Desires Unrestrained

Story by Xypher on SoFurry

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While on a camping trip Sara discovers that Steve has been hiding a very furry secret.

Special thanks for Max Coyote with editing this story!

Sara sighs out in absolute boredom, as she rides shotgun in her boyfriends truck. They travel up a logging road flanked by tall cedar trees, if it were not for the frequent bends she would be certain that road was never-ending by this point. She looks at the clock on the dashboard, she groans deeply in mental agony as they reach the nearly six hour mark of the journey.

This drive has been one of the greatest tests of her patience in a long time; but the trip is actually the smaller of the thorns pricking at her. The real annoyance is that she has joined her man Steve on this trip out of pure suspicion that he is not really camping by himself. They have been a couple for nearly a year now, and his erratic 'getaway's' have been a constant curiosity to her.

At first she just accepted it, even taking his few rejections in stride when she did ask to go. She was forced to press him this time, insisting that she come along. She vaguely recalls with some slight regret the she may have even thrown in an ultimatum to force his compliance. But now it is painfully obvious to her that he is just that kind of reclusive person.

She remains trapped in this truck, winding their way up the mountainside to bum fuck nowhere. She didn't even like camping and now she is going to be spending a week surrounded by fucking nature. Even worse, during the entirety of their drive, they have barely exchanged a word with one another, only making the trip all the more awkward for her!

She looks over to him seeing that his big body is visibly tense. Poor guy is practically hunched over the wheel, arms straining in his tight flannel shirt. But he has all the right in the world to feel like this. He cannot help but feel like he is dragging Sara into the jaws of a wolf. It is either lose her because this fucking beast inside wants out like his own monstrous time of the month; and she is suspecting that he is doing something else but camping.

He knows that this is such a terrible risk; but what choice does he have? The entire time he has been on the road, all that has been on his mind was how he was going to get away from her to let this thing have its romp and then camp with Sara in peace.

With a heavy sigh she asks him. "How much longer now?"

Steve tenses up as her voice draws him away from his turbulent thoughts. Looks at her for a moment, startled from being forced out of his mental autopilot. Her large brown eyes hold his gaze for a moment, her fiery locks framing the high cheekbones of her freckled face. Those full lips, a bright shade of cherry red. He lets out a long and heavy sigh tearing his gaze away to the odometer to check at the miles they have driven.

Flatly he responds to her. "Soon."

She stares at him even harder by lowering her eyebrows at him. He gives her this sheepish look that forces a grin from her putting a damper on her irritation. His shortly cropped brown hair and a chiseled face framed in hard stubble that clusters thickest around his narrow chin. Even with those broad shoulders rolled in as they are now, he is still huge to her. This textbook example of the outdoorsmen looking so timid was almost comical to her.

She gives his arm a gentle stroke to reassure him. "Come on Steve, just think about all the fun we are gonna have alone out here."

His arms are packed with corded muscle, taut under her fingers as she pets at him. She cannot help but grow a little hot between her legs as her eyes play over his body. His chest sports two dense pectorals she teasingly calls his man boobs because of how they are just that pronounced on his barrel chest.

Her eyes roam lower as she eyes up her big hunk of man. Though he might no six pack like in the magazines. His midsection is filled with a nice round belly from his love of heavy meals. The one soft spot on his herculean frame and she would not have had it any other way. Even his legs were huge tree trunks in their own right under his blue jeans those massive feet capped off with thick hiking boots.

He sighs long and loud, shaking his head but refusing to look at her giving her a sullen excuse. "Sorry Sara, I just like my time alone out here. It's... gonna be weird having you out here with me."

She groans out throwing her head back in wild exasperation. She looks back at him again, her anger finally flares hotly to match shoulder length red hair. Her compassion has reached its limit; she cocks her fist and gives him a hard shot to the shoulder. He stares at her wide eyed, bicep tingling from the sudden kinetic connection of her fist.

Her large expressive eyes seize his gaze, letting him truly feel that anger as she yells out at him. "The fuck is wrong with you! Why the fuck are you being such a god damn sulk!"

He sighs out stroking his chin, fingers sharply rasping over his stubble struggling to even find a way to start explaining himself to her. "Look, sometimes... I just need to get away. Living in the city is hard for, someone like me. And sometimes I just need to get away from it... or else I feel an animal trapped in a cage."

Her brows remained furrowed as he explains to her, giving her as close to an explanation of how he needs to do this. He looks to her with hopeful eyes that she understands him.

She asks him, her voice betraying her wounded feelings. "But why can you not enjoy this time with me?"

The question makes his stomach twist, she unknowingly touches on the reason he has been so silent. He wished that he could just enjoy himself with her out here, just the two of them.

He lets off another sigh going another route around the question. "Well... I figured that this kind of thing is just not up your alley. Look, I know you have asked me before to come... but honestly babe... this does not really seem like your... thing"

His eyes roam down her buxom frame to the bright sundress she is wearing with an amused grin creasing the corners of his mouth. The elastic band is being stretched to its limits by her large chest, her perky nipples proudly poking from under the thinly spread material. He is pretty sure that dress is the only clothing she is wearing right now as the floral print hangs loosely over her buxom body.

She cannot really deny his logic, she has never spent a day in the wilderness. She cannot help but giggle to herself. "Well, I guess this is my first time. Are you going to be gentle?"

She slides into him a little closer shifting her body across the bench seat of the truck until she is pushing her hips up to his. Her eyes roam down to his package a mischievous grin pulling at one of the corners of her mouth. She strokes at his inner thigh, her hand moving higher up towards his groin.

She purrs to him seductively. "Camping might not be my thing, but I am sure we can keep ourselves entertained."

His head tilts back as he huffs out, easing his foot off the accelerator as she gently squeezes his package. She lets out a pleased moan feeling his thick cock pulse in her hand as she teases him. He wants to reciprocate her affection but the logging road is only getting more dangerous as they get into the more untamed areas.

With a coy smirk he veers slightly into a deep but manageable rut on her side of the truck. The vehicle lurches to one side as its wheels drops into the small trench. Her stomach drops with it as she lifts off the seat, getting air time in the cabin with a startled cry. Gravity takes hold, her tits surge high up towards her face as her crimson hair reaches for the roof. Her large pink areolas peek out from the hem of her sun dress as her big tits surge for freedom.

The truck abruptly levels out as it leaves the rut. The seat rushes to meet with her shapely ass slamming hard into her voluptuous cheeks. Her body drops down heavily onto her seat nearly knocking the wind out of her. Her rack follows suit, shoving her top off her peaks to cling uselessly to her flat tummy. Her long red hair hangs in wild tangles with her eyes wide in surprise. Her heaving melons beautifully exposed to him, rising and falling rapidly from the fright of his little prank.

She looks to him with a very unimpressed look and crosses her arms over her ample chest, covering up at least her nipples from his pleased gaze.

She huffs out in annoyance turning her head away from him, pouting her lips. "Not funny."

He laughs loudly for the first time this drive, eyes filled with mirth as he gives the wheel a joyous smack with his hand. His dread about this trip washes away for at least this moment as he allows himself to think that maybe this trip won't be so bad after all.

Just as he tears his eyes away from her alluring body. He sees the unmistakable marker a small path ahead. Barely noticeable to most people nothing more than a small open space between two trees. But this was his most frequented spot for him to visit when he needs to let his other half out for a romp. Carefully he drives into this very narrow side trail, tramping the small brush between the trees.

She gives him a concerned look as he barely is able to squeeze his truck down into the narrow pass. She is forced to grip a handle on the roof, abandoning her breasts to the myriad of sudden shifts and jostles as they un-majestically flop about making her regret her decision to go sans bra. There is hardly a sign of any kind of worn trail, with only a scant few tiny ruts of his past visits to mark his passage.

He expertly guides his vehicle through the woods as the rough ride finally ends as the ground levels off. The trees seem to spread out until the woods finally give way into a large clearing. Her breath is taken away as the forest opens up revealing a large lake only a short walk from where they were going to be camping.

She grabs the dashboard, leaning in to fully take in the sight of this slice of paradise. " Oh wow, its beautiful!"

He looks to her feeling a surge of pride at her awestruck expression. "Welcome to my home away from home."

He cannot resist the temptation as he tells her. "It's one of my most prized treasures , like you."

She swats him in the arm, rolling those pretty eyes at his awful comment. Quickly she pulls up her dress and departs the vehicle, leaving him and his cheesy lines behind with a shake of her head. Once she is out of the truck, she gives great stretch with finger tips reaching high above her head as she stands on her tip toes. She squeals out in delight as her muscles strain wonderfully releasing all that tension.

He remains in the truck as she sprints off to explore the sandy beach, leaving him to dwell on his own internal torment. He stares at the wheel, gripping it tightly with his lips pinched tight in introspection. He can feel the presence inside him, like an itch just under the skin that cannot be scratched. But it's strangely been very faint this entire time, the animal never bothers to rise once even when Sara was touching his dick.

