All the Wrong Places

Story by wil-E-coyote on SoFurry

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#1 of For Love or Honor

This story contains sexual situations between two male furry characters. If that's not your thing, consider yourself forewarned.

"This used to be such a nice part of town," officer McKinley remarked as the squad car slowed to a stop. The weather seemed to agree as a clap of thunder rocked through the valley and first of the raindrops appeared on the windscreen. It was dusk and the street lights flickered on one by one as the car eased down the street at a cautious pace. Austin rolled up the passenger side window to keep from getting wet as the Crown Victoria police Interceptor approached a puddle in the road.

"As your training officer I should remind you that the handbook states that the windows of a patrol car are to remain open at all times." Officer McKinley helped write the officer's handbook, so it was fair to assume he knew it pretty well. "Why do you thing that is, trainee?"

"Situational awareness, sir." Austin barked as though he were addressing a drill instructor on Paris Island. Austin knew enough to keep cool and joke with McKinley. For one, McKinley wasn't so much of a hardass that he didn't appreciate a good joke. Secondly, Austin was afraid that if he didn't make light of the situation, he would give away the fact that he was nervous for his last night as a trainee. Physically, Austin had no reason to be nervous. He stood an impressive six foot three and never missed his regular workouts at the station. He was tall for a German Shepperd, but not bulky. When he strapped on his Kevlar to go out on patrol he certainly made for an imposing figure.

Brick walls and the barred windows of storefronts filled Austin's view as the car made its way forward through the growing darkness. Rain was now coming down steadily and the drops made a droning rhythm of pattering on the roof. Coldwater may have been a relatively quiet place just five years ago. Now, heavy industry was booming on the west end, bringing with it all the troubles that plague a burgeoning, modern metropolis. The rowdy boys that came to town to work in the west end brought with them a market for prostitution and drugs.

"Maybe it will be a slow night," Austin posited. "Even the bad guys don't like to stand out in the rain."

McKinley knew better, but he wasn't saying it. He just nodded and adjusted the squelch on the radio.

"Well, what do we have here," McKinley slowed and pulled over to a group of three males who were so busy arguing they didn't notice until the red and blue lights began to flash and cover the scene in their eerie glow.

Austin got out and was the first to contact the group, as they were on his side of the car. McKinley decided to stay back and see how Austin handled the situation. Austin could make out a pit bull, a bear, and a smaller figure hidden underneath a very wet, red hoodie.

"What's going on here?" Austin boomed, he had wanted to sound authoritative, but even he didn't plan on being so loud. Rather than be embarrassed by his error, he continued the ruse. He was going to be a hardass. His voice seemed to work as the pit bull, who had the bear by the collar, put his arms down and turned away from Austin.

"Everyone against the wall, facing me." Austin said as he carefully scanned the three. It did not take the skills of a seasoned detective to figure out what was going on. The pit bull had on a black leather jacket and seemed very fond of gold. There was a large gold chain around his neck, and numerous rings encircled his fat fingers. His outfit screamed "what I lack in class I make up for in money." There was no doubt, the pit bull was a pimp. The bear still had on his overalls from work. His belly strained against the front of the dirty work clothes and Austin could tell from ten paces that he had been drinking. "If the pit bull is a pimp, and the bear is most likely the john, that makes this other person a hustler," Austin deduced.

The three ambled over to the brick wall behind them as Austin closed distance in order to I.D. them. The pit bull knew the game and had his I.D. out before Austin had even asked for it. The bear, either because he was too drunk or too stupid immediately launched into a diatribe that sealed his fate for the evening, at least. "That little bitch stole my wallet, and this fucker still expects me to pay!" The bear was having a hard time standing, and stringing words together at the same time. His lungs still worked, however: "That little cocksucker was good, but not that good. I want my fucking wallet back," he bellowed.

"I need identification from all three of you," Austin said, trying to regain control. "Do yourself a favor," he said to the pot bellied bear, "and shut up before I cite you for disturbing the peace."

With that Austin collected the drivers licenses from the pit bull, who was standing quietly with a knowing grin. "I need your's too", Austin said to the smaller figure who was still cloaked in the large red hoodie. The weight to the rain made the garment stretch everywhere and obscured the figures face. As Austin approached, little black hands materialized and pulled back the sopping hood. At that moment, Austin experienced a rush of emotions, and it was all he could do to keep his face hard as stone while his heart began beating heavily underneath the armor and badge. He was a fox, and he was beautiful. "He is so delicate," Austin thought to himself. The fox stood about five foot four and must have weighed about 130 pounds, sopping wet. Incidentally, the fox was sopping wet. He did his best to hide the rush of emotions, but the fox must have spotted his reaction, because he played to his emotions perfectly.

"I'm sorry sir, but I haven't got my wallet on me." The fox stammered, apparently flustered by Austin's imposing authority. "I'm scared, that bear started beating me up and this nice pit bull came along out of nowhere and helped me." The fox was spouting nothing but bullshit, and everyone knew it. He certainly sold the performance though, as he looked up at Austin and whimpered slightly. "Look, he already hit me once." The fox took his delicate little paw and pointed to the side of his head behind his left ear. Austin held up his flashlight and stepped closer to look. Blood was caked behind the ear, flattening the fur into a mess of coagulated redness. At that moment Austin just wanted to save him. He wanted to take this little fox home and clean him up. Maybe he could help the fox find a steady job and keep him off the streets and out of harms way. It was all a fairy tail, and Austin sighed deeply as he resigned himself to handling the situation "by the book". Austin turned off the flashlight and stepped back. He handed the pit bull his I.D. and quickly pinned the bear against the wall. He had moved so fast that the bear was caught off guard. McKinley smiled from the patrol car as he already knew what was going to happen next.

