Hexes and Heroes Chapter 2 Written by JustLurking

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#3 of Hexes and Heroes

Hexes and Heroes

Chapter 2: To Market, to market...

"How can you stand the heat Saria?" A panting, dripping Téana

asked her companion, as they walked side by through Sanuman's bustling

main market.

"Mmm?" Saria raised an eyebrow, as if not understanding the question.

"Don't play games Sar." Téa gasped. "I'm dying of heat stroke

in just my leathers, but you're hardly breaking a sweat in that heavy

robe of yours. How do you do it?"

"Mage's Secret I'm afraid Téa." Saria said enigmatically.

"Come on, spill it." Téa insisted.

Saria smiled, slightly sheepishly, "I cast Water Elemental Burst with

a Shadow modifier."

"I've seen you cast that, it lets you freeze anything in a metres

reach, right?" Téa asked, not understanding Saria's reluctance.

"At level one." Saria agreed, "At level two it's two metres,

at three it's four, and so on."

"So?" Téa asked, still oblivious.

"I cast it at level one-sixteenth." Seeing that Téa was still

confused, Saria spelled it out for her, "Which has just enough distance

and power to chill my underwear."

"You..." Téa broke down in a fit of giggles, forcing her to lean on

her companion, and drawing strange looks from passers by, "I don't

suppose you could cast that on me could you?" She asked when she

eventually recovered her breath.

"'Fraid not Téa." The cheetah mage said regretfully, "Unless

you were hugging me the whole time I'd have to cast level one and

that'd turn you into a Téa-cicle."

"It wouldn't be so bad if they'd built these damn streets level."

Téa grumbled good naturedly. "Hiking up and down these hills is

killing me."

Sanuman was a large city in the hilly regions near Lanreal Kingdom's

south-eastern border. The whole city was a mess of small, twisty,

slanted streets packed to bursting with fursons from all walks life.

The principal materials used in sun-baked Sanuman's construction were

stones, clays and muds. The dust was pervasive, and the smell of it

was everywhere.

Téa and Saria had arrived at dusk the previous evening, just before the

city gates closed. They'd gone directly to the guild building where

they had signed in, enjoyed a hearty supper, a good night's sleep,

and, most importantly, handed over the necklace of Sinbana. The guild

house had, as usual, advanced the reward moneyâ€"minus the guild's

cutâ€"for Téa and Saria, and arranged for the necklace to be couriered

to it new home in a museum by the next available D-rank team.

With their debts settled, their accounts squarely in the black and their

purses much heavier, the girls had decided to stay in Sanuman a few days

and do some re-tooling before taking their next mission.

"The hills aren't that bad Téa." Saria countered, "Look none

of the locals have any problem with it."

"Well I do." Téa stuck out her tongue at her friend, "I can

honestly say I've been in dungeons which were easier to navigate."

"You exaggerate too mu...Ooooh!" A stall selling grimoires caught

Saria's eye. She pounced on the nearest book and started fingering

it possessively. The stall owner just smiled, secure in the knowledge

that he was going to make a sale.

"Sar! Sar!" Téa tried to re-obtain her friend's attention.

"Okay," she sighed as she realised that it was futile, "I know

it's useless to try and tare you away from your books when you get

started. I'll be over there looking for provisions, all right?"

She gestured at a stall slightly down hill.

"M'kay." Saria said distractedly, already nose-deep in the table

of contents.

Téa frowned, and put her hands on her hips, "...I think I'll spend

your money too while I'm at it."

"Sounds good." Saria said as she tried out one of the hand-wiggles

described in the magical tome.

Téa sighed again, and slouched off. If Saria was true to form,

she would probably be distracted for the best part of twenty minutes

examining the books before she decided on the ones she wanted.

Téa looked at the market. It was typical of most that she had seen in

her travels. Stalls and their owners lined both sides of the cramped

streets, selling all the goods that the good furson's of Sanuman

needed, and quite a lot of cheep and tacky tat that they didn't.

Many of the stalls were decorated with yellow and blue ribbons, for

reasons that Téa didn't immediately grasp. She supposed it might

be a ‘local-thing'. Around the stalls the inhabitants of Sanuman

went about their lives. Locals, tourists, adventurers, shopkeepers and

the odd guard all ceaselessly milling about the street. She sighed

againâ€"she'd probably really like Sanuman if only it wasn't for

the heat and the damn hills.

Téa focused her attention on the stall in front of her. It was selling

food stuffs, both perishable and longer lasting. She smiled as she

started picking out supplies for Saria and herself. As a swordsman

Téa's metabolism was in high gear. She burned carbs almost as fast

as she could consume them. Saria, on the other hand, only had to look

at a slice of cake to put on weight.

The situation was almost funny. Saria would start out every mission

insisting she would stick to her diet, but she would break after a few

days of watching Téa wolf down her sugary meals, and they would start

sharing their rations. After every mission, Saria would regret the

weight she had put on, and the cycle would repeat. The joke of it was

that Saria's constant on-again-off-again diet meant that her weight

never varied more then a stone in either direction anyway.