Usually, by this time the wolf would be clawing at his mind to be released and his body would be aching all over. His guts tighten in dread as he thinks to himself, that it might actually sense that she is with him and is waiting to for the right opportunity. He curses out loud rubbing his face while muttering. "I... just have to keep it together, it's only a few hours. Just need to keep a lid on it and everything will be fine."

A sharp cry of delight from her breaks his train of thought; he looks over his shoulder to see her pointing at the water bouncing ecstatically as she screams out at him. "OH MY GOD, I CAN SEE ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM!"

He can help but give a wiry grin but there is no happiness to be found in his heart. He knows that even though dusk is approaching Sara is going to be looking to get laid. Mustering his willpower he cannot help but feel like he is trapped between two ravenous animals, each wanting his body for different reasons. Slowly he climbs out from the truck and starts to make his way towards her. With her back turned to him he can see her hour glass shaped figure through the silk dress. Her curvaceous rear end has swallowed some of her skirt in the deep cleft of her backside. He sighs out deeply as she is already stoking the fires of his lust without even trying. He finally makes his way over across the sandy breach to stand behind her. Steve wraps his big arms around her waist in a tight embrace; bending over slightly to bury his face into the nape of her neck, stubble pricking at her skin. She stares wonderstruck at its crisp and clear surface, those pretty eyes darting about as she drinks in every detail. He looks out himself, resting his chin on the top of her shoulder, surveying the scenery as he takes in a deep breath of pine air.

The lakes surface is perfectly still for them, it reflects everything around it as a natural mirror. But closer in to the pair, the shore line demonstrates just how pristine the lake's water is, revealing the lake bottom in sharp, magnified detail. No matter how many times he comes here for privacy, he cannot help feel at ease while staring at this lake and its unspoiled beauty.

He sighs out speaking softly into her ear "You don't see many lakes like this near the city, it's a rare gem."

"Like me?" She quickly responds making him pause.

He cannot help but chuckle. "Am I that predictable now?"

She shrugs slightly before looking back to him. "Yep, just throwing out the romance any chance you get. In fact... you said something just like it before we got out of the truck." He blinks for a moment totally forgetting that he did and she only laughs louder at him. "Really? Is it that automatic for you?"

He gasps at her feigning that her words stung him. "Ouch... babe, that's cold, like this lake!"

Her grin fades while his own grows with a mischievous curl of his mouth. Her eyes widen with the sudden realization of his intentions. She tries to break free from his hold; but he reels her in with a powerful tug. He scoops up his thrashing girlfriend, cradling her like an oversized child.

She kicks at the air, throwing her arms around his neck as she frantically pleads with him. "no, no, NO!"

He makes his way to the edge of the water as she squirms like a feral cat. He bends his knees and with a heavy grunt he lifts his vixen up high. She looks out to the water and simply braces for his throw. With a roar, he shoves her with all his strength. Sara is sent sailing through the air screaming the entire way. With her arms flailing she impacts the still water ass first with a huge splash.

She bursts to the surface with a sharp inward gasp as the cold penetrates her body to the core. Her flower printed sun dress clings tightly to her curvy body. It leaves nothing to the imagination as it forms a thin veil of fabric proudly showing off her pleasing curves and thick, cold-stiffened nipples. She breaks for the shore hugging her self tightly for warmth as she runs in leaping strides in the water before breaking into a frantic sprint.

She stammers out as she dashes past him towards the truck.. "H-holy fuck, t-that is t-too c-coold!"

He slowly follows after her with a wide grin from his nasty prank. She cannot tear off the soaked sundress fast enough, lifting it up over her head so that clingy fabric pulls at her large breasts. They are lifted up high towards her face until the wet dress is peeled from her peaks. Her heavy tits drop low bouncing wonderfully as Steve looks on from the distance.

Seeing her bare as the day she was born as she bends over deeply to dig into her duffle bag of clothing, makes something wild and primal stir to life in the back of his mind. The sight of the side profile of her perfect round rump sticking out from the truck is more than just inviting, it demands exploitation. He moves towards her with a wicked smile already pitching a tent as the animal inside him stokes the fires of his lust.

He moves right in behind his distracted woman staring at her amazing ass with naked lust. Her cheeks are two halves of a fleshy peach. Even from this angle he can see the thick lips of her pussy sticking out from between her legs. His mind is so fixated on what to do with her he fails to register that the wolf inside him was growing more powerful as his lust grows for her.

He winds up with a hand and roughly slaps her backside making her flesh ripple deeply. She jolts at the hard connection of his palm striking her ass so hard, she yelps out in surprise as her skin tingles fiercely from the connection. He strokes his hands over her amazing rump feeling her still cool skin against his palms. His fingers curl in groping her firm backside as hard as he physically can. She gasps out in surprise at his ferocity, pushing her molested rear into his greedy hands.

She looks back at him with a lusty stare, asking him playfully. "Come to warm me up?"

He gives her a slow nod but there is a wild look in his eyes, something she has never seen in him before. His big hands move higher to grip her waist before yanking her back into him. She huffs out as her thick rump meets with his pelvis, the impact her hanging melons surge forward. She grinds against him, purring out feeling the pulsing heat of his hard cock through the thick denim jeans. Those big hands stroke up the sides of her midsection as she pleasures him with the skill gyrations of her hips.

The big male bends over top of her, reaching around her sides of her chest to grab her tits. She leans her head back as he seizes hold of her huge rack. Creamy flesh envelops his hands, her endowed chest more than a match for his groping fingers. He squeezes her chest hard sinking his fingers into her soft mounds. The pressure is so strong her chest throbs in a mix of pleasure and pain that makes her hot between the legs.

She moans out to him as he kneads her chest. "Fuck Steve, your never this rough back home... Its making me so wet."

The primal growl from his throat catches them both off guard. She stiffens in his grasp as he suddenly stops as well.

His lust filled eyes suddenly snap open, filled with horror as she asks him. "Wow, big guy, are you hungry or horny?"

He wrenches away from her, suddenly aware of the sickening heat that is burning just on the surface of his skin.

Her brows furrow in confusion sorely missing that rough affection just moments ago. Her chest is still warm with pleasure. She can still feel where his fingers were dug into her soft mounds. When she feels that his presence has been gone for too long, she turns around. Her annoyed look turns into one of worry as she sees him staggering away like he is in pain.

She softly asks him reaching out to touch him. "Are you ok? What happened?"

He hurriedly waves her off wanting no kind of physical connection with her now. The animal inside him is roiling inside his mind, its interest piqued by his own lust. His mind is awash with disturbing thoughts of not just lust but also violence towards her. He hugs his body tight as the ache deep in his center grows white hot. It feels like the beast inside him is clawing just at the surface making his skull throb in agony.

Sara stares on chewing at the inside of her bottom lip, arms wrapped around her midsection. She is unsure what to do with herself as he battles internally with a monster for control. Gritting his teeth he screws his eyes tightly shut, using all of his willpower to force his other half down. Suppressing both his lust but drowning out all those disgusting images flashing in his head. Slowly, the ache ebbs into just a dull throb and that mind splitting pain recedes enough so that he can finally take in a deep gulp of breath.

Finally she sees him relax and she moves to touch him on the shoulder. He rolls away from her comfort and moves to the back of the truck. He is still breathing heavily, sweat beading his forehead as he rummages for the tent and other gear.

Feeling quite rejected she softly asks to him. "Are you gonna be ok?"

He sighs out and gives a slight nod, but refuses to look at her. "I think I'll be ok, just an ache in my stomach."

She rolls her eyes at his admission to just stomach pain. She moves in like a cat, getting in close to him before throwing her arms around his waist.

She shoves her delicate hands into his pants, gripping his fat half hard cock while purring a seductive demand into his ear "Then suck it up and fuck me rough, stud."

He whimpers out twisting away from her sexual advance, carrying the tent and air mattress away to go and set it up. She is left there standing nude with a stunned expression by his abrupt rejection.

She rolls her eyes with an exasperated sigh at his persistent change of character. She dismisses him with wave of her hand as he walks away from her before attending to her now unneeded nudity. His heart is hammering in his chest as he moves to a clearing to set up the tent. He is desperately trying to distract his mind from Sara's body and how it is built for sin. With a groan, he runs his palms over his face, pulling at his eyelids, dragging them down and exposing the red skin underneath.

He murmurs sullenly to himself. "Just wait you asshole, tonight you get to play in the woods alone and leave me the fuck alone. Then I can finally enjoy MY woman all to myself."

She can vaguely hear him mumbling away as she digs into her bag. If she knew that Steve was going to be such a tease tonight, she would have brought a dildo, or something to fill in for him. She chews at her lip more with mounting sexual frustration feeling her own wetness slicking her nethers.

Her eyes narrow as an evil smile stretches across her lips as a wicked plan forms in her mind. She starts to carefully pluck through her clothes, picking out only the skimpiest clothing she brought along.

She pulls out a matching set of her black bikini and stretches out the bottoms for inspection. But they can barely be passed off as even underwear. She slips into them pulling the slender straps up high on her hips letting them snap against her skin. The simple triangle of silky black material is barely enough to cover the mound of her pussy, its point plunging between her puffy slit. She sighs out as she pulls that triangle up high, feeling that narrow strip working its way into the folds of her pussy, the smooth fabric strokes over her needy clit.