"Metro, car 53, show me signal zero with a male suspect at 163rd and Federal." The radio crackled to life immediately: "Officer needs assistance, 163rd and Federal, respond code 2, channel is tac 5."

The bear swung around with a surprising degree of force, considering his hindered state. The bear leaned his weight forward and swung his right arm at Austin, in an apparent attempt to take his head off. "Thank god he is drunk and slow," Austin thought. Taking a deft step in, the german sheppard blocked the punch and locked his arm under the bear's armpit, setting up for a textbook throw. The bear figured something had gone wrong when a shooting pain from his right arm hit him like a bolt of electricity. The last thing he saw was a blur of dark fur before he was flying through the air and then...darkness.

McKinley finished cuffing the bear and drug him to the back seat of the Crown Victoria while Austin addressed the other two. "I know who you are and what you are doing. The fair city of Coldwater will not stand for prostitution. If I see you down here again I'll drag you both in and charge you with everything I can think of, and I'm a very creative person. Are we clear," he asked rhetorically.

"Have a good night, officer," the pit bull was still wearing a sly grin as he walked away. As Austin turned to get back into the car, the fox fell and bumped into Austin's backside. Austin turned around in a flash and caught him before he hit the pavement. "Are you okay?" Austin's heart was pounding again and his face was full of worry. "I'm so sorry, I must still be woozy from when that bear hit me. I'm Trey, by the way," the little fox managed to say. Austin looked down at the fox in his arms. "So he has a name," he thought. His clothes were soaked and he was tired from fighting with the bear, but all of a sudden Austin was filled with a warm sensation. Underneath his clothing, he felt the heat spread to his sheath, which expanded slightly. "Oh God, I'm in love, this is bad," Austin regained himself and lifted Trey back to his feet.

"I'm sure I'm fine, I can't afford to go to the hospital," Trey had seemed to recover somewhat and his voice did not falter, as before.

"You have a safe night now," Austin said, quietly hating himself for spewing out some stock statement. He wanted to impress the fox, or at the very least keep talking to him, but he had to go.

"You handled yourself pretty well back there," word around the station was the McKinley didn't hand out praise very often, so Austin took the compliment quietly while he was secretly filled with pride. "Before I could even get out of the car you had that suspect under control. Good work."

Austin was changing out of his work uniform into a pair of jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt. He tucked his duty gun into a custom made belt holster that disappeared underneath his shirt. As he was taking stock of his equipment and thinking about what had happened tonight, he noticed that his wallet was missing. "Must have fallen out in the squad car, I'll just grab it tomorrow," Austin thought to himself.

The sun was rising over the hills to the east as Austin pulled into his pickup into the driveway at home. Tired from the long night at work, his whole body felt heavy as he walked up the steps to his apartment. He unlocked the door and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower before crashing for the "night." As the water crashed over his head and back, he felt ten years older than his actual 23. He thought about the bear, and the grime of the city, and the rain, and the bums, and the drugs, and the world felt like a heavy weight on his shoulders. All of a sudden he remembered the fox. Trey. He remembered holding him in his arms and looking into his adorable face. His mind wandered as he imagined kissing him in that moment, the rain falling there on the street. His cock stirred in his sheath and he decided to let his mind wander further. They were together, in his bedroom. Austin had pushed Trey playfully onto the bed and hurriedly stripped off his pants and shirt. Trey crawled over to him and put his delicate maw up against the growing bulge in Austin's boxer briefs. The outline of Austin's cock was clearly visible and growing steadily as blood rushed to his organ. Trey grinned and licked his lips. He slowly pulled down Austin's underwear. Austin's jet black cock was a hard as marble, and bounced slightly after being freed from the boxer briefs. Austin's ten inch cock brushed against Trey's muzzle and left a clear, sticky spot of pre on his nose before it stopped its bouncing to stand firmly in Trey's vision. Trey licked the tip, cautiously, playfully. Austin took Trey's head and held it in place. His paws seemed larger than normal holding Trey's head, delicately, lovingly. Austin moved his hips forward and parted Trey's lips with his bulging cock. Trey gladly accepted the large member into his mouth and began to bob his head over Austin's length. Trey moved his tongue out as he took Austin deep into his maw. Austin's knot was growing at the base of his cock, and Trey took his tongue and wrapped it around the bulbous formation. The sight of Trey's slick, pink tongue gliding over his jet black member made Austin moan and thrust involuntarily into Trey's mouth. Austin used his paws to guide Trey in a smooth motion of long thrusts into his mouth. Trey's tail was wagging wildly behind him as Austin shoved his throbbing cock again and again into his mouth. Austin was in heaven. His body was hot with the heat he felt earlier while holding the fox. As his pace increased he moaned Trey's name. The heat was building at the base of his massive cock. Trey reached up to cup Austin's balls with his paw while his other paw grasped Austin's massive erection behind the knot. The heat moved rapidly up Austin's cock and hot, white cum streamed out from his slick cock into Trey's waiting mouth. Austin's head tilted back in orgasmic delight as he pumped again and again into Trey's mouth, filling him with seed.

Trey opened his eyes just in time to see the last of his cum washing away down the drain. The shower was getting colder by the second, but he had hardly noticed. Austin let go of his dick and turned off the shower. Just as he reached out of the shower for a towel, there was a knock at the door.

To be continued...

P.S. This is my first story, so I'd really like some feedback on my writing style, the plot structure, etc. Don't hold back, you won't hurt my feelings...too much.