Carnal 008: Hunter

Story by Avanti Halfhorse on SoFurry

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#8 of Carnal

With all these long and interesting beginnings, I am starting to run out of things to say, so I once again shall bring you another carnal tale. I must admit, this isn't great, pure unadulterated sex never is, but its fun anyways. As per usual, do remember that comments and suggestions goto [email protected] and always remember that I prefer my salads medium rare.

Sometimes, it is the rush of fear that makes sex so invigorating. - Avanti Halfhorse

She checked her watch. 9:33 PM on Friday night and here she was, stuck on some back road in the rain. Her car had just given up on her, the fuel gauge reading empty, and she now felt rather stupid for leaving her mobile phone back at the office. A mere three hundred meters away stood an old looking stone mansion that looked lived in. The signs on the fence read 'PREDATOR TERRITORY, TRESPASSERS WILL BE CONSUMED', but she knew that if she could make the front door from here, not only would she save herself a long walk to the front gate and getting completely drenched, but being the thrill seeker she was, the risks were worth it to her. For a young, twenty-something, white-tailed doe with a desk job, she needed the rush to feel alive. After getting out of the car, she was over the fence in one quick bound and she started to make her way towards the mansion.

As he took his evening run through the woods surrounding his mansion, he noticed a car driving along the road before it came to a stop. He slowed down and watched as the lights turned off and someone got out. He waited to see if they would notice the signs on his fence. The warning they gave was legal and should the driver stray into his territory, he was allowed to hunt them. He figured that merely scaring them off would suffice, a cougar of his age risked some fatal injuries if he tried to take on an adult buck in mortal combat. He removed his runners as the rain picked up its intensity. He gave a sly smile as he prepared to take the element of surprise and the intruder leapt over the fence, right above the sign.

Now on the dangerous side of the fence, she could feel her heart-rate pick up. She started to inch her way through the dark trees, looking around nervously as her ears twitched back and forth, listening for any signs she was being stalked. The rain was now heavier and her clothes started to get heavy with water. She was alone on a dark, rainy night in the middle of a predator's territory. The sheer risk was starting to make her a bit giddy with delight and she wondered if there was a way to increase the pleasure. The idea now crossed her might that perhaps, masturbating herself in the shadow of a tree would be a guilty little pleasure she could remember later when she felt bored. She almost giggled at the idea, trying to dismiss it, but since she hadn't been harassed yet, she felt she was safe from any predators, after-all, she was half-way there.

He watched from the shadows of a nearby tree as the intruder crouched down, almost sitting on the ground. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the darker conditions, he noticed that he had been stalking a young doe, at least half his age, who was now leaning back against a tree with her panties around her ankles and her dress lifted up. He shifted to get a better look and noticed she was now fingering herself, trying to stay to the shadows and check no one was watching her. He felt like a bit of a voyeur as he watched the young doe continue to pleasure herself. He felt something in his gut that he hadn't felt in over five years. The doe masturbating was starting to make him feel rather aroused and he licked his lips hungrily. He decided to keep watching for a few minutes longer before he'd try and catch her.

She couldn't help but giggle quietly to herself as she kept sliding her fingers over her slowly arousing lips, the thrill of being caught was starting to make her feel rather alive. Just as she felt herself getting closer to her climax, she heard something moving nearby. She darted her gaze over towards the source of the noise and saw a shadow lurking amidst the trees. Without thinking, she stood up and took off at a sprint, the hunter had found her. She hoped that she'd be able to make the fence where she could get back onto safe territory. Bounding through the trees as fast as her legs could take her, she tried to find the fence again, but she'd become disoriented and was now somewhat lost. She hoped the rain would hide her scent.

His prey had left him a little present. In her haste, she had taken off and left her panties behind. He picked them up and took a quick sniff of the red silken fabric. Her scent certainly was strong and the scent of young aroused doe quickly filled his nose. He soon could smell the path she had taken and noticed that in her haste, she had taken off in the wrong direction. Instead of moving towards either the fence or the mansion, she had run off into the deeper part of the forest. Late on a wet night in unfamiliar territory, the doe was at a disadvantage. He took off as fast as his legs could take him towards the rich scent.

