Whatever, Whoever It Takes

Story by JakeThePanther on SoFurry

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Two high school friends encounter a powerful entity seeking to perpetuate itself using their bodies.

This is sort of a draft that I might continue editing later, tbh I'd had a few after I started writing the last quarter or so of this, and I just wanted to get this out of the way since I publish so rarely. Returning a day later, I've already made a couple tweaks. Don't drink and type, kids! Anyway, enjoy!

Oliver sat at his desk, staring at the handful of pencils before him. It had been 45 minutes into the detention and he'd arranged them in every possible configuration he could manage. The 17-year-old Shiba Inu had landed himself here... again, for ditching class... again. Did it matter? Really? There was one week left of his senior year, and he passed all his classes and everything! He was done with high school! He even offered to buy his English-teacher-turned-warden, Mr. O'Brian, a coffee on his way here.

"Oh well, I guess it's important we waste as much of everyone's time as possible, because no one has anything better to do days before we all never see each other again" he thought, glancing up at the aforementioned late-twenty-something teacher busy on his laptop. His accomplice and best friend Bruce sat silently beside him, save for the occasional audible sigh. Bruce was a jet-black and white Siberian Husky, and 19 as of last Sunday. Bruce started late, and had to repeat a year, but if he hadn't done so back in 8th grade he would never have met his partner-in-crime sitting beside him.

"The Dynamic Duo" people called them. Well... they didn't, but they liked to think so. They were a team! Oliver and Bruce were an inseparable, terrible force of nature that barreled through the halls of Sutton High (go, Milliners!). If it could be pranked, they pranked it. From the elegant simplicity of a classic whoopee cushion, to the time they managed to rig dozens of bags of pigment to drop from the school stage balcony and onto the packed auditorium- on the grounds that they were "...observing the Holi festival". Truly, those four years had made many sweet memories... for them, much to the chagrin of the other students and staff. They weren't bad people though, no one got hurt and 9 times out of 10 at least a few other people had a good laugh.

Oliver played events back in his mind and began calculating his comedic revenge on Adam. Adam of course being the only form of Mr. Adam O'Brian's name Oliver would acknowledge. O'Brian was new to the game and his patience was already wearing thin, the 26-year-old badger just started his first year teaching, and Oliver and Bruce ensured it would be a trial by fire.

"Maybe something with whipped cream..." thought Oliver . As a matter of fact, Adam wouldn't look half bad covered in it, oh... and if his shirt got ruined, then he might have to take it off... right in front of everyone... "Wait... no, dammit! That's too obvious" he thought, blushing. You see, Oliver had quite the thing for the now over-fatigued teacher since he first saw him, but of course no one but Bruce could ever know. Maybe if he used water balloons... heh, his flimsy dress shirt might be see through. Elbows on his desk, chin in his palms, his mind drifted over images of the older man's wet shirt clinging to his pecks, his abs, the strong forearms he glimpsed every hot day when his sleeves were rolled up... Ah, and who could discount that bubble-butt in tight gray dress pants, oh, he'd have to get that soaked right through, too... this was gonna take a bucket over a door...

_"I love to see him leave, and I love to see him walk away!" _he mused to himself.

Oh, to be a hormonal teenager.

Mr. O'Brian looked up from his computer and caught Oliver's gaze. Oliver's eyes nonchalantly darted to the window, and he forced a stifled chuckle, as if he was purely planning another joke and absolutely not fantasizing about the taut older badger at all- and Adam slowly yet guardedly looked back down, head first, then eyes.

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. The light fixture in the small multi-use room hummed. Tink... TINK. Then darkness. The light went out, and ambient daylight from the window gave a cool glow through the trees along the school. Mr. O'Brian scoffed and mumbled something under his breath, Oliver made out the words "...piece of shit..." He pushed back his chair and stood up. "...isn't in 'till Monday..." "...won't give me another room..." Oliver barely made out the man's irked grumblings. "Alright, sigh, let me see if there's another bulb or something in the supply room, I'll be _right _back. Oliver? Bruce? I am leaving this room, and I swear to God if there is a speck of dust out of place when I get back, there will not be enough detention slips In. The. World. Do you understand me? IN THE WORLD" he spoke, staring daggers.

