Depths of Devotion

Story by Jamesgshep75 on SoFurry

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A steamy late night hookup between 2 German shepherd males, written by myself and redwolf2401

Downtown in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin was bursting with life on a late Friday night. Most of the adult furry citizens were busy enjoying their summer time freedom. Unfortunately, some furs had to work all night just to make a honest day's living. In the Chase Bank Building located on Brenton Avenue, there was a young employee still completing his paperwork.

He was a 25 year old male German shepherd named Cody Farland. His boss had to leave on a business trip for 3 weeks, leaving him with mounds of paperwork. "Looks like I'll have to pull another all-nighter. This is the 5th time this week, yeesh." Cody said as he sat back on his computer chair and stared out of his window.

Away from the lights and all the commotion, a police cruiser sits waiting in an alleyway next to a bank. The windows are tinted but if you look closely, you can see a dim light slightly illuminating the figure inside the vehicle. The man inside is an officer by the name of Keith Spaulding. On the surface he is a well-respected officer "a veteran of the force" the mayor says, but he has a much more secretive side that most rarely get to see. Keith flips his phone shut, muffled voices on the police radio can be heard as he looks up at the office where his target resides doing late night paper work.

He glances at the picture of a young, attractive male German shepherd. He closes it again and turns off the engine to his cruiser, he pauses for a second thinking of how it will all go down then steps out.

Spaulding turns the corner and walks to the entrance. He spots the cleaning crew and taps on the glass. One of them walks to the door and opens it. "Can I help you, officer?"

"Yes. I was wondering if I could talk with Mr. Cody Farland? I have to speak with him about an urgent matter." He flashes his badge to him as the man in the cleaning crew nods. "Of course, Officer Spaulding. He is on the second floor in his office. His name should be on the door."

"Thank you." Keith walks over the elevator. "You guys have a good night." and rides it to the top. The Officer heads to the only door with light leaking through the cracks. He knocks, the knob jiggles and the door opens slowly to reveal the face of the young German shepherd the officer had on his phone.

Cody was quite shocked to see the familiar security guard on a late night. He was really supposed to be off duty. "Hello, Commander Spaulding. Please come in." The young canine watched as the cop walked into his office then shut the door behind him. "I heard on the intercom that you have an urgent matter to discuss with me? Tell me, what is this really all about?" Cody had a small defensive tone in his voice but maintained a respectful attitude towards the older dog.

Keith walked around the room as the young dog's eyes followed him to his desk. "Working late tonight are we, Mr. Farland?" The officer raises an eyebrow while looking at the young dog that is still staring and agitated at the officer's presence.

"Yes. The president left on a business convention earlier today and he will be gone for 3 weeks. I have to take over his shift for the time being, which is a lot of work." The young dog said as he took off his suit jacket and placed it on the back of his chair. The Commander seemed to have a large grin on his muzzle, so Cody got up and asked, "What are you up to at this time of night? Your shift doesn't start until tomorrow morning."

Keith walks over to the window and stares down at his cruiser then to the night sky. "I was riding around and got bored of the same routine every night." He closes the blinds and walks over to turn the lamp off, dimming the room to a very low light. "Say, you take a break from the paper work pup."

Cody seemed to calm down from the cop's typical response. He also took his paperwork and neatly placed them in their alphabetized folders, shoving them away in a metal drawer next to his desk. "I understand what you mean, sir. The police force must be full of tough work." The young dog flashed a bright smile at the Commander as he walked over to join him. "You can take off your gear."

The cop removes his vest and belt setting them on the sofa placed near the window, surprised at how easy that was. Keith took off his shirt exposing his well fit body considering his age of 32. He looked over at the pup next to him who was blushing though trying to keep it from showing.

Cody let out a deep, yet audible murr at the sight of Keith's perfectly sculpted body. Not only did he blush, but he was trying to hide a raging boner in his khaki pants. "Well, I guess the police garb did look a bit uncomfortable on you." The pup said as he stared at the incredibly handsome officer.

"So Mr. Farland" the officer sits down on the sofa next to his gear "What's it like working at a bank?" Spaulding tosses a small red ball in the air catching it every time he throws it. He does this as he stares up at the ceiling relaxing on the sofa. Keith looks over at the pup still playing with the red ball.

"It's a serious business, Officer. My duties are to assist the president with paperwork, answer phone calls, deal with customers who complain about their transactions on a daily basis, and set up the staff schedules. The job has its perks for sure. I was able to buy a very nice home, thanks to the President's generosity." Cody said as he walked over and sat down on the sofa next to Keith.

