My Roommate's A Stripper!? Ch. 29

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#29 of My Roommate's A Stripper?!

Now available to the general public, "My Roommate's A Stripper!?" chapter 29! Got back into the flow of things for this chapter, just in time for life to pelt me with a few curve balls. Things are smoothing out though, so hopefully I'll be able to work on chapter 30 shortly. In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy this latest installment.

Chapter 29 "Honest Expressions"

"Why do we have to memorize all these different kinds of clouds?" Max whined as she and Jessica walked across campus on a cold February afternoon. "I've already got lines to memorize and a choreography to practice. Now I've got to learn about clouds, too?"

"Well, what did you expect from an Earth sciences class?" Jess asked with a roll of her eyes. "It's going to be nothing but clouds and rocks and weather patterns, and all sorts of other things about the natural world. If that's not what you're up for, why'd you take the class?"

"I wouldn't if I didn't have to." Max replied with a pout, bundling up against the rather frigid breeze. "I'm required to take at least one science class, and my options were limited. Physics was a no; too much math. Same with chemistry. And biology has too much... blood. That pretty much just leaves me with Earth sciences. It's not all bad though, since we happened to end up in the same class."

"It has been nice having a friend for a study buddy." Jess had to agree. "Especially since I don't know anyone else in this class... or this school."

"Give it time. I barely know anyone, either. Hey, let's hurry and get to the cafeteria. I'm starving and it's freezing out here."

Jessica couldn't argue, especially as a particularly frigid breeze cut through their coats, both women huddling against the cold as they quickened their pace towards the campus cafeteria.

The Five Paw Community College cafeteria was moderately busy for the early afternoon. Countless students were perusing the many food options or congregating around the many tables to recharge and relax between classes. The food itself was tolerable at best, but Max was able to throw together a salad while Jessica settled on a sandwich. While looking for a seat, they also found Cole sitting by himself, his nose buried in a book while he ate. Max insisted they give him some company, and so the stallion soon had a couple of lovely ladies to distract him.

"So, either of you doing anything fun for Valentine's Day?" Cole asked after the usual conversations about classes and the weather had died off. "Any romantic plans with a special someone?"

"I've got to work." Max answered with a shrug. "Between that and classes, I wouldn't have time to go even if I did have a date. Which I don't."

"Well, I bet the tips are really good, right?"

"You'd think that, but unfortunately most of the customers on Valentine's Day are the lonely types who're just desperate for attention. They don't pay much, and spend most of the time asking for private dates. It's not as fun as you might think, and saps a lot of the romance out of the night. The outfits are cute, though." She took another bite of her salad before flashing Cole a grin. "What about you? Any hot plans for you, or just a night in with yourself?"

A heavy blush crossed Cole's face, and he had to clear his throat before responding. "Well, actually, I'll probably be going out with my new girlfriend. Won't be anything too crazy, but I don't think Skye's an expensive date so I'm sure it'll go well... I hope."

"I'm sure it will." Max threw him a wink. "Just be your sweet self and everything will turn out fine. How about you, Jess? Any plans with any of those internet friends of yours?"

"No." Jessica said flately, continuing to act distracted by the rest of her sandwich. "I don't do internet dating, and I don't have a boyfriend."



"Not even anyone you'd like to go out with?" Max pressed with a playful smirk. "Maybe a cute guy from one of your classes?"

Jessica squirmed in her seat, hesitating for a moment as she chewed purposefully slowly. "No. No one. There's nobody I want to date."

"Really?" Max's smirk made Jess fidget even more, the quiet glance only making the young vixen even more nervous. It felt as though she knew Jess wasn't telling the whole truth, and was just letting her keep her secrets. It was unnerving.

Cole didn't seem to notice, packing his books into his bag. "Well, thanks for the company, but I've got to get to my next class. You girls have a good day."

"You too, sweetie." Max waved him off, then quietly returned to her salad. An uncomfortable silence fell over their table, despite all the chatter from the surrounding tables. It left Jessica feeling uneasy, and the sudden lack of conversation left her to her own thoughts. She kept glancing at the skunk, wondering just how much she had assumed and whether or not she should admit any of her feelings. They had gotten close the past few weeks, almost like sisters, but could she really tell Max anything about her shameful feelings? And to what end, other than finally telling someone and getting it off her chest?"

