Looking After the Boys: Robert

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#4 of Looking After the Boys

What's this? It wasn't really over? Who would have known? Sorry for the long wait for this, I know I teased it a lot when I posted my last chapter but I never had the time during the my previous semesters to just sit down and finish this. I hope you all enjoy the truly LAST installment of Looking After. Also I don't understand how SF jacks up my formatting so bad x.x

Looking After the Boys: Robert

Riley groggily opened his eyes to the white ceiling above him. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly causing one of the boys at his side to shift. He looked down at Collin who was naked and cuddling up snugly with him. His gaze returned to the ceiling as he recalled the last two weeks. He'd came more times in the last two weeks than he had in the last two years and it was all because of the horny little pups nestled around him.

He closed his eyes and sighed. He knew Robert would be home today and something would have to be done about the brothers. The younger wolf was terrified about either confessing to his best friend or not ever being able to be around with Collin or his brothers again. He was deep in troubled thought when he felt a small paw grasp his exposed sheath. He smiled and looked down.

"Good morning Collin," The older brown wolf whispered.

"Morning Riley," Collin replied sleepily and returned a sleepy smile. The pup slowly rubbed the adult's sheath, bringing him to half hardness.

"Jeeze Collin, already?" Riley murred quietly as the pup ran his magic hands over his hardening cock. He watched as Collin positioned himself to start sucking him. He put his hand on the pups head and pulled it close, slipping his cock into his wanting maw. Riley moaned as he slowly thrusted into Collin's mouth. The other two boys groaned and shifted next to them.

Riley stopped thrusting and motioned for Collin to get up and off the bed. He didn't want to wake the other brothers if he didn't have to, so he slipped into the bathroom with Collin to continue the fun. As he reached into the shower to turn on the water, Riley felt the pup wrap his lips around his cock and start sucking again.

"Oh damn Collin, you can't imagine how good this feels!" He rubbed the pup between his ears. Once the shower had warmed up they both shifted into it without Collin taking Riley out of his mouth. After they were both inside it didn't take long for Riley to lift Collin up and lean him against the wall to plow him.

Collin locked his legs around Riley's slender waist as the adult fucked him. He let out increasingly louder moans as Riley thrusted deeper and deeper into him, hitting all of his sweet spots. His little cock rubbed through Riley's wet fur on his stomach. As he moaned Riley turned his muzzle towards his and pulled him into a sloppy open-mouthed kiss. It confused Collin why Riley liked to kiss him like that so much, but he never minded kissing Riley. He licked at the larger tongue that was invading his mouth and sucked on it slightly.

"Oh god I'm gonna blow Collin!" Riley shouted as he broke their kiss. He rammed up hard into Collin, howling as he blew his load into the young pup's ass. He leaned forward with Collin and rested against the wall. He chuckled, of the near countless time's he'd orgasmed in the last two weeks, more than half of them were inside of Collin. His moment of bliss was interrupted with a sigh from Collin. "What's wrong bud?"

"Daddy comes home today..." He whimpered with a distraught look. "I don't want this to end."

"Collin..." Riley's heart nearly melted with Collin's expression. "We'll still be able to see each other, you don't need to be sad. You can come over and stay with me from time to time, it'll be our own little sleep over!" He tried to cheer the pup up. Figuring it probably wasn't helping being balls-deep inside him, he pulled out and sat down with him on the floor of the shower. He hugged and stroked his head fur as the water poured on both of them.

"But it won't be like this...and if Daddy isn't..."

"Hey, hey." He lifted Collin's chin so they were eye to eye. "Don't worry, ok? We don't have to tell your dad if you don't want to." He hugged him tightly. "We can still have fun like this, I promise." He licked his face, making the cub smile a little.

"O-ok, if you promise." He stood up, his little penis now eye level with Riley. It was just like Collin to want to get right back to things. He pressed the little shaft against Riley's lips, who happily opened up and started licking and slurping on it. Collin moaned softly as his knees began to buckle slightly from the pleasure. He watched as Riley sucked vigorously on his little cock. He swiftly reached his orgasm and the brown wolf greedily drank it all down, sucking more to get every last drop.

