Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 13: Visitors (Part 1)

Story by furrywurry on SoFurry

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#13 of Plush Love Vol 2

A brief visit from a Family member overjoys Luke, but may lead to more problems for Nathan.

Note: unfortunately, this story will have to go on hiatus for a while, but not for too long, I hope. My plans for its progression have changed substantially since it was originally written.

Several of the PL protagonists will have cameos in Lagomorphs (q.v.), which I'm almost ready to start posting.

Luke seemed more cheerful than usual when he came in that evening.

"Thanks for sending Paul's number! He's coming tonight! Gotta go!" and disappeared up the stairs.

Paul must the equine, Nathan thought. He'd been in too much of a hurry to get off the bus to ask his name. Or to offer his own, for that matter. It had all been rather embarrassing. He glared at the spacecraft, as if it were its fault.

"When?" he yelled after the vanished otter.

"Eight, maybe!" he heard faintly. Momentarily, in other words, not enough time to finish the simulation.

Sure enough, the doorbell rang just a few minutes later.

"I'll get it!" came the yell from upstairs, followed by thuds as Luke leaped down the stairs. Nathan almost winced. He could imagine what it would have sounded like without the carpeting.

"Paul! Hi! Come on in!" Luke greeted his visitor exuberantly.

But Cody pushed in between them before the newcomer could cross the threshold. The growl and bared teeth made the equine back away in dismay.

"Cody! No! He's a friend!" Luke tried to pull the security monitor back, but it was unmovable.

Pausing the program, Nathan headed to the front door. Yup. Better than acceptable security, for sure.

"Sorry, guys. Cody's just doing his job." He took hold of the "dog's" collar. "Cody. Visitor. Paul." The growl stopped and Cody let himself be backed away.

"Come on in, Paul. Let him smell your hand," Nathan suggested, offering his own to shake when Cody had been satisfied. "I'm Nathan. Sorry we...."

But Luke interrupted. "Come on up to my room! We've got lots to talk about!" and practically dragged the large visitor up the stairs. Looking back over his shoulder at Nathan, Paul shrugged and grinned.

Nathan blinked and stared after them. Wow. When Luke was excited, he really got excited. He hadn't acted like this since, well, since Nathan had known him. A little childish at times, maybe, but not like this.

"That's some guard dog," he heard Paul say to Luke as they disappeared.

* * *

Luke couldn't believe it. Someone from the Farm! Here! In his room! Who smelled like Family!

"Sit down! Put your feet up! Relax! Can I get you a soda? Snacks?" He wasn't quite sure what to say about the security monitor.

"Thanks, but I just had dinner. Maybe a coke later. Where can I hang my coat?"

"Gimme." He tossed it on the bed he'd just finished making, then turned and looked at, or, rather, looked up at, his visitor.

"You got big." he said admiringly. Paul wasn't the gangly seven-year old he'd last seen ten years ago. He was still pale and freckled, but certainly not short and skinny any more!

"Yeah. things like that happen. I think it's called puberty or something." The equine grinned. "Commere."

They hugged. Luke relaxed against Paul's chest, breathing in the long missed but still familiar odor of a Family member. Paul nuzzled his hair and ear.

"You smell good," they said simultaneously. Both laughed, Paul's almost a whinny.

Luke pulled back a little, but didn't let go. "I've really missed this. Most stans just don't seem to like physical contact, or even being close. I dunno why."

"Guilt. Must be. Like the Puritans messed with too many people's heads, and it just got passed down. Made people think it means dirty sex. I think I read it in some history book. Seems likely, anyhow." Paul rubbed Luke's back. "I've missed it, too."

Paul looked around and dropped into the desk chair. It was the only one with a gap between the seat and back.

"Oh, sorry. Maybe Nathan can get more chairs with space for a tail." And a long flowing tail it was, too. He hadn't seen one like it for years. There weren't any stables near the fosters, and he hadn't gotten involved in the university's polo team.

"This is his place? How come you're staying here? He rents out rooms?"

Luke pulled one of the other chairs over so he could sit close to his visitor. "He's just letting me stay here for a while. I've only been here a coupla days. My apartment building had to close 'cause the basement flooded. You don't want to know with what!" He wrinkled his nose.

"Something gross, I'm sure," the equine grinned.

"So what brings you to town? Looking at colleges? Think you might come here?" Maybe he'd get to have a real friend nearby! Even if Paul was younger.

"Admissions interview, actually. Both the 'rents went here, and they really want me to get in. The early decision date's next week, so here we are." He shrugged. "You like it? Much prejudice?"

"School's OK. Some classes are really hard, but there're fun things to do, too. There isn't a lot of prejudice on campus, but some of the townies can be real obnoxious. There are a few furries around, too, but I've been trying to avoid them. I made the mistake of going to one of their parties last year. Some stans have really strange ideas about splices." He shuddered.

Paul grinned. "I dunno. There are some in my school. The girls can be fun. One comes to every one of my games. How are the girls here? You been getting any action?"

"Not really. The ones who seem to like me really aren't my type." He didn't like remembering what had happened at the party. He was NOT an animal to be led around on a leash.

"Oh. Like that, huh. So you like Nathan?"

Luke blinked. "Not like that! He's just a good friend."

Almost to his relief, Paul's phone interrupted. "What do they want now?" the equine groaned.

"Hi, Mom, what's up? ... Really? Right now? Can't it wait 'til ... No, I understand." He rolled his eyes. "Tell Winston I'll be out front. ... Yeah, see you.

"Damn. Sorry. Some friend of theirs in administration wants to talk with me tonight, of all things. Right now. Can I see you tomorrow morning? The real interview isn't 'til one."

