Chapter Five

Story by Alice In Wonderland on SoFurry

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#6 of The Roommate

The important confrontation with Xaver was over and done with and Hiro felt a partial sense of accomplishment. Xaver was taken care of for the time being and Hiro's next goal was making a success of his meeting with Bel. It was nearly lunchtime and since he wasn't quite sure where Bel worked, he chose to get a head start on searching for the rabbit and began walking around the building.

It didn't take long for Hiro's search to come to an end because he soon found Kyle standing around speaking to Bel. Hiro felt no jealousy. He already had Bel practically in his clutches, since he was the one who would be spending lunch alone with him.

"Kyle, I've already told you, you're supposed to be working," he said once he was near the two. "No slacking off and talking to people."

"But it's almost break!" Kyle protested. "Bel and I are having a very interesting conversation. We happen to have quite a few things in common."

"Well Bel can't talk to you right now. He needs to get ready to go out to lunch with me."

Kyle looked as if someone had just poked him in the back with a pencil. "I bet you're lying. Bel would never want to do anything with you."

More confused than he was earlier that day, Bel stayed out of the conversation and looked puzzled. He had a feeling there was more to it than merely Hiro's annoyance at Kyle's lack of productivity, but he supposed he would have to keep listening to find out more. Hiro smiled at Kyle. "I'm not lying. Bel agreed to spend lunch with me, didn't you, Bel?"

Bel knew he couldn't possibly deny it or refuse to spend time with his boss, or else he could be fired. He nodded his head, one of his ears flopping over in front of his face. He lifted a paw to push it away with a blush on his face. "Yeah, it's true."

"Well then that means I get to have lunch with Bel tomorrow!" Kyle cried. "And he'll have more fun with me!"

The situation made less and less sense to Bel and he was uncomfortable at all of the unexplained attention being paid to him. "Am I allowed to ever have lunch by myself?"

"But that's lonely, Bel!" Kyle argued, lifting a paw to scratch the back of his ear. "I really like you and want to get to know you better!"

Hiro looked at his watch. "Kyle, you're in the way and you're slowing us down. Bel has to go now." He took hold of the pretty rabbit's paw. "Come on, Bel. Let's go out to my car." He led Bel outside into the parking lot, where it was a nice warm day. Hiro opened up the passenger door of his car, got Bel situated inside, and even buckled the seatbelt for him. Every detail was important when it came to making a good impression. He started up the car and thought of a good restaurant.

Xaver considered changing his name and moving someplace far, far away. He felt as if he had just agreed to be tied up and beaten to death with a crowbar. He had always known his boss was crazy, but he had never exactly found out what Hiro was capable of and now he wished he didn't know. It was a very cruel world he lived in when he had to be tortured in order to keep his job.

He could always back out and change his mind, of course. A quick talk with Hiro would remedy everything and he could continue living alone without being exposed to anyone's cock. On the downside, he would have to find work elsewhere, which would be difficult if Hiro ruined his chances of doing so. Additionally, Hiro would ridicule him for backing out and being a complete pussy.

Xaver knew he wasn't a very strong person. He avoided people, his self-esteem wasn't very high, and he argued instead of settling his problems reasonably. He refused to consider himself a coward though and if he wanted to keep his dignity in front of his boss, then he would have no choice but to go along with the decision he had agreed to.

After a month passed and he was free from his bout of torture, Xaver would have to get vengeance upon his boss and embarrass him. Maybe he would buy Hiro a pair of stilts as a present and publicly give him the gift in front of everybody. He would have plenty of time to think up something good.

He wondered when he would have to move in with his unwanted roommate and worried over how much privacy he would have. He hoped there was more than one bedroom and a lock on the bathroom door. He never used public restrooms and was going to have a hard time taking a piss in someone else's toilet.

He still wasn't ready to think about the possibility of being made to have sex. It almost sounded like he was being given away as a personal whore and that aggravated him more than anything. Such a thing might suit a pretty male like Kyle, but Xaver wasn't that type of guy and wasn't going to willingly let somebody be dominant over him, no matter how passive he could be.

Nearly every idea had holes in it and Xaver was determined to find ways around Hiro's plan.

Hiro had been sitting in the restaurant with Bel for about ten minutes and his cock was already going stiff. The rabbit sat across from him at the table and hadn't said much so far, but that didn't matter because looking at him was enough. Hiro thought of what it would be like to strip off Bel's clothes and make the shy, quiet rabbit scream for him. It was inevitable for him to become aroused when thinking such thoughts. He was grateful for the table that shielded him, as it wouldn't do him any good to scare Bel off.

The waiter stopped by and deposited two glasses of water on the table, along with two straws. Bel put his straw in his water and drank, innocently sucking on the straw. Hiro watched him and his pants felt tighter than before. Damn it. It was getting hard to concentrate when Bel's pretty mouth was performing such a suggestive act and Hiro's poor cock longed to receive similar treatment.

"I need to use the restroom," he announced, unable to take any more.

Bel stopped drinking through his straw. "Go ahead."