Once they both had their fun and actually got cleaned, they got out of the shower and dried off. Collin shook off once Riley was adequately dry just to get him wet again. The older wolf glared at him and then whipped his butt with his towel. The pup yipped loudly and ran out as Riley chased him whipping at him with his towel.

Riley chased Collin into his room, grabbing the pup, and tossed him on his bed. Before Collin could react he pinned him down and began tickling him. He got him in his armpits and his feet, causing the pup to roar with laughter and beg for mercy. Riley denied him though and moved on to tickling the flopping little penis. This caused the pup to laugh even harder. After a few more seconds of the tickle torture Riley got off of Collin, who curled up and continued to laugh.

"M-meanie!" Collin choked out through laughing. He regained his composure and went to his underwear drawer. "What should I wear today, Riley?" He dug through the drawer.

"Hrm, have anything colorful?" He flopped down onto Collin's bed as he watched the naked cub dig through the drawer. Finally the pup pulled out a pair small bright orange and blue briefs then stepped into them. Riley licked his lips as he watched him pull the new briefs up and over his small puppy package.

"Like these?" Collin walked back to him and hopped on his lap.

"Perfect actually." Riley chuckled and picked the cub up and walked back into Robert's room, where they had all been sleeping the past two weeks. Sam and Mike were awake by now but not out of bed. They were both just starting to wake up. "Morning boys!" Riley shouted as he threw the covers off of their naked bodies.

"Rileeeeey." Mike moaned as he sat up on the bed.

"Oh don't give me that, its almost noon. Get up and get dressed, your dad will be home soon." He began digging through his bag to find some clothes to wear for the day. Once he was fully dressed he forced the cubs out of the room so he could rearrange everything back to the way it was before he got there. Once satisfied, he left the room and closed his door behind him with bag in-hand. All three pups were sitting in the living room, Sam and Mike both fully clothed and Collin in just a shirt and his briefs.

"So listen boys, we have to talk about what we're gonna tell your dad." He sat adjacent to them in another chair. "What do you think we should do?" He watched the boys turn their heads too look at each other.

"We don't know." Mike spoke for them. "It's scary to think about, because it's _his_thing to do with us. We asked once if we could do it with other people and he got really scared and made us promise to never tell anyone about it, even our friends."

Riley sat in silent contemplation. It sounded like Robert was extremely protective of his little secret with his boys, and for good reason he supposed. He thought hard about it and came to a decision.

"Boys, I think it's best for you and your father that he doesn't know what we did here. I don't want him being angry at me and I certainly don't want him angry with you. It would be best for everyone if we just kept our muzzles shut." He surveyed their reactions, Sam seemed relieved, Mike was pouting, and Collin had his head down with the saddest look on his face. "L-Look, this doesn't mean we can't do this again! Just not...while your dad is around."

"It's ok Riley, you can trust us. We wont tell Daddy." Sam reassured him and took both of his brothers' hands into his. He pulled them into him and hugged them.

Riley smiled at his affection for his brothers, and the last thing he wanted in the world was to crush his best friend's world because he shared in that affection. He stood up then flopped right back down next to Collin, tossing his arm around him as he did. He leaned in and whispered something into the pup's ear, evoking a small smile and giggle from him.

"So you boys excited to see your dad finally?"

"Yeah!" They all shouted together but Collin was still the least enthused about it.

"That's good, he texted me not too long ago that he got off his plane, so he should be here any minute." Sure enough as soon as the last word came out of his mouth the front door opened and in walked a tired and haggard wolf in a two-piece suit.

"Daddy!!!" The triplets leapt off the couch and ran to greet their father. Despite having been upset before, once Collin saw his father again he was happy he was home. Robert knelt down and hugged all his sons together.

"Oh boys I missed you so much!" He gave them each a smooch on their foreheads. "Were you good for Riley?"

