I'm only Happy when it Rains

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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"I freaking hate the rain, I really do..." Zach muttered, pulling his coat around his shoulders tightly. Rain was pouring from the darkened sky, soaking everything to it's core, including the irritated fox.

Brandon giggled a bit, spinning around in circles as they walked. "I love it so much."

"You're an otter, go figure." Zach muttered, wishing he'd worn a coat with a hood. His head-fur was plastered to his muzzle and face as the water and wind whipped around them. Normally brown, straight, and hanging to his shoulders it was now scraggly and looked almost black from the water. "I just want to get home."

The otter was only in a t-shirt and shorts, which were completely soaked and clinging to his already-lithe form to make him look thinner. "We only have a few blocks until we're back at my place. Did you at least have fun before the rain?"

Zach giggled a bit, peeling his hair from his face and tossing it over his shoulders. "A lot. Some of the rides scared me... but I've never liked heights that much..."

'It was cute when you screamed.' Brandon thought, rudder-tail swinging back and forth. "I love the rides so much... especially the Chain Lightning. You screamed like a girl on that one."

The fox blushed and smiled some, punching his friend in the arm playfully. "I don't care, I'll admit that I'm not the bravest of people."

"I'll say." The otter stretched his arms to the sky as they walked. His head-fur was tied back in a ponytail, also soaked, but at least contained. His bangs fell over his face, as if to frame it. "Alright, so the rain worries me a bit..." He squeezed the strand of fur between two of his fingers, pulling down and looking at his pads. A bit of green dye on his tan fur. "Yeah... I'm going to have to get some more dye for my hair... something that doesn't suck..."

"Are you going to do it green again?" Zach balanced on the curb, arms out to the side as he walked along, looking down at the otter.

Brandon just shrugged and folded his arms. "I don't know... Did you like the green?"

Laughing, the fox jumped off the curb into a puddle, his jeans soaked already. "Yeah, I did. Besides, when school starts again, people will be looking for you to have green hair."

"Last year! We're finally going to be the seniors at the stupid school." The otter reached out and grabbed the fox's arm, pulling him out of the way as a car sped down the road.

Zach nodded and started jumping around, arms flailing around. "Fucking finally! Hey, carry me back to your place!" He stepped behind the otter and grabbed his shoulders, hoisting himself up onto his back, clinging to the soaked otter.

Brandon's knees buckled slightly at the unexpected weight. "Jeez dude, how much do you weigh?"

"What the hell ever... I only weigh like a hundred and thirty pounds." Zach wrapped his legs around Brandon's torso, arms around his neck.


"No... dry..." The fox blushed a bit and giggled. "I have no idea how much I weigh when I'm soaked and in soaked clothes."

The otter rolled his eyes and grabbed Zach's legs, holding on to him. "Least I don't have to carry you far." He nodded off towards his house.

Zach reached one of his arms down and smacked the otter on the ass. "Yaw, bitch!"

Brandon let our a surprised yip and started running, blushing a bit. "I'm going to kill you for that one."

The fox laughed, leaning back a little bit and holding on with one paw, singing out and laughing. "Save a horse! Ride an otter..."

'That's the plan...' Brandon thought as he rolled his eyes. "You know what I have to say to that?" He pushed through the back gate, planning to enter through the back door.

"What? Hey, where are you going..." Zach's ears perked up a bit as the otter started carrying him away from the house.

"THIS!" The otter stood with his back to a particularly low spot in the yard where water had collected, slightly brown from the mud and grass. He grabbed the fox's legs and flipped him backwards into the puddle.

With a loud yelp, Zach landed in the huge puddle with a noisy splash. "You fucker!"

Brandon was already taking off towards the house, laughing. "Deserved it!"

The fox was on his feet quickly and took off, faster than the otter. One hard lunge and he tackled his friend to the ground, the pair sliding across the wet lawn a few feet. No words were needed as paws flew, grabbing at each others legs and arms, clothes and hair, desperately trying to pin the other one to the grass.

