Echoes of Titan: Chapter 1

Story by Aeneas Lopez on SoFurry

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#1 of Echoes of Titan

Hello everyone. It's been a darn long while, but I'm back again with this first installment in what I plan to be a short series. Basically, it's a science fiction style piece that I had a lot of fun sculpting a world (or, in this case, solar system) for. Anyway, with no further ado about it, here it is. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did while writing it!

"Squads Seven, Eight, and Ten just went dark, Lieutenant," I hear the voice of my Captain over my headset.

"How dark is dark, sir?" I ask nervously.

"Initial scans show no survivors. I'm sorry Aeneas. You're acting Commander now."

I sigh, "I guess I'm the last person left...Is the ship status any better?"

"Life support is toast. Kinetic Barriers down. All energy is in the forward cannons."

"Shit, what do you want me to do?"

"Manually aim all our weapon systems and fire as much as you can at the enemy's reactor core. Then get into the nearest shuttle and go home. It's up to you. Your new rank should get you through any doors along the way."

"Don't speak that way, damnit! I'll save you and the Seine! I won't let you die here without me, sir," I reply, running toward the main guns.

"Leave me here! That's an order, Lopez. Even if you're acting Commander now, I outrank you."

" know I don't like this," I answer, aiming every available weapon at the approaching enemy starcruiser, "Locked on, firing at will."

"Good. How many main gun projectiles do we have?"

"Ten, sir."

"Good enough. Put any energy that's left into the engine, Aeneas."

I toggle a few options on the screen and respond, "Done."

"You did well. Now get out of here."

Dodging fire and dealing with the suppressive effect of the constant explosions, I run into the least damaged remaining shuttle, finding only a broken pistol left in storage for me. Making sure enough fuel is left, I take the helm, "All clear. Taking off now."

"Good. Go home, Aeneas; you've earned it."

The shuttle scoots off into space, slowly leaving the cruiser behind us. As we leave, I see our ship charge for hyper-speed one last time. "Oh Captain, my Captain..." I murmur, barely holding back the tears.

"Don't get me emotional, damnit...don't cry, Aeneas. We'll see each other again," the ship hyper-speeds through the enemy cruiser, instantly destroying it. Communications to the Seine_terminate. Unable to see the wreckage, I assume the worst, stifling a yell as I punch the side of the shuttle. Will this war _ever be over? 2124 and it's still going on.

As I direct the shuttle toward what looks like a badly damaged friendly frigate, I attempt contact with the ship, "Uhh, hello? Commander Lopez here. I seem to be the only survivor of the Starship UNS Seine. May I board?"

"Pilot Ford of the UNS Berlin here. Were you the guys that took out that cruiser?"

"That was us, yes."

"Permission granted, sir. You're the highest rank here, Commander: we'd welcome an officer here. The ship was beaten pretty badly by that cruiser, but most systems are now secure."

Landing in the cargo hold, I could see holes ripping entirely through the ship and a few crew members scrambling to mend the damage. This thing looked larger than the Enterprise of Science Fiction lore. It seemed like an entire city could live within these walls. I parked the shuttle and walked toward the expectant German Shepard, "Ford, I presume?"

"Yes, sir," she responded, "everyone's just patching her up."

"Okay. I'm not used to a ship this large," I looked around, seeing an almost endless amount of room in all directions.

"I wish some officers were here. I can't believe what happened."

"What actually did happen?" I ask.

"The Seine responded to our SOS. The enemy cruiser sent an emissary saying they wanted to meet with the Captain and he expected it was trap, so he sent our boarding shuttles, filled with most of our officers, to sneak attack while the meeting took place. The cruiser just blasted them away; we didn't have time to react. They took out our main guns and decimated our officers' quarters. They _knew_where to aim."

"You're right: they couldn't have gotten that lucky. We'll get back at them soon. Set a course for Luna Repair Station so we can get all this cleaned up."

"Yes, Commander."

"I'm I?" I asked the pilot as she walked away, looking around at all the sheer number of crew now under my command.

"We need one, sir. You look like you could use some rest: Captain's quarters are on the top deck. Damage minimal."

"Okay. Thanks, Ford."

Taking the elevator to the top floor and walking into the captain's quarters, I suddenly felt sick. I stumbled and fell onto the floor weeping. Everyone I knew was gone. I had lost my closest ally. He can't be dead; I refuse to believe that he's dead. I will find him. I don't know how, but I will, damnit. The _Seine_was indestructible: it'd survive that crash. Until I saw proof, he was alive and well. He was more than my Captain. Ever since that espionage mission on Titan, I considered him more than that...