She looks over her shoulder at her own rear end and smiles with pride. From the back the only hint that here might even be a strap running up the deep cleft of her ass, is the silver ring sitting just over the cleavage of her backside. The top is hardly any different, sporting a pair of tiny black triangles amidst a tangle of strings. She pulls the top down over her tits, her large areolas peek out from under the black fabric. She chuckles at its fit, far too small for an endowed woman like herself; but just the way she needs it to be.

With her weapons of seduction in place she throws a robe around her to conceal herself. She moves with a slow confident stride to the bed of the truck. She reaches into the back to snatch up one of the fold out chairs while also ferreting out the large case of sweet coolers from the ice chest. With each item tucked under her arms she walks from around the truck. It seems that while she was getting changed, her man has already set up the spacious grey tent.

He is inside, filling the queen size air mattress with the hand pump. His pace is deliberately slow, using the monotonous work to calm his turbulent thoughts. But it was hardly helping as his pulse throbs at his ears and his guts continue to roil with the desire to change in form. He can see that the sun is getting low now as he deliberates just fleeing from Sara and explaining tomorrow.

She hears that her man is quite busy inflating the mattress he is destined to fuck her on. She unfolds the canvas chair slamming its plastic feet down into the firm ground opposite of the entrance and sits down heavily into the chair. She flings open her robe and cracks open a cooler, taking a heavy pull of the sweet drink savoring that sharp alcoholic after bite. She throws her leg over one of the arms, proudly putting on display that her plump muff has swallowed the strap of her bikini.

Steve sighs out pinching the meat between his eyes with his thumb and index finger, his willpower is waning fast. He crawls from the tent but then freezes in place on all fours, his eyes riveted on the vixen sitting before him. Sara remains oblivious to his inner turmoil as he whimpers in agony at the sight of her. She casually takes another deep drink, the leg resting on the arm rest, kicking at the open air with lazy bounces.

She smiles coyly at him, swirling the near empty cooler by the neck of the bottle. "Mmm, so the bed is all ready for us?"

His jaw clenches as the last threads of his desire to resist her snap. Both minds surge to the forefront; but with a shared desire to play with this slut.

The coexisting feeling is intoxicating to him as his lids droop heavily, his voice husky with lust. "How about, we start with you in that chair."

She chuckles in a low sultry tone as she places her drink in a holder on the chair. Slowly she moves her hands to the slender strings of her top above the swell of her chest. She grabs the strings just above the triangle of her black bikini and pulls up at them to make her huge orbs jiggle at him.

He crawls to her on his hands and knees and approaches Sara on all fours. She giggles seeing him crawling to her like an animal and throws the other leg over the opposite arm rest; and turns the arm rest into improvised stirrups for whatever he has in mind for her. He licks his lips as a deep guttural growl grumbles from his chest, seeing her spread wide like this. She pushes her hips forward, and gives her puffy folds a light slap inviting him to play with her.

He closes the short distance from her, climbing up between widely spread legs to look her in the eyes. He laces his fingers in her hair and yanks her head back making her gasp out at his powerful yank. He presses his lips hard into hers. His tongue stroking over hers plump lips demanding she accept his muscle into her mouth. She accepts and their tongues dance wildly with one another as his free hand snakes beneath her underwear.

He grips her bottoms by the fabric triangle over her mound, then gives her bottoms a sharp tug. She whimpers into his mouth as her hips are lifted off the seat. The strap grinds in deeply as it is pulled over her tender nethers, the hot friction is searing between her legs. Again he hauls on her bikini making her legs tremble as she whines out at his abusive play.

He breaks the frantic kiss berating her with husky words. "Gonna make you beg for mercy, woman."

She bites her lip and nods at him, already she is sopping wet for her dominant man. She braces for the next tug, but she does not dare try and stop him. But the flimsy strip snaps loose as he hauls on it leaving him with a handful of destroyed underwear. He throws the garment aside and his head starts to roam downward.

He kneels in front of her pussy, his big hands pushing at her inner thighs making her spread eagle to him. He licks his lips seeing her plump cunny drooling with her arousal forming a small wet spot on her robe. He brings his head in close, sniffing at her slit before he strokes her silken labia with his fingers smearing her slick lust over her petals.

She purrs out to him, voice haughty with desire. "That's it, bury your face right here big guy."

A hard smack between her legs makes her squeak out as he puts a stop to her demands. She wriggles her hips as her clit throbs from his punishing hand. She looks skyward and waits with excitement for what he has in store for her. Her patience is rewarded as two dry fingers spear into her tight hole making her gasp loudly. Her slot is forcefully stuffed right to his hard knuckles as they slam into her sex with a hard slap.

Her legs tense as she throws her head back in a long groan finally feeling something inside her. He starts to pump his digits in her hole as her lust attempts to down his digits. She reaches back behind her head to grip the back of the chair as he loudly churns her cunny. But her pleasure only increases as his big digits curl into a hook. Her eyelashes flutter as he strokes his fingertips over the spongy flesh of her g-spot.

A long moan escapes her lips as he rapidly finger fucks her pussy his hot mouth drawing neat her clit. His tongue traces around her clit in slow, lazy circles. He growls deeply, barely human in tone feeling her soft walls clutching his fingers, those plump lips being pushed in and out with the strokes of his hand. She pants, gripping the back of the seat tightly as her nethers are turned into a sopping wet mess.

His harsh finger play is working its magic on her; she feels a wonderful tension building between her legs every time he bottoms his hand out inside her. The closer she gets the better everything feels; she tightens up fiercely around his fingers. She cries out in wild shock; her world explodes in brutal mix of pain and pleasure as hard teeth bite down on her inner thigh. Her pussy clamps erratically around his digits as he growls at her, his teeth biting into her soft flesh.

She clutches the sides of his head holding onto him tightly; gasping frantically as she shudders in his mouth. Her peak is amazing as washes over her relentlessly, his fingers still hammering her quaking hole. Her desires are torn as she looks down at his face buried into her leg. He keeps the brutal pressure on her inner thigh in a savage love bite. The pain quickly starts to dominate the pleasure as her orgasm slowly subsides.

She gently pushes at his head, whimpering softly. "Please... stop."

With a gasp he pulls his salivating mouth away from her throbbing inner thigh. She groans out leaning her head back as the pain finally ends of his savage oral clamp on her flesh. He looks to the harsh indentations of his bite, realizing that he has hurt his love. Even worse, the beast is breaking free demanding that he breed this bitch, willing or not.

His body is burning is agony, too far gone to stop it now as his own skin feels tight all over. He can only do the one thing that he can think of in this frantic moment. He flees from her as quickly as his legs can carry him and vanishes into the woods.

She strokes her pussy, huffing rapidly from being so savagely finger fucked. "Never came... from.... being bitten... like that before."

Steve sprints deeply into the woods, huffing out with feverish pants as his lungs ache for air and his legs burn from the frantic exertion. It is all he can do that this point, just try and put as much distance between Sara and the wolf he is about to become. She is left gasping, head leaning back over the chair as she watches the clouds. She brings her head forward with heavy lidded eyes eager to see what he has in store for her next.

Her delighted smile fades when she sees no sign of him. Her brows furrow in puzzlement as she gets up on unsteady legs and looks around for him.

She calls out for him. Steve? Steve. STEVE!"

But no matter how many times she calls she is only answered by the sounds of the forest around her. Even after a short comb of the camp area she comes up empty and is forced to return to the chair.

She sits back down in her chair with an exasperated sigh. "What the actual fuck Steve."

With him gone she is left with only one other option as she snatches up her warming cooler in the arm rest holder and drains it. Another cooler is quick to follow the first as she drinks quickly simply because there is nothing else to do. She strokes the indentations of his bite with her fingers. But both her leg and pussy are throbbing hotly with equal ferocity from his passionate foreplay. She is still craving something thick between her legs as her fuzzy mind focuses on the wide bottle in her hand.

She strokes the bottle with her thumb gauging its girth for her needs. She chews at her lip as a depraved thought forms in her lusty mind. Since her boyfriend is nowhere to be found; she sighs out as it comes to this, masturbating with a bottle. She lowers the wide cooler between her legs, parting her legs to receive the hard glass. She flinches as the cold bottle touches her hot cunny but then grinds it over her petals.

With a soft moan she teases herself, stroking its cool surface over her slit. The hard nubs grind over her pussy lips, massaging its way between them. She starts to push it against her entrance the wide bottom pushing up against her small opening. Her brows furrow, eyes closing tightly as she forces the bottle, making her slot open up to its girth. But with an annoyed huff she relents, it is just not the same, banging her hole with a bottle.

She strokes her needy sex with her free hand, she snatches up another full bottle and cracks it open tossing the cap aside. As she idly drinks all alone with her thoughts as she cannot help but wonder why he has been acting so strange since they got there. She struggles to recall him ever being this aggressive with her sexually before. There is definitely something weird going on with him. She shrugs at the thought and takes another drink since she sees nothing wrong at all with this new Steve.

