Chapter 5: “In some ways, I think it’s for the better.”

Story by Tessler on SoFurry

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Feeling the blast of lightning, Ethan was jolted awake as he found himself back in the same bedroom he had fallen asleep in, and not on a street far away his home. He noticed Beleza looking at him in concern, while Phosphora had hugged him, her body shaking out of fear. Hugging the scared Ampharos, he asked "What happened?" Given that it was still night-time, Beleza had explained "We don't know. Your body was shaking, I felt sweat on your forehead, you were saying something us getting kidnapped in your sleep, and something about a Team Phoenix...." Taking a look at a nearby window, it was very late, perhaps around one in the morning he guessed, noticing the moon still visible. Impressed that his family was still asleep, he whispered "Basically I had some weird dream that you two were taken away from me by a group that called itself "Team Phoenix. And I found myself fighting some man clad in white and gold who had the ability to manipulate light, he even boasted that I had done many wrongs, and was there to punish me, possibly Nathan if I didn't stop him..." "That's really messed up, Ethan!" Phosphora cried out, being mindful that everyone was asleep, terrified at the thought of people wanting to kill those out of their own belief of what's wrong and what's right. Stroking her head, he replied "I know. It doesn't help that it felt real somehow, even if it was just a dream." Sighing, he hugged the two closer to himself, saying "Good night, girls. I was thinking of finding somewhere in New Bark Town to do some training." "That sounds like an idea, Ethan." The both of them replied, as they fell asleep in his arms, hoping that he wouldn't have another nightmare. Waking up, Ethan jumped out of bed having had another nightmare, having almost forgotten that he had two Pokémon in his arms. Surprised to have not awoken them, he breathed a sigh of relief. Taking a look outside, he noticed the sun was beginning to rise, so it must've been really early for him. He couldn't help but smile as he noticed clear morning sky. Grabbing his watch on a nearby desk, it read about five thirty. Taking a look at the both of them, he smiled as he saw them sleep comfortably. Lightly kissing them on their foreheads, he grabbed a dark blue pair of jeans and a gray t-shirt with a bat symbol from his drawer, as he sneaked into the bathroom nearby to take a shower. Sure that wasn't probably the brightest idea, but Ethan didn't really care how many times he was going to end up electrocuting himself. He felt dirty, and wanted to get himself clean anyway, since showers always get that job done. Tiptoeing his way into the bathroom, he got the water running, as he jumped into the shower, and he flinched as he felt a weak spark of electricity with each drop of water that struck his body. Cringing at the pain that was worsening the longer he stayed in the shower, part of him wanted to jump out, and go back to sponge bathing, something that he had been doing for the last ten years. Even though he realized that it was a bad idea from the start he clenched his teeth, ignoring the pain he was feeling as he scrubbed his hair down, wanting to make his shower as quick as he possibly could. It didn't help that the last "dream" he was having was replaying in his mind as his body was being constantly electrocuted. Ten minutes later... Phosphora had sworn that she heard some kind of electrical sound coming from another room as she woke up. The first thing she noticed as she patted her arms on the bed around her was that Ethan wasn't present with her and Beleza. Looking around, she could sense his bio-electricity, but it looked much distorted, as if something was hurting him. Climbing off of the bed, she got onto her belly and began crawling around for something she could use as a cane, before she remembered that Ethan had gotten her a collapsible cane that she could use anytime she was out of her ball. Continuing to crawl around and find Ethan's bag where the cane was, she soon heard a tapping sound behind her. "Are you looking for this?" Beleza had asked, having woken up when she heard the blind sheep get on the floor. The red "haired" snake deduced that her friend was trying to find her walking cane, so she helped find it, and extended it for Phosphora. Getting back on her feet, she couldn't help but reply "Thank you. And I was. Ethan must've gotten out of bed early, and I wanted to find him. I'm worried; his electrical aura appears to be a bit off this morning." Nodding Beleza replied "You might be onto something. I could sense negativity emanating from Ethan when he had woken up earlier. He must've had another bad dream. I should've gotten up with him and-" Before she could finish, the two had heard the bedroom door open, as Ethan walked back in, hair drenched slightly, but he looked a lot cleaner than before they came home. He had heard everything they were saying, but in an attempt to act as if he didn't, he calmly asked his girlfriends "Morning, girls. Is something troubling you?" Knowing that it would be for the better, Beleza had slithered up to him, and they shared a kiss before saying "Yes...the both of us sense something wrong with you....did you have another nightmare after we fell asleep?" Sighing, Ethan closed the bedroom door, hoping that none of his relatives would hear him as he prepared to explain. Grabbing his desktop chair, he explained "This hasn't happened before, but yes. I did have another nightmare." Shivering slightly as he made himself remember, he continued "The three of us were in Goldenrod City, The both of you were taken from me by the same group I mentioned in the last dream, and you were hanging from the side of two separate skyscrapers at least a block away from each other. The buildings themselves must've at least been a few hundred floors high, since I couldn't even see the tops. But I knew you two were there. I wanted to save the both of you, but a voice told me I could only save one of you, no matter what I tried...." Trying not to cry, he grabbed Beleza and Phosphora and gave them a Beartic hug. Despite being caught off guard by his hug, they were fully aware of what he was telling them, so they couldn't help but hug him back. "I love the both of you too much to let something like that happen." "We know, Ethan." Phosphora replied with a sad smile. "Like you told us, we should get more training in...." Before she could ask him something, they heard a knock on the door. Breaking their hug, Beleza slithered around his desk, noting his toys and other devices that he hadn't touched in a good while. Phosphora just stayed by his side as Ethan had said "Come on in." As the door opened, he saw none other than his Aunt Hilda. "Morning, Tia." Walking up to him, she explained "Morning Ethan. I heard some noise from the bathroom, and I wanted to check on you now that you're out of the shower." Smiling he replied "I'm alright, Tia. Just a bit shaken from attempting to take a shower, but I'll live." Given how close he was to his Aunt, he couldn't help but just hug her. "Easy there." Hilda acknowledged. "I remember hugging me when something was troubling you greatly. You can always tell me anything, Ethan." Grateful he could always turn to his Aunt he replied "Let's go get breakfast. I'll explain while we're making it. But first..." He walked up to his Pokémon, and said "Are either of you up for breakfast?" Without saying a word, the two nodded in agreement as they began to follow him.

"Hey Nathan, it's almost seven o'clock!" Christine had called out, shaking her mate slightly with her paws in an attempt to wake him up. Not being a particular fan of being forcefully woken up by his Lucario, he rubbed his eyes open and replied "Christine seriously. You don't have to shake me around like that, imagine if Mom walked in on us, and saw you grab me like that!" Jumping off of him, she remarked "I'm sorry....I was just getting tired of waiting for you to wake up." "How long have you been up?" Nathan had asked out of curiosity as he got out of bed, and went to open his drawer for a change of clothing. He pulled out a brown t-shirt and blue jeans as he got changed. "Oh, I've been up since five. I heard Ethan get up to take a shower, sounded like he was hurting himself. Probably his electrokinetic powers working against him." Christine explained with a bored look on her face. "That aside, we should really tell your mother about us being together. I know she'll probably freak out, Nathan. But I'm ready." Taking a look out his door, he deduced that everyone had already gone downstairs. Closing the door, he walked back up to his Lucario, and explained in a whisper "She'll totally freak out. But we can't just hide it from her. I can remember when she was expressing an interest in us already being with someone. Mine you; she was talking about other humans, not Pokémon." Nodding in agreement, she replied "Now that I think about it, wasn't Ethan at one point with a girl that had similar powers to him? What happened to her, I thought she was nice?" "Sabrina?" Nathan had asked, and Christine nodded. "I think she's still in Saffron City, but I don't know what happened between the two. And I'm not sure if he'd be up for talking about it." After getting himself ready, he took a look at himself in a nearby mirror, before he and Christine had walked down the stairs to catch up with the rest of the family. No doubt thanks to having taken a class in cooking back at high school, Ethan couldn't help but assist his Aunt in making breakfast for themselves and the family. It helped that it was the weekend, so they were all free to relax. Cracking a few Pidgeot eggs to make omelets for the family, he had thrown in a few flavorings to spice them up, such as onions, and black pepper. Meanwhile, Hilda was on the other side, flipping pancakes with shreds of fruit in some, with chocolate chips in the others. With the pancakes finished, Hilda had thrown them all into a plate, and then into an oven to stay warm. After cleaning off the dining room table, she set up four plates with all