That one day when he briefed his officers about a dangerous mission he would have to leave the ship for, I was the only one who volunteered to go with him. I was ordered to help him get intel on some new heavy weapons that were manufactured on Titan at all costs. We went undercover, posing as a young socialite couple who just happened to move in close to the plant area. He would go out to take notes on the facility while I stayed behind, listening in on conversations about the weapons.

He was particularly good at keeping our cover, never shying away from public displays of affection toward me while we were out clubbing or at cocktail parties. Hell, when he thought there was a bug in our bedroom, he didn't hesitate to give our observers a show by taking me to bed. He made sure we looked and acted like the couple we said we were. But as carnal as it got, I thought it was all for the job. Even months after we submitted our information, received our surveillance medals, and got back to the Seine, I never asked him whether he wanted to meet up again. I was too far below him, in my eyes: a Lieutenant walking up to a Captain would have been crazy. But now I regret it. I loved that wolf and I should have been braver.

He'd better not be dead. I need his help here. I can't just learn to lead a ship this easily. Especially not one this large.

"Commander? Our dock request was granted, but they want to talk to my CO."

"Patch them through."

"Admiral Williams here. Who is it that has command of the Berlin?"

"Lieutenant- I mean Commander Lopez, sir."

"Lopez. Says here that you're an officer on the UNS Seine," he says incredulously.

"The Seine is missing, sir. Chris- I mean Captain Jacobs and I were the only two survivors and he sacrificed the Seine_and himself to destroy a cruiser to save the _Berlin while I evacuated. We were answering their SOS. Captain Jacobs is MIA and the officers of the Berlin_are either KIA or MIA. Scans picked up no one. I boarded the _Berlin and set a course for this base."

"Well done. Well, I see that Jacobs promoted you on the field and we'll honor that. The Berlin is yours, Commander. We'll fix her up and you can proceed from there."

"Thank you, sir."

"I assume you'll try to find Jacobs?" he asks.

"If you'll grant me permission, sir."

"Didn't you two serve together on Titan?"

"Yes, sir."

"I see. Go find him: he's one of our best. If the war continues the way it is, we can't risk not having him."

"Indeed, sir. What's the latest news?" I wonder.

"We're making advances on all fronts. Our firepower was always superior, but we're faster than the enemy too. That cruiser the _Seine_took out may have been their last."


"Working on them now. A few more victories would make the job easier."

"Of course, sir."

"I'm sure you need your rest after a day like this, Commander. Dismissed."

The line cuts abruptly, ending the conversation. Now what? The ship needs at least a few hours for repairs. I guess I could go talk to Ford. Getting to know the crew would be smart before I send them on what could be a wild goose chase across the galaxy to find Captain Jacobs, if he's still alive.

I speak into my comm, "Hey, Ford?"

"Yes, Commander?"

"Do you have time to talk?"

"I'm stuck in the cockpit of a docked ship; of course I have time."

"I'll be there in a second," I reply, setting the elevator to take me there.

Arriving at her destination, I'm able to see firsthand how complex the systems are on this type of Frigate.

"I'd have to go back to school in order to learn what all these systems do," I say in wonder

Ford shrugs, "You get used to them. Let's talk about you, sir."

"About me?"

"Yeah. Your file is so blacklined that I don't think there's a full sentence."

"You checked my file?!"

"That's besides the point. So you're a UNPC:N Officer with a fancy college degree. Did you get pushed into this?"

"When I joined, I got to be an officer instead of being drafted into service."

"Okay, I see. So then you get assigned to the _Seine_and then you leave?"


"I see that Surveillance Corps Distinguished Service Medal in your file even if they tried to hide it."

"Yes, that's right. After that, I was back on the _Seine_for a month and here I am."

"It's an honor to have you aboard, sir. The _Berlin_will take you anywhere you want to go."

"We're going to go toward Callisto. That was the last location that I programmed into the nav system of the Seine."

"Okay. Once our guns are back online, I'll teach those bastards to mess with my ship."

"I just hope the Seine's reserves were enough. Alright, what now?"

"I don't know; I'd say you should brief the crew quickly. I'm sure we're mostly re-manned by now. The loudspeaker is the mic to the right of my chair."

