RG8 - Aurora Borealis Part 3

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#8 of RG

The last chapter of Reindeer Games, at long last


Part Three

Part Eight of Reindeer Games - The Final Chapter

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Jenny the elfgirl bit her lower lip as she tried with all her might to keep from losing what little self-control remained to her. The battle was a losing one, of course, and its end would be an orgasm that would in all likelihood send her careening into welcome oblivion. Vixen, meanwhile, was enjoying a relaxed, leisurely re-exploration of the smooth-skinned little elf's body, this time with the assistance of her new Christmas present: a gently glowing red jelly dildo. But what was most special about this particular dildo, aside from its (currently unused) strap-on feature, was that it was made to perfectly mimic the penis of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. That Rudolph didn't even know about Vixen's use of his cock yet just made the excitement of using the toy all the sweeter for Vixen. As for Jenny, she, like all the elfgirls and some of the elfboys, had a serious crush on the dreamy tiny reindeer buck who'd just joined Santa's sleigh team. Knowing that she was going to be stuffed to the brim with a length of glowing faux-cock lovingly crafted to conform in every little detail to this dream-buck's considerable endowment was enough to bring her body up to new heights. And with Vixen as the one using the dildo, putting all of her considerable sexual experience into play in Jenny's first lesbian encounter ever, the young elf was as good as finished, knew it, and loved every moment of it.

"Such a pretty little elfgirl," cooed Vixen as she lightly flicked the very tip of the plastic cock across Jenny's nipple, then began to rub it in circles around the broad, sensitive aureole. "So delicate. So sensitive. Hmm, and so tasty, too."

With this last Vixen bent her muzzle and engulfed Jenny's little teat in her mouth, making the cute little elf gasp and wriggle on the bed, forcing Jenny to exert all her remaining willpower to keep from screaming out as Vixen shifted the Rudolph-dildo over to her other, unattended breast. The glowing length of mock cock had a strange, tingling quality to its touch, a cunning feature of its construction that made Jenny shiver every time it brushed against her, feeling as warm and yielding and vibrant as real flesh. This was brought about through the use of a tiny battery inside the dildo coupled with an elaborate internal structure, something which Jenny knew as part of her eternally-young years working in Santa's workshop. But where someone else might lose the moment knowing every practical feature of their fantasy, for Jenny it was just that much more powerful of a turn-on, thinking of how many elven eyes had watched over the dildo's construction, how many deft little elven hands had made the machines that formed the basic length, and then caressed its length as they prepared it for use, making the final crafted details to minute perfection by hand where a machine couldn't do it. For Jenny it was as much of an emotional upheaval as though she were being gang-banged by the entire workshop, and it left her gasping for breath, her flat little chest and tummy heaving for breath as the self-moistening fabricated penis slid down the center of her body, drawing ever nearer to her yielding, needy elven tightness with casual slowness.

"Mmm, love those cute little elfy nipples," murred Vixen as she shifted her muzzle to the other breast. "Try not to cum too soon: I've got a whole world of naughty things I want to do with you."

Jenny, of course, was past the point of being able to speak, as she'd been for some time now. Vixen liked talking while she made love, and Jenny somehow knew she'd be a screamer when she came, but she just couldn't bring herself to say anything in response. It was all so new to her, making love to another female and taking such pleasure from it, that her mind just didn't have the wherewithal to do more than lie back and take what Vixen was all-too-eager to give. Having her wrists and ankles bound to the bedposts by long silk scarves was also something new, the idea of being a captive in bondage, utterly helpless to resist giving in to Vixen's wicked desires, somehow heightening every experience, every sensation, and drawing out her desires to the fullest.

Reluctantly releasing her lip-lock on Jenny's teat, Vixen straightened and then scooted a short distance downward on the bed, rearranging herself until she was positioned between Jenny's spread-eagled legs, taking a moment to admire the elfgirl's smooth skin, running one hand appreciatively along the helpless elf's adolescent appearing thigh. Jenny's silence was finally broken, though only in part, as Vixen began stroking her glowing dildo along the undersides of her feet, first the left, and then the right, making the elfgirl gasp. Gasps and moans seemed to be the extent of her vocabulary, though, as the well-endowed doe carefully played the trembling, tingling tip and length of the Rudolph-dildo up and down, side to side, varying between light brushstrokes and heavier impressions as she worked her way inward, stimulating Jenny's sensitive inner thighs all the way to the yielding junction of her legs, but never quite getting to the part of the smooth-skinned girl that needed attention the most.

"Now," said Vixen, rising up once more, leaving poor Jenny gasping and soaking wet in her soft pink places, "I think it's time we got to the really fun part."

Jenny's large elven eyes got even wider as she heard this, not really sure how anything could be better than this, unless perhaps it was . . .