"Hey, Maxi-nee?" Jess started, her voice meek as she wrestled with her nerves. "How do you... I mean... I'm not saying that I do, but if I did want to date someone, how would I... stop?"

"Stop? Stop what?"

"Stop liking him." Jessica muttered, giving up on her half eaten sandwich. "How does someone just stop having a crush on someone they can't have?"

"Oh, honey." Max hadn't expected that question. She had only been teasing the girl before, assuming the girl did have a secret crush. Apparently it was more complicated than that. "Why would you need to? Can't you just tell him how you feel?"

"No! I mean..." Her face went red as she caught herself shouting, looking around in embarrassment before sinking into her seat. "No, I can't. He'll just say no, and what if that ruins what we already have? I can't risk it. It's better that I just... forget."

"Why would he say no?" Max pressed delicately, keeping her own voice low and gentle. "You seem like a real catch to me. Jessica, is this guy seeing someone else? Is he married?"

"God no! It's just... Okay, so I've known this guy for a while, and we're close friends, right? And I may have developed a huge crush on him. But I know he's not interested in me like that, at least I assume so. If I say anything he'll just say no, and it could ruin what we have now. I don't want that. I can't tell him. I just need to forget how I feel and keep it all inside. That's what's best."

Max wasn't sure what to say. To think the young woman was struggling with such thoughts, such feelings. The skunk let out a small sigh as she placed a comforting hand on Jessica's shoulder. "Honey, I know it might be hard, but I think you should tell him how you feel."

"But, but I can't!"

"Jessica, this is just my advice, but if you keep this up, well, you may never move on. You'll always have that doubt, always ask yourself 'what if?'. And when someone you can be with comes along, you risk passing them up on the hope that you might still end up with this one guy

"I know it might hurt, but you have to tell him. If he does say no, then you can finally let go of your feelings for him, and in time move on. You don't have to, of course. This is just what I think. But, I think it's what you should do. And if he does break your heart, you just come to me. We'll binge on ice cream and movies until you feel better." With a smile she gave Jessica a hug, hoping her advice wouldn't lead the girl astray. "And hey, you never know. Maybe this guy will say yes, and you'll get the boyfriend of your dreams."

"Doubtful." Jessica sighed, leaning against the warm skunk. "But... I'll consider it. I just... don't want to ruin things between us."

"It'll be fine." Or at least she hoped. "Oh, and try to wait until after Valentine's Day. You don't want to seem like you're just desperate for a date."

"Okay. I'll try. But when I come crying to you, you better have cherry cheesecake ice cream waiting for me."

"A whole pint." Max winked with a smile. "And a whole evening of cheesy movies to go with it. I promise."

"Jacob, it's kind of difficult to focus with you doing that."

"Well, you said the game was too easy. I'm just raising the difficulty a bit."

Aiden could only roll his eyes at that response. He and Jacob had gotten together after work, just to spend some time together. The evening had started off innocently enough, Jacob challenging the fox to try a new game he had acquired, one that Aiden found interesting, but hardly a challenge. That is, until Jacob started rubbing his hand against Aiden's crotch, engorging his shaft and distracting him from the simple gameplay.

"Someone's rather persistent." Aiden finally relented, giving up on the game as Jacob's fingers teased at the well defined bulge running down his pant leg. "Can't keep your hands to yourself for five minutes."

"It's been almost half an hour." Jacob countered with a playful grin. "I have to admit, it is hard to keep my hands off of you. Especially when you're this hard." He leaned in closer as his fingers lightly pinched at the tip of Aiden's concealed member. "Maybe we could try a more challenging game. A two player, hands on game."

"You don't want to save that for Thursday?" Aiden asked, wincing only slightly at the physical attention. "We don't have to, but I thought it might be fun to do something special for Valentine's Day."

"I've never really been a fan of Valentine's Day." Jacob pulled away, sitting upright on the couch once more, though he kept a hand on Aiden's thigh and engorged member. "Dumb commercial holiday for selling chocolates and heart shaped candies that I can't have anyway. It's great if you're one of those romantic sap types, but I've never claimed to be a romantic. Though, I do like the skimpy underwear and crazy sex parts."