"YAAASSSSS QUEEN" Oliver trilled. He knew Adam particularly hated when he said this. O'Brian narrowed his eyes silently, before glancing at the husky.

"Bruce? BRUCE!"

Bruce's head shot up, eyes blinking awake. He made a snorting sound, a moan, followed by "Yeah, yep. Yes, yes... yes. Yeah." as he stretched sleepily. O'Brian shook his head and walked out the door.

Nothing needed to be said, Oliver and Bruce automatically began quietly giggling, as they did.

The room seemed a bit darker now, the sun faded abruptly as if a storm was rolling in. As a matter of fact, slowly but surely, all traces of daylight began to vanish outside, quite unsettling for 3:45pm in June. Within minutes it was as dark as a moonless night, and only the glow of Mr. O'Brian's computer screen and the dim red exit sign lit the room.

"Woah..." said Oliver, "What's that about?"

He was met with silence.

"Bruce?" he said, turning to his friend.

Bruce had stopped giggling. The Husky's bright blue eyes stared ahead as his paws gripped the sides of the desk. His face was neutral, maybe a touch confused, then he took a very long, shuddering breath.

"Brucie? You ok?" said Oliver .

The dog's paws squeezed the desk harder, he began shaking in his seat. Sharply exhaling through his nose, a drop of blood immediately dripped from his left nostril. A trickle began to run down his whiskers as a small pool formed on the desk. "Oh... Oliver.." he whispered shakily through gritted teeth, still staring ahead, transfixed.

"Oh my God, what's wrong? What's happening!? Are you having a seizure!?" Oliver stood up, grabbing Bruce's shoulder.

In that moment, Bruce stopped shaking. His paws released their death grip, claws stained with flecks of the institutional blue-gray paint. He dropped his arms to his sides and leaned back lazily in his seat. Turning his head meet Oliver's gaze, he gave him the biggest grin he could muster, like he was seeing his old friend for the first time in years. The blood that remained on his muzzle a stark contrast to his black and white fur.

"What... what the fuck, man? Are you really ok? Is this a joke?" Oliver said, visibly disturbed.

"Oliver." said Bruce, "May I ask you to mate with me?"

Oliver stared at Bruce for a moment. "What."

"Yes, you and this one" the dog said, pointing to himself, "...will make a beautiful child. Can we fuck immediately? The sooner, the better, while our bodies are still within their sexual apex. It'll be fun!"

"What. The fuck. Are you talking about."

Bruce tilted his head with a look of confusion, "Oh..." he said, "Whoops. Looks like I got waaaay ahead of myself, there. If this was his idea, he'd be embarrassed, I'm sure. I can explain- er, well I'll do my best with what I have to work with, at least. It probably won't ever make total sense, between the two of you."

"Bruce, cut the shit. And get a tissue for your nosebleed", said Oliver.

"Oh no, this isn't one of his and your jokes. Alright, I'll be blunt. I'm not Bruce, not anymore. You see, I am an entity from beyond what you see here, this plane and all, this... physical existence stuff of yours" Bruce said, gesturing wildly at the classroom. "To really dumb it down- forgive the expression, I have taken over your friend to perform what you would equate to a reproductive process, in which I use him to mate with a physically compatible being, one which is also particularly close, emotionally, with him. This selection process produces the ideal results for my new semi-tangible iteration. I understand Bruce's episode just now was concerning to you, but in a matter of seconds we discussed it at great length within his mind. It would not be ideal, were it non-consensual, and I've gone to great lengths to assure he's totally on-board with all of it, using his body, a little sprucing up here and there, et cetera. I ask you to mate with his body in whichever way you see fit, to achieve the most satisfying penetrative orgasm, because I understand you possess a mutual, yet unconsummated sexual and emotional desire for each other."

Oliver blushed. "Bruce, I don't..."

"You still don't believe me. I know, I know, I can see into your mind. It's ok, I understand... Now that I think of it, it's rather rude of me to read so far into your train of thought, I'll try to refrain from doing so further... In short, my essence has fused with Bruce as entities of my kind require two 'mortals' engaged in both physical and emotional union for the perpetuation of our species, such conditions of mingled mental energy, as well as your simple (no offence) physical exchange of genetic material must coalesce for this rare opportunity to be worthwhile, wherein I, as one with this animal, may achieve a state I would otherwise be incapable of in my typical insubstantial form. Once the union of our bodies succeeds, our combined energy and genetic material will create another one of me. Now you're thinking you need some proof, that's perfectly understandable. Don't worry, I've got it... Oh, I'm sorry, I said I wouldn't read your thoughts, excuse me, again. Anyway, here, you like leather, right? Watch this..."