"Their best behavior, as always." Riley said as he walked over to them and ruffled Collin's head. He watched as Robert gave them each their own individual hugs, then stand to face him.

"Thank you Riley, really you were a life saver." He gave Riley a tight hug. "You didn't throw too many crazy college parties while I was gone, did you?"

Riley laughed. "No way man, you know that's not me."

"Alright, thanks again Riley." He pushed his boys towards him. "Thank Riley for watching you little furballs!"

Riley knelt down and hugged all three of them at once as they thanked him. Sam and Mike bounced back to their dad and left Collin still holding onto Riley. The two shared one last knowing glance together then Riley kissed Collin's nose then stood up.

"Bye Riley, see you soon!" Collin waved at the older wolf as he walked out the front door.

Once outside Riley slumped back against the door, he really was exhausted from his excursions with the boys, part of him was glad he could finally relax and the other part of him was sad it was over. He walked to his car and threw his bag into the back seat of his car. He peeked back at the front window of the house as he was pulling out of the driveway and saw Collin smiling and waving at him. His heart warmed up a bit as he waved back.

Once he was back at his apartment he flipped the lights on, dropped his bags and crashed on the couch. As soon as his head hit the cushion he black out fast asleep. He began to dream wildly. Some things didn't make sense but then his dream turned into one about Collin.

He was alone with the cub in his own apartment, they were both in their underwear and appeared to be late. He pulled the pup into a deep kiss and touched the front of his briefs. As they kissed Riley slipped out of his briefs. Once they broke the kiss Riley flipped the boy over and ripped his briefs wide open then immediately started thrusting into him. Suddenly Robert burst into his apartment, looking much larger and demeaning than in reality. Riley froze and Collin was trying to shout at this father as the impossibly large Robert reached out a threatening hand towards Riley.

Shock out of his dream Riley lurched up panting in a cold sweat. He looked around the room and even patted his chest to make sure he was awake.

"Shit, this is going to drive me insane." He said aloud to himself. After several moments of collecting himself he figured he'd take a nice hot shower to ease his tensions away. He shed his clothing on the way to the small apartment bathroom then stepped in without even waiting for the water to warm up. The shock of the cold water brought him completely out of his groggy state.

As he stood there looking into the plain white tile of the shower walls he felt lonely. A feeling he didn't often experience. It weighed on him like there was suddenly hundreds of pounds on his shoulders. He wondered why he felt so suddenly depressed, then it hit him. This was his first time showering without Collin in the last two weeks. He missed the pup's warmth, his scent, his voice, and even just his mere presence.

He closed his eyes to think of the cub. He saw him standing alone, smiling like he always was. He was wearing his school clothes at first but as Riley kept thinking of him he slowly started to lose them. Eventually Riley was at full mast when the cub was completely naked in his mind. He started to stroke himself. Imagining pup's muzzle buried in his crotch he stroked himself to full orgasm. He opened his eyes to the mess he just plastered over the wall and sighed.

After finishing his shower he stepped out and began to dry himself off. He reached into his discarded pants, fishing for his phone. It wasn't in them however. Riley searched around the rest of his apartment for it but it was nowhere to be found. As he stood there surveying the room, something clicked in his head.

"Fuhh- It's on the nightstand!" He exclaimed in slight panic. He hurried to get his clothes on. He cursed at himself as he grabbed his keys and bolted out the door. He hoped he could get there and grab his phone before Robert realized it was there and questioned him why it would be in his room.

He may have ran a red light or two but, he was there in no time. He got to the front door and knocked. After a few seconds there was no answer. He knocked again, still no answer. He wiggled the door knob to find it was still unlocked, so he slipped inside and shut the door behind him.

He could smell the scent of pizza in the air, but the family was nowhere to be seen. He could hear noises coming from Robert's room. His heart started to pound, knowing full well what could be happening. He felt conflicted, if he left Robert would surely find his phone, and if he went in there was no way he could sneak it out. He paced back and forth in the hallway trying to think up a good lie to tell Robert if he found his phone. His heart nearly stopped when he realized when he thought of his phone's background picture. He took a photo of Collin in his underwear and set it as his background as a joke to show the pup. If Robert saw that there, it would be impossible to come up with a convincing story. He had no choice. He had to get his phone.

