The Games Cats and Mice Play Part 2

Story by Tobias Rhodes on SoFurry

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#2 of The Games of Cats and Mice

Tyler growled softly as Jason led him across the room to the bar. Giggling, the brown mouse hefted himself up onto the bar, shivering as his exposed rear came into contact with the cold wood. He moved a bit so he was in front of a bar stool and said, "Your first task is simple. Since cat's have a long history of mastering mice and making them bow before them, I will do something that is very much the same."

Tyler caught on easily as he said, "See, I told you nothing good would come from you taking that history class. Giving a small smile, Tyler sat on the stool, trying to get comfy on the hard metal of the surface. "This thing is so fricking cold. So, what makes you think I won't bite you? If you paid such good attention in class, mice used to be food to cats."

"Simple," Jason said, petting the feline tenderly behind one ear, "You love me."

"Lucky you," Tyler said, leaning his muzzle forward, letting his sandpaper-like tongue come to rest against the mouse's cock. He did nothing else, a bit nervous at sucking his friend's, his lover's cock, especially with his rough tongue.

Jason, nervous as well, looked down at his friend and said, "Tyler? You alright?"

Tyler nodded and said, "Nervous."

Jason smiled and said, "Then I have changed my mind. We will do this slower, much slower. In the end, I think it will be better for both of us."

Tyler smiled and nuzzled his friends leg tenderly, "Thank you. After all, this is our first time, it should be slow and special, not caused by some silly bet."

Jason smiled and let his tail flick against the feline's ear. "You're right Tyler, just like always." He slid off the bar as Tyler stood, taking the cat's hand and leading him to the couch.

"Not always," Tyler told him. "In fact, if you remember back to our first time pawing together, I made a pretty big mistake that almost caused a pretty big problem for us both."

Jason smiled as he and Tyler sat down on the couch. "How could I forget it?" He stared into the feline's eyes, enticed by those strange green orbs, the ones that could look into your heart and find any ounce of doubt or fear. Staring, his mind wandered back to a few months before, around the time of Christmas break.

"Merry Christmas!" Tyler shouted, bursting through the mouse's front door, a small, brightly wrapped, package in his hands. He smiled as he let it set on a nearby table and shook the snow from his coat, both winter and fur. He smiled and gave the mouse a small kiss, his tail arching to hang above them.

Jason giggled and said, "You goof. What was that for?"

Tyler pointed up and said, "It's the rule of Mistletoe. If you meet under it, you must kiss."

"No fair, tying it to your tail though," Jason said, grabbing at it.

Tyler smiled and pulled a second sprig from his pant's pocket. "No worries you silly cheese-gobbler, I got you one too." He grabbed onto the tail of the mouse, who gave a pitiful excuse for a struggle, and said, "There, perfect."

Jason rolled his eyes, "Silly cat."

Tyler nuzzled him and said, "No one better for the role than me."

Jason looked to the small package. "What's that?" He reached out to pick it up, but his hand was swatted away by the cat.

"Paws off you, not until later, while we drink cocoa and watch tv by ourselves in your incredible house," Tyler told him, shaking a finger.

"Yeah, I still can't believe my parents are gone for the weekend, but they had to deliver my grandmother's gift personally," Jason explained, leading Tyler to a couch nearby.

Tyler nodded. "Makes sense, they bought her...what was it?"

"Some new small car, because hers is in such disrepair right now. They wanted me to go with them, but I said that I had some last minute shopping to do and told them to tell grandma I will be up after the holidays to spend the week," Jason told him grabbing the remote nearby and turning on the television.

Tyler purred and said, "Can't say I mind. What with me being allowed to spend the weekend too." He grabbed the remote and said, "I had an idea. Since we are alone, what if we take off all our clothes, lounge nude, and order us a pizza?"

Jason blushed and said, "You really want to?"

Tyler nodded. "Yeah, it will be fun, come on." He pulled his shirt up and off, purring as he said, "Hm, makes this nice toasty room a little more comfortable." He began to work at the buckle to his belt.

Jason blushed and began to pull his shirt off, having trouble when it came to pulling it up over his ears. Suddenly, he felt a pair of hands slip down the collar and gently lift up, pulling the shirt with them. Sighing happily, Jason said, "You're right, this is comfier." He slid down the pair of sweatpants he had been wearing, and soon a pair of boxers joined them on the ground. Sitting nude, he decided to return the earlier favour and helped the cat with his belt, soon pulling it out of the loops altogether and tugging his pants down.

When both were nude, Tyler picked up the phone and ordered a pizza, told the driver the address, and hung up. Leaning in, he rested his head on the mouse's shoulder, purring contently. "What you wanna watch on tv?"

Jason blushed and said, "Um, I don't know. Anything good on?"

"Christmas specials, but they are all re-runs for right now, until next week," Tyler said, "Until right before Christmas." He thought and said, "You able to do pay-per-view stuff?"

Jason nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"What will the bill say?"


"Just tell me."

"It just says ‘paid viewing material' and give the price," Jason said, scratching behind the feline's ears. "Why do you ask silly?"

"Well, I thought since we are all alone, with no one to ever know about it, maybe we could rent a porn movie to help get a fire going in here. What do you say?" Tyler asked, nuzzling the mouse tenderly.

Jason's ears turned bright pink. "Really? I...I suppose we can, but nothing to pricey. My dad is pretty familiar with movie prices, and if you get anything to costly he will know something's up."

Tyler nodded. "Sir, yes sir. Now, you just get your little mousey self ready for some fun, and I will see what I can do, ok?"

Jason blushed and nodded, standing and leaving the room while Tyler flipped through channels. The mouse returned after a few moments with a towel and a small sample bottle of lube he had been given at some safe sex rally by protestors. He had thought about throwing it away until he met Tyler.

Tyler smiled as he took the bottle and said, "Oh, KY sample. Nice. Still, are you sure your ready?"

Jason nodded and sat back down. "If you can paw around me, then I can paw around you."

Tyler nuzzled him and said, "Then enjoy." He flipped the movie on, and the screen instantly switched to a seen of a hot rabbit girl walking around her house while a wolf tended to her pool.

About an hour later, the doorbell rang. Tyler, already near the brink of cumming,

groaned as he called out, "Just a second." However, when the doorbell kept ringing, he whined and stood, trying to do his best at holding back what he knew was coming all too quickly. Grabbing the cash for the pizza, he used one hand to cover himself as he opened the door and grabbed the pizza. Now, the smart thing would have been to hand over the money and just let the guy keep it as a tip. Instead, Tyler makes a point of saying that he would like the change please. To his dismay, as he reached out for the few bills and coins, he finally blows, his cum passing between his fingers and hitting the fox delivery boy square in the chest.

Embarrassed beyond belief, Tyler takes the pizza and just gives the change back to the fox as a tip. Instead of being angry, the fox smiles and said, "You shoulda warned me, I would have opened my mouth and knelt down." Taking a drop and licking it off his finger, the fox walks away. Tyler then shut the door and walked back, understandably no longer in the mood to watch porn. Still, he watched as Jason came, and told him the story of the pizza delivery guy. Until this day, Jason and Tyler still enjoy the joke between them when that same fox delivers pizza for them.

Jason smiled as he hugged Tyler to him, running his hands over the cat's toned chest. Pressing his lips to the cat, he can't help but marvel in the fact he was lucky enough to find someone like Tyler, and can't help but imagine what the next few hours would hold.