Matched Set

Story by ZatieLunaVulpe on SoFurry

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#4 of More Recent Adult Works

This is... Well... Is actually based on something of a similar incident, at least locating the flip flops x/////3 I hope you enjoy :3

Matched Set

by Zatie Luna Vulpe

The locker door wasn't quite shut today. That was rarely a good sign. Emily kind of scratched behind her ears as she tried to picture her morning, whatever might have led to this. All she could picture was her circuit, watching the white fur of her legs pump up and down under the barbells with a wag of her curly tail, spotting for that Lion that would get himself crushed if he kept adding weights the way he did, transitioning to the yoga class and stretching into her favorite upward and downward dog. If she hadn't been wearing her shorts and the sports bra she might not have visited at all.

The locker door rattled with a 'clunk' as she drew it open. Her head tilted. Clothes a little askew and her gym bag nearly spilling it's contents onto the rusted metal. Nothing terribly unusual. She shrugged and traded the nylon for denim. She opened her muzzle for the characteristic husky smile when her clothes were on.

Then it hit her: shoes. Her shoes were missing. The little cubby at the bottom of the locker was empty.

She whirled around and nearly kicked open the manager's office.

"Where is he!"

The blue rabbit behind the desk labeled Candice Briar nearly jumped into the roof.

"Emily Richards what the hell!"

"Don, that son of a bitch, where is he?"

The rabbit's ears sank back to her shoulders and she sighed. "Another harassment, I had him fired today, told him if he showed up again I'd have Mickey 'escort' him."

Emily huffed and rolled her eyes. Mickey was a rat, also a kickboxing instructor and amateur MMA. 'Escort' belied the barely padded knuckle savagery Don could expect.

"He take something of yours?"

"Just my shoes."

"I told you to fix the lock on that thing. I don't think we have any spares in your size."

"But my paws! Those were... uh..."

"Em, come on, I know why you liked those so much."

The husky felt heat on her cheeks. "You do?"

"The whole gym does. It's not like you where hiding particularly well: talking about ordering shoes online every other month, always attending the paw massage classes for yoga, Em I've seen you staring at my toes when I'm doing stretches. I'm flattered, really, but I hope you didn't seriously think we didn't know about-"

"Oh jeeze, I... uh... I didn't mean-"

Candice stood and put her toned arms around Emily's shoulders. "Hey, no problem okay? We've all got something we're into and it doesn't change a thing. I'd be more surprised if you didn't have something that pushed your buttons."

Emily nodded and huffed softly. "Well... actually that's awesome, I feel... pretty good about that, I mean if it's okay-."

"It is, you're our Em, and hey, maybe we should open up a little more often? But, anyway, I'm sorry about your shoes, Don probably made off with them along with some other stuff. I'll make it up to you in a few days, I've got your size practically memorized, but for now I'm sure you've got something stuffed in that locker of yours."

Emily tilted her head. "You memorized my size?"

Candice raised her eyebrows. "I'm surprised half the gym hasn't, but I memorize a lot of things, I'm a very organized bun thank you very much."

Emily felt a little yippy laughter bubble out of her muzzle. "For a second there I thought you were into paws too! Wow that would that would be too good to be true!"

"Who says I'm not?"

Emily's muzzle snapped shut. Candice chuckled and sat back in her chair. "I'm not, really, well, not in the way you are," she leans in and raises her eyebrows. "Between you and me, I've got a much more obvious bit of fetishism." Emily's head tilted to the other side and Candice smirked her buck teeth brightly, holding up her paw and making a little flicking motion with a 'wha-tish!' just loud enough to hear. Emily gulped and Candice laughed a deep, rich laugh. "Get out of here doggy before I find a collar."

Emily couldn't keep a little smirk off of her muzzle as she obeyed. By the time she got back to her locker all she could think about was the smooth, blue paws, the thick toes and pads, the gentle slope of arches and how long they are. She lapped her chops as she slipped on her casual clothes shoved the rest into her bag.