"Sure. I've got a class from nine to ten, but I'm free after that. Give me a call."

He got Paul's coat. "You called her 'Mom'. They more than fosters?"

"Yeah," the equine explained as they went down the stairs. "They 'dopted me almost immediately. Made all the local news. Nothing national, though. They say the judge was ticked 'cause he didn't the publicity he wanted." Luke was envious. For eight years, his fosters had never treated him as much more than a paying visitor in their house.

Cody carefully watched them go out onto the front porch.

"Wow. That's some limo."

"It's just a rental." They hugged. "See you tomorrow."

Luke watched the taillights disappear down the street, disappointed that the visit had been so short. But he'd see Paul again in the morning! Yes!

* * *

"That was quick."

"Yeah. His Mom called and he hadda go meet someone. We'll get together tomorrow. Watcha doin'?" Luke threw himself on the couch next to Nathan.

Nathan glanced over at the otter. Sometimes his language seemed more informal than others. He hadn't quite figured out the pattern.

"Just the usual. Modeling a deep-space spaceship. It looks like scifi, but it's buildable if somebody could be persuaded to pay for it. NASA and ESA certainly won't."

"Deep space? I thought we went to Jupiter and Saturn years ago. And Pluto, too, maybe?" He frowned. Obviously he wasn't a space buff. More than not recognizing Mars.

"No, I mean real deep space. Like another star." Nathan watched the bright flashes on the screen for a minute as they lit up the room. "You want to help? There are a few...."

"Can't tonight. More homework." Luke made a face. "Maybe this weekend? Yeah, this weekend," he decided. Using Nathan's shoulder for support, he started to push himself up.

"Wait. Did you have a chance to talk to Paul about the RFIDs? Or the tracers? He does need to know, I think."

"Oh, shit! I completely forgot." Luke collapsed back down on the couch and leaned against Nathan. For comfort, maybe? Nathan couldn't help noticing how warm he was. "We're gonna get together tomorrow morning before his interview. I guess I could tell him then."

"Ouch. That might be a problem, depending on how much it upsets him. He could blow the interview entirely. But if he figures out there's something you're not telling him, that could cause problems, too."

"I could just cancel, I s'pose," the otter said sadly. "But I really do wanna see him again. It's been a really long time."

"Well, why not just tell him you need to talk to him after the interview? Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I'm worried about who might overhear you on campus, too. I think that'd be a little harder if you could do it here."

"I've got a lab section in the afternoon, though. Shit." Was he picking up some of Nathan's bad habits already? Nah. Probably just the usual teen language.

"Dinner, maybe? You could invite his guardians, too. I think they'd want to know." Damn. He really wasn't ready for that. Maybe call for take out?

"Parents, actually. They 'dopted him. Yeah. That oughta work. I think they're rich, too. Maybe they could help. Get the word out. Maybe even help find out who's doing it." He grinned. "Yeah! Thanks!"

He squeezed Nathan's shoulder and took off up the stairs.

Nathan smiled after the otter. His enthusiasm was infectious. It was nice having someone cheerful around. "What do you think, Sasha? Will they help?"

"Ay 'e".

Nathan gave her a look. Why did she always pretend she couldn't talk clearly?

* * *

An Army car was parked in front of his house when Nathan got home from work the next evening. The logo painted on the door was plainly visible, as were the gold leaves on the shoulders of the officer waiting in the porch swing. Was he going to be getting visits from every branch of the military?

"What can I do for you, Major Brown?" he asked as they shook hands. At least that's what was on the nametag. Nathan wasn't about to invite him inside, even if it would give the scanner a closer look.

"You had a visitor last night." Oh. Of course. The Army'd be very interested in soldiers that strong. Manamps were expensive and needed maintenance. Equine grunts would be much cheaper in the long run, even though this one had cost a hell of a lot.

"Well, Luke did, actually. I barely said hello."

"I see. So you really don't know the young man yourself?"

"Nope. First time I saw him was on the bus yesterday afternoon."

"Is he likely to be staying here in the fall?"

"Not here. Freshmen aren't allowed to live off campus, assuming he even gets accepted. And I'm really not interested in taking in borders, anyhow."

"You already have one."

"He's a special case. It's probably only temporary, until the health department gives his landlord approval to reopen."

"That seems unlikely, given the circumstances."

"Oh? Doesn't it just need a simple cleanup? Did something else happen?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not at liberty to say, but I'm sure he'll be getting a notice from them."

"I hope so. He says they haven't been returning his calls."

"I'm sure that's just a mixup." The major paused. "You improved your security recently, we noticed. The task force thinks that was a good idea." They did, did they? And there was a task force, now? What had he gotten himself into, he wondered again.

"So you're certain Paul Appleton won't be staying here in the fall?"

"Quite sure. The university is very strict about freshman housing, except for very special circumstances. And I really don't have enough room, anyhow. Having others living here is quite an inconvenience." More would be, anyhow. For a certain individual he was willing to make an exception.

"I'm sure it is," the major agreed blandly. "Well, thank you for your time. Have a pleasant evening."

As Nathan watched the major drive away, he had a sinking feeling that he hadn't heard the last of this. The Air Force and Marines hadn't visited yet. Nor the Coast Guard. Couldn't they just call? The neighbors must be starting to wonder. Or maybe they were putting on a show, trying to intimidate whoever else was keeping an eye on Luke. And on him.

"Special circumstances." Shit. He wished he hadn't mentioned that. His life was getting way too complicated, way too fast. Maybe he'd be lucky and Paul wouldn't get accepted.

Fat chance. The kids of wealthy alums always had an edge.

But that was almost a year away. A lot could happen between now and then. In the meantime, he'd better get things cleaned up. The caterers would be here soon.