The Hippo Next Door 2

Story by saintajax33 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Hippo Next Door

Harold and Walter have been going at it hot and heavy, but some new fun things begin to happen when the hippo's friend Nick comes to town.

Kageichi commissioned this from my patron while I still had it going :3 I hope you all enjoy!

The hippo next door 2

The garden tools which hung on the wall of the shed softly tapped against the metal behind him as Walter thrust into the hippo on his hands and knees. That young panda marveled at the way the hippo's fat jiggled with each and every thrust. Walter reached up and ran his paws across the hippo's large back, groaning as he felt that hippo's hole wrapped around his shaft, the same hole that had grown so accustomed to his cock after all these late afternoon shed fuckings.

The panda put his hand on his large belly and pushed in so he could watch as his cock slid in and out between those fat grey cheeks, his balls churning as he thought about how he'd managed to conquer this ass after all those years of lusting after it. He grinned and let go, he leaned down in to lay across Harold's back, the large old man moaning as he felt that young stud kick it up a notch, the panda's soft fuzzy orbs tapping against his ass.

"Oh Walter," the hippo groaned his knees digging into his foam knee rest.

Sweat dripped from the hippo's skin as he arched his back trying to get as much of that young bear's cock inside of his fat ass that he could. His gloved hands gripped the dirt floor as his nose flared, inhaling the scent of their rutting. That scent made his cock flex against the underside of his belly. He could feel his grey cock flexing and if he hadn't already cum twice today, he was sure he'd be squirting all across the dirt floor at that very moment.

Walter groaned, his face buried between that hippo's grey shoulder blades. The boy's face scrunched up, he groaned, and his cock twitched as he started to cum inside of Harold's ass. Cum pumped from those fat panda balls, their third load of the day finding its way inside of that old man's ass.

Walter panted, nuzzling at his older fuck buddy's back, his paws rubbing at his thick sides. "I swear I have no idea how that happened."

"Uh-huh. You keep telling yourself that kid. I'm guessing your cock just slipped into my ass when I bent over to grab one of my tools." The hippo teased as Walter leaned upright and slowly pulled out of the hippo's rump. "You know you just wanted another taste of me..."

The panda grinned, and tucked his still wet cock into his red undies, before pulling up his pants. He helped Harold back up, and he gave him a little peck on the cheek. "Anyway, that garden isn't going to weed itself."

Harold grinned, "Right you are, and we're already behind schedule thanks to your earlier assault on my behind." Harold grabbed his foam gardening mat, and the two of them walked out of the shed and back into the garden.

The two of them went back to tending to the garden's flowers, talking casually about their lives like how Walter was doing at school and how Harold's gardening club had been going. The large hippo sat up, still shirtless from their earlier romp, and even sweatier from the sun that had been beating down on him. He looked over at the young panda tending to his rose bushes. "So Walter, how would you feel about meeting a friend of mine next week? He's coming into town and I offered to let him stay at my house instead of a hotel."

"Which friend is that?" The young panda asked as he popped his head up and looked towards the hippo.

"Oh it's Nick, I think I've mentioned him a few times, he's the one that I played football with back in the day and he runs that antique shop a few towns over." Harold said as he grabbed his water bottle and took a drink.

"Oh yeah, Nick. I've actually really wanted to meet him ever since you told me that story about you two at the lake." The panda said.

"Wonderful, I'll have to call him and make sure to set everything up."


The next day Walter rifled through his closet, glancing over his clothes trying to find the perfect thing to make the right impression during his first meeting with Nick. He'd met a few of Harold's friends from his gardening club, but normally they were always in dirty shabby clothes, so he hadn't worried so much. But this was different, he was meeting someone that had a long history with Harold and he wanted everything to go just right.

He finally settled on a dark blue polo shirt and some yellow shorts. Walter dashed to the bathroom and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as he steadied his nerves. He ran his paws over his belly, smoothing out any wrinkles, and he looked at himself in the mirror. He gave a nervous smile to himself and whispered, "Alright, you can do this." Before he took one last deep breath, and ran next door to wait for Nick.

