Open Content Story: 'Tized Into Topping

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by Sanmer, this story is a continuation of a different stream story, found here if you want continuity, but it generally stands on its own as well.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

'Tized into Topping for Sanmer by Draconicon

Dave shook his head as Azurithon finally hung up the phone. The bull didn't know what was so interesting about the dragon's favorite writer, but it was starting to annoy him. Every time that he called about wanting to hang out, he swore that the dragon needed to stay in to see another story get written.

At least this time the damn thing was overy reasonably quickly. Usually those things went for hours on hours, so he was rather surprised that Azurithon had finished up early. Maybe the streams were finally getting boring.

Ha! Like that would ever happen.

The bull shook his head a few times as he finished pulling his shoes on. The idea of his friend ever getting tired of them or bored of them was ridiculous. Even if he didn't understand the streams personally, he knew the signs of obsession. He'd seen his brothers get addicted to games, to online programs, to all sorts of things. Azurithon probably had it worse, what with the dragon tendency to hoard things.

He was about to get up and leave when his computer pinged. Dave looked back at it with a raised eyebrow and waved his mouse back and forth to clear the screen. A notice had popped up in the middle of the monitor, and he was so surprised that he read it out loud.

"You've received an invite to The Writer's private stream. Accept?"

What the fuck? I've never been interested in this crap. He'd never even been on the mailing list. How did this Writer even know who he was, for that matter? Dave shook his head, about to turn around -


Another notice popped up, this time with a different message.

"Dave has been invited to a private streaming session with The Writer, normally valued at $140/hour. Accept?"

Someone's got a pretty damn high opinion of themselves...

Despite his misgivings, Dave slowly settled into his seat. After all this time, he'd never actually looked in on one of this guy's streams. Maybe it was time to see what the hell all the fuss was about. He dragged the cursor over to 'yes', clicked it, and was immediately taken to a web page where a document waited. Words began to spill out over the page as soon as it was fully loaded up.

Hello, Dave. I want to tell you a little story. Are you ready to read something that will change your life?

"That's not creepy at all..."

He typed back a simple 'yes', not really interested in indulging the Writer's power games, and settled back in his chair. He didn't have much in the way of expectations, but he supposed that he might be surprised today.

The first sentence was erased, and something more started to come out. The bull followed along as best he could, but he was shocked to see the sheer speed of the Writer's typing. It was like watching something pre-programmed rather than something done live, and there were few spelling errors, if any. He had to keep reading as fast as he could, his eyes focused like lasers on the screen to take it all in.

His initial amusement at seeing the story starring a bull quickly faded away as he kept reading, finding himself rather interested in this journey of 'Daniel'. Dave smiled at the immediate feeling of closeness with the character, feeling a sense of warmth as he let himself imagine himself in the story, in the hooves of the prince bull that the story starred. It was a nice thought, and he imagined himself in Daniel's place, strolling through a palace.

The story wasn't anything dramatic, but it had a writing style that left him smiling, drawn in and imagining himself in the world better than anything else he'd ever read. He was there with Daniel as he met with his father, a king bull that was at war with the dragons of the north. The blue scaled threat was everywhere, according to the King, and they had a prisoner that they had to deal with.

Heh, if only I could get Azurithon like that...maybe he'd listen to me more than this guy. Pretty good writing, though.

The story continued, Dave following Daniel through the palace towards the dungeon. The bull was surprised that the guards down there were garbed so differently from the magnificently fantastic soldiers on the surface, but he supposed there were some less physical dangers down there. The leather they wore, so artfully and warmly described, almost left him with the scent of it in his nose, and he grinned, wondering if he could look as good as he imagined the guards looking.

They were dressed less and less fully the deeper the prince went, until they reached the bowels of the dungeon and the bull guards were dressed in little more than assless chaps and cock rings. The thought of seeing men, such real men like that, and being one of them, had the bull starting to throb in his pants.

