Dream Come True

Story by FalconMage on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from the movie Kung Fu Panda. This is solely my own personal fiction and it's a little on self indulgence if you're concern. Don't read it if you're upset about it because I'm not gonna hold responsibility for your personal upset kind of stuff... yeah... well... let's leave it at that.

Falcon is me and mine alone. A leopard.

Wolf belongs to Wolf-Light alone as well. A, well, cliché as it seems, a Wolf.

Tai Lung belongs to Dreamworks and them alone. I'm just... borrowing...



Dream come true

The twinkling light of the sky illuminated the clouds with bright lights as it shone with full heat. Despite the heat of the star being extremely hot, the distance between the earth and universe was vastly differentiated. No clouds were seen in the sky and it was the perfect night for star gazing, in which nearly every universe dwellers on the earth took part in.

Beyond the uphill top of a small mountain, a pair was cuddling up with each other as they gazed bewilderedly at the amazing display of lights. Natural twinkles from the stars made it looked as if an electronic remote or some sort was controlling the time sequence of the stars.

I hugged and nuzzled at my mate beside me up on the hilltop. That's right, the two duos up on the hill is me and my good mate, Wolf. I totally didn't regret coming out here in the wild just to gaze up the sky like Wolf had suggested, or else I would have been left alone to not see this spectacular phenomenon.

I leaned on his shoulders and started to play with his paws, my beautiful Wolf's paw and he enjoyed it very much indeed.

"Thanks for bringing me out here," I said to him.

Wolf just smirked out sardonically. "Unless you want to get yourself copped up at home all day long, be my guest."

"Hell, no!" I replied quickly.

"Alright, alright. You don't have to bite my head off."

We stared in silence at the sky but Wolf just had to break the peaceful serenity. "Falcon," he started. "Have you ever wanted or wished for a character to be alive for one day or night?"

I looked at him quizzically but out on a soft smile. "Yeah, well, I did have once. It's a fictional character."

"What or who is that, may I ask?" Wolf wrapped his arms around me.

I sighed heavily between breathes. Why on earth does he even want to know what my previous things were? I mean, yeah, trust and more but... I guess it's alright.

Buried between his napes, I hushed the answer to his delicate ears; the previous desires I had for a fictional character to come out would be...

"Tai Lung, from the movie Kung Fu Panda."

"Right on the spot," Wolf chuckled.

I rose on eyebrow inquisitively over to him. Wha-?? What does that mean? Oh, right. Wolf knew about my obsessions on the snow leopard, Tai Lung, and everything about him. So, it wasn't much of a surprise I guess â€" him knowing what I desire through a fictional character.'

The night went on for both of us as we took some quiet time alone. Compared stars and started talking about the earth and such but it was short lived when both of us saw a meteor burning through the dark skies above. A comet had shown itself by passing through the solar system of the earth and it glittered heavenly between the stars.

"A wishing star!" Wolf gasped. "Quick, make a wish!"

"Wha-?" I replied like a total idiot.

"Come on!" He tugged at my paw. "Make a wish."

"I've already got everything Wolf. What more do I want?"

The face of the white wolf twisted a grim expression at me, an expression that says: Yeah, right; in a sarcastic way. "Don't be cheap. Wish for something."

"But what?" I retorted.

"Oh for the love of," he slapped in his face, a sign that he's not happy with it. God he looked cute when he's in this state but my entertainment of looking at him like a cutey was lost when he shook my head hard.

"Alright, why don't you wish for your fictional character to be alive for one night?"

That blew it. I mean, what's the point in this? Unless he â€"

"Just do it." He added sternly.

I grumbled continuously but obeyed his plea. Without a word, I clasped my paws together and wished hard. Like always, my mind pictured the oh so awesome character of the snow leopard. His body, his size, those big and huge muscles, chiseled abs, strong movements, handsome yet cute face; Tai Lung's amazing strength and agility, his throughout look and those cute little bums.

Did I just think about his backside?

I yawned profusely as both of us got back from our star-gazing trip. Despite the place not being very far away from our home stay in, but man... those hills are a killer! Mountain climbing: definitely not my thing at all. However, Wolf had more energy than what I had expected. As a playful pup that he is, he's always going around poking stuff and scrutinizing his surroundings.