Harold was in the kitchen already working on dinner, it was a pot roast with roasted carrots, potatoes, and the sweetest caramelized onions. The smell alone was enough to make the young panda's mouth water. He watched the hippo work as he dashed from pot to pot, making sure all the sides and the main were all cooking and seasoned to perfection. "When I was a kid I used to wonder how you got so big, and I think I finally understand."

The hippo rolled his eyes and playfully swatted the panda with the dishrag he kept on his shoulder. "If you eat too much of my food, you might end up just as big."

The panda grinned, "I can only hope."

The hippo wiped off his brow with his dish rag and started to turn off all the burners and finally the oven, giving everything one final taste test, before he and Walter began to set the table. It would have looked like a feast to any normal person, but to Walter and Harold it was just a meal slightly above average.

The doorbell rang, and Walter took another deep breath, steadying himself as Harold went to the door and ushered Nick in. "Oh well grease me up and call me a slippery hog, ain't this just the most wonderful spread." The fat rhino said as he looked at the table before him. "Did ya'll really do all this for little old me?"

Though, 'little old me' was quite the understatement in Walter's eyes. The rhino that had walked in was just as big as Harrold, if not a tad bigger. His large gut pressed against his light blue button up shirt, and over his sleek dark brown belt and dover-white slacks. He had on a dark green wool jacket, which had large black buttons running down the side. He looked so casual, but dressed up at the same time. His eyes moved towards the young panda standing in front of him and a sly smile grew across his face. "Well, well, well, is this that little sweet thing you've been gushin' about on the phone to me, darlin'? I have ta' say, he's even cuter than you made him out to be, and that bar was set pretty high." The rhino said as he took a few steps towards the panda, his bright white horn glinting in the home's lights. He grinned, teeth just as bright as his horn as he reached out and shook the panda's paw.

"So...Uh... you must be Nick, I'm Walter, it's nice to meet you." The panda managed to quickly say.

"Aww, and he's even such a polite little thing!" The rhino said, before looked towards the hippo, "You really lucked out findin' this one." He continued, "Anyway, I've been dealing with crazy old hags and people who think their great-great-great granny's dentures are worth their weight in gold, and I haven't got a single bite to eat. So let's get to it."

"No problem, Nick. Would you mind making him a plate, Walter?" The hippo asked.

"Oh sure, Harold."

Walter walked over to the table and started put some corn, fried chicken, fried green tomatoes, mashed potatoes, and finally a biscuit onto the rhino's plate and set it down in his seat. He glanced at the two large grey skinned men as they hugged, their bodies jiggling as they squeezed each other. They turned towards the table, and both of them took their seats. "My, my, my, you really did pull out all the stops, didn't you Harold?"

"Well I know how much you can eat, I didn't want to disappoint." The hippo said with a green as he grabbed a few pieces of fried chicken for his plate, and some steamed cabbage for his plate.

"I'm surprised Walter ain't as big as us by now," the rhino said cheerfully as he picked up his fork and started to dig into his food.

"Well I keep trying, but he can't be here all the time. Besides I think I keep working him out too much, I bet he's burned off so many calories being here with me," the hippo smirked, "you know how working in the garden goes, there's always so much digging and plowing to be done."

Walter felt the skin on his face heat up under his fur as a dark red blush spread across his cheeks. He knew the garden wasn't the only calorie burning the hippo had been talking about. "Yeah, I guess school and that helps me keep the weight off. Most of it anyway."

The rhino click his tongue, "well ain't that just a shame? I think you'd look good if you was as big as one of us. But, I guess having a nice fit boy around the house ain't such a bad thing. For all that," the rhino looked right at Walter, an almost hungry look in his eyes as he said the next word, "plowing."

Walter chuckled nervously, "Yep, yep."

Harold cleared his throat, "anyway, so any interesting finds today?"

Nick undid his coat, and slid it off, letting it hang off the back of his chair. "Oh mostly just a lot of drab things, I swear to the great lord himself, if I had to look at another chest that someone said belonged to their grandmother that came over on the "Mayflower" I was going to scream. The only Mayflower any of those trunks ever saw was the flour that got dusted on them from tortilla factories as they drove out of Mexico in the 1970s." The hippo said as he grabbed a pitcher of sweet-tea and poured himself a tall glass. "Though, there was something very interesting. And I swear the little old bitty who owned it nearly died of embarrassment when she found out what it was."

