Some morning love

Story by Thekingofcrocodiles on SoFurry

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Just a little something i wrote for someone i adore. Excuse the lack of name-usage.

Two lovers lay asleep in their bed, faced away from the warm, waking sun. It has been hot enough for them to sleep without a blanket, cooled by a blowing fan. They are deeply in love, and far long in their relationship. 'Open your eyes james. She beckons'.

It is a morning like any other, one that the male wishes he could wake up to, for eternity. Her warmth, her gentle breathing, her existence calls to him, from his rest.

Our man slowly stirs from his sleep. His right arm stretches out, a gentle yawn roaming out, ripe with the scent of morning breath. As he blinks away the blurriness of sleep, rubbing the sand from his eyes, he looks ahead. A warm smile creeps across his face, sunlight from the window making him cast a shadow over her. Before him is his love, and life interest. A dragoness he has known for what feels like forever. Her onyx scales shimmer when shown in light, though her reddish, flowing hair is unbraided. He looks up her, a smile as he admires her features, two short horns atop her head, pressed through her hair, a webbed crest on either side of her head, where her ears might be. Many are turned away by her species' features. But our fair male adores them, very much in love with her looks, as much as what lies beneath.His palm lowers to her, rubbing her side as he leans forward, wanting to wake her in the least distressful way possible. Lips purse to the side of her head, just above her jaw, able to feel the faint details of her scales against them. He speaks quietly to his love, tiredness not masking his eagerness.

"Mmm, my Dragoness..." he croons to her, failing to penetrate her sleepy veil. His palm slides lower across her, skimming over her scaled waist. He rubs her gently, feeling the warmth that pulses inside, a manifestation of their love for one another. He tries again to wake her, lips moving away from her head, tipped instead to her shoulder where he places another kiss. She begins to stirr. He kisses again, lipping at her smooth shoulder, lips raking over the same spot again and again, until she wakes.

Without opening her eyes, her arms reach out, hugging the pillow her head has been resting on. Her mate chuckles as she speaks, never minding how little of a morning person she has become. "Nnnhhh... stop it James..." she moans sleepily, light blush on her cheeks, and smile on her muzzle.

"Wake up, my morning sun." he murmurs, fingers splayed across her shirt covered waist, pulling lightly at it. His body presses up against her backside, other arm worming its way beneath her exposed armpit, erupting a little giggle from his love as he hugs it over her chest. He noses into her neck, tipping up and down against it, breathing lightly of her scent. It makes her shiver against him, finally making her wake.

"Mmmhh, alright, alright...". Her left arm hugs up around his, joining it over her swollen chest, blushing a little as pressure is applied against her tender breasts. She turns her head, her mate instinctively leaning up, lips meeting the end of her muzzle, sharing a short "Good morning" kiss, his lips pulling playfully at her own lower lip. It erupts a purr from deep within her. Her soft, somewhat small paw is pressed to his cheek, her lover leaning his head in its direction.

"There's the love of my life" he smiles, making a less quiet, exaggerated 'mwah' as he teases her thumb with a kiss. "Are you feeling alright, my sweet? No nausea?". His hand moves from her waist, cupping her left cheek, the opposite of her palm against his right. His love shakes her head, laying down against the pillow, cheek pressing deep into his palm, her paw dropping from him. She speaks, inhaling deeply from his hand, cool air drawn across it by her breathing.

"No, thankfully. Although i could sleep forever, it feels like". He chuckles quietly to himself at her response. Not wanting to remove the preciousness that weighs in his palm, his hips rock up against her, prevented from contacting her almost-bare backside by her tail, which pushes back between his legs, strong enough to part them. His mate purrs a bit deeper now, a much broader smile forming on her muzzle. "Raawrr my big, firm male...". It makes him smile wide, thumb of his pinned hand stroking over her cheek. "Are you feeling well to let me... appreciate you, my loveliest?".

His mate blushes a little darker at his question, nuzzling even deeper into his palm. Her own comes up to it, forcibly curling his fingers over the end of her muzzle, inhaling deeply. "Only if you plan on letting me have a taste after.". Her male squirms a bit, breathing excitedly as he slowly pulls his hands from her, slipping from her side.