Téa's musing was interrupted by the sound of approaching chanting.

She looked up from the stall just in time to see a procession of monks

turn the corner onto the street. They were clad, head to toe, in blue

and yellow robes, and ambled forward slowly, mumbling a solemn plain

chant as they went. Their faces were covered and bowed, leaving Téa

with no clue as to their species.

Behind the lead monks was a horse drawn cart. The cart was old and

rickety looking, but had been decorated loving in the same blue/yellow

colours that the monks wore. Tied to the cart, by two heavy looking

ropes, was a large crystal ball, about ten feet wide, which was so clear

that Téa initially thought it was glass.

"Who're they?" Téa asked turning to the stall owner, a cheerful

looking fennec vixen in her fifties.

"They're from the ascensionist temple," the shopkeeper replied,

"in the square at the top of the hill."

"Ascentionists?" Téa said, perplexed.

"The Followers of the Fourteen Ascended Saints." The shop keeper

indicated the ribbons on the stalls that Téa had noticed earlier,

"We've quite a big following in this town."

Téa watched with interest as the procession shuffled along past her.

Now that it was nearer, she could hear the ball bleating. Her curiosity

peaked, she stood on tip toes and peered at the cart. She couldn't

see anything until it had trundled past and the back of the cart became

visible to her. What she saw caused her to blinked twice.

"Why is there a /feral/ goat sitting inside that ball?" She asked

the shopkeeper incredulously.

"The goat is the holy animal of our chapter dearie," the shopkeeper

explained with good natured fervour, "it is a sacred animal to us.

You see that crystal?" The shopkeeper waited for Téa to nod,

"It's enchanted. Three inches thick, and selectively permeable.

Only the purest of pure things can enter, and impurities are expelled.

That goat will breath only the freshest of air and eat only the cleanest

of food. It will never know anything of disease or sickness."

"I see." Téa said slowly, trying not to sound like she was humouring

the shopkeeper.

"Isn't it just wonderful?" The shopkeeper gushed oblivious.

"The temple has been collecting for its third goat all year."

"Oh, absolutely." Téa agreed quickly. "Wonderful!"

Just then, a stoneâ€"probably picked up by the departing cartâ€"whizzed

towards Téa's head. Téa, a veteran at dodging missiles, successfully

spun to avoid it, and it impacted harmlessly on the wall behind her.

She turned back to face the shopkeeper.

"Pretty smooth moves, eh?" She boasted, as she moved to effect a

nonchalant pose leaning against the stall. Téa quickly jumped back

though, as one side of the stall gave way under her weight.

What happened next was like watching dominoes fall to Téa.

The fenic shopkeeper took a step backwards away from her collapsing stall

in shock, and accidentally tripped on a feral rat. The rat took off

up the hill in fright, which startled a flock of pigeons into flight.

The pigeons swarmed the passing cart as they took to their wings,

which caused the horse pulling the cart to rear up in surprise. This,

in turn shifted the weight of the globe in the cart, which was too much

for the ageing axil to bear. It snapped, causing the back of the cart

to splinter and one of the ropes to loosen.

Téa watched, arms slack, mouth agape, as, over the course of a few

short seconds, events spiralled totally out of control.

The goat in the ball bleated in concern as the now-free globe began to

roll backwards.

"Oh, that is /so/ unfair." She said to no one in particular as the

sphere thumped to the ground and started to roll down hill towards her.

Then she turned, and ran as hard as she could.

Behind her the ball picked up speed. The concerned bleating of the

goat turned to panic baying as it was picked up spun around inside its

formally placid habitat which was now rolling down hill crushing whatever

got in its way.

Téa screamed as she ran. Reassuringly most of the other market-goers

decided to join in as well, and soon the whole street was alive with

screaming. Utter pandemonium erupted.

Fortunately, the other denizens of the marketplace had a bit more notice

of the ball's descent than Téa had, and were able to jump out of

the way. One or two of the cooler heads in the crowd even managed to

pull very elderly, very young or just very confused fursons to safety

with them as the leapt.

Téa was less fortunate, she had been right behind the cart when globe

started rolling. The ball was right on her heals. If she weaved left

or right it would certainly crush her.

She slammed her boots into the ground hard. Picking up the pace,

and trying to widen the gap between her and pancake-hood. It worked.

At full pelt she was slightly faster than the ball.

Behind her the sphere jumped and skipped on the cobblestones. The goat

giving particularly surprised bleats when it did.

‘If I can keep this up for just a bit longer,' she reasoned, ‘I

should be able to spot a nook or a side street in time to dâ€"'.

