You hold the key

Story by SkyFire on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This story is intended to be viewed by people over the age of 18. I there for take no responsibility for anything bad that happens to the life of a Minor if they read this. The Thoughts and Opinions of characters may not be my own opinions. This story contains sexual and adult themes and so on. Do not read if you are under the age of 18.

P.S. This is my first time up-loading a story to yiffstar, feedback would be valued greatly, but please only constructive criticism. Not destructive if you mind ^_^.

Carlick was making his late night rounds through the halls of the Pine forest Medical recovery centre. That was its name, but in actuality, it was more like a Prison for those considered 'not quite normal enough to re-enter society.'

Carlick was one of the orderlies there; He was a tall Alasken timber wolf with completely grey fur, with warm and friendly brown eyes. His grey fur, which didn't mean he was old, for he was only in his late 20's, didn't hide the rippling muscular physique that came from Constantly working out, day in and day out ever since his mate died at the hands of a car jacker 5 years ago. Since that day he has never known the comfort of a loving woman. Tonight though his mind was on work as he continued walking down the white sterile hospital halls, looking through the safety glass windows in the front of patients doors to check up on them.

His rubber soled shoes padded softly along the shiny Linoleum floor as he continued walking down the halls to check on the various patients. Tonight was a quiet night, nobody was acting up or anything. Though towards one end of the ward he did catch a faint sound. It sounded like moaning. Curiously he walked down towards that end of the ward, it was the part were the new patients spend a few nights after just arriving, their usually the nicer rooms, a window over looking the lake and surrounding forest. Carlick paused for a moment. One of the doors was slightly ajar, and the sound of Moaning was coming from inside. *That's how I heard it* he thought to himself *those rooms are sound proofed so the new patients don't disturb the others when they start to break down. *He moved to the door, peering inside he saw the most gorgeous Black Panther. She was completely naked, sitting up on her bed, legs spread and teasing her-self with a latex dildo.

"What the?" he thought to himself, his pants growing tight just from the sight of her, her lustful moans didn't help the situation either. He gulped a little; she hadn't seemed to have noticed him. He looked at the door and there was a clipboard on it, trying to ignore her moaning he took the clipboard off and scanned his eyes down it till he found her details.

Name: Tanya Walters

Species: Black Panther

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Blood type: 0

Affliction: Minimal damage to frontal Lobe, resulting in continual uncontrollable sexual desire.

Admitted: 19/4/05

*This is today's date* Carlick realised, *so she's the new patient who was emitted today* Glancing his eyes over the information again, he was unaware her moaning had ceased, and that she was right up against the door, looking at him through the semi opened door, eyes sparkling with desire.

"Hello" she spoke; her voice was soft and Melodious. Her voice caused Carlick to jump, since he hadn't realised she was so close. Smiling warmly, Tanya opened up the door the whole way and took a hold of his hand. She slowly pulled him into her room, eyes examining his flawless body hungrily.

"I.. I" Carlick started to protest but she just put a finger on his lips and pulled him over towards her bed, "Please help me" she begged him. Arms curling around the wolf boy's neck as she slowly rubs her naked body up and down against his uniform. Her curves would make any man drop to his knees and beg for it. And here she was coming onto poor Carlick. He murrs gently when she presses her lips to his, closing his eyes in gentle pleasure but opening them again when he felt her rough tongue begin to probe his mouth. Her hands travel down his shirt, undoing the buttons as she goes, exposing his strong muscular chest. She finally broke the kiss as she knelt down before the helpless wolf. Unbuckling his belt slowly she gazes up at him. "My names Tanya" she says, smiling warmly to him again as she unzips his pants.

Carlick was stunned at how easily she had manoeuvred him inside the room and gotten him under her control. "My.. My names Carlick" he said, gasping when he felt her soft furred fingers gently caressing his sheath through his pink love heart boxers.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Carlick" she purred, pulling his boxers down and rubbing her hands against his sheath, which was starting to pull back and showed the light pink tip of the wolf's penis slowly emerging

"The *whimper* Pleasure is all mine Tanya" he groaned. Squeezing his eyes shut as she expertly caressed his sheath and coaxed his 10 inches out of his sheath.

"Some how I doubt that" she grins. Opening her maw she gently runs her tongue from the base of his shaft all the way up to the head, her purring getting louder by the minute, it was a good thing the door was closed on this sound proof room.

With a groan of pleasure, Carlick rested his hands on the back of Tanya's head, Holding her all too eager tongue and lips to his throbbing shaft. She took him into her mouth and began to suck hungrily, bobbing her head up and down on his meat.

Carlick's leaned his head back, groaning loudly. Tanya was very skilled at pleasing men. Carlick thrust foreword into her mouth before his whole body shuddered in orgasm, thick salty seed flowed into Tanya's mouth and she eagerly swallowed every drop.

Purring loudly, Tanya lay back for Carlick. Spreading her legs as far apart as she could. Gently rubbing her clit as her inviting scent pulled the male towards her. He knelt down in front of her, moving forwards he kissed her deeply. Sliding himself into her slowly. Her extremely tight warmth quickly met his under used cock. Causing him to gasp into the kiss they were sharing. Tanya's arms curled around his neck and shoulders. Holding him to her now as they continued. Growling in happy horny lust, Carlick began pushing forwards into her, earning moans of excitement and pleasure from Tanya.

The two now lovers continued to yiff on the floor for hours. Carlick feeding Tanya's hunger for sex by thrusting harder and harder inside of her, frenching her lovingly as he squeezed and kneaded her breasts with his hands. The tip of his cock rubbing against her g spot and sending her into a spasm of orgasmic pleasure. Her hot cunny honey spilling down over her thighs and the floor.

Panting and purring, they curled up against each other. Carlick fell asleep first while cuddled up to the woman who had reintroduced him to the pleasures of a woman. Tanya purrs happily. Still kissing his ears and grinding herself down on his body for a while as he slept before pulling herself off of him. She smiled. "Thank you" she whispers in his ear before kissing him on the lips. She took his keys and walked towards the door. Locking him in as she made her way towards the exit of the ward and towards freedom.