of the traditional kitchenware for breakfast, before pulling the pancakes back out of the oven to put on the table. Nathan had just come down along with Christine, and the two couldn't help but be amazed at the sights and smells. "I didn't know your cousin was into cooking." She acknowledged, impressed by the invigorating scent being produced by the omelets that were being made as well as the whole meal. Shrugging, Nathan responded "I kind of forgot." Noticing her son come down as well as his Pokémon, Hilda smiled and gave the two saying "It really is so nice to see my two boys home." Turning to Christine, she acknowledged "And my haven't you grown. I can still remember when you were just a fluffy little Riolu." Blushing, she couldn't help but remark with her telepathy "Uh, thanks Mrs. Black." "Please just call me Hilda." Nathan's mother replied. "We're all family here." As grateful as Christine was for the friendly gesture, she couldn't help but feel that Hilda's expression would turn very, very sour upon discovering that she and Nathan were together. One could only hope that things would be different. "Oh, right. Here's a plate for you, Christine. Feel free to grab whatever you want." Hilda remarked, pulling the poor jackal out of her thoughts. Christine smiled happy that she wasn't questioned about the lack of spikes on her paws or chest. She grabbed an omelet, along with a few pancakes, being mindful of the ones with chocolate with them, knowing how much of a different Pokémon she became whenever she consumed chocolate. She eventually grabbed a seat in the living room, assuming that the family would like to eat together without their Pokémon around. But she was okay with that. After all, their parents hadn't seen them for two years. Much to her surprise and comfort, she noticed Beleza and Phosphora sitting at a nearby couch with their own breakfast that Ethan had cooked up for them, complete with a table large enough for the three of them. Noticing the Lucario, Beleza remarked "Come over and sit with us!" Nodding, Christine had grabbed a seat to chat with them some more, given that she preferred to speak without relying on her telepathy, even though she could only do that with either them or Ethan much to her dismay. Having been taught how to use utensils thanks to Nathan, she asked as she sliced up her omelet "Do either of you two have plans for later?" Fidgeting her paws on her plate Phosphora found an apple slice, and responded as she chowed on it "Well...due to Ethan having had...a nightmare last night....we were thinking of some kind" Nodding, Beleza had chimed in as she nibbled on some sliced strawberries "If you want, we could explain what happened." At the mention of nightmare, Christine had responded "I'm all ears." Finishing up a strawberry, Beleza continued as she grabbed a napkin with her tail to wipe her face "Okay. Ethan basically said to us that he had some nightmare about us having gotten kidnapped by some group known as Team Phoenix. And he says that he was fighting someone that was capable of manipulating light." Part of her wanted to bring up the other dream, but the Milotic couldn't bring herself to do so. "I see." Christine had replied as she ate more of her breakfast. "I almost want to say that he might've been seeing the future, or at least he saw a what if scenario, but I don't really know." With the table made for Ethan and his family, the three had begun to eat as soon as Cheren had come down. His Uncle still looked the same as when he and Hilda had come to Johto twenty years ago; even if his jet black hair was getting a shade of grey. But at least it wasn't fifty shades, thank God for that! As the four ate in silence, Cheren took a sip of his favorite coffee, and he asked "Tell me boys. Have any of you gotten a girlfriend yet in the last two years the both of you have been gone?" Caught off guard by his father's question, Nathan didn't know what to say given what he and Christine had been doing together. Ethan shared a similar reaction to his younger cousin. Taking a deep breath, Nathan had lied "Honestly, I haven't thought about it. With the work I've been doing as an Aura Guardian, I've never really thought about a romantic interest right now. Granted, I am amazed since I have seen Guardians in Kalos develop relationships with others like us or even with those that are unaware of what they do. In a way, it's kind of like the Jedi order with what we do, except it's natural for us to express romantic feelings." "That actually sounds really neat. But what is there to this Aura power you speak of?" Cheren had asked curiously, wanting to hear more. "What can I honestly say about it that no other Aura manipulator has said before?" Nathan responded with a sigh, unsure of how he could continue the conversation. Nodding Cheren replied "I understand." Changing the subject, he asked "Now that I think about it, your teacher who taught you how to wield it, what was her name again?" Chiming in, Hilda acknowledged "I think her name was Andrea Lucia. I thought she was cute when we first met her and she had given