"Oooh, yeah!" moaned Vixen as she slowly eased herself into the specially-crafted pink panties that came with the glowing red dildo. They had been designed with an exact copy of the same faux-cock that Vixen had just been using on Jenny, positioned on the inside so as to angle it perfectly into the pussy of any female that wore them. However, there was also a tight red rubber ring at the front of the panties which allowed the inward-pointing dildo to slide out, so most of its length squirted out this hole before the plump glans at its tip got stuck and squished its way wetly into Vixen's very wet and very needy moistness. Vixen's head tilted back as she enjoyed this feeling, moaning loudly as she imaging that she really had just sunk the tip of Rudolph's cock into her greedy pussy, just at the start of a long, hard screw-session in which she intended to thoroughly rape that sexy stag.

Grasping the length of dildo that had slid out of the panties' frontal ring with one hand, Vixen soon located a little nub at the far end, then brought the opposite end of the dildo she'd just been using on Jenny up to that nub. A push followed by a twist locked the two ends together, whereupon Vixen began stroking the extended length of her new toy with one hand, cooing loudly with each little inward nudge this caused in her pussy, while her other hand reached over the side of the bed and into her toybox for a tube of water-based lubricant, which seemed to be quite plentiful around Santa's workshop and related environs despite its having not been invented in the rest of the world yet. After some liberal application to the tingling length of buck-cock, Vixen looked up at Jenny, and gave the helpless little elfgirl a smile that made her start to tremble all over.

"Vixen, I-I'm not sure about this!" exclaimed Jenny as she found her voice suddenly, her chest starting to heave in rising tension. "It . . . that thing's too big! It'll never fit!"

"Oh, I think it will," replied Vixen, licking her lips hungrily as she pressed the gently throbbing tip of her new artificial cock against Jenny's puffy, pouting pussy lips, then began to lightly slap the firm outer lips with the end of the reindeercock. Jenny's whole body arched with this additional stimulation, taking her breath away. By the time she got it back, Vixen was rubbing the fat cockhead against her vulnerable inner lips.

"Wait!" Jenny cried out, struggling desperately against her bonds, the strength of her small elven body nowhere near enough to escape the strong silk that lashed her down. "Please, Vixen, I can't do this! Let me go, let me . . . ah!"

This last exclamation came as hardly more than a gasp, Jenny's eyes dilating to their maximum size, her whole body locking up for a moment as Vixen gave a buck of her hips, plunging the tip of the strap-on into Jenny's tight little elfcunny, followed soon after by the rest of the mighty length. And with each length of thick of cock that slid into Jenny's sweet, wet girlpussy, and equal amount slid into Vixen's steaming cunt, making Vixen moan and wriggle her hips with delicious, delirious sensation until she was buried to the hilt in Jenny's cunny, stretching the poor little elfgirl wider and deeper than she'd ever been stretched before. Jenny's whole body arched upward almost involuntarily, rubbing her smooth skin and almost painfully-perked nipples against the tiny reindeer doe's soft belly- and chestfur. And just as Jenny's body reached its taughtly-stretched peak, Vixen's lips covered Jenny's own, the doe's muzzle bending down to meet the elf's upturned face, muffling the loud moans, gasps, and other numerous cries of extreme pleasure forced from the throats of both females as their bodies ground together, their juices dripping copiously onto the bed.

"I'm sorry, Jenny," Vixen whispered between bouts of passionate kissing. "I had the head of that wonderful cock in me, and I just had to have the rest of it, no matter what. It just felt so good, too good, that I didn't want to stop no matter what."

Jenny just smiled, her capacity for response sorely limited at this time thanks to the extreme pleasures that robbed her of her sanity and her will to resist. All that seemed left to her now was the pleasure, something which she'd been so afraid of just moments before, and she willingly gave herself up to it, drowning with reckless abandon in the sensations Vixen was bringing her. She was being stretched open so much, pushing her to what felt like her utmost limits, that she knew that she just couldn't hold off for very much longer.

Vixen, in turn, felt wonderfully full. Rudolph's wasn't the biggest cock she'd ever had inside of her hot muff, but it was certainly bringing her the most pleasure. The tiny reindeer doe could feel every squeeze, every little tremor that rippled through Jenny's body through the length of stiff strap-on, and it was driving her wild. It was a feeling as close to being male as she could imagine, having this kind of control over another girl, being the one to thrust inward, feeling each of those thrusts stroke against her clitoral hood at the same time it stuffed her pussy with warm false-cock. Opening her eyes to chance a peek downward, Vixen's whole body thrilled just a little bit more when she saw that the glow of the dildo was actually bright enough that she could see it through Jenny's smooth mons, radiating redly against Vixen's soft white pubic fur as the little elfgirl's cute little cunny was stretched open so much wider than Vixen thought was even possible, the sight so sexy that the sexpot tiny reindeer doe was almost ready to erupt into orgasm right then and there. This just drove her to further depravity as she began plowing forward and back with all her might, grinding her hips against Jenny's until the elfgirl squealed before wrenching herself back for another plunge, their juices squelching loudly as they made rough, passionate love on the bed, their cries filling the room as the bed bounced and jolted and threatened to collapse under the force of lust the two immortals were giving off as their bodies clashed together in symphonic passion.

