
Story by WindKing on SoFurry

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Hello everyone!

Something of a small miracle happened - I finally finished a story idea.

I have a very elusive muse; this particular one's been in-progress since freakin' 2011. :P

There's plenty more ideas floating around in my head, some of which I've at least started on. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up the pace eventually when I get more life-stuff straightened out. In the meantime though, this one was furthest along, and made it first to the finish line.

And it is raunchy ;"} That said, don't expect all my ideas to be so..'exciting'.

Needless to say, if you're underage or offended by gay stuff. TF, or anything else in the tags, why are you here?

If you spot any spelling/grammar/continuity errors, please, let me know so I can improve! :"}

Thanks to all who fave/vote, it's very gratifying - and {if my fellow lurkers can muster the wherewithal} actual comments in particular even more so!

And finally, a HUGE thanks to my current favorite author, Nex Canis for creating the universe this little fan-work is set in; and giving an open invitation to all to play in it. :}

Hope you enjoy!

The snow fell softly, for a time. It drifted peacefully from the sky in droves of intricate, unique flakes, only to be batted about by the next gust of wind, of which there were soon many. As the storm resumed its relentless onslaught against the city, another such frigid blast of wind pushed itself down an alley, carrying with it yet another few handfuls of snow as it danced in whorls in the gales outside. The dark, quiet alley did not afford much protection from the freezing winds, but it stayed their hands just enough to deposit their cargo of snow onto a precariously perched, makeshift shelter. Not the first handful of snow to be left there that night by any means, but just enough to finally collapse the already shaky collection of cardboard and fabric, and unceremoniously dump the whole accumulated load of frozen powder directly into the face of its sole occupant. "Aghkk FUCK!!" Russell shouted, having been so rudely roused from what would barely pass for slumber. He sputtered and coughed, frantically thrashing about and rubbing the slivers of ice from his scraggly salt-and-pepper gray beard. A few moments of vehement cursing later found him standing in the remains of his lean-to, trying to shake out the snow from his clothes, his ratty and largely ineffectual sleeping bag, and the remainder of his meagre belongings. Those few flakes still clinging to his person eventually released their icy stings against his skin and melted, as he looked for a relatively dry cloth with which to hinder their potential to refreeze on him and make things even worse. Things didn't look good as it was. Three to five feet tonight, he thought he heard someone say. Well hell, more than enough to bury him at last. Let it come. Might even be a while before anyone found him, frozen stiff like a damned turkey. He afforded himself a dark chuckle thinking of the look on the face of whoever did. He paused for a moment to look around, make sure no-one was around to notice his outburst. Didn't need any more attention. Not when he was trying to hide in this damned weather. But then, Russell was always hiding. From everyone. He thought he heard footsteps coming from the street and crouched down in the shadows. Almost nobody was out tonight, but that also meant nobody would hear any cries for help. Best to try to stay unnoticed. A fairly tall, fairly wide figure emerged from the corner, making his way down the sidewalk, carrying some kind of bundle. He walked past the alleyway without incident-- --And stopped, mid-stride. He just..stood there, for a moment, and..sniffed. Well, it was quite cold, maybe he just had a runny-- No, he seemed to be actually sniffing the air. He did it again, cocked his head to the side in the oddest way, and turned and looked straight down the alley. "Hello?" Russell didn't respond. "Is someone there?" Russell had wedged himself in the darkest damn corner of that alley but it looked like the guy was staring dead at him. The man started to slowly walk into the alley, making a beeline towards Russell. Fuck, so much for staying unnoticed. Russell shuffled to his feet. "Yeah, whaddya want?" "Are you okay?" "I'm fine!" "...Are you sure? I thought I heard somebody calling for help.." The man just kept walking up to him. Calmly, evenly. Russell could see now he was well over six feet tall and wide as a truck. Oh, shit.

"Well it wasn't me! I'm fine, so just go on and handle whatever business you were up to." "..You're sure you don't need help? You aren't injured..?" _ Bullshit! He's lying he's out to get you he's going to hurt you can't let him --_ "Get away from me!" Russell lunged to take a swing at the man-- --And flailed ungraciously as his foot slipped on a patch of ice. As he stumbled forward, the guy caught him quicker than Russell thought a guy as big as him could move. And as he held Russell firmly yet gently, Russell realized - This guy really was built like a tank. Even under the heavy overcoat he could feel muscle like chiseled rock. Russell didn't stand a chance in a fight with this guy, but he had to least he was warm. As was his soft chuckle. "Ookay, you're not injured.. But you didn't have to try on my account. Let's sit down okay?" He gently propped Russell against the wall like a ragdoll and slid down the opposite wall of the alley until both men were seated across from each other. The stranger took a moment to brush the snow out of his blond hair. "I told ya already, I'm fine. Just leave me alone." "I'd be a lot more convinced of that if I didn't think you were going to freeze to death out here." "None of your damn business." "Maybe.. But I can't just walk away and let it happen when I could help, now could I?" "Everybody else has." The big man smiled again, warmly, knowingly. "Well maybe I'm not like..Everybody else. Maybe I think everybody else should be more like me." "World's fulla people who can't mind their own goddamn business." "Well, I think it's better to try to help someone." Russell swept his hand out at the drifting snow. "Well go help someone else then!" "I was on my way to do just that, you know. But something a bit more immediate came up." Russell grumbled and swore under his breath. The stranger held out his hand. "I'm Gabe." "Russell." Russell begrudgingly took the man's hand and immediately Gabe clasped his other hand over it, and he looked at- almost through- Russell with piercing blue eyes. "Now Russell," Gabe intoned carefully, "I can tell you don't trust me. You probably don't trust anyone. But if I wanted to hurt you I'd have done it already. I only want to help you, okay?" Russell grunted and yanked his hand from Gabe's grasp. "Fine, whatever. Can't you just go away, then, and let me sleep in peace?" "Hmph. 'Rest in peace' is more like it. No human being should be left out in weather like this. Isn't there anybody I could call for you? Any family?" _ That slimy little bastard with the slicked-back hair who was stealing from me even as a kid he was a screaming spoiled brat I never should have trusted him ever_ "..Just a nephew four states away. He don't want nothin' to do with me and I don't want nothin' to do with him." Gabe frowned a bit. "No friends, nobody you could even stay the night with?" The only 'friend' Russell had in the world was old Gustav who had a tent under the overpass a few blocks down, and that was only 'cause Gustav somehow got hold of the really good shit and gave Russell a cut every now and then to keep his mouth shut. "Nope." "Hmm. Well then, why don't I help you get to a shelter?" "Shelters're full." _ Full of eyes. Too many eyes, watching and judging and waiting._ "That's..not what I heard on the news, but maybe they filled up.. I think the churches might be offering refuge for the night though." _ Even worse! More eyes more mouths telling you what you SHOULD be doing trying to run your life trying to steal what little you have in the name of a god that abandoned you it's fucking insulting! And he's probably one of them he acts enough like one that's his game you can bet on it_ "I don't want to go to no goddamn church and be preached at about what almighty GOD can do for me! Look around you, that's what GOD fuckin' did for me!!" Gabe raised his hands. "Whoa, whoa, okay, Russ, calm down! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you so riled up." Russell settled again and grumbled, "If you just came here to preach to me, I don't wanna hear it." "No, no, I'm not here for any church or any religion. Though I do believe in a..higher power." Gabe smirked a bit before continuing. "I was just thinking of places to get a little shelter for the night, that's all." "Gabe or whoever ya are, I get it, you want to help out some old hobo and feel better about yourself, get right with God or whatever, and go on with your life and forget about me, that's fine. But I'm telling you, if I wanted to, there's a 24-hour laundromat three blocks from here I could camp out in 'till the cops come kick me back out here. So why bother? Just go on and do what you were doin'." Gabe shook his head slowly. "I'm sorry, Russ. I'm so, so sorry you have to be so afraid." "I ain't afraid." _ Terrified. Terrified of the screaming and the monsters who look at you and come after you._ "It's okay." Both men sat in silence for a few moments. Gabe looked Russell over, pondering. "Russ?" "Yeah?" "I really can't talk you into going anywhere tonight, can I?" A few more moments of silence passed. Gabe smiled a bit and clapped his hands. "Well then, there's only one more thing I can do." "Just don't start fuckin' preachin'.." "No, no, we're over that already. But I said I was going to help you tonight before you freeze to death, and if I can't get you inside, I can at least help warm you up." Gabe, so saying, reached into his bag and pulled out a large thermos. Russell chuckled bitterly. "I don't suppose that's some of your finest brandy and you're a Saint Bernard come to rescue me from the cold.." Gabe suddenly burst forth in a loud, deep, hearty laugh that for an instant scared the hell out of Russell - he hadn't expected such a sound from the heretofore soft-spoken young man. "Wrong on both counts, Russ, but closer than you'd think. No, this isn't brandy - even better, it's my famous home-made chicken noodle soup." Russell chuckled a bit despite himself. "Now what the hell are YOU doing out on a night like this toting around a thermos of goddamn chicken noodle soup?" "I was bringing it little girl. She's staying with her mother this week and she got sick, so I was running this over to her. But then I found you and, well, I hate to part with it, but tonight, I think you need it more." He held the thermos out. Russell eyed it. No denying he was hungry, and cold, but something about-- _ Poison! It's poison and you drink it and you die and nobody does an autopsy on the homeless they'll all just think you froze to death and he must be a serial killer and this is how he does it and_ Gabe rolled his eyes and sighed a bit. "Okay, if it makes you feel any better how about I take the first cup?" He procured a second cup from his bag, filled it with the contents of the thermos, filled the top of the thermos and passed it to Russell. He peered into the thermos cup. Chicken soup. Still steaming. Smelled like heaven. Still.. "Look, man, if this is for a sick kid--" "Russ, hush. One cup, okay? One cup, and I'll leave you alone, alright? You'll have some good, honest, real food in you, there's a slightly smaller chance you might freeze to death tonight, and I can look myself daughter.. in the eye knowing I did some good in the world, okay?" Gabe raised his cup. "To seeing a new day." He took a large gulp. What the hell. Russell blew across the steaming surface a few times and brought it to his lips. He hadn't realized just how cold he'd been, the soup tasted nearly scalding at first; but he took it slow, and careful, and as the inside of his mouth began to warm, the heat of the liquid gave way to the rising flavor. It was wonderful. Chunks of chicken, carrots and celery and spices danced on his taste buds in the backdrop of the thick, rich, savoury, broth. He swallowed and felt the warmth slide down his gullet. This was the best soup he'd had in years. Best soup he'd had since his mother's. For just an instant, he wasn't in a freezing alley, he was in a warm bed with a bowl of his mother's chicken noodle soup. He was home. It wasn't quite as good as his mom's, though. Pretty salty. And some other flavor he couldn't quite place. Russell realized Gabe was looking at him expectantly. "It's good." Gabe broke out into a grin that shone like the sun. "Yer a good cook, man. Too much salt though." "Yeah, I get that a lot. Er, from my family." They sat in silence a moment more, sipping their soup. "Russ," Gabe began again, "If you don't mind my asking..well..I know you weren't always like this. If you don't mind talking about it..what happened?" Russell glared at Gabe for a second over the rim of the cup. "World's fulla people who can't mind their own goddamn business." Gabe frowned. "Okay, sorry, forget I asked." "No.. That's what happened. People who couldn't mind their own goddamn business." "Oh." "Y'know, people see an up-and-coming young man, bright young man working his way up in the world, going to college, earnin' his degree, an' somebody decides he ain't GOOD enough to be livin' the life he's livin'. People decide to fuck it up." "..Somebody betrayed you.." "People talk." _ And sometimes they go right on talking, even after their mouths stop moving and they walk away._ "I'm sorry that happened to you, Russ." Gabe scoffed. "The high and mighty human race..Traitors and thieves." "A-MEN to that, brother!" Russell slapped his knee. "Amen, indeed." A few more moments passed amidst the quiet consumption of soup. "What about you? Sounds like you know it too." "All too well." "You said your girl was stayin' with her mother? Divorced, right?" "Something like that, yeah." "How bad?" A bitter smirk crossed Gabe's features. "Does almost ending it all count as bad?" "Mmf. I hear ya. Caught 'er cheatin' or somethin'?" "...Something like that." "Figures. Women. Can't trust 'em. So what happened then?" "Well..Like I said, it was bad.. Almost killed myself. But then..I met a man. He sat with me and talked with me, like I'm talking with you.. And he showed me things. He showed me how life could be better--" "--Yeah yeah, okay, better with Jesus or Allah or whoever, you can stop there." "I told you more than once already Russ, this isn't about religion. I'll have to give up on one point though, I admit it does sound a lot like it. But I'm not here to preach.. Though, I guess you could consider me something of a missionary, heh. Or a social worker, though not an official one." Russell shrugged. This guy was going to get his spiel out no matter what, might as well let him continue. Small price for a cup of this delicious soup. The taste was starting to grow on him. "Before you ask, why am I not in a church or a soup kitchen," Gabe continued, "it's because there's others like me there already, doing the same good work. But they can't help everybody, especially those who don't want help, the ones who even fight against it. They're the ones who need me the most." Gabe winked at Russell. "Look at it this way Russ. I'm out here tonight, minding my own business as you put it, but I happen to find you. And so I try to help you. Maybe just this soup, on its own, will help get you through the night. Maybe in the morning you find a hundred dollar bill on the street and use it to help yourself. Warmer clothes, whatever. Maybe you give a ten - just a tenth of tomorrow's good fortune - to someone who needs it like you. Maybe not even worse off than you, just sparing a little to help out someone else. Let's say he buys a sandwich, and that's just enough to get him through the next night. And maybe he helps someone out the next day, somehow. Maybe even you. Who knows. Hell, maybe you blow the whole hundred on booze and drugs like the stereotypes say. Point is, you'd never find that hypothetical hundred dollar bill if you end up a popsicle in this alley tonight..If not for a complete stranger and a nourishing cup of hot soup." Gabe grinned. "That, Russ, is what I'm trying to do here tonight. No religion, no gods, per se.. Just the basic idea that if you do something good, it spreads, until you've changed the world." The end of his sentence was punctuated by a loud slurp as Russell tipped back the cup. "Ahh. Well Mister Gabe, thank you for the soup and the sermon." Russell grinned sarcastically and held out his hand. "I think it was actually worth the price of admission. You're lucky you're such a damned good cook." Gabe gripped it firmly and smiled that same impenetrably warm smile. "And as promised, I'll get going. I do have a young one to meet, after all. It was very nice meeting you and talking with you Russ." Russell handed back the thermos towards Gabe, who held his hand out and shook his head. "Russ..Keep it." "But your kid--" "Is not that sick. I can always buy another thermos, I can always make more soup tomorrow. Unless I end up giving you that one, too. You might even come looking for me for more, I hear it's quite addictive." Gabe winked again and patted the parcel slung around his shoulder, as he stood. "Besides, I've got a whole basket of goodies in here for her. Maybe if she hasn't eaten them all by the time she's feeling better I can help her take some of these to her grandmother's house. See Russ, we all have a little special something inside of us, and if we pass it along, one by one we can all make the world a better place." Russell was slightly taken aback. "Well..if you insist.." "I do." "I guess..thanks for the soup then, Gabe." "Thanks for your time, Russ..and for trusting me. Just make sure to stay warm, okay? Maybe I'll see you around sometime, and when I do, I hope you'll be much better off. Goodnight." And with that, Gabe turned and walked back down the alleyway to the sidewalk from whence he came, with a slight, soft whistle and an odd spring in his step for such a big man.

