Lagomorphs -- Chapter 18: Aftermath

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#19 of Lagomorphs

Sky and Cloudy are worried for their family.

__________________________________ Lagomorphs Copyright © July, 2015, FurryWurry All rights reserved

Chapter 18 -- Aftermath __________________________________

Jeff leaped down off the mound and ducked inside, barely managing to get in before Sky slammed the door shut.

"Did everybody make it inside?" Jeff asked the two Rabs cowering in the entryway.

"Dunno." Cloudy gasped as she leaned against the closed door next to her brother. Her eyes were so wide Jeff could see the sclera. She almost seemed to be having a panic attack. "Didn' see Gemma. Flower and Garland went down early."

"Gemma knows not to play near the trees. She'll be OK," Sky hugged his sister. "I saw Singer go into the widdershins entrance with Sunny. Maybe she was with them. She said she wanted to learn the sunrise songs."

The Rabs were quiet for a while. Jeff wanted to ask about what had happened: how often and what kinds of predators attacked, whether fatalities were common, and what they did to protect themselves, but he was sure it wouldn't be right. They were still in shock, hoping that the youngest member of their family had survived.

"Mam! Mam!" The voice of a very young and very frightened kit came up the passageway, followed quickly by its source. Gemma dove at her mother, who welcomed her with a tight hug.

The younger of her uncles was close behind, obviously just as frightened but trying to hide it. "Sky, Cloudy, you OK?"

"Yes. Come here." Sky crushed his brother in a hug. "We're all OK. They aren't getting in. Let's all go to my snug. Jeff, you're welcome to come, too." That last obviously was an afterthought.

"No, that's OK. You need some private time together. I'll be in my own snug if you need me."

He needed some alone-time, too, to think about what had just happened, to try to make sense of it. Or maybe just to collapse now that he knew his friends were safe.