The Bliss show

Story by DWP on SoFurry

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Bliss show episode one-

The Bliss Show

Episode 1-Electric

Eric watched idly as the renovations to the living room went underway. The small shiba inu sat on the third stair sipping his morning coffee as the dust in the kitchen grew. He was finally getting his kitchen remodeled to fit his updated contemporary house lay out. The island granite had finally came in and two large huskies were setting in the large pre-cut slab. Eric hopped up and scurried over watching the two solid white dogs grunt and lower it into the slots. The bigger of the two wiped the sweat from his brow and looked down at the shiba.

"What do you think?" he asked tracing a paw over the smooth polished surface.

"I love it. When is the electrician going to be here to re wire the overhead lights?" the dog asked looking up at the hole.

"Isaac should be here soon," the smaller husky added looking at his wrist watch.

The orange and cream dog nodded and returned to his perch on the stairwell. Most of the men were adding cabinets or reinstalling appliances wasting no time turning the space into his dream home. He was growing slightly tired nodding off every now and then listening to the sounds of drills or hammering. A knock came at the door and Eric jumped up anticipating the electrician. The large hole where he wanted his new florescent lights was making the entire kitchen look incomplete. He opened the door and smiled allowing the electrician in. Eric couldn't help but murr a little at the sight of the large tiger in dickey work pants and black muscle shirt.

"I'm here to do the lights and wiring," he said gruffly walking past carrying a small working bag and step stool.

Eric nodded trying not to blush and pointed towards the kitchen where the other men were working and finishing up. The dog had a thing for tigers and eyed the beast from head to toe as he set up in the kitchen under the hole. The tiger's arms were well defined and rippled as he reached into his bag pulling out his measuring tape. Eric leaned against the door panel and sighed watching the cat's back tense and relax as he climbed up on his stepping stool. Eric wished he was in one of the ecstasy movies he always saw on t.v. where the hot contractor pounces the home owner.

"We're done putting everything in. Just cleaning up," one of the Doberman plumbers said from behind the shiba.

"Uh-huh," Eric said transfixed on the tiger who was bending over digging in his bag.

"Right," he mumbled growing visibly grossed out by the dog's gaze.

It didn't take long for the house to start clearing up with everything looking new and fresh. Only the electrician was left still working on the wiring to the overhead light. The tiger finally came down from his stool and gave the light a flick. The light hummed on before a small bang rang out and the lights in the house went off.

"Fuck," the tiger swore dusting himself off. "Where's the fuse box?"

"Outside by the side door. I'll be upstairs if you need me," Eric said smiling as the tiger moved past him.

The dog couldn't help catching the tiger's heavy scent as he walked by. It was a hint of sweat mixed with masculinity and the smell of hickory wood. The dog shuddered causing the tiger to cock an eye brow as he walked back through the front door. Eric blushed and tried to shake the dirty thoughts out of his head. The last thing he wanted to do was get his face punched by the hot electrician. The dog decided a quick shower would be the best thing to help ease the burning feeling in his loins. He grabbed a fresh towel from the bathroom closet and stripped down to his birthday suit. He was about to turn the water on when he heard the tiger swear again. Eric padded over to the window and caught sight of the tiger tinkering inside his fuse box. It was an older house so the electric work wasn't the most up to date. Eric sighed and turned the nozzle.

Eric grumbled turning the nozzle all the way around realizing the plumbers had left without turning the water back on in the house. He padded downstairs as the tiger was trying the overhead light again.

"Hey, sorry to bother you but.. the plumbers forgot to turn the water on. Do you mind?" the shiba said making sure his towel was secure.

The tiger frowned and started to say something when he noticed the naked dog wrapped in a towel. His face slowly turned into one more docile. He stepped down from his stool and stopped in front of the dog.

"You realize I'm not a plumber right? I should charge you extra," he whispered sounding more like a tease than an actual upsell.

Eric gulped catching the added smell of lust in the tiger's musk as he slid by again. The dog went full blush as the tiger closed the door and searched the front yard for the water valve. Eric watched him from the window bending down and opening the latch. The shiba was still red in the face watching his electrician finish up what the plumbers didn't. The tiger stood up as the sprinklers popped and started spraying across the lawn. It was Eric's turn to swear as he raced to the garage and flipped the sprinkler system to off mode. He padded back in to find the electrician standing slightly drenched from the waist up.