"I never would have guessed." Aiden rolled his eyes, not missing the firm squeeze to his thigh when the coon mentioned sex. "I wasn't thinking of going too crazy, though. Just a nice dinner for two at my place, maybe watch a movie together afterwards, and then we can get to your skimpy underwear and crazy sex."

"Well, your cooking is hard to pass up." Jacob admitted. "We wouldn't have to deal with any crowds, or worry about drinking too much. Plus it would give us time for even more sex, and more places to do it in."

"Is that all you think about?" The fox snorted, starting to lose just a bit of patience with the raccoon's perverted mindset. "As fun as it can be, I'd like there to be more to our relationship than that. At least, I hope there is."

"Of course there is." Jacob was quick to assure him. "I mean it when I say I love you, and this is just how I express it. Some people buy flowers, or write poems or something. Me, I suck on your balls. That's just how I am."

"So I've seen." Aiden sighed, though he managed a smirk all the same. "And there isn't really anything wrong with that; I've certainly enjoyed it so far. I just don't want a relationship between us to be just about sex. I've had too many of those in the past, and they never went well."

"I'm not like Layla." Jacob retorted, finally pulling his hand from Aiden's thigh. "Yeah, I like having sex with you and all that, but I really do care about you. Layla just used you, but she never respected you. Not like I do. I am nothing like Layla."

"I know you're not." Aiden sighed. "I guess I'm just being paranoid. Too many bad experiences, and you're the last person I want to repeat them with." He ran his hand through the fur on his head, then wrapped an arm around the coon's shoulders. "I know you care, Jacob. I care about you too. And I really don't mind all the physical affection, I just think I'd like a little variety, or something like that."

"I think I get what you mean." Jacob leaned into the embrace, managing a small smile. "And you're right. I'd love to have a nice dinner with you just as much as having sex." His smile turned to a grin as he brushed his muzzle against Aiden's. "Maybe I'd be able to focus more on dinner if I get my sexual urges out of the way in advance."

Aiden was about to make a masterbation joke when he saw that hungry smirk on Jacob's face. His hand had returned to the fox's thigh, and though he had softened up the subtle bulge made it easy for Jacob to find his target.

"Alright, you perv." Aiden relented with another roll of his eyes. "You're not gonna give it up till you get some anyway."

"Oh like you won't enjoy it." It only took him a few seconds to undo Aiden's zipper, pulling his member out and giving it a few strokes to firm it up again. "I know I will. Damn, you've got a big sausage."

"I'm more than just a big dick." Aiden muttered, gasping as he felt Jacob's lips wrap around his shaft. Jacob took his time, savoring the act as much as the feel of that smooth flesh in his mouth. Aiden was soon panting quietly, giving up on any arguments and just letting the coon work his magic.

"Told you you'd enjoy it." Jacob smirked after pulling his mouth away. "I admit, dinner's nice but I'd much rather be chewing on this. Lot's of protein in this meat, too."

Aiden could only groan at that, choosing to not reply to the bad joke. "I don't see why we can't have both." He said as Jacob returned to his oral display of affection. "I was thinking of cooking up a couple of steaks, after letting them sit overnight in my custom marinade. Top them with some sauteed onions and serve with a side of roasted and seasoned green beans. Paired with a fragrant red wine, of course. As romantic a dinner as I can imagine."

"Sounds delicious." Jacob grumbled. "But it's kinda hard to focus on the task at hand when you're talking about food."

"Well, to be honest, I've kind of been planning this dinner for a while. Hot food, nice music, a bottle of wine. A simple yet romantic evening with just the two of us."

"It's just the two of us right now." Jacob smirked, taking a firm grip of Aiden's shaft. "Why don't we save all that romance talk for another time and just focus on having our fun now?"

"Yeah, sure. Might as well."

Jacob winced a bit at Aiden's apathetic response. He quietly stroked Aiden's shaft for a moment before letting go, moving to instead sit in his lap. "I love you." He stated firmly, looking straight into the fox's eyes. "And I care about you. But, when it comes to the romantic, emotional cra-... stuff, well I'm not gonna be the best at expressing it. This is just how I show it."