"Yeah, lick her good!" said Comet eagerly as he watched the scene unfolding on the massive bed. "Give her that tongue, Joy!"

"Show sister much love, Peace," said Peter softly, standing right next to his tiny reindeer friend, his enjoyment of the lesbian show the twin does were putting on obvious from his prominent erection, standing proud and throbbingly erect, different from Comet's largely just in terms of overall dimensions.

As the two randy males watched, one of Comet's strong hands wrapped around Peter's cock, and he began a quick pace of jerking the other male, letting the polar bear's thick preseed dribble down over his fingers. Peter gave a deep-throated grunt at this, and then wrapped his long-clawed hand around Comet's own jet-skinned shaft to return the favor, though he kept his pace of stroking somewhat slower, smirking a little at the soft moan this got from the handsome stud buck, knowing how a slow, steady pace could drive the other male wild for action in such a short time.

"Patience, friend Comet," said Peter with a chuckle, his eyes never leaving the erotic tableau laid out on the soft sheets of the tiny reindeer's orgy-sized bed. "Must save seed for lovely ladies, yes?"

"I hope you get a stomach ache, Peter," growled Comet, his hips thrusting into the huge ursine fingers despite his resolve not to do so, not to give in to his need. Peter just chuckled and made certain to move his hands just enough counter to Comet's thrusts so that the tiny reindeer wasn't able to get nearly as much friction as he's need to get off before he nailed the twin does on the bed.

Joy and Peace, meanwhile, were starting to actually get into it. At first they'd both been more than a little reluctant at Comet's suggestion that they eat each other out, having never done anything like that before. But they'd both had more than a few glasses of Christmas cheer earlier in the night, and after the intensive tongue-lashing the two males had given them just a few minutes earlier, they eventually consented as Peter agreed with Comet that it would be a most interesting show, and something he hadn't seen before.

Lying on her back on the bed, since she needed a bit of a rest after her time with the Russian polar bear, Peace looked up at the trim, smooth rump of her sister, blushing as she realized that this must be how she looked from this angle. Her nostrils flared as she bent her head upward, taking in the sweet scent of the other doe, wondering if this was indeed how she smelled to other males. She hoped so: Joy smelled delicious. Acting on this scent, closing her eyes to keep from losing the moment with hesitation, Peace extended her dainty pink tongue, gently taking her first taste of another female, and quickly finding that she liked it.

In sharp contrast to her sister, Joy eagerly sniffed the snowy white of her sister's inner thighs as she crouched above the other young doe, smiling broadly as she was about to enact a fantasy that had been brewing in her mind for some time now. Her show of reluctance earlier had been more for Peace's benefit, trying so hard not to scare off her twin as she sought to take their love for each other, deeper even than the love for their parents or any of the males they'd known in their relatively short lives, to the next level. She moaned softly at the feel of Peace's breath against her tender, moist sex, and squirmed in delight as she felt that first hesitant lick. Joy didn't have any more experience in pleasuring another female than Peace, but she'd read a lot more about the subject in the extensive library maintained by Santa's elves (many of them books that wouldn't even be written for years to come), and was eager to see if what she'd learned from them really worked.

As Peace started to push her muzzle forward, enjoying the tasty doejuices that her sister was producing in copious amounts, her eyes suddenly popped open wide as Joy's muzzle descended upon her snug little cunny, and then rolled back into her head as the just-barely-older twin's head fell back onto the sheets, a loud gasp escaping her lips as Joy began to put her tongue to good work. The other doe was painting the Russian alphabet with her tongue across Peace's sex, and Peace couldn't help but kick her legs feebly at the sudden, intense pleasure this gave her, having been warmed up more than sufficiently by Peter's smooth, skilled tongue. In the heat of her passion, she reached up to grab Joy's nicely rounded rump in both her hands, her thumbs spreading the other doe's labia wide, and plunged her muzzle forward, going straight for the delicate hood covering Joy's throbbing, erect clitoris!

