Story by digiyiffwriter3 on SoFurry

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The casheer:::::: M/F

The last few days were very buisy for me. I had to do so much it wasn't even funny. How rude of me though to not even introduce myself. I am Larry. I am a veemon to be exact and 18 years old. Yes, that's me. I work in a cubicle filing complaints digitally. For those with simpler minds, That means on a computer. Enough about me. What I had to do in these past days was try for a promotion. Don't ask me why, but for this promotion I had to sleep in an ally. Ok. You know what? That was a total lie. Ok? I'm über poor. No, I'm not hungry, and I don't eat out of the garbage but I can't afford even a damn apartment to live in. With that said, my story begins. I was in the ally as always, but I had motivation. That early in the morning, I got an idea and that was to get a job. That one morning I was thinking to myself that I was sick of living that way. I went around town looking for help wanted signs but gave up and looked for jobs in the classifieds part of the newspaper. Luckily for me I found a job at mcDonalds. Speaking of luck, it ran out when I got to the fast food center. Some jackass found the ad first. Figures. Well, I said to myself, this couldn't get any worse. When I said that, my hoodie tore. Again, figures. It was growing dark and it started to rain so I knew I wouldn't be able to get to sleep. I was walking through town when something blew past me. I thought for a

Minute that it was just trash but the saying one mans trash went through my mind. I stopped and turned around. The "trash" or so I thought, was actually a scratch card ticket thing. The rules implied that I had to scratch three of the boxes of my choice. If the box numbers matched I won that ammount. It seemed to me that it was a rip off and that I could never win. But I won. Yes. I won. I was so excited that I was practically screaming. The card said that I won ten million dollars so I read the card front to back for fine print and it turned out to be a real scratch card. At first I thought it was one of those fake cards but no, it was real. I raced down to the nearest drug store to cash it in. So many "figures" in my life. The store was closed. I was muttering under my breath damn and shit but that didn't get the better of my concience because the rain had been letting up. I finally got to sleep but it was four in the morning. I woke up at almost exactly the opening time of the drug store so I slipped on my torn hoodie and jeans and raced as fast as I could down there. The store clerk opened the door and I almost trampled him (though he was a very big agumon).

The casheir was a very cute renamon only in her teens like me. (Hell, her boobs were HUGE for her age though) I went up to her and asked to cash in my ticket. I jumped up and down at the breifcase full of money she handed me. I opened the case up and fainted at the sight. The case was filled with 50s and 100s!!! When I woke up, I dashed to my alley and collected what I had. Though it wasn't much, I collected my watch, sandals, pictures of family (now departed), and money I had saved which was only $2.50. I only had to use half a mill to buy my own custom built mansion with 4 bathrooms and 8 bedrooms. That and the fact that I had to buy all my furniture. All that left me with $8,965,001.01. Months had gone by and i was livin the good life. I decided to hire women to throw themselves onto me. I started to become nostalgic at that point remembering how I got to be me as I am now. I started to remember Ashley who was the renamon behind the counter and decided that she was hot enough. I called her up right away but she said she was unavailable at that time. The greatest idea hit me then so I put into action right away.

