Sibling Rivalry: Things get weird, fast.

Story by KodaSkunk on SoFurry

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#1 of Sibling Rivalry: Things get weird very quickly

I was reading old incest stories from early on. Maybe ten years old, some of the first on the website. And I came up with an idea for this. I have a few other ideas as well.

Warning: It starts out silly and cute but it gets weird fast. Once you read the word "Boner" then you've probably gone too far if you want to avoid the sex.

Ps. Mother fucking money.

Pss. I'm proving that you don't need to have a super unique name to be cool. I used the same name. Twice! HA! Take that people with cool ass names!

Will update tag later.

Summer. What a wonderful time. School was out, children were happily running around screaming and playing, their parents tearing their hair out trying to keep them in line... Yes, what a wonderful season.

Except for Sam, a Skunk. You know, fluffy fur, ridiculously poofy tail, black pelt with a white stripe, the occasional god-awful smell... He stared up at his ceiling for at least an hour. "Summer sucks." He muttered under his breath. He currently had nothing to do. No one to go and do anything with. It was the same for the last week. He grumbled and got out of bed, stumbling into the hallway.

This was his morning ritual. Every morning without fail. It wasn't actually limited by summer and the lack of school, it only affected the times he actually woke up. On school days he would wake up earlier. He was a creature of habit, and obsessively kept his room bare. Stark white with no decorations save for a white desk, a white bookshelf and a laptop. His morning ritual included his morning greeting with his twin sibling.

Her name was also Sam. They were identical twins, Sammy and Samantha, their parents would probably name a third child Samson or Samsara if they could. It was his mother's idea. The two were identical in almost every single way. The same white hair, the same shade of green eyes, the same single stripe that ran from scalp to their back down the base of their tail. The same incredibly soft fluffy fur, the same white fur on their lower jaw that traveled down their neck, to their chests, over their stomachs, and down their thighs, between their thighs and up the underside of their tail. The only thing that didn't match between the two were Samantha's boobs, and the fact Sammy's tail was bigger, fluffier, and according to himself, softer. He happily lauded it over her. "My tail is better than yours." And yes it did make her jealous.

Their morning ritual consisted of showering and occasionally made-at-home breakfast. He looked up and saw her walking through the hall to her room wrapped up in HIS favorite blue towel. She gave him a shit eating grin and handed him HER favorite pink towel. He swatted at her with his tail and earned a yank from her in return.

"G'morning buttmunch." "Morning pencil-prick. The shower is all yours." "Thanks shit-for-brains."

The same, every morning. Including the order of them waking up, the theft of the other's towel, and the number of names used. The colorfulness of the words was the only thing that varied. Their mother, also a skunk, obviously, watched fondly from the kitchen. "Aren't they so sweet?" She said between sips of her morning tea to her neighbor, a black busty squirrel who lived next door she often enjoyed the company of.

"You call that sweet?" She said in reply with a raised eyebrow. "Oh definitely, Dave and I were the same way before we started dating!" Their mother said with a fond smile and a dreamy sigh. "Are all skunks this weird?"

"Booooooored." Sam said, thumping his head against his wall. "Booooooored." Thump. "Booooooored." Thump. "Boooooooooooooooooooored." CLUNK

"Keep doing that, ball-fuzz, and you'll make a hole. Then I'll have to stare at your bed-head every morning." His sister said, standing in her doorway idly combing her hair. "What's your problem anyways?"

"Unlike you I don't have a place to go to get some cat nookie." He said with a snort. He received a thrown at the side of his head for his trouble.

"Dale and I haven't spent much time with each other lately." She said wistfully "But I think that might change soon. Maybe."

Dale was her boyfriend of five years. At fifteen, that meant she had been dating him since before she had puberty to attract her to him. He was two full years ahead of her, though. But he didn't seem to mind. He was her first best friend, first date, first kiss, first boyfriend, first time, first everything really.

"Uh-huh." He said, letting his head hit the wall one last time. Maybe he should layer his sister's old posters in that one spot to prevent him gaining a concussion. "Say." He said straightening up and giving his sister back her comb. "Wanna go to the arcade?"

She grinned in an eerily identical way to him. "Fuck yeah."

The arcade was affectionately called "The Hideout", due to it being shoved down a branch in the mall between a big name clothing store and a lingerie shop. It was the only store-front on that particular mall block due to the size of the other two stores. It was quiet and out of the way, perfect for ditching your kids while the parents did real serious grown-up shopping. It was also an incredibly amazing arcade. All the games were some of the most popular back in their day. Galaga, Defender, Hang-On, etc. And all the machines were originals from the 70's, restored, repainted, cleaned up, even inner-hardware replaced. There was no lighting, there didn't need to be with all the flashing and lights of the machines themselves. The air was filled with 8-Bit chip-tunes and scratchy sound effects. And the best part was entire wall was filled with pin-ball machines of various makes and layouts and there were *always* competitions going on. The owner gave you five tokens on the dollar which meant you could play fifty games of your choice for ten bucks. He never had to worry about it being too cheap to make a living off of, the arcade was popular and big enough and there was a snack bar to make up for any loss.

The twins loved the arcade on those day when there was nothing going on for either of them. And they always played multiplayer games where they could compete. Games filled with name-calling and cussing and insults thrown back and forth between them.

Samantha was a very outgoing girl, so going to the arcade was a rare treat, never did any of her friends want to visit there, and her brother was the only one willing to put up with her competitive streak since he had it himself. It was one of the few places they could fight and win over the other without consequence or hurt feelings.