I follow her advice, grabbing the mic and going live, "Good evening, everyone. I'm Commander Lopez. I know that the _Berlin_has lost a multitude of good men already in this fight and we'll get back at them soon enough. At 0600, we're headed to Callisto, one of Jupiter's moons, in search of Captain Jacobs. He's a high priority target for the enemy so we'll encounter some resistance getting there. Remember, Jupiter and Saturn are the front line: this is serious. Once we get there, I'll handle finding him. Get your rest now, we'll all need it."

I shut off the mic and place it back in it's position.

"Goodnight, Ford. I need you at top proficiency tomorrow."

"Don't worry, Commander: I will be."

Taking the elevator back to my room, I almost faint as I reach the bed. It's been a long day; I hope I'm ready for this challenge. I slip under the UNS-commissioned covers and remember the long nights on Titan with Chris.

I need him alive, damnit. For so many reasons.

Flipping onto my stomach, I close my eyes, desperately thinking of him. I'm sure the nightmares of losing him will come soon. Morning can't come fast enough.

"Hello?" I hear a warped voice around me, getting louder by the second.

"Ugh... What's up?"

"Wake up, Commander. We've reached Callisto."

Running from bed to the elevator and hitting the button for the cockpit repeatedly, I quickly arrive at her side, "Alright. Anything come up on scanners?"

"Distress beacon. 300 meters from the LZ."

"Could it be?" I wonder.

She shows me a photograph of the ruined ship, "You tell me."

I look at the's definitely the Seine, "Drop me. I'll look for him on board."

"Yes, Commander. Grab some gear by the shelves of the exit hatch. You'll need a helmet. Looks like artificial gravitational field generators are online. Estimated .96 Gs. We're in position. Happy hunting."

"Thanks, Ford," I answer, hiding a stun gun in my boot and getting my helmet and breathing equipment online. It always hurt my muzzle getting this stuff on.

Just as the floor opens to drop me off, I feel the ship take a hit, "What's going on?"

"Kinetic barriers at 92%, but we're taking heat. Destroyers in the area."

I jump down, rolling as I hit the ground, "Leave me and take care of them. I'll call when I need EVAC."

"Okay, sir," she answers as the Berlin_fires volley after volley of lasers directly into one ship, instantly destroying it, "How do you like _that?!"

I turn off my comm for the moment as I run toward the cover of the wreckage of the Seine. The door was breached; he can't still be in here: there's no oxygen. There must be an enemy base around here somewhere. Where are the personnel?

Just as I turn around, a tiger grabs me from behind and slams me to the ground. I guess that answers that question. I feel him checking for weapons before I black out.

"Wake up, wolf." I heart a bitter voice call out.

I open my eyes, finding myself in what has to be an enemy facility, chained quite uncomfortably to a wall, "Who are you?"

The same tiger who took me out replies, "I'm the base commander here, that's all you need to know."

"I see. So why are you keeping me here?"

"Same reason I have the other wolf. Ransom. And information. Also, it's nice seeing your kind chained like you should be," he laughs, using the blunt side of a knife to mess up my fur.

I growl, but decide against being so overt in my desire for violence, "So no chance of me getting out, huh?"

"None at all. The other wolf already tried. All he got was more chains. Just in case you try the same, I already have the guard watching you. Just relax; you'll be free soon enough," the tiger walks away chuckling maliciously. Well crap. At least I know Chris is here somewhere. And it feels like my stun gun is still in my boot, if I could get out of these restraints. Chains for each of my legs and handcuffs? That's a little excessive. Well it's a good thing I have small hand paws because I can slip right out of the cuffs when it's time.

I start to jingle the chains, baiting the attention of the nearby guard.

The guard walks up to me, just as I planned, pointing a laser pistol at me, "You wolves need to learn who's boss around here."

"Are you the manager? I'd love to make a complaint. This is nothing like the website said it would be: I'm afraid I'll be wanting my money back!"

"Shut up!" he raises the gun to swing it, but I slip my hands out of the restraints and grab it before he can bring it down, shooting the restraints off of my legs before throwing the expended pistol directly into the shepard's face, rendering him unconscious.

"Oh," I inspect him to make sure he's down, taking his keys in the hopes that they'd unlock anything else I'd need to open, "Well that was rude." Making dumb comments in the middle of combat: good job, Aeneas. The next thing I need to do is find Chris.

"Hey! Over here!" I hear someone call as the sound of dangling chains reaches my ears.

I carefully walk toward the noise, checking the walls before I found him.

Chris had been beaten up pretty badly before, but I had never seen him in this sort of shape. The grey wolf looked tired and bruised: maybe a few cuts here or there. His pained expression beckoned me to come toward him.

