- Discovering Each Other

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#1 of New Batch

_Well. As I write this, my internet bill remains unpaid, with no signs of being paid in the near future. So when this is released, along with Reunion Pt. 2, I may have also finished The Second Batch 2. Just to clear that up, along with why Reunion 2 was delayed.

Okai. So, this one is obviously a bit different. There was Incest in the other ones, but this is a bit different in the way that it containes cub, or loli if you'd like to call it that.



Veronica flicked hir hair over her shoulder, annoyed. "Stop hiding it Same, what's wrong with your privates? Tell me."

Same blushed purple and ran out of the bathroom with his hands over his crotch, politely shouldering Veronica out of the way as he ran to his room and shut the door. Veronica groaned and kicked his door. "Fine, I'll ask Mom." Mom usually knew about stuff like that, but she always got this strained looked whenever Veronica asked. Dad just blushed purple and said he'd tell hir when shi was older, which wasn't fair. Shi knew shi had both boy parts and girl parts, darn it shi should know what each one was for.

Shi stomped down the stairs, and started looking through the rooms. Living room, nope, kitchen, nope, dining room, nope, rec room, Cassie. Veronica frowned, and asked, "Cassie, where's Mom and Dad?"

Cassie turned away from the fighting game she was playing. "Oh, uhh, I think they went out. They didn't say where, but they said they'd be back in about two hours."

"Aww. I needed to ask them something."

Cassie paused the game and turned around. "What was it?"

Veronica fell into a beanbag chair, hir straight fire-red hair fanning around hir head like a halo. "Same was doing some weird thing in the bathroom, and his privates were all hard. I thought he might know what that meant. It happens to my boy parts too sometimes."

Cassie thought. "Oh. I dunno." Then she grunted, annoyed. "I feel left out. I'm the only one without any boy paaarrrrttttssss..." She dragged out the last word, rolling from side to side on the beanbag, making it a joke.

Veronica smiled. "Well it wouldn't do any good for us if you did. You wouldn't know either." Cassie grunted an agreement.

Veronica sighed. "I guess I'll just look it up. Do you remember any of those other words for boy parts that Mom told us?"

Cassie scratched her head. "Uhhh... Lessee. Cock, that was definitely one. Dick, I think. Uhh... Penis. That was the 'proper' name for it. And I can't remember any others."

Veronica said a quick thanks, and got up to go to the computer. Logging on to hir account, shi quickly pulled up Internet Explorer and typed a few keywords into the Google toolbar.

"Uhh, lessee. Cock, hard, penis, stiff. Kay, and enter."

A list of results came up. Cassie got up from in front of the TV and padded over to look too. She pointed at a few words. "Hey, that's that other word for girl parts Mom told us about! But what's 'porn'?"

Veronica shrugged. "Beats me. Let's tryyyy... this one." Shi clicked a link titled "STALLION PUTS HIS BIG HARD COCK INTO TINY KITTY PUSSY". Immediately, a page popped up that said, "Page blocked by parental censor." Veronica groaned. "I'm never gonna find out."

Cassie shook her head. "I know how to get around those things. Here..." She reached down and typed in an address, then pressed enter. A page with an area to put in a web address came up. "Now, you just paste that other URL in here, then hit enter. It takes a little longer than normal, but it gets by a lot of blockers. It's called a proxy."

Veronica nodded like shi understood. Cassie was good with computer stuff. Then shi pointed at the page. "Look, it's starting to load."

They both watched with hungry gazes as thumbnail pictures that were too small to get anything from filled the page. Veronica clicked one at random, then flinched as vocal moaning blasted from the speakers. Distracted from the picture, shi reached over and turned it down when shi noticed Cassie blushing bright red under her cream fur. Giving her a questioning look and turning to the page, shi blushed too, hir white fur tinged dark pink. It showed a male horse and a female cat, both naked, with the man's huge boy parts squeezing in and out of the woman's girl parts. Veronica quickly clicked out of the page, and slowly turned to Cassie.

Pointing at the blank computer screen, shi said in a small voice, "What was that?"

Cassie was still blushing, but managed to keep a normal tone. "I dunno. But I think it had something to do with what Same was doing. And look, you're hard now too, like Same and that guy in the video."

