One Year Locked

Story by amaroqrammer on SoFurry

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The second in my series of stories about Amaroq the chaste shepherd and his pair of male Clydesdale lovers. Amaroq's cock has been locked up for a year, and his lovers have a very special night planned for him.

"SheathLocker" name and concept are copyright NeoNeon on FA.=====================================================================================One year.Much had happened over the last year, Amaroq thought. The German shepherd had left his old job and gone to work full-time at the gay bar run by his two boyfriends, the Clydesdale brothers; he waited tables there or helped out at the bar or in the kitchen, wherever he was most needed on a given night. He had a college degree, so of course his old job had paid more, but the brothers had also invited him to move into their house with them, so he wasn't paying rent or utilities on his old apartment anymore. He'd been dating the brothers for a few months more than just the last year, which made this easily the longest relationship he had ever experienced. It was easily the best, too.And it was one year ago today that he had given them the keys to his heart - or at least to his cock. He woke up this morning in the same SheathLocker device he had worn essentially 24/7 over the past year, and the stallion brothers held the only keys, each wearing one on a rope around their necks to keep them always close, but always (to Amaroq) just out of reach. His cock was trapped inside a metal sheath where it couldn't get hard, couldn't feel touch. A hole at the end of the sheath allowed him to pee freely, so the device never needed to come off. The brothers only let him out for a weekly cleaning (which they always did themselves, so he couldn't touch himself), or occasionally to tease and edge him. But today marked one full year that he had gone without an orgasm.Not that folks usually keep track of these things. Most guys cum so many times in a year that they'd lose count if they tried to keep track. A guy may complain that he hasn't gotten laid for a year or more, but he probably still jerked himself off in that time more than he'd be willing to admit. For someone in Amaroq's situation, though, jerking off would be a big deal. A REALLY big deal. He would have if he could. He had tried countless times, and had wished he could countless times more. But he couldn't. And he liked it that way.He had become better

friends with his balls over the last year than he ever had thought possible. Not that he didn't love his balls before as much as any guy does, but they were the only part of his private anatomy that he was allowed to touch anymore. He was horny now all the time. ALL the time. Even though he had gone without cumming for so long, he'd been teased often enough and pushed far enough that hadn't forgotten what it would feel like IF he ever got there. He was still a young, healthy male dog and still had the built-in instinct to seek sexual release. But he often sighed at the irony that, while it was his balls pumping the hormones into his system that kept him horny all the time, it was also his balls that physically prevented him from being able to experience any relief - a band around the scrotum held the metal cage firmly in place over his sheath. So fondling his balls was the only self-pleasure he could still indulge in, and he frequently found a free hand subconsciously wandering down to his groin if he wasn't doing something that kept both of his hands engaged.This was what he had signed up for. The whole reason that Amaroq's cock had been locked up for so long was because he had drafted up an agreement with the Clydesdales that they would hold the keys to his sheath, and in return, they would never allow him to cum. They were dubious to this request at first, but Amaroq persuaded them that this was really something he wanted to try, and so they consented. This agreement would continue until it was mutually agreed to end it, or in the event that it became a barrier in their relationship, but none of that had happened. Instead, it turned out that the stallions liked it quite a lot, because the dog's constant horniness meant that he was insatiably eager to please them in any way that they wanted, whenever they wanted. Except for occasions of illness, Amaroq had satisfied at least one, and usually both brothers at least once daily for the last year. (Given the volume that stallions produce, this meant that horse cum composed a not insignificant portion of his daily fluid intake, too.) He loved to be submissive in sex, so this suited him just fine, and as the weeks passed, he genuinely began to gain more satisfaction out of seeing and feeling his lovers sated than he'd previously felt from receiving orgasms of his own.But damn if he wouldn't love to jerk off right now.======================================================================================The day started off like any other typical workday. Amaroq woke up in his own bed, in his own room; each of the brothers had their own room as well, not because of any opposition to sleeping together, but because a bed that could comfortably accommodate two large draft stallions and one not undersized German shepherd was not anywhere available. They slept in late because the bar opened late and stayed open later. Amaroq got up and showered on his own, then wandered into the kitchen for coffee where he found the Clydesdales doing the same. He wondered if they would remember the milestone that today marked, but they didn't say anything about it, and he told himself not to be disappointed. What did he expect? He realized that it meant much more to him than it did to them, so he couldn't blame them or be upset if they didn't keep track of the exact date. It wasn't exactly a typical "occasion" for most relationships. Amaroq pushed those thoughts aside as he watched one of his lovers standing there sipping coffee, nude save for the small key shining in the sunlight on his chest. The dog felt that familiar tightness as his own cock swelled to fill its metal sheath, so he quickly finished off his own coffee, pushed back from the table and wandered over to stand beside his stallion stud. The horse raised an eyebrow over his coffee cup, but before he could say anything, Amaroq slid one hand down the horse's abs to cup his large equine balls, then he placed his other hand on the horse's hip and sank slowly to his knees. The Clydesdale moaned with pleasure as the dog began to coax his equine cock to arousal with a warm, wet tongue. The day was off to a good start.======================================================================================Amaroq had sucked off one of the Clydesdale brothers, then the other, before they went about the business of doing everything else they needed to get ready before work. They enjoyed lunch together at a corner sandwich shoppe, returned home to do a few things around the house, then headed off to open the bar. Work came, and went, and all day the brothers had said nothing to Amaroq about his one year milestone, so he busied himself about the bar and eventually forgot about it. As they were helping the night's final patrons out the door in the early a.m. before closing, however, one brother told Amaroq not to stray far, because they had a surprise for him. At this, the dog's ears immediately perked up, and curiosity overwhelmed him. So they DID remember what day it was after all. His mind swam with thoughts, trying to recall if they had offered any clues in the preceding