They spent all morning and part of their evening there, as always when they visited the arcade. And as always they went to the mall's food court for a fill-up after having starved themselves in favor of brain-sapping video-game entertainment. It was the best kind of nothing-is-going-on day there was.

Sam looked up from his third, delicious, gooey, sickeningly sweet Cinnabon and pointed his flimsy plastic food-court fork at his sister. "I'm surprised you didn't favor Dale over me, butt-nugget. I thought for sure you two would have planned something that ended twisting yourselves in his sheets." He said, laughing when she threw a crumpled used napkin at his face.

"Dale and I haven't been around eachother in a few weeks. Beside what does it matter to you, dick-face. You should be busy going around 'Snatchin up dem bitches for a quick lay and droppin em like they're hot' or something. Last girl I saw you around was a waitress. I'm beginning to think you're a faggot." She said leaning back in her chair, smoothing her skirt out over her legs.

"Look, there's only one kind of girl I'd want to date. She has to be short, busty, shy, have whi... Uh..." He punctuated each word with a point of his fork at her before his head started turning slowly, following something behind her as he moved his fork to point specifically. "Hey isn't that dale with the hot mouse chick over there?" He said, pointing specifically at a tall bobcat tugging a short, white furred mouse girl behind him. His sister had turned her head just in time to see him lean down and press a small kiss to the girls lips. he stared for a good minute as the pair walked off in the direction of the arcade.

She broke. "W-what... What's he doing over there with that- That's not- I mean we were talking about seeing other people last month but- Is he cheating- We... I-I-" She continued on. Her rambling became less coherent as she drew her hand up to her chest and eye widened. He saw the fur of her tail raise, a sure sign that stress was taking over her natural biology and she was about to bolt. She never acted like this.

There were few things that made Sammy lose his temper. He was a very level-headed skunk, from the way he dealt with people in general to the way he handled fights. He never raised a fist and prided himself in winning any fight with words only, never shouting. He enjoyed his seclusion and calm, the opposite of his sister who enjoyed surrounding herself with friends and doing things just for the thrill. He also never raised in defense of his sister. She never needed it, capable of taking care of herself just as he was. They would cheer eachother up when they were down, sure, if they needed a good friend, but never required more than words here, an ice cream there. Really they had a very easy sibling relationship. They shared those sibling things they couldn't with other people. Secrets when they didn't trust other people to keep them. Or secrets kept from their parents. Like how Samantha lost her virginity the same month she found out she could bleed from her vagina and go into heat. Or like how Sammy gave a guy a blowjob on a dare, and found that it wasn't all that bad. But never had they really interfered in the personal lives of the other beyond what already involved them both.

Sammy did care enough about his sister though, enough to rise to her defense. At the height of her shock, he stood up, having simmered long enough with his sister's babbling that his righteous anger boiled over at seeing his twin in that state. The chair he left clattering behind him was the steam whistling out of the tea pot, and he walked briskly and efficiently through the mall crowd and bustle, covering twice the distance in half the time that the Cat and Mouse had as they walked hand in hand towards The Hideout.

"Yo, remember me?" He said casually with a forced grin as he placed a hand on the older boy's shoulder. He turned around, confusion on his face, and before he could respond Sam had stepped into his personal space and grabbed his crotch. His smile turned genuine and malicious, complete with bared teeth. "Mine's bigger." He said before quickly twisting his hand. The cat yelped, swatting Sam's hands away, and was rewarded by being clocked in the nose. He lost his balance and fell on his rear, clutching his nose as blood dripped down over his lip. He turned to look the mouse girl up and down. Short, a little pudgy, a good mother figure, a nice rack, white fur, probably one of those shy girls, a bit of a wallflower, and a pretty face. He gave a small nod and turned, walking off.

Dale got up with his apparent date's help and dabbed lightly at his nose with napkins she handed over to him. "A-are you okay? Who was that?" She asked with genuine concern. He sighed and gave her a crooked, tired smile. He was completely capable of defending himself, but he froze having seen those green eyes boring into his. He almost thought it was Samantha herself. "We've got to talk..."

He brought his sister a glass of water and plopped down on the couch. She hadn't broken hysterically into tears so that was good. "Glad you haven't succumbed to the emo side." He said as he gave her the glass. She gave a small snort at him before staring down at the water.

He had iced it. That was good. She loved ice, with it's transparency and chill. She decided at one point in the past she wanted to be an ice sculptor. "I-it's kind of expected. He and I talked about splitting up a few weeks ago. I was planning on telling him that it was a go the next time I saw him I just... Didn't expect he'd move on so soon, before we even decided anything." She said, letting out a small hiccup, her eyesight fogging over with building tears. "I-It makes me wonder i-if he actually cared about me like I care. I-I realized that I valued our friendship more than as lo-lovers. B-but I still love him y'know? Did he ever lo-lo-" She stopped and let out a small sob.

Sam frowned and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, tugging her in to a hug, and letting her cry silently into his shoulder. It was only a minute until she regained control and wiped the tears from her eyes and took a sip from her water.

"Well..." He said after an uncomfortably long silence. "At least he didn't ditch you for an ugly, stupid girl. He's just heartless. Not stupid." He said in an entirely too serious tone of voice. It worked, and received a wavering, choked laugh.

"She was pretty hot wasn't she?" She said, wiping her eyes quickly and offering him a smile. "Don't tell me you're going to go all lesbian on me now, cuntmonkey." He said, smirking back at her and leaning back, arms behind his head. "Guess I can't complain. It'd be hot. And all the free pics of different girl's tits that I want from you." He laughed and received a couch cushion to the face.