"Yeah, I know." Aiden nodded, though he didn't sound quite so satisfied. "It's just, I guess I'm still trying to figure out what I want in a relationship, and I don't want to be wanted just for sex... again."

They sat quietly for a moment, neither one looking at the other as they mulled over their own thoughts. It was Jacob who snapped out of it first, a smirk crossing his muzzle as he unbuttoned Aiden's shirt. "It might seem like it sometimes, but I do want you for more than just your body. But, I also think we can use our bodies to show how much we care. Mix the sexual with the sensual."

With a wide grin he opened Aiden's shirt, leaning down to kiss at his exposed chest and neck, taking his time as he worked up to Aiden's lips. "Hey, how about we enjoy a nice, romantic shower together?"

Aiden took a deep breath as he thought it over, letting Jacob kiss at his chest a bit longer. He did enjoy the tender affection, perhaps more than the oral sex, as pleasurable as it was. "You know, that actually does sounds like fun. Alright Jacob, you win. Show me how you plan to mix sexual and sensual."

"Glad to." With a grin of victory Jacob climbed off Aiden's lap, leading the fox to the bathroom. They helped each other strip, taking their times to gently caress each other's body as the water warmed up. The two men were soon under the hot water, arms wrapped around each other as they kissed passionately.

This was closer to what Aiden had been wanting; the feel of another body pressed tight against his own, gently taking their time to express their feelings for each other besides just having sex. He was aware this was all just foreplay for Jacob, the coon's throbbing erection pressed tight between their bodies, but he'd take what he could get. He savored the taste of Jacob's tongue in his mouth, inhaling deep the man's musky scent as his own arousal started to get the better of him.

"Oh Aiden..." Jacob let out a low growl, his hands gripping the fox's shaft firmly. "Get on your knees for me."

A shiver ran down Aiden's spine at the way Jacob asked, ordered, him to kneel. But he complied, curious to see what Jacob had in mind. He knelt before the raccoon, eyeing that pierced erection curiously as he waited for Jacob to make his move.

With a grin Jacob took a hold of his own dick, giving it a few strokes while aiming at the fox's snowy white chest. He let out a low moan, visibly relaxing as a golden stream of urine suddenly sprayed forth, splashing against Aiden's chest and causing him to jump in surprise.

"Really, Jacob? You call this mixing sensual with sexual?"

"I do. In fact, I can't think of a more intimate act than to mark one's lover this way." Jacob couldn't stop grinning as he watched the amber fluid spread across Aiden's chest, running through his fur and spreading a heady musk. "Been holding it in for a while, too. Hey, open your mouth and stick out your tongue."

"No." Aiden denied that request, what sounded like another order, without hesitation. "This isn't so bad, I admit, but I'm not drinking it."

Jacob frowned a bit but didn't argue, pleased with emptying the rest of his bladder on Aiden's chest. "Does it feel good at least?" He asked, holding out a hand to help Aiden back up. "All my hot, musky piss in your fur? Y'know, some people find marking an incredibly sensual and intimate act."

"Good for them." Aiden said, accepting Jacob's hand. "I don't know if I quite feel the same way. Though, I've dealt with worse." He ran his fingers through his fur, getting a rush as the heady musk wafted past his nose once more. "I suppose I can see the sensual side of it, though."

"I'm glad." Jacob smiled, suddenly pulling Aiden in for a deep kiss. They moaned into each other's muzzles for a bit, clinging to each other tightly before Jacob broke away. "Now, let's mix in some sexual. Turn around, and stick that sexy ass of yours out for me, as far as you can."

"Someone's really bossy all of a sudden." Aiden commented. He obliged all the same, presenting his rear end to his friend as invitingly as he could. "You better not be planning on going in dry though."

"Never." Jacob assured him, already retrieving a small bottle of lube. "I always keep some of this in here for just such occasions." He liberally applied a generous amount to his shaft, coating the length from tip to base. His eyes were fixed on Aiden's ass, and once done with his own dick, he slipped a pair of fingers inside the fox's tail hole, prepping it for what was to come.