Téa's spirits fell as she rounded a corner to see that the road

was walled at the bottom of the hillâ€"a literal dead end Téa thought


Then she caught sight of a guard snoozing at the base of the wall, no

doubt when he was supposed to be on duty. She screamed at him to wake

up and run, but it was a wasted effort. If the noise of the screaming

crowd and the roar of the globe didn't wake him it seemed unlikely

anything would.

She was trying to work out howâ€"like the good little adventurer she

wasâ€"she could save both herself and the guard when a grey blur darted

across the street. It grabbed the slumbering guard and ran down a

side street.

She felt a surge of gratitude to the blur, whoever they had beenâ€"now

she had only to work out how to save herself.

Téa deliberately ran straight into the wall, rather than slow down even

for a second. She put her arms out, palms forward, to stop herself and

absorb the shock. Hugging the wall, she looked left and then right for

another route. There wasn't one. Behind her the sound of rumbling

and bleating was getting closer.

Téa looked up. There was a rusted metal bracket protruding from

the wall, about twelve feet above her head. It might have been used

for a shelf at some point, or perhaps it had been for hanging basket.

Téa didn't care, she took two steps back and jumped at the wall.

She dug her boots into the wall. For two steps she was running up the

wall, then she pushedâ€"/hard/â€"and executed a wall spin. She wrapped

her arms around the underside of the bracket as she sailed past it,

and pulled herself into as small a ball as she could.

She was just in time. The globe slammed into the wall beneath her.

An almighty crash sounded which could be heard across the city, and a

cloud of dust and debris enveloped the bottom of the street.

Téa was still clinging, upside down, to her bracket when the air

had cleared. The sound of the goat bleating pitifully brought her to.

She looked down. The bracket had been high enough, justâ€"her tail had

been less than an inch away from being flattened. The crystal globe,

although scratched to the point of opacity, was, amazingly, still intact.

The same couldn't really be said about the wall. There was a nine

foot dint in it, which Téa was certain went all the way through to the

other side.

Téa cautiously let herself down onto the globe, facing the wall.

She exhaled slowly when nothing bad happened. Then she turned, and

accidentally slipped off the side, landing in an undignified heap,

tail over head, on the ground.

She had survived, again.

Téa righted herself, and after shaking to dislodge the worst of the

dust in her fur, jogged up the hill to the street the blur had dived into.

There was a small crowd already gathered. Among them she saw a big

grey wolf with spikey black hairâ€"he was obviously the blur Téa had

seen earlier. A loose circle of several guards and a few other onlookers

stood around him, and he appeared to be arguing heatedly with all of them.

In his hand he held a belt, although Téa couldn't see why.

The wolf himself was quite dangerous looking. He was about six foot,

and, although thin, seemed to be built entirely from muscle. From just

his build Téa could have recognised him as fellow fighter, however he

also wore a number of weapon belts which were strewn with bladed weapons

which served to drive the point home. He wore a heavy-looking pack on

his back which had yet more weapons hanging off of it. The most notable

of which was a rather handsome spear strapped to the left hand side.

As Téa approached the group, she saw the cause of the argument. In the

middle of the circle was the guard she had seen sleeping against the

wall not five minutes earlier. He had a serious looking bruise to his

head, neck and left shoulder. He was still breathing, but definitely


"I swear!" The wolf shouted, "I loosened his belt so it wouldn't

obstruct his breathing!"

Rumbles of ‘Thief' and ‘Coward' were heard from the assembled


"And then you were going to the orphanage to hand out candy, right?"

One of the guards, a lion, jeered.

"That's enough." His superior, a tall Doberman, reprimanded him.

"Sorry captain." The guard said petulantly.

"You were found standing over an unconscious guard," the captain said,

"holding his belt and expect us to believe that you are not, in fact,

an opportunistic thief, but rather the hero who saved his life?"

"It's what happened." The wolf protested.

"It's a tad unbelievable, is what it is." The Doberman corrected

him. "We have witnesses to testify against you," behind him, the

crowd rumbled menacingly, "your story would never stand in a court.

If you come clean now it will be taken into account."

"I'm not lying!" The wolf screamed, "On my honour I'm not!"

"Stealing from an unconscious man, a guard no less. Caught bang to

rights and still lying about it." The captain shook his head sadly

as if he regretted the entire situation. "They're going to lock

you up for a very long time boy."

Téa decided it was past time for her to intervene.

"Excuse me?" She attempted to get the Doberman's attention,

"Can I help?"

"There's nothing that need concern you here." The captain said

automatically without looking at her. "This doesn't involve you."

"Only your man there doesn't look too healthy." Téa tried again.

"He's just been clipped by a runaway goat," the lion said

sarcastically, "I'd say that he..."

The captain silenced his underling with a withering glare. "Healers

have been called for," he said, "until then there's nothing more

that we can do for him."

"I'm not a healer," Téa volunteered, "but I know a few spells."

The captain considered quickly, "Okay, go ahead."

Téa dropped to her knees beside the injured guard. Being careful not

to make any sudden moves she unstrapped one of her daggers, and held

it, still sheathed, hilt beneath her chin, blade across her heart.