They threw insults back and forth at eachother for a few minute before they sat in silence, Samantha regaining full composure before Sam stood up and smirked over at her. "So, mom and dad are out all night at a party probably getting drunk in celebration of whatsit or whosit..." He said, grabbing her arm and pulling her down the hallway into her room, his hips swaying along with his tail that snaked out behind him. That was the walk she used to seduce Dale.

She smiled evilly along with him and in unison they shouted "Operation R-Rated-Movies-Fuck-Yeah!"

Sammy yawned and stretched, reaching over and hitting the remote for his sister's tv to turn it off, checking her digital clock which read past eleven. They'd watched six hours of R-Rated goodness. "It's late." He looked around her room and smiled at the various pictures she had hung. One in particular of them at the beach, him catching her in a headlock and giving her a noogie as best a five year old could with their parents just behind them, laughing. It was a simpler time.

He yawned again and looked down at his sister. They had fallen asleep in the last hour and in her sleep she had migrated under his arm and snuggled into his side on the fort of pillows they had thrown together from all the pillow they could find in the house. Pillow forts were the best forts, even if they were probably too old for them. An advantage about being twins was they fit together like puzzle pieces, physically, like the way she fit against his side, and mentally, like when they agreed to watch movies while curled up on a giant pile of pillows. Which was rare except for times similar to this, when one needed cheering up.

He stood up and stretched his tail, wincing at the sound of a crack before leaving her room and making his way into his own. He slipped out of his clothes and slid into his bed in his boxers, draping his comforter over him. His bed, despite matching the white of the rest of hi room, was glorious. The comforter was almost as fluffy as his own tail, and he enjoyed it immensely. He drifted quickly back to the arms of sleep, but before he could finally get there permanently he heard his door creek. He looked up and saw his sister standing in his doorway. She had changed out of her day clothes and into a pair of silky loose sleeping pants and a loose fit tanktop. Despite most of her wardrobe's questionable colors she chose, he decided she looked good in those. He even nodded to the mental assessment. He should totally get into fashion.

"H-hey." She said quietly, voice muddled with sleep. "Can I... Sleep in here with you? I know we haven't since we were kids but... I just don't want to be alone right now." Her voice cracked and sounded quiet and lonely, not something he was used to from her. She was always the strong one.

"I don't mind. Just keep your filthy knobs to yourself." He said, lifting his comforter up in invitation. She stumbled over to his bed and flopped unceremoniously on to it before wriggling under the comforter. "And don't steal the blankets, pizza-breath." He got a giggle, making him smile as he realized she was doing okay before rolling over and getting comfortable.

"Hey, Sammy?" She said a few minutes later. He was ALMOST asleep. Agaaaaain. He rolled over and cracked an eye at her. He always left his window shade open at night, and the moon was bright, shining directly through the window. It was a bit surreal how well it lit his sister's face. The moon was his favorite celestial body no doubt.

"Yeah sis?" He mumbled sleepily, shifting his tail out from underneath him. "Am I as nice looking as that mouse girl?" She asked, a few thick locks of hair falling in front of her eyes. It was the kind of question that took him off guard, but he got what she was asking. He was smart like that, or something. 'Was I pretty enough?' more or less. He'd heard a few girls ask that question before. He stared intently at her for a minute before he reached up and brushed her hair away from her face and leaned in and caught her lips in a chaste kiss. He wasn't entirely sure why, possibly for shock, but he did it anyway. "Yeah." He said quite confidently before closing his eye, blindly ruffling her hair and doing his best to doze back to sleep.

'Why does dale always get so hard in the middle of the night...' She thought irritably, worming her way back into the arms of the body behind her and fitting her form against it, shifting her tail and worrying her rear to trap the boner of her boyfriend between her buttcheeks so she'd be comfortable before closing her eyes to go back to sleep.

... "Wait."

She wasn't with Dale. And she certainly wasn't in his bed. She rethought her current position fairly quick. Sam must have spooned up behind her in his sleep, which she was okay with. What you do in your sleep isn't entirely your fault. But he had a raging hard on, and it was mashed against her ass.

She was about to roll out of his arms and bed when a sudden thought and realization occured to her. Granted it was incredibly weird, but her brother felt *big*. She remembered he mentioned he said that he was bigger when Sam assaulted Dale at the mall. And she bit her lip before shifting her ass back to try and confirm it. He didn't just feel big, he was big. "This is gross." She muttered under her breath.

She and Dale had sex. A lot. She was quite satisfied with that sex. Despite being the only boy she was ever with, she felt she had quite a bit knowledge on how a penis should be by now, and figured, judging from a few porn videos he conned her into watching with him, that her boy-... Ex-boyfriend was just under average. And she was perfectly okay with that. He knew how to use it to make her feel good and that's exactly what mattered to her. He had an attractive cock and not once did she remember complaining about it. She'd never heard anyone mention that her brother did anything sexual with anyone. Ever. And she knew a lot of secrets from girls at school.

And more importantly, she knew what Dale's cock felt like mashed against her hindquarters. Dale's dick slipped comfortably between her fluffy butt mounds, it was a very nice fit, pleasant and warm and she often felt comfortable sleeping with it there. Her brother's on the other hand did not feel comfortable whatsoever. The thin material of her pants did little to protect her bottom from the warmth that seeped from Sam's cock through his boxers, his girth forcing her ass-cheeks apart. She didn't wear panties to bed, it was just uncomfortable. Every once in a while she could feel it... Throb, or twitch, usually if she shifted her rear. Judging without reaching down and grabbing it, he had to be at least a couple inches bigger and probably half an inch or so wider.