With a low growl Jacob closed the gap, rubbing his shaft between Aiden's ass cheeks. He took only a moment to position himself, growling into Aiden's ear hungrily as he pushed his dick deep into the fox's ass. The coon didn't waste any time once in, hands gripping Aiden's hips as he thrust his own, pressing his body tight to the other's back and growling in his ears.

"Ah fuck!" Aiden gasped, bracing himself against the shower wall. "God you're so, uhn, rough."

"Can't help it." Jacob grunted, thrusting all the harder. "I'm a little pent up... and you just feel so good." He paused just long enough to wrap his arms around Aiden's body, then thrust in balls deep. "It doesn't hurt, does it?"

"No." Aiden admitted. "Not so much as it used to. But, I can still only take so much."

"You can handle it." Jacob growled into his ear, thrusting with a steadily increasing pace. "You need to get used to it anyway, if we're going to keep doing this."

Suddenly he thrust in hard, causing Aiden to gasp in a mix of pain and pleasure. Jacob's growling and grunting became even more intense as he dominated the fox, thrusting with carnal lust and desire. The bath was soon filled with the sounds of their moaning. Jacob didn't let up, thrusting his hips against Aiden's ass even harder, unable to hold back until finally hitting his climax. He held Aiden tight, pumping his seed deep into the fox's bowels as he let out a low, sensual growl.

"Oh god damn..." Jacob breathed, pulling out and letting Aiden catch his breath. "God your ass is great. Honestly don't think I've had better."

"That's nice." Aiden muttered as he turned around, his dick still rock hard and practically dripping with precum. "I'm afraid I didn't quite get off yet, though."

"That happens sometimes." Jacob said with a shrug. "Luckily, I can fix that not so little problem."

"You going to bend over for me now?"

Jacob hesitated, eying Aiden's rather large endowment before replying. "Actually, I was thinking of picking up where I left off earlier." He dropped to his knees, firmly gripping the base of Aiden's dick and wrapping his lips around that sizable shaft. He went to work immediately, sucking and grinding on Aiden's member with surprising intensity. Aiden couldn't deny Jacob's skill, forced to put most of his focus into just staying on his paws. The coon's technique felt incredible, tongue swirling around his sensitive shaft, and it didn't take long at all for the fox to reach his climax. He grunted loudly as he came, his eyes shut tight as Jacob swallowed down all that he provided.

"Guess I wasn't the only one who was a little pent up." Jacob smirked, licking some stray cum from his lips. "Feel better now?"

"Yeah." Aiden was still trying to catch his breath, growing a but eager for that hot shower. Especially now that Jacob's marking had started to dry to his fur. "Damn, you really made a mess of me."

"Then I did it right." Jacob replied, running his fingers through Aiden's chest fur. "If you don't smell like me, then I didn't mark you properly."

"Don't expect it to become a habit." Aiden said as he stepped under the water. "I usually try to avoid getting piss on me."

"I thought you said you enjoyed it?" Jacob remarked, a bit of concern in his voice. "It's supposed to be an act of affection, intimate and sensual. Was it really so bad?"

Aiden shrugged, already starting to wash up. "I guess it wasn't all that bad. Could have been worse." As he said this, he thought about the act itself; the feel of that hot liquid on his fur, and the potent scent it left behind. It had been a bit intoxicating when he thought about it, though intimate was a stretch. "Alright, maybe I did enjoy it, to a degree."

"Learned something new about yourself?" Jacob teased, sneaking up to help wash the fox. "I told you I could mix sensual and sexual. And maybe I can show you even more unusual ways we can be intimate."

"We'll see." Was all Aiden replied with.

The men were rather quiet as they finished showering and dried off. While Jacob was simply enjoying the afterglow, Aiden was deep in thought. While their fun in the shower had been interesting, and intimate in its own way, he wasn't sure he'd consider it truly romantic. Nor was he really sold on Jacob's rather dominant tactics, now that he thought about it. It had certainly been awhile since Aiden had even gotten to top.

"Hey, Aiden?" Jacob called out, checking his phone as he got dressed. "When's Valentine's Day again?"

"The fourteenth, same as every year."

"That's Thursday." The coon muttered, still looking over something in his phone. "Crap, I'm closing the store that day."

"Of course." Aiden sighed with a roll of his eyes. "How late are we talking?"