days as to what they might have been planning, but he couldn't come up with anything. They just grinned maddeningly when he plied them for more information, and they told him he'd have to wait. He sighed in mock frustration, but if he had learned anything over the last year, it was self-restraint.Fortunately for Amaroq, it wasn't that long before they were done at the bar and returned home. The brothers told him to go wait in his room, and they'd bring his surprise in to him. The dog eagerly complied, and only a couple of minutes passed before they walked in, grinning, and one of them holding a nondescript wrapped box."It's been one hell of a good year since you did something very special for us, so we wanted to do something special for you tonight." He handed the box over to Amaroq, who opened it carefully.Inside the box was... something. As he lifted it out of the tissue paper, he didn't know quite what he was looking at at first. It was a leather belt, that much he knew. Or rather, it began with a leather belt; attached to the belt at the front was a leather panel with two holes in it. The upper hole was round and included a metal ring, while the lower hole was more elongated and soft leather only. From the bottom of the panel extended two additonal leather straps, which split off in opposite directions and connected separately back to the main belt at the back."Is this... a dildo harness?" Amaroq was puzzled.The horse grinned again. "Yes, it is. The top hole holds the dildo, while the bottom goes around your locked sheath and balls."Even more puzzled, Amaroq asked, "But... why? Do you... want me to top you?" He had never thought the brothers to be anything other than dominant in bed, and he himself didn't like being anything but submissive."No," chuckled the stallion, "but someone else does."Only then did Amaroq notice that the other brother had slipped out of the room, and he knew