"I'm so sorry," Eric called out going into the kitchen to find a towel.

The big cat followed in behind the dog slipping his claw tips under his shirt hem. Eric turned trying to hide his growing towel bulge as the tiger lifted his shirt up and over his head. His moist fur fully showed off his well-defined abs and upper chest. The tiger padded the distance between them, slipped a paw into the fold of his towel, and slipped it loose pulling it from the dog's waist. Eric gasped and covered himself as the big cat toweled off his ears and face. He rubbed down his chest and wrapped the towel around his neck.

"I'm about done anyway. Plus, there's my extra.. water stress," he growled lightly rubbing the dog under his chin.

Eric nodded rubbing his head against the paw. The tiger eased the dog down lowering Eric to his knees. The tiger unzipped his pants and Eric reached up taking care of the rest. The dog reached in through the tiger's zipper and clumsily fumbled with the tiger's briefs looking for a hole. The tiger batted away the shiba's paws and unfastened his belt buckle and slipped free the button. His pants and underwear fell to the floor showing a nice size tiger cock. He gently pressed his tip into the dog's mouth and down his throat in one motion. Eric chocked and the tiger chuckled softly letting the dog suck at his leisure.

Eric excitedly complied reaching up and dragging a paw down the big cat's chest stopping to lightly tickle his navel. The electrician grunted deeply building a low purr that vibrated down and into Eric mouth rattling his teeth. He had been oozing from the start and started stroking himself lightly. The tiger smacked away his paw and guided the shiba to his feet. The tiger grabbed him and hefted him up onto his newly finished kitchen island granite pressing the dog to lay sideways. The tiger climbed up and pressed his cock back into the dog's mouth. Eric gently sucked the tiger's tip and massaged his furry pouch with a paw. He gasped and murred deeply when the dog felt his length disappear into the tiger's mouth. He closed his eyes and breathed in taking all of the tiger's scent mixes into his senses. Eric grunted feeling the tiger sit up press the dog onto his back.

The cat licked his paw and slid down pressing a digit lightly into the dog's spread cheeks. Eric winced a little as the cat added another with little hesitation. He closed his eyes and groaned out softly as the tiger spread him open with his digit tips. The big cat added more saliva to his fingers and added a third gently spreading the shiba's anal muscle wider. It wasn't long before the tiger gripped him by the waist and hefted him close pressing up against the dog. Eric closed his eyes and clenched his teeth as the electrician pressed into his pink entrance.

The shiba placed a halting paw on the cat's chest but couldn't stop the cat from hefting him up a little more and pressing further into him. The cat licked his lips and pressed all the way in causing the dog to arch his back and groan out. He bucked the dog softly making the dog wrap his legs around his back with a guiding paw. The big cat leaned forward starting out the gate with long deep strokes sending jolts of ecstasy all through the shiba's body. The slight pain turned into pleasure and he went limp allowing the tiger to take him as he wanted.

The electrician chuckled softly and nuzzled at the dog's neck before hitting him with a few quick thrusts. Eric whined and clenched the cat tighter with his legs. He couldn't help but drag his short black claws down the tiger's firm strong back as the cat dug him out. The dog's legs began to shake as the tiger's breathing began to quicken. Eric could fill every pulse of the tiger's length as he grew closer to blowing his juices. The big cat growled and drove in deep firing shots of cream deep into the dog's back end. Eric panted softly feeling the cat tremble and push in and out a few more times. He sighed and sat beside the dog and smiled.

"We're done," the tiger said with a smile.

"Huh," the dog said looking up at the cat.

"I said we're done," the big husky said looking down at the shiba inu sitting on the third step.

Eric sat up from the side of the stair case blinking and looked up at the staring dog. His coffee had grown cold and he had amassed a large wet spot on his crotch. He grumbled wiping drool from his mouth as the dog tapped a foot paw impatiently.

"Isaac just pulled up too. Sign here please and we'll be out of your fur," the dog said pushing a clip board into the dog's paws.

The shiba quickly scribbled his signature and re adjusted himself to stand up. He followed the husky to the door as the rest of his crew were gathering their supplies. Each one filed out as the electrician side stepped the plumbers and padded in. His white fur and black stripes made Eric grin from ear to ear. The big cat turned a shade of scarlet as the shiba inu turned and closed the door. Bliss!

Lonewolf- Just something silly I did as a warm up for Op.3