As she shouldered the bag she saw them: a pair of smooth, gray flip flops, groves in the shape of her own paws running from toe to heel, even her pads. She searched her memory, but she couldn't remember having owned anything like these. Of course she had hundreds of pairs of shoes and even a few other sets of sandals, but she couldn't remember having worn this pair long enough for the kind of wear they clearly exhibited.

Then again Don was a mutt, maybe his size was similar and he just left them out of spite. That didn't sound much like him either, he wasn't smart enough for spite.

She dropped them onto the floor with a flap. She finally shrugged and slipped her paws inside.

Her eyes rolled up in her head for a moment. Her toes clenched and rubbed into the smooth material. She could feel little squishes and rubs that fit her paws exactly, like they'd been tailored to them. She sighed and her claws sank into little ticks as her toes curled and her feet scrunched. She felt her tongue slip out of the end of her muzzle and her panting starting up as though she'd been doing paw massages for an hour.


The entire time she was clocking out Emily was making little whimpering sounds as she idly shifted her balance between both paws. She didn't even know if she'd said goodbye to Micky or Darlene or whomever was doing the Zumba class by the front. The only thing between the back room and the front door that she remembered was the feeling of her toes pushing onto the smooth impressions of her new sandals and glimpsing at herself in the mirror. Tongue lolling, her black upper fur framing her bright blue eyes that seem to slowly gravitate upward again. Her shirt showed a bit of her abs, smooth and with more than enough tone, her hips weren't exactly flattered by her shorts, but this only seemed to magnify the beauty of her legs. Of course, then there were her toes, her heels, her arches, locked so perfectly into place, constantly moving and gently warping the tread, never once leaving her soles.

"Oh holy shit."

Normally she runs home or takes a bus ride, this time she decided to walk. Never once did her new flip flops pinch or make her ache. If anything the tingling sensations running up from her paw pads and fur were getting better. She knew where she was going, but there would be long stretches of time where all she would do is huff out and enjoy the sexy feelings in her feet. Every pause at a light was almost a little exhibitionist show as she would bounce on her toes. She would almost groan if she had to speed up to cross a street, her bag rocking and weighing her down slightly on the right side. She took her time looping between streets around her own, a block in the wrong direction or just passing her building.

She stopped about an hour after she would have normally made it home. She slammed the door behind her in her building and managed to quickly rip her shorts and underwear off. She threw the gym bag across the room and tore off her shirt and bra with it. She still had the flip flops on. Her hands were between her legs and she was growling. One, two, three, a little whimper, six, seven, eight, a moan and squishing sounds. Bedroom a foregone conclusion, she slides onto her couch. She stretches her legs out and groans as her feet stretch and the sandals curve against the faux leather arm of the sofa. She feels her lips tightening and she splays her toes, tongue lapping just under her nose as she groans out.

"Oh fuck!"

Her finger loops into a little fish-hook shape, already soaked from her walk. She's careful with her claw, feeling the pad of her middle finger and squeezing. She formed a little V and teased the fluid out of herself like a thread. Her fur prickles in waves from her toes up. She pants and feels her chest bouncing from her own breath . She spends what feels like days pushing herself beyond counting the pauses between heartbeats, a continuous experience near the height of her pleasure threshold. Her eyes are squeezed shut and she can feel her toes curling, the foam and the scrunch of the tread bending under her arches without breaking.

At this instant she feels a strange heat in her toes. They light up at the nerves and tingle like they'd fallen asleep, or woken up. Emily screamed and lay back, panting for a moment as the burning rush overwhelms her.

She saw the ceiling first. The breeze came second.

Emily saw her casual clothes on her coffee table and in the hall to her front door. She came home, but the flip flops were gone. She sat up and rubbed her left sole with her paw for a moment. It felt soft as usual, but a little more sensitive, the tease of her pads making her toes twitch. They couldn't have just vanished.