With his heart racing, Riley put his ear to Robert's door. He could only make out joyous laughter from the other side of the door. He quietly turned the knob on the door then carefully pushed it open. He looked at the bed, its sheets were thrown over the occupants so Riley could only see shapes and movements under them.

He got on his hands and knees to crawl around the end of the bed as he spotted his phone on the opposite nightstand. He outstretched his arm to grab it when the covers were thrown off by Robert as he pounced one of his boys down to the other end of the bed. Robert himself was stark naked and the boy under him was in a pair of white and red superhero underwear.

"Riley!" The pup who Robert had tackled was overjoyed shouted and wagged his tail. With that level of excitement the pup could only be Collin.

Robert's head snapped to look at Riley and he pulled his hand away from where it rested on Collin's inner thigh. He pulled a blanket over him and the other two siblings popped up out of the covers like prairie dogs.

"Riley." Robert cleared his throat. "W-what are you doing here?" He was trying to sound stern without sounding guilty.

"I uh, well I forgot my phone here, and uh, well I knocked on the door and rang for a while but no one came so I figured no one was here. So I came in to get my phone and uh, well..." Riley began to lose focus as the little underwear-clad cub began to hug his waist when he stood up.

"What is your phone doing in here?" Robert asked, shifting another blanket to cover his other two sons. Riley opened his mouth to reply but he was so deep in this now there was no way he could lie his way out of it.

"Well I uh, slept in here the last couple of nights, cuz um...that guest bed was giving me back problems."

He reached out for his phone again but Robert snatched it first, suspicious of the way the brown wolf was acting. He clicked the screen on and raised his eyebrow.

"L-look that was just a joke! I was just messing around with the camera since it's a new phone and-" He started to panic. He looked to the boys for any help but they were just as stunned as he was. He searched for a way out of the situation but couldn't find any. "Robert I...I know." He admitted, folding his ears back tightly against his head.

"Know what?" Robert gazed up at Riley after finally looking away from the phone.

"About you...and the boys." Robert glared at his sons knowing full well they were the ones who let their secret slip.

"You do?" Robert's lips cured as he became slightly more defensive.

"Y-yeah and...that's not all either." Riley scratched the back of his head trying to find the best way to describe what happened over the past two weeks.

"Did you have sex with them?" Robert blatantly asked, he knew full well if his boys told Riley about their secret it would not have just ended there.

"I-well, I uh." The brown wolf was surprised Robert would ask that right away. "Y-yes...I did, it was Collin here who, well got me into things." He looked back at Robert. The older male stood up, still in the buff and walked to Riley and his son.

"You had sex with all my boys?" He asked in a way that sent chills into Riley.

"Y-yes." Riley answered, suddenly feeling a lot more terrified than when he was lying. He opened his mouth to say something in his defense but something of Robert's caught his eye. The other wolf had slipped halfway out of his sheath and had a thinly shimmering string of pre hanging from the tip of his cock. "R-Robert?"

"I never would have guessed you of all people would fall into this." He said as he pinned Riley against the wall and lifted him up enough just to where his feet couldn't touch the ground.

"R-Robert!" Riley shouted as he began to panic.

"Daddy! Don't hurt him!" Collin shouted then shook his father. His brother's just sat back in fear.

"Oh I'm not going to hurt him Colly, calm down." He smiled down at his son, then turned back to Riley.

"Robert, look I'm sorry...i-if you don't want me-"

"Oh shush Riley." He said sternly as he suddenly groped his friend through his shorts.

Riley's eyes went wide as his friend grabbed his package. He opened his mouth to say something but only a moan came out.

"You're not in trouble Riley, I'd be the biggest hypocrite if I was mad at you." He set Riley down back on his feet. "Let's sit down and you can tell me what my boys put you through."