Veronica looked down, and saw the the hem of hir slightly loose jeans were pushed out a bit by an erection. Shi blushed harder and attempted to cover it up, then glared at Cassie. She backed off, holding her hands out defensively. She didn't notice the brief flash of red in Veronica's eyes when shi'd glared at her. Falling back down against her beanbag, she replayed the ten seconds of film in her head. As Veronica did the same, she said, "I think Same was pretending he was doing that stuff to a girl. 'Cept he used his hand of course."

Veronica thought about it. "Yea, I 'spose that makes sense." Then shi thought some more, and her eyes turned red. Cassie didn't notice, because she was thinking the same thing. Finally Veronica's eyes turned sky blue again, and shi said what they were both thinking about. "That girl looked like she was having a lot of fun."

"Yeah," Cassie agreed. She looked pointedly away.

Veronica smiled devilishly. "Wanna try it?"

Cassie snapped her gaze back to Veronica, apalled. "No, no! Never! We'd probably get in trouble. And I dunno, that stretching looked like it might hurt a bit." Her eyes shifted away nervously. Veronica smiled.

"Liar. I know you do. I can kinda see it, cause the way you're moving, and I can smell stuff, and your heart's beating faster." Then shi frowned. "And it's weird. It's like I can hear that you're lying, even when you're not talking."

Cassie raised an eyebrow, eager to pursue this new topic of conversation. "Well that's strange. What am I thinking right now?"

Veronica frowned. "I can't tell anymore. But right before it went away, I knew you hoped that I would keep talking about this." Shi looked back up at Cassie, eyebrows raised. "I know you wanna try it."

Cassie looked away. "So what if I do?"

Veronica thought. "Well, I could do it to you. Or we could get Same. He's got two, ya know. Do it to both us. Actually, I can think of a lotta ways we could do it."

Cassie shifted her gaze again, this time to the clock. Then back to Veronica. Then down to the ground. She muttered, "Mom and Dad'll be back in and hour and a half."

Veronica squealed happily. Then, getting up, shi grabbed Cassie's hand and pulled her up out of the seat, then upstairs, stopping in front of Same's door. Turning to Cassie, hir irises ruby red and eyes wide with excitement, shi whispered, "I can hear him! He's making the same kinda noises those two people were. Like a slapping, only with a rhythm, and some moaning. Although not a lot."

Cassie, taken only slightly aback by hir eyes, nodded, and pressed her ear to the door. She too, could hear a slapping and a moaning. Her tail thrashed about a bit, while Veronica's was practically having an epilitic fit. Catching Cassie's eye, shi nodded once, then reached over to the doorknob and slowly turned it. Shi pushed open the door as quickly as shi silently could, showing Same, sitting on his bed with his eyes closed, pumping his hands over his cocks. He moaned softly every once in a while, accompanied with a spurt of clear liquid from the tip of one of the cocks. Cassie stood stock-still, save for her twitching tail, while Veronica took an eager step forward, hir eyes glowing more radiantly red. Turning back, shi motioned impatiently for Cassie to follow, then padded closer to Same, who was still oblivious to their presence. He only noticed once Cassie tentatively reached out and poked his upper cock.

His eyes snapped open and flicked from Cassie to Veronica, and he reflexively jumped back from them, right off the other edge of his bed. Cassie couldn't resist a giggle as he thunked against the carpet-padded floor, and, forgetting what it was, licked the juices from his cock off of her finger. Remembering what they were right after, she considered the taste, and decided it wasn't too bad. Veronica, however, had jumped onto the bed with all fours and prowled across to look at Same, who was clutching the back of his head and groaning on the floor. Leaning over, shi smiled cutely at him. "Need a Band-Aid?"

Same snapped open his eyes once more, and yelped. Covering up his crotch with his hands, he stammered embarassedly. Cassie pounced over the bed and poked at one of his cocks again. Licking the juice off, she smiled seductively. "We wanna try something Same. And you're the only way we can both try it. Ya know what I'm talking about?"

Same nodded vigorously.

Veronica looked at him. "Do you... want us to?"

Same thought for a minute, then slowly nodded once. Veronica grinned.

"Then get your hands offa there silly!" Reaching down, shi pried his hands off of his crotch, then stared at what was underneath. Cassie, too, was unable to look away.

"Wow..." Cassie managed.

For his age, Same was incredibly gifted. He's already acquired his man's size, plus a bit extra, coming in at around six and a half inches, each. Veronica, acting on instinct, reached down and wrapped hir hand around the upper cock, feeling it's pleasant warmth. Then, she started slowly pumping her hand up and down like Same had been. Her eyes started dimly glowing as Same moaned and bucked his hips slightly.