"Store closes at eight, and then there's about an hours worth of stuff to do after. So long as nothing goes wrong I should be out by nine the latest."

"That's pretty late for a big steak dinner." Aiden commented as he redressed himself. "There's no way you can get out earlier? Skip some of that closing stuff?"

"I can't skip that stuff." Jacob countered. "It's literally my job to do that stuff. I have to lock up, count the money, take inventory, restock shelves, clean up..."

"Okay, I get it." Aiden said, cutting him off. "Well, can you trade shifts with someone else? If you work the opening shift we'd have more time for the dinner I have in mind."

Jacob pondered the idea for a moment, but ultimately shook his head. "It'd mean swapping shifts with Alice, and she hates last minute schedule changes. Unless it's an emergency of course. Plus, I think she's got a date of her own. I can't ask her to cancel her date so I can go out with you. And if I did she'd just laugh in my face."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Jacob didn't miss the disappointed tone in the fox's voice, sitting beside him and wrapping an arm around his back. "Hey, we can still have our dinner. I'll head straight to your place after work. We'll eat, we'll drink, and we'll stay up late doing whatever we please."

"Sounds great, but I can't." Aiden said with a shake of his head. "I have to go to work the next day. I've got a class pretty early in the morning and I really should be awake for it. We'd have to eat then pretty much go straight to bed."

"Well, how about we reschedule?" Jacob offered, giving the fox a smile. "Set something up for the weekend and make a day of it. I'll even treat you to dinner, so you don't have to work for it. How's that sound?"

"I... sure. That sounds great." Forcing a smile Aiden rose to his paws, settling on the less than desirable compromise. "Speaking of sleep, I should get home. Gotta be up early for those classes."

"Your students would be upset if you slept through class, I'm sure." Jacob smirked, rising to give the fox a kiss. "I'll call you soon so we can make plans."

Aiden nodded in reply, and after another kiss goodnight he left for home. It was a quiet ride, the man spending his time thinking hard about his relationship with Jacob. Though he knew the raccoon genuinely cared, certain things were starting to feel like a repeat of Layla. And the last thing Aiden wanted was for things to go that far south, and risk losing a good friend.

Aiden wasn't surprised to find Max still awake when he arrived him, the skunk reviewing some class notes while the T.V. droned on in the background. She gave him a warm welcome and made room for him on the couch. As he sat back to relax, Aiden gave her a glance, still pondering what to do for Valentine's Day, and more importantly, those steaks he had already purchased.

"Say, Max, do you have any plans for Valentine's Day?"

"Just work." She replied. "Don't have anyone to do anything with anyway."

"Would you like to have dinner with me?"

"With you? You don't have plans with Jacob?"

"He has to work, apparently." Aiden explained with a shrug. "And I've got a couple of steaks I'd hate to go to waste. I figure, if you've got time before work, why not just have a nice dinner together?"

"Aiden, are you asking me out on a date?" Max asked with a coy grin. "I supposed I could be convinced, if you're the one doing the cooking." Her smirk turned into a smile as she gave him a playful nudge. "Sure, I'd love to. Better to spend the day with a good friend than alone with a microwave dinner."

"My thoughts exactly." Aiden smiled back, giving her a nudge of his own. He was glad he could at least share the meal with Max, not wanting to spend yet another Valentine's Day alone.

"Aiden, that steak was delicious. Best I've had in a long while."

"Yeah, Nii-san. Best Valentine's dinner I've ever had. Well, the only one I've ever had, but still."

"Glad you both enjoyed it." Aiden beamed as he cleared the table. As usual plans had gone a little awry, Jessica joining them at the last minute. But at least this change of plans was favorable. The more the merrier as far as Aiden was concerned. "Also, glad there was enough for three. I had only intended to make that meal for two."

"It helps that I eat so little." Max smirked. "One of those would have been too much for me, but half was perfect." She blew out a sigh, masking a small burp as she rose from her chair. "Alright, time to get ready for work."

"So, it's just you and me tonight, Nii-san?" Jessica had a hopeful look in her eyes as she asked, though her voice was ever calm and casual. "A brother-sister date night? Better than being alone, right?"

"Couldn't think of anyone I'd rather spend the time with." The fox agreed. "We can pop in a stupid movie and forget all about the hassles of dating and all that crap."