Bruce snapped his fingers, and in a flash of white light he was sitting on the edge of the desk, his form now illuminated by some indeterminate spotlight, leaning back with his legs spread. His clothes were gone, save for a harness, biker cap, engineer boots and a leather bikini with a zipper that very generously showed off Bruce's bulge.

Oliver was trembling, his eyes were wide with shock. The Shiba slowly backed away from his sexily-clad friend, blushing and trying not to stare. "Holy shit. What the fuck are you, a demon?" His voice barely above a whisper.

"Nothing so relative to your mythology, my friend. I think nothing of the term, but it wouldn't be accurate. Unfortunately I suppose my true form would look more like a blinding mass of radioactive light energy, as your mind would briefly try to perceive it, before your own form was inevitably obliterated on an atomic level trying to perceive me. Don't worry about the misconception though, I have no need for the concept of offence. Time is wasting though, these bodies will die soon." he said, starting to unzip the leather bikini.

"Whoa Whoa Whoa, hold on a minute, buddy, I'm flattered but I've got news for you- two men can't make a baby. If you're rooting around in Bruce's head you should know that." said Oliver. "And what do you mean, 'We're going to die soon'!?"

"I didn't mean to scare you, really, I misspoke. Your physical forms will likely wear out within a century, what with all that cellular degeneration you people are so fond of. That's the blink of an eye, in my terms. I am, after all, older than your nearest star. Again, as you and Bruce would understand it, of course. It's more complicated than 'time' as you know it... with your noted definite lifespan, it would take a few of your most optimistic lifetimes to scratch the surface using such rudimentary explanations. I also do realize the varied species on your planet commonly require a sexual dimorphicism to reproduce, but something so crude (sorry) as said biology isn't an issue for a being such as myself. Just 'get it on', have some fun with your boy!" Bruce's paw slowly pulled the zipper down on the leather bikini, his sheath and balls promptly spilling out. "Come now, I promise you'll have fun! If you want, I can change your body around, too. We can be anything you like... Brett Collins? That sexy, muscular football player in your homeroom- how would you like to be him? Wouldn't that be fun? To bang your best friend as the hottest guy in school?" Bruce snapped his fingers again. This time, everything went black, and Oliver began to see a 6'3" lion in front of him, in the nude. Truly a gorgeous specimen, 18 years old with a body like a tank; biceps, delts, quads all pumped, a barrel chest, luscious mane, a goatee and pubes dyed red, and a with a pendulous a cock you could knock someone out with. It was the unadulterated form of Brett Collins, the very captain of the football team himself, whom Oliver had had a vault of naughty thoughts about. Oliver ogled the vision, mouth open, and extended his arm to touch him, but Brett raised his arm instead. Oliver realized then that he was in a darkened room looking at his own reflection... he had actually become Brett. From the shadows behind him, the still leather-clad husky strode over and ran his paws down the lion's washboard torso, downward still, until he caressed his groin. "I wasn't kidding" whispered Bruce, tiptoeing to reach the tall lion's ear.

"I... this is insane!" a deep, burly man's man's voice rumbled out of the lion's mouth, that of Brett, mouthed by Oliver. He looked down at the Husky rubbing 'his' body, and he thought... it felt good... real good. Not only had some ridiculous fantasy come true, but the lion's body felt so much... different than his own. There was a lot more to feel, and his new baseline was that of a powerful, hormone-packed musculature, rearing to go at the touch of literally the sexiest version of his best friend imaginable. The big cat started to get hard in no time flat, his new long, black-colored pornstar cock almost startled him with how quickly it stood up and out, bulging and pumping up, the Husky wasting no time as he began pawing it.

"I don't... I don't know about this, I don't u-understand what's going on..." Oliver said, shuddering at the new sensation of his friend squeezing all that new cock of his.

