What a Bad Dream
This is a commission in which Goku is in a modern-day universe and has a twin brother, who uses his Japanese name, Gokuh. Cyrus is an OC of my client's and has taken on the role of a caretaker and guardian for the twin Gokus - this story is meant to be fun and silly, resembling an old LoonyToons cartoon in which Porky Pig goes fishing, only to fall asleep and dream that he is the one fished up to be eaten, waking up and realizing that maybe it wasn't a dream after all.
This is a gift for my client's friend as a birthday gift. Content is MEANT to be strange/silly. The ending bit was meant to toy with the client's friends upon request - Story is purely SFW with light NSFW mention.
After a long while of having learned what it's like to truly have a real family, Goku took it upon himself to get to know what life is like to himself once in a while.
Having been refined a lot these past few months, Goku was now trusted enough to go where he pleased, with or without his twin brother, Gokuh, and even trusted to come home at a certain time.
His caretaker, Cyrus - a thirtheen year old mercenary on break, had packed him a pretty big picnic lunch. Needless to say, it didn't last him too long. Goku had already eaten a little over half of the basket, and finds himself sleeping it off beneath one of his favorite trees by the lake - the willow.
The peace and quiet by the lake behind the cabin is calm enough to lull even the most hyperactive child into a somber, easy sleep, but in this case, Goku hadn't slept long. His energy had spiked, waking him up.
Goku stretches his arms out as wide as he can, yawning and scratching his spiky-haired head. He sniffles and rubs his nose tiredly as he looks out onto the lake.
"I... need to go for a swim! That'll wake me up!" Goku grins, standing up and starting to take off his shirt. As he does, he feels his stomach growl.
"Belly? Already? But there's..." Goku looks inside the picnic basket that Cyrus made for him, "only two sandwiches, four apples, two bananas, and three doughnuts left!"
His belly growls again.
"Don't sass me, Belly! Fine, I suppose a sandwich, an apple, a couple bananas and a doughnut won't kill me."
Goku plops before the basket, opening it and removing a rather large ham and cheese sandwich with tomato and lettuce, crusts cut off; an apple and two bananas follow. Goku then reaches inside for a fat, creamy doughnut oozing cream cheese from the center.
"Here ya go, Belly!" Goku giggles to himself as he takes large bites out of his sandwich, "Mmm! So good!"
Goku managed to scarf down all that he could, leaving him feeling weighed down.
"Now into the lake!" Goku said, burping a little as he tried to stand, "guhh, nope... guess not. Guess I ate too fast," he yawns, sitting back against the willow tree, his hands behind his head and his tail over his lap.
"Guess I'll just rest here 'til the ol' belly rests up."
Goku's eyes grow heavy as his full belly works on digesting the massive amount of food, making him sleepy. In no time, Goku drifts off to sleep.
Goku is awakened by a tap on his nose. Shaking his head and rubbing his eyes, Goku is surprised when he sees a large doughnut hanging above him. It looks to be attached to a thin line - a fishing line!
Goku can barely believe his eyes. Immediately, Goku lunges forward, attaching to the doughnut and sinking his teeth deeply into the still-warm dough, tasting its warm, fluffy, sweetness.
Shortly after, Goku is whisked forward, following the doughtnut with a smile on his face. With a full mouth, he tries to tear the bite off the doughnut, but he can't.
Why isn't it tearing? It's so soft, why won't it break off? What's going on?
Goku is dragged to the edge of the lake, and that's when he decides he should turn back, but he can't. The doughnut is too tough and it's pulling him rather hard.
He contemplates letting the doughnut go, but the flavor is too rich and delicious for him to actually do it. To his demise, he's pulled into the lake; he picks up speed and ends up whizzing faster and faster across the water before he's pulled beneath, being pulled deeply to the bottom of the lake.
Goku's heart beats quickly as he examines his speeding surroundings. Fish swim alongside him, looking at him and winking, then speeding up and swimming away.
Whoa... this is... so weird! I really should let go... but... it's so delicious! And these fish look pretty friendly! I wonder where I'm going.
_ _ Goku is pulled deeper and deeper into the lake until almost all light is diminished. Trembling a little, feeling the lake's water working against him, he suddenly comes to a stop, feeling his tail entangled in something slimy.
It's seaweed. Trying to reach back to his tail, Goku struggles to escape the seaweed. Its tight grip holds firmly around his tail, even when the doughnut's line pulls a few times, as it trying to free him.
After only a few tugs, Goku is free of the seaweed. Fish and other lake-dwelling lifeforms begin to look a bit strange as he is pulled deeper.
This is so weird! Can't I just go back to my picnic now? Wait... am I going up again?
Goku is pulled upwards as if someone is dragging him out of the lake at very fast speed. In little to no time, he bursts through the lake and is pulled up into the air.
"Aye! Check this one out!" calls a hoarse voice.
Goku can't see past the large doughnut until it spins very slowly - being dangled in the air. When he's rotated enough, Goku can see a rather strange looking purple fish, wearing brown shorts and a fisher's hat with hooks and lures in it, standing like a human would.
"He's a pretty fat one! What'chu think, Luka?"
"Mmm!" says a Timberwolf from behind the purple fish, "It's pretty fat! I reckon I might take this one home for dinner!"
"Ey!" Goku mumbles as the purple fish grabs his feet and takes him off the doughnut, "Nobody's eating me for supper! And I'm not fat! I'm a little husky, but not fat!"
The fish and wolf ignore Goku as he's plopped into a bucket of water and lifted off the ground at the wolf's side.
"Hey! Mister! I'm talkin' down here!" Goku shouts from the bucket at the wolf's side. The wolf ignores every word, whistling a merry tune, a fishing rod over his shoulder.
"Can I at least have that doughtnut? I mean..."
The wolf carries Goku's bucket all the way back to his home in a lavish looking woods.