"Captain!" I whisper as loudly as I could, hugging him tightly before unlocking all of his chains and helping him up.

He smiles, brushing the hair out of my face, "You're never allowed to quote Whitman again. I almost died just from the emotions."

"I'm sorry, sir. Can you walk? You seem to be pretty roughed up."

"I'll be fine; I'm just a little sore. By the way, nice work on that guard, Aeneas."

"Thanks, sir."

"Just because we're not on Titan anymore doesn't mean you can't still call me Chris, Aeneas. You were always so formal with me on the Seine."

"I-I thought..."

"You've been thinking about Titan, haven't you?"

I nod, embarrassed.

"I have too. Especially after thinking I was about to die. But let's get the hell out of this place before we talk."

Running out of the facility together, I call in, "Lopez to Berlin, do you read me?"

"Loud and clear, Commander."

"I have Captain Jacobs. I need exfil."

"On it."

"You have a ship, Aeneas?" Chris asks.

"Command gave me the one I got picked up by."

"I know we passed it when we were on the Seine, but how big is it-" The massive _Berlin_swoops above us, opening the hatch near the cockpit.

"Get in!" I yell as the tiger comes out from the jail to try and get me back.

Making sure everything is secure, I shoot a stun bolt at him, stopping him in his tracks, and climb up myself. Mission success.

Ford closes the hatches as we hold on, "Shields stable at 72%. Piece of cake."

I call in, "Nice work, Ford. Jacobs and I will be here. We need to talk."

After we remove our breathing equipment, Chris smiles at me, looking proud, "This is a nice ship for you. It gets the job done."

I blush, my tail wagging nervously, "This is long overdue and probably not the first thing you want to talk about, but...I love you, Chris. And I'm serious. I would follow you anywhere. I was afraid that I'd never be able to tell you after the explosion."

"It's alright, Aeneas," he brings me close, hugging me.

"I miss Titan so much. I got used to having you always at my side," I sniffle.

He smiles slightly, putting a paw next to my cheek, "Hey, don't cry; look at me."

I wipe away the forming tear and muster enough courage to look him in the eyes, "Yes?"

He chuckles, "I'm sure you'd be a great boyfriend since you were already such a great husband."

I look away, "You're joking."

He ruffles my hair, "I don't joke about this sort of stuff, Aeneas. I love you too. I know you probably thought all the kissing and hugging was just for the mission, but I was only able to do it so easily because I cared for you, Aeneas."

I swoon happily, "Chris..."

He grabs me and our muzzles lock in a long kiss...

"Call for you, Commander," Ford shouts.

"While I talk, grab some med supplies to get those wounds patched up and recover some energy," I call out to Chris.

I politely remove myself from Chris as he grabs the equipment, answering Ford, "Patch them through."

Admiral Williams' voice resonates, "Was the mission a success, Commander?"

"Yes, sir. Captain Jacobs is a bit bruised up, but he's able."

"Good. We'll need you both to report to Earth."

"Earth? Why Earth?"

"You two have to testify about the Seine."

I growl, "With all due respect, we are needed in a war zone, not in a courtroom for some hearings."

He barks back, "The war is almost over, Commander, and I'll expect you to follow direct orders from your higher-ups. Understood?"

"Yes, sir..." I grit my teeth.

"Good. Williams out."

I turn to Chris, "They want us to testify on Earth. Let me tell Ford."

"I heard," she replies.

"This was unavoidable, Aeneas. I appreciate the effort."

"No problem. By the way, do you want command of the Berlin?"

"I rather like having you in command, Aeneas. Keep her."


"Sooo...since I still outrank you, take me to your room, Lopez," Chris chuckles.

"Yes, Captain!" I smile, taking him into the elevator with me.

"I've noticed that you never liked taking orders from anyone other than me."

"Did you think that was a coincidence, Chris?" I wink.

"Not anymore, at least," he smiles.

The elevator doors open and together we walk into the nice room with a view of the distant stars and nearby moons and planets; it's weird since the room still feels foreign, but it works.

"Make yourself at home, Chris."

"As long as you're around, I'll feel at home, Aeneas."

I blush, "After the mission, did you ever notice how excited and embarrassed I got when you looked at me specifically?"

"I did it a few times just to see your reaction," he stuck his tongue at me.

"Having you so close to me again makes me feel infinitely more excited."

"You really weren't lying about missing Titan."