It was gross, she decided, to be studying her twin brother's cock so intently with her ass. But she did it anyway. Dale always did say she was rather shameless.

'For science' she thought before she slipped a hand behind her, arching her back to give it room and slid her hand down his belly fluff. She was just going to wrap her hand around the front of his boxers, test it's size, let it go and move forward and go back to sleep and pretend like it never happened. But the one thing she hadn't planned on was that her brother was wearing boxers a size too big and that making it easy to slip her hand in. She totally didn't do that on purpose, nope.

So she felt her hand now sliding directly against her twin's big throbbing boner. 'Well, since I'm here.' she thought. It twitched against her fingers, and she felt a lump form in her throat. She swallowed, the noise too loud to her ears. Carefully she wrapped her fingers around his shaft, familiar at least with what it looked due to catching her brother with awkward boners in the bathroom. The shape felt about right. It had a thick girth to it that was constant from base to close to the tip, tapering only near it's head. She could even feel a few veins, throb with his heartbeat. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she wrapped her fingers fully around it and felt surprised. She could wrap her fingers around Dale and be able to touch her thumb between the mid joints of her finger. With Sam's, well, she was only able to make her fingertips meet. She estimated that he had a good inch of girth over the bobcat.

It felt rather good in her hand, thick, full and warm, and nibbling at her lower lip, she slide her hand down the length of his cock, and felt the swell of a pseudo-knot. She assumed it ran in the family and that he got it from their father, who probably got it from his father, etc... Not that she knew what her dad's dick looked like that. No, that'd be weird. At least Sam is the same age as her and didn't fuck their mom. That was a very poor excuse for being too comfortable feeling her brother's boner up. She gave it a testing squeeze, and figured it functioned similar to a canine knot, it just didn't seem as big as an actual canine in comparison, at least by touch. She'd only ever been with Dale so her experience was lacking. It was a bit strange for a skunk to have such a thing. Maybe she should look at her family tree.

Lost in thought and exploration, she trailed her fingers further down, idly cupping her brother's ball in her palm, and felt her throat dry up. His balls felt absolutely huge. Maybe he was pent up. Dale's tended to get bigger when she teased him for a few days, so there's no way this pair of orbs were naturally that big. She gave them a testing squeeze and couldn't help but giggle when her brother let out a shuddered breath. Her fingers slid back up over his shaft, and idly she stroked it a few more times and went to remove her hand from her twin's boxer and be done with her... Science experiment, yeah.

However she froze when Sam gave a thrust with his hips, pushing his cock up into her hand and grinding it softly against her ass, repeating a few times, and she felt an instinctive need to protect herself, and gave that thick cock a hard enough squeeze that he yelped rather loudly and woke abruptly.

"What the fuck!" He half whispered and half shouted. He grumbled confusedly when he wasn't able to move his hips, her hand firmly in place in his boxers.

"You were grinding this thing against my ass. So stop, butt-lick." She said, her tone low and dangerous. She could practically feel his eyes roll, despite facing away from him.

"So that's the reason you decide to wake me from a sexy dream by sticking your hand down there and grabbing my cock then?" He said sarcastically, his tail thumping against the bed somewhere below the blankets in his irritation.

"W-well, it's- uh, you were hard, and your dick, and... How did you know you were bigger than Dale?" She asked, desperate to change the subject.

"He was hard. I don't blame him, he had a fine view of that little mouse girl's rear. Maybe he was day-dreaming or something." He said rather matter-of-factly, scratching an itch and slipping his arm back around his sister. "Now please remove your hand from my penis."

She felt her cheeks flush, this entire time her fingers were wrapped tightly around Sam's shaft. She turned her head to the side, attempting to look at him out the corner of her eye before humming. "No." She said, fingers giving his meaty member another squeeze. "Why are your balls so big?"

"Jesus christ Samantha, have you been just feeling me up in my sleep this whole time?" He asked incredulously. She turned just a tad more to look at him better to deliver a petulant look. "Fuuuck, fine. I've been edging for the last month and a half, and the past few weeks I just haven't been able to get off. I'm blue balled as fuck. That's why they're swollen right now." He ground out, able to feel his cock throb and rather aware of just how soft her furred palms were on it.

She slid her hand out of his boxers a moment later and he relaxed a little, now entirely awake thanks to his wood. Well, almost relaxed a little. She reached back and grabbed hold of his boxers and gave them a yank, rolling herself in his arms to face him, offering an expression he couldn't read as she used the new position to work his boxers down further. "So, why'd you kiss me?" She asked once she was able to catch his boxers with her toes and pull them off. He really didn't bother fighting it. He wanted to see where this was going.

He turned his head to look at the ceiling before shrugging and giving her a small smile, his arms around her once again, a paw sliding down her back. Since she was being so brazen, he'd take a chance and slid his hand down the back of those silky pajamas, grabbing a handful of her ass and taking a generous squeeze. He'd honestly always wanted to do that. Their butts were about the same too, he estimated, so he decided that the way her ass felt as he fondled it was pleasant. "You asked if I thought you looked pretty." He said honestly. She gave his smile a smile of her own. "Uh, the lighting from the moon made me do it." That was also honest and she snorted at him. "I was drunk. Under powerful hallucinogenics. Uh, I don't know." He looked up in thought and she thwacked the back of his head before grabbing his sides and rolling.