Her other hand she placed, palm down, on the guard's chest.

She bowed her head, eyes closed, and began to mumble the incantation to

herself. The energy began to build. She used her dagger to focus it.

Once she felt it had built sufficiently she opened her eyes and spoke

the final words, "Healing Light!"

A soft, golden aura encircled her hands.

She traced her fingers over the guard's injuries, erasing, or at least

diminishing, them as she went. She paid particular attention to his

head wounds.

Finally she looked up, "That's the best I can do I'm afraid."

"That's the most anyone could hope for." The captain reassured

her. "Thank you for your help." He turned to the wolf. "As for


"He's telling the truth." Téa interrupted, standing up, "I

saw the whole thing."

"You're a witness?" The captain asked, surprised.

Téa nodded, "I was running down the street in front of the ball.

I saw him grab the guard and carry him to safety."

"And you are?" The captain asked, now in full investigative mode.

"Téana Hikari, spell sword S-rank, of the adventurer's guild."

Téa reached into a pocket, and retrieved her identifying papers.

The captain took the offered papers and examined them.

Téa could feel the gears turning in her head. She knew the wolf was

innocent, but the guards had seemingly made up their minds. She had

helped heal the guard, and that helped her credibility, as did her rank

in the guild, but...

"Your testimony isn't reliable, you weren't present when the

alleged incident took place," the captain said apologetically, "your

membership looks genuine, but being an adventurer won't make you more

reliable in the eyes of a judge."

"I know," Téa said, noting that he had said ‘a judge' rather

than ‘the law', "but what evidence do you /really/ have that he

was going to rob the guard? When your man comes to I'm sure he will

corroborate our story. Can't you hold off charges until then?"

The captain thought about it, and Téa put on her best puppy-dog-eyes.

Finally he relented. "Okay," he said with a sigh, "I /can/ hold

off charges until then."

He turned to face the wolf, "I must ask you to accompany us until I

can determine that you are not a flight risk, you are not under arrest


Téa missed the rest of the conversation, as she was grabbed from behind

and quickly pulled back into the market.

Her abductor was one of the blue/yellow robed monks. She was less than

threatened by him. The monk was nowhere near as powerful as the monsters

she dispatched regularly.

"Yoink!" The monk giggled.

Téa's frown deepened, "I don't know who you are, but you have

ten seconds to gâ€""

Still giggling, the monk placed his thumb on Téa's forehead.

"Sleep." He said simply.

Téa obediently crumpled up for him.


When Téa woke, she was in a sack slung over someone's back. She

started punching and kicking angrily. There were voices and movement.

Then Téa felt the suck swing around, and she tumbled out onto a hard,

cold surface.

Instantly she was swarmed by monks. Three to her left. Three to

her right. Holding her against the table with all their weight.

She struggled to lift herself, and draw her daggers. Several times

she managed to lift an arm, or shift position, but six fursonsâ€"even

if they were relatively weak individuallyâ€"were too great a force to

break free from.

Admitting defeat, she ceased struggling. Instead she looked for another

means of escape.

She was in a large vaulted room. The interior, at least, seemed to

be wood rather than the stone and baked clay which she had seen used

in Sanuman's other buildings. The walls and ceiling were painted a

brilliant sunflower-yellow. The columns and jousts of the hall were a

glittering royal blue. Arcane scripts and sigils, traced in lines of

fine indigo, decorated the walls. Held down as she was, she couldn't

see the floor.

A feeling of serene calmness hung about the hall. The air was cool

and clean. Soft sunlight touched every surface. Téa could even hear

water gently lapping behind her.

A monk, much older than the others, stepped into Téa's sight. His hood

was thrown back to reveal the face of an emaciated tom cat who's black

fur had begun to grey.

"Hello Téana." He whispered softly, he obviously had some difficulty

breathing. "I am the abbot of the Sanumanian Monastery of the Fourteen

Ascended Saints. Welcome to our temple."

"How kind of you to introduce yourself." Téa said sarcastically,

"Are you always so polite to the girls you kidnap, Father?"

The old fur frowned slightly, "You are here Téana because you owe

us a penance." Téa started to object, but he just raised his hand,

"We scryed your involvement in the incident with our sacred goat."

"Then you know it was an accident." Téa protested.

"Accident or not," the abbot whispered pointing a bony finger at her,

"you are responsible for what happened."

"I think most fursons would disagree with you, and I'm certain that

no one would agree that it justifies kidnapping." Téa grit her teeth.

"Okay," she continued after a moment's pause, "what does this

penance involve?"

"You'll see." The abbot advanced towards Téa, murmuring under

his breath.

He gripped her chin with one hand, and forced her to look directly at him.

The thumb of his other hand he placed on her forehead. His mutterings

grew more intense.