She looked back and forth in an attempt to find something that looked familiar, but it was merely tree after tree. There was little use running at full pace now, especially if it took her deeper into the woods. She'd always been told as a young doe not to wander into unfamiliar territory, but it was only now she knew why. She slowed her pace to a quick jog as she looked to see if whoever was pursuing her was still close behind her. She knew she was in great danger now, but she couldn't help but feel somewhat giddy about the whole experience. The moment she got home, she would take a long shower and make sure she worked off all the tension, but at the moment, she had to worry about getting home. She decided the best chance she had was if she turned around and tried to make her way back to her car. Eventually someone would be along and they could give her a lift. The thought of sleeping with the good stranger crossed her mind. Her body was getting hotter and hotter at the idea of the risk.

He could tell she was inexperienced, it looked as though her mind kept wandering away from what was at hand. He knew she would be easy prey, he just had to do this correctly. He slowly kept getting closer and closer to her, making sure to keep up with her pace in order to hide his own footsteps, in case his silent steps weren't quite so silent after all. He was soon within striking distance, he could smell how aroused she was and he knew just what he would do with her when he caught her.

Within an instant, she felt an arm wrap around her slender waist as another paw forced some cloth into her mouth. She went to struggle, but the moment she felt the jaw wrap around her neck, barely piercing the skin to draw blood, she knew any further struggling would cause the predator to pierce her windpipe. Fear filled every inch of her body and she wondered why she was being spared and if the predator wanted to take their time in killing her. She felt herself being dragged through the woods and into some structure, either a shed or cottage, before the door slammed and she was in the dark. She felt the jaw slacken off and a coarse tongue licking the wounds on her neck as the arm around her waist moved. She felt a paw with sharp claws rubbing the inside of her legs, slowly tracing the tips of sharp claws along the tender and sensitive flesh. She wanted to cry out, part in fear and part in pleasure. She felt the paw slowly lifting up her skirt and she realized what was about to happen to her. She hoped that they weren't about to sexually mutilate her before they killed her, but she felt a fingertip with the claw retracted, slowly rubbing her aroused vagina and she felt her tension release. She was scared for her life, but she hoped that if she was about to be devoured, she would at least get laid one last time before she was killed.

He hadn't tasted the blood of fresh deer in a long time and whilst the flavor was delicious, if her scent was anything to go by, he was more interested in eating something else. He slipped a finger into the doe's passage and started to masturbate her, slowly retreating and pushing the finger in, as he had learnt many a mistress before had enjoyed. She seemed to react favorably to the stimulus, now giving muffled moans through the panties he had stuffed into her mouth. She seemed almost to move in time to his finger, moving her pelvis forward and back in a slow arc. He smiled in dark as he felt her arms move and the dress she was wearing drop to the floor, she wanted him as much as he wanted her now. Whilst the urge of several years without drove him towards taking her then and there, he decided the boat shed wasn't a favorable place for him to play with his new toy. For the moment, he wanted to taste her and see just what she was like, see if she was worthy to make his secret mistress. His paw was now coated in the doe's natural lubricants and he pulled his finger out, eliciting a muffled whimper. As he brought his paw closer to his face, his nose was overwhelmed by the smell of horny doe. He had been the partner of many mistress in his time, several female cougars, a tiger, two lionesses and a wolf, yet as he rubbed some of her onto the palette of his tongue, he could taste her sexual flavor was far different to that of any mistress he had eaten before.

She was laid down onto the floor, not that she offered much resistance, and felt his two paws grasp her waist, claws at the ready in case she tried to escape. As she waited for what he was about to do next, she felt the firm, rough tongue slide over her vaginal lips. She immediately let out the loudest moan she could, her mouth still muffled by the cloth. She started to feel the pleasure as his tongue started to slide deeper and deeper between the folds of her sex, lapping up more and more of her nectar. She felt that if her nectar was what the predator was after, he would be rewarded with more soon. She gasped and moaned as she felt the sharp teeth of a carnivore now start to gently glide over her sex. Each slow, firm lick coupled with the gentle bite of sharp teeth at the end was sexual torture to her. He was in complete control and seemed to know more about her body than she thought, because just when she felt as though she would cum, he would back off the licking and biting, causing her to drop again. He was being driven wild by this teasing and soon felt as though she would cum if he wanted her to or not. After three or four of these sexual advanced and retreats, he forced his tongue into her as deep as she could, the rough surface rubbing against her g-spot as his teeth slowly applied pressure to mound. She could hold back no more and with a harsh cry, she came.