Fortunately, Bel was busy looking at the menu and Hiro was able to carefully walk away without the other male seeing the bulge in his pants. When he got to the men's bathroom, Hiro immediately went into an empty stall and just stood there for a moment. He didn't want to be heard by anyone else in the restroom so he would need to jack off as quietly as he could. He undid his pants and pulled them down, freeing the stiff body part that rose up between his legs.

He reached down with his paw to gently touch the tip of it. His fingers slowly traveled down the length of his cock until he reached the very bottom, and then he sat down on the toilet and wrapped his whole paw around his arousal. It wasn't as good as receiving a nice massage from Kyle, but it was all he could get at the moment.

Bel probably looked perfect when he was completely naked. A nice, nude little first-timer who may not even know how sex was had with another male. Or at least that was how Hiro imagined him to be. Timid innocence was a turn-on.

He stroked himself harder and was unable to suppress a gasp. A toilet flushed next to him immediately afterwards and he kept on touching himself, pounding more and more pressure onto himself as he grew closer to climax. He was moaning softly now, unable to stifle the sounds. It felt like everyone had left the bathroom but he couldn't be too sure and tried once more to keep quiet.

A spasm of pleasure nearly drove him insane as he touched a particular spot that felt exceptionally good. Just a little bit longer to go. He worked his paw faster and finally felt the satisfying release of fluid come squirting onto his palm and fingers.

The ordeal was taken care of at last. Hopefully he could return to Bel's company without suffering any more embarrassing incidents. Hiro flushed the toilet merely out of habit and left his stall so he could wash his paws in the sink. A Doberman was at the sink next to his, engaging in the same task, and he gave Hiro an odd look.

"What the hell are you looking at?" Hiro growled. "I'm only here to take care of nature, damn it."

The Doberman looked intimidated and left without drying his wet paws. After checking his appearance to make sure he still looked good, Hiro left the restroom to go back to his table.

Nothing about Bel had changed one bit. He sat like a quiet statue and merely looked up when Hiro came and sat down across from him. "Bel, I'm back. Did you miss me?"

"I guess," Bel said. It sounded like he was merely being polite.

Hiro sighed. His task was going to be more challenging than he thought if Bel continued to be so hard to get. The other male sounded more asexual than Xaver. Hiro was extremely curious about what Bel would be like in bed and if he didn't find out soon, he was going to go crazy.

Lunch break was over, Hiro was back at work, and he had just as much on his mind as ever. He couldn't tell how much progress he had made with Bel, because the other male wouldn't say very much about himself. Hiro had done a lot of talking and hoped that he had made Bel willing to get to know him more. It was all he could do for the time being.

He hadn't tormented Xaver in a while. He supposed he had better see how his worker was coping with the new arrangement he had agreed to. He should check on Oscuro as well and tell him the good news about Xaver moving in with him for a month. Hiro had completely forgotten about the grey-haired buck, as a number of other things had driven him out of his mind.

Hiro didn't like sitting in his office all day and was glad to have an excuse to roam around. He could never predict where Oscuro was and summoning him to his office would force Hiro to sit still at his desk, so he figured he would talk to Xaver first and hope to encounter Oscuro along the way.

Xaver was his destination, but Hiro didn't make it there just yet. He thought he was hallucinating when he found Oscuro sitting at his desk working. "Shit, is it the apocalypse already? The world has to be ending if you're working of your own free will, Oscuro."

"Does that mean you want me to stop working?" Oscuro asked hopefully, his left ear twitching in anticipation of the answer

"No way. You stay in your seat until I say you can get up." Hiro pulled something out of his pocket and set it on Oscuro's desk. "Here's your fucking cell phone. I'd better not catch you using it today."

Oscuro grabbed his phone and inspected it, not trusting the retriever's handling of it. "You didn't mess with anything, did you?"

"Lucky for you, I was in a mild mood yesterday. So no, I didn't touch the thing." Except when he had earned himself a good time with Kyle of course, but he wasn't going to mention it. "I didn't come here to be accused of phone vandalism. I just want to say that I got Xaver to agree to my plan. He'll be yours in a few days. Make sure you drive him towards a mental breakdown, if possible."

"I'll try," Oscuro promised. "After I fuck him a few times."

"That will only happen if you're extremely lucky. Xaver's legs will be kept firmly closed unless a miracle occurs."

"He'll give in eventually if I pressure him enough," Oscuro said confidently. "But I don't want to scare him away or rape him or anything. It will be fun to have someone to live with."

Hiro nodded. "Yeah, you're right. Living alone has a lot of advantages, but it gets kind of boring sometimes. People piss me off too much though and if I had a roommate I would end up kicking him out after a few days." He paused and thought something over. "You know, you've never really met Xaver yet. I brought you over to see him, but I guess it's time for you to start getting to know who you're going to live with."

Oscuro eagerly got out of his seat, willing to do anything that would get him out of doing his boring job. "Am I allowed to ask him awkward questions?"