Téa tried to break the spell, but was unable to look away from the

abbot's manic eyes. His will was pouring into her mind though their

shared gaze. She tried to resist the new thoughts that filled her head,

but they seemed to dissolve seamlessly into her conciousness. Displacing

her own goals and motivations, and replacing them with the abbot's.

Eventually she felt even her own will to resist melt away. Her breathing

slowed, her eyes unfocused and her cares floated away. She let the

remainder of the abbot's thoughts flow freely into her head.

"Dear saints! Your mind is so yielding Téana." The abbot said

in surprise. "So easy to overwhelm and dominate."

"Yes." Téa agreed simply, staring straight ahead at nothing in


The old monk released her and stepped back.

"Strip her." He commanded the six monks who had held Téa down

though her ordeal.

The monks unbuckled her three weapon belts and tossed them carelessly

to the floor. Her leathers and panties joined them shortly after.

Téa sat up. She'd been held down on a circular alter which appeared

to have been carved from a solid chunk of red marble. The alter

sat on a dais which was encircled by a wide moat of sparkling-clear

waterâ€"obviously the scrying pool.

Around her were a multitude of the faceless blue/yellow monks. Even in

her trance she felt a flush of embarrassment at been exposed in front of

so many. She knew that were she not entrance she would also be feeling

slightly afraid and extremely angry.

"Téana Hikari," the abbot intoned, "as penance for your heretical

act of desecration you will service every member of our brotherhood.

Brothers please form an orderly queue in descending rank please."

"Wait...a mo." Téa slurred. "You're monks... right?

As in...monastic? Aren't you guys...supposed...to be celabate?"

The abbot looked at Téa for a long moment, then he walked over and

placed a thumb on her forehead, "You will now be without speech."

"Awwww..." Téa moaned.

"Brothers, please form a line." The old cat said as he shed his


Téa, knowing what he intended and completely his puppet, scooted back

until she was laying on the edge of the alter with her legs drawn up.

The abbot's body was old and frail, but his equipment still seemed

to be in working order. His cock was hard and jumping in time with his

rapid pulse. He stepped between her spread open thighs, and positioned

his six inches at her opening. He stroked the left side of Téa's body,

from her budding breasts to her inner thigh. Then, gripping her knees,

he slammed his hips forward.

The second monk in line divested himself of his clothing and walked

around the alter until he was standing at ten o'clock. He took the

now compliant vixen-herm by the shoulders and positioned her so that her

muzzle was laying on the left edge of the alter. Téa licked her lips

and opened her mouth, as she came face to face with the monk's cock.

The monk wasted no time. He slid his already-dripping member into

Téa's willing maw, and began humping her.

Téa's right hand drifted down to the spot, just above her girl parts,

where her plumpening sheath lay. The pink head of her maleness was just

peaking out. She coaxed the rest of it to full hardness with gentle

squeezesâ€"relishing the feel of skin sliding on skin as it engorged

and slipped free. Her fingers gently traced up and down the underside

of her cock in time with the abbot's thrusting.

The monk in her mouth came quickly. Quickly filling her mouth with

his salty flavour. Téa swallowed the musky fluid obediently, then

pulled off so she could tongue bathe the monk's cock clean. His last

few spurts covered her muzzle. She licked up the heavy strands, which

linked her fur and his cock, eagerly.

A tap on he shoulder caused her to look round. Behind her, at two

o'clock, was another monk waiting for her mouth to become free.

Téa flipped sides and began pleasuring her third monk.

She was starting to build to a climaxâ€"with all the sensations she was

experiencing it was going to be a big one. Gripping her cock hard in

her fist, she stroked herself vigorously. Whimpers, then moans, began to

escape her every time she exhaled. Her breathing and heart rate shot up.

She was going to climax any moment. She screwed up her eyes.

"You will now be without the ability to orgasm," the thumb was on

her forehead again, "and you will not pleasure yourself."

"Gaaahhh!" Téa moaned in frustration as the sensations continued

to swell in her, but her release failed to arrive.

Her squirms and obvious discomfort were enough to push the abbot over

the edge. He slammed his hips into hers, and let loose a strangled yowl

of delight. For an old fur he managed an impressive load. She could

feel the hot tom spunk filling her. Spent, exhausted and sated, he

collapsed forward. "Thank you Téana," he breathed heavily as he

licked her ear, "you're such a good little cock pleaser."

Téa moaned in protest as he pulled out. On an instinctive level she

still believed she only needed a little push to climax. She welcomed

the abbot's replacement eagerly, her body telling her that she was

only a few stokes away from heaven. Her mind was ravaged. There were

no coherent thoughtsâ€"only the desire to take that last step over the

edge and the instincts misdirecting her actions to that end.

She felt her new partner's endowment pressing into the creamy whiteness

the abbot had left behindâ€"displacing the liquid with each stroke.

