Andlat and the Bears: Part One

Story by Andlat on SoFurry

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Jack drops Andlat off at a friend's house while the living room is being painted. What could possibly go wrong in the house of an avuncular bear?

"Now, it'll only be a few hours, okay?" Jack said. Andlat nodded.

"I don't see why I can't stay at home."

"We've been over this. The painters are going to be working on the living room and they don't need a little boy under paw." Andlat opened his mouth to argue, but he knew it was a lost cause. "I don't know what you're so fussy about. Kaiser is such a nice bear to agree to let you hang out at his house. His wife and daughter won't be there, so it'll just be the guys." Jack tousled the fox's hair. Andlat batted him away bashfully as they walked up to the front door. Andlat felt a sudden shyness. Kaiser was a nice guy, but Andlat was not too fond of how he always called him 'squirt' and other childish nicknames like that. He also did not like the fact that he kept trying to get Andlat to call him 'uncle'. Jack rang the doorbell.

"Hello!" Kaiser's booming bass voice always made Andlat jump at first. The brown bear seemed to have one volume and that was loud. Jack smiled and shook his hand before Kaiser dropped down into a squat. "And there's my favorite fox. How's it going, champ?" Andlat bashfully gave his upheld paw a high five. "Are you ready to hang out for the day."

"Yeah." Andlat said, feeling terribly small next to the big wolf and the equally big bear. Jack smiled and clapped his paws together.

"Alright. I've got a business lunch to get to. You be good, Andlat."

"I know." Andlat said in mild annoyance. He was the wolf's boyfriend, not his cub! He and Jack both knew the truth there though.

Kaiser escorted Andlat to his living room. The fox had never been inside Kaiser's house before and he was amazed by how spacious it was. Everything was bear-sized, so Andlat had to struggle a bit to get up onto the couch. He blushed as he felt a paw on his rump help lift him up.

"Sorry." Kaiser said. "It's a habit." Andlat's ears splayed shyly. "So, what would you like to do?"

"I dunno." Andlat mumbled.

"It's okay to be shy, Andlat." Kaiser said. "It's a new place, but Jack will be back soon." Andlat nodded shyly. Kaiser turned on the television to ESPN and Andlat quickly grew bored. He looked around the room, glancing over photographs of Kaiser's wife, Kaiser's wedding, and quite a few of Kaiser's baby daughter Elsa. Andlat idly wondered if they had named her after the princess in Frozen. Kaiser noticed the fox's boredom. "I don't really have much for a boy." He said. "Would you like something to drink?" Andlat nodded, hoping silently that Kaiser would not bring him something in one of his daughter's sippy cups or something like that. It was only after Kaiser left the room that the fox realized that he was just being needlessly paranoid. Probably, at least.

Kaiser returned with a simple glass of juice, which Andlat deemed to be a bit childish, but not terribly so. He drank it happily, holding the bear-sized glass with both paws, regardless of his appearance. Kaiser smiled and resumed watching television. It was a short while later that Andlat felt a familiar urge.

"Where is the bathroom?" He asked politely.

"Just down the hall, second door on the right." Kaiser replied without even taking his eyes off of the screen, where a football replay was playing out. Andlat hopped off of the couch and hurried, already feeling his bladder filling even more from the juice. He practically scampered down the hall to the bathroom, sighing with relief. He had made it. He closed the door and turned toward the toilet. His face fell as he saw the cubproof lock on the lid. He went over to it, resolving to figure out its secrets before his already aching bladder burst.

He pushed on the button of the strap, figuring that that would release it. He tried with all his might, but the button would not budge. With a contemplative frown, he tried again, using both paws. Still nothing, He knew that Kaiser and his wife were stronger than him, but by this much? That seemed unlikely. He wondered, for a moment, if he should go find Kaiser for help, but such a thing seemed to be a waste of time. He had to go, and now.

Andlat looked around the bathroom. There had to be something he was not seeing. He had to figure out how to get this toddler lock or whatever it was off. He knew that much. He squirmed a bit as he felt his bladder twinge again.

"C'mon." He grunted, pushing with all his might. The sheer focus that he put into the action meant that he was not as focused on holding it and he felt a small squirt escape. He yelped and crossed his legs, paws grasping his crotch. He heard the door open and Kaiser poked his head in.