"Mmmmm, I know I didn't do a great job explaining it, it wasn't easy wrestling with your language, trying to fit the pieces together with all the constraints... The husky's vocabulary, your perspective on reality, the hurdles of- let's be honest, a primitive system of communication. I'm trying to go slow, I swear. It's a shame you can't see it from my perspective. This scenario is nearly instantaneous for me, and somehow it's still taking forever. Remember what I said about time not being virtually anywhere near what you know it as? Sorry about that, by the way, maybe afterwards you can tell a scientist if you think it'll benefit your civilization. Granted, I might have to help with explaining that."

Bruce leaned in and began licking one of Oliver's nipples, sending a shiver through the now-lion, a drop of precum began to form at his tip.

Oliver was slowly loosing what little will he had to fight the preposterous scenario and tilted his head back, his eyes closed as his husky friend stroked and licked his new body.

It was much to real to be a dream. Oliver was almost coming to terms with it... almost. At this point he figured he could just think of or at the 'alien' or whatever magic creature it was possessing his friend, and save his breath. He looked back down at the dog, and he looked up in turn. "I want you to fulfill your wildest dreams, Oliver. The better it is for you, the better it is for me." Bruce said. "That rush, that high, that pure ecstasy you two can provide in the throws of the greatest possible passion of your lives, that powerful emotional energy and physical life force is what I can use to generate another one of me. In the same sense you pick a mate of your own kind that's healthy, and instinctually suitable to breed with, I want the ideal parameters for myself. So, I'm orchestrating us through this so that I might symbiotically reproduce through you and Bruce. It's not the only way, but it's the best, and I intend to make us all very happy in thanks.

"What did you have in mind?" and increasingly-willing Oliver murred, in a lusty almost-growl.

"Anything you could think of, and more" Bruce said.

With that, Bruce pulled away from the statuesque cat. He padded over into the darkness. A light grew again in the dark, illuminating the husky, now bent over Mr. O'Brian's desk, wagging his tail and looking back seductively. "Let's get started, shall we? You can go slow if you want..." Bruce said, slipping a thumb under the side of his bikini and slowly pulling it down. With a tantalizing flick of his curly tail and a hip shake, the garment was on the floor, exposing Bruce's absolutely perfect ass. At least, Oliver sure thought it was. His buttocks were perky and round, with a pattern of black fur up the sides of his hips, a white saddle pattern coming up the insides of his thigh and meeting in an arch just under his wiggling tail. He slapped one of his cheeks, and pulled it to the side, holding his tail higher and just barely exposing his tailhole.

"You should see what that lion can do to me" Bruce said.

Oliver no longer needed persuading, as his head was now a whirl of lust. His own deepest desires dancing with his borrowed body's innate vigorous urge to breed the smaller male, a feeling much more intense than the one even his old hormonal teenage body was used to. Brett was a stud, all right. The lion's potent tool bobbed at the sight of the husky's rump, and without thinking, his footpaws began sauntering over to the desk.

Oliver was breathing heavy through Brett's powerful lungs, even the sensation of greater oxygen intake was a rush to him, a high that mingled with his swift-pumping blood. He stood behind Bruce, and took the husky's hips in his paws. He began rocking his hips slowly back and forth, rubbing his long tool up and down Bruce's tailhole, the lion's dripping precum slickening up the pup as the canine arched his back in giddy anticipation, a toothy smile from ear to ear.

Slowly he pressed the tip in, his eyes closed tight at the fantastic sensation of all that meat under his control, pressing further into the boy, further....

In no time he was at the hilt, his balls comfortably nestled between the husky's perky butt. The thing controlling Bruce clearly had no trouble getting the dog to accept the huge lion in one go, he made sure Bruce was just tight enough for Brett's mighty tool, exactly. Oliver could have came right there, but 'his' body was nowhere near finished. As if on autopilot, his powerful hips pulled out just to the head before swiftly plunging back in all at once. They both gasped, and Oliver began a low growl as he grinned sinfully down at his best friend.