Forcing some of the cum deeper into her on the in-stroke, and drawing

cum from her on the out-stroke. The viscous liquid formed an air tight

seal, for at least part of each stroke, and sticky squelchy noises mixed

in harmony with Téa's lust filled moans.

The fur on her right finished with her, pulling out eagerly in

anticipation of /his/ tongue bath and inadvertently dousing Téa with

yet more cum. Téa didn't disappointâ€"the abbot's thoughts and

her own need wouldn't let herâ€"she expertly cleaned the cock on her

right and then flipped over to suck on the male on her left.

It was about an hour, and many, many monks, later that the guards broke

the doors down and streamed in en-masse.

Téa didn't even blink, let alone stop sucking, but the reactions among

the monks were many and varied. Some moved towards the invaders, while

others backed away surreptitiously. Téa moaned in disappointment as

her captors pulled out of her. Without them or the ability to masturbate

she was left with no way to get off.

The guards brandished batons, rather than their swordsâ€"they were

there to raid the temple, not sack it. Among the guards were Saria

and the grey wolf from the market. They fought alongside the guards,

with fury and determination, but remembering to pull their attacks so

as not to hurt the monks /too/ much.

The monks swarmed Saria in particular, seeming deciding that a mage

was an ‘easy' mark. They couldn't have been more mistaken.

Although skill in physical combat was not a trait that mages with their

sedentary profession were noted for, Saria was an SS-rank adventurer

and an expert in close combat.

She dispatched the first three monks, using a variety of kicks and punch,

before they had time to realise their mistake. A couple tried to creep

up and attack her from behind, but the senses of a mage are not easily

fooled, and she clubbed them both with a swing of her staff.

Saria disliked using her staff as a weapon. It was much more useful

as a tool for magic than as a weapon, and although it was heavy and

sturdy, there was always the possibility, however unlikely, of the staff

splintering, which would leave her unable to cast certain spells until

it was replaced.

The remaining monks, having seen her take down their brethren, were

more cautious. They attacked from just outside her reach, darting in

for quick punches, rather than extended fightingâ€"intending to wear

her down if they couldn't disable her immediately. Saria weathered

the beatings, she had endured far worse, and waited for opportunities

to attack in return.

Perversely, she found this fight more difficult than the ones she had

fought against stronger foes. In those fights she would have been able

to use her lunar bow. It was frustrating to have to hold back when her

enemies obviously had no compunctions about hurting her.

She saw a thumb reaching towards her. Her arm shot out, catching the

offending digit in her fist. She grinned, then twisted. There was a

snapping sound as the bone broke. The owner of the thumb howled out in

pain, clutching his damaged paw. There was another crunch as Saria's

fist connected with his muzzle. The monk dropped to the floor.

Behind her the grey wolf was fighting with equal vigour. He seemed to

be favouring short bladed weapons, and his fists for this fight.

Initially Saria was concerned, but as she watched him fight it became

clear that he was quite expert with his knives and swords. Although he

was inflicting some nasty cuts on his opponents, they were all landing in

areas intended to disable rather kill. Tendons and muscles were severed,

and major veins and arteries were spared.

She watched as he systematically disabled his attackers in the order

of the threat they posed, and then, once he was out of danger, finished

them off with a few well placed punches and kicks.

Then the monk who had been using Téana's mouth last did something

/really/ stupid. He grabed one of Téa's daggers from the floor, and

held it against her throatâ€"intending to use her as a hostage. Téa made

no sign she was even aware of the blade, but the grey wolf noticed.

He immediately finished the fight with his current opponent, with a high

kick to his muzzle, and charged towards the alter screaming a terrible

war cry as he went.


He leapt the moat in one bound, landing on the polished red marble

astride Téa. Immediately he went into a spinâ€"a blur of grey fur and

silver steel. He executed two, three hundred and sixty degree spins,

his arms flying in a complicated pattern as he moved. His foot work

was so perfect that his boots never once even brushed the side of the

supine girl beneath him.

It was only possible to work out what he had done after the fact.

The monk holding Téa's dagger had a deep gash running across his right

pawâ€"it was doubtful he would ever regain the use of it. The monk on

Téa's right had a lighter gash across one of his shoulders. The monk

between Téa's legs had been the victim of a boot to the face and

was out cold. The two concious monks turned tail and ran naked into

the mêlée.

The wolf watched grimly as they ran, but didn't pursue. Instead he

stood over Téa's defenceless form and attacked anybody who came within

striking distance of the alter.

Téa sucked happily on the tip of his tail, glad to have something in

her mouth again. She showed no awareness of any of the fighting going

on around her.

The fighters seemed fairly evenly matched at first, but the battle

quickly turned. The monks, who were experts in mental magic and not

fighting, found that they were unable to get their opponents still for

long enough to assert control over them. Most of the monks turned tail

and ran deeper into the temple, the guards hot on their trail.

Two figures jogged towards the alter as the room quickly emptiedâ€"Saria

and the captain of guards. They were both bruised and bedraggled looking

from the battle, but otherwise unharmed. The wolf lowered his swords

as they approached, and stepped down off the alter.

