Devilot's day at the park

Story by Devilot on SoFurry

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#1 of Devilot's Slumber

Devilot opens his eyes and into his typical morning daze. Still holding his eyes half shut, he wonders what time is it already? Although all the curiosity, he continues to stare blankly at the ceiling enjoying the moment. Knowing that he has to get up now, he slips out of bed and onto the daily routine he goes. Scratching his head fur, he wonders what should he do today? He drags his paw across his face, 'I have nothing to do today'. Looking at the time, he quickly rushes himself off to the shower.

Almost an hour later, Devilot emerges from the shower. Exposing his comely, just washed gray and white husky fur. Devilot comes equipped with a very feminine and delicate, slim figure. Perhaps the perfect body someone would think belongs on television in this modern world, or at least he likes to think so. With stunning head-turning sky blue eyes, Devilot usually doesn't have a problem getting a date at the upscale clubs he enjoys attending occasionally.

Devilot walks over towards the door, looking to the right to check himself out in the mirror. 'Hmm...' he says, looking at a particular part of fur. He grabs a brush just below the mirror and fixes it accordingly. His tail wags all the while a smile is gaining momentum. For what he sees in the mirror is himself, and he looks especially cute today. The adrenaline stirring inside becomes almost unbearable. Devilot loves to go out on a day which he looks the way he does now.

Excitingly rushing out the door and coming to an appropriate stop, notices someone with quite a startled look on their face. 'Hi Elhaym, how are you today you silly fox?' he asks, giving off a wide grin. 'What're you up to now Devilot? I can tell you have something planned with how handsome you look today' she says. Devilot had figured she would ask such a question, and started jogging in place as she finished what she was saying. 'I'm going on a jog to the park, isn't it obvious? anyways, I'll be back this afternoon' he says waving, jogging off down the stairs and onto the sidewalk.

Feeling inspired and optimistic, Devilot wonders how well today will go. Jogging over towards the park, he notices that up above appears to be some rain clouds. However, a few rain clouds can't ruin his unceasing ability to be joyous. Devilot just feels he is the type of person to always be happy, nothing can really stop him from being any other way. Thereof spawning the reason people describe Devilot as 'The happy-go-lucky husky'.

He finally arrives at the park. Feeling a little fatigued already, decides that taking a break would be nice. Devilot finds himself a bench and slumps down onto it comfortably. Resting his head back and blankly staring off, getting himself lost in the clouds. This soon after is abruptly interrupted though by a shout coming from across the grass field. Devilot perks his ears up and takes a look around, listening for the familiar voice. Focusing to the right he feels shocked when he realizes the person that shouted over to him was his ex-boyfriend, Evan the wolf. Evan finally approached him, he gives Evan a very warm smile while trying to hold back a blush. He tries even harder by trying not to keep eye contact, but that doesn't stop the inevitable warming of his cheeks. Evan laughs, 'You haven't changed a bit, have you?'. Devilot replies simply by giving off a small grin, while envying how tall Evan is compared to him. Which he had sadly buried in his memory from the breakup.

After a long conversation between Evan and himself, Devilot decided it was time to break paths again. 'I will see you some other time I guess. It was nice talking to you again' he says cheerfully, giving off a very sincere smile as he began to walk off. Walking off though, he couldn't help stop thinking about Evan. The relationship they had was a very warm-filled romance. This was still nothing that could get Devilot down though, he turned off course and took off down a dirt path he'd never ran down before. The path was very shaded, and had lots of beautiful green leaves. ‘Where could this take him?' he wondered.

He stopped for a minute, letting himself have time to look around. Gradually feeling as if someone was watching him, he turned his head to the left, and then the right. Stumbling into his line of peripheral vision, he glances over the other way and sees Evan the wolf. 'Yes?' he murmured in an undertone out of shock. Quickly before he could even take another breath, Evan violently pushed a paw against his muzzle to hold his mouth shut. 'Go ahead, try and scream' Evan yells in his face, pushing him up against a tree. All the meanwhile, he finds himself trying to ask why Evan is doing this to him, but only to find his attempts to ask are muffled by Evan's paw over his mouth. 'No one can hear you, so do what I say or else' Evan whispers in his ear. Finding himself feeling entirely helpless, he lets Evan know that he will obey by demonstrating a simple nodding gesture. He never knew something like this would happen to him.

In this moment, he feels the world standing still. His heart feels pierced with fear and to top it off he is in a deep sense of suspense to see what happens to him. Asking himself why would this happen to such an innocent person as himself. Wondering if he has the courage he will need to endure whatever he is going to experience next. Devilot can now hear the sound of rain pouring down on the dirt, which brings him back to Reality.

Now back to reality, he is apparently listening to Evan in the midst of a question.

He just nods slowly as tears run down his cheek unsure what will happen. He feels Evan turn him around and once more push him against the tree. Only thing different this time is Evan handcuffs his hands to the tree. Evan grins at him, 'I'll never let you forget this moment, I promise'. Just to be sure Devilot doesn't make any noise, Evan gets a bandana from his back pocket and ties it around Devilot's mouth. The violent wolf now grabs onto his hips, and pulls his body backwards, making him bend over. 'Lift your tail up high, you're going to enjoy this' Evan commands, rubbing his hard nine inch cock around the outside of his tailhole. Devilot looks back, pleading 'please don't rape me' only to once more be unheard. Just as Evan shoves his cock deep into his tailhole he suddenly feels his whole body beginning to shake in pain. He tries to endure the pain, but it is too overwhelming. He feels Evan beginning to pound into his tailhole. Trying to clench his tailhole only makes things worse as Evan forces himself even farther into Devilot. Devilot begins to grow dizzy from his tailhole bleeding, wondering when will this ever stop, convinced that Evan won't listen to his whimpering and cries to stop. Evan seemingly getting close, gives off a sharp moan as Evan's load spills into his insides, filling him up good. And without saying a word, the wolf pulls his huge cock out of Devilot, watching the cum drizzle out of his tailhole. He tries to look back at Evan, but his vision is clouded with tears. He whimpers 'Please let me go now, you're done with me aren't you?', but sadly there is no reply. He asks himself what could possibly come next.

Devilot feeling a sharp shooting pain coming from his side, looks down towards his back to find a knife being stabbed into him. Evan pulls the knife out and delivers a few more stabs randomly into him. Devilot, feeling lifeless begins to stop whimpering as everything becomes blurry. He rests his head against the tree as his body collapses into it, feeling blood trickling down his leg and onto the ground. In his final moment, he looks over to the right with his head against the tree and sees Evan. Evan pulls the hood to his jacket over his head and runs off into the rain. A few more tears drip off of his face as he relaxes himself. Moments later inevitably falling into his demise.