then that they wouldn't be alone that night. This wouldn't be the first time, either. While his heart was completely committed to the Clydesdale brothers, and theirs likewise to him, his locked-up libido sometimes exceeded even what two studly stallions could keep up with. Being in their line of work, the trio met no shortage of handsome, horny gay males, so occasionally if someone met their collective approval, the brothers didn't mind loaning their pup's services to someone else for an evening - as long as they got to watch. No one ever left disappointed on those nights, and so Amaroq began to gain an underground reputation at the bar as something of a legend. Not everyone knew that his sheath was locked up, but all of the regulars heard whispers that he was an incredible (if submissive) lover. Amaroq had to admit he took some measure of pride in that reputation, and the brothers were proud to say that he belonged to them. Still, this would be the first time that they had brought in a new partner without his knowledge. He was concerned about what was going to be expected of him, but he trusted them...The absent brother soon returned, and Amaroq's jaw dropped upon seeing who was with him. A slender silver husky girl walked in behind the stallion, and she stood there shyly as Amaroq stared and struggled to find words to say."She... she's..." Amaroq stammered."She's a she, yes," the Clydesdale said matter-of-factly, and he took the huskette's hand.Amaroq blurted out, "I haven't been with a girl since high school!" He immediately regretted the remark when he saw that the huskette seemed wounded by this. Even he had to admit that she was quite beautiful.She started saying, "Maybe this wasn't such a...," but the horse cut her off."We know it's been a while, pup, but from what you've told us, you were no slouch in bed even then. It's one thing to give great head or to raise your tail for the next throbbing cock to take an interest in you, but to please a lady takes an entirely different kind of lover. If you're really as great as your reputation claims...," and he left the sentence unfinished.It was true, back in high school Amaroq had done alright with the ladies. He was always a gentleman and treated them well, and while he later in high school came to realize that his preference swung strongly to males, he had already lost his virginity together with a girlfriend. Even then, he was more concerned about his partner's pleasure than his own, so after a few awkward misfires, he learned how to please a girl before taking his own. But still, while he had nothing against girls, he had never desired to go back to them after he found that he liked guys so much better. Now he was really concerned."Why... well, I know why she's here. Why does she," then realizing that he was being rude, he turned, "why do you want to be here? I'm... gay, and my, um... I can't...""I know what's going on in your pants," she said. "Your boyfriends told me. My brother is gay, and he's one of your regulars. I've been his designated driver, picking him up there a few times, and I got to know your boyfriends that way.They told me that you had a special occasion coming up, and they invited me to..."She trailed off, so one of the brothers spoke up. "She was crying one night after a bad breakup, so we consoled her and got to talking about relationships. When she asked about our relationship, we mentioned how lucky we were to have you." Amaroq blushed, and the horse continued, "She said that she'd like to meet you some time. That's been a while ago now, but we still talked about you occasionally, including about how great you are in bed." Amaroq blushed even harder.The other brother picked up. "She's still single, and we promised her a night of no-strings hot doggy-style sex with a sensitive gentleman and no risk of pregnancy. Girls are just as horny as guys, you know. How could she pass that up?" Amaroq was wide-eyed at this bluntness, but then he looked again at the huskette and saw that she was grinning now, so it must have been okay."So... uh...""We won't do

anything that you don't want to do," said the huskette. "This is supposed to be your special night."Amaroq was surprised to feel his cock swelling already; she really was attractive. "I want to try."She smiled gently. "Then why don't we start by getting you properly dressed?" Amaroq looked at the stallions. "It's okay," she said, and he looked back to her. "They can watch," and she winked at him. He grinned.Amaroq began to shed his clothes as the huskette did the same, but he hesitated when he came to his boxers. She noticed his hesitation and, now nude herself, came over to help. "I want to see this," she said, as she slid her hands inside the waistband and slid his boxers down off his legs. Amaroq blushed again, but she didn't notice as her attention was focused on his groin. He gasped at her touch when she reached his balls after running her fingers down the warm metal enclosing his sheath. Dropping to her knees, she tugged at the lock on the device and cooed, "Poor puppy." He jumped when she began licking his balls, starting at the exposed skin and going slowly up to the tip of the metal sheath. His own fleshy sheath expanded to fill its prison, eager for the attention he could see but couldn't feel. After a few minutes of this, she stopped and reached for the dildo harness. Amaroq stepped out of his boxers and into the leather straps, and she helped him get the harness positioned and adjusted properly. "I like your balls," she said, and his sheath throbbed. "Now let's see that cock."One of the Clydesdales stepped over and handed the husky a canine dildo that Amaroq had owned since before he ever met the brothers. He had used it on himself many times, but he never expected that it would replace his own cock like this. She positioned it in the harness and helped him to fit properly in place, then she gave the shaft of the dildo a squeeze to test its firmness and seemed satisfied. It sat a little higher on his groin that his own cock did, since his locked sheath was exposed through the second hole below it, but he found that he had to stop and stare for a moment. He touched the dildo gently at first, then grabbed the shaft and made a couple of experimental thrusts. He knew that it wasn't his real cock, but it damn near looked like it, and this was also the first time in a year that he'd been allowed to touch anything phallic protruding from his loins. He began habitually to move his hand up and down the shaft while

