anything," Makuta begged, reaching back for the wolf behind him. "Don't let this happen. I'll be your bitch, I'll let you fuck me every night, just don't let him eat me, please!"

Nessar chuckled and stepped out of reach, walking around to fix the cat with an amused smirk as his mount continued to suckle at his newest treat. The wet, sloppy sounds of frothing saliva and light swallowing echoed around the interior of the tent as he reached forwards and rubbed the gryphon's neck, admiring the powerful musculature as it rippled and toyed with its food.

"I'm afraid I can't deny my mount this pleasure," Nessar replied, rubbing at the beast's side before walking back to pat it's belly. "I've told you before Makuta, I'm in no position to take the property of members of my tribe. Besides, I can't help but be quite impressed when Razor does this... I want to watch the rest of the show."

Makuta yelped as the gryphon swallowed around his footpaws, sucking him in deeper and holding him lightly on his neck. He grimaced and tightened his grip on the creature's beak, wriggling his body against the fleshy tongue that tasted him, but it was no use. Every movement only seemed to delight the gryphon more. The avian purred as he moved his tiny body, a sound that caused his entire world to vibrate in a loud hum that resounded all around the confines of his fleshy prison and down into his very bones. He gasped as Razor's tongue slipped between his legs and began to rub at his testicles, massaging his balls with an almost particular, gentle care before sliding across his rump and poking under his tail. He whined at the alien sensation, doing his best to move his hips away but to no avail. The gryphon simply continued to taste him, swallowing around the lower part of his legs with indifference to his distress and sucking him deeper into the hot flesh.

"You're making quite the bulge in my mount's neck little kitty," Nessar said, his voice dripping with admiration. "Such a strong beast I have..."

Makuta opened his mouth to beg once more, but instead gasped with horror as the gryphon's beak opened wide and he was suddenly tilted towards the ceiling. He stared down at his legs with wide eyes as the predator suddenly seemed to decide that tasting time was over. The heavy folds of the gryphon's throat opened and closed with audible, wet gulping sounds as Razor began to swallow him whole. His waist was immediately engulfed in the first swallow, the tight flesh squeezing his legs together before pushing into his crotch and sandwiching his tail to his back.

He could feel the warm, moist tube of the gryphon's gullet working at his legs. The strong muscles pulled and squeezed him with loud, squelching sounds as the slimy flesh pulsed and rippled all around him. He was forced to watch with perfect clarity as more and more of his body slid into the gryphon's throat, disappearing into the undulating tissue as it opened and closed with wet, squelching noises. Although the predator was more than capable of swallowing him in a single go, the beast seemed more than content to simply let him slide in, and let gravity do the rest.

Makuta grasped at the gryphon's beak as it stood up, forcing him to plunge further into the putrid stench of the mount's maw. His eyes were wide with panic as he struggled against the gulping onslaught, not to mention watering with the sting of the carnivore's breath as he descended where so many unfortunate morsels had gone before. His fur was matted with sweat and slime as he was sucked into the uncomfortable confines of his inescapable prison.

Nessar watched with delight as his mount stood and filled the tent with his long, predatory body. Razor was certainly able to swallow the cat with little effort, he knew: he'd seen the beast down his prey in mere seconds, but it was more entertaining to watch as the cat made its final descent and disappear into the belly of his faithful steed.

With one last act of desperation, Makuta reached out, grasping for the poles at the roof of the tent in an attempt to pull himself free, but that was a mistake. At that exact moment the gryphon swallowed once more, and he was unable to hold himself in position any longer. With one last cry in realization of what he'd done, he felt himself slide into the beast's mouth. The last thing he saw was Nessar's grinning muzzle before the beak snapped shut around him, sealing him in darkness.

There was a brief pause while the gryphon enjoyed the last moments of his meal. He purred contently and closed his eyes, sliding his inquisitive tongue up and down the cat's fur in a final, last act to drag as much taste out of his morsel as possible. Then, he tilted his head back, and began to work the cat into his body.