Russell slumped against the cold brick wall and sighed in relief at the sound of footsteps receding down the street.

"...Fuckin' Jesus nut. Thought he'd never shut up and leave me alone.." _ Lucky lucky he didn't stab you or rape you or just snap you in half What was he anyway a football player a bodybuilder he could've done anything he wanted and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it You're so old and weak and frail and sick and pathetic He was right though I'll probably freeze to death out here and nobody will know and nobody will care except the eyes that watch and judge and say I deserve it and--_ "Shut UP!!" Russell gripped the sides of his head. "Just shut the fuck UP!!" He gasped and looked around in panic as the echoes of his voice rang through the alley and out across the buildings beyond. _ Did anybody hear us Did he hear us Is he going to come back with more damn soup Oh god I hope he didn't hear us.._ Russell rocked quietly to himself, in desperate fear of having attracted any dreaded attention. After a while had passed with silence and wind as his only companions, his anxieties eased somewhat. Perhaps the heavy snowdrifts had blanketed the echoes. Perhaps more annoying interlopers or flashing blue lights were not in his immediate future. Maybe all this damn snow had been good for something after all - Nobody was coming for him, and he had his little space to himself again. _ But that Gabe guy knows where I am what if he comes back--_ "..That's it." Russell rooted around in his coat pockets for a second and pulled out a small baggie, a lighter and a makeshift pipe. He hated to use up the last of his latest stash from Gustav, but by God, if he was going to freeze to death tonight, he might as well goddamned enjoy it. He took extra care not to spill any of the fine, tender green flakes as he poured them. Somewhere, he mused to himself, there must be a tropical island full of rainbows and fuckin' unicorns where they grow this stuff this good, and if he ever found that island he'd live out the rest of his days there in peace. Not that it actually stopped the voices..But it made them a hell of a lot happier. Things were getting better already. The frigid winds had died down again a bit, and the puffs of smoke lingered in the air of the alley, which itself had begun to rock and sway gently, or so it seemed. The smoke traveled upwards with Russell's gaze, curling upwards into spirals before being whipped up into the larger spirals of the drifting windblown snow above the confines of the alley walls, haloing the stars. It all seemed to faintly glow, as the smoke and the snow and the stars and the spirals danced around each other in the sky. There was no more screaming here, now. Only faint singing, like choir voices. Russell sighed contentedly. He HAD to get more of this from Gustav. Where was Gustav, now? Russell hoped he was okay, not stuck out in this weather. Not that the cold was bothering him as much anymore but Russell hoped old Gustav was somewhere warm. Mmm, warm. Was that soup still warm? How long had it been? That soup was sooo good, and Russell was getting a craving for more. He popped open the thermos and poured himself another cup. Oh good, still warm. The steam from the soup drifted upwards as well, joining the smoke and the snow and the stars, all whorling around each other to the tune of that glorious symphony he couldn't quite make out. The soup itself was even better now, too, each mouthful a whole meal, a complexity of flavors that satisfied yet entranced one towards even more. And so warm, too. Russ poured himself another cupful and began to down it hungrily. It tasted like home. He thought of home more and more as he drank it down, thought back to his mother's cooking and summer days on the family farm. He thought back to his first dog, Chipper. Big dog. Huge dog, for such a scrawny little kid. That dog used to curl up on his bed every night, and during the winter Russell would curl up right next to him, hugging him close. He'd never felt so warm and safe in his life as he did back then. Russ curled up to his sleeping bag, a poor substitute, and poured himself another cup. He sat and drank and watched the snow play with the stars above him, and it was beautiful. He huddled against his sleeping bag and thought of his loyal, affectionate dog, and missed curling up against someone you could trust, implicitly. He drank down cup after cup of soup and relished its rich taste, and its warmth slid down him and radiated out into every fibre of his being. He couldn't possibly die tonight. Life was too good.