"Téana!" Saria cried as she approached, "are you okay?"

"Mrgh?" Téa grunted.

All three rescuers looked on in concern. Téa was coated with cum

at both ends, and she was writhing on the alter in an unusual way.

She showed little awareness of their presence.

"Oh dear," Saria said, biting her claws without realising it, "Téa?

Can you hear me?"

She placed a hand on Téa's midriff, and began chanting. A golden

glow enveloped them both. Téa seemed to calm down.

"Can you hear me now Téana?" Saria asked again when it was over.

"Sar?" Téa asked weakly.

"That's right!" Saria exclaimed in relief, "It's okay Téa.

It's over now."

The captain stepped forward, "Téana, I promise that we will bring

your kidnappers to justice. We don't tolerate crimes of this nature

in Sanuman whether or not the perpetrators are men of the gods."

Téa just nodded weakly, "Thank you, captian."

"I should go coordinate with my men. See how many they managed

to catch. Will she be okay?" He asked Saria.

"Téa's tough as nails." Saria assured him, "She'll be okay."

"Okay." The captain said as he turned to leave.

They watched him go. Then Saria turned back to Téa.

"Téa, there is someone you should meet." She said, "Téana Hikari

meet Kellian Tareza."

"Kell." The big wolf insisted. "Téana I am much indebted to you.

The healers say that if you hadn't intervened, that guard would have

been dead by the time they arrived. Without his testimony I would have

been imprisoned."

"Kell was the one who talked the guards into letting us tag along."

Saria explained.

"I think they were feeling a little guilty. When that guard woke up

and the first thing he wanted to do was shake my hand there were a lot

of red facesâ€"I'm a hero thanks to you Téana." Kell beamed,

then his expression became more serious, "I owe you my freedom,

my honour, and my good nameâ€"all of these things are very important

to me. I think I would rather die than compromise any one them. So,

Téana Hikari I pledge my loyalty, my life to you. I will travel with

you as your bodyguard and serve you in any way that I can."

Téa's eyes lit up, "I accept." She said immediately.

Kell smiled, "Thank youâ€""

"Shag me." Téa said.

"Wha?" Kell was thrown off his stride.

"Shag me." Téa repeated. "Those goat loving sons of splash

pregnancies wouldn't let me get off."

"Butâ€"" Kell stammered.

"You pledged your loyalty to me," Téa said, "so help me. Help me

over the edge."

Kell stood there, the request obviously too much for his brain to process.

"I'llâ€"uhâ€"just go check on the guards." Saria excused herself


"Shag me." Téa tried not to plead.

Kell just nodded, and began to strip. He folded his clothes as neatly as

he removed them, and laid them next to Téa's on the ground. When he

removed his tented boxers Téa knew she had made the right choice.

Kell was very well endowedâ€"a foot long at leastâ€"and he had one of

the largest knots Téa had ever seen.

Téa spread her legs again as he approached. Unintentionally making

puppy-dog-eyes at him. His hand traced the white stripe in her hair and

cupped the back of her head pulling her into a long kiss. He slipped

into her and began slowly thrusting. His free hand wrapped around

Téa's hardness.

Téa was a much more awake and active participant in the sex this time.

She arched back to meet his movements, and trust forward into his paw.

She groaned around Kell's kisses and behind the lovers /two/ tails,

one grey and one gold, twitched.

Téa wrapped her arms around the wolf's neck, pulling him closer

to her. Kell could feel Téa's heart beat clearly as he held her.

Sensing her urgency he sped up his strokes and began to tweak the head

of her shaft as he stroked it. It was the tweaks that eventually gave

Téa her long denied release.

Téa almost passed out when she came. Ropes of Téa's hot, sweet vixen

cum covered the bellies both fighters. Her orgasms were normally quite

long lasting, but this time Téa climaxed for a whole eight minutes, her

cum jetting from her like a firehose the entire time. Téa's cum coated

them both from chin to groinâ€"spread thickly across their chest's

by Téa's writhing body and Kell's tight embrace. She locked her

legs around the wolf's waist, as she shook and shudderedâ€"the size

difference meaning her toes only just touched the base of his bushy tail.

Téa's prolonged spasms sent Kell over the edge and he slammed hard into

the vixen as he came. His knot inflated in her much smaller body and they

were tied. He fell forward onto the alter, clutching the still-orgasming

fox in his arms, pinning her beneath him. He growled instinctively,

and made a number of short sharp thrusts as he released his thick seed.

Téa gasped in discomfort at the sharp sensations each tug of Kell's

knot brought her, but enjoyed them anyway. Each tug seeming to punctuate

a wave of pleasure, delimiting it from the next.

