Biker wolf on the brawl

Story by ShiroUzumaki on SoFurry

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It was a scorching day shining in the desert of the Deep South. The only life over the ground that moment was the road that crossed it, decorated by the wastes and signposts on the sides of the road. The air was so hot you could see how the hot air made the water like effect at the end of the road. The road looked empty, except for the only biker that was rolling at that moment. His custom motorbike was crossing the road, lifting the sand on the corners a bit as he ran at 60 miles per hour, making the sun shine his red-silver finish body, decorated with a wolf face and the word "Lobo" on each side with sharp letters, painted on the fuel tank. The sound was smooth but powerful enough to be heard at half a mile, thanks to the big engine set under the black leather seat. The rims had 5 scythe-look spokes, and the hardware was chromed, making it shiny with the double round light front lights. The rider was a 6 feet tall wolf, wearing a shred black denim jacket, ragged jeans, a pair of fingerless gloves, a black leather belt and steel toe boots. His fur was light grey colored, with a short but handsome mane going from the back of his head and green emerald eyes covered by the shaded goggles he was wearing to shield them from the sun. His name was Scott, and he was running through the desert to pick up his girlfriend from the road bar she used to work as a waitress, the "JustDesert".

Scott looked at the crooked wooden building far away, lowering the pace of his bike and stopping in the yard of it, shaking his fur from the traitorous sand of the desert that fell like a yellow smoky cloud from it. The bar never had a restoration, and due to the sand and the extreme temperatures, the wood looked like Swiss cheese turned brown. He walked up the stairs, which creaked under his feet and opened the two wooden doors, closing at his back due to the spring closing action. The bar had small windows where the afternoon sunlight got into, and the only place where the shadows stored was the bar and the stage on the west side of the big room that the bar was. It was Friday, so there were preparing the stage for the band that was coming at the dusk, setting the speakers from all over the place with hard rock all the time.

Scott smiled thinking "Just another day at the bar... I reached early, I'll have something until Heather finishes her shift today" as he walked to the bar to have a drink.

Scott shook his tail as the barwoman, Fiona, who was a kind but hot headed plump bodied Hyena, came to serve him, saying "Well, well, it's Heather big bad wolf... don't you come a bit early today, Scott?"

Scott grinned, he knew Annette since he started coming to pick up his girlfriend a couple of years ago, so he ordered saying "Tennesee whiskey, Fiona, on a shot glass, as always"

Fiona chuckled as she served with swiftness and accuracy the shot full of the malt liquor, saying "Whiskey shot, remember you gotta drive after"

Scott picked the glass and poured the shot right to his throat, huffing happy as a sign of relief, saying "Right to the chest, here"

The wolf got three notes from his wallet on his pocket, saying "Get me a beer, would ya? That will be all until my girl finishes today's shift"

The hyena grinned, getting the beer from the freezer and opening it and serving it next to a mug, just like Scott liked "Here, 3 dollars and 50 cents, partner".

The wolf set a 5 buck note on the bar, saying "Keep the change, Fio..." making the Hyena pick the note and saving it. As Scott was drinking the beer, he looked around to find his nice lovely vixen girl, Heather, between the orders and tables. Scott looked at an orange vixen with a small white tip on her tip from the back, making him grin and confirming he was looking at Heather. Scott's mind started to remember how she met Heather, on a spring afternoon.

Scott was having his karate training at college, as a brown belt, looking how his sensei was knocking out all his partners with throws and punches. Scott felt how his turn began and so, he got in the center of the ring and saluted, setting his two fists one after each other.

The referee voiced "Hajime!" to start the fight, making both contenders move for the fight.

Scott stepped up and tried a close fist to his master, but the master reflected the fist with his right hand and knocked his other hand, turned into a fist, on Scott's chest. Scott stepped back feeling how he could fell on that textbook counter, so he stepped forward and screamed with a kiai, lifting his right leg for a roundhouse kick. The master stepped back with incredible reflexes, as Scott started to scream and chain fists one into another. The wolf tried two punches first, blocked by the arms of his teacher, then a claw fist to his face, which the Sensei dodged swaying the head, and then the wolf turned his hand like a blade, moving it upside down. The karate master held the punch with his left wrist and a serious concentrated expression was painted on his face.

Finally Scott found an empty point on his master chest and he opened the palm, growling and landing his palm on his master's belly, screaming "Shotei!"

