Nobody Likes Max III

Story by Vikthefox on SoFurry

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#2 of Royalty

Author's Note: Sequel to "A Meeting between Emperors", this story will be rated Adult for language. All of my stories will be set in the same universe unless I state otherwise. Hope you all enjoy. Please read and comment.

Royal Palace, Jerk Island City, Jerk Island

When James returned home after his meeting with Max, he decided to call his best friend Lucius V, emperor of the wolves.

"What's up dude", James said

"Same old, same old dude; how about you", Lucius asked

"I met with Max today. He was insane as usual", James said

"Ugh. He gets on my nerves real bad. If he and I weren't royalty, I would kick his ass. Let me guess, he wants your island", Lucius said

"Yes and he wants you to move your troops away from the border", James said

"Well he can go fuck himself. Did he do his cute act again", Lucius said

"Oh yes he did and it was as annoying as ever", James said

"He's not cute at all when he does that. He just embarrasses himself. No one can take him seriously", Lucius said

"Well, Max said I was mean and that he was going to tell everyone on the chat room about me. I wonder what responses he'll get", James said

"Not the ones he's hoping for, I'm sure", Lucius said.

"I don't know, someone will probably feel sorry him", James said

"Let's log on the chat and see what responses he gets", Lucius said

"Sounds like a good plan to me", James said

They then hung up their phones and logged onto the World Leader Chat Room, eager to see what would go down.

The World Leader Chat Room

MaxIII: = ( James was mean to me today.

KuhlmanVIII: Aww, poor foxie. What happened?

MaxIII: He said I wasn't cute and he still won't give me his island. =(

CatrinaIX: You're ugly you dog.

MaxIII: How dare you call me a dog! I'll never understand your hate for canines.

CatrinaIX: Screw you. I like James better. I would've done the same if I were him.

KuhlmanVIII: Whoa. Chill dude and dudette. Let's just calm down and stop being so mean and uptight.

CatrinaIX: Oh look, it's a hippie dog.

LuciusV: Hey Max, stop asking for my friend's island, he ain't going to give it to you.

JamesII: What he said

MaxIII: You're all mean, except for you Kuhlman.

KuhlmanVIII: Thanks bro!

MaxIII: We're not related, but thank you anyway.

KuhlmanVIII: Actually we are. I just found out today that my dad banged your mom twenty some years ago, so yeah we're half-brothers.

MaxIII: Bull crap! Foxes and Coyotes can't even have kits together.

KuhlmanVIII: Well apparently they can.

CatrinaIX: LOL, you're mom's a whore Max.

MaxIII: Bitch!

CatrinaIX: *leaves the chat*

KuhlmanVIII: *leaves the chat*

LuciusV: *leaves the chat*

MaxIII: *leaves the chat*

JamesII: *leaves the chat*

A Meeting Between Emperors

Max III, emperor of the foxes, was combing the fur on the top of his head for he wanted to look nice for his meeting with the emperor of Jerk Island. He was dressed in his finest green suit, complete with his golden crown. "Do you think he'll finally...

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