In fact, Russ was feeling really, really good. Warm now, all over. He gave a good, long stretch and felt old joints pop, but he wasn't bothered. He just kept listening to the distant choir singing - No, wait. That wasn't a singing choir he heard in his head. It sounded more like a chorus of..howling? Dogs? In the sky above, the blowing snow continued to curl and spiral and whip around in the winds, until the spirals became wolves, endless wolves made of snow, chasing each other through the night sky and playing amongst the stars. They were the chorus. They seemed to be saying, join us. Russ was feeling quite warm now.. In fact, almost uncomfortably hot. The warmth seemed pervasive, spreading through each capillary with every beat of his heart, which seemed to be coming faster now. Hotter. Felt like it was pumping his veins bigger. Were these baggy old clothes getting tighter? No, it WAS him. His heart was pounding in his throat like a jackhammer now, and he could feel that same heat throbbing throughout his entire body, making him feel like he was being inflated by some giant imaginary tire pump. He pulled off his overcoat and stripped off a couple more layers of clothing, he WAS getting hot. He ran a shaking hand across his face, wiping the sweat away - Were his hands thicker now? - And pulled away a clump of scraggly beard. His hair was falling out!? He felt over his face and realized that no, it was still there - Just softer now. Silkier, like new.. Fluffy, even. What the hell was in that pot!? No, wait.. What the hell was in that SOUP!? It was poisoned, that weird guy had slipped him some LSD or something! Russell looked back down at his hand. As far as he could tell, he really was holding a clump of beard there, still. But his hand.. It was bigger. Thicker. And..had thick black pads, and dark claws where his fingernails had been. And it was - younger-looking, somehow? In a melange of shock and wonder, he turned his hand over, and gawked at it, stupefied. All the wrinkles and age spots he knew like a roadmap were just..gone. Young, healthy skin stared back at him in the dim light of the alley, highlighted by a few vigorously pounding veins, and being rapidly overtaken by fine, white hairs. He staggered out of the shadows to where a nearby streetlight shed a corner of light into the alleyway and looked closer. He wasn't seeing things, he had young hands again - Except they weren't the hands he had in his youth, they were bigger, heavier, like dock-worker's hands or something - and they were being covered in white..FUR, that was growing in before his eyes. Russell abruptly doubled over and collapsed to the pavement, gasping and groaning; He felt like his insides had just turned to spaghetti and someone was sticking their hands inside and playing with it, wrenching it this way and that. He stretched again, rather less voluntarily this time, and felt a whole host of snaps and pops that his age couldn't account for. That shouldn't be there. His eyes fell across his outstretched arm and as he watched, he saw that his hand was getting bigger. In fact all of him was, as his arm stretched further out of his tightening sleeve. He never had forearms that big, that corded, that thickly veined. Nor were they ever covered in that same white fuzz that was overtaking them as they grew, mottled by grey, black, and red further up his arm. And as his form continued to grow with every pulse, as every pulse came upon him with an increasingly harder thump , amidst the shock, Russell began to realize.. It felt pretty damned good. In spite of..whatever the hell was happening to him, his whole body was feeling like it was running a decathlon - the pounding heart, the ache in every joint, the fire in every vein and muscle - the same feeling you get after a really good workout. Only, this was the mother of all workouts, and the further he went into this..experience, the further he felt he could go. In the wake of the rapidly fading aches and pains, he felt even better. Healthier. Younger. Faster. Bigger. Stronger. Not quite consciously, he started to urge it on, to relish in this feeling of being pumped up ever bigger, strangeness be damned. Hell, if this was what it brought, strangeness be welcomed. As if in response, the throbbing of his pulse intensified, bringing with it a wave of heat and pleasure. He got back to his feet, or at least tried to, and stumbled. His feet were cramping underneath the pressure of his shoes. He kicked one off and stretched his toes, and was greeted by the sight and sound of claws shredding through his sock, revealing how huge his feet had gotten. Fuzzy now too as well, though more of that mottled color than white this time. He started to kick off the other one but it was not in as good a shape to stand up to such impatient growth, and as the bindings of the leather snapped his new foot burst from it wholesale. He at last rose to his new feet - Was he taller, now? Yes, he was, and still gaining height - and as he stood, he heard the seams of his pants give way, revealing calves that looked and felt like tree trunks as they bulged to support his weight. He could see his thighs actually roiling underneath the fabric of the old pants, still growing, and knew they couldn't hold out for long. He ran his hands - No..They were paws now - over his legs, feeling them grow, feeling like he really could run a decathlon with these things. He stood fully -- good lord, he must've been well over six feet tall now, maybe closer to seven -- the alleyway looked smaller now. He felt huge. But not huge enough to sate his hunger for more. He was still growing. His remaining clothes felt five sizes too small, and way too tight to try to peel them off of him. Oh well, one thing to do about that, he thought as he grinned with sharpening teeth. He rolled his shoulders against his tightening shirt, loving the sound and feel of his broadening back popping seam after seam. But he couldn't see that. He bent back a bit and stretched again, taking a deep, deep breath, deeper than he'd ever taken, into his new chest, and watched it swell up against the straining fabric of his shirt. "I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll--" He stopped for a second, startled by the deep, manly rumble of his own voice. But he didn't let that hold him back for long - it was obvious what he was becoming now - as he grinned down, took a slightly deeper breath, and flexed. The buttons on his shirt flew apart with a loudly rewarding SHRIPP! He grunted in satisfaction at his effort, admiring his newfound pecs. They were huge, and broad, the skin stretched taut over the veins and even the striations as he flexed them. But his shirt was not done revealing him to himself as he continued to grow, and his chest continued to balloon as each new pop of a button unveiled rippling, rock-hard abs, glistening with a sheen of sweat in the streetlight, defiant in the cold. Not that the cold was a problem anymore, as a coating of white fur soon graced that magnificent chest, accentuating instead of concealing the hard flesh underneath. Russ brought his paws up to stroke that chest, feeling the back of his shirt finally split open under the strain, rubbing those huge pecs and abs, caressing his nipples underneath the fur and growling softly yet deeply in pleasure. But he still wasn't done yet. He slowly brought his arm up.. Put his paw against the skintight sleeve. He could feel it, there. Just like he felt it everywhere, now. Raw strength. Power. Muscle. He could hear the threads giving way as he brought his arm up further, actually felt it growing, felt the power building, making the muscle bigger, and harder, and stronger. He pulled his paw away and saw his bicep actually expanding, the veins standing out against the cloth struggling in a losing battle to contain it, and flexed. And was rewarded when the massive bulge RRRIIPPED out of his sleeve, glistening with sweat as his chest had, veins throbbing as it pulsed still bigger, continuing to rend the fabric as it swelled. He groaned as his forearms and triceps finished off the accursed garment before repeating the process with his other sleeve, his huge arms shredding it before becoming decorated by mottled fur. He just stood there for a moment, feeling his gigantic arms, rubbing over his pecs again, marveling, until he realized that those damned pants were still just barely hanging on, looking painted on over his gargantuan legs. He flexed them a bit and they ripped open right on cue. Much better view, now. Could be even better, though. He reached down with a claw and shredded the remains of his pants in one fell swoop, baring a firm, furry arse you could bounce a missile off of, and-- --Well, this was interesting. Beneath his cobblestone abs, a canine sheath stared back at him, a pointed tip just starting to peek out. Between his bulging legs swayed two huge, white-furred balls, low-hanging, heavy, and full. So, Russ had a dog dick now. Huh. Not surprising, really, considering. He ran a curious finger down the fuzz of his sheath and the shock of pleasure WAS surprising. God damn that felt good. He reached his other hand down to cup his fuzzy balls and a loud PING of pleasure resonated from them, throughout his whole body, and back into them. He groaned in ecstacy as they actually grew a bit in his paws, sending a surge through him, and with another heavy, thumping pulse, he shuddered as his face pushed out into a muzzle full of fangs, a tail sprang from the base of his spine and began to wag slowly as it grew bushy, and another growth spurt pumped him even bigger, finally shredding the clinging, tattered remains of his shirt as it fell to the ground. Russ stood there, covered in fur and sweat, panting with his long, flat new tongue flopped out of his mouth, and utterly naked, brimming with power and rippling with enough hard muscle to put Mr. Olympia to shame. He took another moment to survey his new body, with his eyes and his paws. Mmm, rubbing himself all over felt soo good-- --He realized a moment too late he was kicking his leg and felt just enough of a sliver of self-consciousness to stop. But then, wait, why stop? He felt good! He felt powerful. strong. How strong? In curiosity, he knelt down - way down, it felt like; he towered over the whole alleyway now - and picked up an idle hunk of construction rebar. He applied a bit of effort and his bulging, vascular arms stood out in relief as the thing bent like a pipe cleaner. Russ blinked. He padded over to a nearby dumpster and gave it a good swift kick, its side denting in. He grinned maniacally at said dumpster, knelt, braced himself, and slowly, carefully, lifted it. He continued to do so until he was pressing the thing over his head, laughing. He briefly considered seeing how far he could throw it, but that might just hurt someone or at least attract attention. He felt like Hercules but he wasn't sure he was bulletproof. Still.. He just lifted a fuckin' DUMPSTER over his HEAD! He set it back down and put a few more dents in it for good measure before just flexing and posing for himself for a few minutes, a low, rumbling growl of self-admiration and self-lust arising from his throat. He started rubbing his pawpads over his new body once again, losing himself in the pleasure and the power.

Speaking of pleasure.. The more he touched himself, the more he realized he wasn't just pulsing with strength and power..He was beginning to throb with arousal. He looked down to see his new manhood slowly emerging from his sheath, inch by slick, red, veiny inch. God, even slipping out of his sheath felt good. Russ grinned to himself again. So, he had a dog dick. Time to see what he could do with it. He gingerly reached down with a single pad and took one long stroke all the way up from the base of his dangling furry sac, along the length of his fuzzy sheath, slowly across his slick red shaft, all the way to the pointed tip. Each millimeter up granted further emergence from his sheath, further lengthening and thickening, and further pleasure until his touch left the tip, whereupon he shuddered and his cock jerked and let out a spurt of fluid with an audible splat onto the pavement. ..That wasn't it, was it? Russ examined what fluid had landed on his paw. Clear. He sniffed it and was surprised at how much he could smell. He smelt not just the slickness on his paw, which carried a delightful musk of its own, but the remains of the soup in the open thermos, the leftover food scraps in the dumpster, himself, Gabe, and traces of people who'd been there recently, amongst the other, less enjoyable - but no less informative - smells of the alleyway. Apparently he had a dog nose to go with his dog dick, too. Made as much sense as anything else did tonight. At least it was consistent. His erection brought his attention back to other, more pressing matters though, and as a final step of curiosity, he brought his paw to his muzzle and licked. Yep, this was just pre. --This was just pre!? This much? And it felt this good?? ...And was this delicious? Russ stared at his own penis in a mixture of disbelief, amazement and elation not for the first time that night, as the stuff continued to drip down slowly along its length with each throb, beginning to patter on the pavement below, and took another experimental stroke, same as the first. Spurt! He caught the whole of it in his paw this time, and slurped it up with his tongue. Mmmm. Clear, warm, salty, slick, viscous, and absolutely mouthwatering. Lust surged hotly up from within him and he gripped his shaft firmly in his paw-- As much as he could, at least, it was a hell of a lot bigger now than the equipment he used to have, he noted with glee-- And began to stroke it in earnest. "Uunngghhh...Oh god!" The pleasure almost hurt, it was so overwhelming, and Russ bared his newfound fangs and snarled defiantly at it, gripping harder as his ministrations slicked his paw and firing a few more squirts of pre straight into the air. Shame it had to go to waste, it was so good-- Russ stopped again. If he had a dog dick and a dog nose.. Could he...? He damn sure had to try! He padded over and leaned against the wall of the alley, bracing his feet against the remains of the dumpster. He leaned forward, sliding down the wall and moving his hips upwards, his still-dripping erection leaving rivulets trickling through his abs. It brushed through the cleft of his pecs and he gasped at the touch of soft fur on his ultra-sensitive member. He'd have to try that too sometime soon, but didn't stop on the way to his goal. He crunched his abs further in, inch by inch, his tip edging closer to his nose, until they touched. And he kept going. A second later and it tentatively met his black canid lips. My god. Actually touching. He spent a heartbeat in awe; he could actually feel the hot puffs of his own breath across his cock as they steamed into the frigid air. He lightly kissed the tip in wonderment, shuddering softly at the amazing sensation, before darting his tongue out to lick it. He'd forgotten his tongue was longer now, too. Flatter. More dextrous. He lapped at his own cockhead, whimpering at the feeling a rare few human males ever experience. Russ was not missing his humanity much at this point, less so by the second. This was the best sex he'd ever had, he was having it with himself, and he wasn't even done yet! He wasn't sure how such a hard muscular body could be so flexible, but he wasn't even in any pain so he assumed he wasn't hurting himself. Just pleasure, and the promise of more pleasure. He kept going, gently opening his maw and easing forward, painstakingly slowly. Carefully he guided his pulsing shaft into his mouth, delicately maneuvering between razor-sharp fangs, taking in every millisecond of the experience and every millimeter of his hot, deep muzzle and his soft, slick tongue, the throbbing veins, the tip of his red rocket being guided ever deeper, all the while rewarding his tastebuds with drop after drop of delicious pre. Until at last, to his own incredulity, his lips were touching his sheath, his black nose gently nudging his balls. This..was..amazing. Just as slowly and carefully as he'd gotten in, he closed his fangs together around his member. Even more amazing - No teeth pierced his most sensitive flesh, or even really abraded it. A perfect fit. He didn't have to worry about hurting himself after all - in fact the rounded sides of his fangs made it even tighter, and even though his head was already swimming at the sensation of having his cock in his own mouth, Russ wrapped his lips around the base and began to suck. Russ' brain melted. Everything he'd done up to this point paled in comparison. He moaned reflexively and the vibrations ran up through his muzzle, and straight through his cock. He moaned louder and began to work his tongue around his maleness, sliding it along its length, swishing it side to side, milking himself for the taste of his own pre as it dripped and spurted and shot down his throat. This was heaven. In no time at all Russ had abandoned all thoughts of inadvertently hurting himself and had started to use his prodigious strength and flexibility towards this one purpose, thrusting down his own hot muzzle, rubbing and groping and fondling himself with his paws. When he found out he could spiral his tongue around his dick he lost it. He growled, and it reverberated more than moaning. It hit him like a ton of bricks and he snarled again in the throes of wanton lust, and that was even better than growling. Russ no longer missed his humanity at all, anymore. He knew what he was now. He was a beast. A massive, monstrous, manly, hulking beast , dripping with sweat and precum, rippling with muscle and horny as hell! He snarled again in power and bestial ferocity as he rammed his huge, hard, throbbing cock down his tight, hot, wet muzzle, savagely muzzlefucking himself right to the brink--

"Are you sure you don't want some help?" Russ nearly jumped clean out of his- well, fur. He leapt to his feet and half-snarled, half-roared around him into the empty alley in a blind rage; Whatever interrupted him when he was THIS FUCKING CLOSE was going to get ripped into bloody shreds for his next meal or raped or both! However, nothing but the empty wind greeted his keen, perked ears. No new smells either. Nothing new had come near the alley while he was..occupied. So why had he heard- "When someone offers you help you should learn to accept it, you know." The huge, panting monster that was Russ stopped, cocked his head to the side in abject confusion, and let out a befuddled "Hnghrh?" "You never know, you could help change the world." Russ practically heard the smug smirk in that warm, gentle, rumbling voice. Mmm. Nice, manly voice. But it only led to further confusion, since of all the voices he'd heard most of his life, none of them had been..Gabe's? "You've been distracted. Stop for a second, calm down, and open yourself. You can hear me. Can you hear them?" Russ perked his ears again and listened. And looked. He heard the whistling of the wind, noticed again the dancing of the snow.. ..And the howling of the wind became an entirely different kind of howling, and the snowdrifts again danced as wolves among the stars as they got brighter. As everything began to glow brighter. And suddenly it was as if those things were the ocean, and Russ got smacked by a wave. The snow became spirals became wolves became stars, weaving about the universe in an ever-changing tapestry. The singing became howling became singing again, and Russ thought he could almost start to make out words. And music. Did he imagine, ever so faintly, hearing trumpets..? Russ looked higher up as a glow came into his view, and gasped. A figure softly descended amongst the snowdrifts into the alleyway. White, radiant, glowing. But not human. A great beast like Russ had become, every curve and sinew taut and bulging, covered with white fur interspersed with flecks of gold, and a mane of gold atop his lupine head. Except.. This beast softly descended from the sky towards him, held aloft by a huge pair of luminescent..white..wings. Russ the giant badass monster stumbled back a step despite himself. He wasn't wrong to keep thinking of religion earlier. He knew now..This creature was 'Gabe'...