He nearly shouted in surprise as she rolled him atop her, sliding a leg up and letting him fit down over her, the amount of body contact was complete, and she thought of a pair of jigsaw pieces that fit together. Her chest was mashed nicely against his and his thigh that had slid between her legs slid pleasantly against hers that she hadn't lifted up for the sole purpose of positioning his cock to press against her cunt through the flimsy, soft fabric of her pants. "I know this is kind of sudden, weird, and incredibly gross coming from your sister. But you wanna have sex?"

He stared at her like she grew a second head and was waaay too conscious of how warm his sister's crotch was against his throbbing dick, the flesh there squished against his shaft just as her breasts were against his chest. His tail swayed back and forth in the air above him for a few moments as he tried to find words. Mainly that he had never had sex before and wouldn't know where to start, and second that it probably was a bad idea for him to fuck his twin sister. But he stayed silent before pushing himself up over Samantha and grabbed hold of her pants and unceremoniously pulled them off and tossed them on his floor. "Sure" He finally said, earning a grin as she sat up and pulled off her top and tossed it too.

His eyes slid up her body illuminated by the moonlight from his window. It felt woefully cliche and he flicked on his bed-side light and reached to the other side of his bed to shut the shades. It was incredibly dim, made for reading, but it was enough to see by. And he devoured the sight of her now naked body. He'd seen it before, nothing new to him, but now it was in an entirely different situation and he had to admire it. Except for the boobs and lack of a penis her body was shaped like his. Narrow shoulders and chest, slim waist flaring out to wider hips in an attractive smooth curve, thighs just a tad thick, and the pink that peeked out from between her legs as she eased them apart made him lick his lips. Yeah, they looked a lot a like. He got hit on by fags quite often, and Samantha teased him often for it. But right now, he was admiring the build on her body.

A pair of pink nipples poked out from her modest chest and leaned in, giving each a lick which made her giggle as he sank down to his previous position. "You got horny fondling me didn't you?" He asked, well aware that she said she wanted sex and not to explore eachother's bodies. Maybe they could do that later. So he simply plopped his still stiff cock on the lips of his sister's pussy, gritting his teeth at the feeling of soft flesh kissing his sensitive shaft, and enjoyed the sight of his sister's face contort just a bit as she let out a gasp.

"Yeah... I thought about the things I liked doing with Dale's dick. And compared his size to yours. You know, some of those things I did with him I don't know if I could do with yours. You're too fucking big. Oh, and I don't have any condoms so you'll have to pull out." She said. He knew she wasn't teasing him with those words, but he couldn't help but grin, grinding his shaft against her cunt and making them both grunt. She was definitely moist, and it was definitely warm. And as wrong as it all was, he was getting eager. He pushed his tip up against her lower lips and leaned in closer to her face, bracing himself. "You can shove it in there now, slowpoke." She said in a rather subdued voice, gazing up at his face.

He wasted little time and pushed. The first inch for her was surprising. She could immediately tell the size difference from her previous experience, and felt the stretch. It hurt, and felt great at the same time. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and closed her eyes, bracing herself as he inched in.

For him the first inch was great. It was soft, wet, hot, and clung to his cock far better than he ever could with his hand. The second was better. The third was incredible, the fourth euphoric. Every inch that he pushed into his sister was better than the last and he didn't stop until his hips met hers. She lifted her legs and spread them a bit further as he ground his hips forward, every shift of his cock inside her stretched her in a new way she hadn't felt before, and made her groan as pleasure slid across her nerves like a warm milk bath. He pulled his hips back half way and thrust again, and the pleasure thickened into slime. Then he thrust again and it hardened, the next thrust the pleasure sharpened. "F-fuck... Y-you're too damn big!" She whispered loudly between groans and stiffled them by gnawing on her lip, her fingers digging into his skin.

He grinned at the perceived compliment and slid his arms underneath her and used it as more leverage to shove his cock into her at different angles. Every thrust was novel, and he soon found his favorite. His cock was angled so his shaft dragged across her hidden clit every time he thrust in or pulled back, and she made the damned cutest little moan every time. His balls pat against her taint softly with every thrust as a trickle of juice dripped down over his sac. They weren't moving at the most feverish of paces, sure, moving rather slow as they ground their hips together after every thrust, but it was definitely doing something for them and let them take the time to enjoy the feel of it. It was also proving too much for Sam.

Dale made her cum just fine, he had his ways and got incredibly skilled at singling out her special spots. He had many talents. But having a cock that stretched her wide enough that he could angle it and grind it against her clit as he fucked her was not one of them. They never even did it without a condom. She was getting close, and the orgasm that was coming was fueled by the excitement of a new partner, and the fact that the partner was her own flesh and blood twin brother and his cock was shoved inside her without any protection added a thrill with it. She wrapped a leg around his waist and tried to take advantage of that position a little bit more. She gasped and let out a soft moan as a ghost of an orgasm made her body shudder.

"W-wait, sis... F-fuck, I'm going to cum-" He said, giving his hips a few more thrusts, now restricted as she pushed his rear with her foot, his balls mashing against her ass as he ground in hard, the extra pleasure of his shaft pushing her clit making her whimper and inch -that much closer- to her orgasm.

"Nnfff, no, fuck, I'm too close, don't stop fucking me, I need to cum Sam! It's right t-there!" She wrapped her other leg around his waist now and forced a few more thrusts out of him everytime he fought to pull out.

"Dammit bitchtit, I'm g-gonna cum if you don't let me pull out!" He ground out, tensing every muscle he could and fighting the urge to orgasm as hard as he could, but it just wasn't going to happen. He looked pleadingly at his twin and she stared back before grabbing both of his cheeks, forcing him to meet her eyes, nose to nose.