She stood and tried to think of where they could have gone. She did roll around in her sleep. She slipped around the couch and shoved the cushions up. She found some change and an old sock but nothing else. She felt a tingle of anxiety at her ear tips. Just imagining being without the smooth sensation on her paw pads, the little flap on her paws on occasion.

Flap flap flap.

She stopped walking, her toes wiggling softly. All she could feel was the silky fluff of her carpet.

She glanced down while she was wiggling her toes and nearly screamed.

Down to the ankle she was normal, until the fur disappeared, the swell of her tendons and the small bones of the foot were coated in smooth gray. Her arches were lined out with a hint of black tread peeking from under the shape of her paw. She watched the flip flop that was now her foot flex softly. She didn't quite have 'toes' to speak of, sort of a rough shape of toes that would bend at her thoughts. She tried splaying her toes apart and watched the 'skin' of the sandal actually stretch. There were four distinct points in the rubber foam that were moving independently of each other. She could even see the little thong embedded into the flesh of her changed feet.

She curled her toes and felt her breathing quickening in her chest. What about her fur? Her toes? Her paw pads and the precious cuticles of her claws? Oh gosh how did this even happen?

She watched as the foam rubber seemed to respond, splitting apart into toes, thickening softly as lines of tread simply became scrunch lines from heel to toe. She even watched the material press out into the firm points of claws.

She wiggled and clenched her toes. Her paws were the same, soft white fur at the end of her ankles as usual. She picked her own paws up and her fingers curled to interlace with the toes-

"Aaaahh! Oh gosh!"

Her opposite knee nearly gave out under her. It was like her fur was a set of thick feathered brushes. She caught her breath and even taking a step made her feet tingle and made her fur prickle. Her tail told all by nearly slapping the dark pattern of her flanks.

Emily calmed herself down, stretched a leg in front of her and changed it back. The amount of flip flop and foot that her feet could maintain seemed to be on a slider of sorts, allowing for unusual combinations of features and each just as sensitive with each change. For the moment she'd decided for her foot to be mostly rubber foam with the little cloth thong between the toes while maintaining it's original shape in it's entirety. The result was so smooth, every step allowed her to feel the carpet through the tread on her soles. She gasped and from the moistening between her legs she could already tell this was the best thing to ever happen to her.

The sharp little 'tap tap' at her door was not.

"Uh, just a second!"

She scrambled to her clothes and put them on faster than she may have ever dressed before in her life. She focused on her feet and they were normal paws, toes wiggling and all. She blushed as she took her steps to the front door, breath hissing through her teeth until she stopped a foot away and drew the door open. Candice stood on the other side, a Nike bag in hand.

"Oh, uh, hey boss! Sorry I didn't, uh, miss anything did I?"

"Ooooh, just your shift."

If the Husky's face were capable of being paler it would be.

"Don't give me that look, I know, shoes. I know you like this kind so I couldn't wait until next weekend."

The bunny passed the bag to her and strode inside. Emily noticed her boots where very high heeled, shined black almost as though she were coated in oil. Then, of course, there was the tight scarf in the heat of Summer, the long sleeves with just a hint of something shiny at the wrists. Emily wondered what she could be hiding, barely knowledgeable about her own fetish, much less the ins and outs of the BDSM community.

"Uh, well, thank you? I, umm, don't really need... uh... shoes."

The bunny stopped and turned around, ears raised and eyes wide. "You, don't need shoes? You? Are you okay? Don didn't try to hurt you or anything did he? I can get Mickey down here and-"

"No no no! It's not that! It's... well... I don't think you'd believe me if I tried to explain."

"Well try! It must be serious if it turns you off of comfy shoes."

"I...uh... well...."

At that Emily just held up her leg and tilted her foot forward she made tiny, whimpering sounds from a mix of embarrassment and sensitivity as her toes started to flow together again, the fur shrinking into lead-colored, rubber foam skin.

Candice gasped as she watched the fabric thong emerge and the worn shape of a sole and relaxed paw pads form. She can't seem to help herself, reaching down and grasping at the smooth tread. Emily bit down a yowl, her almost entirely flip flop feet bending softly and almost involuntarily. Candice's fingers withdrew for a moment.

