High Times

Story by Nash Darkpaw on SoFurry

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I know most of you guys are waiting for the Oh Brother! series and I thank you for waiting. I also would like to apologize as I have lost a bit of interest in the series. I do have a good portion of the third part done. I needed a little break to write whatever came to mind and this is that. I do not know if I will continue it after that though. Thanks again for waiting. * * *

Do not read if you are offended by drug use, male on male relationships, or are under the age of 18. Thanks.

  • * * I thought back to the phone call that led me to my current location as my close friend sat across from me, doing what was needed. I laid bored on my stiff bed after my classes had finished. The bad thing about finishing classes early was being bored until friends were also finished. The sunlight flowed through my window and caused my blank white wall to appear to glow. I sighed as I searched my mind for something to do.I sat up and stared hopefully around the room. The internet was an option, however, that was unappealing at the moment. I entered the kitchen and opened the refrigerator searching but not really looking. I paced a few times around the room and thought over the idea of watching television. Nothing seemed to catch my interest. I sighed again and pulled a pack of cigarettes from my jean pocket. I opened the white and blue box and looked over the contents. I still had nearly a full pack and going to the store to kill time seemed stupid anyway. I pulled one of the slim tubular objects out of the container and traded the box for my lighter. I struck the lighter a few times, attempting to get the flame to light. "Damn lighter," I thought as I went quickly to my roommate's desk. I knew he had a lighter and surely wouldn't mind me using it. I successfully lit my addiction inhaled deeply, slowly allowing the lovely smoke to fill my lungs. As I exhaled I made my way to the door, I wasn't really supposed to smoke in the apartment but who really caredâ€"other than the asshole that ran the place. The noon sunlight greeted me with its painful brightness. I ran my paw slowly through my short spiked hair as I continued to drag on my cigarette. A few doors down an elderly feline emerged from her home and stared at me for a moment. "Hello," I greeted her with a wave. "Those things will kill you," she remarked and pointed out my cigarette. "Iâ€"well, really? I didn't realize," I shot back. The hag had complained to the owner of the complex about my roommate and I for noise. Sure, we were sometimes loud, but not enough to really bother anyone for long. I think she was just a bitter old woman. I felt like being an ass now. I pulled the cigarette box from my pocket once more and stared at it carefully. "Wow, it even says so on the pack. I never noticed that!" She glared for a moment and waved me aside as she went down the stairs to do whatever she had planned. A moment later she looked back and smirked, "You dogs are always causing trouble, you should be more like us." My eyes squinted slightly with annoyance, "I'm a fucking kangaroo. How do you even get that mixed up?" She normally wasn't this brave, guess I finally got to her. "Hmph, like it matters." She lifted her arm and greeted my sight with her middle finger extended from a fist. My eyes widened as I almost found this humorous. "Bitch," I whispered under my breath as she went along with her business. I finished my cigarette and turned to go back in my apartment. As I sat on my couch my phone started to ring. I looked at the display and read the name aloud, "Noah." I answered it and was greeted by my friend's voice. "Hey Kev, what's up?" I stalled for a moment, a bit confused since Noah was normally in class at this time. "Well...nothing really. Did you skip class?" "Nah, had a test," he replied. "Oh, I see." I actually hadn't seen Noah in a few days. "So, what are you up to?" "Nothing manâ€"hey you should come over. I just got some nip." I sat silent for a moment. Nip was a little nickname he had always given pot. I didn't smoke much, only at random, kind of like now. "Hmmm...that actually sounds like a good time." "Awesome, I didn't want to smoke alone and I knew you were already free." "When do you want me to come over?" "How about now," he laughed. "Alright, I'm there. I'll see you in a bit." I hung up and turned to go to my room. As I opened my closet I grabbed my black and purple striped hoody. It was a bit hot outside but the sweatshirt had no sleeves and I didn't really have to worry since it was thin material. Noah's house was only a short walk away so I decided to do so instead of driving. I wasn't big on driving while I was under the influence of anything. It didn't take too long as I crossed the road quickly. The streets weren't that busy since most were still in classes or out eating. I walked quickly and watched a few cars pass by as I approached my friend's house. I placed a few swift knocks on his door and he responded quickly. As he opened the door I was surprised by his attire. He was in only a pair of gym shorts and no boxers or anything as the outline of his package could easily be made out. I shook my head as he ushered me to his living room. "Heh, sorry about the clothingâ€"well lack of clothing I should