"The angel..Gabriel!"

The creature laughed. "Oh Russ, Russ.. No, no, you're still confused I see.. First, just call me Gabe; Secondly, I may be many things: Playful, clever, violent, a raging horndog, a brilliant artist when the mood strikes me.. But I'm no angel."

Russ stood dumbstruck. "But..but..wings!" "--Do not an angel make, you should know better than that. Birds aren't angels. I'm not the only one of our kind with wings anyway." "Our..kind..? There's more?" Gabe grinned, "Every day and counting." "But.. You have to be an angel.. You have to be something.. You did this!" Russ swept his paws downward, gesturing at himself. "You made me YOUNG again! You made me huge and strong..You made me so fuckin' hot and horny! For heaven's sake, you turned me into a werewo--" "The word you're looking for," interrupted Gabe, "is 'Lykan'" "Lykan?" Gabe sighed softly and pressed his palm to his face for a moment. "Okay..Russ. I think I get it now. They warned us about this, that sometimes it'll take some time to kick in, some time to adjust. With you it just seems to be taking a bit longer than most..Huh, if it's taking this long..It could be you really would've died tonight if I hadn't found you." Russ whimpered softly as that particular comment sank in. "Oh, don't be like that, I'm just guessing. Enough with the 'angel' thing though, I love being revered and worshipped.. but not like that." Gabe grinned. Russ blinked. "But..You're frickin' glowing!" Gabe slapped his forehead. " Asdjkf--!" "Uh..gesundheit?" "Dachshund!" "What!?" "Oh sorry, nevermind. Anyway, I can see things are slow tonight, so I'll walk you through it, that's part of why I showed up. I reiterate: I. Am NOT. An ANGEL. I'm not a 'divine being' in any way, shape, or form, I'm just a Lykan, like you are now, just with wings. Okay?" "Like..I am..? So.. You and me.. We're the same..species? have..wings." " Yes. Finally, what I've been saying all along." "And you glow like you just fell outta heaven." "Okay, don't mind the glowing thing, alright? That's just 'cause I'm not actually here." "..." "Right.. Not really helping the 'not an angel' argument with that one, am I." "Nope." "Okay, well.. Remember when you heard me, clear as day, a few minutes ago, but I wasn't really there?" "How could I forget.." "Right, sorry I scared you. Sorry I interrupted you. But, I had my reasons. I'll explain them shortly. Suffice to say, this" Gabe gestured to himself, "is much the same thing. I'm a Lykan, You're a Lykan, it's a thing that Lykans can DO. To put it in short, you're looking at a manifestation of my 'soul', you could say. It could also be referred to as 'astral projection', if you've heard that one before. Very simple, basic, human lingo - very restrictive to the concept. Anyway, like I said, I did..that thing..when you heard me; I'm doing it right now, even more. I can do it as strongly as I want to, and the more receptive you are, the more of 'me' will get through. Go ahead, reach over here. Touch me." Russ started to open his muzzle. Gabe reached behind his wings and whipped out a cast-iron frying pan. "And if you call me a bloody angel again, I will set this on FIRE and WHACK you with it!" Russ retreated slightly, a faint whimper escaping him. He reached towards Gabe..And his paw went right through. "Whoa." Russ waved his paw about for a second in and out and through Gabe, who appeared to be trying his best to be patient, before withdrawing it. "Yes, it's very neat. Like a hologram, right?" "Yeah, how'd you know I was going to say--" "We'll get to that. For now, try again." Russ did so, only this time, his pawpads brushed against the soft white fur, and rested on Gabe's warm cheek. The white wolf nuzzled into Russ' paw affectionately. They both smiled a bit. "Mm. Nice, isn't it? You'll love being able to do it yourself. No matter where you go, there you are." "'d happen if you did that with my hand still..inside you?" "Doesn't matter, I'm not actually, physically here, see?" Gabe continued nuzzling Russ' paw, adding a warm little lick before backing away. "Not that it matters much, I'll be here soon enough." "Okay, what do you mean by that one?" "I mean, I'm projecting here for you because you've changed enough that I can get through now, but because you're having trouble, I decided to come back here, physically. I'm on my way now, but trying to fly halfway across the city in a snowstorm? It's a bitch." The furry behemoths shared a chuckle about that. Russ felt his tensions and confusion easing. Gabe winked and pointed a clawed finger at Russ. "You better appreciate all the trouble I'm going through for you, mister. I wouldn't go through all this trouble for just anyone. You're a very special case, y'know."

Through the celestial chorus that had since become background noise, Russ briefly heard some faint whisper about "..obedience training on the 'Lykan short bus'.." "Hey, come on now, I'm tryin' here! This is a lot to take in all at once! I just went from a sick old bum to a huge horny monster who can lift dumpsters and suck his own dick!!" Gabe snickered briefly before stopping. "Wait, you caught that?" "Yeah.." Gabe's blue eyes brightened. "Okay, believe it or not, that's a good sign!" "It is? I thought I" "Hearing the voices again?" Russ looked taken aback. "Yeah.." Gabe laid a paw on Russ' shoulder, gently ruffling his fingers through the black-splotched russet and gray there. "It's okay Russ, I know about that too. You're not the first one we've welcomed into the Pack, and we think it's part of what's holding up your..'reception'." "Pack..? Reception..?" "OK, next lesson. Simple analogies. The us. It's the Lykans. It's, um, kind of like..ugh, I hate to dumb this down so much, but.. It's kind of like the internet. You know, how every computer is interconnected whilst still being separate?" Russ nodded. "This thing I'm doing with you, right now? Every Lykan, everywhere, can do that. That's the Pack. Sort of. In the crudest terms possible. The fact that you heard that is a sign that you're starting to truly join us. With any luck, you'll soon experience it full-on for yourself." "..Wow. I just hope this 'Pack' of yours isn't as full of jerks as the internet is." Russ stuck out his tongue. "I knew I shouldn't have run with that analogy.. But no, it's not. We all want you with us. Even some FOX who can't understand that this, ultimately is a LEARNING EXPERIENCE that will HELP US ALL.." Gabe turned and glared fiercely into thin air. "But, y'know, foxes. Can't keep their muzzes shut. On the plus side, they can't keep their tails down, either." Gabe winked at Russ again. "Just something to keep in mind if we, oh, say, decide to go traveling and give one a good spitroasting together." On the periphery of his awareness, Russ perceived something indescribable that was simultaneously a grumble of humiliation and a squeal of enthusiasm. "Another plus that you actually understood what he said, too, instead of you just hearing some indecipherable warble in Italian. Just lemme know if you decide to go to Sicily anytime soon, 'k? I hear it's lovely this time of year, right, Raffaelo?" Russ blinked. "Anyway, before we were so rudely interrupted. Most of us, when we join the Pack, it only takes us a short time. I'm trying to help you along until the rest of you catches up with that hunky body of yers; And also we're all trying to learn more from this experience, since each new Packmate brings something new in and of themselves to the whole, to better us all. You Russ, are having more trouble integrating than a vast majority, and learning why and how helps us all, you follow?" Russ nodded before quietly adding, "..the voices.." Gabe nodded. "That's probably a factor. This thing humans call Schizophrenia.." Russ cringed internally at the word, "It affects things. It's like when the human mind tries to percieve the world beyond their physical senses and.. urf.. Some help here, guys?" Gabe paused a moment and waved his paw about at the empty air. "No, nothing about 'quantum entanglement synchronization blah blah blah, I'm keeping it simple, remember?" Gabe appeared to listen to nothing for another moment, though Russ thought he could hear..something, in the distance. "Okay, how about this: It's like.. A singer trying to sing through a microphone, when there's feedback at the same time. Everything comes out distorted and garbled up. Either it creates interference or people get used to fighting things like voices in your head, tuning them out.. Either way, it disrupts things. It's not just that, either, though. Your age, your health, it all adds up." A small smile crept across Gabe's muzzle. "But.. When you finally find the harmony.. It's even better than it is for those of us who didn't start out that way." "So..Harder road, but bigger pot of gold at the end?" "Odd mixing of metaphors, but sure." "So.. What's the next step?" "Try to focus, first. Most folks get a shot of recent history to get them caught up to speed. Just quiet yourself, open up to what you're already beginning to perceive, and try to focus in on that." Russ thought for a moment and pointed upwards questioningly. Gabe nodded. Russ closed his eyes and tried to listen through the countless voices talking in a multitude of languages, laughing, singing, howling, crying out in passion -- it all blended together in a surprisingly beautiful, if cacophonous, melody. As he tried to focus, individual voices faded into the background, and the multitude settled into a song, and in the back of Russ' mind, the song became a story, being told to him. Once upon a time, not that long ago, aliens came to earth--

Russ' reverie was abruptly stopped by a loud ' whump' just outside the alley. His eyes snapped open. "Dammit, sorry.. Bad timing on my part. I'm here." Russ peered out into the street where what appeared to be a large lump of snow stood up and waved at him. Gabe - the real, physical Gabe - then dropped to all fours, shaking like a dog whilst flapping his wings, sending powder everywhere into the silent, abandoned street, before tucking his wings tidily behind him and trotting into the alleyway. "And here I am, finally. Sorry it took so very long, I had to stop and get cleaned up. Nearly got knocked clear out of the sky by some damn retarded-ass duck who decided that NOW would be the best time to fly south. But it's all worked out for the best, natural selection was served and I'm not hungry anymore. I just didn't want you getting all worried on your first day out, seeing me all bloody and thinking some of it might actually be mine." He grinned toothily at Russ. Russ grinned back, idly thinking that seeing Gabe soaked in blood from a fresh kill might actually be kinda hot..then helping lap that blood off that buff fluffy white bod-- Russell shook his head a bit; where were these thoughts coming from? He then noticed that there were two nearly identical Gabes standing in front of him. One the glowy, slightly ethereal one he'd been talking with, one halfway to being a winged wolfsicle hunching in the alley, as the remaining snow crystals in his fur caught the streetlight and sparkled like diamonds. Russ looked between the glowy Gabe and the sparkly Gabe for a moment, perplexed. "Try not to let it get to you too much," sparkly Gabe offered. "Like I said, it's just something we can do. You get good at multitasking with it after a while." glowy Gabe added. "Still not an angel." In apparent response to the comment rising at the back of Russ' mind, the physical Gabe looked down at the light dancing off the shards of ice embedded in his glimmering white pelt. "..And not a vampire EITHER!" the Gabes huffed in unison. "..but I didn't say--" "You didn't have to!" sparkl--er, icy? Gabe interrupted. "But it means progress, anyway. I'm going to be over here trying to dust some more of this loose and warm up a bit. Correction, thaw out, even." He leaned against a further wall, mumbling something about hoping his damn sheath hadn't frozen shut.. Russ turned back to his heretofore guide. "Let's just try to continue on like nothing happened, okay? I can pop back over there if it's too distracting." He hiked a clawed thumb towards his frosty counterpart. "But it's easier for me like this, when I get this cranky." "But--" "You can still tell the difference, right?" "Yeah, but.." "Trust me, it'll all make sense in the end. Besides," he nudged Russ, leering at him. "Once you learn how to do this yourself..? Heheh, you thought you'd reached the pinnacle of masturbation earlier..! And the orgies--!" The white wolf across the alley cleared his throat loudly. "Anyway, yeah, like I was saying, consider this a test of your focusing skills.." he winked at Russ again. "If you're good, maybe later on we can play a game of 'which one's real and which one's Memorex'.." The very thought sent Russ' mind nearly careening off the rails until a loud WHONG brought him back to the present, in which his luminescent guide was rubbing the back of his head with one paw and holding a frying pan in the other, and glaring across the alleyway at his softly whistling doppelganger. "RIGHT, business now, fun later, I guess. So, you got there once already. Find your way there again, pick up where you left off." Russ closed his eyes and tried to will away the vivid imagery of possibilities that'd been planted in his head, and listened. True to his guide's words, he soon found the thread of thought that led to the story.