The master stepped back with a neigh, breathing deep. Scott was huffing and sweating, and he started to run, jumping and screaming, setting his legs for a flying kick and using his right leg as the ram for the final blow. The master chuckled, grabbing the ankle of his proud student, hitting his chest with an elbow and then the thigh, making Scott turn from a flying eagle to a knocked wolf on the ground.

The master sighed as he said "You are always that impulsive, Scotty... being speedy isn't all on karate"

Scott fell how his strength was weakened by all the effort, he was a brown belt after all. The wolf fell how his consciousness fade and close his eyes. The master said "Get him to the sick-bay. It will wake up in half an hour".

30 minutes later, Scott opened his eyes, looking blurry at first, but he noticed a white cotton tissue in front of his eyes, and as he recovered the sight, he blushed as he recognized that it was a white t-shirt covering a female chest... a big one. The big wolf looked up, as he saw a mix of white and orange fur body coming out of the t-shirt, followed by a cute vixen with blue sapphire-like eyes and wearing short polyester hot pants as part of her gym nurse uniform, wrapping up that vixen-form body.

It was Heather, who was healing his wounds with alcohol. Scott blushed saying "err..."

Heather looked down smiling, saying "Oh, you woke up! You had a terrible wound when you knocked out. Your master always use bamboo tatamis instead modern ones, without knowing they cut easily... My name is Heather anyway"

Scott smiled and gave his hand "Scott..." blushing and looking to the sides randomly "So... do you have a boyfriend?" blaming himself a second later  for being so direct and harsh, but still, Heather chuckled replying "Yeah... I never find a strong big man to protect me"

Scott thought for a bit and smiled, having an idea and saying "Shall we hang out... how about this Friday night, when I finish the exams"

Heather nodded with her head "Sure, it will be fun, I end early on Saturdays and these practices are boring".

Scott stopped thinking on the flashback, looking of how Heather was serving sexily the drinks and wiggling her tail happy, making Scott feeling relived and not worried. Also, his sight changed to a table far from the bar, where 5 bikers were sitting playing cards and wearing long black leather t-shirts with a symbol of a skull and big red flaming letters scribbling "Scorching tails".

As the song on the background changed for another hard rock song, the wolf stared at them with a suspecting look, turning his head to Fiona and asking "Hey, Fio, who are that bunch of bikers over there? Seems they are from a gang, but I never saw that symbol"

Fiona looked up from the biker fellow's shoulder and her face went to a serious face "Not those again... they are called themselves the Scorching Tails. That's one of their "squads", they go to different parts to mark their territory and getting chicks for their dirty purposes... they aren't as jolly and... groovy, as your band, Scotty. You still say "groovy", right?"

Scott nodded with a comical grin as he took a sip of the bottle he was drinking and turned his head with a curious neutral expression on that biker gang with a suspecting look on them. The group had 5 furries: A tiger, a bear, a hound dog, a panther and a hawk, all with scars and serious faces on their heads, as they were playing poker and sipping their drinks.

Suddenly, the tiger looked at Heather, licking his lips like if he was hungry. He whistled at Heather "Hey, you, waitress... come here..." Heather looked at them and walked to their table after serving the long glass of beer she had on the plate, covering her chest with it, saying "Yes?" The tiger smiled growling faintly and said "Get us another bottle of JD"

Heather nodded writing the order on her small notebook and saying "A bottle of whiskey... anything else?" with a stare on them.

The tiger was drooling, something he covered cleaning his lips with his hands and grabbing one of her wrists "Yeah... you!"

Heather gasped as the pervert biker drooled with reddish eyes, babbling "You shall make great puppies with a body like yours" as the yellow black-striped cat spread spit all over the floor with his way to speak.

Heather was nervous "Please... let me go!"

The hound dog babbled "That's what the last one said!" making the whole gang starting to laugh loud.

Scott huffed and growled as he stood up from his seat to deal with those dirty riders who were pawing her poor girlfriend. The vixen girl neighed as the tiger's paw was trapping her, then the biker extended his other free paw to grope her right breast, making her gasp and growl angry. The tiger biker was laughing until Heather screamed angry and so, the tiger's face changed when he received a kick right on the crotch by the waitress girl.

The tiger held his balls in pain as he screamed "Get her!" and so, the other four members grabbed the girl by her limbs, paralyzing her.

Heather struggled to get free, but she wasn't strong enough to take out those four huge beings that were holding her. The tiger stood up panting in pain, getting a chain out of his jeans and whipping it, saying "Now we will teach you what's real pain, bitch!" The vixen girl's chest started to tremble, as she felt she was going to be punished by that tiger, and the worst way, being raped after the spanking chain session. The tiger growled, slashing Heather's uniform and showing her inner clothes exposed, covering her nice well-proportioned body. Heather screamed and shook her body in vain, and so, the evil biker lifted his right arm with the chain to give her a slash of his blunt but still dangerous steel chain.

