Co-Driver Wanted

Story by gwydion78 on SoFurry

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A bodybuilder on his way to a competition cuts off a trucker on the highway and ends up paying the price for it.

Co-Driver Wanted by Gwydion78

Commission for Calvin_Wolf

"Ah, fuck it."

Fifteen hours straight on the road had finally taken their toll on Harvey. He'd never liked driving, particularly the longer trips to get to the next competition, but it was a necessary evil until he could line up some sponsors. The car was a two door sedan, the seat pushed back, window rolled down so he could reach his left arm out, as he'd bulked up enough during the last gain cycle that the driver's seat had grown more cramped than usual.

It hadn't taken as long to lose the fat during the burn, and avoiding water had given him the sick definition in his abs and lats that he was certain would bag him a good placing this season. Avoiding drinks had also held off what had finally come to a head over the last seven hours: he had to piss like a racehorse.

So, after seeing that a rest area was a mere two miles away, he pushed his foot down harder on the gas, creeping the speedometer needle past eighty, his bladder already feeling tight and hot in anticipation of the coming relief. He passed a semi-truck, nearly cutting them off as he scooted into the rest area's exit road, the action resulting in plenty of blasts from the air horn, but he cared little, just wanting to get to the parking lot and make a dash for the men's room.

After pulling into a handicapped space, Harvey exited the car looking quite undeserving of his chosen parking place. While he didn't have the height enjoyed by some fellow bodybuilders, at five eleven he was still taller than average and had a better musculature than your run of the mill gym rat. He'd concentrated on his lats and pectorals, sculpting carefully to give him wide shoulders slimming down to a narrow waist and a true V shape before widening out to thick tree-trunk quads and thin calves. Clothing was comprised of a muscle shirt and training shorts that were sticky with road stink and sweat, his blond hair matted from the long drive, blue eyes darting about for the entrance to the building.

Once he found it, he ran in, the rest area vacant since it was coming on one in the morning, harsh overhead lights and vending machines providing the only illumination, but the sign for the men's room was briefly in view... before it was obscured by the figure of a rather large man in a red and black checkered flannel shirt, and well-worn Dickies that were frayed along the seam of the seat. He looked to be easily over three hundred pounds, possibly four hundred, and his gait was slow, relaxed, and easy, like a gentle stroll by a lakeside. He had brush cut hair, dark brown, earrings in both ears and 'CO-DRIVERS WANTED' tattooed on the back of his neck.

Harvey shoved his way by him, grunting, "Take a side, ya fuckin' fatass," as he elbowed his way into the men's room, which was a rather large area with a long line of stalls and urinals. Seeing as he only needed to piss, he made his way to the first urinal, unzipped, pushing down his boxers, and sighed in deep relief as his bladder finally released its hold on the bounty of urine. He grinned, almost drunkenly, as the simple act of voiding his bladder flooded his body with the subtle pleasure of a sated need. So lost in the act was he that he didn't notice the larger gentleman from outside stepping to the urinal directly next to him, reaching under his prodigious pudge to unbuckle his belt and fumble at his overstretched and yellowed briefs to free his own dick and have a good piss.

"Guess you were in a hurry, huh kid?" The man smirked at the bigger boy next to him, Harvey already uncomfortable as the guy hadn't left a buffer urinal between them. It was difficult enough being sandwiched between the sink to his right and now the rotund man to his left. He'd never had a nervous bladder, but then he'd never had to point his pecker at the porcelain while a portly person pumping his prick for piss was less than a foot away.

"Jesus, couldn't you have picked one a bit further down? Gonna crush me between the sink and your fuckin' gut."

The man chuckled deeply. "Boy, I wouldn't talk seein' as you smell like a pile of dogshit left out in the sun too long. Shouldn't gimme too much sass as your car shouldn't be too hard t' find an' I drive a semi." He burped quietly to himself. "Oof. One too many beers."

