September 01, 2017 Day 01

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#1 of Paranormal Activity

Thought I'd try something different for a change. If you like it, tell me what you'd want to see next.

September 1, 2017 (30 Days After the Death of Boris Bailey)


8:37 am

"Did you get the camera turned on yet?" A voice said.

"Yep. The red light's blinking." Another said.

"So then point it at me." The camera pans and it points at an orange fox sitting at the computer desk.

"Wait, what am I doing?"

"Just read the list of questions I gave you."

"Ok... um... What's your full name?"

"Rodger J. Bailey." said the fox.

"Uh... What grade are you in?"


"And most importantly, why are you filming this project?"

"Well, after my dad died, some strange stuff has been happening around the house."

"Stuff like what?"

"You know. Lights turning on and off by themselves, doors opening and closing, weird bangs, and sometimes, I feel like I'm being watched." the fox explained.

"Last one... What do you hope to get out of this?"

"I hope I can figure out what exactly what's going on."

"Uh... Rodger?"

"What is it, James?"

"There's this light next to the word battery that's blinking. Is that bad?"

"It means the battery's gonna die, just turn it off."

"Ok." James turns off the camera.

10:34 am

A camera turns on and Rodger is shown sitting in his kitchen. "Alright, since the camera's dead, we have to wait for it to recharge. 'till then, we'll have to use my iPhone."

"What do you mean 'we'?" James yells from out of frame.

"You're helping me with this." Rodger says.

"Why?" Rodger points the camera at James, a wolf, who's sitting across the table from him.

"Because, you know a lot about demons and ghosts and whatnot right?"

"Yes, but your house isn't haunted, dude."

"Then explain all the shit that's going on."

"Well, when your dad died, I think that your mind is like... thinking that stuff's going on when it isn't."

"So what? I have mild schizophrenia now?" Rodger says sarcastically.

"Probably." James says.

"You know what I think?"


"I think that you're wrong."

"Then prove it."

"Ok. If I get you proof, you swear that you'll help?"

"Fine. Whatever."

1:42 pm

"Rodger, honey, what's this all about?" Rodger has the camera focused on his mother, who's walking in the house.

"Well, a month ago, some spooky shit's been happening."

"And so you decided to film it? Like Paranormal Activity or something?"

"Mom, that's a movie. This is real life."

"Don't you think you're overreacting a bit?" His mom walks into the living room and sits on the couch. Rodger sets his phone pointing at the two of them sitting next to each other.

"I just want to see. Ok? If I don't find anything, I swear I'll delete all the footage."

"Alright. But I expect all of it to be gone soon."

"It will be mom. Don't worry." Rodger hugged his mother.

5:11 pm

"You sure you don't want me to stay overnight?" James has Rodger's phone pointed at him.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Because the demons might come for you and steal your soul." You can clearly tell James was being a fool.

"That's not funny."

"Sorry, man."

"And what have I told you about having my phone?" Rodger takes his phones from James and points it at him.

"Sorry. Jeez, you really need to calm down sometimes." A car horn honks from outside.

"Bye James."

"See you tomorrow Mr. Ghost Hunter." the wolf snickers and the fox throws a pillow at him. And with that, he leaves.

8:55 pm

"What's your phone standing up like that for?" Rodger's little sister, Sydney asked.

"Oh... I'm just testing something for tonight. It's no big deal." he said. Rodger picked up his sister and put her on the top bunk, where she sleeps. Rodger gets on the bottom bunk.

"Goodnight Rodger."

"Night, Sid." Rodger turns out the light and the camera's night vision turns on.


R's Camera Log for 09-01-17

Bedroom Cam 01

Found- Nothing.

Chapter 12 (Todd)

The next three days flew by fast. Next thing I know, it's thursday. Me and Wendell have barely left the house since last weekend. I was hoping we could go on another date soon, but I don't want to rush anything. Wendell comes back into my room from...

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Chapter 11 (Wendell)

I managed to get Todd and I cleaned up last night and into bed. He's still asleep when the sun finally comes up. I couldn't get back to sleep, not after what happened last night. So, I just let him lay on my lap while he slept. When I start to rub his...

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Chapter 10 (Todd)

I had a good dream. When I wake up, I open my eyes, yet can't see a thing. I still feel Wendell's fur on me, so he's probably still cuddling up to me. I put a paw to my face... the blindfold's not there. Am I blind? "Everything ok?" Wendell asks. ...

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