Transformation Story: Revelation of the Wonders

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Studley-Destiny is this continuation of the World of Wonders series, bringing more influence of the Wonders on the world of humanity, in a most impressive, crashing way.

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Revelation of the Wonders for Studley by Draconicon

"I can't believe that your 'distraction' is going to end up being the first part of our plan."

Studley shook his head as he glanced over Rannoi's plans. The two dragons had been deep in discussion for hours, trying to decide how to move on and keep the world from paying much attention to their antics. Their eventual plan surprised him, and what surprised him more was the fact that Rannoi had thought of it. He pulled himself back from the table.

"You sure that this isn't something to get back at the council?"

"If anyone here wants that, Studley, it's you." Rannoi shrugged. "If we can blame this on them, we have everyone's attention dedicated to finding them. Maybe a small group trying to find me and Mirari, but only so we can be tracked back to the council. And we can even use that to our advantage. Kids learn this growing up, and forget it, but it's one of the best ways to not be noticed doing something wrong."

"Blame someone innocent."

"Heh. Considering all that Hai Mei and the others have done, I wouldn't call them innocent."

Nor would I, Studley thought as he looked at the plans. He had a few misgivings, but none sufficient to stop the plan. And if it did succeed...well, the Wonders would be better off for it. Those that wanted to stay on the island forever were no longer living up to their names and their reputations, nor their cause. Things had to change, and they were just the group to do it.

Shaking his head, Studley turned to the door. Rannoi cleared his throat.

"Where are you going?"

"To get that security chief of yours out of the pavement."

"Right. Do be gentle."

It was nearly three weeks later that they were floating in the bay off-shore of Seattle. Just like in the dream-scene that Rannoi had shown him, they were on one of the government-allowed vessels that was under the Park of Mirari name. Studley just hoped that the alterations of the plan would remain intact, or more than cum was going to be launched from their boat.

He glanced over to Rannoi and Mirari, and to David standing by them. The security chief looked rather sheepish for an otter, which was to say looked slightly embarrassed by any other standard. Studley doubted that the otter would forget his mesmerized night in the ground, nor the amount of people that had fucked him during that time. By the time that he'd released him, David had gotten filled at least a dozen times, if not more.

On the plus side, it had added to the amount of harvested seed for the transformation. Studley didn't entirely agree with the substance, but the wolf supposed that it was one of the more conductive substances to use. Trying with blood certainly didn't seem to be very good. Taking a deep breath, he took a few steps towards the edge of the craft. Rannoi glanced at him.



"Don't ham it up too much."

"Are you kidding? I'm worrying about being too serious."

And stop acting like you're the teacher. I'm the one in charge now, Studley thought with a small shake of his head. He plugged his nose as he hopped off of the barge, dipping into the water. A little golden light flared around his neck as he gave himself gills, and then went down towards the bottom of the bay.

It didn't take him long to set up a set of collection channels rising from the bottom of the bay. They weren't much, and they'd fall apart in a couple of hours, but it would make sure that those that fell in the water could be gathered up quickly. The last thing that they needed were any delays. Rannoi might not be too bothered by the government's power, but Studley had seen too many people with that lack of worry be taken down. The sooner they were done with this, the better.

He felt the pressure of the water being tugged into a wave, and the wolf realized that the first blast was coming. Shaking his head, he swam with greater power and speed than any normal wolf, shooting through the water towards a safer region before surfacing.

Studley had just enough time to see the first white wave slam into the waterfront. Restaurants, people, and vehicles all were caught in the first wave, covered in white. The stench was worse than walking into one of the brothels during the dark age, and the contents that were left behind weren't entirely dissimilar. Cars became wheeled dildos, and people were stripped down to nothing, their bodies writhing as fur sprouted from their flesh and their bodies were distorted, then idealized as they became something similar to him and the other denizens of the park.

Rannoi, you better be keeping the mind wiping to minimum.

Don't worry. They're having their bodies transformed. The only thing I'm doing with their minds is cushioning the shock a bit. No need to leave them traumatized.

Studley hoped that was all that Rannoi was doing, but for his part of the plan, he couldn't be too concerned with it right now. He shook his head, wrapping the golden light around himself as he tried to...get in character.

The second wave was beginning as the back-wash of the first dragged numerous people off of the streets and into the bay, the sweeping seed collecting them into the channels Studley had constructed and towards the underside of the barge. Studley watched just long enough to be sure that they were safe before concentrating on himself.