Harvey rolled his eyes, then closed him, wanting to block the guy out so he could finish pissing and get the hell out of there and back to his car. "Shut up, fatty, I could kick your ass all over that parking lot, and I wouldn't even have to outrun ya, just walk real fast and I'd be set-"

It was then that Harvey opened his eyes at feeling hands grabbing his head, surprise blurring everything long enough to miss the man pressing his lips to his, forcing his mouth open, and then belching a hot mist directly across his tongue, feeling hot and strange as it slide down his throat. The taste was strange, definitely tasting of beer but also of musk and sugar and something... salty. He couldn't quite place it, and for some reason, his brain couldn't tear itself away from trying to figure out what the fuck that taste was.

"Hey boy, you liked that, didn't ya?"

That old fatass say something? "Yeah, sure, whatever." What the fuck was that taste? It wasn't spicy, but it was kinda, and it made him feel warm and sort of tingly but he was almost positive he could guess what it was and...

"Big ol' truckers get yer pecker standing tall and beggin' fer attention?"

Well, obviously they did, that's why his shorts were tenting big and proud since he didn't take any of that shit that shrunk your nuts to the size of raisins. He'd probably have to rub one out in the car and stop some place for trucker porn, that is AFTER he figured out what that taste was! Was it cinnamon-like? But it had a buttery taste to it too, right?

"Hey, you answer yer Daddy when he's talkin' to ya!" He was poked rather hard in the chest, and it was enough to get his attention, even while his brain was still occupied with the mystery taste.

"Sorry, Daddy. Yeah, I love big truckers! And you're the sexiest trucker I ever saw, that's why you're my Daddy." He reached into his shorts to fondle his nuts, he couldn't help it when he was standing in front of Daddy. It was all he was allowed to do, really, was touch his balls. He couldn't remember ever jerking off in front of Daddy, but he knew he really wanted to stroke it with him. That was perfectly normal.

But fuck, what the Hell was that taste" He'd eliminated so many possibilities that only seemed to spawn a dozen more with every one dismissed. His brain was caught in a loop, the mist of that inhaled belch swirling in his chest, keeping everything so occupied that Daddy simply HAD to do all of the less important thinking for him, like whether he liked cock (of course he did!) or whether a big fat trucker was sexier and manlier than any Mr. Olympus winner (Duh!).

"Alright then, boy, Daddy forgives you, this time. If'n yer done pissin', then haul yer scrawny ass out to the truck. Daddy's gotta put in fer the night, and he's got seven hundred miles worth of spunk t' unload. Now you c'mere like a good pet and give yer Big Papa's belly a kiss, an' maybe my cream goes down yer gullet 'stead of on my cum rag. Papa's little piggy wants that, don't he?"

Harvey had to grin wide, the command cutting straight through the maelstrom of obsessed thought pounding through his mind. He staggered forward a step, taking his hand out of his shorts to rub the distended globe of hardpacked fat clad tightly by the flannel shirt, his fingers working enough buttons free to bare an almost furry gap with a deep, sweaty hole in the center, the navel musky, shiny, almost puckered to Harvey's eyes. Drool dribbled from his lips as he knelt, pressing his nose first into the trucker's gut and taking a long, full inhale through his nostrils, the pungent male aroma filling his head and cleansing any remaining uncertainty about the arousing form and superiority of the man before him.

He didn't know Papa's name, he didn't need to. He was Papa, Daddy, and he was simply Boy, or Pet, or Piggy. What more did he need to know? Every sniff, every rub of the belly hair against his face sanded away more of the rough edges of his identity, that kept him from smoothly fitting with his Daddy's desires. He couldn't let a mere stiff towel enjoy the drenching of cum Papa would give it. He needed to earn that cum from the fleshy spigot just below his chin. He pressed his face against Papa's gut, kissing his navel, tonguing it deep, his breath caught in his throat when a firm hand held him in place against the fat, his lungs starting to burn by the time he was finally allowed back.

Grinning stupidly, sitting on his ass on a dirty men's room floor, Piggy reached down to play with his nuts and looked up at his Daddy. "I did good?"

"Get yer ass in the truck, Boy. Papa's got a hearty meal fer ya."