"What? Are you telling me you don't?" I tease.

"The neighborhood was nice, food was good, the boys were hot...and cheap...and easy," he teases back.


"Orders to be the cutest and most seductive wolf in the solar system? Command is sure tough on you."

"Oh shush, you stud."


I blush even more, "Oh, come on! Look at yourself!"

"What about myself?" he smiles.

"Your perfect body, your confidence, your ability to get anything you want..."

"Anything, huh?" he smiles predatorily, laying down on the bed.

"You know, the military does have protocols technically forbidding this sort of stuff."

"I know. But those protocols are the reason that we're going to Earth instead of finishing this fight. It was only a few factions that started this war and even their opinions are changing as we show how well the unified nations can work together."

"Very true."

"Also, I think I owe you an apology for having you wait so long without ever telling you whether I'd come back."

"I was happy to wait."

"I know, Aeneas. But it was unfair."

"So..." I break the awkward silence, laying down next to him, "I'm sure we have some time before we have to testify about how we survived."


"And I know that it's going to be pretty terrible as soon as we take the stand."


"So what I'm asking is if you'd like to release some stress."

"With what?" he asks.

"On me..." I blush.

He messes up my hair playfully, holding me close, "Okay, cutie. I mean, Commander Cutie. Get stripping then."

Taking off my uniform pants and underwear, I feel his paws groping my ass and slipping between my cheeks, "Someone's excited."

He presses against my tailhole and smiles at me, "It's been a while."

I moan imperceptibly as he climbs behind me, his hard cock pressing against my opening, "Give me everything you've got, Chris!"

"Gladly!" he thrusts inside powerfully, making me howl in the satisfaction of taking his massive length again. He was right; it's been way too long. His body slams against mine repeatedly and with amazing frequency, all of his frustrations being poured into the power of his thrusts.

Moaning audibly, I feel his cock delving deeper and deeper inside of me, his knot at my opening, "I love you, Chris!"

" can you take all this so well?"

"I...practice..." I manage to answer as I cum over my newly-acquired sheets.

"Ready for the knot, hon?" he asks.


He tears into me with unprecedented force, the knot going past my battered hole as he finishes deep inside of me, the warmth of his cum making me orgasm again.

"Aeneas...oh my gosh, you're always so good!" Chris smiles.

"You only say that because I'm able to take your crazy speed and that legendary knot of yours..."

"I was really backed up so I'm sorry in advance for how much cum I stuffed you with. And if I hurt you a little."

"You know that I don't mind: especially not for you."

"You're too good for me, Aeneas."

"You think too little of yourself: you deserve more than me."

"Well, I'm perfectly content with my current choice of partner."

"I'm glad!" I smile.

"But how exactly have you been practicing?"

I interrupt, "You'll need your energy before the hearing. Let's take a short nap."

He grumbles, "Fine."

"Rest well, Chris!" I smile as l quickly drift to sleep.

"Commander? We're docking," I hear Ford's voice on my comm.

I grumble, tapping Chris in the leg to wake him up, "Alright. We'll be right down."

We quickly get our respective clothes on and hurry into the elevator to reach the dock. With a good luck hug, we make our way into the base. Earth again. Man, this is weird.

As soon as we reached the base, we were stopped by a battle-scarred collie, "Good morning, Captain Jacobs and Commander Lopez. I'm Admiral Faraday. I'll be hearing your testimonies about the loss of the Seine. Would you kindly tell me what happened?"

Two hours later, we had told her everything that we knew.

"Well, I'm glad you both are still in one piece after that encounter. We have a mission that requires your skillsets. Lopez?"

"Yes, ma'am?"

"I called for the Berlin. You'll dock with them on Mars."

"MARS?! Why Mars? We were literally just called to Earth!" Chris kicks me and I quiet down.

"You two did so well on Titan that we need another mission from you. As you've been told, the War is almost over. What we still need to know is how the mercenaries and rogue elements will react. That's where you come in."

Chris asks, "So we infiltrate these groups, ma'am?"


"It's not going to be easy: Mars is famed for its violence and lawlessness," I think aloud.

"We're sending out best for a reason, Commander. We've supplied your cabin with your cover: documents, ID, clothing, etc. You'll have an apartment when you arrive. Be careful out there."

She dismisses us and sends us walking back to the Berlin.

"Well: you missed Titan!"

"This is more dangerous than Titan, Chris."

"Still. We've survived this long, haven't we?"

" careful for me," I plead as we take the elevator back up to the cabin.