say." I shook my head, "It's no problem." I figured he thought he made me uncomfortable since he knew I was bisexual with a prominent male preference. "Well, I got a dime and I'm planning on smoking the whole thing. I don't have anything to do so I figured I'd relax. You mind smoking it all with me?" "Nah, you invited me so I'll help you. It might not take me long to get there, I haven't smoked in a month." "Alright, I'll make sure to give you the first hit then," he said with a smirk. I laughed and looked around the room as he loaded his makeshift bong. I tried not to stare at him as he broke up the bud. He was pretty big for an otterâ€"big as in muscular. He didn't play sports but he obviously did the generic otter swim routine. He also took full advantage of the college's free gym. "Alright, here we go," he said, snapping me out of my daydreaming. "I guess I'm up," I replied. I shifted a bit as the focus of my earlier thoughts weren't entirely clean and the results were almost obvious in my tightening jeans. I took the bong, which was really just an altered pop bottle with a metal cap with holes poked in it for a screen and a makeshift bowl. I took the lighter from my jeans, not even noticing that I slipped it in my pocket instead of putting it back after lighting my cigarette. I lit the cannabis and dragged hard as the familiar sound of bubbling. I closed my eyes as the sweet harsh burn of the smoke flowed down my throat and into my lungs. I held the smoke in my lungs for a moment and then exhaled with a few coughs. I wasn't really a weed connoisseur, but I knew this wasn't the average skunk weed. I sniffed and went back for another hit and repeated the process. I blinked a few times and passed the bottle to Noah. He grinned and did the same as me, but his showy nature wouldn't allow him to do anything less than make perfect rings as he exhaled. He handled everything with the care of an experienced pot smoker. I watched carefully as he made it look like an art form. He inhaled with his eyes closed and held the smoke for what seemed like forever before opening his eyes and winking at me. He slowly faded behind a cloud of smoke which quickly dispersed after a few moments. After what seemed like an hour, most of the weed was gone. The room was a pretty smoky at this point and I marveled at the shapes it seemed to whirl in to. I reclined loosely and stared at my friend through heavy eyes. "I...I don't think I've ever been this blazed." He smirked and gave a thumbs up. "I got it from a friend, he said it was good stuff...he was right." I nodded in agreement before half forgetting what I was nodding for. I let my tongue fall from my jaws as I licked my dry lips. A goofy smile graced my maw as Noah knew exactly what I was doing. My eyes shot open as something cold landed on my leg. I jumped in surprise and quickly inspected what interrupted my daze. It seemed Noah tossed a soda to me while I wasn't paying attention. He laughed as I stared confused, still not quite able to grasp what happened. I began to laugh with him as I just decided to accept it. It took me a few moments before I picked up the soda and quickly drank it all. I looked back over Noah and stared. I couldn't help but notice how soft his fur looked. It seemed to flow in a breeze that wasn't there. The brown color seemed to grow bright and then return to normal as the coat convulsed. "Dude...your fur is trippin' me out." "Then don't look at it. Kevin I know what you need. You need more weed," he responded with a grin. "Yeah, I totally do," I agreed as I watched him swim through an ocean of air. For some reason my attention was drawn to his tail. "Your tail is like a furry snake," I said with a giggle as I examined this marvelous wonder. "That's not the only one I have," he replied with a wink. He was making a joke of course, but I couldn't help but think about those words. I thought he was serious at first, and then I realized he was jokingly referring to his penisâ€"and then I could hardly grasp the words anymore. They seemed to be washing down a swift river through my head, only to be spat from a waterfall on the other side. As he prepared everything to finish the drug, I fumbled with my cigarettes and finally got one lit. I tossed one to him; I knew he'd probably want one. He accepted happily and followed suit as we puffed on the significantly smoother tobacco smoke. The cigarette was amazing. It seemed to cleanse my soul. I finished the tobacco and wondered at the dry ashy taste in my mouth. My attention turned as I heard a bubbling noise. I watched as Noah resume smoking from the bong. I was glad he took the first hit since I was already pretty fried. I thought about those words. "Fried...Kentucky fried." I began to chuckle at the little joke I had thought up. I noticed my otter friend stare at me and then offer me the device with a laugh of his own. I placed my lips on the chamber and covered the carb with my finger. I summed up the power of my lungs as I dragged in and was greeted with that familiar burn. I looked over at Noah, my eyes half open, and grinned. I stared as he laughed and exhaled the smoke through my nose. I took my time as I continued on my second hit and let thoughts wander throughout my mind. Noah got my attention and made me aware to pass the bong as I slowly sunk into thought