Both of us reached to our rooms. Usually, I'll be more than happy to sleep with Wolf but some how or rather; the urge to be alone surpasses the former. So, I excused myself and got on to the single bedroom beside Wolf. Once I had entered the room, I slumped down on the bed without a second thought and hugged at the bolster that I used to love so much. It was soft and even softer still after all these years.

Fatigue overcame my pleasure senses and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I rolled around like the feline that I was, feeling my surrounding even though I was fast asleep. Rest and relaxation surged through my body as it was rested comfortably from the tired day that I had. That's when I felt something wrong. Felines had been told to sense things whenever the situation was unusual. So, I shot up quickly and calmed myself down.

That was a quick sleep. I yawned. Am I sure I slept that night? I'm still tired andâ€" My thoughts trailed off when I felt something beside me.

My paw rummaged through my left side, feeling around the bed when I touched something solid. I continue to explore the ‘solid' thing when I felt another hard and smooth object. It was heaving up and down as if it's alive and breathing; breathing like a living being and... my paw found a hard, yet small ‘thing' around it.

Is this... what I think it is?

Paw rubbed around it to confirm to the situation at hand and I was right. It was a... nipple?! And this solid thing is a... chest!! I turned to the left and gasped. Right in front of me, eyes staring directly at it, I saw... Tai Lung.

My mind reeled in quick to comprehend the situation but nothing worked. How? Why? When?! How did the snow leopard become alive from a fictional story and he's sleeping right beside of me for god sake! I can't describe what my feelings were because no words could have said how my emotions were. Happy yet, bewildered at him.

My paw left his chest but Tai Lung moans out suddenly. I was scared. I had no idea what to do and I wouldn't want a power hungry snow leopard to kill me. Albeit, he rampaged through the valley but I assume that he's not a threat now. He was about to open his eyes when my paw continued to rake along his chest.

Content like a kitten, Tai Lung closed his eyes again and started purring. I swear it was a happy purr when I touched his body. This is one horny snow leopard and right now, he's right beside of me. What am I to do?

I decided to stop abruptly, just to see if he was real or not. As soon as I stopped my treatment, Tai Lung's eyes shot open and his golden orbed eyes shone through the night. Like the predator that he is, his eyes glared at me with much concern.

"Don't s-stop..." The snow leopard said in a lustful tone.

Oh god... This is for real and... and... My eyes looked at him from head to toe. Man, he's hot! Now I know why I love this character so much.

Without a thought for my actions, I continued to play with his chiseled chest and started to lick at his nape. I have no idea what possessed me to do that but my burning love for this character overcame my senses. This is the same feeling that I had the very first time Wolf proposed to me!

Tai Lung moaned and grunted as he shivered in pleasure at my touch. He's such a cute kitty when he's submissive but I bet that he would want to dominant more later on; just like what he did with Master Tigress. It was crucial for me to keep calm and collected if things were to take a turn around a sharp bend but I trusted my instinct, I trusted that he won't do anything before asking me for permission.

I was right all along.

"Don't stop... Too good..." The snow leopard moaned in submission. "Further down if possible." He started to grope around between his legs.

Through visible eyes, a bulge was apparent between his indigo trousers. Oh, how I've longed for this before even meeting up with Wolf. It was sensational and I couldn't stop myself, I needed to take control and so I did. I groped around his malehood and the feel of its hardness made me want more. My own shaft was starting to embrace the feeling once more and I could feel the heat in it. It wanted out and more over, release.

Tai Lung was completely oblivious to his surroundings as he closed his eyes in relaxation. It was unusual to say the very least but this was a dream come true for me.

Wait... dream...dream...

The wishing star!

I stopped my actions and clambered upon him, both paws pinning him down at his broad shoulders.

"Did you come from a wish?" I questioned nonchalantly at him. Yes, I was a pessimist. Say what you want but most of the time, I'm the most pessimist creature on earth, sometimes...

He growled in disapproval. Clearly he wasn't enjoying what I had to say to him; can't blame him for it but I think that the only thing that's in my mind right now would be lust. His burning amber eye says it all but I'm no one to judge his instinct.

"Yes, yes I am," the warrior replied. "J-Just for tonight and could you please continue what you were doing? I-I haven't felt this amazing before in twenty years."