Getting to his feet was both easy and difficult. He didn't feel weak, just drunk, plus his muscles felt odd, like he wasn't used to slouching next to Daddy so he'd appear taller. Pets shouldn't be any bigger than their Papas, after all. It took a firm slap to his ass to remind him to move, so he started forward, leaving the men's room and out into the still vacant building. The parking lot was barren save Daddy's truck and another car that looked vaguely familiar, but he couldn't place it. Probably similar to a car that he drove before Daddy found him.

Once at the truck itself, a large semi with an extended sleeper cabin, currently lacking a trailer, Piggy waited patiently by the passenger door for Daddy to come over, not wanting to enter Papa's special place until he'd been given permission to do so. Also, the door was locked and he didn't have a key. There were keys in his pocket, but they didn't go to the truck. He dropped them on the pavement and promptly forgot about them. Pets didn't need keys after all. Any doors they needed to get into would be decided by their Daddy, after all.

Papa made his way around the truck, to the driver's side, and then shouted, "Pet! Get yer ass over here!"

He quickly rushed over to find the chubby trucker standing by the open door expectantly. "Daddy's gotta get in, pet. You gonna do yer job or not?"

At first, he cupped his hands together, offering a boost with a quizzical expression, but his hands were slapped away, a fat, sausage finger pointing down at the pavement. Piggy blushed furiously, feeling as if he'd forgotten something important as he got down on his hands and knees, dirt and grime getting on his hands as he felt his perfect, portly Papa's foot press into his back, his great mass pushing down into Piggy's spine as he hoisted himself up into the cab, leaving a bootprint on his pet's sweaty muscle shirt.

The door was closed soon afterward, with a click coming from the other side and an annoyed gesture from the driver's window signaling him to get his ass in the damned truck. He obeyed quickly, needing a couple of attempts to find the footholds to get into the passenger seat, which only struck him as odd for a second, as he should have had more ease getting in if he'd been with Daddy long enough to be considered his Boy, but any concern was washed away with the scent of the truck's cab.

The aroma had layers of sweat and musk and beer and cigar smoke and another scent that reminded him of the taste he still couldn't quite place. The moment the door was closed his face was grabbed again and another sloppy kiss began, Daddy's tongue shoving into his mouth, meaty hands gripping his ass, feeling his pectorals, biceps, the muscular build he'd spent so much time on. The touches were erotic, arousing, at least to Piggy, but the context was more appraising, appreciative, inspecting.

Another belch was pushed into Pet's mouth, and he swallowed it down eagerly, the swirl of gas joining its brother in his stomach, preparing for what was to come. Any wonder at tastes or smells was set aside in his mind, replacing it with simple drunken lust, his balls aching as if he hadn't cum in months, blood racing through his veins to prepare for whatever might grant him release.

Papa released him a few seconds later, and tugged him into the sleeper section of the cab, which was largely a small bunk with a stained mattress pad and small shelves filled with porn DVDs and cheap bags of snacks. "Pets don't wear clothes in the truck, Piggy. Shuck 'em."

It was a command that was simple to obey, his shorts shoved down around his ankles and his shirt easily torn off his chest, falling into a pile on the dirty floor. The cab was hot, cramped, so being nude was a small relief from the heat, sweat already beading on his tanned and taut skin. He was pushed onto the mattress, sitting down and facing Daddy, who blocked the way to the front of the cab, his gut seeming larger in the dark. Thick fingers traced through the valleys of Pet's muscular definition, the only comment an occasional chuckle or hmph on the trucker's part.

"You ready to be Papa's Piggy, Boy?"

Boy nodded quickly, drooling. As reward, the flannel wrapped belly was lifted up, revealing the dark, sweat-stained crotch of Papa's work slacks, which elicited a choked moan of arousal from the musclehead. He trembled as the big buckle was opened, strained fly was zipped downward, opened like a curtain to reveal the yellowed briefs underneath that stank of piss and cum, the underwear so old and ratty they only needed a nudge to reveal the thick erection hiding inside, nestled in a pad of fat.