He now drank hungrily from the doe's cunt as she came, more and more of her nectar spilling forth into his mouth. As she caught her breath as best she could with her mouth still full, he enjoyed the liquid in his mouth. She tasted quite pleasant, tasting much the way hay smelt. He swirled it around in his mouth a few times like a wine connoisseur, before swallowing the tasty treat. The doe, by this time, had regained most of her strength, but he was now ready to go further. He picked her up and, carrying her under his arm, headed back towards his mansion.

In a daze, she hadn't noticed she was now being carried off towards the mansion. She still had no idea who or what her captor was, but as she was carried inside, she could see he was a very skilled hunter. As they entered what appeared to be his den, lit only by the fireplace, she could see the trophies upon his wall of the beasts he had slain. He put her down in front of the fire and left here there for a moment and she soon heard the door shut and lock. In the dark, beyond the bear-skin rug she laid upon, she wondered what dark horrors lurked in the shadows. She removed the cloth from her mouth and caught her breath, now quite aware they were her panties, her own taste now filling her mouth. She heard a growl and her attention was now drawn towards a rather large armchair that sat just on the edge of the firelight, sitting in the chair with his feet up was her hunter. He called her over and she obeyed, slowly moving towards the edge of the rug on all fours. He now ordered her to finish undressing and dry herself by the fire, which she obeyed without question. As she sat naked, her back to the fire, she watched the hunter get up and make his way towards her. She saw he was a rather fit looking cougar, wearing only a pair of sports shorts that were barely holding back his pride. He looked as if he could snap her in half and she felt herself quiver. He now ordered her to come and kiss the feet of her new master. She again obeyed, slowly crawling over on all fours and kissing his firm feet. She now hoped that he was about to mount her and ride her as she desperately needed, but he didn't. She watched him undo the cord that held his shorts up and they dropped to the floor. He was about to order her, but she immediately gave the tip of his cock a gentle kiss, not wanting to wait a moment longer to taste him.

He was surprised at her enthusiasm. No mistress of his before had ever wanted to lick, suck or taste his cock, but he watched the young doe as she feverishly licked the barbed tip, wanting to get every drop of his pre-cum she could. He ran his paw over her ears as she wrapped her tongue around the shaft and took the entire length into her mouth. He now let out a deep purr as she licked and sucked, bobbing her head back and forth. He watched her tits bounce and small drops of her nectar dribble onto the rug beneath her. Her skills though were quite potent and he soon felt himself about to reach his own climax. He grabbed the back of her head and let out a deep purr as he pulled her onto his cock, firing the load of his semen into her throat. As he finished, he released her head and she coughed as she caught her breath. He was impressed with her enthusiasm.

His taste was strong and very rusty, she guessed this was because of his strong meat diet, but before she could gather her composure, he was pushing her onto her back. She immediately obliged as she watched the claws on his other paw slowly extend. Worried of what he was about to do, she felt herself start to whimper a bit, turning her head to look into the fire. She felt his heavy body lie atop her and the claws slowly run over her belly. She gasped, the pressure not enough to hurt, but enough to send shivers along her spine. She could feel his tongue now slowly licking her chest, teasing and gently biting her nipples. His skills were phenomenal. She'd never thought that a hunter was this delicate or sensual, but he knew all of her sweet spots a few she wasn't even aware of as his teeth gently groomed her belly. She waited to see what he would do next, hoping that he would stop the teasing.

He could feel how much she was begging for him now, she wanted to be violated by him. She was enjoying being his plaything and now he was going to enjoy using his plaything for the first time. Her taste was enthralling, but now he wanted to see what she felt like. He hadn't had such an enthusiastic female in some time, so he hoped he was going to have some serious fun. He leaned forward and bit down on her neck, his pressure just barely holding the skin. She let out a moan in anticipation of him, so as he slowly rubbed his cock along her vaginal lips, she bucked back against him. He put his paw on her hip and gently dug his claws in and she got his intentions. He made sure that she knew she was here for his pleasure, not her own. He again lined himself up and thrust himself in without restrain. She let out a cry as his cock pulled out slightly, the barbs on the head of his cock grasping her tender and aroused flesh, allowing him to slide in deeper and with more force on his next thrust.