Comet and Peter were pumping each others' thick black cocks with force now, almost heedless of the danger of reaching their climaxes too soon, their eyes hot and eager for more of the doe-on-doe action taking place before them. The muscular buck grinned and nudged his ursine friend as Peace started to bob her head, suckling noisily on Joy's clitty like a small penis. Peter in turn just grinned toothily back and motioned towards where Joy was actually pushing her whole slender muzzle slowly into Peace's pussy, making the other doe squeal like a schoolgirl getting her cherry popped, and go to work with even more vigor on the other femme, reaching up and pushing three fingers into Joy's vagina with only a little hesitation, Joy's soaking-wet inner walls only giving up a few moments' resistance before they were spread wide by Peace's probing fingers.

"This is too much," said Comet, releasing Peter's cock, a favor which the bear promptly returned, and climbed onto the bed, his weight not noticed at first by the passion-filled twins as they continued to pleasure each other with many happy wet noises and coos and moans of deep pleasure. He knelt behind Joy's upraised rump, and glanced down at Peace to give the other girl a naughty wink, which made Peace avert her eyes for a moment in embarrassment at enjoying such naughtiness so very much, before her beautiful brown eyes came around once more, looking up at the hot, studly buck's plump, furry balls and achingly erect cock as he held them just over Peace's face, letting her get a good look while his muzzle descended to just beneath Joy's upraised tail, licking his lips as he reached out and got a firm grip on that snug little tush, spreading it open as his tongue began to gently lick across Joy's snug pink tailhole. Joy squealed in delight as her little rosebud was circled teasingly by Comet's skilled tongue, the sound muffled by the placement of her muzzle inside of Peace, making her sister squeal in turn around her mouthful of hot doe clitty. Both girl does had been taken back there by Comet in their extended trysts from before, and, unlike what many females might have felt, had enjoyed the experience immensely, for Comet could slow down if he needed to, and he'd most certainly needed to in loosening the twins' tender virgin backsides that first time, getting them ready for his hard buck cock. And now, as Comet began to thrust his tongue in and out of Joy's uplifted bare bottom, both he and the twins knew that Joy wouldn't need much preparation this time, so worked up was she by all the hot sexplay that had taken place up until that moment.

Where Comet's ascent onto the bed had gone unnoticed by Joy and Peace until he'd insinuated himself into their play, all three tiny reindeer knew it when Peter joined them, his great bulk only kept from shaking the whole bed like an earthquake had struck by the cunning craftwork of the elves that had built it, the incredibly clever immortals having somehow taken in account even such events as a highly aroused Russian polar bear wanting to join in a three-reindeer orgy when they constructed the big bed.

Peter eagerly crawled up the bed until he was face-to-face with Joy, and grinned at her, showing off his many pearly white teeth. Joy's own muzzle was only able to return the edges of her answering smile, the rest of it still plunged quite deeply into Peace's stretched sex.

"Have something about that size for your sister, Joy," said Peter, rising up onto his knees and reaching down to stroke his massive erection with one huge paw. "Think she will like my present?"

Joy's eyes got wide as she saw that big bearcock up close for the first time and eagerly nodded, making Peace squirm with the movement as Joy forgot the current placement of her muzzle. Reluctantly, Joy pulled her long, slender reindeer nose back, and took several deep gasping breaths, having quite forgotten about her need to breathe while immersed in the heady tastes and scents of her sister's juicy wet sex. As Peter pressed his cock forward, Joy eagerly opened her muzzle, the fur slicked down against her face, and wrapped her lips around the head of the massive member.

Peter grunted and let Joy go to work on him, bobbing her head with great enthusiasm, obviously enjoying the taste of his plentiful precum, until he felt himself starting to go too far in his excitement, and placed a restraining paw on the little doe's head as he carefully pulled his penis back, now slicked down and glistening with his juices and her saliva. The big bear smiled at Joy and rubbed her head playfully before grinning and nodding his ascent to the tiny reindeer's unspoken question, relayed to him through the hopeful look in her large brown eyes. Joy almost squealed with her namesake as she wrapped her small hands around the big cock, and angled it downward, guiding Peter's forward-thrusting hips as he brought the thick, wet knob to Peace's juicy pink pussy.

At that same time, Comet was also pulling back, letting Peace (who'd squealed quite loudly as her inner walls clasped down on nothing with the withdrawal of her sister's muzzle, leaving her with an almost painful, wanting ache in her nethers) watch with eager anticipation as the muscular buck pushed his own hips forward, guiding himself toward that tight, inviting little tailhole as Joy's bottom clenched and wriggled eagerly, hopeful for exactly what Comet was very eager to give her. Peace's breathing came hard and fast as she saw Joy's tiny tailstar resist for a short while, giving a slight bend to Comet's cock, before the glans of the horny male's penis started to part her snug rear passage, which opened up with aching slowness as Comet forced himself to ease forward, taking his time splitting wide the sexy doe's rump.