his real cock struggled to remember what this should feel like, but the huskette called him back to himself.She had moved over to his bed. Patting on the mattress, she said, "Come lay down. I know I'm not your usual choice, but I'll get us started." He started to protest and say that she was just fine, but she shushed him and pushed him down on the bed. She guided him to lay on his back in the center of the mattress, then she climbed on top of him."Umm... lube?" Amaroq asked, then shook his head when he was ashamed to realize that he had been staring at her breasts.She smiled. "It's okay, pup. It's not ungentlemanly to touch them in bed," and she lifted his hands to cup her chest. "And we've got lube." She reached behind her to grasp his balls again and gave them a gentle squeeze, at which his cock throbbed again and a new bead of precum emerged from the tip of the metal sheath to join what had already escaped. She wiped up this precum with a finger and spread it around on the tip of the dildo, but when she began to lower herself down onto it, he saw that she was already more than wet enough for what they were about to do. Apparently all of this genuinely turned her on.The huskette gasped in pleasure as she slowly slid herself down the length of the shaft up to the knot. Amaroq was unsure what to do now and tried a couple of small thrusts, but she touched his abs to still him. "Just... let me ride you for a while," she breathed out as she slowly worked her pussy up and down over the dildo's length. Amaroq nodded and settled to enjoy the show. He kept his hands cupped over her breasts as she moved, gently brushing his thumbs over her nipples now and then. She moaned whenever he did this, so he took that as a sign that it must have felt good.As the huskette gradually began moving faster on top of him, Amaroq had to admit there was something very sexy about this. In spite of his usual preference for males, here was a young, beautiful female dog, naked on top of him, taking pleasure from his body. Err... sort of. Or she would have been taking pleasure from his body if his cock wasn't locked away at the moment. This thought, coupled with the vision of the wet pussy moving up and down over what should be his cock but wasn't, aroused him greatly, and new waves of precum emerged from his

swollen but trapped sheath. He instinctively began to thrust again, and this time she didn't stop him; instead, her moans got louder.Then suddenly, she stopped herself. Amaroq thrust a few more times before he stopped too, and asked, "What's wrong?""You've got the idea now. We're dogs," she said, as she slid herself up off the dildo, then she winked at him again. "I want you to take me like the dog you are." Amaroq grinned hugely at this, while the huskette got up on all fours beside him. She whispered in his ear, "Come and get me, pup."Which is exactly what he did. The shaft of the dildo was still slick with the husky's juices, so he moved around to her pussy and slid it back inside her. She gasped again, and Amaroq let instinct take over. He had to adjust his angle slightly due to the higher position of the dildo against his groin, but when he hit on something that made her groan particularly loud, he stayed with it. Starting out slow and gentle, he gradually increased the speed and force of his thrusts according to the huskette's desires. He felt his balls swinging freely in the air, and a sticky string of precum now connected his sheath to the mattress; he wished fervently that it was his real cock inside the female right now, but he knew that he was so sensitive after the past year that he would have cum well before she ever let him up off the mattress. It was the instinctual lust that drove his cock to seek pleasure that was driving his hips now.When he sensed that she was getting close to climax, he thrust even deeper and popped the knot of the dildo inside her. She let out a yelp at this, then an almost growl of pleasure, and her body gripped the knot so tightly that Amaroq couldn't pull back, so he settled for shorter, quicker, deeper thrusts. This was more than enough to push her over the edge, and she howled in the way that huskies do, until her orgasm finally subsided and settled into a warm afterglow."That... was... wow... YES... wow...," she panted, and Amaroq smiled and licked the back of her neck. He panted from the exertion himself, while his caged cock buzzed with desire. He tested and found that the dildo was still very much tied inside the huskette, and the dildo was still very much strapped onto him, so he settled down to enjoy the first tie that he had (sort of)