Téa was still in the throes of orgasm when Kell's had subsided, despite

having reached climax first. Kell, just held her protectively as she

rode out the sensations that had long been denied to her. He tenderly

licked at Téa's muzzle, neck and ears as he enjoyed his afterglow

and the pleasant feelings that came from being hilted in the excited herm.

Eventually both their mutual orgasms subsided and the still-tied

pair rested on the alter. Without words Kell knew what to do next.

He lifted the breathless Téa into his arms, carried her to the scrying

pool and stepped into the water with her. Ropes of cum slowly washed

off their entwined bodies as they bathed their fur and their wounds in

the cool bath.

At some point their hugs gave way to kisses, and their kisses eventually

led to another round of sex, and another bath.


Vassallo strode through the deepest corridors of /his/ citadel with


He was, for the moment at least, very pleased. His plan was coming

together nicely. All those years of careful schemes, demonic pacts,

stealthy manoeuvres, and the occasional murderâ€"they had all been

leading to this. His ultimate goal was almost within his grasp.

Which is why he needed to talk to Polori. Polori was, in theory

if not in fact, the absolute ruler of Junglara. Furthermore, he was

astonishingly careless. An ill-informed order from Polori might be all

it took to unravel Vassallo's bid for power. Which is why Vassallo

insisted that Polori was kept apprised of Vassallo's schemes.

Vassallo tired of this duty, but he couldn't delegate it.

Explaining things to Polori was an artform. First it was necessary

to drag his attention from whatever it was that occupied it at the

timeâ€"usually an entranced slave girl. Then came the monumental task of

explainingâ€"usually several timesâ€"the situation in words and sentences

short enough for the king to comprehend. Finally, Vassallo would have

to get Polori to explain what he had just been told, so he could be sure

that the king really understood and wasn't just saying he did.

Not that the elephant could ever hope to truly understand or appreciate

his ultimate designsâ€"he was far too dense for that.

Vassallo came to the doors of the king's bedchamber. There were

no guards posted, and no need for themâ€"in this part of the citadel

his control was near absolute. Without knocking, he opened them and

marched in.

Polori knelt, naked, at the head of his four poster bed. The bed was

one of the few things that remained of the previous king's possessions.

Polori had had the rest of the room, and much of the rest of the citadel

for that matter, redecorated to his tastes after his coronation.

Attached to the bed was Polori's new toyâ€"a tortoiseshell manx kitten

in a slingâ€"Vassallo had dubbed it ‘the swallow'. The king was

slamming into the kittenâ€"who was only slightly larger than than the

cock she was ridingâ€"furiously. If the purrs and moans emanating from

the kitten were any indication, the manx was quite enjoying the treatment.

"Polori," Vassallo began, "More news from Loveless. She has

narrowed the location of Tear to a region on the borders of Junglara,

Sandrune and Lanreal Kingdom."

"Urgh!" Polori grunted as he thrust, "That's good Vassallo!"

He roared.

It was obvious he hadn't paid Vassallo any attention at all. The vizier

sighedâ€"it was going to be one of those /very/ difficult explanations.

He resigned himself to waiting, he would have a much better chance

of getting the elephant's attention immediately after his climax.

It was his own fault, Vassallo mused, if he hadn't done such a good

job on the swallow he wouldn't have this problem now.

The swallow was a masterpiece of perverted art. To describe it simply as

a girl-in-a-sling was to do it a disservice. The main part of the sling

was a wide strap of black leather which went around the girl's torso,

and attached to the rails of the king's bed. Ten smaller strips of

leather ran from the rails to the girl's outspread finger tips, where

they were attached by tiny barbell piercings.

Vassallo smiled, as he recalled the moment of inspiration that led him

to realise the elastic spell, which he cast on the girl to allow her to

take the king's impressive length, could also be used to put piercings

through the soft pads of her fingers.

Two final straps wrapped around the girl's calves, holding her legs

spread up and out at ninety degrees. It was the leg straps which had

made him settle on the name. He had been going to call his creation

‘the angel', but the v-shape formed by the legs reminded him of the

tail of the swallow, and he thought the name an improvement anyway.

Of course the real beauty of the swallow was that, thanks to the

positioning of the straps, the ‘wings' appeared to flap in time with

the user's thrusting.

To Vassallo mind-warping fursons into his obedient slaves was an

artform and a hobby, something he did when he wanted to unwind and try

his creativity. Normally interrupting his ‘work' to bend a girl's

mind for the king annoyed him, but he had to admit he had outdone himself

this time.

Vassallo tickled the kitten under her chin. The empty-eyed manx

tilted her head up in response and giggled in delight. She was totally

oblivious to the fact her internal organs were being fatally rearranged.

Elastic spell, or no, Vassallo reckoned the little kitten had less than

a week before her body gave up. Fortunately, for the girl at least,

the king would most likely lose interest in her before that happened.

Polori let loose a yell which reverberated around the chamber, and his

cum exploded back from between the girl's thighs. Vassallo smiledâ€"now

he would be able to talk with the king.

To be Continued....