It would seem as if Brett's body was taking the reigns of the situation, his actions were familiar, but not quite his own. He was a bit rougher than he would have been back in his Shiba form, his strong paws tightly squeezing and massaging his friend's rump, with a firm slap now and then as he bucked his hips hard into the dog. Actions so forceful yet polished were uncharacteristic of Oliver's typical lovemaking, but he enjoyed them nonetheless. Harder and faster he fucked, slick tool ramming its full length in and out of that perfect little ass as he looked down, it was hot beyond belief. His leg lifted, with ease he straddled the desk Bruce was braced on, plunging his cock down at a steeper, harder angle and pounding the dog's prostate, sending explosive sensations through both of the borrowed bodies. Oliver growled, his sex-god form would bear no more and demanded release. With an audible 'slap' he bucked his hips down hard into Bruce, their balls slapping together. His extraordinary new cock swelled even larger in the dog, as it finally burst forth load after load of the all-star player's hot seed. Oliver roared, clutching Bruce's hips, the husky winching in pleasure at the hot, throbbing sensation within him caused the dog's own tool to reach climax, rope after rope shot out all over the front of Adam's desk, the increasing amount soon running down and pooling on the floor between his legs.

An length of time unknown to Oliver passed, as his new cock beat minutes and minutes worth of cum out his massive balls, in an orgasm so much more powerful than his usual cumshot, it left his mind dizzy with pleasure.

Finally it subsided, the tool had had its fill. Oliver, panting, slowly drew his new cock from his friend, the lions's virile tool still completely hard.Cum dribbled down the husky's legs and mixed with his own hot seed on the floor. Bruce stood up to face the larger male. He looked into his eyes and leaned in for a kiss, wrapping an arm around the burly man. Oliver's eyes drifted closed, the sensation of kissing someone so close, so hot, mixed with the afterglow of the powerful stud that wracked his brain. Another contraction, his still-hard cock burst forth one more substantial spurt onto the dog's chest and belly as it pressed against him. Bruce chuckled a bit through the kiss, and pulled back, he ran a finger through his fur and drew it to his mouth, tasting the lion's hot seed.

"Pretty good, eh? I told you you'd like it." Bruce said smugly.

"That was.... amazing. Everything I could have dreamed of, and more" said Oliver, "Is it done, now? Are you supposed to be... pregnant, or whatever?"

"I suppose we could stop there..." said Bruce, "but I think we could go even further..."

Oliver raised an eyebrow.

"Let's up the ante, how 'bout we get another fur you like to join in the fun?" Bruce said.

Oliver could hear footsteps coming towards them.

"Boys..." a familiar voice rang.

"You were in here having all this fun without me?" Mr. O'Brian said, stepping into view, and unbuttoning his tight oxford shirt.

"I remembered a few of your lusty thoughts from earlier" said Bruce, "I thought we could go right over the top, this round."

Adam walked over to Oliver, his shirt now fully open, Oliver stared at the handsome badger's light musculature. He wasn't in the same league as Brett, but the English teacher was, after all, a part-time lifeguard, and it showed. His pecks and arms were particularly prominent from swimming, and they gave way to a lightly defined six-pack. By now he'd thrown his shirt on the floor and began caressing Oliver's chest with one paw, while the other traveled south- the lion's mighty cock never ceasing to throb for attention. Oliver looked back at Bruce.

"Same deal, he's not just a puppet, he's on board. You can do whatever you want with him, or vice-versa if you like... Oh, and don't worry. When this is over, he's agreed that I can make him forget everything if it makes you more comfortable. That is... unless you'd like to keep having fun with him after I'm gone. I know he's willing to make this a regular thing."

"A... absolutely." Oliver muttered as Adam tweaked one of his nipples, while slowly pumping the lion's eager cock.

"Good... very good" said Bruce. "I aim to please."

Adam squatted down, he gripped Oliver's fat cock and easily took it into his muzzle. What Oliver didn't know was that his teacher was no stranger to taking such a tool, and did so with ease. Oliver moaned as Adam sucked him and rolled his tongue around his still-swollen manhood, greedily drinking down the once-again flowing precum and lapping up the tasty, dripping jizz from around the base of the cat's shaft. He'd finally unbuckled his pants and took out his own sizable rod. Still not quite as big as Brett's legendary appendage, but certainly outclassing both boys on a good day. He drew back, a trail of saliva and precum training from his muzzle to the lion's cock. Standing back up and wandering over to Bruce., he took the dog by the shoulder and spun him around, pushing him forward back over his desk. The husky eagerly obliged. Holding the black and white tail in one paw, he brought two fingers to the dog's tailhole and easily slipped them in. Not that he needed it, but Adam was having a little fun now, massaging and toying with the dog's ass. "Mind if I get warmed up on your bitch?" Adam said, glancing back over to Oliver. "I'm sure you won't mind a bit of a show" he said returning his focus to the dog.