"I-I'm too fu-fucking close for you to pull out now, so just f-fucking cum in me Sammy. I need this." She said in a rather demanding voice that he could only think of as... Hot.

And he complied. With her legs wrapped so tight around his hips he probably wouldn't been able to pull out enough anyway. He suddenly shifted gears and thrust his hips forward, his cock jabbing back into her and she suddenly became aware of the existence of that almost-knot again as it pressured her clit. "Is t-that an actual fucking knot?" She whimpered, as it indeed seemed to inflate. Really just a little, it probably had nothing on actual canines if her friends were telling the truth, but it was enough that he would have a slight difficult time pulling out, especially with how tight her cunt was gripping him right then. She couldn't help but think of how well it fit.

She was on the very edge of her orgasm. Teetering over it like a sixteen wheeler balancing precariously on a cliff edge, it just needed a feather to drop to finally push it over. Her brother darted in and sealed his lips over hers, it was a gesture that she appreciated and reciprocated desperately.

And then he came.

His cock throbbed, and twitched. She suddenly felt hyper-aware of literally everything. From the pounding beat of her heart, to her labored breaths, and the pulsing of her muscles timed to her heart gripping her brother's shaft as desperately as they could. Especially the way that the pseudo-knot he had tugged at her clenching entrance, refusing to pop out as his balls, tightly squished against her ass as they were, drew up. She could feel that, feel them twitch and slide over her assfur, slicked in her fem-cum. Her muscles squeezed as he finally pulled from his kiss and let out a strained groan, then a shuddering sigh as he pushed his nose into her neck. She couldn't feel it easily, but her eyes shot open the second she noticed it. His cock throbbed once, violently, and then everything inside felt slicker, squishier, and a warmth spread, she could her heart pumping blood through her veins even faster as she realized she was able to feel as his cum pushed like a flood into her cunt. It was the final straw, and she came. Loud. Her walls clamped tight, rippling, squeezing and twitching around her brother's cock which only egged his own orgasm on and he pumped thick spurt after spurt of seed into her pussy. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and squeezed his hips with her thighs, grinding her crotch against his to prolong the orgasm that had nearly literally blinded her, sending sharp, painful shots of pleasure through her nervous system and simultaneously clearing up the fog that the build up of need had laid over her. She whimpered as she came down and realized Sam was done as well, simply idly grinding into her as he rest collapsed on her chest.

"W-wow..." He muttered under his breath, and she had to agree. "So that's what sex is like." He nosed further into the fur of her neck even as her jaw dropped.

"W-wait." She said, still panting heavily. "That was your first time?" She actually found it hard to believe, and knew many girls from school who probably would have dropped their panties from him if he just asked, they were so enamored by him.

He gave a small nod against her shoulder and suddenly shifted, rolling them so she was laying atop them, straddling his thighs. He smiled up at her and slid his hands down to her hips, admiring the way their shared body type curved their slender waist to their hips. His sister was definitely the epitome of female. "Yeah, can't complain. The closest I've come to sex is oral. And that's oral as in me servicing someone else. A bit of a fetish I guess. Never really got interested in anyone enough to actually do the deed." He said, his tail curling up and whapping softly against her back. She shook her head and leaned down, brushing her nose over his softly and pecking his lips as her hair hung over his eye and blocked his vision. "I think it was well spent, can't think of any other girl I'd want to give it to."

"So it was worth it, then?" She asked, a bit worried. She probably wouldn't have gone with it if she knew he was virgin. "Ohhhh yeah." He said, shuddering as she ground her hips down against his crotch. His cock was still incredibly hard and now was more sensitive than ever. "S-shit, Sam, you may not want to do that. S-still hard as fuck and really sensitive. If you're not careful I'll just cum again."

"Bullshit. Ain't no way you could cum so soon, dick-lick, not that fast after an orgasm that hard." She said, rolling her hips forward and letting out a sharp gasp as his cock shifting inside her squeezed a thick wad of seed from around his shaft, the feeling of it oozing from her cunt was... She found she rather liked it, and rolled her hips back, letting out a shuddering breath as cum oozed from her nethers and dripped down over her brother's balls. He tightened his grip on her hips and grit his teeth.

"S-sis, I-i'm warning you... F-fuck... I'll cum again. I-I told you shithead, I've got a months worth of blue ball built up, and it wants out!" He said, worry creeping in his voice. He hadn't meant to let loose in his sister, but she didn't give him much choice and he was too far into it to argue. An annoying worry nagged at him that she doesn't have to be in heat to get pregnant. No girl did.

The voice in his sister's head, however, enjoyed the feeling of cum spreading inside her, and definitely liked the way it left a tingling warmth when it leaked from her cunt. She took half a moment to think about it, and found she didn't care if she got pregnant, as long as it meant more of this amazing feeling. She grinned and rolled her hips one more time, this time pushing his cock a bit deeper than he could reach from their previous position, and she let out a soft moan. But it was too much for him, and he grabbed her thighs, shuddering with a painful sounding groan as an orgasm while being so sensitive was indeed rather painful to him. Too much stimulation an oversensitive penis does make. His cock shuddered and loosed another thick flood of cum inside Samantha, who leaned down and bore it with a soft breathy noise, ghosting her lips over his in an almost kiss as he convulsed with his orgasm, fresh cum pouring into her cunt and warm cum being forced out around his pseudo-knot, oozing out from her lips and a trickle of it dribbling over her sensitive clit thanks to her position. That feeling only served to stoke the fire of her libido. "F-fuck, I haven't felt this turned on since last summer at the pool with Dale. O-oh god..." She quietly muttered as she continued to roll her hips in his lap, milking him for every last drop she could get.