His wild sprint takes him deep into the woods just as the sun starts to set darkening the woods around him. But his eyes easily adjust to the lack of light as the wolf is so close to being released now. He pumps his legs as fast as he can, hoping that somehow he can put enough distance between himself and Sara. Suddenly with a deep pop his legs collapse under him. He clenches his teeth in agony grunting as they warp underneath him. He looks down to see them twisting into a new shape, his heel his rising out from his boot in a sickening series of groans and crunches.

The change comes upon him as his body turns in a prison of pure agony as he thrashes and contorts on the mossy ground. Waves of pain wash over his mind violent and unrelenting as he froths from the mouth. His skin strains to hold his growing form, slashes of bright red stretchmarks break all over his skin. His bones expand with wet cracking as they shift into a new shape, his shirt bursting open as his chest suddenly expands to house larger organs. The horrible tightness of his own body, growing beyond human limits makes him openly sob out as he rips at his own flesh. Desperately he kicks off his boots feeling the pressure building as his feet enlarge into animal paws.

His skin splits into open wounds as his rapid growth pushes his human flesh to its breaking point. It stitches back together but is now thicker and coarser than before shifting from tanned flesh to black hide. His fingernails are agonizingly uprooted and fall to the floor, replaced by black claws. He quickly puts his new talons to good use, savagely shredding his clothes as they constrict his growing body.

He clutches his body in his arms curling into a fetal position as his guts writhe and roil inside him his belly tightening up as his small intestines recede. He struggles to recall a time when it has ever has been this painful before. He can feel the beast in his roaring in fury from his long resistance for this change. His eyes shift to a sickly yellow, the human part of his twisted mind is pushed aside. He lets out a long and low howl as the animal fully takes possession of his consciousness.

It is the beasts turn to share in the pain of the change, a challenge it openly accepts as it pulls its freshly claimed body to its full height. As the wolf stands on unsteady legs, his lupine features start to develop in his skull. It feels like his head is being split asunder as his muzzle elongates. Human teeth are shoved out of their sockets by the huge predatory molars seeding his crimson gums. They form intersecting jagged peaks as he clenches his new maw tightly in agony as a pair of canines peek from under the sides of his black lips.

A hairless whip of a tail sprouts from the base of his spine stretching out far behind him to sway lazily in the air. His ears climb atop his head, reaching high as they warp into two triangles of flesh. . He collapses onto all fours as black fur blossoms like wildfire over his skin. A thick mane of fur grows long around the back of his neck and shoulders. Even his groin is not spared by the will of the wolf as his human cock recedes into its foreskin.

That outer skin becomes a thick and meaty sheath for his manhood as it separates from his breeding organ. A slender bone worms its way up his shaft as the base of his cock thickens where his knot will form. His nuts bloat to match his huge body, swelling to the size of a pair of heavy tennis balls. His sack becomes taut with his new reproductive organs are primed to breed a bitch with potent lupine seed.

He pants deeply as the agony of the change ebbs until, finally it completely fades. The man is no more. Having fully taken his place, the wolf opens his keen yellow eyes, scanning his surroundings for the first time tonight while his large ears swivel about. He huffs at the open air searching for prey to sink his claws into. His thick brows furrow as he picks up something unexpected. There is a wonderfully sweet tang of a human female, a second breath revealing her lust and strong need, stronger than he has ever smelled before.

His sensitive nose discovers that the strongest source of the odor emanates from his own fingers. He brings them closer to his muzzle. Whuffing at them deeply getting a good smell of Sara's arousal. A small grin creases the corners of his predatory mouth, it looks like his other half has been busy. His great head twists back into the direction his human counterpart had come from, he was not very interested in meeting this horny female with such a delicious perfume. He has found his prey, it is time to hunt.

Another drained bottle joins the accumulated pile next to Sara's chair has joined the first. Her eyes are heavy and her body is feels warm despite the cold air as the camp site grows dark. She licks her lips before tipping the bottle in her hand up high, only to find she has drained another one. Her movements are sluggish as the horny lush lets another empty bottle slip from her fingers to join the pile with a loud clank. Once she starts to struggle to see anything around her she lets out a deep sigh.

A primal howl from the woods cuts through her, startling her from the chair in a flash. A moment later she staggers back with a dazed groan, her world spins from a powerful head rush. She stumbles backward into her chair almost toppling over it before finding her balance. With close to a dozen coolers in her the only plan in her mind now is to just hide in the tent. She meanders towards the general direction of the tent, the robe tightly wrapped around her body.

After almost falling into the tent, she bends down low to grope around blindly for the zipper. After what feels like an eternity of searching, she finally opens the tent flinging the flap wide open. She drags herself inside the flimsy shelter, failing to realize that the nylon tent is hardly a defense against predators. With a groan she collapses face first onto the bed, stripping off the hot robe with a groan.

She rolls onto her back with a deep sigh, splaying out as she is now lying on the most comfortable air mattress ever. As she lies there, starting at the spinning roof, she closes her eyes to the sight. But still it is as if she can sense that the walls are still moving around her. The darting movements of her eyes, under her heavy lashes settle down as her mind becomes still. Sara's breathing gradually alters into a deep and slow rhythm as she passes out.

The wolf finds the campsite under the cover of night and crouches low in the thick foliage. He sits still, only his ears twist about as he surveys the area for signs of the female. Even from the far distance he picks up noise of her faint breathing. His sensitive ears zero in on the sound, of the sleeping woman. He stalks into the opening from the woods carefully making his way to the chair she had sat in.

He huffs at the air around the chair where that delicious smell of her arousal lingers the heaviest. He shoves his nose into the seat, huffing deeply where her pussy tainted the canvas with her slick arousal not too long ago. He picks up the potent stink of her desire and the sharp taint of alcohol. His head slowly turns to regard the tent, seeing the flap open catching a glimpse of her lying prone inside. He approaches more recklessly now, the excitement builds to get his claws on his other half's little gem.

He pushes his broad head through the tent flap, sniffing at the air in rapid huffs. The air reeks of this horny sluts intoxicating scent. His feral eyes drink in the unconscious female before him; a deeply pleased growl escapes his throat at her buxom form. He now understands why his human side is so keen to keep her from his paws. His prey is lying on her back her red locks fanned out broadly under her. Both her long legs are bent with knees turned to one side. He pants out at the shape of her endowed figure, drool already pooling in his mouth.

Her incredible rack rises and falls in a rhythmic pattern, the bikini top has shifted, the triangles now just hanging uselessly at the sides of her huge globes. He crawls silently into the tent, filling its tiny space with his bulk to kneel in front of her feet. He grabs a handful of her round ass his claws curling into her crack to give her amazing rear a hard squeeze. Still she slumbers on as those claws dig into her soft ass cheek as he molests her.

He removes his hand from her backside as it looks like he can have some fun before the screaming starts. He grabs hold of both her ankles and yanks her legs apart. Her hips twist to lay flat as she is spread open to slake his depraved curiosity. He notices her tight sex is devoid of any hair, licking his chops at the sight of her plump pussy lips forming a tight seam. Even as he pulls her legs into a wide V, her inner petals remain hidden promising a nice tight hole to wreck.

He drops her legs and they flop lifelessly onto the mattress as he leans in closer to her slit. He moves his large paws over the inner sides of her calves, traces along them slowly with his blunt claws. They loudly rasp over her soft skin as they journey higher, his large head following in between her spread legs. He rakes her even harder at her inner thighs deeply indenting her flesh with the pressure. His claws leave a trail of slowly reddening flesh in the wake of their passing. He crudely shoves one of his big paws between her legs cupping her warm pussy in his huge hand. He grinds it against her, pushing her silky folds about with his leathery fingertips. Her hips limply stir as he massages her muff, feeling that she is still wet.

He stuffs his thick middle digit between her seam forcing those fat lips to part so that he can stroke at her inner folds. He feels her warm hole, too small to even take his thick finger without opening her up. The wolf shoves that exploring finger down deep into the crack of her ass, wanting to push its coarse pad against her little pucker as well. He licks his lips in delight at the feel of those two tight holes as he fantasizes over the pleasure they will soon provide him.

His paws move on roaming higher to stroke against the sides of her tight midsection compressing her hourglass figure with his stroking hands. Curling his large paws entirely around her narrow waist, he notices his thumbs overlap over her cute little navel. He growls deeply with a hot surge of lust, seeing that she is sorely in need of receiving a large litter to carry for him. He tilts his head to admire her wide hips, perfect for the passing of his big pups. Heat builds between his legs, teasing himself with the thought of breeding her in such a way, his loins aching for such a release inside her.

His hands stroke up under her massive rack as the tops of his fingers push those huge orbs together watching in delight as they form a deep canyon of cleavage. His paws move over her melons as he gives them both a hard squeeze, his hard claws digging at her tit flesh. He murrs out deeply, feeling their enhanced firmness straining in his possessive clutches. Her thick nipples harden under his coarse palms as she lets out a soft groan.