'Not that long ago, aliens came to Earth. But it was not the first time. They had landed here many times before, in secret.' _ Holy shit, aliens, they were right, aliens were real!_ "..Aliens.." Russ mumbled, eyes still closed. "Shh.." 'They meant no harm. They were good aliens. Aliens who contacted the leaders of earth quietly. The aliens made agreements to trade with the Earthlings. The aliens shared their wondrous, advanced technology. In trade, the Earthlings selected a few of their own to leave with the Aliens. And all was good, for a time.' _ The government making backdoor deals with aliens!? The conspiracy crackpots were right!_ 'But then one day, some of the wrong Earthlings found out what was happening to their people. The aliens were taking them away to turn their people into more aliens, like them. This was because the aliens had lots of technology, but were very small in number. The aliens saw nothing wrong with this, they were only trying to survive. Most of the Earthlings already trading with the aliens knew this, too. The aliens were very up front and honest about their intentions, because they were good. Most of the Earthlings saw it as 'a necessary sacrifice', to get their technology. And all of the Earthlings who came back as aliens seemed very happy. But the bad Earthlings who saw this got very mad and decided to interfere. They broke the truce. The bad Earthlings captured the aliens, turning their technological gifts on them. They hurt and even tortured the aliens, with Earthling technology and even with their own. They shouldn't have done that.' _ No shit, you don't piss off the guys with the bigger guns than you!_ 'The aliens had more gifts than just their technology, that Earthlings didn't understand. They didn't know the aliens didn't need their technology to make Earthlings like them. So the aliens escaped, and turned the tables on their captors.' Good for them! Payback time! ..Wait what? 'But the aliens weren't hateful or spiteful to their captors. They were good aliens. They didn't hurt or kill their Earthling jailors, just turned them into more aliens, just like them. The aliens' Earthling captors were very very sorry for what they did. But except for that, their former captors were very happy too! And the aliens were happy as well, because now they had more friends! And they were both happy together, because they learned so much from each other. And it was all so easy, too! Getting humans to join them was even easier than they thought! So all the aliens got together and decided to stay on Earth for a while. They decided to spread out and make as many new friends as they could! That way the Earthlings would be happier and the aliens would never be in danger from them again. The Beginning.'

"So, do you think he gets it, now?" "If he doesn't now, he will soon." "I dunno, has anyone ever taken this long?" "I think a few have taken longer, but the more join us, the easier it gets." "Well I hope he joins us soon. I can't wait to--" "Hey, I think he can hear us! Russ?" Russ snapped his eyes open, blinking as he looked about. No sign of the other voices. Were those-- "..Aliens..?" Gabe grinned at him brightly in the dim light of the alley, most of the ice now gone from his fur and looking quite a bit more enthusiastic than he had upon his arrival. Just the one of him now, though. The real one. "Yep..Meet your new family, Russ." "Lykans..Me..?" "Mm-hmm." "So..I'm a victim-turned-member of an invading force of big alien werewolves." "Lykans," Gabe corrected, "That word's the closest in your culture but it's inaccurate. And besides, you're not precisely lupine, anyhow." "Mmh?" Gabe wandered to the edge of the alley, looking around to ensure he wasn't seen, reached behind a pile of boxes and pulled out his bag - had Russ not noticed him bring it back or had he left it here? - And produced a hand mirror. "Take a look." Russ peered down his muzzle into a reflection of an angular, slightly tufted face, a collage of the same reddish, gray and black splotches that proceeded down most of the rest of his body. Triangular ears folded down over themselves atop his head, swiveling and twitching at the surrounding sounds. But mostly, he couldn't stop staring into his own piercing, icy-blue eyes. "I'm one of those, uh, cattle-herding--" "--Australian shepherd. Blue merle." Gabe interjected. "See, I told you you were a special case." He reached over, gently rubbing the ruff of Russ' cheek. "A flower that takes a long time to bloom, but when it finally does.." Gabe's voice dropped to a whisper. "..It's beautiful." Russ' ears gave away his blush. "Thank you.." The words slipped out before Russ knew he was saying them. "..You're beautiful too." Surely Russell had meant that platonically. Aesthetically, like a statue was beautiful. Surely. Right? Gabe smiled softly. "Thank you, hon." "I know you're not, but you really do look like one, y'know. 'Specially glowing like you were." "Oh you like the glow do you? I see how it is." Gabe smirked. "Well then.." He reached slightly above his head and grasped apparent thin air between a thumb and forefinger, pulling down about an inch. Russ could've sworn he heard a soft 'ka-click', and the soft glow seemed to resume from beneath Gabe's fur. "Heh, cool trick." "It's a thing I can do." He placed a warm paw on Russ' massive chest, stroking softly. "You know.. There is another reason I came back all this way for you.." "Hmm?" Russ replied in a slight daze. Gabe's gentle petting felt really good.. Gabe pulled closer to Russ. "You should have someone help you with the _ other _ things Lykans love to do, too.. Though you were doing a FINE job of that yourself earlier..Mrrr, that was really hot.." Russell blinked for a second and pulled away just a fraction of an inch. He felt a pang of regret doing so; Gabe was warm and fluffy and smelled good. "But..we're both guys..Aren't you.." Now it was Gabe's turn to pull slightly away and blink for a second, before bursting out into a giggle. "Oh you poor silly puppy! Lykans are all male!" He grinned. "Very male, as you might've noticed. Didn't that part get through to you with the rest?" "..I guess not.." Russ muttered. "But if--That means you're--" "All gay, yep!" "But..You're still aliens..You're invading Earth.." "..And we're making it better!" Gabe beamed. "Think about it for a second Russ. I seem to recall a certain someone going on about bench-pressing a dumpster and sucking his own dick..? You really want to go back to how you were before?" "..No.." Russ admitted. "..Dunno how I'm gonna walk around like this without getting shot though.." "Oh, that. You remember when we met, right? Don't worry, we can change back, if we want to sneak around. Almost nobody wants to look completely like they were before though. Younger, taller, hunkier. I know_I_ sure didn't used to look as good as you saw me, back when I was human. Still like myself a lot better in this bod though. And eventually I won't have to hide it. You won't either. Besides Russ, there's no 'aliens' and 'humans' anymore. Only the Pack. You're one of us now. You're just taking a while to get there." Gabe again moved closer to Russ. "You like being what you are now, right? Healthy, strong, powerful? You want it?" He again placed a paw against Russ' cheek. "Yeah.. Yeah, I do." Gabe grinned and brought his other arm up, the vein standing out even through the white fur as he flexed his massive bicep in front of Russ. "And you like this too, don't you? You want me too, right? "Um--" Russell faltered; And yet, his mouth watered unbidden, and he felt flush with warmth in the cold of the alley. Gabe leaned closer. "Remember Chipper?" "What?" "I 'heard' your thoughts earlier. You were remembering how you felt with a big, warm dog against you on a cold night, how he was the only one you ever trusted so completely.. Well Russ, here's another big, warm dog you can warm up to, and many, many more just waiting for you to join us. And we're all part of the Pack. You can trust us all, right down to your very soul. It's safe. Do you trust me, Russ?" Inexplicably, Russ did. He didn't often find himself opening up to complete strangers, or accepting soup from them. "Yeah.." "I haven't hurt you, or really done anything wrong to you, have I?" Giving him a young, huge, hot, impossibly strong body? Possibly saving his life? "No.." Gabe smiled and resumed rubbing Russ' cheek. "Does this feel so wrong..?" Russ closed his eyes. "Mmmh.. No.. Feels good..Warm.." _ But they're aliens Gay alien dogs who want to take over Earth and--_ "Or this? Does this feel good?" Gabe brought his other paw down to Russ' chest again, massaging slowly. "Rrrr..yeah.." "Does it feel..right..?" Gabe began slowly rubbing a padded fingertip over Russ' nipple, sending electric pleasure through him and eliciting a sudden gasp from the shepherd, followed by a groan. "Yes..God yes.." Gabe slowly drew his muzzle closer to Russ', slowly intoning each word in a deep, warm, golden rumble. "Then I think..we should stop worrying..about what some stuffy old humans say is 'wrong'..and just do..what feels...right."

Russ' eyes opened as their noses touched. He gazed into Gabe's eyes and the last, faint embers of his old paranoia and hesitation went spiraling into silent oblivion. He leaned forward, tilting his head as Gabe did the same, their muzzles parting softly until their dark lips sealed around each other in a kiss. Fireworks went off in Russ' brain as the two canids explored each others' hot mouths, long, dextrous tongues dancing about each other as they moaned softly down each others' muzzles. Russ pulled Gabe close and embraced him, said fireworks only intensifying as their massive chests pressed against each other, hard abs grinding against hard abs. Their fuzzy sheathes brushed against each other and the fireworks became atomic bombs, whole galaxies exploding whitely in the night sky. Russ broke the kiss and pulled away panting, his hot breath sending plumes into the air with each huff. "..Wow.." Gabe grinned, panting a bit himself. "Yeah, I know, right? You're a good kisser." "You..too..damn." "And that's just the beginning.." As Russ' panting slowed and he recovered from his momentary daze, a genuine smile dawned across his muzzle and he leaned into Gabe once again, nuzzling the big white wolf as his paws began exploring his benefactor's frame in earnest. He took his time navigating across Gabe's body as he had with his own, rubbing over his broad shoulders, tracing a vein as it snaked its way over his bulging arms, feeling over the cobblestones of his abs. He took an especially long time reaching back to examine Gabe's' magnificent wings and the exceptionally powerful muscles there that held him aloft, marvelling at the foreign anatomy there - almost like a second set of arms, but so very different - and yet at once just as hard, bulging and strong as the rest of him. All the while Gabe was taking in Russ' new form with his own paws, both great beasts nuzzling and licking each other, murring softly in pleasure and appreciation of the other. Russ slid his paws back up to Gabe's burgeoning chest, resting them there and softly rubbing the firm pecs underneath the creamy fur; and under that, he felt beneath his sensitive pads the warm pounding of the winged wolf's heart. Ba-Thump. Ba-Thump.

Russ gazed into Gabe's eyes before moving in again to nuzzle and share yet another Earth-movingly passionate kiss. As the musclebound canines again embraced and rubbed against each other, the slowly building affection and lust between the two males began to rise even further, and as rubbing started to become grinding, Russ felt other things rising as well; his maleness was once again rising from his sheath, and he could feel Gabe's poking against him, growing harder by the moment. As he growled softly into the kiss before again breaking off, he peered downwards in eager curiosity to the white lupine's emerging shaft. He was greeted by a sight not entirely dissimilar to his own new, red rocket, which had started jutting out into the cold night air to join it - big, thick, long, pointed.. Thick, softly throbbing veins snaking along its length.. Slick and glistening wetly in the dim light, a slight drop of pre just beginning to emerge from the pulsing, tapered tip.. The biggest difference between them being.. In contrast to his own, Gabe's was jet black. Mmmm...Variety, thought Russ as a strand of drool made its way from his softly panting muzzle unbidden. The two smiled at each other and wielded their growing erections toward each other until they met, and both men rubbed them together for a minute, groaning softly and loving the feeling, both beginning to ooze more steadily until both members were quite slick with the others' fluids. They pressed together again and resumed their earlier soft grind, and Russ moaned openly and loudly as his sensitive shaft nestled between the soft-furred valley of Gabe's abs, Gabe doing much the same. GOD_S this felt fantastic! Russ growled softly but deeply in lust, nipping at Gabe's thick neck before the two parted again, leaving clear slickness wetting their fur, thick strands clinging between them and shining in the light, binding them together. "Gods, you're so hot.." Russ panted. "Oh you too hun, you were _so worth the flight back here.." "So..What now?" "Your call Russ.. But if you don't mind a suggestion.. A growing pup like you must be pretty hungry.." He leaned back against the alley wall, gripping his ebon rod and pointing it at Russ, grinning like the lusty predator that he was. "I thought you might like some more hot soup, straight from the tap this time." As if for emphasis a clear drop trailed from his tip to the snow-covered ground. 'Soup'..! So THAT was how it happened.. Russ realized that amidst this particular revelation, he didn't really care; he just wanted more. He was, after all, just as hungry as Gabe suggested, and if the flavor of his own was any indication, a bit of hot wolfmeat followed by creamy 'soup' might just whet his appetite. Or leave him ravenous for still more. Either way, win-win. He grinned just as predatorily back at Gabe as he knelt down before him.