He adjusted himself, but not before the image of the prince interrogating the blue dragon prisoner was written out on the screen. Dave panted softly as he saw it in his mind's eye, the line between him and Daniel blurring as the prince slowly took his clothes off, stroking his sheath and then his cock as they - no, he - approached the bound up blue dragon. The two of them were naked, hard as a rock as it flickered from the prince to him and back again.

The story got hotter and hotter as the bull prince - no, Dave - brought out the paddles, and the crops, and every other interrogation tool that could be found. As the prince stroked his cock as he interrogated the dragon, so too did Dave stroke himself through his pants in real life, panting as the action got stronger and stronger.

By the time that the prince discarded the implements in order to use his own, natural rod, Dave had long since stopped seeing anyone but himself in the story. It wasn't Daniel, it was Dave, a hard and strong prince that ruled his land with an iron cock, and would not tolerate any sort of rebellion. The dragon had to learn his place, and he would under the bull's hard cock, however long it took.

In the story, he fucked the dragon hard, and in his chair, he humped hard against his hand, gasping for breath as he basked in the glory of being a ruling bull. He was a strong, powerful person, just as the prince in the story was. He was the ruler of that land, and he was the ruler of any dragons around him. He would make them submit to him, as was his right. He would make them his. He would -

And so the bull, David, realized his destiny to be the ruler of dragons. Not just the dragon here beneath him, but all that he encountered. His power, his will, would be what laid the dragons low, and turned them into the sluts that they were always meant to be. And do he would begin, as soon as he left this dragon oozing like all others after him would be.

And with that, he went over the edge, imagining that the tight grip of his hand was the same as the hole of the dragon in the story. Seeding him, marking him as the property of the bull prince Dave...It left him grinning widely.

The screen went black, but the bull barely cared. Dave slowly leaned back to stare at the ceiling, his cock still throbbing in his hand as he considered what had just happened.

At the very least, he definitely understood why Azurithon enjoyed this guy. He'd never been so involved with a story like that before, and even when he'd read some erotic stuff online, he'd never cum to it that hard. He thought that he'd seen just about everything, but now? Now, he'd have to find a few more of those streams to see what other stuff that the Writer could come up with.

More than that, he felt...powerful. There was no other word to describe it, just a feeling of power as he looked at himself, imagining what he could do if he had a dragon in real life to play with like that. To make submit, to dominate, to -

His phone rang, and he was shaken out of his thoughts as he looked down at it. Azurithon's name popping up slowly brought a grin to his face, and he chuckled as he answered it.

"Hey, Azurithon."

"Hey, Dave, are you coming around or what?"

"Don't worry. I'm about to leave the house."

"Really? Good, because I really want you here."

"Heh, tell me. How bad do you want me there?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"You know..."

The bull grabbed hold of his cock, stroking it as lewdly and loudly as he could, making sure it could be heard over the phone.

"How badly do you want me?"

"Uh, I, uh...oh gods..."

"Heh, you know you want it. You know your place, dragon."

"U-under you?"

"Under me, Azurithon. Under me."

The bull chuckled as he stroked himself a few times, wiping his hands on his pants before he stood up. He was zipping up his pants as he gave the dragon orders.

"Get naked while you wait for me. I want you to be on your bed, ass up, when I get over there."

"Y-yes sir."

"And make sure that you're lubed. I don't want to wait."

"I already did, sir."

"Heh, you want this too, hmm?"

"Ever since the Writer showed me the truth. I just...I never thought -"

"Well, get used to it, my little scale-bitch. You and I are going to have a lot of fun together, very soon."

The bull hung up, chuckling to himself. Since the Writer told him the truth? As if it was anything but a story. Dave chuckled, snorting as he got to his feet again, putting his phone in his pocket.

A story was harmless. A story couldn't do anything but inspire...could it? Nah, it was just something that gave him an idea. Everything else was just his imagination.

The End