His feet scuffle over the carpeted floor, tracing a finger along the bed as he starts to circle around. His mate watches eagerly, propping herself with her paws, bringing herself to sit upright, pulling his pillow over and setting it atop her own so she can lean up against the cushioned backboard, very much in the center of the bed. The younger male grins as he stops at her side, looking down at her. Her rosy cheeks remain so, paws shyly reaching down over herself, red-marked muzzle tipping down. Its the same shyness shes had since she began to show, tail curling over the tops of her feet.

"I don't see how you get so worked up, over the sight of me like this. I look so big..." the smile begins to leave her, fading only just. "So... ugly...". It makes her mate shake his head, crawling up onto her side of the bed, boxer briefs tenting as he hovers over her. "Its such a wonderful thing, love.".The younger male leans over further, an arm sliding up bellow pregnant belly, the other around the top, tipping his cheek and ear against her as he has a listen, peering up at her. "Your drake loves how you look, so full of life" he dotes, cheek rubbing back and forth against her. "My beautiful, bodile dragoness, whom will bear our kin.". It makes her blush darkly, his words; Easily able to break through her anxiety. "Only you would think that, James." she murrs, letting out a sigh, as she always does when reassured. Her arms reach out slowly, draping around her lovers' neck, holding him as he keeps his ear pressed to her, listening to her heavy heart beat. It beats for two, firm, and strong. It is something that affects her mate deeply, who is seemingly turned on by it.

The males' ear lifts from her pregnant belly, being replaced by his lips, kissing into her slowly. His tongue presses through slightly, erupting a gentle moan from his mate, spot becoming wetted, shining in the light. His left arm skims away, slipping lower as his hand finds its way to her thigh. It makes her shiver, body only becoming more sensitive as her pregnancy goes on. He slides it slowly up and down, measuring her reactions with closed eyes, relying sincerely on what he can feel. She gasps shallowly as his calloused palm runs up her inner thigh, legs drawing together as the side of his hand nudges her satin-covered sex.

"O-oh gosh, Drake" she murmurs, Drake being her pet name for her husband. "I-im on pins and needles...". Without opening his eyes, he continues. His palm turns to her sex, slowly, carefully laying it over her, even the slightest touch jolting her with pleasure. "A-aaahh! Drake...". Her reaction only makes him grin more, hand moving forward and back against her sex, rubbing her slow. It makes her thrust her head back and draw her legs in, maw hanging agape as she can barely contain herself.

"D-drake, please..." she begs, unable to hide the heat building across her body, males' hand becoming broiled with heat between her loins. Its only when he presses a finger against her, running it slowly between her folds, through her panties, that she stops him. "Drake!" she cries, paw pushing weakly at his forehead. "Y-you're gonna make me wet myself...". It makes him look up at her, teeth bore with his smile. "So what?". He attempts to continue, index digit pushing onward, making his wife squeal. She pants, heart racing as she raises a paw.


Our male is given a firm slap across his cheek, making his hands dart from her as he recoils. He rubs his cheek with the same palm he rubbed her with, contorted face apologizing before he can speak.

"I told you to stop..." she huffs, sitting back for a moment as he revels in the sudden pain. It is only for a moment though, her paw laying over his against his cheek. He takes his licking like a man, hand slipping out from beneath her own. He grips it gently, and presses his lips over the bridge of her knuckles, giving her an apologetic kiss. "Im sorry, my love. I'll behave.".

His apology makes her smile, the same cute smile that he fell in love with long ago. Her emerald eyes narrow at him as she smirks. "Good boy.". She looks down at him, licking her lips as she gazes at him openly. It makes him look down as well. The virile male is tenting enough that his malehood threatens to burst out of the buttonless fly, a little wet spot having formed over his tip. The dragoness growls to him, paw coming free from her husbands' grip, reaching down and groping beneath his erection, keading his plums through his black hanes. He hisses between his teeth, tented erection pulsing visibly. "Mmm, you've got me so horny, love...".

The dragoness offers a quick response to her lovers' horniness, speaking lowly to him, almost a whisper. "Come here and let me have my taste already~". He replies as any male would, being asked that. "You dont have to tell me twice.".