Ah, yes, the prison. I truly wonder what happened in that prison but my wild leopard feeling overtook my curiosity. Thus, me moving in on auto-pilot. Within seconds, I had planted a wild kiss to his muzzle. It was fantastic! Nothing that I've ever tasted before but, this is the second next to best feeling and scent that I have ever felt. First, of course, would be Wolf but this hunk of a snow leopard could have easily overtaken his place.

My tongue swirled and lashed out against him as I moaned in approval. It was amazing and the feeling of our tongues dancing with each other was a feeling that I have longed for in a very long time with such a fictional and virile character. His taste, scent, body contour, his well endowed muscles and that oh so cute ass had just enticed me on even further. As my body went on auto-pilot, my paws started exploring the well chiseled body; his heavy chest, sculpted six packs and that hard pole that's buried within its confinement, it was too much to handle.

Slowly, my maw and paw moved simultaneously: muzzle licking over his nape while the other paw slipped in right through the indigo pants. It was huge. Yes, it was and I wasn't surprised either way. If this snow leopard was such a big male, I wouldn't be surprised if he had such lewd cock that could have made any male jealous and woman swooning all over him.

As my paw examined the shaft â€" the girth of it at least â€" my eyes wondered all over his body. For a fictional character, he sure seemed real and the natural instinct of my leopard side took over â€" or to be exact â€" my lust for him.

Quickly but surely, I dropped off his worn out indigo trousers from his lower torso and his succulent shaft jumps up at attention like a trampoline, slapping right at his abs. Long and sure moan reverberated the air and Tai Lung squirmed at the feeling.

"Oh, it's heavenly. I've never felt this good all these years, even my training at the Jade Palace. W-Why didn't I think of this sooner?"

I smirked at him from below as I blew hot air at his fuzzy, yet heavy sac. It rolled between my paws and it must have stirred a tremendous amount of seed if my assumptions were correct.

"It's probably because you're so strung up with training and the Dragon Scroll to even think about this. Your pride as a warrior overcame your desire. That's all I could answer you."

"You're probably right," he sighed in content. "But please, don't stop."

I wouldn't dream of it. How could I stop my actions with such a lewd snow leopard? No, not a second and I continued to play at his sensitive area. The sac first and eventually, all my attention came upon to this shaft. It practically throbbed in mid air and a stream of pre had coated the mushroom head already. He could have easily been at least eight inches long!

My tongue lapped over at the pre and the sweet and tangy smell of it surged through my senses. It was unbelievable yet, I'm doing it. I moaned between breathes as I engulfed the thick shaft into my hungry mouth. Like a vacuum, I sucked at it hard and what a sensational sound I got from him!

"Oh, fuck!" He cursed aloud. "Faster! D-Don't stop. Shit!"

I blushed in effect. How I've longed for this and I'm getting my dream come true. Nothing could break this moment now. I deep throated his shaft till the hilt and Tai Lung humped his hips upwards. I nearly gagged at the movement but thanks to the amount of time I spent with Wolf, I have always warned myself for any unexpected actions from my partner.

Without warning, Tai lung grabbed at my hips and turned my lower torso to his head. I took his cock away from my lapping mouth to protest.

"Hey, what're you doing?"

"Doing what you're doing." He casually replied.

Oh, right. I guess he didn't experience first hand anything like this before and wanted to try a hand â€" I mean paw â€" at it.

With quick precision, he took off my garments and out popped my throbbing shaft. It slapped at his face and I could hear a soft growl from him. Slowly, he grabbed at my shaft and gave it a simple lick. It felt like a thousand needles had poked into my nerve system as he licked more and more at my engorged member.

"Tasty," Tai Lung smirked. "Now I know why you love it."

"Y-Yeah," I gasped and blew hot air around the head.

"Don't stop."

I turned and smirked back at him. "This could be interesting."

At those words, I once again engulfed the whole shaft and so did he. I rarely had the opportunity to have a sixty-nine position in and because of that, I was all so eager to suck and lapped at his phallus.

Both of us went faster and faster, feeing our own lustful desires, wanting each other seed and it wasn't long before I would give in. As I continued to bob my head up and down the member, my paw rolled around his orb sized balls, feeling it gurgle with time. Meanwhile, Tai Lung took the liberty of squeezing my ass with his claws a little and I gasped a little at the touch.