Russ didn't immediately dive in, however. Instead he reached up towards the white wolf's balls, stroking the white-furred sac gently for a moment, watching them dangle heavily, the centre of his masculine power, hanging low against his broad, muscular thighs. He cupped them in his paw, rubbing gently, smiling at the weight of the hefty orbs and the low sounds of pleasure emanating from their owner. He drew his nose underneath them and took a deep sniff, and his new nose was greeted by a flourish of scent, many of which he could never have detected in his old life, but predominant amongst them, a massive flood of testosterone and lust, and the deep, manly richness of male wolf. Mmmm. His tongue darted out and he drew his head back in a long, slow lick, tasting of the bouquet he'd just inhaled and inciting a gasp of pleasure from his quarry. In that fleeting moment he felt his tongue pass over more thick veins, and felt the pounding of Gabe's heart here too, insistent with need.

He moved his nose upwards to the base of Gabe's shaft and again took a long, slow, deep sniff across its length without touching it, taking in the thick musky odor and eyeing closer the veins, the texture, the sheer size of the glistening dark flesh as it bobbed tantalizingly in front of him, the whiskers across his muzzle tickling along its surface and summoning forth an urgent, pent-up whimper from the muzzle above, the flow of pre emanating from the tip steadily increasing until yet another drop spilt forth headed for the ground; but Russ darted out his tongue again and caught it, not wanting any more to go to waste and eager to sample it for himself. That slick dollop spread across Russ' new and improved taste buds like a wildfire. Just as good as his - no, even better! He beamed in anticipation and at last took another long, slow lick all the way up Gabe's length, his ears perking as his companion loosed a moan from deep in his chest that traveled up into his throat to trail off into a deep growl. As his tongue reached the apex of its journey, he closed his lips around the very tip of Gabe's cock, kissing it just as it jumped and rewarded Russ' yearning mouth with a large, thick spurt of the clear ambrosia much like he'd gotten from himself earlier. The splotchy canid grinned inside. This stuff--this GUY-- was hot, and delicious. He'd found his prey, and he intended to devour it. He savored the rich, thick, salty taste for a moment before parting his lips. Slowly, carefully, he opened his muzzle as he'd done with himself not long ago, and guided Gabe's hot rocket between his sharp fangs, into his gaping maw. He inched the tapered canine cock into his mouth, running his tongue along its surface, taking him in ever deeper, far deeper than a human mouth could ever accommodate, until his lips met the growing bulge of Gabe's knot, near the base. He felt Gabe's paw land atop his head, rubbing behind his ears in encouragement along with his grunts and groans of pleasure; though the increasingly frequent spurts of the wolf's slick essence were more than encouragement enough. The Australian shepherd closed his lips around his prize and began to draw back before plunging forward again, beginning to suck hungrily as his tongue curled and lashed around his suitor's hot dick, working the same magic on it as he had on his own, and was similarly rewarded with even thicker shots of goodness and groans of passion. "Oohhhh FUCK YES Russ, keep it up, you're doing--AH!-- DAMN good..! Yeah, show me you know how to work that hot muzzle, yeah..damn..!" Gabe leaned one of his big legs forward, underneath Russ own member, and began rubbing it between his furred toes in reciprocation. Bliss! Russ moaned around Gabe's member and was rewarded with yet another large splat of pre as Gabe moaned in tandem, which served to remind him further of his own experience. He began to softly growl, vibrating the white wolf's shaft even further and producing a mirroring sound from the powerful chest above him. Gabe shot even more, which only spurred Russ to redouble his efforts, rippling his tongue along that hot meat and sucking greedily down all that Gabe had to give him, murring as the liquid coated his tongue and slid down his muzzle, and seemed to suffuse his whole being with warmth and fueled his own lust. "Ohhh Russ...Russs...!" Russ heard but wasn't listening. He picked up the pace, leaning forward to grasp Gabe's balls again and bracing himself with his other paw against Gabe's thick thigh, all but lost in his quest. He clamped down even more on his target, wrapping his tongue all around it, bobbing faster, his nose bumping Gabe's engorged knot. In a flash of determination and insight, he moved his paw off Gabe's thigh to wrap it around the fleshy bulb and stroked it, squeezing firmly. Dammit, he was GOING to make this hot wolf cum! He wanted more! "Aaaghk--Russ--!!" A ragged howl ripped itself from Gabe's skyward muzzle, his eyes screwed shut and every glorious muscle tensed as the shots of pre thickened and suddenly erupted into a torrent of thick seed into Russ' muzzle. The first gush caught him by surprise, hitting him all the way at the back of his throat, but he continued his ministrations, and thus was continued to be rewarded as the lupine Adonis above him shot his load. --And Russ thought the PRE was good! This was the best damn thing he'd ever tasted! Thick, creamy, salty, and absolutely addictive. Russ guzzled it down as quickly as Gabe could shoot it..Which was quite a lot. Which was perfectly fine with Russ, since he wanted as much as he could get. As the shots of wolfcum slowly began to diminish, Russ continued to swallow, feeling it course down his throat, feeling that delicous warmth just like the pre, only moreso. In fact, the sensation only seemed to grow, spreading outwards into his body, warming further into a pleasurable heat, wending into his muscles and giving him that wonderful pumped-up feeling just like he got when he transformed. It felt good. HE felt good. Big. Powerful. Manly. Strong. Ferocious. Horny. He could've sworn he felt his rippling muscles grow a bit more, and he growled deeply, savagely, flexing them a bit. He could feel something else too. Something perhaps even more intense than that. More important. He heard voices again. That sea of voices coming from all around him, and within him. If he was hit by a wave before, Russ was blasted by a tsunami. He pulled his muzzle from Gabe's cock and looked around him. They weren't alone in the alley. Not by a long shot. They were surrounded by more huge, horny canine monsters like themselves. Russ could hear them. He could see them, gathered around him, panting and pawing at themselves and each other. He could feel them. His brothers. The Lykans. The Pack. They were there but not there, in the same sense that Gabe had been there but not there. Nearest him stood a titanic shaggy wall of a Saint Bernard -- Heh, there really had been a Saint Bernard -- and he was built like a damn tank. In his mind, Russ could feel his essence...Bruno..That was his name. Beside him, stood a taller, lithe greyhound man, slender but still well-defined, graceful..Blaze..from..Kentucky.. And behind them, there was even Raffaelo, the snide fox from earlier. Russ glanced over his toned, athletic russet body and fluffy tail and made a mental note to visit Sicily sometime. But Russ understood his impatience now. He could see them, from all over the world, and he could feel them. Out beyond the alley, he could see innumerable other Lykan spirits in audience, but these closest to him, these were the ones he'd heard earlier. They were the ones most interested in him, personally. Interested in HIM, for who he was, for everything in his soul. They'd never met him, but they cared about him. They were eager to see him flower into the glorious creature he was now. And he found himself caring about them, too. He wanted to know them, and now he could. He could reach inside and see the beautiful souls within those attractive statuesque bodies. He looked at them all, and after a moment, they looked back. And realized what had happened. And smiled. "Ohh.." "Russ..!" "Russ, you've finally joined us.." Russ wasn't standing on the shore now, being lapped at by the ocean. He was IN the ocean. He was PART of the ocean. An ocean of love. He could feel them, his Lykan brothers, and they loved him. And he loved them. And he wanted to express that love. Soon. But for now.. He loved Gabe. And Gabe loved him. And Gabe's hot bod was right here, panting above him, looking about and smiling proudly. "You can see them, can't you?" Russ didn't respond. He could see them all right, countless more muscular, hot Lykans. He could feel them, and knew they'd all been watching from the beginning. He could feel they were pent-up and horny from the show..But none more so than Russ himself. What he felt was that heat pulsing through his veins, making his whole body throb, especially his hot dog dick.. Making him feel charged with lust, frustration, and power. And he knew what he wanted. He wanted more. The waves of his metaphorical ocean rose up over his head, higher and higher, closer and closer until they crashed down upon him and he was swept away. "..Russ..?" Gabe looked down into the Australian shepherd's face..His ice-blue eyes burning with crazed, surging lust. Ba-THUMP. Russ flexed again and the heat pumping through him ignited into burning fire. Gabe heard a low, deep, savage growl rumbling up from the depths of Russ' chest to take the shape of a single word. "... MORE..."

Gabe chuckled a bit. "Really craving it now, huh Russ? Good thing for you I'm still up for anothe--" Gabe was abruptly cut off as Russ pounced him, springing from his bulging haunches in a single leap and slamming Gabe back against the brick wall, hard. Thick veins pulsed outwards, the larger ones becoming visible even beneath the fur, which itself was rapidly becoming matted with sweat. Bulging muscle ground against bulging muscle as the two beasts grappled, two sets of deadly-sharp fangs bared as they faced off against each other, Russ' throbbing erection stabbing against Gabe's taut abs. The very alley reverberated with their deep growls and snarls as the impossible strength they each possessed contested against the others'; Russ pushing Gabe ever downwards by the shoulders, Gabe fighting back as he was pinned against the brick wall, the pressure scraping his wings against the coarse stone. It fucking hurt! "Get..the fuck.. off of me!" Gabe finally snarled out, rallying his strength into one huge push, trying to throw Russ off. But the huge mottled Lykan was relentless, and amidst his growling and straining Gabe abruptly let out a gasp of realization. Russ was not budging. Russ was winning. This brand-new Lykan, one Gabe had turned himself, was beating him. longer knew who or what he was facing. The Lykans had grown explosively in diversity from their experiments in the seige of Earth, seeing all manner of new adaptations for the first time in the Pack. But always for the good of the whole. Always as the victors. And now, this new Lykan..was fighting down a fellow Lykan..and beating him. What if... What if in trying to subsume the entire planet, the Lykans had gone too far? What if they had reached the limits of their adaptation, found someone they just couldn't convert, and in pressing ever onwards Gabe had accidentally sired something completely new? Outwardly a Lykan, but even stronger. And inside...nothing. Nothing but a feral, lust-crazed monster, the basest urges of the Lykan race distilled and amplified, at the cost of intelligence - of sentience - nothing more than a rabid dog. What if Russ turned out to be just as infectious as any Lykan. Or even more so. What if Gabe had somehow created a Patient Zero out of this poor soul? If he could turn more humans, the Pack would, at least, have a civil war on its paws against these new creatures. If he could turn Lykans - the Pack would at best devolve into something it was never meant to be, at worst.. The Pack as all Lykans knew it could die. Gabe tried his hardest again, this time not as a physical struggle but through the bond all Lykans shared, to reach inside the creature before him and try to find Russ. Or something, anything. Try as he might, though, he only encountered the same raging inferno of fury and lust. The Pack knew he needed help, but though they shared in what he was going through, all the other Lykans were at just as much of a loss as Gabe himself was. Moreover, there were still too few Lykans scattered too far across the city to physically get there in time to possibly help him, and he inwardly cursed his own hubris. What was about to happen? Was he about to be raped, inasmuch as a Lykan could be? Infected, to lose his mind and become like Russ? Or perhaps even mauled to death? As he began to panic, even his connection to the Pack was weakened, set into the background. The entire Pack could become spectators to whatever was about to happen next. But here, in the alley, it was just him..and Russ. No..Russ was gone. He was entirely alone. With a monster. Gabe looked into Russ' eyes. Lambent, ice-blue eyes, inset with pupils the size of pinpricks. Heartbreakingly beautiful eyes. Empty eyes. And knew fear. Gabe looked into another Lykan's eyes and knew fear unlike he'd known since he himself was turned. As he slid further down the wall, still waging a futile struggle, he began to whimper.