Nick reached up, and the old rhino glanced at Walter for a moment. The rhino looked as if he was scratching an inch, but after a few seconds the panda realized he was really rubbing his nipples through his shirt, it was very subtle, but enough for the panda to notice. "Well don't keep us hanging! What was it?" The hippo said as he picked at one of his pieces of fried chicken.

The rhino leaned over his food, his elbows on the table as he covered the side of his mouth with his hand, as if someone might overhear them. "It was an honest to god original vibrator. The kind that your great, great, great grandma would keep in her draw as a "back massager" for when her husband was working in the coal mines or fighting some yanky. The thing was even hand cranked."

Walter and Harold laughed, and the rhino grinned brightly. "Yeah, her eyes went so wide! She started telling me that her grandmother had been a Christian and there was no way she'd ever have such a devilish thing. It wasn't until whipped out my phone and showed her an article about it that she believed me. That poodle looked pale, she'd apparently had it displayed in her home for some time as her grandmother's "hand cranked scrub brush", it'd been on the wall through every single one of her bible meetings, and had been seen by several pastors she'd brought into her home. She couldn't wait to sell the thing to me, I think it'll be a fun addition to my shop. A conversation piece at the least."

"Wow, that is insane," Walter said as he grabbed a piece of chicken off the plate and put in on to his. "So is that the craziest thing you've ever found while doing this stuff?"

The rhino thought for a minute, stroking his chin. Before he slid his hands down and give his nipples another subtle tweak. "Well, I think the craziest thing I ever got my hands on was this old trunk. I bought it at a silent auction with no idea what was inside. It was a western style trunk, it looked like it dated back to the gold rush days, and it had the rusted iron locks to back up that idea. Well when I cracked it open I found some standard stuff, some old ropes, some leather chaps, a nice set of old boots. For how many years the stuff was I was surprised at what good shape it was in, but as I dug deeper I found the stranger objects."

The hippo continued, "A leather dog hood, a pair of leather mitts that could be locked in place, some leather gloves, etc. Then when I got to the bottom I found a cigar box filled with old photographs. They were presumably of the owners of the trunk and it showed them doing all sorts of depraved acts that could have got them sent to jail in those days. How they managed to stay still long enough in those positions for this pictures was amazing. I have to say, I'd never see a bear look more frustrated than when he had a badger's leather clad glove elbow deep in him. Or how spent that same bear looked with his ass filled with cum, and a team of cowboys all standing around him, their wet cocks hanging out of their jeans as their cowboy hats covered their faces."

A frustrated blush crept across the panda's face as he just tried to imagine what else might have happened in those pictures. He shifted in his seat, moving the bulge he now had so it'd lay more comfortably along his leg. "Damn what did you do with it all?"

The rhino grinned, "Oh I stored it away for my own personal collection. I'll have to show you everything that came in that trunk one day." The rhino said as he wiggled his eyebrows at the panda.

The three of them had some tamer conversation after that, but the entire time they ate Walter could always feel Nick's gaze wandering back to him, that big rhino's eyes seeming to swallow him up and make his pants stir again. The rhino went out of his way to touch the panda every now and then too, he'd reach out, his hand bumping against the boy's as they went for the same food. Or he'd be telling a story and he'd gently touch the boy's arm in a friendly way, a way that usually only good friends did to each other.

After dinner the three of them retired to the living room, and chatted some more. The rhino walked around a bit as he stretched his legs, and Walter found his eyes starting to linger on Nick's pump rear. It looked just as great as Harold's, and maybe even a bit thicker. He found himself wondering what it'd be like to sink his dick into. Sometime later Walter excused himself to the bathroom, leaving the two large men to themselves for a few minutes.

When the panda emerged later, his rounded black ears perked up, he expected to hear the two loud large men from all the way down the hallway, but he couldn't hear a sound. That was until he heard a creak come from Harold's bedroom.