felt from the top in close to a decade."Was that okay?" he asked, hoping that he already knew the answer."YES," she panted still, "THANK YOU." Catching her breath a bit more, she smiled back over her shoulder at him. "You're quite the lover, pup. Locked cock or not."That was the validation that he wanted to hear, and he beamed and licked her neck again. He had gotten lost in the moment and had completely forgotten that they'd had an audience, until he felt a hand grasping his tail.The dogs' performance was evidently approved by the Clydesdale brothers too, as one of them stood behind Amaroq with a rock hard erection in one hand and the shepherd's tail in the other. "Hold still, pup.""Wait, but... I'm stuck," he hesitated."Exactly. Now hold still."Amaroq felt the lubed head of the stallion's cock pressing underneath his tail for a moment, then he breathed in sharply as he felt that familiar penetration. "Gooooooooood boy," the stallion said as he slid his length inside the shepherd's body. No sooner had he done this than the other stallion appeared in front of the pair of dogs with an identically hard member.The huskette's eyes grew wide at the horse's size, but he touched her cheek and said, "Relax, sweetheart. It's him I want," moving his hand up to Amaroq's muzzle. He stepped closer and Amaroq opened his muzzle obediently to take in his other lover's cock.This was a familiar and favorite position of Amaroq's, filled at both ends by his pair of lovers, but he had never done this while on top of another. As the stallion behind thrust deep inside him, though, he noticed the huskette beneath him beginning to moan softly again. The force of the horse's thrusts moved Amaroq's hips, and he was still tied by the dildo inside the husky, so the dildo was

thrusting inside her too. Amaroq grinned around the horse cock in his muzzle, and while he concentrated on the pleasured moans of the stallions before and behind him, he began trying to time the movement of his hips to please the huskette below him as well.It took a few tries to figure out the rhythm, but Amaroq soon felt like he was getting the hang of it. The stallion behind him recognized what was going on and grinned slyly, altering his own thrusts to match those of the shepherd and to add even more force behind the shepherd's thrusts into the husky. She loudly moaned her approval and did her best to push back against the double set of hips pounding hard inside her, even deeper than before. Amaroq himself moaned as the thick cock up his rear massaged his prostate, and soon white prostate fluid was leaking from the tip of his metal sheath too. He swallowed as he began to taste more and more precum flowing from the cock in his muzzle, and he moaned again as a new wave fluid was milked from his prostate.The Clydesdale behind was the first to cum, as he finally thrust beyond his limits and his cock erupted inside the shepherd. Amaroq felt the stallion's glans flare wide and felt his insides flooded with warm horse seed, as the stallion snorted and grunted out the pleasure of his climax. The final hard thrusts from the stallion up his rear were the final push that the huskette beneath him needed, and she screamed with her second huge orgasm of the night, just as the stallion's subsided. This left only the brother in front, and Amaroq worked his tongue fast around the Clydesdale's sensitive glans until it too flared, and he drank from the firehose of cum down his throat. The Clydesdale threw his head back and groaned, grabbing Amaroq's head to hold him deep on his cock. This kept Amaroq from being able to swallow all of his seed in time, so some of it leaked out of his muzzle and fell onto the head of the huskette beneath them both. Amaroq tried to look apologetic for this - or as apologetic as he could with a muzzle full of thick horse cock - but she didn't seem to mind. Finding herself in the perfect position, she began to lick teasingly at the stallion's heavy balls, which startled him at first, but then he moaned appreciatively as his climax finally subsided."Good boy," he said, patting Amaroq's shoulder as he withdrew his cock slowly from the dog's muzzle. "And good girl," as he reached to stroke the huskette's head. His hand immediately found the seed that had leaked into her fur. "Oh, I'm sorry, miss! That wasn't part of the plan."She smiled widely and shook her head, still panting. "Don't worry about it. You and your brother promised me a great night, and that's exactly what your pup here delivered."Amaroq whined softly as the other stallion withdrew slowly from his rear, bringing a gush of horse cum with him. "You can use our shower to wash up as soon as you're less tied up," the Clydesdale winked at her, "For now, just lie down and relax." He patted Amaroq's butt, "Rest now, pup. You've got a long night ahead of you yet.""Wait, what? What do you mean?" Amaroq called out, but the brothers had already exited the room. "What did he mean by that?" he asked the huskette, as they moved together to lie down on the bed.She shrugged and said, "Just enjoy it, pup. It's your night."Amaroq pondered this for a minute, but the huskette's slow and steady breathing before he spoke again told him that he shouldn't disturb her with more questions. Just enjoy it, he thought, and wrapped an arm over her side.He was tired, but too mentally alert to doze off beside her, and about half an hour later, he tried and succeed to extract the dildo - and, by extension, himself - from inside her. She moaned sleepily, then started awake when the knot popped free, but then she smiled. Sliding out from under his arm, she got up from the bed and began to gather her things. Amaroq watched her serenely. Before she left, she turned back to him and said, "Really... thank you. That was incredible." Then, noticing that the shepherd's paw had again moved down to grasp the fake shaft between his legs, she laughed. "You really miss it, don't you?" Amaroq blushed and released his grip. "Well, your boyfriends are right. They've got an outstanding lover. I'd even take you again some time when you're more... free." She winked, then turned to go.He heard the sounds of muffled conversation in the hallway, as the Clydesdales directed the husky femme to the shower, then the brothers entered his room again. "Very nicely done, pup. I hope you enjoyed that as much as she, and we, did.""Definitely," he smiled. "So... you're back for more?""Not us," said one of the brothers, "not yet. But you're certainly not done yet, either. I hope you weren't planning to get any sleep tonight," he grinned.The other walked over to the bed. "Let's get that harness off you. You're done with that for now, at least."Another guest? All night... more guests? Just how many surprises had the brothers lined up for him tonight? He asked, but only got a "you'll see" in response, so he quit asking questions and helped take off the harness. Then he sat back down and smoothed his ruffled, somewhere sticky fur, as best he could while waiting for the next surprise.Which was a lion. A fellow he'd seen around the bar a few times before, quite a handsome mane, so Amaroq accepted him gladly. Felines are famous for their stamina, and this one was no different; he mounted and came inside Amaroq at least a dozen times in an hour before he was satisfied.Next entered a zebra, whose cock was even longer than the Clydesdales' (though not as thick). When he pushed all the way inside the shepherd's ass, Amaroq felt sure that the zebra would eject his seed directly into his stomach. Of course Amaroq was still particularly partial to equine cock, so no sooner had the zebra finished and pulled out of his rear than the dog whirled around and began sucking the zebra's cock back to hardness. He wanted feel the zebra's seed poured straight into his stomach from the top, too.So it continued all night - sometimes one at a time, sometimes two or three, but as soon as one male finished with Amaroq, the brothers led another one in. Amaroq experienced at least two canine ties from the bottom that night - a retriever and a Dalmatian. A fox enjoyed topping a larger male for a change. A large bull arrived, and Amaroq worshipped his long, pendulous balls with his tongue, then he relished the feeling of those balls slapping against his own. He took some in his mouth, some in his rear, some he pleased by hand if both his tongue and tail were busy. The fur all over his