"You can feel that?"

"Y-yes! It's really sensitive!"

"So... if I were to do this-"

Emily screamed as Candice's thumbs looped under the little cotton thong. Her hand flew between her legs and she huffed and groaned as Candice rubbed under the thong a few times into the toe spots, almost like she was kneading or trying to tease it apart. Emily pulled away on reflex and her paw flapped onto the carpet.

"Aww, you're not gonna deny your boss are you?"

Emily's ears folded a little as she rolled back onto her thin heels.

"Hey, hey I'm kidding, I don't wanna make you do anything, I don't do anything you don't agree to. That's how this stuff works anyway."

"This stuff?"

"Well, you know, my 'interests?'"

Emily nodded and her ears perked again, tail wiggling.

"Oh that has doggy excited doesn't it? I'm surprised you weren't into this earlier."

"So... You'll only do it with my permission?"

"Yes, of course, it's not fun for me if it's not fun for you."

Emily blushed heavily at that and Candice took a few steps closer. Emily's breath didn't come a little sharper until the rabbit's paws were rubbing on her own, gently squishing foam rubber into the carpeting with her long paws.

"We've always been close, hmm?"

"N-not l-like this!"

"Mmmmhmm, not for lack of trying."


Candice's hands were around Emily's waist, but instead of a judo toss or checking her form it was her fingers sliding along her hips, the short muzzle drawing her own downward so she could reach the husky's ear.

"You like my toes... Do you like the rest of me?"

Emily was panting softly. The rabbit's hand slid up to her neck as her long paws squished down onto the now totally foam toes, the smooth thong on each flip flop squished down by her heels. Emily felt a very canine whine rising in her throat.

"Come on doggy, do you love me?"

The blush was coming through the dog's fur. Emily's hands twitched and drew closer until they finally wrapped around Candice and held her close.

"I-I love y-your k-kindness."

The rabbit tilted her muzzle toward the dog's, her ears cocked to one side.

"I love the way you s-sing when you open the gym in the morning."

Candice made a small sound that Emily couldn't identify.

"I love the way you c-call me d-doggy, I love the way your voice sounds when you're talking to me in your office, I l-love s-so much."

The rabbit's voice sounded so soft. "Emily why have you never-"

"Y-you didn't ask."

Candice smiled and giggled a little trill, soft and maybe a little too squeaky. "Ohmigosh doggy, you... you fuckin' dog."

Emily's muzzle lips opened and Candice could feel her breath before the tongue lapped into her mouth. Long bunny paws pushed into smooth, worn flip flops as the pair of them kissed, the foam rubber massaging up into the bunny soles and even as Emily made little girly moans the embrace of lips and tongues didn't draw apart.

Candice pulled them back to her couch. Her fingers were precise as she pulled off Emily's shorts and only drew away from her muzzle for a second to take off the shirt. Emily felt her boss' hands spreading to hold up her chest, a finger rubbing softly on the silver dollar sized areolas. Those long paws rubbed almost expertly along Emily's white furred ankle and slid back to the foam rubber. Emily was given the singular joy of watching the bunny's eyes widen and her slightly crooked smile blossom onto her face.

"Get under me doggy."

Emily slipped to the side and easily lifted her lover who giggled a little at the husky's strength. Emily's hands never left Candice even as she could feel the bunny's head resting on her chest. Fingers ran over her stomach and up to the rabbit's chest, finding smooth rubbery squeaks. Candice's ears ran along Emily's muzzle and tickled her for a moment.

"Now hold on doggy."

Emily glanced down for a moment before she could feel the toes sliding along her sandaled paws, slipping up to the thongs and making Emily whimper. She could feel smooth heels and ankles sliding up against her shins, pushing down against the thongs around her toes. Her flip flops were starting to feel tense, strong though they were.