The curious panda walked towards the hippo's bedroom, he'd been in it enough times not to be shy about it, and what he saw made his jaw drop and his pants tighten. Nick was naked on Harold's bed, he was pinching his nipples as he slowly bounced up and down on a vibrator molded after a horse's cock. He moaned, "Oh Walter, sugar, I just can't take it anymore. I've been watching you all night, and ever since Harold told me all those stories about you over the phone I knew I just had to have you fuck me. I kept hopin' you'd just bend me over and fuck me in the living room, I thought I was droppin' enough hints, but I'm hoping the blunt approach will have to do."

The rhino reached down and started to stroke his cock, letting that pinkish grey skin turtle neck over the helmet shaped head of his shaft. That naked rhino ran his hand across his hairy body, those black hairs moving out of the way of his thick fingers as he went up and grabbed his dark grey nipples again, giving them a teasing twist.

Before Walter could say anything, he felt a pair of meaty fingers grab his shoulders, and he felt a large grey belly press into his back. A muzzle leaned down and whispered, "I'm guessing from the tent in your pants, you can't wait to breed that rhino's ass, can you Walter?"

The panda just nodded, and gulped. The hippo grinned and helped the boy shed his clothes, giving that hard throbbing panda dick a few good strokes as he guided him over to the bed. The large bed was just barely big enough to hold the two large grey skinned pachyderms. Walter had to lay on top of them, straddling their legs as his cock pulsed under his belly, his naked black and white furred body on top of those two big bodies. They each grabbed one of his arms, and then Nick grabbed his shaft and Harold grabbed his balls. The two large creatures started to tease the panda, stroking his shaft slowly, just letting him feel their bodies as they passed his muzzle back and forth between them. The panda having just enough time to gasp for air, before he'd be back to making out with one of them or the other.

Those evil pachyderms started to guide him to their nipples, getting that panda to suck on them as they moaned, "Oh yeah, suck just like that boy, show us just how well you can treat us before you bend us over and fuck over of our asses," the big hippo groaned.

Those two expert fat men knew how to tease the chubby panda's cock just to the edge, before they'd slid their hand off and he'd hump the air, his cock sliding along their soft grey flesh, cooling down, before the other one would grab it next and the teasing would start all over again.

"Oh I think it's time I see just how well your boy can eat out ass, I remember you mention he had the tongue of an angel." The panda blushed, his cock throbbing in the rhino's grasp as he squeezed down on it.

The panda boy nodded, so lost in his horny state that he couldn't even seem to form any words. He crawled off of the top of the pachyderms, and then Harold rolled on top of Nick, and lifted up the rhino's legs by the backs of his knees. Walter looked on in awe as those two fat man had their balls and cocks pressed together as their fat asses spread, showing off their perfect dark grey puckers. The panda licked his lips, and started on Nick first. He nuzzled at that pucker, watching as it clenched, and then released, before his tongue slid across the wrinkled muscle. He heard the big rhino moan, and from how muffled it was he could tell it was a moan right into the muzzle of the hippo above him. His tongue probed at that fat man's hole as he watched those two chubby bodies hump and grind against one another.

He slid his tongue up along the rhino's taint, over his balls, before sliding his way up to the hippo's ass that he'd eaten out so many times before hand. He nuzzled at that hole watching it flex just like Nick's, before it released and he dove his tongue into it, moaning between those two chubby cheeks as he reached down and started to finger the big rhino's wet pucker. Those two big men moaning, before they broke their kiss and Nick shouted. "Oh Sugar! I can't take it no more. Just put it in me!"

The panda growled, "Alright, but Harold flip over."

The big hippo did so, laying on top of the fat rhino as his cock pulsed in their air. The panda guided his cock forward between the rhino's thick grey cheeks, teasing that slick hole with his tip, as he bent down and nuzzled at that throbbing hippo cock. He leaned forward and took it into his mouth, just as he thrusted into that rhino's fat ass. He started to breed that rhino with all his might, his furry hips pounding that grey flesh as his fingers popped into the hippo's pristine pucker and he started to slowly work them in and out. The three men groaned and moaned, the smell of sex quickly filling the room, the heat from their bodies making the three men sweat as that panda felt that rhino's hole twitching around his dick.