"Sounds fun." Max said as she got ready to leave. "Kinda sorry I'll be missing out."

Despite the temptation, Max did indeed head off for work, leaving the fox siblings to enjoy their evening alone. As Aiden had suggested they were soon sitting side by side on the couch, watching some stupid romantic comedy they'd seen a dozen times before.

Jessica wasn't really paying attention to the movie though. Being alone with Aiden on Valentine's Day was proving to be quite the distraction for her, her feelings torn between simply enjoying the night for what it was, or daring to push for a more romantic evening for them both. That second option was just a wishful fantasy, she knew, but she could already feel her heart beating faster just from sitting so close to him. She kept thinking of what Max had told her, the very thought of confessing her feelings terrifying her to no end. But she knew deep down that Max was right, that she'd never be able to move on until she got it over with. Plus, she couldn't help but cling to the small hope that he might not reject her. Perhaps she could at least test the waters.

"Aiden, have you ever been in love?"

Aiden was caught off guard by the unexpected question, but he recovered quickly, a smirk crossing his muzzle. "I thought I had been, once upon a time. But looking back I guess I was mistaken for something else, or maybe just fooling myself." He flashed her a smile, ruffling her auburn hair. "Why do you ask? You think you're in love with someone?"

"I..." A heavy blush filled her cheeks, the young vixen fidgeting as she hesitated. "I think so, yes. There's this guy that I've know for years. He's handsome, and kind, and I just love being around him. And, I think he likes me too. I get knots in my stomach whenever I think about him, or when I'm close to him. I just... I don't know what else it could be other than love."

"Infatuation maybe?" Aiden shrugged. "But I may not be the best person to ask. Does this guy know how you feel?"

"I... haven't told him yet. Max said I should, though."

"Maybe she's right." Aiden said with a nod. "I mean, it is the twenty-first century. Nothing wrong with a girl asking a guy out."

"But what if he says no?"

"Well, that would suck. But you can't let the possibility of rejection frighten you into inaction. If I followed that logic, I'd have given up on my novel a long time ago. Being rejected isn't the worst thing that could happen. Besides, this guy would be a fool to say no to you."

"You really think so?" Jessica gripped her hands into fists as she fought her doubts to find her nerve. Logic screamed that it would never happen, but she knew she still had to try. And with all the encouragement, her faint hopes were higher than ever.

With firm resolution, she rose to her paws, turning to face her brother. She locked eyes with the suddenly surprised man, taking a deep breath as she found her courage. "Nii-san... Aiden, I love you. For years now, and with all of my heart, I love you."

Aiden was silent at first, but his ears dropped once he finally processed what she had said, and what she meant. "Jessica..."

"I know." She quickly cut him off. "I know. I'm not supposed to feel this way, because you're my brother. But I can't help it! My heart aches whenever I think about you, especially you being with someone else. I want to be with you, to share my heart and soul with you. You're the only person I want to date, and to share my... my everyting with! Aiden, I fully and truly love you, and I don't give a damn about what anyone else might think. So, could we... just give it a try?"

Aiden had to take a deep breath of his own as he stood, putting his hands firmly on Jessica's shoulders. "Jessica, I think you might be confused. You're my little sister, and-"

"But that's so stupid!" Jessica interrupted, tears already forming in the corner of her eyes. "If two people are in love with each other, then it shouldn't matter that we're... I mean, who gives a fuck? It's just... it's just not fair."

It always bothered Aiden to see his little sister cry. And it was all the worse that he had to be the cause of her pain now. He sighed as he wiped a tear from her eye, wishing he could tell her what she wanted to hear. "I'm sorry Jessica, but we just can't."

"But... No!" Jessica whimpered, her tears starting to flow more freely as she felt a pain forming in her chest. "Just... give me one good reason why we can't be together. Other than me being your sister! You love me, right? If we love each other, then we should be able to be together, right? If we weren't related, it wouldn't be any problem. So give me one reason why we can't at least try."

"I..." For a moment, Aiden didn't have an answer for her. He certainly did love her, she was his baby sister after all. And it was breaking his heart to see her in such pain, a pain he was somewhat familiar with. But it was wrong for them to be together the way she wanted. And even if it wasn't, it just didn't feel quite right. Like a different kind of love.