He breathed heavily until he caught his breath and sat up with Samantha, wrapping his arms around his sister and coiling his tail. It's size had one advantage in this situation, and enveloped her almost entirely. She made a pleased noise and leaned in against his chest, eagerly grinding and enjoying the feeling of her sensitive inner flesh stretching this way and that as the movement forced more and more cum from her over-full cunt. He slid a paw down to her ass and caressed it, squeezed it, massaged it, basically fondled it in every way, occasionally sliding a finger down through the crack of her cheeks and back, teasing her tight pucker. She grinned and leaned forward against her chest, not seeming to mind one bit, a note for later perhaps. "Brother, I think you have just given me an addiction to your cum." She said, innocently batting her eyelashes at him. "And... And... Holy fuck, are you still hard?"

He grabbed her ass with both hands now and gave it a small lift, earning a disappointed whine as his cock slipped half an inch out, his kind-of knot tugging at her lips at it's thickest, before letting her butt drop, a ridiculous sized wad of cum oozing down over his balls from the pressure and joining the growing mess on his sheets. His cock was still rock hard, and buried in his sister's muff, so there was only one thing left to do. He gripped at her ass and thrust his hips up against her again. She yelped as something that had never happened in her life before happened. He bottomed out.

His cocktip met resistance and he ground her ass into his lap, her legs were forced to slide just a tad bit further, her pussy tightened and he couldn't push any further, his head mashed firmly against her deepest. His cock was definitely pushing her cervix.

"O-oh god... Sam, you k-know what that is?" She let out a pained whine, her fingers digging into his shoulders where she grabbed him for support. "F-fuck... Yo-you're so deep... It hurts." She muttered. Despite that she rolled her hips forward and his cock gently nudged that deepest, and she slid her hand down his back.

"Let me pull out if it hurts." He said rather seriously, but was denied as she began grinding her hips harder into his lap, forcing his thick cockhead to drag over that barrier.

"W-what does it feel like S-sam?" She asked, keeping her mind off the pain, she slipped her hand from his back to behind her to grab his balls. Despite two orgasms, they till felt pretty full, though no longer swollen, she wasn't aware that you could even 'save up' like that. And not to mention his sack was covered in a slick coat of their cum. She couldn't help but feel pride that she helped her brother's problem so well. "What does my c-cervix feel like on your cock?" She whispered now, wincing as she ground too hard and sent a sharp pain up her spine.

"I-it's..." He halted, biting his tongue to prevent a groan. The very thought of his cock buried in his own twin sister's cum filled snatch was enough to drive him to the edge. But he was living it. "L-like a button... Soft... Pliable but stiff, like lips pursed together ready for a kiss." He said, emphasizing with a short kiss to her lips. It literally felt like a lump with an indent in it. He didn't realize that's what it was until she mentioned it. And any hesitation he had from earlier about cumming in his sister was thrown out the window as he realized just how erotic that was.

"Do you like fucki-fucking me?" Her fingers began caressing and massaging his balls. Several incredibly naughty, perverted thoughts began swirling around in her head as her brother responded with a moan, squeezing his arms around her waist as he started rolling his hips against hers. His cock throbbed hard at the question. So he likes dirty talking huh? "How does i-it feel, b-buried balls deep in your sister after fucking her so hard? After cumming inside her?" She whispered again, into his ear, stroking the back of his head softly with a hand as she started gaining steam. "Your co-cock so deep, if you came now, a-all that cum would be forced into my womb, fill my belly up." Every time she mentioned him filling his own sister his cock throbbed. Any reference to just how wrong it was to have pumped two orgasms into his sister made his cock harder, throb harder. She actually grinned at that thought. It actually turned her on. A lot. Probably even more than Sammy, but in a different way. She was done with her orgasm and wasn't in a proper position other than to simply build to another one, slow as they were going, but she definitely liked the thought of more cum. It was... Comforting. It felt wonderful as it oozed out her snatch, the feeling made her heart beat insanely fast and hard, it pumped adrenaline into her system to think that her brother's seed was swimming around inside her, and a knot formed in her throat both times she felt it and she wanted to feel it more. "I wonder how easy it would be to get pregnant like this?" Her newfound guilty pleasure. "So much cum so deep it doesn't matter I'm not in heat. So full." She knew she would never get rid of it, would probably urge her brother to have sex with her again. She was never going to use a condom again. And she definitely wasn't going to start using them with Sammy with this first time being bare. "Brother, wont you fill your sister's womb with cum, swell my stomach with kits?" Her fingers squeezed his balls again and he gasped, that earned points with him, judging by the way his shaft practically leapt inside her when she spoke and again when she fondled his nuts. "Just fucking cum, brother, I want every last drop inside me." She whispered, her lips brushing the tip of his pointed ear. "Claim me and fill me with your seed, Sammy."