As Heather closed her eyes for the whipping she thought it could be for her, the sound of the weapon was suddenly silenced as a wolf paw stopped the chain in the air by grabbing it. The grabber was no other than Scott, who came in time to stop the punishment for her girl. The tiger growled as he pulled from the chain, groaning "Who the hell are you, punk?"

Scott, with a serious expression on his face, released the chain, making the tiger fell and roll on the floor due to the pulling power he was making. As the tiger biker stood up huffing, the background music's song was ending with a southern rock smooth tune, changed the pace of the situation as a rockabilly styled song burst from the speakers.Â

The wolf, ready to defend his honor, said "I'm the male of this vixen, jackass. Better if you bunch of jerks leave her alone..." as he pressed his own knuckles each other with his hands and setting them on a defensive punch pose and saying "... or I'll bite the crap out of you."

The tiger stood up growling, with an angry expression on his face, walking close to the wolf and showing his claws, raising his left arm for a blow, roaring "I'll kill you!"

The slash got next to Scott's face, making him a small slit cut behind his eye and another longer but still slit cut on his belly. Scott felt the cuts and neighed for a second, as the tiger jumped back and got prepared to deal another slash to the wolf biker. The tiger roared and raised his left paw again, slashing close to the wolf. Scott grabbed the attacking arm with the outer side of his right arm in just a blink, repelling the arm with his force and grabbed the biker's shoulders with his wolf paws, lifting his knee to hit the tiger's stomach. The tiger gasped as his body stepped back due to the hard impact he received from the biker wolf's counter. The rest of the gang as shocked as they saw how his boss's personal claws were repelled by one man, something they never saw.

One of them, the panther named Sully, said "Randy! What the..."

The feline grabbed one of the pool sticks from the table next to them as a weapon, growling in anger. Scott turned his head to the gang, looking they were three of them grabbing her girlfriend and that the panther was missing. The rest of the biker gang released and threw Heather on a table as each of them showed a weapon coming from their clothes. The dog, Mark, showed a crowbar, pointy and S-shaped. The hawk, Stan, showed an ice crusher, ready to pierce anybody. The bear put some brass knuckles on his hands, setting them so the fists could do the more damage possible.

Scott look at them surrounding him, getting ready for the brawl he was going to make. The hawk took the first step, trying to stab the wolf's back with his ice crusher, but Scott swayed to a side and grabbed the weapon holding arm, hitting the wrist with a hand slash and disarming Stan, throwing him to the ground.

Meanwhile, the bear groaned "You son of a..." but Scott realized he wore brass knuckles, but not quickly enough to dash, receiving a punch from the massive hands of the bear.

Scott felt how his breath cut with that power, followed by two smashing fists right to his face on each side, painting bruises over his grey fur on the face. As soon the bear stopped, even with a fuzzy and blurry sight, he grabbed the arm and punched the attacker's stomach with three direct hits. The bear fell off stunned as the power of the wolf's punches was too much for him. Suddenly, Sully, who was at his back, screamed as he raised the pool club he was holding, hitting Scott's back and making Scott fell due to the hard maple wood hit he got. The club broke in two halves, spreading small splinters, but Scott could stand up slowly after the hard hit and ran close to the panther, dealing him a jaw-breaking fist on his face. Sully flew like in the air, whining in pain as his body felt due to the gravity. The wolf looked around, as the last one was holding the crowbar, trembling of fear.

Scott got next to the hound dog, saying "You... get your boss and your friends out of here and never come again... or I'll take this crowbar and turn it your new boyfriend, understand!?" growling mad at him.

The dog shrieked in fear and nodded, asking for sorry. Scott chuckled and threw one by one out of the bar with a kick on their rumps, saying "And never come back! I got your faces recorded here!" pointing at his own eyes with two fingers as a grudge sign for the gang.

Scott crossed the door again, looking how his body was injured. He had harder fights, so he didn't matter about the pain, but he should have those wounds patched up soon if he didn't want to turn the situation any worse. His chest had small cuts by the tiger's claws, with blood drips on his shirt. His back and stomach were hit and his face had small bruises with the hits he got from another two bikers, and the physical effort was making the pain and tiring sensations bigger. As the rockabilly song coming from the speakers faded, a soft rock song started.