She felt as if she had died and gone to heaven as each thrust of the exotic cock inside of her slid deeper and deeper. Whilst it wasn't as big as some of the bucks she had taken, his girth certainly stretched her out. The large, thick cock inside of her was rubbing against all her tender parts and at this rate, she'd reach her own climax before too long. She could feel his teeth move slightly with each thrust of his body, the pressure growing and shrinking slightly with each thrust. She felt so vulnerable, being at the mercy of a predator, who was now using her for his own pleasures and she had never felt anything like this before. He grabbed her breast and squeezed firmly as he kept thrusting, eliciting a deep growl from between his teeth. She tried to moan out, but she couldn't catch her breath fast enough. She felt herself growing desperately close to climax and with a loud cry she came.

The young doe cried out as came, he felt her passage desperately trying to clutch his cock, milking him for all the seed he had. He gave the last few thrusts he had as he bit down firmer. His thick, viscous seed filled the doe's insides as he came, firing several loads into her.

She groaned loudly as she came down from her climax, panting as she tried to catch her breath. She looked up at the cougar as he slowly pulled out. She gave a groan as she felt the barbs slowly pulling against her flesh. She now lay on the floor, spent. She had never been so exhausted before and now she cared little what happened next. As she lay on the floor, she watched him get up and walk over to chair and sit down. She lay there panting for a few minutes and she then tried to get up. As she got up onto her paws and knees he got up again and walked over to her. She looked up with a nervous stare, she wanted to know what he was about to do. He stood there in front of her, his cock standing erect in front of her. She was somewhat afraid of the idea that he was ready to go again. The many bucks she had slept with were all spent after one go, yet here he was, raring to go again. She let her head drop to the floor as she heard him walk behind her. She felt his paws on her back before he traced his fingers down her hips. She looked back over her shoulder as she watched him now trace the tip of his cock over her lips and tailhole. She tried to clench her pussy, but her body was too tired to make her muscles work. He pressed the tip of his cock against her tight little pucker. She tried to clench her tailhole shut, but he slid himself in.

It seemed to him that deer don't breed several times in a row because his little toy's pussy was now quite tired. He didn't find this an issue though as he had always wanted to ride the tight tailhole of a horny female and now he had the chance. Her young rump squeezed his intruding cock, almost as if it was getting used to this new presence. He waited for a few more moments before starting to thrust himself back and forth again. The young doe now started to moan again at the thrusting and each time she moaned, she clenched her tailhole. He gave a purr as he felt these little clenches, squeezing his cock as he thrust in. He held her thighs and hips with his paws and stretched his claws out, gently digging his claws into her legs. She moaned loudly as she clenched herself tightly. He let out a growl as he thrust against the tightness of her tailhole, feeling the muscle wrap around him. She was starting to recover her strength for each thrust elicited a louder and louder moan. Soon, the air was again filled with the scent of horny doe and she seemed to force herself back against him with each of his thrusts. He was enjoying this new experience, as was she, but he was reaching his own peak faster than before. The years of without certainly had sapped most of his sexual stamina. He could feel the barbs of his cock flaring out and gripping the insides of the doe's bowels. With a few more thrusts, he came again.

She felt his warm seed filling her bowels. She'd never felt anything like this before and the warm sensation was a comforting and arousing one. She felt the pull against her tailhole as her carnivorous master pulled his cock from her. She panted as crouched on the floor with him resting against her back. She looked back at the cougar as he got up and put her over his shoulder. She watched his butt as he carried her up some stairs, into a bathroom and putting her into a bathtub. He then started to run a warm bath, which she felt lapping at her body. As the water filled up, he got into the bath with her and started to wash her fur.

She slowly dressed herself in her required garb; a leather collar dressed with red felt to protect her delicate neck, a red silken thong as well as a black and red corset. Fully dressed for her master, she now walked towards the master's den where he awaited her. She had never before been with one so driven as he, despite his age over her. She always felt vulnerable and alive in his presence, especially as to how they made love, feeling that at any moment, he could take her life in one instant. As she entered his den, he looked up from his book with a toothy smile.

"Mmm, my dinner is served."