again. After what seemed like a year, Noah called my named and handed me the device once more. It seemed to be about cashed, so I decided to drag softly to leave some for him. I inhaled and cut the drag short. Noah noticed and told me to actually finish it. I let the smoke loose and licked my lips once again. After a short break I decided to go for it and finish it in on deep hit. I prepared myself and inhaled deeper than before. It burned so much but I refrained from coughing. I had my eyes closed and they shut tighter as the capacity of my lungs was completely full and burning. I slowly began to exhale the harsh smoke from my body. I felt the pressure slowly subside as the last bit of the smoke left my anatomy. I kept my eyes shut as I endured the burning sensation that remained in my throat. I carefully sat the now empty bong beside the couch I was relaxed upon. After a short time later I opened my watery eyes. I blinked a few times and looked over to Noah with a smile. My smile switched to near terror as I laid my eyes upon him. It seemed that sometime during my activities he had pulled his shorts free from his body and began stroking a seven inch erection that sprang from his sheath. My eyes were as wide as they could possibly be, my mouth the same. The pinkish flesh stood out against the otter's soft brown coat. He seemed to be ignoring me for the time. I couldn't help the rising muscle in my own pants no matter how hard I tried. Soon, he turned his head to me. A completely blissful grin overtook his visage as he stared. I swallowed hard and listened as he spoke. "Sorry man, I just get so horny when I'm stoned." "Iâ€"I umm. I don't, um. Mind." I felt like punching myself as I couldn't speak. I was too shocked...and slightly turned on. Noah was a good friend of mine since high school. He knew I was bi so he probably thought I wouldn't mind. Honestly, I didn't, I enjoyed it. I watched with interest as he stroked harder. I watched as a bead of pre emerged from his heavenly tip. I watched as he grunted and squeezed his eyes shut. I walked as he moaned and I sat next to him as he groaned. He felt my gaze as I neared his midsection and slowed his pace. He opened his eyes and stared at me with lust. "I know we're pretty close...and I hope you don't mind me asking, but, would you help me out here?" I didn't even respond as I threw my shirt off to reveal slightly toned abs and a slim frame. I grabbed the base of his member and brushed my lips against his sensitive tip. I heard him hiss with pleasure as I sunk my lips around the length. He responded with a warm stream of pre which I willingly slurped down. I rubbed my tongue on the underside of his cock as I took my friend deeper in my mouth. I sucked gently when I felt his paw pet the back of my head. I knew he was trying to keep from slamming the whole thing in my throat as I worked slowly. I stopped when my muzzle pressed firmly against his body. His length penetrated a bit more than an inch down my throat and leaked its fluids freely. I somehow kept from gagging as I started to bob my head slowly at first. A moan graced my ears as I quickened my pace. At this point he couldn't help it anymore and was humping up into my mouth. His breathing picked up as I slurped noisily around his rock hard dick. I lifted my mouth from his member and gave it a teasing lick. I looked up at him and began to jack him off. His mouth remained ajar, his tongue hanging to the side as I pleasured him. His eyes kept shut as I smiled and began to play with his enormous balls. I nuzzled softly against his heavenly body and resumed licking his cock. I positioned myself so I could place my head upon his firm abs as I lovingly took care of his fiery erection. My head rose and fell quickly with his breathing. I firmly placed my mouth around his cock once more and sucked hard as I took him deeply. I heard him almost whimper as his nuts began to tighten. I knew he was close and slowed my bobbing and kept him somewhat in my throat as I sucked eagerly. His humping increased and he suddenly slammed my head against his thrust and let his member explode inside my mouth. My head spun as I felt the warm fluid shoot into my throat. I did my best to swallow as he continued his humping. He let me up and I freed myself from his cock, taking a blast of cum on my cheek. I smiled and pressed my lips softly over his tip and suckled gently, milking him for all he had. My paw resumed to massage his tight sack as I took every blast of warm jizz hungrily. He moaned as he finished with a final two spurts which I was sad to swallow so quickly. I let off of him as I quickly unzipped my jeans and threw them aside followed by my boxers. My erect six inches slapped freely against my stomach. I pulled my sheath further down and began to stroke my cock as hard as I could. I moaned quite loud as my balls ached and finally exploded all over my chest, leaving me covered in my own seed and my lips soaked with Noah's. He lifted his head and grinned at me. "Let's go to my bed." I only could nod as I stood on my shaking legs and followed my otter friend to his room. He lifted the blanket and we both crawled in. I wrapped my arms around his muscular form and laid my head upon his chest. We quickly drifted off and regained our energy. ~Z~ It was a few hours later when I awoke. I