It was then he had his answer, though he knew it would utterly break her heart to hear it. But it was the truth, and he had to tell her. "I'm sorry Jessica, but I just don't love you that way. I do love you, like a brother loves his sister, but I'm not in love with you. I'm... I'm sorry."

"But... But..." Jessica visibly heaved as her eyes darted about, her mind racing for something, anything to say to change his mind. But she couldn't think of anything, finally nodding her head with forced acceptance. "Okay. Okay... I can't make you... Maybe if we went on a couple dates first?"

"Jessica, no." Aiden stated firmly, though it tore at his heart to do so. "No dates. I can tell you right now that how I feel won't change. I will always love you, and I am proud of you for having the courage to tell me how you really feel, but we can't be together like that."

A long whimper echoed from Jessica's muzzle, and with a heave she broke down. Tears streaked down her cheeks as she buried her face in Aiden's chest, seeking comfort in the arms of the man who had just broken her heart. As her tears of pain stained his shirt, Aiden held her close. It hurt him nearly as much to be the cause of her pain, though he had realized something important about his own feelings from it. It was little consolation now, though, with his baby sister breaking down in tears in his arms. Easing her pain was his only concern now, though there was little he could do but hold her close and let her cry out her heartbreak.

Aiden held her close, protectively, until the young girl backed away on her own. She had cried for a painfully long time, and even now was still wiping away fresh tears. "Can I at least sleep with you tonight? Please?"

He genuinely considered it for a moment, her pleading voice breaking his heart even more. "No." He finally decided. "I'm sorry Jessica, but I don't think it would be a good idea."

Gently he cupped her chin, lifting her head so he could look into her pretty blue eyes. "Listen, I want you to promise me something. Your a smart girl, clever, pretty, got a good head on your shoulders. A real catch for anyone. And someday, you will find someone who can truly love you with all their heart. But you'll need to be able to let them in. So, right now, I want you to promise me that you will move on from me, and in time, allow yourself to love another. Do you promise?"

"But..." Jessica fought back against another sob, the pain in her heart making it difficult to think. "But, what if I can't?"

"I believe you can." Aiden replied. "You've got a strong heart, Jessica. I always thought you were the stronger of the two of us in that regard. I believe you can move on, but only if you allow yourself to. So, promise me that you will."

"Okay." She muttered, choking back her tears. "I promise to try and move on, Aiden. I'll... I'll try my hardest."

"Good." Aiden smiled, giving her a soft kiss on the head. "I know you can do it, if you believe in yourself."

Jessica wasn't so confident, but she didn't argue. Despite his advice, she elected to stay the night instead of going home. The distraught girl didn't feel up to driving home alone in the cold night. Instead she curled up in Max's bed, hoping to find comfort in the skunk's sheets. But the heavy aching in her heart refused to go away, and instead of sleep she simply lay there, softly crying into the pillow as she tried to forget about all the things that could have been.

She was still awake when Max returned home. She laid there quietly while the skunk changed into her sleepwear then crawled into bed beside her. As soon as Max got comfortable, Jess let out a rather pathetic whimper, rolling over to bury her face into the skunk's chest, clinging to her closely as she fought back the tears.

"Jessica, what's wrong?" Max didn't hesitate in holding the younger girl close, gently rubbing her back. "What happened, honey?"

"He said no." She mewled, fresh tears streaming down her face. "I told him how I feel, and he said no."

"You did? He did? Oh honey, I'm so sorry." Max held the fox even closer, gently stroking her hair as she tried to provide the poor girl some comfort. "I know it must hurt, but you had to do it. There, there, just let it all out. I'll be here for you for as long as you need, so just let it all out."

Jessica didn't hold back, quietly crying into Max's chest. She found comfort in the skunk's arms, staying there until she eventually cried herself to sleep. Max stayed up with her until she was sure the fox was asleep, gently petting her hair and reassuring her that everything would be alright. It hurt to see the young girl so upset, but she still believed it had been important for Jessica to confess. It may hurt now, but she knew the young, beautiful girl would eventually move on and find love again. And she'd be there to support her until, and when, it happened.