I was working for about an hour when Ashley called me. She said she would be over in a half hour. That was good for me because I was working on an outfit for her to wear when she was here. I had just been done for five minutes when she arrived. I welcomed her in and said to her something which I can't remember but obviously she took it as a complement. I walked over to the chair and handed her the outfit in which she would be wearing. She said it was cute and put it on right in front of me. I must have drooled a bit but she didn't notice. When she walked over to one of the bedroom doors, I snapped out of my trance instantly. I too walked over to the door and started to kiss her passionately. I somehow let go of it but we were still kissing so I decided to wait for her to finish. If I were to discribe the kiss, I would surely add how soft her tounge was. Somehow we had moved over to the bed and I was ready. We broke the kiss and she laid down. I unzipped my pants and my penis rose instantly. She found the hole I made in the outfit and opened it up. The material I used there was not a stretchy kind so it stayed in place. I walked over to the bed and my penis dribbled cum right away. There wasn't even anything on ashley's ass but that's not why I started there. I was now bent over Ashley and I started to rub my cock on her asshole. She started moan which to me was a good sign. My cock kept on rubbing her for a few minutes until I started to dive in. I thrust in slow at first but gained confidence and sped up. I was at as far as I could go in when Ashley started to moan louder and begged me for release. I wanted to after she asked but for some reason I couldn't. I started to rise out but I felt something In my balls. They started trembling and it felt to me that they were on fire. What happened next was kinda blurry but from what I could make out was Ashley screaming at the top of her lungs as I shot my semen into her. The force was unexpected and my vision came back but my dick went rocketing out of the renamon's ass spurting cum everywhere. Her asshole was leaking my sperm when I was looking. Her pussy started leaking cum as well and her pleasure from my shot was obvious. That was over kinda fast so we started to kiss again and she guided my cock into her pussy. Her inner walls were very warm and I started to moan along side of her. I was in and out and in again over and over. Another tremble came from my balls and the fiery feeling came back. My eyes didn't give in and I was thankful for that. My cock was flailing around inside Ashley's vagina but I didn't pay too much attention to that because my focus was on ashley's lips. We were still kissing compassionately and for some reason tounging. I never wanted it to end but I realized thaty body was air-desperate. I was sad when I had to break the kiss but alas, it was to be. I was gasping but not as much as Ashley did when I forced her to suck on my dick. While that was going on, my mind started to wander and I remembered my little 'present' for Ashley. I allowed her to spit the cum out in the bathroom but that was really just to get her out of the room while I got the bag out from under the bed. She returned of course and what was new to her was the fact that I was holding the bag on my dick. She came over to the bed and she sat down on my dick shoving it up her ass. She opened the bag and was very excited to pull out a purple dildo wrapped in cool orange paper. Again, she got excited and shoved it up her vagina right away. This action made her cum which made me happy. Why this is if you didn't know was because since I'm a veemon, I get really happy when someone likes a gift I give them. After all, we veemon are the generous sort while renamon like Ashley like recieving gifts. Seeing Ashley cum made me cum as well in her asshole.what Ashley didn't realize was that this dildo I gave her was speacially ordered and it has a syringe-like button on the rear end of it. When this button is pushed, the syringe is activated pushing the sperm I put into it into her vagina. When I pointed this out she told me she saw it and was saving that feature for when she got home. After a while of anal fucking, I wanted to switch and so I asked her. She agreed and quickly pulled the dildo out of her pussy, then shoving it up her ass. Then with out further delay she stood up and squatted down. This pulled my cock out of her ass and into the position ready for a good doggie style fuck.

The readyness I had inside me was welling up. I squatted behind her and started to go in and out trying to cum along to the rythme I was going. By unexpected chances, I hit the dildo right on one of my swinging balls. I stopped and cringed seeing as my nutsack was tensing up. I made up the excuse to go and use the restroom to take a dump. Fortunately, the excuse worked and I hobbled over to the restroom and clentched onto my balls. In the bathroom I was in such pain it was not funny at all. Though after 5 minutes the pain went away, I still knew it was gonna be hard to stand up. I tried to stand and I felt fine but when I walked out of the bathroom (still naked) Ashley wasn't there. A note was placed on the bed where she had laid and been laid. The note read to me that Ashley was hiding somewhere In my mansion. Her attempt failed I'm sad to say cause there was a trail of pussy juice on the tiled floor. She had hid in my empty cabinet fucking herself over and over with her special gift. I pulled her out and started to finger her while kissing again. She by now had taken the outfit I made her off but I didn't care. Why I didn't care was because this way, I could suck on her huge breasts. The boob itself started to leak it's milk while I was nibbling on her tit which tasted nice to me. We both moved back into the bedroom we were in before and she laid down and opened herself up wide in the downstairs. I fucked her there long and hard. Several times since then I shot semen into her. Her moaning by now seemed to me as the music of her pleasure. I had pleasure too. This was my story of how I made it rich and got my dream girl. I hope you enjoyed. ( I sure did when this was happening.).

This story was created in two days be me, digiyiffwriter3. This proves that stories can be made if you set your mind to it. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. This was written on my iPod touch and sent by email at a neighborhood wifi zone. Then the email was copied and put onto this site: Thank you.