couldn't remember what I dreamt of, but it was quite arousing none the less. I had moved during my sleep and was now facing away from Noah. I thought I still felt a bit high, but I wasn't sure. I wiggled a bit and felt a wet warmth press against my tail base. My eyes widened as I turned my head a bit to look back. The otter was grinning, his head propped up with his arm. I blushed back and felt him hump softly to get more reactions. I grinned this time and built up some bravery. "Well if you wanted in you should have asked," I said as I climbed on top of him. I sat inches above his once again erect cock and teased him a bit. I rubbed his nipples gently and leaned forwards to give his nose a lick. I wasted no more time as I slid back and grabbed his member. I lifted myself a bit and smeared his head around my entrance, carefully to get it slick before just impaling myself on it. I slowly let the tip slide in and squeezed my muscles a bit. It got Noah excited and caused him to hump up a bit, causing about an inch to slide in. I squeezed my eyes and slowly let myself be filled by his length. It was painful. His cock was five inches in diameter. He was very well endowed for his species. I sat and rested for a moment as I felt my aching hole engulf the whole thing. I felt his abdomen right under me, letting me know the whole thing was in. I let my passage adjust to his size and slowly began to rock my hips. The feeling was amazing for us both. I lifted my rear off slightly and plopped myself back down with a bit of force. He moaned at this and grabbed my sides. He slowly began to hump up at me as I pushed myself down upon him. I stared into his eyes as he smiled and winked as he always did. I blushed and continued to ride his length. I felt it firmly push against my prostate as it filled me very deeply. He began to help me impale myself against every thrust by forcing me down. We both began a symphony of moans as our mating intensified. The smacking of our bodies began to echo in the room. He slowed and directed me to change my position. I lifted myself from his leaking member and turned on my hands and knees. I lifted my tail and looked back eagerly. I watched as he lifted himself from the bed and placed his hands on both sides of my hips. He inched closer and placed his tip against my hole once again. I lowered my head and waited to be taken. He wasted no time as he plunged half his monster into my loosened passage. I moaned out and pushed back to take the rest. He began a steady rhythm of thrusts which I matched by thrusting back. Our moans began to rise once more as he used me as his fuck toy. He slammed his hips against my rear and ground his cock into me. I groaned in pleasure as I released my seed on my stomach and the bed. Noah grinned and began to pound harshly into me. I kept with his pace, hoping to pleasure him even more. He gritted his teeth and slammed into me with a final grind. He panted hard and withdrew from me once more. I looked back confused. He smirked and directed another position change. Noah apparently loved to make the moment last. I now laid upon my back with my legs spread up in the air. He smiled down at me and grabbed the bottom of my hind paws. He placed himself between my legs and placed his cock at my hole and pushed completely in. I felt no pain. At this point my passage was extremely lubed from all Noah's fluids. I smiled as he released my paws and leaned over me. He placed his paws on the bed on either side of me. I wrapped my legs firmly around his waist and licked at his nipples. Noah began to brutally plow into my ass. I helped him by pulling myself onto him with my legs causing him to go deeper than before. I moaned out as my length began to grow once more. The amazingly hard stimulation enticed my prostate. I began to shiver with pleasure as the thick cock throbbed and began to spit its pre in more of a stream instead of spurts. Noah hooked his arms under mine and pulled me close as he thrusted more desperately into my entrance. He moaned out louder than before. The wet slurp of his repeated entrance combined with the slapping of his balls against me stimulated my ears. His breathing became labored as I began to grind down hard on his member. He hissed in pleasure as he pulled me up onto his lap as he sat upon his knees. I wrapped me arms tightly around him as We both thrusted against each other; intense pleasure washed over both of us. I groaned out as his thrust hit my prostate hard and caused me to spray my juices all over both of our stomachs. I trembled trough my orgasm as the pleasure was so strong. I clung to Noah as if my life depended on it. He yelled out as my passage began to squeeze tightly around his large cock. His balls tightened up and thrusted a final time into my entrance. I felt extreme pulses from his pole as he groaned. He shook in pleasure and released his huge load deep inside. I nibbled at his neck as wave after wave of his juices into me. I felt completely full as the jets of cum continued to flow inside. I felt amazingly stuffed as the fluids began to leak from my abused hole and onto Noah's balls and bed. We both panted and rode down our climaxes. "Thâ€"that was some good weed," I breathed out. Noah grinned and gave a slight thrust, "Actually, this time it WAS nip, cat nip." End. Thanks for waiting guys!