Zach laughed, managing to stand up and drag the otter around for a few feet before Brandon got his bearings and pulled the fox back down to the ground. The pair's clothes were getting muddy and covered in grass stains, and it was still pouring rain.

Brandon was giggling as he struggled to get free. It took a bit of work but he pulled himself to his feet, about to run away when paws grabbed at his sides. The fox's paws latched onto Brandon's shorts, tugging them down and tripping the otter.

Neither of them moved for a second, both of them just stunned. Zach's eyes were fixated on the half-naked otter right in front of him. Brandon's tail could quick cover himself with the fox where he was, and Zach could see the otter's tail-hole as well as a decent set of balls. "Jeez dude... your balls are big..."

The otter's face burned with embarrassment and he spun around to keep the fox from staring, only ending up rolling onto his back, one of his paws getting trapped under his back. The look on the fox's face was of shock, and it took Brandon a second to figure out what he was starting at until he looked down, seeing that his cock was fully hard and laying up on his stomach. "F-fuck!" The otter blushed and grabbed the edge of his shirt, trying to pull it down to cover himself.

Zach blushed deeply as well, still laying on top of his friend's legs, staring up at his crotch. "W-wow..."

"I... I don't know... I think it was... j-just the..."

"Can I see it again?" Zach giggled a bit, still beet-red.

Brandon's eye widened and he relaxed a bit. He'd been gay for years, but it never occurred to him that Zach might have been gay as well. "Y-you what?"

The fox brushed his bangs back, shaking some of the water from his face. "I... I just want to... see it again... if you'll let me..."

The otter stared down at his paws, having freed his other one. The shirt wasn't doing much to conceal anything, the wet fabric just outlining the huge bulge. Brandon took a deep breath and pulled his shirt up, his cock laying against his stomach in plain view. "There..." He muttered softly, his tan cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Zach's muzzle hang open a bit, water running off his nose and chin as he gazed at the otter's cock. It looked to be nearly thirteen inches and uncut. Zach's brain hurt as he tried to figure out how the otter could be that big. "Wh... what the hell..."

"Wh-what?" Brandon was getting nervous, his paws grabbing the edge of his shirt, about to pull it down over his shaft before a paw stopped him.

"Just... wow... it's so... big..." The fox mumbled, his paw holding back the otter's shirt so he could look. Zach pulled his paw back and moved up closer, sitting on the otter's thighs. His clothes clung to his body, the outline of his cock, straining at his jeans, obvious to the otter. "C-can I touch it?"

Brandon opened his muzzle to reply, but let out a soft gasp as the vulpine's paw gripped his shaft, tugging down to pull the foreskin back, watching in amusement as it twitched in his paw, rain-water running over the veins, making them all the more obvious. The otter watched intently as his crush started stroking up and down his cock, making him bite his lip for a moment. "Wh-what are you doing?"

Zach giggled slightly, murring a bit, his other paw reaching down to join the first. "I can't help it... I just... want to..."

"Are you gay?"

"Kind of... I guess..." The fox blushed, watching as a drop of pre emerged only to get washed away by the rain.

The otter closed his eyes and leaned back onto his paws, letting out a content sigh. "That feels good..."

"If you'll let me, I'll do something else..." Zach blushed furiously, biting on his tongue nervously.

Brandon just nodded smiling a bit and laying back against the grass. The rain had let up a little bit, not attempting to down the pair. "Do what you'd like... I'm fine with it..."

Zach moved back off of the otter, laying on his chest between Brandon's legs, both paws gripping the thick pole of flesh. "So... I'm assuming you're gay, then?"

The otter nodded. "Pretty much... I've known I was for some TIME!" He inhaled sharply, paws clutching at the wet grass as a sleek muzzle enveloped his shaft. Brandon let out a lusty moan, embarrassed by the noises coming from himself. The fox between his legs was sucking hard already, tongue swirling around in circles.