Rather than inconvenience his heavily pregnant lover with a position that might make her uncomfortable, he stands on the bed, carefully stepping over her. He steps up over her chest, and then kneels, bedsprings creaking below as his tented malehood grazes the nose of his wife. His hand reaches out to the headboard of their bed, gripping it as he leans over her, sweating lightly as he breathes. Rather unceremoniously, the dragoness reaches her paws forward and gives his shorts a tug.While they love each other for reasons far deeper, and far less carnal, than body features and sex, they do love each others body features immensely. And the dragoness does indeed love his male features.

She admires his throbbing member as it is 'flung' out of his underwear, a rolling purr as she tugs them down further to expose his heavy, sagging orbs. Like a magnet, her muzzle is drawn to them, an absolute sucker for his musk. And what a musk it is, having been a warmer-than-average night. She leans forward, pressing the tip of her maw to his sack, inhaling deeply, loudly, of his scent. It makes the male grin, leaning forward against her, resisting the powerful urge to grind against her. The dragoness's paw reaches out behind his orbs, pulling them against her muzzle as it parts some, her tongue pressing against him.

"Aaahh... that muzzle of yours..." he coos, looking down at her. She returns his gaze with her own, emerald eyes looking up at him as she draws him into her mouth, sucking mildly at his overly-plentiful plumsack. She revels in how velvety they feel, well trimmed so she can have at them freely without hair interfering, suckling on his copious flesh. It makes all manner of gentle moans flow from her husband, drawing more and more into her wanting maw. He gasps as she quickly pulls him all in, orbs and all, tongue swirling around them as she gives him a ball-rinse. It puts him on edge, a heavy dollop of precum drizzling out from his tip, collecting on top of her muzzle. "Oooh baby, dont tease me...".

The dragoness pulls her head back, a smile on her muzzle as she closes her teeth around him, letting them scrape playfully over his flesh as she pulls his orbs taut, making our male curl his hips closer toward her. He shudders, beginning to breathe a bit heavier as she jerks her muzzle left and right, mocking the motions a feeding dragon would make, trying to pull flesh from bone. The male digs his nails into the wooden header, head tipping back as he hisses through his teeth loudly. Her teeth do little more than tickle him, having learned that her mate likes it when she uses her canines. She jerks her head back, giving him one last good tease, before letting go.

She slowly pushes him out with her tongue, making sure to let him out with as much saliva as possible. One walnut sized teste plops free, sagging out as its shortly followed by the other, a strand of drool draped between them. His mate then brings her paw up to his veined, seven and a half inch malehood, wrapping it around his base. She pumps him slowly, blush growing across her face as she looks up at her now-trembling husband. "My sexy male. Tell me you want it~" she demands, biting her lower lip as she peers up at him. The heavily-sweating husband licks his lips dryly, nodding to her. "I do want it.". Her paw gives him a squeeze, making his back arch just a little, having fun teasing her totally-compliant husband. "What is it that you want?" she teases, leaning her muzzle in, letting his tip skim down her muzzle and over her cheek, nuzzling into his crotch just beside it as she strokes him.

"Haa-ahhh, i want you to suck me off, babe. No more teasing.". He groans as she kisses into his lightly fuzzed crotch, giving him a lick where she has kissed. "And?" she coos, muffled somewhat as she keeps her muzzle in place. "A-and let me spunk that pretty muzzle of yours.". She lets out a happy chirp, being given the full answer that she so loves. "Heh, how could i say no to that..."

Ever fond of pleasing her mate orally, the dragoness pulls her head back, paw still wrapped firmly around him, stroking him down to his crotch and staying there. Her muzzle hovers just before him, slowly opening wide, tongue sticking out as she lets out a cute "aaaahhhhh-", bathing him with warm breath. His hips move forward an inch, placing his purple, swollen tip past where her lips would be. With that, she lets her maw shut slowly around him, lips closing behind his head. "Nyom~"

The male trembles as she holds him, suckling on him like a lolly, head moving forward and back ever so slightly, tongue swirling over his tip, purrowling out into him as the infectious taste of his precum urges her on. Her head dips past his crown, moving back and forth, taking in a little bit more with each crotch-ward thrust. Her mate tips his head back, his tongue thrust out as he moans moans wildly. "Aaaahghaad..." he squelches, it now becoming a game of 'dont cum too soon', feeling the burning need already growing like wildfire. She works lower, and lower, untill her lips become pressed to her fisted paw. Her head bobs back and forth, paw moving with it, stroking him as she blows. The male can barely keep his hips still as she takes great big gulps of him at a time, maw 'long' enough that she could take him in completely and still not have him tickle her throat. With a few more throws of her head, she pulls back suddenly, a wet 'pop' as he pulls free from her lips. She pants lightly, a pleased growl as she tucks her muzzle beneath him, dragging her tongue up him, from base to tip, flicking it off of his frenulum. It makes a thin, but copious, jet of precum sling out on top of her muzzle, to which she pays no mind.