Steadying his hips, O'Brian positioned his cock against the dog, slowly but easily he pushed the length of his shaft into the boy, Bruce moaned. Already he was slick with cum from moments before, and it made a slippery ride for the strapping badger's manhood. Almost immediately he ramped up to full speed, pounding the moaning dog like he did in his own formerly stifled fantasies. Oliver was enjoying the display as he jerked himself, thoroughly enjoying fondling and pleasuring his formidable new equipment. A few minutes had passed of Adam hammering away at Bruce like a pro, and soon Bruce began to pant and moan with increasing fervor. Adam knew how to work a man, and he did just that, soon the adept lover and beaten the husky's lions into submission with his thrusts, and Bruce clenched as he came a second time, nearly as hard as the first, splattering the area under him with cum. The rhythmic thrusting of Adam's hips sending Bruce's cock bobbing back and forth as he came, and soon the husky's seed was dripping down both their legs.

Adam let up after a few more good thrusts, not ready to cum, himself, he pulled out of the dog and faced Oliver. Bruce's legs were shaking as he steadied himself on the desk.

"Your turn, big guy" said Adam, giving Bruce a playful smack on the ass.

Oliver strode over, once again ready to breed his bitch. His cock still slick, he wasted no time at all thrusting all the way into the dog. Bruce let out an overwhelmingly-pleasured yelp and arched his back, shakily trying to accommodate the king of the jungle.

Oliver wiggled his hips, digging himself deeper into Bruce before he started humping again, but this time he felt something behind him. Mr. O'Brian had taken Oliver's tail in his paw and yanked it up. With his other, he guided his slick cock up and down Oliver's rump, rubbing his tailhole as he did Bruce's before. Oliver put up no resistance as Adam pressed his cock against his tailhole, it was already slick with the cum he left in Bruce, as well as Adam's own potent precum. His teacher pressed firmly yet steadily into the lion, slipping easily into the much larger male, Oliver clenched his jaw at the sensation of both men on his new body. Adam had started an opposing rhythm against Oliver's thrusts into Bruce, and back and forth they went, sliding into the next male in line again and again. Oliver found a steady pace rocking back and forth between the two, his dreamy teacher's cock up the ass of his godlike jock body while his own tool pounded his gorgeous best friend, it was euphoria... and little did he know, Bruce wasn't even done yet.

Their thrusts gained momentum, hips crashed against each other harder and harder, Adam soon had to brace himself, gripping Oliver's powerful waist, as his thrusts grew shorter and faster. The suave man threw one final thrust before succumbing to his loin's desire. He bucked hard into the burly man and unloaded his own potent seed, the thrill of the object of his desire pumping wave after wave of his cum into him sent Oliver over the edge again, and with the same fervor as before, he blew his load into Bruce. Bruce was nearly used up, panting and clutching the desk for dear life... or at least that's what the entity that controlled him allowed. He'd have as much stamina as he needed, but the real Bruce was enjoying it too much, and the entity loved swimming in his feelings of rapture. Pump after pump again filled Bruce's tailhole with the virile felines white, hot seed, as if he hadn't already cum moments ago. Very little of it was the ethereal creature's influence on their mortal forms, the rest was the sheer prowess of Brett's physique.

His arms wrapped around Bruce, as Adam's were around his waist, he heaved a sigh of relief as his genitals fulfilled their agenda, once more he was still hard in the smaller fur after his orgasm.

Adam was the first to move, he pulled out of the lion with a contented huff, backing off, he walked over to his desk. He outright swept his laptop right off the desk and onto the floor, spinning around and hopping up onto the surface. His cock still out, he reached over and rested a paw on Bruce on the shoulder. "I felt that. I felt him pumping into you, you sure can work these bodies, kid." He said. Bruce looked up and smiled, Oliver let out a huff above him, eyes still shut as he clutched his dog in satiation. "You know what to do, buddy." Adam said.