Heather stood up as he hugged Scott, looking at his wounds. She gasped, saying "I'll fix you up right now... sit here" sitting Scott on a chair of one of the tables and walking to the storage in the bar, taking the medical kit she had for emergencies.

Heather sit on the same table and opened the case of the kit, getting some cotton, paper tape, bandages, disinfectant, string and a stitching needle. She took Scott's jacket off and put patches made of tape and cleaned the wounds with her medical skills. She already knew how to treat wounds with her whole nurse degree, and he did previous minor surgery on his sweet but strong wolf boyfriend. Heather, after striping up Scott, took a lighter from her pocket and lighted it up, passing the curve stitching needle for a deep clean, took some thread and set the tip on the wounds, saying "Ok, Scott, this might sting a bit"

Scott nodded as Heather started to pierce the two halves of the wound like a broken part of a dress, with both wounds, one after another. Scott clashed his teeth to hold the pointy sensation of pain he was having with that simple surgery action. As the skin walls were close each other, Heather smiled saying "Ok, it's been a success" followed with a giggle, blushing a second later as she realized how sexy his wolf boyfriend was.

As Scott smiled while she cleaned up the blood of his fur with a bandage and alcohol, Heather hugged the wolf with a glomp, making her blush go heavier and rubbing her vixen cheeks on the big bad wolf's open chest, saying "Damn, grandma... you got such big arms" as she was breathing deep.

Scott chuckled and looked at her, saying "Stop the little red riding hood talk, sugar... I know enough myself that I'm big" as she was panting in a mellow way, like if she was horny. The actual song was fading as a heavy metal tune started to flow from the speaker boxes.

Scott covered her arms on Heather's back, smiling and realizing what she was having: Her short hot jeans were getting moist between the legs. Looking how her crotch was getting wet, she started to lick Scott's belly as she clinched from the chair that the wolf was sit, especially around the sensitive bellybutton. The vixen girl giggled as she grabbed the pants between the legs, feeling Scott's big crotch marking under the thick thread. The girl got the buttons of the black cotton denim jeans off, opening that hole and ticking the white elastic boxers he had, making him hum in pleasure, saying "Whoa, setting the full throttle, huh? You should kiss me before starting, sweetie"

Heather giggled as she lifted her upper part of the body and rubbed her nose with Scott, licking his grey lips and crossing her tongue inside them, tangling it with his male's wide long tongue.

The rest of the bar people, not even the crew or the clerks, didn't take care of the sexy intimate moment that was boiling on that side. Heather slipped her hand over the boxers and loose then inside the jeans, picking and pulling out his lover's most intimate secret: a big sized wood, still soft, but ready to be loved by her. While she loosed off the jeans and put them in a chair, Heather opened her mouth, extending her tongue and licking the big wiener she had in front of her, making it throb and grow. Scott hummed, caressing her head as her long skilled tongue touched his main sensitive points, as she knew anatomy in all its senses. The vixen girl kept licking until the fleshy cock got hard enough, so she opened her jaws and covered the massive extension with her mouth walls. She sucked the tip as well of the rest of the body as she went deeper with her teeth gripping all over the surface. The wolf's massive fleshy tool was so big, she knocked her head off from it, stroking it with her right palm and checking it reached to its biggest size: 12 inches long, 3 inches thick. She scrubbed the flesh smiling as she stood up and set her body face down on the table, loosing her belt and showing her plump fleshy cunt, wiggling her orange tail on the air, showing a wet furred crotch, ready to be served, so she said gasping "Do me, my big bad wolf..."

The big biker wolf grabbed his monstrous fleshy wood and rubbed the tip on the squishy nether lips of the vixen. She was pressing down her body on the cold metal cover table, so her chest skin and her nipples react to the surface and got harder, moaning harder as her sound made call the attention of the customers who were at the moment. Fiona looked at the couple, blushing and looking at their supposed "public", but she smiled and smirked, thinking "They are in love... guess I'll let them his time".

Scott opened his mouth panting, as the sweet hot smell of his vixen was giving him the feeling he was hungry, and so, he placed two fingers over her fleshy pussy, moving them aside so they split each other with a smooth squishy sound. Heather gasped in pleasure as he started to push the tip into her tight but moist deepness.

The wolf closed his eyes with gritted teeth due to the tight small hole he was trying to fill with his meat, saying "Damn, you surely had made exercise..."

Heather giggled as she felt the big sausage was giving him mellow blitzes of pleasure, saying between pants "You always said I had to be a defensive bitch... and that's what I am, Scottie" as she awed when he started to push harder.