His huge head looms over her placid face huffing a hot blast of air over her soft features. His canine mind can only assume that she is beautiful not just in body; but it is hard for him to grasp with her strange ears and flat face. He is curious as to why she is still appears to be asleep as he just heard her make a sound. His tongue slaps over her cheek and presses out widely over the side of her face. The big pink muscle rakes across her full lips as its rough texture drags with such friction it twists her head to the side before it flicks free.

He pulls his head away, her face now slathered with his thick saliva from his canine kiss. But still she remains unmoved by him, a buxom fuck doll for his primal desires. Her salty flavor tickles at his taste buds from his lick, making his maw salivate for more of her taste. Aware of him or not, his muzzle wanders lower to hover over her chest looking to get himself a nice mouth full of female flesh. He leans back to fully appreciate the banquet that is her huge rack.

He pants out looking at the twin globes dominating her chest. Full and firm, her peaks are topped with large pink areola's that surround her stiff nipples that point just past the sides of his slavering maw.. Her bikini only makes the sight of them more impressive as the elastic straps push them close to one another to just barely touch. Even now they are sporting some fresh claw marks from his greedy hands; but he wants to more than just leave a few claw marks on her jugs.

His eyes are filed with a dangerous mix of hunger and lust for her feminine flesh. To him, they are just two wonderful toys for him to do with as he pleases. Thick dollops of hot drool snap free from his maw to splatter between the cleft between her mounds as his canine muzzle moves in close. With a deep growl, he takes one of her perfect spheres into his mouth clamping down around her areola. He starts to suck on her, drawing her flesh past his sharp teeth as is tongue lashes over her bud.

A weak groan escapes her mouth, though it is an automatic deadpan reaction of an unconscious woman from the sudden pressure on her mound. A deep murr of appreciation rumbles from his throat as her breast overfills his mouth. The excess of her creamy tit flesh is pushed through the jagged gaps in his teeth. His predatory maw pinches and grinds against her delicate skin; but she feels only faint pleasure through alcohol deadened nerves. Her mind is lethargic with brows furrowed in confusion as he slurps and suckles loudly on her tit.

His tongue grinds over her peak in rapid circles raking her clean of all taste. She groans out as warm pleasure starts to radiate from her chest from his aggressive mouth. She licks her lips as it feels like a wonderfully sinful dream. His ears perk up as he hears her respond to his mouth play. He pulls hard at her mound lifting her chest from the bed drawing a deep moan from the woman, until it breaks free from his suction with a loud smack.

His deviant mouth has roused her from her hazy sleep as her dainty hands move sluggishly to her own chest.

She licks her lips, her voice slow and husky. "Mmm, someone finally came back... and he is feeling frrrrisky."

She giggles playfully stroking her hands over her spheres, smearing his thick drool over her mounds moaning out to him as she gropes herself. The drunken slut is unaware even as she fondles her freshly gnawed flesh. Her chest looks like a before and after photo; one tit is pristine while the other is marred with angry red welts from his jagged molars and purple bruises that mark where his canines had deeply pinched down into her flesh nearly breaking through her skin. She pushes those heavy mounds, mashing them together. His tail wags as she tempts him to maul her amazing globes even more.

Strong hands grab her by the wrists as he pulls her arms up over her head and pins them down against floor through the air mattress. She looks out to her lover with heavy lidded eyes, but it's so dark she cannot even see her own body. Her body burns with lust as she writhes under him arching her back in the air showing off her lithe form. She is only getting more turned on from being restrained by his powerful paws.

She purrs out at him unable to see the monster looming over top of her in the dark. "I need that mouth on me, bite me if you want to. You made me cum so hard when you did."

A sharp gasp escapes her lips as does just so and nips at her untouched nipple, pointed incisors pinch down hard on her sensitive bud. It sends an electric jolt of pain and pleasure coursing down between her legs. The sudden strike leaves her bud throbbing but she is eager for more. Those harsh teeth strike again, she throws her head back letting out a small cry; her soft flesh being pinched over and over by the cruel wolf.

She writhes under him swinging those huge mounds in front of his nipping maw, leaving swollen welts where they grab hold of her delicious flesh. He grows bored of the little game wanting to feel her flesh in his jaws. He engulfs her other creamy orb in his maw.

The feeling such wild heat surrounding her breast is amazing she moans out to him. "Fuck, your mouth is so hot."

She gasps out as he starts sucking at her, nursing her like a hungry pup. His course tongue grinds against her bud in quick circles. Her perfect orb deforms into a tight cone with every suckle drawing her flesh deeper into his wicked mouth. She can feel his jaw flexing the bursts of pressure making her groan out as the beast chews at her firm flesh. Even as those large canines dig hard into her tit, this deviant vixen only moans louder for him.

He drags his teeth over her skin, trapping her nipple in his incisors. She whimpers out as he mashes her firm flesh flat in a tight pinch. Pleasure and pain burns hotly in her peak as he twists her tortured nipple in slow grinding motions while pulling at it. She grips bedsheet while pushing her chest into his face feeling her peak rising fast. Her nipple slips free from those wicked teeth, snapping back into place but it is now a hot shade of red to match just how fiercely it aches from his abuse.

With a whimper in frustration, she feels that wonderful tension between her legs fade as rapidly as it came; coming from breast play would have been a first for her. She wriggles her aching chest at him, making her swollen melons sway from side to side, desperate for his savage affection. But he is already moving on from her mauled globes as his big head travels lower down her body. The stink of her arousal demands that his nose investigate the source.

The moon has risen high as his canine features become clearer and clearer for Sara to see. He releases his hands from her wrists, letting the feeling return to her hands as electric pinpricks tickle at her fingertips. Her inebriated mind is fixated on only sating her own selfish lust. She is quick to cup her jugs groaning out as she plays with her aching nipples, enjoying the raw pleasure as she strokes them.

She bites at her bottom lip feeling where his aggressive mouth was going to visit next. Excitedly she parts her legs wide for him, lifting her feet into the air welcoming his oral. He grins at her eagerness shoving his paws into the crooks of her legs and spreads her even wider until her knees almost touch her tits. But still he is not satisfied with her position as he continues to push at her legs. She squeaks out in surprise as he shoves her legs past her chest, her wide hips lifting high off the ground. Her own knees reach past her shoulders as he folds her until they touch the mattress.

Her lower body rises up high so that only her head and shoulders are touching the mattress. Her delicious nethers are laid out at his leering muzzle, fully exposed to his own perverted desires. Hard claws, rake over the smooth skin leaving fiery red trails of welted flesh in their wake on the backs of her thighs.

She coos out to him as she strokes her mauled skin. "Your so fucking rough out here, I love it."

His leathery paw cup her round cheeks as his fingers hook into her gap between her inner thighs. She lays there panting as those massive palms come to rest on her rump, filling his wide palms with her voluptuous ass cheeks.

A strange thought flits into her lust filled mind. 'Are his hands really this big?'

But that thought is pushed aside as his powerful paws start to pull at her flesh.

Both the seam of her pussy and even her deep ass crack is being pushed apart. A dirty thrill courses through her as she is slowly pried open by him. Her honey slicked seam breaks open loudly with a wonderful wet smack. Her pink and glistening inner center of her folds finally reveal themselves to him. He openly drools onto her nethers, thick globs of spittle splattering hotly around her orifices as he eye fucks her.

Her clit is long and plump with arousal, its smooth bright pink tip is just barely peeking out from under the thin hood of skin. Flanked by two thin inner petals is her wet opening, her inner walls are a light shade of pink. He licks his chops as it looks like it can take no thicker than a finger. The entirety of her sex is shimmering in the moonlight, she is dripping for him and just begging to be licked. But he was not done checking out the goods just yet.

His eyes roam down a little further to admire her back door. Nestled deeply between her thick cheeks, sits the loose brown pucker of her ass. He is pulls at her backdoor with both thumbs watching in delight as her well trained ring opens widely for him, showing off her insides. She flexes both of her openings at his face making him huff out in delight at the sight of their lewd clenching. Her surprised voyeur is quick to recover as he moves in for the kill.

The sudden contact of his cold nose, makes her squeal out in surprise as be buries his snout into her ass. Her strong pucker flexes hard against his snout as she tenses up in his paws. She giggles feeling his slimy nose grind over her backdoor. But her humor falters as he growls deeply at her scent huffing against her flesh deeply. A wave of unease finally washes over her sex hungry mind as she stares stunned at the ceiling of the tent.

Her brows furrow, her hazy mind fumbles with what seems like impossible thoughts. He starts lapping at her asshole with quick licks. She cannot help but moan as that strong muscle presses over her rear passage She curiously peers into the darkness past her tits to see two high pointed ears between her legs. Her mouth drops in shock at the sight of this huge animal happily rimming her with his rough tongue. For the first time she really sees those massive hands holding her, gigantic in size with wicked claws tipping his fingers.

But she loves how this animal tongue feels at her back door as he taps deeply into her fetish for ass play. His thick tongue spills out into her crack slapping broadly against her tailbone, spreading out flat. She feels his hot muscle against her body she remains still for him feeling that thick tongue in her crack. There is no shame for this beast as that fat tongue squeezes into the crevice of her ass.