body grew wet with the seed of dozens of lovers by dawn, and his insides were well filled. His own juices were mingled with all the rest, as his prostate had been milked dry by all the pounding, and any new fluid it managed to produce was quickly milked out again. His sheath ached from almost constantly straining against its metal cage all night long, and every nerve in his trapped cock seemed to vibrate from arousal and deprivation.By the time the last partner left, even Amaroq was ready to admit that he'd had enough for the night. Or day, as the sun was already up. But when the brothers returned after seeing the last guest to the door, they told him that he still wasn't done yet."Another?" he exhaled, and looked towards the door."No, it's just us now," one of the brothers said. "And you get to relax.""You've had plenty of whipped cream," the other smiled, then he fingered the key at his neck. "It's time for the cherry on top."Amaroq's cock forgot its soreness and raged again against its restraint. His pulse quickened, and he didn't know which question to ask next. So he only whined as the brothers posed him on the bed - flat on his back in a spread eagle posture, and they cuffed each wrist and ankle to a bedpost.One of the brothers reached for the canine dildo Amaroq had worn earlier, then slid it slowly into the dog's rear, popping in the knot and eliciting another whimper. He breathed deeply as the other horse took the key from his neck and slipped it into the small lock at the dog's balls.Click.They removed the metal bands, then slid the metal sheath up and off his own. His liberated cock followed close behind, immediately erect with a fully engorged knot.The Clydesdale chuckled. "Your mouth stays free, because we want to hear you."He licked the tip of the dog's cock, and Amaroq's entire body jerked into the air. The sensation was electric, and he immediately began panting. One brother sat back to watch while the other took control. Lick, jerk. Lick, yelp. Lick, gasp, and the dog's cock ached to engorge itself even more.This continued for a few minutes, then the stallion switched to using a single finger to gently stroke the dog's cock from knot to tip. Amaroq moaned and his cock twitched at every touch, and the isolated touches made the rest of his cock scream for more stimulation. Periodically then the stallion abandoned the single finger approach to firmly grasp the shaft; after the gentle teasing, a sudden grab felt almost as good as an orgasm on its own. The stallion's grasp would only last for a moment too, however, as they new his hyper-sensitive cock couldn't take much right now without erupting over the edge. Amaroq bucked and howled with each grab, but all touch was removed whenever he tried to start thrusting, and he whined in frustration. When he settled back down, the teasing strokes would resume, and the cycle began again.Eventually the first stallion grew tired of teasing, so his brother moved in to take his place. Amaroq's new tormentor gripped the base of the dildo and began working it back and forth in the dog's rear, which earned new moans of appreciation. Gambling with a different approach, the Clydesdale took the shepherd's entire cock into his mouth, sucking and licking and moving up and down on the shaft. Amaroq howled with pleasure when the horse began doing this, but when his breathing quickened to the pace that it was clear his climax was near, all stimulation immediately stopped. The dog's howl of delight turned into a howl of agony and he thrust futilely into the open air. After he growled and collapsed back to the bed, the stallion began sucking the dog's cock again, and stopped again when his breathing came in short, sharp gasps. In this way, he kept the dog on the very brink of orgasm, but never allowed him to go over.Of course all of this had an effect on the stallions, too. The brother that was only watching for the moment had a throbbing erection of his own, but clearly Amaroq was in no position to help him with this at the moment. So he handled the problem himself, moving over to stand beside the bed and jacking himself off over the shepherd's body. Soon enough the stallion came in long, thick waves, and his seed