"I thought so." He rumbled. Andlat froze in place as Kaiser lumbered over and quickly undid the latch, lifting the toilet's lid. He opened his mouth to thank the bear when Kaiser scooped him up and tugged down his shorts and white briefs in one fell swoop, plopping him down on the toilet as though he was a little cub. "There we go." Andlat felt terribly embarrassed, but he had to pee too badly to even care at the moment. He sighed in relief as he let loose, ignoring the mountain of a bear standing over him for the time being.

Once Andlat was done, he meekly looked up at Kaiser. The bear smiled warmly as he helped him to his feet and tugged his underwear back up,

"There we go. No accidents today, buddy." Andlat grumbled at the childish nickname. "Uh-oh! Maybe I spoke too soon." Kaiser was looking at Andlat's underwear-covered crotch, which was still a light yellow from his tiny spurt earlier. Andlat shifted nervously from footpaw to footpaw. "Good thing you're wearing those and not big boy boxers, otherwise I never would have noticed!"

Andlat yelped as the brown bear picked him up so quickly that he left his shorts behind. Kaiser carried the fox, now in just his underwear and shirt into the hall and back to the living room. He set him down on the floor.

"I'll be right back. Don't you move!" He bopped the fox playfully on the nose before hurrying out of the room. Andlat's head was still awhirl. What had just happened? What was Kaiser up to? He sat there, dumbfounded.

Kaiser returned with the worst thing he could possibly have: a bright pink diaper. The bear could immediately sense the fox's dislike of the situation and he shrugged apologetically.

"Sorry, slugger, but they're all I have. My underwear won't fit you and besides, we can't risk another accident."

"But it's a diaper! And it's pink!" Andlat whined. Kaiser sighed.

"Jack put me in charge of you, buddy. I have to do what I think is best." Andlat whimpered, desperately trying to think of something, anything that could help him avoid being diapered. "Here's the deal. You can either let me put this on you and just deal with it or I can treat you like Elsa and diaper you whether you like it or not." Andlat's ears splayed and he mumbled a response. "What was that?"

"I'll let you do it." He bashfully said, staring down at his stained underwear. Kaiser nodded approvingly.

"Get undressed then." Andlat stood up and, turning his back to the bear, tugged down his underwear, stepping out of it. "Your shirt too."

"But why?"

"Uh-oh. Someone's whining like Elsa does!" Andlat yelped and quickly pulled off his shirt. Kaiser could not help but notice how similar Andlat looked to his daughter from the back when the fox was naked. When he turned back around, paws shyly covering his groin, Kaiser did his best to hide his smile. Without being told, Andlat returned to reclining on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. Kaiser walked on his knees until he was close enough to Andlat to do what he needed to. He lifted the fox's legs with one paw and slipped the now unfolded diaper underneath. The fox flinched every time the diaper so much as crinkled, but Kaiser knew that he would be used to it soon enough. He wondered idly just when the last time was that Andlat had last been diapered, but knew that it would cause the fox undue distress if he actually asked.

Andlat covered his eyes with his paws, even if it meant leaving himself entirely exposed to Kaiser. He hoped that this was all just some strange dream. Yet, would it be so bad? Jack would be back in just a few hours, after all. Sure, he might tease him a bit, but then they would go home and he could put underwear on again. He nodded slightly to himself even as he felt Kaiser tape the diaper around his waist. It was decided; he would simply endure wearing a diaper.

Andlat and the Bears: Part Two

Kaiser ensured that the diaper fit properly on the fox's waist and that it was unlikely that the diaper would leak. Grabbing the fox by the wrists, he hoisted him up onto his footpaws. Andlat took a moment to adjust his footing so that he could stand...

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A New Best Friend: Collaboration with DA1337WOLF

Ryan was in the hobby shop playing his favorite card game when Andlat walked in. Ryan did not notice, He was so close to winning the weekly tournament, delving into his graveyard for his final assault! "Your deck of Fae has lost!" the nerdy wolf...

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A New Best Friend Preview: Collaboration with DA1337WOLF

Ryan sighed, but then looked at Mrs.Roo, "Umm... Miss... W-what is for dinner?" "You can call me nanny, sweetheart . Are you hungry? Is that why you're asking?" Ryan blushed and nodded, "Yes nanny, I am hungry." Mrs. Roo smiled. "Well, maybe...

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