That must've done it for him. He rolled his hips a few more time before he pushed his hips up. It hurt, his cock nudging and pushing her cervix as he twitched beneath her, but she distracted herself easily with her hand gently massaging his balls. She was entranced with the feeling of them withdrawing in her hand. It felt like they shrank a little bit and stiffened. He tilted his muzzle and bit softly into her collarbone, making her inhale sharply and loose focus before squeezing his balls once more. Her cunt spasmed, and his cock finally let it go. Adrenaline in her system at the mere thought of him pumping one more load into her brought her back to hyper-awareness, and she could feel his cock pulsing, almost as if it were synchronized with every other beat of her heart. And then the splash of hot came. Cum was forced passed the tight seal of her cervix, some escaping and oozing to join the previous two load's leftovers and ooze around his cock and out. But oh god, he was cumming, just fresh spurt of hot seed after fresh spurt of hot, fertile seed being poured into her womb. Her hyper-awarenes let her FEEL it. It was like a slow trickle of warm water filling her up. And he just kept cumming for what felt like forever, his balls twitching in her palm as she tried to coax more and more out of them, moaning softly and pushing his face to meet hers, just so she could smother his lips in a kiss as deep as it felt his cum was going. Realistically his orgasm only lasted fifteen seconds, but to her pleasure addled mind, it might as well have been an eternity as she ground her hips slowly in his lap, easing his orgasm out until he simply went limp and gave up, panting and huffing into the fur of her neck as he laid back with her, the pressure on her cervix released and he let out a soft sigh. She was warm from the inside out. She slid a hand down to her belly and idly stroked it as Sam yawned, tail swishing across her back. "F-fuck, you came a lot." "Told you I was pent up." He said, fingers sliding down her back, nails scratching her spine and making her shiver with a simple pleasure. That was a weak spot of hers. How'd he know? Did he have it too? "I'm so full Sammy. And oh god the mess... Think mom and dad will notice?" She never thought about their parents. Maybe they could clean up in the morning and all would be well. Keep it a secret for now. "I'm gettin' drowsy... Wonder if I'll get pregnant." She muttered, adrenaline and arousal leaving her body. "Being impregnated by my own brother. That's kinda hot." "Well you seem pretty comfy up there, slutmuffin." He said, making her look at him with a dirty expression. She pinched his nipple and he yelped. "I'm not a slut." she huffed, before shifting her hips, his cock stirring some of the mess inside her, and gave a quiet moan as she felt it go soft right there inside her. She somehow wasn't surprised it didn't go completely limp and shrink into his sheath, instead staying at half mast, stuck inside her. "No, you're not a slut. But you're a slutmuffin. My slutmuffin twin sister. That'll be my new pet name for you. Found out she likes being drown in her own flesh and blood brother's cum. It's the best I've come up with yet." He said, grinning rather cheekily as his fingers slid under her tail, her position giving him the perfect chance to trace his fingers over the lips of her cunt still cleaning to his half-boner, every stroke making her sigh. It would never go down unless he pulled it out, and he felt rather comfortable as he was. "You look tired, just sleep in here with me." She yawned and slipped down, careful not to dislodge his cock, and rest her head on his chest, tail swaying before going limp. "Damn I'm comfy here. You're warm. I'm warm. My insides are warm... Sam, I think we'll be sharing rooms a lot from here on out." She said, closing her eyes and taking in a deep whiff. He smelled like skunk and musk and sex. She quite enjoyed their natuaral smell, in small amounts, and took in a few more deep sniffs. Definitely completely different from Dale. "Goodnight Sammy. Buttmunch." "Goodnight Samantha. Shit-for-brains." He whispered into her ear, wrapping his arms tightly around his sister and settling in to enjoy the cool air of the house, making a mental note to wash his sheets immediately in the morning.

They were dozing comfortably and about to drift off completely before there was a 'Click', a bright flash, and they were completely awake. "You two..." They heard a woman's voice. Samantha turned her head to look behind her, a look of terror on her face. Her brother peered over her shoulder in alarm.

There, standing in their doorway was their Mother. "O-oh god..." Samantha whimpered, now entirely too aware that her tail was draped to the side, her brother's cum-slicked cock still lodged half hard in her cunt, an absolute mess of the sheets, and it was all on full display for her mother. "O-oh god oh god oh god." She continued whimpering. "M-mom... T-this... This isn't what it looks like?" She whimpered as she felt a glob of cum ooze from her snatch and knew full well it was dripping down her brother's balls. He was frozen, silent, and tiff beneath her. There was no keeping THIS secret from their parents now.

"Are so CUTE!" Their mother yelled. Of all the things she was going to say that wasn't at the top. It wasn't even in the top one-thousand. She brought notice to a camera held around her neck, and they realized that was the source of the flash earlier, and he took another picture. "Oh geez so adorable, your first time! And you... You didn't even use a condom. Oh god, just like your mother!" She said, placing a hand on her cheek as she looked adoringly at her children. "... Mom, are you drunk?" Sam said, his arms giving his sister a soft squeeze. "Seriously, what the fuck." He was greatly perturbed. And she was taking pictures. "Oh no sweetie! I knew a day like this would come, my two babies. Ohhhh it's so romantic. You two were so loud I couldn't help but wake up!" She swayed and swooned for a bit before back stepping. "Oh I can't wait to tell your father. Your first times. Oh! We better start planning just in case we end up with grand-babies soon! Oh this is so exciting! And at the age of fifteen. Just like your father and I!" She rambled on and on even as she left the room, closing their door behind her. "Well, that just happened." Samantha said, breaking a five minute silence where they strained to stare at the door. "Today got weird, fast." Sam muttered under his breath before grabbing his blanket and throwing it over them, earning him a strange look from his sister as he returned his hands on her back and ass respectively. "We're clearly not in trouble, and I'm exhausted. Let's worry about it tomorrow." She stared at him for half a moment before returning her head to his chest, gripping her fingers in his fur and snuggling in comfortably. "Well at least if you get another sleep boner you don't have to get far." She giggled. "Just wait till I'm in heat." "Fuck my life."