Without stopping, shi looked up at Same, and said, "You know a lot about this kinda stuff." When he and Cassie looked at her questioningly, shi told them, "I can hear it in his head. Clearer than before, when I could hear what was in Cassie's head. But anyway, he knows a lotta stuff about sex."

She turned back to Same. "Where'd ya learn it?"

The girls both giggled as Same blushed purple, just like his father, and muttered, "Internet... Books..."

"Oh," The girls said in unison. For a few moments, the only sound in the room was the small slapping noise the edge of Veronica's palm made as shi stroked her brother.

Then, tentatively, Cassie reached down and grasped Same's lower cock. Waiting for a moment, she started pumping in rhythm with her sister, so their hands didn't bump. Same started moaning more, and louder. About a minute later, he suddenly shot out his hands and grabbed their wrists, then softly said, "Stop. I don't want to be the only one having fun here."

The girls both blinked. That was the longest sentence either of them had ever heard Same say. They were suprised again when Same stood up and and placed a hand on each of their chests, then gently pushed both of them onto their backs. Muttering, "This'll feel nice," he ran his hands down to their crotches. Hooking his fingers around their waistbands, he instantly stripped both of them by snapping his arms down, pulling their pants and panties off in a single movement. The girls shivered as their sensitive parts were exposed to the chill air of the bedroom. Without a word, Same let their pants fall to the floor, then reached towards each of their pussies. Looking to both of them for approval first, he slid a finger into each of them. In unison, they bucked and moaned softly. He continued in until he met a barrier, then stopped and looked up.

"There's a thing in the way that's gonna be a problem later. It hurts to get rid of, but it's probably better to do it now, rather than later. Okay?" The girls both nodded. Same climbed into bed, and sat between the two of them, near their chests, while keeping his fingers in their pussies. Under his breath, he said, "Someone hold my nose." Veronica, who knew why, reached up and firmly pinched Same's nose shut. Immediately, shi and Cassie both howled in pain as Same plunged his fingers through their hymens. He started pumping in and out, hoping to alleviate the pain quickly, while the girls took deep, shaky breaths. Nervously, he asked, "Are you two okay?"

The girls immediately burst out in a fit of giggling. Veronica was still holding his nose, so the words had come out high and nasally. Between the the giggles, they both said that they were fine. Veronica let go of his nose, and he started fingering them with less urgency, taking the time to hit all the sensitive spots, smiling each time they moaned in response. Keeping careful note of their hormone levels by scent, he kept fingering them until they were both close to orgasm, then he stopped. Cassie's ear twitched.

"What'd you do that for? I was sooo close to... something."

Same just smiled knowingly. Veronica told Cassie what he was hiding.

"Apparently, if you let it get real close, then stop, then let it get real close again, stop, and keep doing that over and over again, it feels a whole lot better when you actually hit it."

"Oh... Can we try that other thing now? Y'know... mating?"

Same nodded, already having come up with a couple different positions. Veronica smiled, having seen one in particular shi liked. Reaching over, shi rolled Cassie onto her stomach and climbed behind her, positioning hir 5-inch cock close to Cassie's slit, purring as shi felt the heat radiating from her hot little hole. Cassie looked over her shoulder and mewled in suprise. Veronica raised hir ass into the air, sticking up hir tail in invitation. Shi mewed contentedly as Same, recongnizing what shi was doing, stood behind hir and gently leaned forward, poking at the opening of hir pussy with his upper cock. Shi bent over and rested hir cheek on Cassie's back, near the neck, and whispered, "Ready?"

Cassie gulped, and nodded at Veronica over her shoulder. Veronica turned hir head to look at Same, and nodded once before slowly pushing hirself into Cassie's folds. In turn, Same pushed his upper cock into Veronica, sighing as he felt hir warmth envelop him. His lower cock bumped into hir smooth sack, oozing a bit of precum onto it. He leaned forward more, hilting himself, then still leaning forward, helping Veronica hilt hirself too. He knew he'd hit the mark when Cassie moaned softly, and he felt Veronica clench slightly around him. From where they were on Veronica's hips, Same slid his hands up across hir back, pushing hir shirt up to hir shoulders, where he waited for hir to put up hir arms, then he pulled the shirt the rest of the way off and discarded it. Without pulling out from his still position in Veronica's pussy, he reached up and pulled his shirt off as well, seeing that Cassie had done likewise once he'd thrown it into a pile with Veronica's. After leaning over and looking, he softly cleared his throat.