Chuckling in his deep, rumbling voice as he saw the look on Joy's face as her bottom was gradually stuffed full of long, thick reindeer cock by his cervine friend, Peter took a deep breath, and then began to push his hips forward as well, delighting in the squeal this brought from Peace as her soaking wet cunny was spread open by the fat head of the massive ursine member. The big bear made sure to keep his pace slow and even, though it forced him to grit his teeth, veins standing out in his thick neck with the pleasure that shot through him at the exquisite, gripping tightness of the sweet little doe's pussy, its slick walls rippling around his cock, seeming almost to pull him in deeper, as though Peace were unconsciously trying to draw the big bear's cock in to the hilt. As it was, Peter was forced to stop after he'd fit almost two-thirds of his shaft into Peace's small body before he bottomed-out, which would have caused some painful bumping of the female's cervix, something Peter hoped to avoid, since it never produced good reactions with any of the bear ladyfriends he'd had in the past. This depth was only possible in the first place because tiny reindeer have a surprisingly long vaginal canal, an adaptation which led to males of the species having a long, relatively slender penis.

Grunting as he felt his balls bump against the dripping wetness of Joy's pussy, then grunting again as Peace, almost delirious with the incredible overstuffing of her cuntal passage, began to alternate sucking on his balls with sucking on her sister's clitty, Comet paused for a long moment, his jaw and rump both tensed. The muscular tiny reindeer buck looked at Peter and gave the bear a triumphant grin, which the bear returned, along with an encouraging thumb's up. Each was savoring this moment, letting the pleasure seep into their brains at the same time they let the twin does get used to the well-sized cocks plunged deep into their bodies. Then the two males reached out with their strong hands, Comet gripping Joy's firm rump and Pater taking hold of Peace's thighs, and began to pull back, the room filling with loud, wet schlurping sounds as Joy and Peace's bodies resisted the removal of the male parts that had made them complete. These wet liquid sounds began to grow in volume and frequency as the strong males began to thrust forward and back, letting their passions go at last, eager and desperate to soak in as much sexed-up sensation as possible in the brief time remaining before their orgasms would overtake them, and they would flood their sex partners' bodies with male sap. Joy and Peace reacted in kind, crying out loudly at the intensity and suddenness of this burst of rutting only moments before the muzzle of each twin sought out and found the needily erect clitoris of the other, and began to lavish sweet wet attention upon those pleasure-giving buds of flesh, until all the world for the four coupling creatures began to revolve around the events unfolding on the bed, nothing else able to penetrate their lust-fevered minds as their pleasures began to rapid climb to ultimate orgiastic release.

Clarice gave a soft gasp, hardly more than an exhalation, as she lay back in the starlit expanse of wildflowers enclosed beneath the crystal dome of the greenhouse. Rudolph glanced up for a moment at her face, pulling his muzzle back from the long, lingering lick he'd just given to one perfect pink nipple, then smiled as he saw that she was watching him, her eyes heavy-lidded with desire.

"I can't stand much more of this teasing, Rudolph," said the blue-eyed doe in almost a whisper, the heated passion of the moment putting an obvious strain on her. "Please . . ."

Clarice and Rudolph had lost themselves in passionate, desperate kissing for several long minutes in the warmth and gentle glow that surrounded them, and it hadn't taken but a few minutes before their commingled passions, put aside for so long while they'd been growing up, bubbled over at last, and their desires for each other reached full ferment. Rudolph had kissed and nibbled Clarice's large, sensitive ears, down her neck, down her back - he'd even run his slightly rough tongue across the sensitive, lightly-furred place of her armpit, a spot Clarice didn't even have before tonight, the unusual sensation making her actually tremble and have to be caught by the strong young buck before she fell, her senses unable to handle the intensity of the moment. And everywhere his muzzle went, so went his nose, its tingling inner fire just barely grazing Clarice's sensitive young body with every pass.

Almost as soon as his hands had touched her they'd started pulling off his clothes, working together in almost perfect synchrony, Rudolph pulling off his shirt while Clarice pulled down his pants. With the red-nosed reindeer's throbbing, bobbing cock so close to her at that moment, Clarice couldn't resist the opportunity to have a taste. She'd only just managed to nuzzle the redly-pulsing shaft, then flick her tongue across the plump head before Rudolph's cock pulsed brightly with his pleasure, sending an unexpected jolt through Clarice's whole body that knocked her back onto the soft loam of the field, the very tall flowers all around parting and then falling smoothly back into place, engulfing her without a trace. Rudolph had almost lost his footing himself at the sudden flash of pleasure, but had had just enough experience to keep from falling on top of Clarice, instead going to his knees, and then covering her smooth-furred body with his own, sinking into the fragrant sea of flowers as his agile muzzle quickly started to memorize every contour of Clarice's upper body. It was when he'd finally started to lick and gently suckle on her perked pink nipples that Clarice felt the needs of her untouched womanhood come upon her with more force than she knew how to endure.