"I bet you have a lot of stress just waiting to be... released" the officer smiled as he says the last word inching his muzzle closer to Cody's face. "I could help you with that" the officer looks into the pup's bright innocent looking eyes. "You're right. I am under a lot of stress. Oh? I could use some help in that department, sir." Cody said as he stared back into the Officer's emerald green eyes and leaned into his muzzle.

Keith ran his hand under the pup's jaw stopping it at shepherd's chin "Call me Keith, pup." and with that the officer steals a kiss from young canine and pulls back to see if the pup reacted in the way the officer hoped. Cody took his paw and placed it on the Officer's face, giving him a longer kiss. "I'll do anything you say, Keith." The workaholic pup slowly rubbed his muscled chest.

Spaulding pulled the pup closer to him "That's a good boy" he said as he scratched the pup behind the ears as he once again kissed the fellow shepherd lean him back on the sofa grinding against the handsome young stud's body. Cody moans softly as the officer nibbles on his neck moving down his chest and finds a nipple to bite under the shirt. "Let's get you out of this dull formal wear."

What a night this has turned out to be for the young pup! He pretty much lost count of all the stressful days of work and now he was able to finally bask in the comfort of an extremely attractive gentleman, who happens to be a police officer. Cody nodded his head and began to take of all of his work clothes and tossed them to the side. He no longer felt the need to hide his 8 inch member and gently rubbed Keith's thighs, encouraging him to do the same with his uniform.

The cop took his off pants exposing his 12 inch rod hard and erect. After tossing his pants to one side, he began to kiss the pup again this time stroking the pup and massaging his neck biting the pup's lower lip every now and then. Spaulding gets on his knees and lies on the pup's chest kissing his bare skin sliding down past the pups belly button. Keith begins to suck off the pup as he moans on the sofa accepting the pleasure the officer is granting him. He stops just Cody was really enjoying it. "Remember when you said you would do anything I say pup?" the officer rubs the calves of the young pup as a smile grows on his face.

Cody's tail thumped wildly across the sofa, marveling at Keith's huge cock. He murred loudly as he was given a swift blowjob then opened his legs wide. "Yes I remember, Keith? What do you have in mind?"

The officer smiled as he pulled the pup forward holding him just above the tip of his raging cock. Keith looks into the pup's eyes and kisses him as he slides the pup over his cock. Cody moans loudly as the officer's length slides into him deeper and deeper "I want to be your alpha" the cop whispers in the pups ear.

Cody raised his tail up high and slid down Keith's giant shaft. Words were never able to express how much the young pup loved for his body to be controlled by the horny male above him. "You are my alpha, Keith and I will always submit my body to you." The employee said out of pure lust and obedience. The hard member hilted his tail hole as the motions continued to go up and down.

"You're doing a really good job, boy!" Keith growled as his thrusts increased in speed and force. The officer let out a dominating growl in the pup's ear as he made one thrust even deeper. His large knot entered Cody's tight anal ring. Spaulding moaned and proceeded to ram even harder dominating his pup.

"OH FUCK! You're such a big guy, Keith!" Cody literally bounced on the Officer's large balls and held onto his broad shoulders, moaning loudly. Even the boss's cock never felt this good to the pup so he made sure to enjoy every moment of it. Deep down inside, Cody hoped that he could still keep in touch with the lustful older male.

Officer Keith also wished the same no other young male he has fucked felt so good to him, no other pup has submitted like him, no other dog wanted to be dominated willingly unlike this pup.

The shepherd landed one final thrust, snarling loudly as he pumped enormous thick hot ropes of cum inside of his newly claimed omega. "Wrufff...You're mine now." the older shepherd whispered to his pup as he kissed him on the neck. The two newly bonded lovers slept together on that sofa in the office till the morning. The cop's wrist watch started beeping waking both lovers up with the sun rays shining in their eyes. Keith looked at the time. "Shit! I've got to go! Mr. Farland, here is my number if you ever want to" The old shepherd blushed "talk... call me."

Keith gathered up his police gear after putting his uniform back on, chuckling as he stuffed his slimy deflated cock back into his pants. Cody slowly woke up and felt the cop's thick seed deep inside of his tail hole. He also had to head back home and take a hot shower.

"Thanks for helping me relieve so much stress, Cody." Keith said as he gave the young pup a gentle kiss on his lips before leaving. "You're welcome, my beautiful alpha male. I'll see you at work in a few hours. "The cop waved to Cody as he walked out of the office, took the elevator back down to the ground floor, exited the bank, and drove back home in his cruiser.

Cody's heart was beating fast as he put his uniform on, thinking about the sexy cop that just mated with him overnight. He took some air freshener and sprayed all across his office in order to get rid of the evidence. His stomach growled angrily at him, so he grabbed all of his belongings and left the bank for breakfast. The pup also took Keith's phone number and added him to his contact list, desperately eager to have another fun night with him.

To be continued