Scott pressed her pussy, until a clutching noise made that big cock slip in and so, Heather made a purr after the moans she made of the push trials made by him. He was inside her, with his abs touching her small but bouncy ass, mixing their furs. His cock, due to the friction of her insides, was starting to cover in small but exciting veins all over the surface, while her walls get used to that big thick member. The slick but close walls of her made a big pressure on Scott, forcing his cock harder to cross that fleshy lusty wetness.

The wolf reached deep into the vixen, kneeled his back and sniffed her hair, followed by sexy nips on her neck. Scott, who his cock was so big, it couldn't get fully inside her by the base, stood his back up and soon his hips started to rock back and forth, pouring out drops of hot moistness outside her, soaking the outer fur of her pussy more. Heather panted heavily as her moans were stronger and more frequent as her pussy was receiving bits of pleasure by each second. Scott kept on rocking his hips, moving faster and faster, until he felt her cervix bouncing his tip, so his cock got more stimulated inside and the best part was going to swell from the base, the knot. Heather was blushing more and more, as she realized turning her eyes back they were looked by the whole bar, even her boss Fiona.

Anyway, she felt so good and the people were too shocked for a complaint, so she kept moaning and screaming "Give it to me, my wolf... I've been a bad girl". Scott closed his eyes as he felt he was close, saying "Heather... I'm close..." but then Heather bent her back, screaming, making the cock get tainted with her fleshy milky juices. She felt that hard "making it out in public" climax. Scott gritted his teeth as he felt how his insides were going to blow in a massive wolf orgasm. He gave a hard thrust, making the cock finally fit inside with his huge bubble on the base, making a popping noise. Heather felt that huge cock piercing her cervix in seconds, getting inside her and so, screaming like crazy, she only needed more power after her own climax to make her cum hard again. Scott growled saying "Yes! I'm c..."

The biker wolf howled, making his noise be heard through the whole tavern. His cock blew up on a hard shot of milky but thick seed, filling up Heather like a water balloon. The vixen panted in pleasure as she felt the thick cum deposit inside her, like if it was delicious cream. Scott kept giving fast pumps, trying to place the seed deeper, even if his wood was inside her womb already. The wolf kept that freakish dick inside her, as he slowly turned Heather's body, showing they were knotted each other.

The waitress looked how his lover was giving the sensation that her walls were tearing apart. He pulled off his massive sized tool, so her pussy poured out their juices all over her thighs and the floor of the bar. Scott looked back, as he realized they were being watched.

The wolf blushed heavily, taking his jeans from the chair where his lover placed them and putted them on, saying "Uhm... Heather... let's go" grabbing Heather's left wrist as his face was hiding a blushing sensation of embarrassment.

As the couple was outside of the "JustDesert" bar, the sun was setting, giving the sky a tainted look between blue and orange and some red lines. Scott released his vixen lover as he put his denim jeans on, buckling the leather belt he had.

Heather smiled as her face was blushed too, but in a less shine compared to her wolf boyfriend. Scott looked at her, nervous and with a slightly nervous expression, asking "Did you like that? Everyone was looking at us"

The vixen giggled "They didn't see that coming, Scottie. What did you expect, a bunch of photographers?"

The wolf looked down ashamed, something not proper on his fighting biker personality, saying "Let's go home, okay?"

Heather smiled nodding, licking the wolf's nose and saying "Sure, my big bad wolf"

Scott growled with a funny chuckle, saying "Don't make me eat you!" as he chased Heather to the custom bike.

The wolf placed his body on the seat, putting his goggles on his eyes from the pockets , grabbing the keys from inside of his trusty jacket and placed it on the starter. The bike started to roam, so Scott clutched the bike as Heather placed the helmet on her head, hugging her lover from the back. Scott set his machine on full throttle, turning to the left and setting on the horizon of the desert, way back home, as the sun was setting just as their right.

Heather looked at the sunset with a romantic glee on her eyes, licking Scott's shaded cheek and whispering on his grey pointy ears "I love you, Scott" as Scott replied, with his blush fading "I love you too".


Background music choices (Song â€" Artist):

  • Hard rock tune: Rag Doll â€" Aerosmith

  • Second Hard Rock tune: Louie Louie â€" Joan Jett & The Blackhearts cover

  • Rockabilly tune: Double Talkin' Baby â€" The Stray Cats

  • Soft rock tune: Jet Airliner â€" Steve Miller Band

  • Heavy Metal tune: Bark at the moon â€" Ozzy Osbourne

  • Southern rock tune: Mary had a little lamb â€" Stevie Ray Vaughan