Her pucker is the first victim of his affection; the firm muscle is ravaged with a loud rasping noise. She leans her head back tearing her eyes away from him. Her sensitive back door is set on fire by his rough muscle as it rakes long over her asshole. But as that lick travels over her seam, she gets the full experience of his unique lupine oral. The delicate petals of her pussy are bunched up under his strong muscle as it grips them and refuses to release them.

She lets out a long and loud groan as her hole is raked over. Her voice breaks into a hoarse cry as he finds her fat clit, he presses down hard on her twitching bud. Her thin hood is pulled back, her clit fully exposed to his devastating lick. Aching pleasure burns hot between her legs as it feels like his tongue is miles long as it drags over her sensitive organ.

She arches her back under him, straining to break free from the intense kiss between her legs but his paws hold her in place. Then with a flick of his tongue, it's over from her clit to her crack it still feels like his tongue is there, scraping at her flesh.

Left gasping for air, her hands reach between her legs to stroke her throbbing sex. "Holy fuck, that was amazing."

She looks between her legs to just barely make out the huge canine head looming over top her cunny.

Her eyes widen as the realization sinks in of her partners true nature, a werewolf. He pants over her nethers, long lazy breaths of lust as his long tongue dips down to tap softly against her petals. His thick drool smothers her pussy and cascades down the crack of her ass. She reaches for his broad head with both hands, he freezes as she cups his jaws around his muscular jowls, ears flattening for a moment.

But they perk right up as she pulls him towards her cunny, surprised by his partner's naked desire for him in those beautiful eyes. Her mind is in no shape for rational thoughts she didn't care if it was a bear or even a fucking deer at this point. She is too horny to care and too drunk to think. Her heart hammers in her chest with excitement as she casts all caution aside.

She says to him softly in a haughty voice. "Don't stop."

He lets out a low growl of satisfaction pressing his nose into her sex as she accepts his affection. His hot mouth opens over her clit and lets that powerful muscle unfurl. She moans out feeling that thick muscle pushing hard against her, spreading her folds out. its length plunges down over that deep cleft of her ass. She feels his muscle grip her skin again, she bites her bottom lip, bracing for its return like a roller coaster.

He savagely rakes her quicker than before, drawing his tongue into his maw. Her eyes open wide at the sudden explosion of pleasure takes her breath away in a shocked gasp. He laps at her rapidly with a throaty growl at the never ending taste of her honey. His tongue is a white hot organ of intense pleasure, a desperate groan is forced from her throat as her body tenses up with each powerful rake.

His strokes shorten as he starts to lap at her hole, scooping her lust from it like his own personal bowl. Her pussy shudders as it presses hard into her opening nearly fucking her with his broad tongue as he laps away her flavor as fast it rushes to greet him. Her eyelashes flutter, eyes rolling back as she lets out a sharp stuttering cry, back arching as he licks her relentlessly. Her peak comes the moment that huge muscle plunges into her trembling slot.

She grips his soft and fluffy ears, holding his head tight to her sex as she rides out her sinful explosion. She cries out in raw pleasure, getting tongue fucked by a monster. Finally he relents licking his chops clean of her taste with a satisfied murr, her pink hole still clenching at him for more. She lays there panting staring at the canopy, her eyelids are heavy from her climax. The room still spins around her, but now she is not sure if the alcohol is solely to blame anymore.

She is stunned by her own perversion, the embarrassing fact that she just got off with something more canine than man.

Silently she murmurs out with a slight chuckle in her voice. "I just got eaten out by an animal ..."

He leans back pulling away from between her trembling fingertips as they trace the length of his muzzle. She lays there stroking her drool slicked sex. She looks to those massive paws clutching her ass once more, as her tiny fingers trace along his hard fingers. She strokes his course furred digits until she finds those large blunt claws feeling their hard surface.

He removes his paws from her ass and her hips drop back to the mattress, legs flopping open heavily around his knees. She groans out after he finally releases her from that compressed position. But her breath catches in her throat as the outline of his form moves in towards her, filling her vision with his bulk. He gently pushes his huge paws under her body, one gripping the nape of her neck the other splaying out between her shoulder blades.

She sighs out, being cradled in his massive hands as he pulls her up off the mattress. She closes her eyes tightly as her world violently spins around her until she is sitting before him. But the greedy wolfs desires are easily read as he starts to guide her head towards his groin. She cannot help but chuckle with a slight shake of her head, realizing her strange partner wanted some oral love as well.

She brings her knees together to sit before him, her plush ass resting on the heels of her feet. His tail wags furiously as she looks up at him with those big eyes, licking her lips.

She purrs out to him. "Guess it's your turn now big boy?"

She looks to his groin, and easily sees that this is no normal man she is about to blow. His narrow spear of a canine tip is poking out from his sheath at her. She watches as it oozes his thick pre stunned by its bright crimson color.

He gently starts to push her face in closer as she audibly gulps with a sudden bout of stage fright looking at his strange cock. She closes her eyes letting his paw direct her pretty mouth closer. She is hit first with his scent oddly pleasing with a sharp hint of dirt and pine, tainted by heavy tang of his thick precum. She feels the heat of his groin next, his body is like a furnace unlike anything she has felt before.

She can sense that his cock is close and parts her mouth to accept whatever he had in store for her. Her face is slowly buried into his furry crotch as his intensely hot flesh slips past her lips. She moans out, being forced to fellate a thick wolf cock. She braces her hands against his thighs, gripping the fur with her eyes wide as she gets her first taste of an animal's member.

She moans out finding his cock is completely alien as her tongue explores his pointed tip. The myriad of veins that weave under his flesh gives his organ a bumpy texture. His canine flesh probes deeper as she laps away the thick precum coating it tainting the entirety of her mouth with the flavor of his bitter pre. Her lips are tickled by the fuzzy ring of his sheath as his dick hilts her mouth, she easily takes him into the back of her throat.

Her brows furrow as she finds his girth sorely lacking for something so large, she was hoping for a broadsword not this rapier. Her wishes are granted as his flesh throbs in her mouth and permanently expands a fraction inside her. She tries to pull away in surprise as her tongue is depressed by his pulsing flesh with eyes wide feeling this inhuman organ expanding in her mouth. He relents letting her pull away to gasp deeply as she quickly learns that her lovers cock is not even hard yet.

The controlling wolf laces his fingers in her red locks, getting ready to shove her face back into his crotch. But force is not needed with this slut as she gladly inhales his flesh once more, her cheeks sucking inward as her tongue strokes lovingly over his veiny cock. His tip emerges from her plush lips with a wet smack. She gives the canine organ a kiss before she fully swallows his member, a dirty surge of pleasure courses through her, sucking on his dog cock.

He huffs out deeply maw gaping in a predatory smile as he watches her head bobbing on his dick. Proudly she flaunts her own depraved talents, sucking hard on his flesh taking him right to the base letting that pulsing meat penetrate her throat. She moans out feeling his dick fattening up in length and girth, the vibration from her throat making the fur of his back stand on end with pleasure.

His pre cum seems to be never ending, filing her mouth faster than she can loudly gulp it down. Thick ropes of saliva and his lust dribble off her chin before falling messily into the cleft of her tits. She notices that it is not just his girth that is growing from her oral. Her lips keep stroking over a curious pair of bulges near the base of his organ and they seemed to get larger every time her plump lips swept over them.

Her hands move from his thighs, stroking up between his legs to cup his nuts. She lets out a deep moan discovering that he has a massive pair of balls, pent up with cum. She cradles his huge spheres of taut flesh feeling their weight as they churn restlessly against her fingers. Her depraved mind plays with the image of what kind of load this monster has in store for her.

But her fantasies are dashed aside as his paw clutches her hair as he stuffs her face into his groin, mashing her plump lips up against his sheath.

She protests with strangled cry. "Mmmpff!"

With a loud snarl, his cock flexes powerfully in her throat, bulging out her slender neck. She gulps hard as his flesh nearly dips into her stomach. He churns his member in her gullet with grinding gyrations of his hips. She gurgles loudly eyes rolling into the back of her skull those twin glands puffing up inside her mouth.

She sits there, frozen, strangled by dick that is rapidly taking up all the space in her esophagus. Her lungs burn for air as she gulps at his member in desperation. Her vision narrows into a black tunnel as he strangles the little minx with his meat. Her mind fades as her arms fall limply to her sides as the beast fucks her face. He finally relents pulling her head off his throbbing organ, unsheathing his crimson cock from her throat with a sucking slurp.

With a deep gasp of air, she collapses heavily onto the mattress coughing as her chest heaves for air after almost passing out by deep throating such a monster. Her face and chest is a mess of a precum and saliva but even after gagging on his dick he has not cum for her. Her moment of respite is short as strong paws grab her by the shoulders and twist her so that she faces away from him. Still recovering with heavy pants she obeys his desires and weakly crawls onto all fours for him.