The panda felt his face scrunch up, and he groaned as he thrust in deep and pumped that rhino's hole full of his seed. The panda sliding off of Harold's dick and gasping for breath as he came. Those two large grey moaning as they felt or watched that boy cum.

He slid out of the rhino, and they all laid there panting for a few moments, before the two large men rolled off of each other. They panted, looked at each other, and grinned. They grabbed that boy, pushed him back against the headboard and they held him down as they started to nuzzle and lick at his wet cock. Cleaning off all of that young cum as he moaned and groaned, powerless to stop those licking tongues. He shuddered as he felt those two old men meet around his dick for a kiss, his young hips thrusted his dick between them, as he felt himself starting to recover.

He could feel his cock starting to pulse in their muzzles, quickly starting to harden again, getting ready for the second go. "Alright, my turn." The large hippo said as he turned around and wiggled his fat ass, his pucker still wet from the panda's tongue.

The rhino snorted, "Only if he fucks my ass with that toy I brought. Come on boy, think you're man enough to fuck one fatty's ass while you pound the other with a horse cock?" The rhino asked as he laid out that horse toy and got next to Harold. Those two fat men pressed their hips together, their cocks hanging down between their thick thighs as they bumped their sides against one another making their fat bodies jiggle.

Walter growled lustfully, "oh, I'm going to destroy you two!" The panda said as his hard cock pulsed under his white belly. He reached down and grabbed that horse toy and brought it up to the rhino's puckered hole, he pressed it forward watched that unflared tip pop into the hole he'd just filled with cum, he watched it sink down all the way to those fake silicone balls, before he flipped a switch and turned it on as that rhino gave off a deep rich moan.

He moved behind Harold, bringing his slick hard cock to that puckered entrance and sliding it in, in one long firm thrust he hilted himself inside that hippo's ass he'd come to know so well. He grabbed a hold of the base of that horse toy, and he started to slowly fuck Nick with it, getting into a good rhythm, watching as that large toy spread that grey ass wide open and that other grey mammal groaned around it. "Oh Walter... that feels so great... Yeah, breed me with that toy, I want to feel your cum slosh around it."

"Well maybe later tonight you'll feel more inside of that wonderful ass of yours..." The panda teased, before he felt that big bottom beneath him wiggle.

"Not until you pound one load into me first. I want to feel you fill my hole, I don't want Nick to have all the fun," the old hippo grunted.

The panda just grinned and he gave the hippo's ass a playful slap with his free hand, before he set his paw down on his back and used it to steady himself as he started to thrust in and out of that hippo's ass. His white balls tapping against that old man's grey ones as the rhino next to them moaned around that thick vibrating horse cock. He pushed back into the thrusts just like the hippo below Walter was doing.

Walter grit his teeth as that hungry hippo ass squeezed down on his dick as that incredible warmth of the hippo's insides made every thrust better than the last. The three of them groaned, the bed rocking and creaking as it tried to support that massive amount of weight and movement that was happening on it. The two large pachyderms locked lips again, making out as that young spry panda bred their asses.

He heard both of those big boys moan into each other's muzzles and his eyes went wide as he felt Harold's ass squeeze down on his cock as the first big shot of cum escaped his dick, splattering across his belly and bed as the panda kept fucking him. That tight ass pulsating around his dick as that old man came. He heard Nick groan less than a second later and he turned his head and watched as his dick started to spray across the bed along with the hippos.

The panda boy couldn't take it anymore. His face scrunched up and with a roar he came deep inside of that hippo's large ass. His dick arched inside of that grey hole, his cum painting the walls of Harold's insides white as those fluffy panda balls emptied themselves.

The three of them collapsed on the bed. The two pachyderms pulling that panda boy between them and kissing him on the cheeks as they pressed him against their large bellies, their spent cocks grinding into the panda's soft black leg fur. "Mmm told you he was great."

"Well you were right... I think I might need to stay all weekend."

The panda gulped, wondering how his body was going to survive an entire weekend of this. But as he felt his balls start to tingle a soft smirk came across his face. He knew he'd find some way to make sure both of those pachyderms couldn't stand by the time Monday rolled around.

The End