The monster's ears perked. And in its eyes..A glimmer. Gabe felt..something..from inside the creature's soul. Something from beyond the wall of fire he couldn't reach past. It leaned in closer, still growling, still pushing.. And gently licked Gabe on the muzzle. Gabe froze, and so did his opponent. Another, stronger flicker. The monster snarled and lunged at Gabe's face, clamping his lips over Gabe's - and kissed him. Passionately. Deeply, as if he was trying to suck out Gabe's very soul through his throat. Hot breath billowed through Gabe's muzzle, carrying his assailant's still-present growl down to reverberate through his own chest. Gabe, for his part, was so shocked and overwhelmed, he forgot even to keep up the struggle, and slid the rest of the way down the wall, his furry butt landing against the asphalt ground with a thump, the savage lip-lock continuing unbroken all the way down. Gabe felt more from him, flashes all but lost, like fireworks before a sun. Passion. Intimacy. Joy - no, elation. And a bit of..relief. ...Russ...? > Russisthatyouareyoustillintheresomewhere? < An impossibly thin ray of intellect lanced through the fire, and the creature's growl broke, for just a second, before resuming. "Mmph."

.._ RUSS! _ Gabe felt his own emotions blossom into a mirror of the relief and elation he'd found within his assailant a scant second before. He began to kiss back in earnest, letting Russ' long, flat, canine tongue dance across his own as it lapped against his fangs on the way towards plunging as far as it could down his throat. Russ' paws - since it seemed that Russ was still in there somewhere after all - moved off Gabe's shoulders, those bulging arms no longer fighting to push him down; one up to the wall, one beginning to rove across as much of Gabe's chest as it could caress, moving steadily down to his abs and finally gripping his forgotten, half-hard shaft, gently stroking it back towards its full potential. Both the canine men murred together, sharing a single breath, as they slowly began to relax, and Gabe reached up to return the favor, taking a second to grope Russ' fuzzy sack, feeling the weight of his balls dangling there potently, before moving to stroke Russ' raging, red rocket. It was actually hot to the touch, and as Gabe ran his pads lightly down its length, the kiss was finally broken, Russ leaning his head back up to the skies, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth in a daze of pleasure. A few shots of pre actually spurted, rather than seeped, onto Gabe's welcoming paw. "Grraawhh.." Relief spilled like a cool river through the senseless instinct running amok in Russ' mind, and Gabe smiled to himself, as he could now see for certain the Russ he knew on the other side of it. But what *was* that feral inferno, why had it taken over Russ so completely? The Pack had never seen anything so severe before. Of course, new Lykans were always at least a bit confused, a little crazed..and ravenously horny. But they were fine once they relinquished themselves to the Pack, and the orgasmic bliss it could bring-- Wait. Orgasm.

Gabe gasped again at being struck by his own epiphany. Russ..hadn't..cum yet. Not during his transformation. Not afterwards, when Gabe interrupted him. Not when he was sucking Gabe off. Not once, since this whole thing started. Not at ALL. Gabe smacked himself mentally. He hadn't intended to, but he'd been teasing and edging Russ this entire time, without actually giving him release. All the lust and pleasure and power of the transformation, but to be denied the fulfillment.. No wonder Russ had gone so feral he lost his mind - he must've been the most pent-up Lykan on the whole Earth at the moment. "Russ, I..I'm so sorry..Don't worry, I won't let you go on like this, I'll fix it.." Now that Gabe understood, the problem was simple. Simple problem, simple solution. He tightened his grip on Russ' cock, stroking harder, idly wondering how many times Russ would have to get off before he returned to his senses; before he could get very far, though, his paw was smacked away with a loud snarl. He looked back up at Russ in confusion. The massive Aussie shepherd's whole body was shaking, his muscles quivering with some unknown effort. "N--No.. w-waayy..Nneeed...M-Morrrrrree..." He trailed off into a deep baritone growl. Gabe blinked. That was the Russ he knew..fighting against what he was going through even just to be capable of speech. Apparently quality over quantity was the way? Gabe thought for a second. It'd take more than just a paw..Well, it was uncommon for the Lykan doing the converting to be taken by his newest charge, but it was far from unheard of. And it'd been a while since Gabe had gotten mounted anyway. He resolved that however rough Russ hammered him, he was tough enough to take it. He grinned up at Russ and slid further down the wall, lifting his legs and reaching down to move his tail out of the way.. ..Only to have Russ' paw abandon his own ebon member, by now once again fully hard, ready, and glistening slickly with pre, to again seize him by the shoulder and stop him moving any further. "Nn--nn--" "Not that either? You don't want to take me..?" Again Gabe paused in thought. "Russ..Hon..I'll do whatever I can to help you.. Whatever you want me to do.." The huge shepherd hunkered down over Gabe almost menacingly, but leaned in to nuzzle him tenderly on the cheek and neck, a physical gesture of the utmost appreciation Gabe could feel from Russ, at his words. But the fires raged on, and Russ was still struggling. He looked into Gabe's eyes. "Fffff-- FFFFfff... RRAWGH!" Russ abruptly pulled his paw off Gabe's shoulder and slammed it into the ground in frustration, mere inches from the white wolf's side. Gabe started and let out a loud 'yip!' as he was pelted by small flecks of asphalt and gravel, but was otherwise unharmed. He blinked and looked at Russ, who was in turn staring at his own arm, now embedded halfway up his bulging forearm in the hole he'd punched clean _ through _ the road. He pulled his paw from the miniature crater he'd made, shaking away the dirt and bits of rock, and just stared at his paw in dumbfounded astonishment at his own strength. Barely a scratch. He grinned devilishly, a muzzleful of sharp teeth gleaming, and chuckled darkly to himself before turning back to Gabe. "Fffuck m-me.." Gabe paused a second before smiling right back up at him. "...Oh.."

The two Lykans continued grinning at each other unabated, the alleyway once again echoing with their rumbling growls; no longer those of combat, but of anticipation and lust, punctuated by low, deep murrs as Russ raised his fluffy tail and knelt down over Gabe, straddling his benefactor and slowly lowering himself towards his prize. It seemed as if time itself was slowing as Gabe's slick, black, tapered tip finally breached Russ' insides, the both of them feeling each millimeter at a time, gasping in the long-awaited pleasures. To Gabe, Russ' insides were every bit as hot as his spirit was, though both were burning with the same motivations. Gabe could feel Russ from the inside, his passage clenching hard and rippling around the wolf's cock, both pleasuring and attempting to pull it ever further inwards. A Lykan's strength and power are not just limited to the outside, Gabe knew, but this..this was exceptional. He knew he was shooting pre himself into the massive shepherd, paving the way to glide in further. As he slid his hips upwards to meet Russ' descent, he was more than happy to oblige. "Yyeessss..." Russ groaned as that hot black rocket inched its way into him, finally filling him- no, not just filling him, FULfilling him, like a long-rusted lock finally finding its key. He could swear he could feel every throbbing vein on its surface, every drop spilling from it into him, seeping into him, bringing him closer to..completion. The pleasure, the satisfaction, cut like a widening river through the burning tempest that had held him captive. And as sanity slowly crept back into him, he felt them once again - his fellow Lykans, gathered all around, relieved to be connected to him again, and of course enjoying the show. Except for a few who decided to join in and help out Gabe in his efforts. The astral selves of his earlier newfound friends padded forth to join him, rubbing their paws over him and just trying to comfort and pleasure him as much as possible. Bruno the St. Bernard and Raffaelo the fox knelt on either side of him, rubbing over his powerful chest and abs before beginning to lick at them, soon taking a nipple each; while Blaze the greyhound leaned down, tipped Russ' head back, and kissed him *almost* as well as he had done to Gabe, but made up for any shortcomings by rubbing Russ behind the ears, which felt *fantastic*. And he reveled in it all, feeling the love and companionship of his new Lykan brothers, feeling the big, warm dog that was Gabe beneath him, and inside him, and sliding ever more inside him.. ..Until it stopped. Russ was sure he hadn't taken all of Gabe's length yet.. He let out a soft confused 'urf' and tried to press further, but seemed to be unable to. A fraction of a second was all it took to realize that Gabe was indeed hilted in him, but only up to his now fully-engorged knot. Not good enough. NO, not good enough! This beast was NOT going to settle, he was going to take it ALL! Oh wait, realized the rational part of Russ. That river wasn't was gasoline. And there was the spark. And 'Russ' got swept away again. The beast bellowed a loud snarl of sexual rage to the heavens, lifting himself up off of Gabe's dick until just the tip remained before *slamming* himself back down on it just as suddenly. Gabe gasped, haplessly caught off-guard by the sudden shift in personality as much as the near-crippling sensation. The blond-and-white wolf could still sense what was happening, however, and this time did not let himself be deterred. As his pre oozed down over his knot on each downward thrust, Gabe continued to try to thrust upwards and meet Russ' goal. The two Lykans again growled at each other and muscle again strained against muscle, though far more cooperatively than before. Ultimately though, Gabe again lost out to the sheer ferocity of Russ' jackhammering, and at one point yelped out as he completely slammed into the ground, some small part of him realizing they had actually cracked the already-weakened pavement beneath them as the massive cattle-dog rode him like, well, a cowboy. Russ' efforts were, however, gaining ground, and finally the beast plunged down and stayed there. One paw shot out to grip the wall, claws digging into the brickwork, while the other reached under to grip Gabe by the ass, attempting to pull them together. Russ exerted all his newfound strength with wonton abandon.. "Grrr RRRAHH!" Success - of a sort. Gabe's knot finally slid into Russ not so much with a 'pop' but with a POW so forceful it actually hurt for the both of them. But Lykan stamina is a formidable thing, and the pain passed as quickly as it had flared. Russ, though, did not miss a beat, continuing to grind against Gabe despite them finally being tied together, panting and grunting fervently with each motion. Gabe, despite the pleasure of the veritable assault he was being given, regained enough sense to look down and see his chest and abs positively soaked with pre at this point, Russ' angry red dog dick plowing furrows into the white fur with each thrust, his knot bulging out and throbbing almost obscenely with need. Oh, so that's what was going on. Well, thanks to Lykan flexibility Gabe could give his frantic pup *much* better than that. Craning his head forward, he lapped up as much of the shepherd's mess as he could off himself while moving toward his destination. The wolf's teeth were only as dangerous as he wished them to be, and with the expertise granted him by the Pack, he took Russ' malehood into his muzzle. With that same expertise he put his lupine tongue to use on that hot shaft, lapping and sucking as much as he could while the big dog above him continued to thrust between his lips, savoring the taste of whatever fluids his newest protege granted him. Russ went even wilder with the new stimulation of that hot velvet tongue on his sensitive flesh, and rewarded Gabe with a gush into his waiting muzzle. He gripped the throbbing member inside him as hard as he could, thrusting desperately as the pointed black cock hammered against his prostate. All that stimulus.. Gabe let out a growl so deep it reverberated all the way through his dick and deep into Russ. That growl ended with a sharp gasp and Russ could feel Gabe sliding over that glorious precipice into total bliss. Gabe lifted his muzzle to the swirling heavens and howled, a howl as clear and pure as his snow-white fur. It was music to Russ' ears, like a clarion bell ringing out the climax of their union, as he felt Gabe's hot cum gushing and pulsing and swirling around inside him. The three Lykan spirits joining them all dove for their newest brother's shaft as soon as Gabe's muzzle left it, Blaze winning the chance to continue Russ' pleasure unabated. The crisp cold of the air, the intoxicating musk flooding his newfound senses, the panting and grunting and growling of their bestial lust, the heat pouring off their bodies and the warmth of the fresh Lykan seed penetrating deep into him to join all that he had already taken in, the sheer strength and power of his new body and the intensity of furry, sweaty muscles flexing and grinding against each other, the acceptance of his newfound family and the care and pleasure they gave him, the intimacy and closeness that he felt from Gabe, from all of them.. It seeped into every fibre of Russ' being. It rocked him to the core and beyond. It burned him. It was a feeling so intense it went beyond pain or pleasure, and it built until it had to escape his mere flesh. He tipped his own muzzle upwards and let it fountain out of him in what was not a feral growl or a howl or a lusty roar, but all three, everything he was going through, trying to burst forth from him all at once. "Grrrrraaaaahhhhhhrrr RRRROOOOOOOORRrrrraaaa** gghhhh!**" Thick, hot cum exploded from the tip of Russ' red rocket, firing high over Gabe's head and impacting the wall behind them. As he was showered with droplets as it splashed, a tiny part of Gabe that was not currently lost in the throes of his own orgasm could have sworn he heard chips flying off the brick. The subsequent less intense shots arced across Gabe's ear, then the top of his head, across his muzzle, and down his chest as Russ poured his essence out onto his benefactor over and over. After what seemed like a small slice of forever, the massive aussie shepherd finally seemed to have worked it out of his system. But not quite, as no sooner had his frenzied spurting subsided than the beast within compelled him to lean forward and lather Gabe with his tongue in a final act of lapping off every last bit of semen he could get into him, until Gabe was thoroughly clean again and the ravenous monster in Russ was finally sated, collapsing on top of him as they heaved and panted against each other.