He takes a moment to admire her curvaceous rump, bent over and ready to receive him like a bitch in heat. There is an intoxicating mix of both worry and excitement, fighting inside her as she tries to suppress the quivering in her legs. She feels him moving into position, his huge body moving in behind her. She looks back at him, seeing that huge trunk of flesh twitching high over her ass like a crimson baseball bat. The base of his member is a fleshy point that quickly fattens out like a perverted syringe.

She wiggles her ass seductively making her thick rump jiggle at him. Her heart races as those massive arms brace by her shoulders as his hips move in close to her rear end. She can feel the heat of his dick before he is even touching her with it. She gasps out as that canine tip starts to probe roughly between her folds, searching for her opening with rapid jabs. She rocks forward each time his thick probe stabs at her, smearing his sticky precum over her thighs and backside.

The moment he feels her wet entrance kiss his tip his hips lunge deeply. There is a moment of resistance as her small hole is forced open. With a loud wet squelch, he sinks his first few inches into her slot. She throws her head back in a wild cry as his red spear lunges into her sopping wet hole. Pleasure explodes between her legs, her cunt queefs loudly being stuffed by his thick wolf meat. He snarls out pumping his meat into her fuck hole, gradually force feeding her the entirety of his cock. Those twin lumps shove past her cunt lips rocking her world with a wild thunderclap of pleasure as they squeeze inside dragging her dainty inner petals inside her tunnel.

He bottoms out in a loud whump, her round ass cheeks rippling up as his huge nuts slam into her thighs and clit. She loudly moans out one hand reaching between her legs to stroke at the biggest dick she has taken in her debauched life. With each brutal connection of his pelvis to her backside, he snarls out. She bucks forward with every feral hump her huge tits surging back and forth between her arms as she cries out loudly in shock and pleasure with every primal fuck stroke.

His paws move to firmly grip this slut by her slender waist, those big fingers overlapping over her midsection. He starts to rapidly fuck her with savage thrusts, her pussy wetly gushing around veiny piston. He huffs out deeply with every broad rotation of his hips, his huge frame hunched over hers, every bit the rutting dog. She moans out brokenly as he jackhammers her amazing pussy, trying to extract as much pleasure from her before she breaks.

She feels his organ getting thicker, expanding and pushing her limits with every deep lunge into her core. Her plump cunt lips are being thinly stretched around his mast, their creamy color changing to shades of flushed red. His breeding tie is wrecking her opining with loud squelches and slurps as they bust in and out of her quivering sex. Her abused cunt queefs out what little air remains in her overstuffed passage as she becomes a perfect sheath for his growing meat.

But it's the hard glands she feels the most. Brutally they bust into her slot filling her vision with white dots. Her sore walls shudder every time they enter her as those hard lumps threaten to remain locked inside. He snarls out as her soft depths clamp down hard over his sensitive glands. He violently pulls out with a loud slurp as her pink walls are pulled past her raw labia. Her second orgasm strikes like an explosion to the back of her skull from the wolf ripping its turgid knot out of her in such a way.

She gasps frantically as her legs snap shut as she convulses on his cock. He pounds her shuddering cunt with a vicious snarl as her weak arms give way so that she falls face first into the mattress. He holds that ass up high as she screams into the mattress with wild abandon, kicking her feet under him as he relentlessly slams her hole. His knot has swollen to the size of a pair of golf balls, they slam away at her entrance but her tightly clamped pussy refuses to accept the knot. A steady stream of juices flows from between her legs, oozing down her thighs and midsection.

With a deep growl he angles his hips higher over top her, driving down hard with slow savage pumps. She clings onto his thighs with both hands, desperately trying to stop the monster she is such a tight sheath for his cock, that her tunnel is being pushed and pulled inside. Her entire sex is being dragged along for the ride as he brutally slams himself into her with a series of loud WHUMP, WHUMP, WHUMP's.

Her ass and thighs turn a bright shade of pink from his hard hips and heavy balls slamming into her delicate skin. The shape of his mast surges up inside her, deforming her flat belly past her naval with his meat. She can't even scream as he batters her internally, her mouth can only gape as he destroys her cunt. Her eyes roll into the back of her skull as he fucks her fragile mind into stupefaction. Whatever discomfort she was experiencing is drowned out by the unrelenting raw pleasure of his size.

Her wide eyes become heavy as those expressive orbs become vacant. He knows that this slut has broke with a wicked grin a she angles her hips so that he can fuck her even harder. She starts to moan for him, but the tone is flat as she turns into nothing more than a breeding bitch. Even the pushing from her arms at his legs ends as they drop from his thigh to lay flat on the mattress. She becomes noting more than a fuck doll for his depraved desires.

Now was the time to tie with her, over and over that knot hammers to enter her. Extreme pressure flares between her legs as hard canine glands shove her sex inward and everything around it. Like the obedient plaything she is, her legs part wider to take him only wanting to please the wolf. Her body suddenly yields as those angry red bulbs of flesh vanish inside her. She lets out a primal groan like a wounded animal as her sex implodes as he drags those sore petals into her own tunnel with a loud and fleshy squelch.

Her vision bursts with white as her body stiffens around him feeling those hard orbs lock inside her. He throws his head back, tongue spilling out to side of his gaping maw as he lets out heavy groan of pure pleasure feeling her take his knot. She lets out a pained whimper as her trembling hands clutch her aching cunt. She feels his loins growing, filling her up with lupine flesh as it takes up all the space in her pelvis.

He reaches down wrapping his arms around her chest and pulls her up to sit on his thighs, making that plush rear seem small in his monstrous lap. He can feel the firm entrance of her womb pressed against the tip of his cock, with nowhere else to go it sits in the line of fire. She hypervenalities while giggling to herself, feeling the mound of her pussy growing in her hands. She watches as her own flesh becomes firm as his tie grows to its full size. Her gorgeous eyelashes flutter as the pressure on the entrance to her womb builds. As his knot inflates, the tight ring of her cervix is pulled over his narrow tip prying it open. Her belly cramps strangely as her womb is penetrated by his lupine flesh. Sweat beads heavily on her body as her physical limits are pressed by his desire to breed with her.

She can feel every vein, every throb of his cock and each hard pulse brings her fragile body closer to another devastating peak. She reaches up throwing her hands around his great neck, clutching his thick mane in her hands. He is panting as well, the pressure of her body around his cock is the most amazing feeling. His damp nuts tighten getting ready to breed this bitch properly. Her next peak wreaks havoc on her body as she convulses in his lap, a wild spray of clear girl cum sprays from her pussy, drenching both their thighs in her warm spray as she cries out in pure ecstasy.

Her erratically clamping cunt throws him over the edge as he clutches her tits, throwing his head back in a primal roar. His cock flexes until it is rock hard, making her mouth gape as her tongue extends as she lets out a gurgling cry. Her ears pick up the audible hiss of high pressure cum being pumped into her womb. Her belly visibly quakes with the first hot gout of seed as it blasts into baby maker. Her body jerks in his paws with every savage flex of his dick, torrents of thick and sticky cum overfilling her uterus.

She moans loudly every time he pumps into her, feeling the scorching heat of his animal seed. She relishes in the strange flutters from her belly as she looks down curiously at herself. With heavy lidded eyes she watches as her belly swells out with his cream feeling a strange sense of joy wash over her. Her womb shudders as he forces it to expand with a seemingly endless orgasm. The pressure on her belly becomes uncomfortable, feeling her uterus threaten to burst with his seed.

Her vision narrows into a black tunnel, her consciousness teetering on the brink from being so heavily impregnated just by his cum. Luckily for her, his orgasm subsides as she slumps heavily, only his impaling cock holds her aloft. Drained and weak from his breeding he strokes her swollen belly which looks as if she is three months pregnant. He is left panting heavily from his orgasm his loins aching from such a long release.

He catches her looking up him with a pleased, dreamy expression though her pretty eyes are heavy with exhaustion from being so powerfully bred. A slight grin creases his maw as he reaches to stroke her belly, admiring its fullness, though it is still dwarfed by the swell of her tits. Slowly he lays her back on the mattress, she groans out as her new heavy belly shifts forward. She lays face down and that perfect ass high up just like they last were before he tied her.

He gives a few testing tugs on his knot, getting a quiet whimper from Sara as he briefly lifts her off her knees, making her pussy obscenely bulge out with his knot still trapped inside. He crouches over her, panting heavily as he is forced to wait until he feels the pressure around his knot begins to fade. He clutches those rounds ass cheeks once more as she tries to relax for her trapped lover. She spreads her legs as he carefully starts to tug himself from her pussy.

He watches in perverted delight as her reddened pussy lips open up broadly as his knot starts to pull free from her twitching tunnel. She groans out loudly in pain and pleasure, her pussy gapes wider and wider her cunt is forced open by his glands. Her delicate inner petals become transparent from the size of his knot. She whimpers as she is forced her to give birth to his tumor of flesh, her depraved mind imagining it is a live puppy coming out of her.