I guess he was about ready for round two of pounding the leopard but I was determined to have his seed in my mouth first. Heck, if possible, I would want to be drowning in his beautiful male seed! This much I loved the character and for one night, I'm having the dream of it.

Perhaps it's not real... perhaps... it's only a dream. A dream that I've always had. If this is a dream, I will never want to wake up at all; though I would want Wolf to be by my side first thing in the morning to comfort me. As for now, perhaps, I'll go with the flow.

Shaking away from my reverie a little, I pressed at the base of Tai Lung's cock, feeling it throb between my muzzle and paw. I knew it. It wasn't long before this snow leopard could hold on any longer and I just had to push him to his limits. Bobbing my head up and down with speed, my tongue quickly lashed in between that thick male meat; his legs started to tense and buck a little.

Meanwhile, Tai Lung moaned in between gasps as he indulged into my own shaft. If my hearing was right, I swore I could have heard him say he's gonna cum. Then again, It was all the better for me. So, I sucked in hard and picked up speed, beating in rhythm to my hearts content and I was rewarded. Yes, rewarded with a whole spunk full of male seed, coming right away from Tai Lung.

The copious amount of cum filled my maw with everything he's got and I was surprised that he was still Cumming! Sprays of hot seed pervaded my senses and I pulled my muzzle when I could no longer contain them. At the heat of the moment, Tai Lung sucked in hard like a hell of a vacuum cleaner and my pleasure gland burst its load.

It was hard to moan out in pure pleasure when you have a mouthful of cum and a fountain of cum that kept spraying shots after shot of it in front of you. I was extremely surprised at the amount of seed that this hunky snow leopard could produce but everything has to end, and it did. He stopped the torrent flow of seed while mine was just shooting up everything that I've got in his lapping mouth. It felt like decades for me to subside but eventually I did.

I felt my load in Tai Lung's mouth and it felt awesome, I couldn't ask for anything more than to enjoy the utmost sensational goodness of it. By now, the snow leopard was able to swallow down with no objection and popped my nearly flaccid member out.

He looked at me with a grin, "That was wonderful."

With that said, he turned and hoisted my body around to face him as he planted the most passionate kiss ever. I could taste my own seed in his mouth as he kissed me with love, and moreover, desire. Oh, how I wouldn't want this night to end at all. Both of our bodies grinded against each other and our softened member touched, eliciting a growl from the snow leopard.

I chuckled lightly. He's so ready for round two.

I got up on my knees as our members rubbed together. "You ready for round two?" I asked.

He grinned back maliciously and nodded. "I want that ass. I want you to ride me."

I held up my right paw. "No, you will be riding instead."

He growled in protest, "And why is that?"

"Because," I paused a moment. "Because this cute ass is reserved for my beloved alone. Which will be Wolf. Sorry."

Tai Lung closed his eyes and smirked. "That guy must be one lucky shit to have you."

"Yeah, right," I rolled me eyes. I hope Wolf doesn't get angry for sleeping and making love with this fictional character. It's nothing but, god I have to have him.

I got up from the bed and ransacked through a few drawers. Looking up for the very thing that could help ease up the process. Finally, I found my item.

"What's that?" Tai Lung pointed at my paw holding the water-based gel.

"This, my friend," I walked over to him and popped the top off. "Is gonna help ease up the pain, a little that is. I suspect you're a virgin at this kind of thing?"

Tia Lung blushed red as the realization seeps in. "Yes, I've never done this before and I've not gotten fucked before either."

"Well then, this will be your first."

Worry was written all over his face, wondering what is would be like. I lathered the lube up on my paws and touched at Tai Lung's tail hole. Slipping in one finger into him, he squirmed in displeasure. My finger went in slowly as Tai Lung dug his claws in the bed.

"Oh fuck!" He cursed again. "M-More..."


Two fingers and he gasped lightly. His golden orbed eyes shot up with flames for a moment and I swore that he was about to slash right at me like the predator that he was. Granted, it wasn't his nature to actually be this submissive and usually, in my mind, he was always the dominant type. Somehow, the flames in his eyes were extinguished when he felt the bundle of nerves in him being played with.