"Oh, please, Daddy..." he whispered, just before his head was grabbed and slammed into the meaty groin, fat thighs pressed against his cheeks, the shaft shoved between his lips. The taste was what held his attention, finally answering the question that had been swirling through his mind, the mystery solved. That magical stimulation of his palate was simply the taste of cock, Daddy's cock in particular, but of course it had to be. He moaned about the sensitive flesh as he pressed deeper into the fat that surrounded it, wanting every inch in his mouth, slathering his tongue.

"That's right, Pet. That's Papa's good little Piggy knowin' his place. That's where ya belong, sucking Daddy's dick like it's got Sunday supper in it. Here comes yer first course, Boy." The trucker's hips pumped and bucked, holding Boy in place. Suddenly the thrusting stopped, low guttural grunts emerging from the chubby male as his cock didn't shoot cum into the bodybuilder's mouth so much as ooze a steady flow.

Pet swallowed, having no other choice to, breathing through his nose and taking in the pungent stench of the sweaty crotch, glugging down the fluid that flooded his body with warmth. He lost track of time as he sucked and drank from the fleshy spigot, tapping his Daddy's keg, but the climax had already gone on far longer than any orgasm he'd ever managed on his own. His stomach felt warm, the cum mixing with the swirling gases and fizzing violently, starting to swell outward, the perfect ridges of definition in Pet's abdominals vanishing under the rising fat that deposited there with ease. His midsection gurgled as it processed the incoming seed, the flow abating soon after his middle had swollen out to the maximum size he'd ever attained during a gain cycle, the gut small and hardpacked, easily lost with hard training and ready to add more muscle.

Daddy pulled away from his mouth, leaving a dreamy look on Piggy's face. "Ain't you got somethin' to say, Boy?"

He wanted to thank Papa and tell him how amazing and hot and sexy he was and that he wanted to be as big and boner-inducing as he was... but instead when he opened his mouth a huge, thunderous belch erupted forth that left him with a dazed expression, dazed enough that he didn't notice the gas expulsed from his body had a bit more... color than standard burps. It was shaded in a violet hue, and it crackled with strength and vigor and potential, and shortly afterward it was sucked into the greedy nostrils of Papa, the gas spreading into his body and going to work on the muscles buried deep under his fat.

"A'right, Pet, time fer yer second course. Gonna take all night to make ya a proper Piggy for your Daddy."

And with that, Piggy's mouth was filled with cock yet again, though this time another inch had been revealed by the receding fat pad, the belly didn't hang as heavily on his head, the thighs didn't press as firmly against his cheeks, but the taste surely didn't change one bit. He pumped and bobbed his head with more gusto, more... hunger. Pet wanted more, more of that exhilarating taste, to earn his place as Papa's favored holes to dump his spunk in after a long drive, but if he had to become a PROPER Piggy to do so, he planned to pitch himself in whole hog.

Wet, smacking sounds filled the cabin as Piggy's face was fucked, his lips slurping, tongue rubbing the underside of the charging cock up until it pushed hard to the edge of his throat and began pumping a fresh batch of seed that he readily gulped down his gullet. The taste seemed to improve with every swallow, and his stomach warmed with the new infusion, sending it into storage as fat, the roadmap of definition vanishing from his body, skin losing its tan as it stretched and grew sweaty, the mattress groaning as weight piled onto it with every passing second. His pectorals lost their firmness and sagged, obliques and delts disappearing under growing padding, his formerly rock hard ass softening and spreading outward with roundness and flab.

He pulled back once the climax went dry, belching louder, prouder, the reverberation of the sound rattling his fat, his gut turning into a proper belly with plenty of jiggle that kept his attention as another cloud of violet gas escaped his mouth and floated into Daddy's greedy maw. More fat seemed to melt away from the trucker, his flannel shirt starting to strain against his widening frame as muscle firmed and defined and exposed.