Her knees lift off the mattress as he pulls at his engorged glands with a pained whimper. The moment it reaches the apex of its width, her fuck hole shudders as his tie slips free with a loud and fleshly POP. She lets out a deep groan, suddenly her opening feels so hollow with that knot finally removed from her cavern. The rest of his bulbous cock follows with a disgusting slurp, his swollen trunk rises high in air still drooling cum.

Panting heavily he inspects her slot, his tail wags in delight at the sight of her sex. She had a tight and creamy seam of carnal perfection before he got his paws on her. But now her outer lips are raw and swollen, her light skin is now bright shade of angry red. Her clit is engorged and sticking out past her bloated folds and twitching from her arousal. His size has taken its toll on the girls fuck hole. She is gaping wide and her abused tunnel is partially prolapsed from the removal of his massive knot.

Her ruined opening clenches once more, making him murr in delight. She lets out a long a lewd pussy fart for him. His thick, pearl while cream strangles the sound into a sloppy gurgle as her passage is fills with fluid from her overinflated womb. His eyes are fixated on the sight of spunk bubbling up before it spills out of her to splatter between her legs in thick clumps. Sara feels not the slightest hint of embarrassment as a steaming pool of cum forms under her body. He huffs with satisfaction at the sight of her being so full of his seed, more than enough to ensure she would be pregnant just from his first attempt.

But his lust was far from sated as his hungry eyes roam just a little higher licking his chops at his next conquest. He pries her backside open wider to gaze at that perfect unspoiled pucker of an asshole nestled deep in her cleft. She looks back at him with those heavy lidded eyes. There is nothing she loves more than a thick cock pumping her back door. Now this horny wolf is about to tap deeply into that fetish of hers.

Still breathing hard, her voice is weak but it's filled with depraved lust "You want fuck my ass big boy? give me a hot load in both my holes?"

A growl rumbles deep in his throat as his cock throbs with a fresh surge of lust at her encouraging words as she wriggles her rump in his paws.

She coos as his powerful hands pulls her hips into position. The thought of this monster, pounding her dirty hole thrills her. While biting her bottom lip, his eager bitch reaches back and holds her cheeks open for him with both hands. Once more he mounts his willing slut with delight, aiming his massive cock for her eager pucker.

He presses his bulbous member between her plush cheeks, prodding hard at her. She moans deeply, licking her lips in delight at the hard pressure against her ring. He bucks against her firm little backdoor, trying to squeeze past her tight opening; but his huge cock slips free to surge up high overtop her back. Over and over he tries to batter his way into her backdoor only to have cock lunging high between her cheeks every time.

She holds still for him the exhausted woman cannot help but watch from over her shoulder as he stubbornly tries to shove that fat prick into her. His dogged persistence pays off, her pucker loosens up just enough that he finally locks his tip into her sphincter. She grunts at the power of his pushing hips, gritting her teeth as her back door is being forced open. He pushes forward with relentless force as her thick cheeks roll along inward her. Her gaping ring is being pushed inside her body as it flexes around his bloated tip.

He can feel her firm muscle opening up, slowly that little ring parts for him. She bites at her bottom lip, her body yields to his reckless lust as pins and needles prick at her widely spread opening. She groans out deeply clutching her fiery locks in her hands feeling her ass breaking open for him. His fleshy trunk starts to bend from the pressure; just as her asshole starts to yawn wide. He can feel the heat of her insides, teasing his tip. He pulls her hips into his aching cock craving to slide into her guts and paint them with cum.

She suddenly feels him bust through her ring, groaning as his throbbing flesh slips inside. He throws his head back with a groaning loudly at the intense pressure of her tight muscle pull over his girth. Once inside, he starts to buck hard into her amazing ass watching in greedy lust as he pumps his swollen flesh into her body. Her eyes partially roll into the back of her skull while the beast ruts into her. His bloated organ trapped between the widely rounded gap of her cheeks.

His crimson flesh loses its color as it is force fed into her twitching hole. The friction is strong as her soft walls shudder and squeeze at him, but that ring is like a noose, wringing the precum on each withdrawal. He is surprised to hear her moan as his little slut finds pleasure in her anal destruction,. Panting raggedly in raw pleasure, he fucks his bitch in her dirty asshole, making her insides warp and twist to conform to the shape and length of his drilling organ.

Her belly gurgles loudly in protest as he wrecks her last untainted passage with his feral desires. Her ordeal I nearly at an end as his still grotesquely swollen knot slams against her cheeks. He grips her perfect round cheeks, sinking his claws into her skin as he pushes and pulls her hips over his dick. He puppets her body with his paws, making her pleasure him with her asshole. Wet slaps fill the air as she is slammed onto his hard glands as those big nuts rebound off her sloppy cunt.

His head tilts back, tongue spilling from his maw in sexual bliss. His hips joining the frantic manipulation of her backside, his knot pounding away at her rump until her cheeks turn red. His pants grow more and more feverish, hips slamming erratically against hers, churning the precum flooding her guts into a white froth. He mouth gapes wide, drooling profusely with a grin plastered on her face as she is fucked senseless by this monster.

Finally with a primal roar that reverberates the thin material of the tent, his cock flexes powerfully, pushing hard at those widely spread cheeks even more. He finally reaches her physical limit as her eyes flutter until they shut as Sara is knocked out by the force of his second orgasm. With half lidded eyes he humps his orgasm into her cavity with every hard pulse of thick seed, snarling deeply as he stuffs his unconscious bitch's guts with spunk.

He floods her insides with every last drop until his nuts ache fiercely from draining into this female. Her belly groans loudly in protest at his generous deposit; his cum backfills around his shaft. As his orgasm subsides, he collapses onto all fours, pinning her beneath him. Only his cock holds her hips up at this point. As he softens inside her, His limp cock slips from her gaping rectum, letting her fall to her side. Her breathing is labored as she lay under him, her skin damp with sweat from this inhuman mating. Slowly he crawls from the tent to the sound of her gaping asshole loudly farting out his cum.

He leaves his cum infused fuck toy to peruse his next need, meanwhile both her holes ooze a steady stream of canine seed onto the air mattress. Now his stomach was growling for his attention having been neglected for far too long. His legs are like jelly as he wobbles away from the camp site. He cannot help but let out a strange yipping chuckle after finally getting the chance to wreck his other half's favorite plaything. As he thinks of his other half's reaction to her ruined openings, the wolf realized Steve was never going to get her off again after that kind of rutting. He is even tempted to release his control over their shared body just to bask in the human's anguish.

Shortly after he departs Sara awakes with a feeble groan, clutching her stomach as it loudly roils with wolf cum. She shakily rises up onto all fours and drags herself with her belly hanging heavily to the corner of the tent. She loudly heaves up a huge volume of his thick cum from assfucking her so deeply, it backfilled into her own stomach almost a gallon of lupine seed passes from her lips, splashing into the corner. Once her stomach settles, she collapses into an exhausted heap passing back again as quickly as she roused.

After a quick raid of the cooler and a long drink from the lake, the wolf returns to his passed out fuck toy. He flops into the bed beside her, picks up one of her legs by the thigh and pulls it up high to positions his hips just behind her ass spooning with her. He watches as his red meat bobs at her drooling fuck hole. With a deep growl he spears into her. Loudly he churns inside her, those gravity defying tits bouncing heavily for him to watch. Muscular hips slams into perfect ass making her cheeks ripple deeply. Even limp like this, she is an amazing lay.

She awakens with a weak groan, feeling that huge cock pumping her aching hole. Her eyes roll around wildly in the back of her skull as this beast starts to pump his thick knot past her tortured folds. She has no idea how long he has been hammering her sloppy cunt. She rocks on his spire, his big tongue lapping at her flopping tits. He growls low as his hot seed again blasts her tunnel, scorching her flesh it as is gushes past her lips. The flow stops as he corks her hole with his knot as he locks with her once more.

He continues to play with her all night until the sun rises, shining its rays in the tent. Finally the physically exhausted wolf departs for the last and final time too weak to resist the human sides attempts to take back control. But his work was done, that little whore belongs to the wolf Slowly he walks into the forest until finally the big animal crashes to the ground to begin to change once more.

Sara lies on the deflated air mattress, it had burst at some point during her despoilment. Her breaths are shallowed and labored from exhaustion. Her body is covered in claw marks from his cruel grip. A myriad of love bites have left bruises on her flesh all over her tits, neck, limbs and ass. Her holes are gaping voids from his feral lust leaking his primal seed. Her eyes are open but they are glassy from the savage rutting she just survived. Her mind is nearly blank as she lays there covered in thick fluids, waiting for him to resume.

Steve bursts into the tent, eyes wide in horror at the sight of her. The damage was done, her belly fat with seed, his animal seed. He kneels to pick scoop her up, but she move her head into his lap to take his flaccid cock in her mouth. He has to push her away until she finally relents trying to pleasure him. Her brows furrow with confusion, unsure of what he wanted from her now. Stunned, he watches as she bends over deeply holding herself open for him with both hands, face down in the ground. He had expected to find a tent filled with gore, but this, this was simply too much for the man to bear.

Sara's mind has been completely destroyed by the wolf... by himself.