Bruce perked up. "About time for the grande finale!" He chirped. He slid out from under Oliver, who in turn snapped back to the present, intrigued. Bruce stepped over to Adam and hoisted himself up onto the desk. "Think you got one more in you, stud?" Bruce said, his cosmic master knowing full well the limits and capabilities of everyone in the room.

Oliver watched as Bruce positioned himself over Adam. Squatting down, he plunged Adam's still-hard cock into his well-worn, cum-soaked tailhole in one go. Adam braced himself on his elbows as he leaned back on his desk, he threw his head back in a grunt as the feisty, otherworldly husky rode him. Oliver was mentally exhausted, his head already lost in a blur of pleasure and lust, and yet... the body he inhabited remained willing and ready. Not once since he became this obscenely virile lion had he lost his erection. He wasn't sure if it was truly Brett's actual physiology, or the mysterious being in is best friend's powers that kept him going, and really, it didn't matter. His flesh somehow still demanded more.

He watched the two go at it, the spry husky bouncing on the breeding badger's proud cock, he was compelled by his unyielding lions for more at the very sight...

"There's room for one more in here!" the badger said, cockily, and it was all the persuasion the canine-turned-beefy-cat needed.

Oliver moved over to the pair, as Bruce stopped his bouncing balls-deep on Adam's cock. Paws shaking, Oliver guided his stunning manhood against Adam's own, up against Bruce's tailhole. With familiar ease, he pushed himself once more into his beautiful mate... er... friend. He was his best friend... What was this he was feeling? He knew at this point the extra-terrestrial thing had made Bruce as sexy as possible, but...

He looked into Bruce's eyes as he slid his head in against Adam's. Bruce moaned, Adam grunted softly from behind.

They met with a long, fixed stare.

There was something different.

That was Bruce, in there. The real Bruce.

He may currently have just been the fun toy and mouthpiece of some seemingly-benevolent supreme being this whole time, but it was still him behind those icy, piercing blue eyes. Oliver knew.

Transfixed, Oliver slowly sunk his whole length into the other man. Adam moaned behind him at the sensation. He kept up, like he did before, slowly, faster, faster.... cocks grinding together inside the man, slick with the endless oozing precum of both men, and Brett's powerful, seemingly limitless cum. Oliver, using the liberty of Brett's body's height, leaned forward and kissed Bruce, the two still atop Adam as the three laid back together on the desk. Thrust after thrust, Oliver's tongue danced with Bruce's. The real Bruce. He may not have been in complete control, unable to stretch his body to such limits without help, but he was when and where it counted. Apparently the being in him made absolute sure of it. Adam was lost at this point, he lay flat down on his desk as the two went at it on his cock. He clawed at his desk in vain, gasping for air as his cock erupted, spurt after spurt well beyond his normal limits and with no end in sight. He was nearly spent, physically and mentally, but the being in Bruce helped him maintain his body's primal stamina, giving him more and more cum to shoot as it saw fit.

Oliver thrust away faster and faster against Adam's rapidly throbbing cock, as he passionately kissed the Bruce within Bruce, they were as one.

And then,


A white light overtook Oliver's thoughts as he came into Bruce. The incomparable feeling he got from the best fuck he'd ever have, frotting against his crush Adam in his beautiful m...

Mate. His love. Bruce.

In the body of his physical idol.

It was too much, he saw stars...

Oliver opened his eyes.

He was sitting at a desk. He looked down at his paws. They were his, alright.

It was the same school desk he was at when he was in detention. He stared ahead, utterly thunderstruck. It looked like he was in detention still... He saw in front of him, Mr. O'Brian, sitting at his desk, clothed, furniture pristine, pecking away at his laptop.

He stared. Adam looked up and stared back, silently.

He looked to his left. He saw Bruce. Asleep, head on his arm for support on the hard desk.

He looked at the clock.


He wasn't sure how to proceed.

"It... was so real", he said.

Mr. O'Brian finally spoke.

"Oliver." Their eyes met. "We can go now. It's three minutes past your detention" he said, flatly. "...You.... can come back to my apartment, if you like... He did something so no one would suspect anything in the way of a couple of students going home with a teacher..."

Oliver's eyes widened. His gaze darted at Bruce, still asleep.

Bruce grumbled and shifted his weight to get more comfortable. He opened his eyes slightly and looked up at Oliver. A smile drew across his face.

"He let me keep the powers, you know." Bruce said with a wink.