"I'm sorry, Clarice," said Rudolph, smiling apologetically up at his true love. "You taste so good, I just couldn't get enough."

Clarice got a sly, naughty look on her pretty face.

"You can keep tasting me," she said, placing her hands on Rudolph's antlers and then gently guiding his head downward, until he could see the swollen slit of her womanhood. "Just, well, someplace different."

Rudolph grinned as Clarice blushed, the naughtiness of her words finally getting to her. He gave a nod, and began to move down her body to where she needed him most, but not before brushing his glowing nose lightly against Clarice's candied nipples, making her squeal with the sudden inrush of radiant pleasure.

"Oh, you . . .!" began Clarice, rising up, her face, breasts and inner ears flushed with passion. "That wasn't a fair shot! I ought to just . . . ooh!"

"What was that, Clarice?" said Rudolph innocently, looking up from where he'd just begun to nibble, his bright red nose grazing the teenaged fawn's inner thighs as he tilted his head to look at her. "Was I doing something wrong?"

"N-nothing," Clarice managed to get out as she felt that burning red knob of a nose starting to get closer to the center of her inner self. "I . . . you can do anything you want to me, Rudolph. I want you to do whatever makes you happiest."

As Clarice lay back, letting her truest love do with her as he pleased, Rudolph vowed within himself not to betray that trust. He looked into her eyes, then bent forward, their muzzles meeting now with greater skill than before, his bottom lip fitting between her lips like a key into a lock, the slight 'offness' of the kiss helping them to get closer together, letting Clarice feel Rudolph's nose touching her forehead, while his erect member stroked against her inner thighs with urgent need. And as their bodies melded together, Rudolph found that Clarice was very wet, her desires inflamed almost beyond the point of reason. The young doefawn arched upward, her legs parting, the gentle gyrations of her hips soon bringing Rudolph's fiery shaft to the very gates of her girlhood. To the place where their union would make her a woman.

At this, Rudolph broke the kiss, looking into Clarice's beautiful blue eyes, passion and fear and love reflected in that look. He didn't want to hurt her, but he knew in his heart that this would hurt - all the books he'd read said so, and so did the other does on Santa's team in his brief private talks with them on the subject, and even his own parents when they'd finally given him 'the Talk.' But Clarice just smiled, then lowered her eyes shyly.

"I want you to be my first, Rudolph," she said in her sweetly soft and innocent voice. "You and no other."

Rudolph nodded, and both tiny reindeer looked down as Clarice wrapped one small, gentle hand around the handsome young buck's penis, gasping as she felt the thinly-veiled inner fire contained there, and guided it firmly between her inner lower lips, where further entry was barred by the barrier of her maidenhead. The pair paused for a moment, just feeling each other. Then Rudolph shifted his hips, his firm, rounded rump tensing as he held himself up with his arms, his hand resting to either side of Clarice's hips.

"I love you, Clarice," he said softly, looking up for a moment to catch her eyes before both their gazes returned downward to watch the moment they both had waited for for far too long.

"I love you too, Rudolph," said Clarice.

And with that, Rudolph thrust his hips forward as Clarice lifted hers up, accepting the gift she freely gave.

How it all had started, nobody really knew, except perhaps Dasher and Dancer. Some would later say it was when the large and burly Plodder, giving into his baser impulses at the scent of a willing female who'd drunk too much Christmas cheer, had mounted the doe right on the buffet line, his still-nonanthro form covering her anthro one as they began to eagerly couple with loud cries of passion. Some would say it was when the Twister game had gotten a little out of hand, starting with tangled antlers, progressing to tangled bodies, and ending with willing sexes. Some might say it was a few jealous couples (of various and often interchangeable sexual preferences and genders) by the roaring fire who'd started out intending to fight over a lover they coveted with someone (or sometimes more than one) presently enjoying that lover's attention, and ending with them all 'kissing and making up,' in a very intimate and very public way.

The two members of Santa's team, the only ones of the eight left in the large den of the tiny reindeer lodge, who'd stayed on to make sure the party went well, just leaned back onto an out-of-the-way loveseat and watched the celebrants of their festivities go as mad as March hares. They were more than pleased that there weren't any violent incidents like there had been in some previous years, the feeling prevalent in the room one of need rather than aggression, and more specifically the need for love, whatever that might mean. For most of these younger tiny reindeer, that meant sex, plain and simple. But there were still a few quiet corners of the large room that easily accepted couples wanting just a little privacy so that they could tell each other how they really felt.

Dasher yawned after some minutes of observing the sexy scenes playing out in front of them, and slowly stretched, casually draping one arm over the back of the loveseat, and then over Dancer's shoulders. Dancer raised an eyebrow and glanced at her mate with a smirk, which he returned with a sheepish grin.