Gray skin appeared beneath his fur, emerging from the bald patches that were getting increasingly present as he transformed. The wolf didn't much care for this form, but he was the best one to emulate its owner. Big gray ears were not too bad, but the feeling of his nose sliding over his mouth, curling down into a trunk just felt completely unnatural. He groaned as he reached for it, rubbing it with thickening hands. Even the quick transition from male to female felt easier than dealing with a nose that went all the way down to his waist.

Letting the last bit of his magic conjure up a fancy robe for himself - or, herself, Studley supposed - the new elephant floated upwards from the bay. She raised her hands, gathering some of the water in an attention grabbing waterspout, making sure that all un-transformed eyes were on her.

"Citizens of Seattle, and the greater government there-of. My name is Hai Mei, and I represent the Council of Wonders. For too long, you have remained in your little world, believing that magic is gone, that the little corners of the map have been filled in. You believe that you understand all there is to understand, and that your lives have all been explained.

"I stand here to tell you, they have NOT!"

She specifically timed that for the crash of the next wave to punctuate her sentence, the cummy water shooting further up the main streets of Seattle. People were falling into lustful orgies, fucking each other even as they were transformed and swept out to sea. Those that were not being pulled away, those that were less than enthused, remained on the streets, transformed, but safe.

Just as planned.

Buildings were shifting, turning into brothels, toy shops, craft stores for erotic artists and other such people. The streets were slick, as if even they were getting lubed, or exuding it naturally. Light posts became more phallic, and the new cars hit by it lost gas tanks, instead having a fleshlight where the hole had been.

Does that really work, Rannoi?

How do you think we power Mirari's roller coaster?

As the wave quieted, the floating elephant continued, hiding a smile.

"You see before you but a taste of our power. Your lives, such as you know it, have changed. This is the power of a Wonder, to change lives, to change the world, to change fate itself, and bend it to our whims! Our power is beyond anything that you have ever seen, or ever will see.

"But we are not without mercy. In this, our first strike, we will allow you to return to normal. Those of you left behind will return to your old, pitiful lives in two days. In 48 hours, this will be gone, and your boring Emerald City will be its old self again."

The third and final wave was rising, and Studley - in Hai Mei's body - rose to the top of it, riding it in as she called out her final words.

"Heed our words! The world is changing, and you will change with it. We will drag you into the new era, where Wonders bring you the joys of a world long past, where you may have the bodies and the lives you have always desired but society has told you is wrong, that you may never have. Let magic come back into your lives, and it will not only help you, but save you! We come! We come, in a wave of white!"

The last wave crashed into the city, and the elephant riding it went in all the way with it. People that were otherwise normal changed to horny beasts. Some that were partners changed even further, with hand-holding couples becoming anything from a man wearing a cock-sleeve to a woman with nipple chains ending in a face. Everything seemed to meld and change, and some of them were entirely too strange for her own personal tastes.

A guy becoming a pair of shoes for someone else? Is your subconscious slipping out, Rannoi?

I swear, all these transformations are based off of what the spell detects in the person involved. I don't have any hand on the living transformations.

Studley rolled her eyes, riding the wave out of it, keeping her arms folded like the stern person she was. Just as promised, some people were left behind, while others were swept out to sea with the return of the wave, and judging by how it looked, it was only the reluctant that were left behind. All the eager ones were sweeping away.

It was time for the grand exit. Sweeping her hands together, the elephant gathered a grand globe of golden light between her hands. Everyone, from the transformed to the rare person that had escaped the wave, stared as she was swept back towards the bay. Studley raised her hands above her head, letting the globe pulse.

"Remember us, for you will see us again, soon!"

With a great flash of light, they disappeared, the bay empty of not just the elephant, but the barge and all its occupants.

"Studley...where did you take us?"

The elephant - for he was too tired to turn back - blushed a little bit. They were in the middle of the ocean, with sunset coming, and no land in sight. Rannoi's question had more merit to it than he wanted to admit. Studley shrugged.

"I'd say somewhere in the Pacific."

"That's a rather large swathe of water. Can you be more specific?"


"You have no idea, do you?"

"Hey, it's not like teleporting is an exact science. Chaos, you know?"

"I do know." Rannoi sighed. "Mirari, could you -"

"I'm already working on it."


The elephant realized that the barge was shifting shape, turning into something bigger, and wider, and -

"Mirari Cruise Lines?"

"It was my next idea."

"Now THAT I can get behind. Any chance of a martini?"

The End