Riley felt like the weight of the world was lifted off his shoulders. He sat down on the bed with Robert and his boys. He went into a detailed recap of the last two weeks, only excluding small parts that were special with Collin and himself. After his story had been told and even during it, Robert was rock hard and stroking himself.

"Wow. You are one horny dog Riley." Robert chuckled as he grinned and stroked himself lightly. He looked at his sons. "And YOU boys, as interesting as that was, you're in trouble now."

All three boys folded their ears back and shifted uneasily on the bed.

"Want to help me punish them?" Robert turned to Riley and asked. As soon as the question was asked all the cubs' ears shot up.

"W-Wha?" Riley looked dumbfounded at his friend. "A-are you asking me to-"

"Yes, Riley yes." Robert laughed and shook his head. "What now all of a sudden you're surprised?"

"Well, I didn't expect...I mean I didn't think you'd be so...open with them."

"Riley, after everything you just told me are you really gonna stop now?" Robert grinned at him mischievously.

Riley looked past Robert at the three cubs who were bouncing excitedly on the bed, Collin's face was particularly bright.

"Well?" Robert put his hands on his hips as he let his rock hard member stick out towards his life-long friend. "Why don't ya show me what's got my pups all excited for?"

Riley was shocked that Robert was being to open with him, but he'd be the biggest liar if he said it wasn't a massive turn-on that he wanted to share his sons with him. He shrugged and smiled as he pulled off his shirt and tossed it at the cubs, who dodged it and giggled. He turned to face Robert and unbuttoned his pants to let them fall to the ground. He was wearing a pair of bright orange fly-less briefs that Collin adored on him.

"Mmm, my boy does have good taste." Robert sized up the scrawny brown wolf, eyeing his bulge. He took a deep breath, then shoved Riley down onto the bed. "Go for it boys!"

At their father's command the boys leapt on Riley, assaulting him with their tongues all over his body. Sam took to licking his feet, and Mike his bulge. Collin took the opportunity to lick Riley all over his face.

The older wolf easily overpowered him once he regained his breath from laughing. He pinned down Collin and nipped at his neck then started kissing down his body until he reached his tighty whitie bulge. He kissed, nuzzled, and licked it to his pleasing, causing the cub to laugh out and squirm in pleasure. He wiggled his ass up in the air as he buried his face in the boy's crotch, giving his father full view of it.

"Mmm damn Riley. You have a nice butt." He walked up to the brown wolf and slapped his ass hard.

"Ow!" Riley yipped out. He looked back at the looming father behind him. "What was that for?!"

"For bein' a bad boy." Robert grinned and slapped his ass again, evicting another yelp out of Riley. "Now hush and get back to that little boy bulge you've been enjoying the last two weeks."

Riley felt a shiver go up his spine from Robert being so dominant with him. He turned his head back to Collin's underwear and went back to licking and nuzzling it. He braced himself for another swat but it never came, instead he felt his briefs being pulled down. He looked back at Robert, who sure enough was slowly sliding his briefs off his ass. He grew even more excited thinking of the things the large white wolf had in mind for him.

"Are you still a virgin back here Riley?" Robert ran a finger up from Riley's balls to his hole, causing him to moan and shiver in response. "I'll take that as I yes."

"Well no, up until a few weeks ago I had no interest in guys." Riley spoke out as he tugged the front of Collin's briefs aside and started to suckle on the stiff little cock that strained beneath. He last tasted Collin only earlier that day, but now it was an entirely different experience now that his father knew about AND was watching.

"O-oh Riley!" Collin squeaked out as the older wolf began to suck him and even nuzzle past his briefs to get to his hole. He looked past Riley at his father to see him further admiring Riley's hole and vigorously stroking himself. He'd seen that face before and knew what it entailed, Riley was going to have a hell of a time. Sure enough Robert called his other two sons over to him to help.