The alleyway once again fell silent, save for that panting and heaving of the two great beasts, their tongues lolling from their muzzles as they huffed great gouts of steam into the air. It mingled with the faint steam now rising from their bodies and rose to meet the falling snow; and amidst the afterglow, the frenzy faded and clarity began to seep back into Russ' eyes, and then further. He realized he was being held. Embraced by not only Gabe but by the ethereal forms of his new friends in the Pack, in essentially one big happy dogpile that wasn't -actually- there.

Moreover, he came to realize, he felt more than that. Besides just the souls around him, he could feel the Pack as a whole; a network- no, a brotherhood- in the process of embracing the entire globe, as well as welcoming Russ personally as now a fellow Lykan. All their strength, all their support, acceptance, and affection, was offered freely, his to take as much as he desired. He noticed with a slight bit of shock that he could still perceive his old monsters, the things in his head that wouldn't leave him alone and drove him to a life that led him to sleeping in an alley. All his old demons were still there, but they had changed along with him. Now they were just..there. He was huge and strong and they were small and weak. They couldn't hurt him anymore. If they dared again to try, well.. Russ was the monster now, fangs and claws at the ready to fight any threat. And he had an army of fellow monsters on *his* side, a safety net ensuring he wouldn't fall to them anymore, a scaffolding of support to hold him above his troubles, and a family that accepted his differences and offered forgiveness for his sins. Despite the freezing air..he felt warm. Safe.

He tried to stifle it, but he started to softly sob and surprised himself when a few quiet whimpers made their way in between. Oh yeah, he was part dog now. He was still adjusting to that. Beneath him, Gabe stirred. "Mm? What's wr--oh, oh no, no no no, shh.." Gabe wrapped his arms around Russ all the tighter, rocking just slightly. Being still locked together though, he quickly stopped as the motion led to him rubbing against Russ' insides, causing stimulation that was uncomfortably inappropriate to the moment. Gabe just stilled himself, still holding, and listened. "Thank you.. Thank you so much.." "It's okay. Things will be better now. You'll see." "They are already. I'm confused about one thing though. It's not *bad* anymore, but.. It's still there. I think I'm still crazy. You-- You and the Pack-- You didn't cure me.." Gabe suppressed a chuckle. "'Cure' you? Why would we want to 'cure' you? We aren't monsters. Well, technically we are, but.." Sensing only bafflement from Russ, he continued. "What do you think that would mean, being 'cured'?" "I dunno, I thought it would all be..just gone.." "Just completely erased?" "Yeah.." Gabe squirmed a bit. "Russ.. You're still you. The old Russell is still a part of who you are, problems and all. That's important. To just wipe away such a fundamental part of who you are.. What do you think that would leave you as?" "Oh.." "We want to help you, help humanity. That doesn't mean we want to erase your identity. For a few minutes you scared the hell out of us because we thought we actually had." Russ remained pensively silent. "You.. You didn't *want* to wake up tonight, did you.." "..On some level, I don't think I did." Gabe bit his lip. "I didn't realize things had gotten to that point.. But hey - like you said, it's better already, right?" Russ nodded. "You didn't die tonight.. Better yet, you were reborn. The Pack didn't 'cure' you. But I think we did *fix* you." "But--" "Shh. Russ, you know we're here for you. us. Let us in." Russ took Gabe's paw in his own, and as Gabe gripped it tightly, Russ did so, and Gabe and the Pack saw through him. Gabe pressed his free paw to the side of Russ' face and guided it away, as they looked around the alley together. Gabe let out a small gasp at how *different* everything seemed. Granted it all looked the same, but everything was in a completely different context and meaning. It was as if invisible writing was all over. The crumpled newspaper at his side didn't *actually* contain secret coded messages from the government.. But it seemed like it could. Did that shadow just move? No, it didn't. but it did. He watched as it warped just slightly while remaining perfectly still. There were whispers just on the edge of hearing. The whole alley seemed alive. More than just a way of looking at the world, it was like there was a whole *other* world, layered and woven underneath and between and atop the one the eyes could see. It was not entirely unlike how the Pack itself worked, and Gabe could see now almost firsthand why that made those like Russ such a challenge. It reminded him of his own induction, and the flood of new information that came with a Lykan's enhanced senses. Adding all that to what Russ was already living through? No wonder he'd been overwhelmed. Then Gabe looked up, and gasped again. The patterns in the snowfall and in the darkness of the night sky between the falling drifts, the spirals and the wolves and all the other shapes endlessly shifting in and out of existence - or at least perception.. "Russ.. THIS is what you've been seeing?" "Since I started to change, yeah. It was full of bad stuff before then. Never this strong though. Heh.. I thought ole Gustav slipped me some acid in with my weed." "It's beautiful." Russ balked a bit, blushing beneath his fur. "Yeah.. It really is, now. But you guys made it that way." For a few minutes, Russ and Gabe, Blaze, Bruno, Raffaelo and the audience of Lykans looking on, all looked upwards in silence, sharing a moment of wonder at this new bit of beauty. It spread outwards to those not otherwise occupied, and the Pack added Russ' distinctiveness to their own, and both became better for it. "You see, Russ? This is important. The way you see things.. You've been one of the toughest but you're not the first. We're here --" Gabe gestured around to the ethereal dogpile. "-- but there's others like you in the Pack. They're our code-breakers, our seers, our psychic tacticians. You might end up being our strongest yet. You should reach out to them." Russ blinked. "O..kay.. But maybe we could start with something simpler? Like food? You're delicious, but I'm positively starving for something more substantial.." "Heh.. That's fine. I was getting a bit sore from pressing up against this wall. And I could stand to get cleaned up again. I think I've gone down enough--" Both of them let out a soft groan as Gabe slowly pulled out of Russ with a wet pop. They winced a bit as they separated; Russ had been quite thorough in his 'cleaning' but nonetheless both of them were still something of a sticky mess, and they couldn't help but leave a few strands of their fur glued to the other. As they stood, their members slowly retreating into their sheaths, a small smile couldn't help but creep into the corners of their muzzles as they each noticed their 'handiwork' on the others' body. "Yeah, there we go. Now then, you just head for the butcher's over on Cavelli and Third. They're one of the first places in town we took over - we've got growing pups to feed, after all." Gabe grinned and ruffled Russ between the ears, which Russ enjoyed thoroughly. "And we're going to be getting a lot more." "Thanks. do I get there?" "You need directions..?" "No, I mean getting out of this alley! It's late and snowing but someone might still see me.." "Oh, that. You just have to change back. Your nice new human disguise will be a lot hotter than your old self though, fair warning." "Oh yeah..You said I can do that..huh." "Yep.. The Pack can help you if you need it." Gabe again gestured to their silent audience. "24/7/365, just reach out." "..What about you?" "Well Russ, I *was* on my way somewhere else when all this happened. That and--" He turned around, revealing his once-radiant white wings and fur now matted and grimy with sweat, melted snow, and the assorted scuzz and detritus from the alley sticking to him, even downright black in a few spots. "-- I really am a mess. Not that it wasn't absolutely worth it, but I don't know how you've been putting up with the smell." "I've had a lot of other things on my mind tonight, but point taken." "If you want to get yourself spruced up before the butcher's, I know a place--" "And so does the Pack. I'm getting there." Russ smirked. "Will I see you again, though?" Gabe beamed. "Well of course! I'm right here in the city, though most of the time I'm seeking out new converts." "But whenever I can multitask, I can be wherever you need me." The voice came from directly behind Russ and he spun around to find Gabe's other self, clean and radiant as before, not *actually* there but every bit as tangible to a Lykan. "And vice-versa, once you get the hang of projecting yourself. We're going to have SO much fun.." He winked. "If you ever need me 'in the flesh' though, just let me know." Gabe's physical self imparted as Russ turned back to him. "I'll be there as soon as I can. And if it's late and there's no air traffic I can be there even sooner." He grinned and beat his wings proudly. "Though like I said before, with your help, we'll soon get to a point when we won't have to hide anymore." Russ stole a quick glance back to find thin air and looked back to a re-integrated Gabe. "..I've got so much to get used to..But no, I meant will I see you again tonight." Russ gestured to the shreds of his former clothing. "A naked man in a snowstorm is going to get less attention than a huge buff dog-man, but still.." Gabe grinned that winning grin again, as if he was perpetually witness to a joke Russ *still* wasn't in on. He simply walked to the backpack he'd had earlier, tossing it to Russ. "There's some clean clothes in there, big enough to fit you even now, just to be on the safe side. We also need to seize 'big and tall' shops early on." "I forgot that was there.." "I think you were just too distracted with my 'special soup'." They shared a chuckle at that. "So after you get fed, cleaned up and recharged, what's next for you Russ?" "Oh, I think I might give ol' Gus a visit. He's helped me out enough times, I think it's time I gave him a special gift in return." Russ gave Gabe a fanged, wicked grin. "Or I might just visit the mission tonight after all, give 'em a new message to preach." Gabe returned the grin. "Now that's the spirit. Just be cautious at first, we need to gain numbers without raising alarm bells. Don't forget about that obnoxious nephew of yours either." "He's on the list. One more thing though.. You don't actually have a sick daughter, do you?" Gabe smirked. "Tonight I got a new son." "Bah.." "Well.. I need to fly, literally." "Okay then.." Russ held out a paw. Gabe took it and pulled him into a full-on bearhug. "Gabe.." "Mm-hmm?" "This is corny as hell, but.. Thank you, for saving my life." "Mm-hmm. Just pass it along, okay?" Russ nodded as they parted, but Gabe leaned in and kissed him, and he responded in kind. It wasn't the frenzied explosion of passion from earlier, but almost calm. Warm and pleasurable and affectionate. Almost..normal. Natural. Mentally Russ shrugged and realized, now it was. A moment later they parted ways in earnest, Gabe studying the brick walls before him for a moment before leaping more than halfway up and catching a handhold, digging his claws in and scrambling the rest of the way up. "Oh, and Russ?" Russ looked upwards to Gabe as he leaned over the edge of the rooftop, with eyes that now saw so much more. "Welcome to the Pack." Gabe grinned that grin one last time and spun around, spreading his wings as his fluffy white tail arced out of view. Russ could hear footfalls thudding across the length of the roof accompanied by a few heavy wingbeats, culminating in what he assumed to be a leap off the edge. A few more wingbeats heading into the distance, and Gabe was gone. But he wasn't. Not really. His new friends and his 'audience' had gone, but they weren't really gone either. He'd been left to himself, but he knew he'd never be alone again. The dark, quiet alley did not afford much protection from the freezing winds, but it no longer mattered; a far greater protection had been found, as well as a warmth that could not be ebbed, as the snowdrifts continued to softly fall.