"Ask as many as you want. I want to be there to watch him squirm." Hiro let out an evil little laugh and led the way to Xaver's workstation, where Xaver sat and stared down at his desk like he wanted to destroy it with his mind. Hiro pulled a crumpled up tissue out of his pocket and threw it at the back of the cougar's head. "Hey Xaver!"

Startled, Xaver rubbed at the back of his head and turned around. His expression turned into one of irritated disgust when he saw his boss. "I think you've put me through enough torture. I don't need the sight of your face making me suffer even further."

"I don't enjoy talking to you," Hiro replied. "I do it because I have to. I brought Oscuro here so you can meet him. I'm sure he'll introduce you to his cock sometime later when you're alone with him."

"I'll show him my cock right now if he wants to see it," Oscuro said. He smiled at Xaver, and though his smile was friendly and attractive, Xaver was only annoyed.

"I really don't want to live with you or have anything to do with you," Xaver said. "I hate people and I'm sure I'm going to hate you as much as I despise Hiro. I'm agreeing to this so I can continue to have an income and because I'm not a fucking coward."

"If you're not a coward, then why don't you want to see my cock?" Oscuro asked. "Have you ever seen one before besides your own, if you even have one?"

"Yeah, Xaver. Have you?" Hiro joined in, enjoying himself.

Xaver had a feeling each day of his life was going to get worse and worse as time went on. "I don't think it matters how many dicks I've seen. Is that what status is based on nowadays? Who's seen the biggest number of penises?"

"That would be pretty cool," Oscuro said. "And it would probably make you a loser. You didn't answer my question, Xaver. You've never seen a man with his pants down? Not even in the urinals? I see cocks all the time in the urinals! It feels as if every time I give the slightest glance over to the right or left, I've got some guy's dick right in my vision!"

Xaver tried not to look too shocked at such talk. "Well I don't use public restrooms. And I don't know why we're having this conversation. Are you trying to make fun of me?"

"Maybe I am," Oscuro answered. "I like making you mad. It's kind of turning me on." He leaned forward and grinned in Xaver's face, but he pulled back after a few seconds.

Hiro had been standing off to the side, watching the two with amusement. Oscuro had turned out to be the perfect person to include in his plan and was already making Xaver furious and miserable. The short dog laughed out loud. "Oscuro, maybe you should save this all for later. Get him worked up when he's in your bedroom later on."

"What color panties do you wear, Xaver?" Oscuro asked, wanting to irritate Xaver just one last time.

"They're sparkly with flowers and rainbows all over them," Xaver replied sarcastically, flicking his tail in an annoyed fashion. "Will you leave me alone now so I can work?"

"I can't wait to live with you!" Oscuro said excitedly. "We're going to have so much fun. It will be like a month-long sleepover with hot sex!"

"You're a fucking idiot," Xaver muttered to himself. He turned his back on Oscuro and tried to concentrate on the task he had been rudely interrupted from. He never wanted to talk to another fur again. All people horrified him and he dealt with different types of people in different ways. With most, he said as little as possible and tried to end the conversation as soon as he could. When talking to people who irritated him, Xaver took the rudeness approach in an attempt to repel them.

Oscuro reached over and gave Xaver a pat on the head like the other male was his pet. "I'll see you later. Maybe someday you'll let me show you what a real cock looks like. I'm sure whatever you have isn't very impressive."

Xaver ignored him, though his face was starting to burn red. Oscuro figured he had harassed the big cat enough and walked away. Hiro, not having anything more to laugh at, also left. Yes, Hiro's idea was working perfectly. Torturing employees was great fun and he would have to do it more often.

Everyone was happy except for Xaver. If he was driven to doing something crazy or committing suicide, then it wouldn't be his fault. He thought Hiro was a complete bastard, but Oscuro might possibly be worse and Xaver couldn't imagine how he was possibly going to live with the deer. He couldn't even stand to be around Oscuro for five minutes.

He was convinced that the grey-haired buck was a dangerous menace and was afraid of what he might possibly do. Oscuro might insist on watching him piss or he could force Xaver to shower with him. He could lurk around in some dark corner without any pants on and then suddenly jump out and make Xaver see his stupid dick. Xaver was getting paranoid just thinking about it and nervously looked around to make sure nobody was going to get him. He thought he heard footsteps but realized it was only in his mind.

Damn it. He was worse than a little kid when it came to dreaming up terrifying fantasies. Perhaps he should see a psychiatrist. Xaver didn't trust doctors though. They were all a bunch of lunatics running around in white coats who only wanted to make people as uncomfortable as possible. The last time Xaver had seen a doctor; he snuck out of the office and ran off while the doctor's back was turned.

Psychiatric help was out of the question. Xaver knew he should try to relax, but it was hard. Perhaps he shouldn't blame his highly impressionable childhood after all. Maybe he was just mentally ill and had always been that way.

Xaver looked at his watch. He still had a few hours to go before work got out. He searched around on his desk and found a box of ballpoint pens. They were pointy and hard and could be thrown far. If Hiro or Oscuro approached again, Xaver had ammunition and was crazy enough to use it.