The dragoness purses her lips to her husbands' feverishly leaking tip, smooching on it hands free. Its only when a palm of his lays flat atop her head that she stops, jerking him idly as she looks up at him, questioning him with a gentle "hmm?". Her big male drips with sweat as he speaks, panting as if hes been running. "I... hahh, i dont know how much longer i can last....".

His mate nods, and wordlessly she dives back down over his thickness. She quickly hilts him, bumping his crotch with some force, end of her muzzle 'bouncing' against him a few times before pumping him deeply, her tongue well-pressed to the underside of his malehood. It doesnt take very much, with the wet, lewd soundtrack, to bring him to the edge. "Ahhh... n-nnff..."

Acting beyond his own control, her mates' hips begin to push forward against her muzzle, slowly as his legs begin to tense up. Her horns rock back against the backboard with a gentle click, scraping over it as she rocks her head left and right, no longer able to bob up and down him. She swishes him about in her mouth, cheeks bulging with cock-tainted saliva, urging him to give him what she so desires. Its more than enough to make him cum.

The first rope of his seed explodes out into her maw with force, catching her off guard, "Ulk!". It is thick, and hot. Earthy in taste, and supremely copious. As his hips move back and forth, dragoness's horns clacking on the backboard behind, his mate wraps her arms around his backside, hugging him tight to her muzzle. He spurts again and again, malehood pulsing heavily with each load released, dragoness eagerly swallowing what he gives. Each successive pulse produces less of a load, until he is only dribbling with cum. As she has a habit of counting off his spurts, she notes fourteen of them before he only dribbles, his cock pulsing firmly as cum ebbs out. It makes a smile peak up on the corners of her maw, knowing that she can get her husband off so badly.

Whether it is instinctual, or of her own lust, she holds him in her mouth as long as he wants to stay, happily swallowing and suckling at his maleness. She purrs warmly to him, only stopping once her mate pats the top of her head, rubbing through her hair as if to praise her. "Im spent..." he speaks softly, feeling drained. The dragoness nods, muzzle tipping up and down with him still inside, and withdraws her arms from his buttocks. He pulls free, being gripped playfully by her lips, head plopping free wetly. Once removed, the dragoness pulls the hand atop her head down, and kisses into his palm, eyes shut as she smooches into it slowly. Her husband pushes it beneath her chin, tipping her muzzle up. Before he kisses her, hes met with her beautiful gaze again. Looking past the precum that still shows on her muzzle, he stares on into her emerald eyes, shimmering in the light like glass. still supporting himself with one hand on the backboard to their bed, he leans down, and gives her a kiss. The two tip their heads in opposite directions, tongues pressing out against one another as their mouths open and close passionately, seconds long kiss speaking wealthily of their lust for one another.

Without breaking the kiss, the male carefully steps over his beloved, knee grazing her pregnant belly as he slips to her side, lips still fully kissed to hers as he moves to stand, parting them from each other.

The male leans forward onto his palms, making the bed creak as he looks on into the eyes of his love. She returns his gaze, head tipped against the backboard as she lets out a heartfelt sigh. Its then that a loud, tumescent gurgle breaks the silence. His dragoness blushes, and hugs herself around the tummy, a gentle laugh as she speaks. "I guess your treat made me hungry, haha.".

Her mate chuckles to himself and stands upright. "Eggs?" He asks her, knowing what her preferential breakfast would be. His love nods, speaking excitedly. "And steak too?". It makes him laugh heartily, how enthusiastically she asks him for it. "Hahaha, and steak too, my dearest, sweetest, morning sun".

The dragoness claps excitedly, stomach letting aloud another gurgle. Her husband about-faces, making for the door, as he hears the bedsprings creaking, not needing to see to know his wife is attempting to get up. He raises an index finger as he reaches for the doorknob. "Ah ah! Im bringing you brekkie in bed!".