saturated the fur all over the dog's belly. The other stallion scooped up some of this seed and used it as lube to now work on the dog's cock with his hand, stroking up and down with a firm grip, but always as before, stopping completely just as the dog's climax was about to arrive. Amaroq whined and moaned, his cock twitched and danced, but nothing he could do would push him over that peak, and nothing the Clydesdales did would allow it. Any fluids of his own that the dog had left were milked from his body by the working of the dildo in his ass, but his balls ached to release a year's worth of unspent seed.The first brother took over again after another hour, and he resumed with the gentle, teasing strokes. This was worse, it was agony, but it was delightful, delicious torture all the while. The second brother attended to his own thick erection and did the same thing the first had, jerking himself off over the shepherd's body and soaking his belly fur from the other side. After another hour of teasing, the brothers switched again, then again another hour after that. Amaroq had long since lost count of how many times he felt certain that he was going to go over the edge, that he would FINALLY receive his longed-for release, but every time the brothers stopped and he slid back down that slope, always near the peak but never reaching the other side.His mind was an exhausted, lust-fogged cloud, and he could hardly speak anymore. It was going on midday now, and his body was utterly spent from hours of continual excitement, but his cock throbbed and bobbed as much as ever while the rest of him barely had the energy to move. His cock was sore, his balls were sore, his muscles were sore from repeatedly tensing but never being allowed to feel that tension release."P... please...," Amaroq begged, for what seemed like the thousandth time. "So... close...," he panted. "I... need... please... cum..."The stallion spoke softly. "Doesn't this feel good?" and he stroked the dog's cock again.His cock jerked. "Yes! Yes... please...""Do you want us to stop touching you and just leave you here?""No... please... I just... need... more..."The horse nodded. "Then you'll get more. When we say. Our way." Amaroq whimpered, and his cock jumped again.The ecstatic torture continued for a while longer until finally exhaustion overwhelmed him. His cock was still hard, the stallions still teased him, but he passed into merciful sleep. The brothers continued teasing for a minute more, but when Amaroq did not wake up again, they left their lover alone to rest.=====================================================================================The sun had set by the time that Amaroq awoke. He was still in bed, his fur dried and matted with the cum of a hundred climaxes, but his arms and legs were no longer chained, and he was between the sheets instead of on top of them. He lifted up the blanket to check his groin, and the SheathLocker had been returned to its home around his cock. On the nightstand beside the bed stood the canine dildo, and a note that read, "Happy anniversary, pup. Looking forward to many, many more."