"Sam, why don't ya come over here and give Riley's hole a nice licking? I'm sure this isn't your first time, so hop to it!" He watched with an ever-straining cock as his pup buried his muzzle between another man's cheeks and enthusiastically ate him out. He turned towards Mike, still stroking his cock. "Come help daddy out with this, Mikey."

The pup more than happily obeyed, jumping up from the bed then rushing to his father. He wrapped his lips around the tip of his cock then slowly took more into his mouth inch by inch until he was down to his father's knot. Mike loved sucking his father more than anything else and it showed in his impressive ability to take his cock down to the knot.

The room grew hot from the body heat and began to smell like the mixture of sweat and sex. Riley was happily sucking off Collin while getting his hole rimmed by Sam. Each time Sam would push his smooth tongue into him he would moan out for more in an increasing need to fill the void. He looked back at Sam only to see Mike standing at waist level of his father blowing him. His cock felt harder than steel at the sight, he wanted to bury his cock in the cub in front of him so badly it was nearly driving him insane.

"Alright Riley, let's see what you've got." Robert called Riley to his attention. "I wanna see you inside my son, show me what you two have been doing these past two weeks."

There was his permission. Riley jumped up onto his knees and pulled the pup close. While he was still on his back, Riley grabbed and ripped open the back of Collin's briefs then ripped a hole in the front of them so his penis could be easily accessible. The two shared a loving look as Riley aligned his rock-hard cock with the saliva slickened hole. They both moaned out together as Riley pushed in. Feeling Collin grip his shaft finally gave Riley the release he was yearning for, he pushed in deeper then slowly began to pull out.

"Damn, I never thought I'd be so turned on by this." Robert said aloud, up until this point he had been so protective of his sons and their secret but now he just wanted to watch Riley pound his own pup into the bed. He put a paw on the back of Mike's head as his son continued to suck him.

Just as Riley was about to slip out, he rammed back inside making Collin howl out his name. His balls began to slap against Collin's ass as he got into his pace. He looked down at the pup's penis to watch it flop from his thrusting. He enjoyed the sight of the little organ flopping, bouncing, and wiggling regardless of the activity. To him it was like a metronome to the sexual music of his balls slapping Collin's ass, the bed creaking, and the moans both of them let out.

"Ok, I can't wait anymore." Robert said, gently pushing Mike away from his cock. He crawled up on the bed to get behind Riley. Once he grabbed the brown wolf's thrusting hips they stopped.

"W-what are you doing Robert?" Riley asked surprised.

"Something that I'd be lying if I said I never wanted to do." He pulled Riley's tail up then pointed his cock at the hole Sam so generously slicked up for him, then slowly prodded in. Riley yelped and cringed in slight pain from being spread open bit by bit but he didn't stop him. He leaned over Collin more so they were face to face as he panted and whined.

"Don't worry Riley, it won't hurt after a while!" The cub cheerfully comforted him.

Riley looked down at Collin with watery eyes and nodded. I can do this. He told himself. _If a little pup like Collin can take me balls deep then I can take it too! I won't be shown up by a pup._He steeled his nerves and tried to relax his muscles. As he did Robert slid in deeper with less resistance.

"Theeeere we go, now you're getting it." Robert pushed in even more to around a fourth of his length, being careful not to harm Riley. He couldn't even believe he was actually pushing inside Riley of all people, he never really considered having sex with another man much less someone he grew up with. It was well worth it though, Riley was tight. He ran his hands up Riley's sides, gently rubbing them to ease his tension.

"S-shit Robert, you're huge." Riley grunted out through gritted teeth.

"Not really, you just need to get used to taking it. My kids take me all the time and they love it, right boys?" The responded with a chorus of high-pitched 'yeahs'. He pushed deeper still into Riley, making him whine and moan submissively. "You should keep thrusting, it'll take your mind off the pain."

Riley pushed himself back up onto all fours above Collin who had grown soft by that point. He wanted to fix that. He slowly pulled back out and slammed back in, making the cub's soft member flop up and down as he got back into his pace. He kept his eyes locked on Collin's penis and when it started to wiggle back to life he smiled and let out a long moan, it took him several seconds to realize that moan was from Robert pushing about three-fourths of the way in.