Every climax renewed the cycle, more fat being sucked out of the trucker's body and pumped into his pet's, while the essence of his strength and dedication was drawn out and taken into the master. Pet grew into his name of Piggy, his belly hanging over his waist, thighs thick and wobbly, calves expanded to nearly swallow his ankles, at least three chins making up his once overly thick neck, pertorals sagging into moobs that would easily fill out a bra. His hair was greasier and stringy, face pocked with acne, eyes obscured by the fat that padded his face. Every belch got him hard, as the larger and more slovenly he got, the more approving Papa would get of him.

When no more of the violet mist left his body with his latest belch, Papa ruffled his messy hair, smeared some of his spunk into the dirty locks. "Yeah, that's a good boy. Maybe I'll get that gut inked, eh Boy? Have 'Daddy's Chubby Cum Dumpster' right...' He traced under Piggy's moobs. "Here."

Daddy, on the other hand, was a veritable Adonis, his once corpulent frame now almost devoid of fat, his shirt and slacks clinging for dear life to his massive musculature, easily having the build of a champion bodybuilder, thick veins mapping the exposed skin, and his cock, fully freed from its fat pad, towered at nine inches and was the only chubby appendage on his body. He slapped Piggy's face with it a few times before carefully fitting it back into his slacks, eliciting a whimper from his pet.

"Miss Papa's pecker already, huh, or you whinin' 'cause you ain't get to cum?"

Piggy looked down at the floor of the truck, any vestige of his former self washed away in a flood of fat and fellatio. He shook his head meekly, only to feel his chin lifted upward to meet Daddy's eyes.

"How bad you wanna shoot your spooge, Boy? What you gonna give Papa so you can make a sticky mess on his floor?" He punctuated the question with a hard squeeze of Piggy's meaty male tits, causing the pet to moan loudly in arousal. "You better be ready to be Daddy's pet fer the rest of yer days, that's fer damned sure. Any uncertainty better be splattered on the floor with the rest of yer spunk."

Piggy nodded quickly, his body wobbling with the motion, his grin stretched and crinkling all the lard that loaded his cheeks.

"Yeah, you see bein' a big ol' lardass ain't so bad, is it Boy?"

Piggy shook his head in reply, just wanting Papa to give him release.

"That's right, y'all didn't respect the sexy body y'all had before, and that's why Daddy took it from ya." He ran his hands over his powerfully strengthened body. "And now he's gonna have his fun with it while you jiggle and shake yer big sweaty butt. You didn't wanna be this big anymore anyway, did ya?"

Again, Pet shook his head quickly, only knowing how hot his fattened form was, and how every rumble and nudge and motion sent his blubber bustling against his buried boner, keeping him dangling on the edge of orgasm, but refusing to let him into the promised land. Not without Daddy's say so, of course.

"That's right, Piggy. Well don't you worry none. I know you bust yer nut best to big bellied trucker daddies, so I'll make sure I put plenty of paddin' on Papa, that's the truth. You like that idea, don't ya?"

Piggy could only nod, which resulted in a pair of hands dropping down to his gut, kneading the doughy flesh, then getting a firm grip and starting to shake it quickly. "Good boy. I'll say you've been good enough to shoot yer spooge, so fire away, Boy. Blow yer load into that gut an' let it squish around and make yer crotch stink of subby pet spunk. Do it now, boy. Papa's got a load to pick up in a couple hours."

And with that, Piggy trembled, high pitched squeals roiling from his mouth, breathless as his cock shot fruitlessly into the sweaty underbelly that kept it buried, the seed dribbling into the folds of flesh and matted pubic hair, Piggy not showing any other sign of his climax than his weak jerks and slightly quaking belly.

One final belch sounded from him, small, a puff of the violet, the whisper of a name, 'Harvey' in Piggy's ears as Daddy moved back to the driver's seat to start up the truck. Piggy didn't know if the name meant anything, but it was forgotten soon afterward, unimportant. After all, he was lucky enough to be called Boy, Pet, AND Piggy by Daddy. Three names!

Wanting one more would just be greedy, and Papa had better things for him to focus his greed on.