The fox let out a happy moan as he pushed his muzzle down as far as he could, still finding that he could wrap his paw around the rest of the exposed shaft. His free paw grabbed at the otter's sac, giving it a soft squeeze, lapping at the underside of the otter's cock head. Brandon squirmed a bit, groaning and running his paws over the fox's head, pulling his soaked head fur back.

Shamelessly, Zach opened his eyes, gazing up at his friend as he pulled his muzzle off, licking seductively at the tip. The otter blushed and laughed a bit. "You're really good at that..."

"Thanks... I'm sure you'll like this better..." Zach slipped free from his shorts and sat on the otter's thighs, beaming down at him. The fox's cock was sticking free from his sheath, knot having just started to form.

Without thinking, Brandon reached a paw up, wrapping it around his friend's cock, giving it a firm squeeze. "Canines are lucky..." He grinned, using his other paw to gently give Zach's knot a light squeeze.

"Mmmrf... I think yours looks hotter..." The fox scooted forward until he was sitting gently atop the otter's shaft, feeling it beneath him, his balls resting on the head of his friend's shaft.

Brandon wiped the rain from his face, panting a bit. "You sure you want to do that?"

Zach rubbed his forearms a bit, shaking some water from his head as well. "I've practiced with some toys before..." He admitted, smiling sheeply. "I want to try..."

The otter nodded, reaching down and angling his cock upwards, pressing the head to the fox's tail-ring. "Try to relax..."

"Here, I'll do it..." Zach reached back and took hold of the otter's shaft, taking a deep breath. He relaxed his mind, pushing down onto Brandon's cock, feeling resistance from the water before the head popped inside of him, making him gasp. "W-wow... I didn't realize you were that thick..."

"You sure you want to go on?" Brandon asked, breathing a bit harder, paws on the fox's thighs. He got his answer as the fox pushed himself further down, letting out a small whine, impaling himself slowly. The otter gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to buck upwards, feeling his shaft pulse inside the tight fox.

It took several minutes, but Zach was able to get himself all the way down, panting a bit and groaning. By now, with the otter's constant attention, his shaft was fully hard, knot completely engorged. "Wow... you're huge..."

"You've said that like fifty times..." Brandon breathed, opening his eyes to stare up at his friend, grinning a bit. "You're very tight... I'm really not sure how long I can last..."

The fox took a moment, and then pulled upwards, whimpering in pleasure until he had only a few inches left inside of him. He slammed himself back down with a loud moan, pulling back up quickly so he could do it again.

Brandon felt like he was in heaven. He felt hot just laying there, the rain keeping him cool as he began to pump his hips up into the fox. Both of his paws were on Zach's thighs, gripping them tightly. The fox just kept riding up and down, biting on his lip to keep from moaning too loud, knowing that a privacy fence only kept so much from being known.

Starting to pick up the pace, Zach whimpered, blushing a bit. "I-I'm close..." He cast a glance down at his shaft, watching it bounce against his friend's stomach.

"I am too..." Brandon whispered, thrusting hard into his friend's tail-hole.

The fox could only hold out for a few more seconds before he felt his cock throb hard. Ropes of cum splashed onto Brandon's face and shirt, almost invisible with the rain coming down. Brandon felt the fox's tail clench down and he let out a deep groan, squeezing his eyes even tighter shut, cock pulsing inside the fox. Cum rushed from the head of his cock, filling the fox to the brim, the girth of his cock preventing anything from escaping.

Zach panted hard, watching as the last few ropes of cum spurted onto the otter's stomach. He carefully leaned down until he was laying atop Brandon, smiling wide and sighing contently. "That was amazing..."

"Very..." The otter sighed, hugging his friend close, feeling the dull pulsing of his shaft still lodged in Zach's tail. "Do you like the rain yet?"

"Like you can't imagine."