Makuta could only whimper as the gryphon swallowed him down. Everywhere his body was constricted and crushed together by the flesh of the predator's throat. Hot, slimy saliva and mucus lathered against his fur to ease his passage into the avian's gut, all while the audible sounds of swallowing accompanied each and every push to his tiny form. He felt himself slide into the darkness while mucus and saliva mashed into the sides of his head, shoved downwards by a series of contracting muscles and gravity. The once powerful smell of rancid breath and acidic digestive fluids now overwhelmed every portion of his senses. Then, with one last swallow, he felt himself slide into an unbearably hot, cramped pocket of flesh.

The slimy liquids immediately seeped into his fur as the muscular walls began to slosh and ripple around him. He was contracted into a tight ball as the stomach began its work, pressing and crushing every inch of his body deeper and deeper into the hot confines of gurgling flesh. The heat and smell was unbearable, and he found panic began to set in as the tingling sensation of acid began to tickle the skin on his hands and legs. He kicked his paws out with a whimper, only to be met with a powerful resistance that seemed to suck his slender limbs in and clench around him even harder.

Makuta felt his consciousness begin to fade. Darkness settled in as he felt his environment shift and move around: the gryphon padding around the center of the tent surely. Horrible, warm air filled his lungs as he listened to the beast purr with contentment. He was nothing more than a perfect meal for this creature... and he was powerless to stop it. He was food... and this was how it all ended.

Nessar let out a growl of delight as Razor swallowed the cat entirely. He watched Makuta's bulge travel down the length of his mount's neck, slowly moving downwards with each accompanying swallow before disappearing into the chest. The cat vanished for only a moment, the gryphon pausing and closing his eyes to enjoy the passage of food before there was a loud, muffled gurgling sound and a rounded swell appeared in his belly.

"Oh my, he looked like a tasty one," Nessar said, moving to the gryphon's flank to run his claws along the beast's swelled tummy. "How was he?"

Razor looked sideways at the wolf, his intelligent, yellow eyes beaming with satisfaction. He licked his beak once more, drooling onto the tent floor and purring with happiness with the weight of a fresh meal in his belly.

"Mm, that good huh?" Nessar replied with a chuckle, leaning in close to listen to the distant rumbles and wet sounds coming from the depths of the avian's rounded paunch. "Normally you swallow them faster, but he must've been one of the best you've managed to get."

The gryphon nodded in agreement before an odd look came over his muzzle. He turned his body to face the wolf and tilted his head, his beak opening lightly in preparation as a bubbling vibration travelled up his neck. After a moment his maw suddenly snapped open and a loud, thunderous belch blasted from the depths of his gut.

Razor held his mouth wide as he belched loudly into the night air. The violent, guttural sound echoed throughout the night as he emptied any remaining air from the bubbling contents of his gut..

The burp lasted for several, long seconds as Nessar watched with surprise and amusement. He could only imagine what it must've been like to experience such a thing from the inside: if Makuta was still conscious. The rank air of the predator's stomach soon reached his sensitive nose and backed up a step, waving a paw through the air as the stench of vile, moist air stung his nostrils. "Agh, wow, that's really bad. Someone should get you a breath mint," he mumbled, turning his head to cough before smirking down at Razor's belly one last time. It must've been quite a great deal worse inside the creature's gut. "Poor kitty..."

Razor snapped his beak shut as the belch ended. He proudly raised his predatory head as he finished, flicking his tail and growling as another series of small burps left his muzzle. Once they ended, he looked down at his gurgling belly, giving a small shrug before walking calmly into the center of the tent and laying down.

"Mhmm, yes we have a big day tomorrow, you can sleep there if you wish," Nessar said with a nod, following the gryphon's example and laying down on the floor. He gently slid himself into the crook of the gryphon's legs, leaning back against the beast's belly and sighing.

"Sleep well my mount, tomorrow we'll go out and find more of them."

The gryphon yawned, opening his fearsome maw once more before clicking his beak and laying his head on the ground, purring softly as the sounds of his belly working on its new meal droned on throughout the night, lulling the pair of them to sleep.

The End