He slumped back on the bed and bends over his hips. To add pressure to it, he surprisingly hiked his legs up. I was taken aback literally but my fingers didn't leave his tail hole at all.

"D-Deeper," Tai Lung begged. He was practically unashamed with himself right now. His pride actually left his soul for the moment and I was glad that I was actually there to witness his other side.

Immediately, I obeyed his orders and pushed in a little deeper, fingering up to his senses that he was about to scream out in pleasure. However, his pleasure was short lived when I retracted. Tai Lung moaned and groaned in protest. Obviously he was not content with not having something up his ass. So, I gave him what he wanted.

I grabbed a spare pillow and gave it to him.

"Bite into this if you feel that it's hurting. Its better and it keeps your roars from waking up my love."

Tai Lung took the pillow willingly and prepared himself for what is to come. Slowly, I guided my shaft to his tail hole. He squirmed immediately when the tip touched the ring. Inch by inch, I pushed in hard to his tail hole. God! It felt so tight and warm! His ass muscles practically squeezed my member like a vice and I was amazed that he still hasn't scream or roared at all. He was strong. Yes, that, he was.

Tai Lung clenched his fist hard and his face showed that he was in pain more than he could ever imagine.

"Shit!" He finally cried out.

"You- You alright?" I asked. "I-I could stop for you and â€" "

"Don't!" He half roared and relaxed.

It was incredible the way he managed to adapt the circumstances and because of that, I was in till the hilt. My cock was snuggled in warm and nice in his tight ass; his beautiful cute ass that I can't wait to pound. In time, I pulled put a little and pushed in heard. Slowly, faster and faster I turned in movement. I groaned and moaned simultaneously as the feeling of his tight ass and my claws scraped at his butt cheeks.

Looking down at him, he ignored the pillow that I gave him and he started breathing fast. His fully hardened cock pulsed in rhythm as copious amount of pre lubricated his abs. Stands of pre coated the head and he was obviously enjoying every single minute of it. I bent down, putting one paw behind his head, and pulled him to another kiss.

I was pumping away hard while both of us made a deadlocked in the most passionate kiss ever.

Exactly like Wolf! Oh god! Wolf... I love you so much.

"Wolf, that was amazing!" I cried without warning.

"Wolf?" Tai Lung breathed in heard. "W-Who's that?"

I pinned his shoulders down and pumped my shaft so hard that the base of my cock hit his tail hole instantly.

"Sorry about that. I-I thought you were my mate."

Tai Lung didn't answer back at all but just closed his eyes in pure bliss. "Mmmmmngh... I don't care who. Just fill me up."

Wow... here I thought he was to dominate his partner but apparently, he wants to be dominated. Oh well, all the better for me.

My speed quicken in pace. Faster, harder and more aggressive I became in my actions. To the point of no return, I was about to hit my limits. Looking at Tai Lung's pre coated shaft, it was about to blow as well. I was obviously arousing him as I pumped into his ass and he never once roared or scream in pain.

Placing both paws at his thighs, I thrust in deeper and deeper till his ass muscles practically squeezed and milked my own cock. Without warning, I roared in pure pleasure as I filled him up as requested. Torrents of cum pervaded his bowels as I emptied a second load of seed into him. That â€" as amazing as it seems â€" aroused Tai Lung to his edge as well and poured out his second load a few seconds behind me. His shaft sprayed seed all over his well-endowed body as it was bathed in pearly white cum.

He roared as well and his body quacked in his release. What a wonderful sensation! Several minutes had passed on as our members blew everything out but it subdued in time, leaving Tai Lung in a content state. His tail hole was filled with my seed and his whole body was practically bath in his own cum. His ass released some of my own seed when I pulled out and I saw the stream flowing out of him. It was hot. That was the word that I could have described it to be. No more, no less.

Tai Lung laid there in bed, eyes closed, his face showing a sign that he was satisfied and, slowly, he drifted off to sleep. For just one night, I was able to be with Tai Lung. Despite all this that's probably not real, I was hoping that at least the memories were real; real enough to feel his heat.

I felt something... just something... but, I can't put my fingers on it.

I breathe to take in clean air but all I got was the scent of male musk.

What the...?

My eyes shot up immediately and I was surprised to see Tai Lung in front of me. However, the one that caught my eye quick enough was his rigid shaft right there, his tip touching over to my lips but I backed off a little; afraid that he wanted to do something rash.