"Well, everybody else is doing it," he said by way of explanation.

"You're incorrigible," laughed the lithe doe, gently bapping her lover's nose, then bending in to kiss him on the 'injured' area.

"I'd say Rudolph's a keeper, wouldn't you?" said Dasher as he began to help his mate undress, his almost casual, analytical manner of talking belying the passion he felt at the moment, which had come far too swiftly for his brain to have caught up with it just yet. "Only an awakening immortal of our degree could leak power levels like this while being imbued by the Powers."

"I think so," agreed Dancer as she hurriedly slid out of her clothes, and then deftly undressed her mate with more skill and speed than the stag really thought should have been possible; not that he was complaining, the eagerness of his mate giving fuel to his own need. "Whatever he and Clarice are doing, it's got to be hotter than the North Star. And to have this kind of affect on everybody here . . ."

"He's got to be one of us," said Dasher, scooting just far back enough so that Dancer could get on all fours, then quickly taking a firm hold of her hips and entering his mate, both of them feeling the need come upon them desperately. "And, ooh, he must really love her."

"Y-yeah," Dancer gasped out, pressing back as they began to hunch together eagerly, their eyes playing constantly over the numerous sexy scenes taking place all around, even the normally conservative elves who'd been helping the party to go along smoothly being pulled into the reindeer games, and loving every minute of it no matter how they might initially protest, or deny any involvement on the morning after (though there would be only a few who did either, and none who did both). "Yeah! Oh yeah!"

Any further conversation was soon blotted from their minds, and the two tiny reindeer let themselves be lost in the raw emotion of the moment as the burgeoning energies of an awakening immortal washed over the entire North Pole.

Clarice looked up into Rudolph's eyes, their matching blue-eyed gazes meeting and melding just as their bodies were doing. The feeling was unlike anything the young doe had ever expected, feeling a male - no, feeling Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer - plunged to the hilt inside of her, his fuzzy white scrotum rubbing pleasantly against her bottom. Her deflowering hadn't hurt, despite everything they'd both heard to the contrary, and when she'd cried out at the breaking of her hymen, her virgin blood staining the snowy white of her inner thighs, it had been in pleasure unlike anything she could properly express, an orgasm overtaking her at that moment, causing her to arch up against Rudolph's firm tummy, her hands clenching the warm, rich, fertile earth beneath them.

"C-Clarice," Rudolph managed to get out, feeling what she felt, knowing what she was going through, and only just holding onto his pleasure, keeping himself from going over the edge. "Oh, Clarice . . ."

No further words were spoken then, for none were needed, as they fell into a rhythm as old as life, moving against each other, completing each other, fulfilling each other. It was everything they'd both hoped and dreamed for, and more. So very much more. Clarice felt as though a sun were being born in her clenching sex, having long lost track of the number of orgasms that had overtaken her. And every time she opened her eyes, she saw that Rudolph's nose was indeed glowing with the inner radiance she felt, and every glance down to where their bodies were joined revealed that it was not only his sex that was filled with light: she was glowing too!

Rudolph never closed his eyes, not wanting to miss a moment of this precious, unforgettable experience. He watched as Clarice's whole body began to glow inside, starting as a dim, thinly-veiled luminescence that soon began to burst forth from her body in uncontrollable waves of light. And then he felt it as well: that inner light that met and matched hers, feeling it rise up within him, taking him with it in a feeling beyond lust, beyond pleasure, and into something he didn't know how to describe or properly feel. And so the lovers clung to each other, still moving against each other, as their inner lights erupted forth, filling all the world around them with a radiant brilliance of light and color in more shades than anyone had ever thought was even possible.

All over the North Pole the pleasure-giving light touched and left things better than before. And in the magical place of Santa's Workshop, that light was even more powerful.

In Comet's room, Comet and Peter forgot themselves as their commingled orgasms suddenly hit, bending forward over the squirming, cumming twins to kiss full on the lips, before both their heads fell back, Peter bellowing and Comet bugling with all their might while Joy and Peace couldn't help but scream as they were filled to the brim and beyond with hot seed, a single long orgasm overtaking them, letting each twin know for just an instant exactly what it felt to be in the other's body, linking them so tightly that in that endless instant neither was really sure who was feeling what.

In another room, Jenny arched upward, pressing her pelvis against Vixen's, sense-reeling orgasm overtaking her as she was filled to the hilt with the faux-Rudolph cock, feeling herself filled up with color and light. In that instant Vixen saw in her mind's eye just what Rudolph and Clarice were doing, and felt both their pleasures wracking her body, feeling herself taking pleasures as though she were both a male and a female at the same time. Crying out, for Jenny's voice was stilled with the intensity of pleasure, Vixen let herself be lost in those passions, accepting them freely, letting it all come into her to fill the desperate needs that she had to have fulfilled, though she'd never known she had them before.