"God yeah this is great." Robert said then for the first time looked around at his other two sons. Feeling guilty for not including them he looked back at Mike, who was happily rubbing himself, and raised his tail high for him. "You wanna fill daddy up, Mikey?"

"W-what?" The question caught the cub off guard. Never before had his father offered his own hole to any of them. They were content to just have sex with each other but always wondered what it'd be like to get inside their father. "R-really daddy?"

"Sure! I wouldn't want any of my boys to be left out of this!" He shook his ass at Mike. "Come on bud! And Sammy, I'm sure Collin and Riley could use something to lick for a while, get in-between them."

The boys moved into their new positions, eager to get in on the action. Sam sat over Collin's head facing Riley so his hole was right in Collin's face and his cock right in Riley's. Collin began to lick and prod him with his tongue and Riley more than happily began to suckle on his cock. Meanwhile Mike crawled up behind his father, who'd been fingering himself in preparation. He grabbed his father's hips and hot-dogged his cheeks as he tried to find his hole. This only turned Robert on more, making him pull out and buck deep into Riley. He reached down to grab his son's penis and put its tip to his hole.

"There." He said. Once its mark had been found Mike thrust up and dove deep into his father. Unlike his brothers his father was actually tight for him and he loved the feeling. He whined and began to thrust quickly wanting nothing more than release into his father's ass.

The room grew humid from all the huffing and gasping, fogging the windows up, and making them all pant hotly. The pile of interconnected wolves on the bed bucked sucked and stroked as if it were their last night on earth. Riley continued to ram as deep and hard into Collin as he could and in return he received the same treatment from Robert, who was actually loving being fucked by his son. Sam was in total bliss from having both sides of him being serviced.

Riley was the first to cum. The intense sexual thrill of the situation got him off faster than before. He moaned out shakily as he pumped his load deep into Collin. He let Sam's cock out of his mouth just in time for it to shoot into his face and mouth. The spent cub's legs wobbled weakly but Riley held him up and hugged him close to him. Robert wanted to badly to tie with Riley but he didn't want to push him so far during his first time. He thrust in as fast and deep as he could then just as he started cumming, he pulled out and coated the brown wolf's tailhole with his thick creamy seed.

At this point the only two had hadn't orgasmed were Mike and Collin. Mike was content to bang away at his father's ass but Collin was left hanging. Riley wanted to get the pup to cum so he whispered something back to Robert. He pulled out of Collin then much to the cub's surprise both Riley and his father began licking his crotch. They switched between his cock and tight little sac regularly but ultimately when he was just about to go over the edge Riley pushed his muzzle onto his cock and let the pup shoot it all out into his maw.

Robert smiled as he watched on and clenched his hole for Mike who was still plowing away. He reached back and played with the tight sac that was pressing against him with each thrust. He decided to be more personal with his son, so he flipped over onto his back then held up his legs so his son could shove right back in. He smiled up at his son as Mike slipped back in and started thrusting again. He actually found it pleasantly enjoyable to lay back and let his son have his way with him. In the new position the pup quickly reached his climax. He shot his small strings of sperm into his father and fell forward onto him as his legs betrayed him and gave out.

The five males all shared comfortable spaces on the bed together, Riley still spooning Collin and Robert cuddling Mike on his stomach and Sam at his side.

"So, what does this mean now Robert?" Riley asked looking up from Collin.

"It means you don't have to babysit while I'm away to have some fun anymore." The other adult chuckled and grinned.

That's what Riley was hoping to hear. They were all going to have some interesting adventures in the weeks, months, and years to come.

Riley crawled up and spooned Collin against him, licking the cub's face and muzzle. He whispered something into his ear that made the cub turn his head to look at him. He sized the chance to pull him into a deep loving kiss. After all that had just happened he felt even closer to the pup now, and despite the bed still rocking somewhat, the two snuggled up in their own little world.