"Wha-? You -"

I was cut off quickly. "One last service, please. I'll be going in a few minutes now but I wanted to experience it again, one more time.

I looked up, his eyes begging for more. I sighed and agreed to his commands for the moment. My lips curled up at the tip of his member while my paw ran all over the hilt, the other exploring his heavy chest once again. I could feel every bit of muscle in that body and it was turning me on as well but I guessed it wasn't necessary. Apparently, my morning erection stood on end in the air and that aroused me even more to milk him clean.

Sucking hard and rough, the snow leopard emanated a long a propitious moan that was much pleasurable than the previous night. I can't believe how horny this warrior was! He must have loved it so much; I don't think Tigress could do him any better. Not sure though, perhaps the female could entice him even more despite him loving male sex. But, whatever it is, I wasn't about to let go.

Within a few minutes, his legs trembled and buckled in unison. My paws left his body and base as he began to muzzle-fuck me. I couldn't care less and his breathing became harder. Harder and faster he pumped in to my muzzle as my maw clenched at it hard like a vice. It didn't take long for him to burst his morning load though.

"Hmmmngh... Murr.... I'm gonna... ungh..." The virile snow leopard lolled over his tongue gave out the most beautiful roar that I had ever heard. Though the howls that Wolf made was the most arousal one of all.

Jets of snow leopard seed gushed down my throat and my tongue lapped all over his shaft. That's when Tai Lung pulled away and started stroking it a little to set off a few strands of cum on my face and chest. My nose was filled with snow leopard scent and musk that I gave out a pure and plausible purr.

Licking my lips a little, I tasted his seed. "Tasty, like last night."

Tai Lung got off and smirked at me. "Yeah, there goes your going away present."

"Couldn't ask for more."

The hunky snow leopard grabbed his indigo trousers and threw it on his broad shoulder. "It was great, while it lasted."

The door suddenly burst open and Wolf stood at the doorway. He was obviously panicking and I could see a few droplets of sweat dripping down his white fur.

"What happened?! You roared! I heard and... and...." He stopped and gazed his eyes at the naked snow leopard. "Are you... what I think you are?"

Tai Lung stifled a guffaw at his question. "Yes and I'm not surprised that you're surprised at all."

Wolf's eye twitched a little and his maw was agape. In short, lost for words and I decided to answer for him.

"Yeah, he's surprised and get your cute ass away from him. He's mine."

"Alright, alright," Tai Lung started for the door but paused a moment. "You, my friend, are a lucky guy. He wouldn't even let me up his ass. His answer was he had reserved it for his mate alone. Which I presume would be you. He kept thinking and saying your name out loud while we were at it and never once did he stop. You're lucky to have such a loyal mate. So, don't kill him for knowing that he made sex with me."

Wolf raised an eyebrow inquisitively at that comment. "Ah, okay... did you just say you had the night alone with my Falcon?"

Tai Lung bared his razor sharp fangs but nodded. With that said he headed over to the doorway, opened it up and was gone. Silence was drawn upon the room for a few seconds before Wolf hurriedly went out, trying to seek the snow leopard. However, he was gone.

"Was that... Tai Lung from the movie Kung Fu Panda?" He turned his gaze to me.

"Yeah," I answered sheepishly.

"He had sex with you?"

"Hmm... yes... kinda..."

"He enjoyed it?"

"Looks like it."

"Hot damn..." he scowled back. "Why didn't you call me?! I would have wanted to join in too. You know I love a threesome."

I rolled me eyes. "Wouldn't want to wake you up. So, we went on."

Suddenly, Wolf paced himself slowly towards me. His paw padded over to my chest licks up the seed that was on me. "This, I presume, would be from him?"

"Why's that?"

"Because," Wolf pointed southward. "Your morning erection is much stronger and rigid. That means it hasn't been pawed off yet."

I blushed in hard. "So?"

Slowly, he nuzzled at my nape and licks a little. "Want a little help? Mine is yet to be released this morning."

I chuckled hard and tried to sustain from giving out a hearty laugh. Moving both paws over to him, I pulled him down hard and planted a long kiss to his muzzle. The morning went on as usual till the sun was up, greeting the day perfectly than ever before.