you Christine. I would've thought you and Andrea became boyfriend and girlfriend during your time in Kalos." Somewhat embarrassed how his own Mother referred to his own tutor as cute, Nathan explained after having another bite "Well, she's about five years older than me, so that's out of the question as to why we didn't ever date. And she's already with someone." Not wanting to gross his Mom out with other details, he began to continue eating, feeling his conversation was already finished. Turning their attention to Ethan, Cheren had asked "That reminds me, Ethan. Don't you remember Sabrina?" Hoping for the best, he replied "I remember the Gym Leader of Saffron City very well, Uncle." "I was expecting you had been spending more time with her while you were gone. But I heard you and Sabrina kind of stopped seeing each other. What happened?" Cheren had asked out of curiosity. "Well there were several things. Yes we did express a bit of an interest in each other while she helped me control my electrokinesis, even if she herself had a much different power than me. And for a while, I'd say that it went well between the both of us. But eventually, we came to the mutual agreement to stop being a couple. In some ways I think it's for the better." Hilda had already known why, but she really wanted to see him say it himself. Sipping on a morning tea, she asked calmly "Why do you feel that way, Ethan?" "I guess the first place I can start off is that Sabrina's at least four, maybe five years older than me. Another thing is that we had both agreed that we made better friends than a romantic couple. much as I hate to say this.....I really don't have much of a romantic interest in humans..." While a generally stoic man, Cheren expressed a bit of surprise at what his own nephew said. Before he had a chance to ask, Ethan continued "Yes Tia Hilda, and Uncle Cheren. I've been with Beleza. But it's not just her I'm with." Even though she was fully aware of this, she still acted with a glimpse of surprise on her face as she exclaimed "Why am I not surprised!? I thought something like this would happen. Romantically involved with one Pokémon, I'd find forgivable. But two...just no! I can't allow this in our house!" "Tia, they've been my only friends for as long as I can remember!" Ethan argued, keeping his calm. "And the way I see it, if it grosses you out to much of me practicing polygamy, then I guess I'll just leave New Bark Town again." Standing up from her seat, Hilda replied growing angrily at the sudden defiance her own nephew "Don't you even think about leaving for a second time! Do you have any idea what it's been like for me for the last two years!? I was under so much stress, fearing that something happened to you, when you're all that I have left of my brother!" As she began to go on a rant, the lights in the house were suddenly beginning to flicker with her fury. Upon noticing the lights, she yelled "Ethan, cut that out!" "Uh,'s not me...." Ethan replied, surprised with the lights going haywire on the family. "Well, whatever! It has to stop!" she argued. Turning to Nathan, she declared "Don't tell me that you and Christine are together!" Knowing that she'd figure it out eventually, he replied "Yes Mom. We are together. But..." "But nothing, son!" she bellowed, her anger causing even Cheren to back up slowly, the flickering of the lights growing worse. "I knew it was a terrible idea for you to take in that mutt all those years ago! All of your Pokémon are leaving this house right now!" "Tia, I can't do that to my girls." Ethan replied. "If you don't accept me being with two girlfriends, then I'll just find somewhere else in New Bark Town to live." Not even thinking, Hilda pointed a finger accusingly at her nephew. Before anyone could react, she suddenly fired a bolt of red lightning out of her hand, catching everyone off guard, especially Ethan as he was thrown out of his seat, and crashed into a wall behind him, before hitting his face on the floor. Realizing what she just did, Hilda ran around the table, checking on Ethan as she screamed his name, hoping he'd wake up. "What....the .....heck....was that, Mom!" Nathan had asked, surprised by what he just saw. He knew that his Pokémon would want answer, as he noticed Beleza and Christine coming in upon hearing the commotion. Heartbroken over what she just did, Hilda began chocking up tears as she tried to explain "I'm sorry, Nathan." She began to feel better when she found that he was still breathing, if unconscious. "Only Cheren knew about....this ever...since Ethan's birth, but I didn't want...him or know...I'm so sorry...Cheren, help me please. We should get him....back on his bed." Helping his cousin off of the floor, Nathan and Cheren began to move Ethan back into the bedroom. After a surprisingly quick process, they lay him back on his bed. Taking one last glance, Nathan turned to his Dad, as well as his Mom, who was standing outside, feeling awful about what she did. Taking a deep breath, he exclaimed "I want to know what you two have been hiding from me. No, hiding from Ethan and me!"