Blaze moaned and panted as he clutched a pillow to his chest, drunk on pleasure and endorphins as Prancer kept pumping into him, just bracing himself for each pleasure-giving thrust, holding his soft-furred rump high so that it pressed flush with Pracer's hips on every inward thrust. The slender, girlish buck knew with instincts born of much practice just how much to give, just how hard to go, just how far to drive the now eagerly willing young buck whose tailhole he'd deflowered, and had been putting his skills to their best use, driving the younger male through two orgasms already, his potent seed staining the sheets, even as Prancer felt himself just starting to climb the peak to his first. And then the light and color touched them both, and all pretense of skill or artifice just left, replaced with a sudden, savage, animalistic humping, both males grunting, thrusting back against each other needily, overcome with something more than either knew how to handle, and just losing themselves in this moment of desperate passion. And when they both came, Blaze felt all the fear, hate and insecurity of his life jet in a milky froth onto the once-clean sheets, and felt something softer and more gentle filling him up with the final eruption of Prancer's long, slender cock deep within the other male's freshly-deflowered tailhole.

Snowdrop heard Cupid cry out as he reached his peak as though from a far distance, so far gone in her own pleasures that the repressed schoolmarm doe couldn't even really think straight, let alone function with proper conscious thought. When the light touched them, though, she felt herself open up to everything in a way she'd never considered before, more than just pleasure, more than just need. She felt everything, and she felt her whole body filled with radiant light. This was the last blow to the snowy white doe's trembling consciousness, for having felt all, there was nothing more she could feel, and she sank into a deep, pleasured slumber, curling up on the soft cushions that surrounded her with a deeply-pleased smile on her face. Cupid, for his part, curled up behind her, his anthropomorphic body spooning with surprising neatness to her non-anthropomorphic one, and wrapped his arms around her middle from behind, smiling his same enigmatic smile.

"Welcome to the team, Rudolph," was all he said before letting sleep overtake him as well.

Donder and Reggie were lying parallel to each other on the huge bed, though facing in opposite directions, grunting and arching their hips up as they were ridden with enthusiastic, near-screaming vigor by Muffy and Blitzen. Both femmes seemed to have completely forgotten their initial hesitancy, Muffy's from Donder's sheer size, and Blitzen from her reluctance to have anal sex after the pain that had come from trying it with her husband's huge cock. But now Muffy was juicing all over Donder's cobblestone stomach, wetting down his crotch with her copious vixenjuices as she faced him, while Blitzen faced away from Reggie, pressing her firm, rounded rump down onto his upthrust cock, her eyes narrowed to pleasured slits as she bounced in his lap, letting him watch his cock disappear and then reappear from her clenching tight tailhole as he lay half-propped on his elbows, giving him just enough reach for his slender fingers to find their way into the junction of her legs. While Reggie ground the heel of his palm against Blitzen's white-hot cunny, the doe bent over and began to work her muzzle over the place where her mate's big cock (her cock, wherever it might be planted at any given moment) was thrusting up into Muffy's tight pink pussy as the fluffy-furred arctic vixen bounced eagerly up and down on his cock, aided by his large, strong hands on her hips, her long tail tickling his inner thighs in such wonderful ways that Blitzen herself was experiencing rubbing her firm tush against Reggie's luxurious white coat. And as she began to suck on the large, swollen balls of her mate, looking up for those moments when Muffy's body was borne up by Donder's big hands, their eyes met, and they shared a silent smile, knowing that though they were enjoying pleasures they could never give each other, their love was based on more than just sex. And when the light hit, enveloping them all, letting their inner selves burst forth in time with their peaks of pleasure, the two tiny reindeer knew this for a certainty, knew that they loved each other with an undying passion, their orgasms binding them together for all that they were shared with different partners.

Dancer and Dasher cried aloud as their passions overtook them, their voices mingling with those of all the many bucks, does and elves in the den, swept over by the infinite colors of the light, allowed to share in the raw, primal energy of the birth of a new immortal, the love of the Powers That Be filling each of these frail Earthly creatures with light, letting them see for themselves what true love could be like.

The infinite moment passed, as all such things must in time. Rudolph lay next to Clarice, his arm wrapped tenderly around her as she slept, cuddled next to him. He smiled, looking up at the endless expanse of stars, and the light of the Aurora Borealis covering the whole of creation that he could see. He felt it without the need for sight as a room with his name on the door appeared in the residential wing of Santa's Workshop, and smiled, tired but filled with a deep, pleasant warmth that suffused his whole being.

"And to all a good night," were his last words before he let himself drift away, held close to the woman he loved.