"Veronica. You start, please."

Happily, Veronica complied, slowly pulling hirself almost out of Cassie, then pushing herself back in, slightly faster than shi pulled out. Then shi repeated, each pull or push slightly faster than the one before, until shi was fucking Cassie at a fast, even pace. Cassie purred loudly, kneading the bed with her hands. Same smiled, then waited for the right moment in Veronica's thrust to begin. Right when Veronica had most of hir length out of Cassie, he pushed forward, making hir gasp. As shi pushed herself back in, he pulled back in time, then repeated the movements, slamming their hips together at a fast pace to match hers. As his lower cock poked against the back of hir sack over and over, a strand of pre-cum as thick as a piece of yarn connected the two when he pulled back and she pushed forward, and an equally sized strand dripped off of the bottom of her sack, staining the rug and sheets as it whipped back and forth with hir thrusts. As Same continued thrusting, he felt Veronica's pussy clench twice, and some liquid flow over his cock. Small orgasms, build-up to the big one, he thought. He didn't know how many times Cassie had cum, though he felt slightly wrong, not knowing. But he pushed those thoughts out of his mind, pulling his attention back to the situation at hand. He could smell both Veronica and Cassie getting closer to orgasm, especially Cassie. Knowing Veronica would hear it, he thought, I can finish this in a few ways, pick one...

He thought of several different endings, then waited until Veronica's tail wormed around to behind his back and tapped him three times, telling him what shi wanted. He smiled. Thought so. Cassie would like it too. He pushed into Veronica one last time, then pulled himself out with a slurping noise. He walked around the bed, going to Cassie's tight-lipped face. He chuckled once. She'd taken the whole thing about it feeling better after storing it up much to seriously. He began stroking himself, thinking, now Veronica. Veronica pulled out fast, and leaped over Cassie, landing neatly next to Same, jerking off as well.

Same leaned over and brushed some hair away from Cassie's ear, then whispered to her, "Let go."

She complied willingly, letting her pent-up orgasm release itself in a trickle of juices. She moaned loudly, her eyes shooting open, and looking at Same and Veronica stroking themselves. Still orgasming, she wiggled forward, and opened her mouth wide to accept their cum.

Veronica immediately came, a large rope of cum shooting out and landing square in the center of Cassie's mouth. Shi gasped, her eyes brightly glowing red as shi shot several more ropes of cum onto Cassie's face and into her mouth. Swaying slightly first, shi pitched forward, landing face first in the down comforter that covered the bed as she passed out. Cassie took little notice, busy swallowing hir cum, and licking the excess from her face. When she was done, she looked up to Same innocently, expectantly. He gazed back down at her, with an emotion she sometimes saw her parents have in their eyes when they looked at each other. Inexplicably, it crossed her mind that it was their birthday tomorrow. Suddenly, Same grunted softly.

"I'm coming..."

Acting on impulse, Cassie spun herself around on the bed, so that her legs were where her head just was. Looking over her chest, she grabbed him with her legs and pulled him to her. Taking the hint, he let go of his cocks and slid the lower one in, just as he came. Cassie sighed in ectasy as she felt her pussy fill with seed, and slowly moved a hand to catch the jets of cum his upper cock was shooting off onto her stomach. Looking up at him with lidded eyes, she licked her hand clean, then closed her eyes completely and sighed contentedly. Happy birthday.

As he finished, she pulled him down with her legs so that his nude body was laying on top of hers. His limp cock slowly slid out of her, and a bit of cum dripped out onto the bedsheets as she wrapped her arms around him, enjoying his warmth. Softly, she murmured, "Thanks."

Same hesitantly hugged her back, then pressed himself to her completely. He murmured, "You're welcome. Let's go to bed."

Slowly, he got off of her, then went over to Veronica and picked hir up. Gently, he slipped hir under the covers, and went over to the still-open door. Being about nine at night, his parents would ask no questions as to why they'd all slept in the same bed, just grateful that they'd gone to bed at the right time on their own. But for good measure, he scribbled the word "Sleepover" onto a blank sheet of paper, and stuck it to the door, then closed it. Innocent games tended to distract parents, he'd found. Then he walked back to the bed and slipped under the covers next to Cassie, and allowed himself to be enveloped by her welcoming arms.

"Hey Same..."


"I love you."