Then Emily groaned and twitched as she felt her feet stretching. Candice's toes curled and gripped at the edge of her own and seemed to pull more tread and rubber, the wear patterns shifting to match larger, softer rabbit soles. She could feel Candice's toes sliding into place and pushing up against the far arm of the couch, her own sandals curling and bending with them.

"Oh sh-shit, C-candee..."

Candice giggled. "Candy? Am I your Candy doggy?"

Emily huffed and Candice reached up with a paw to scratch under her doggy's muzzle.

"I think I like Candy, you're gonna call me Candy for a while aren't you doggy?"

Emily whimpered.

"Use your words doggy."

"Y-yes I'm going to call me- uh, you Candy."

Candice giggled at that and reached up behind her to scratch at Emily's ears. The husky's muzzle dropped open in a second and her tongue lolled.

"Oh that's such a good girl, what a good doggy!"

At the same time Candice shifted her paws in the smooth, perfectly worn sandals, Emily whimpering and shuddering.

"Maybe I should bring over some friends and show off what a good doggy she is?"


Candice gently tilted her head back to look Emily in the eye, Emily tilted her own down to do the same, though her breathing was starting to steady.

"I, uh, have people that I do thi... Oh enough beating around the bush, I have some good friends of mine who like being my pets and fucking and bizarro fetish stuff and we play around from time to time. I'm sure if they heard about my lovely doggy they'd want to play. Does that sound like a fun idea doggy? Totally up to you."

Emily blinked and huffed out of her nose a little and thought about it for a moment. Her apartment was bare. She had a cellphone but it was somewhere in the house. There were almost wear marks in the floor from where she'd been passing along her routes, little tick marks in the wood from her claws. Alone.

"You don't have to at all, don't even worry about it if you're not feeling up to it."

"C-call them over, I wanna try."

Candice's eyes stared into hers for a moment, then she leans up and kisses the canine on a small black spot on her left cheek.

Emily wasn't sure what she was expecting, but she doubted Guy and Marie were what would have come to mind. The former was a large alligator who stood nearly half a head taller than Emily herself, decently muscled with a slight sag to his belly scales. When he walked in he gave Emily a warm hug.

Marie stepped in behind him and gently scratched at the scales on his shoulders. Her rounded ears twitched and her long tail fluffed behind her. Her fur was sandy colored with a touch of mocha just behind her jawline and at her ears. She had a customary feline purr as she hugged Emily from the other side, wreathing the dog in warm, plush muscles.

"Now now pets, not so fast, I think you're forgetting someone!"

The three of them turned to see Candice in nothing but a skintight latex body suit, black and shining as though fresh with oil. The rabbit's eyes roamed between them and she brought a slow lick over her front teeth and the little cleft of her upper lip.

"Though like that the three of you look cute, gosh it would almost feel wrong to take advantage of you."

The gator spoke up first, in a very slight drawl, "But the miss loves to take advantage of us, we are for her pleasure."

"Goodness, in the mood are we my little guy?"

"The miss' call always puts me in the mood."

Marie chuckled and growled playfully, "It does, even I can't keep him down for the miss."

Candice rolled her eyes and gently pushed the two away from Emily, who'd been a little stiff until this point.

"Listen doggy, I know talking about doing something and having it in front of you are two very different things. If you're not sure about this just let me know and we can try it another time. Right pets?"

Guy bobbed his muzzle, slightly craggy with scales. "Of course miss, we were new at this at some point too, and it's doggy's house."

Marie's ears tilted forward as she nodded, the lioness' tail curled between her legs. "I would love to just jump in but I've been there, if you're not comfortable we'll wait."

Emily glanced between the three of them for a moment and felt the heat in her cheeks again, her tail waggling a little as she lapped her lips again.

"L-let's try, I want to do this, I want to just try it and see if I l-like it."

Candice smiled and glanced between her pets. "What's the safe word? Say it for me."

The pair of them were grinning and said in unison "Zanzibar!"

"That's my good pets. If you have a problem doggy, you say Zanzibar and we'll stop immediately, okay? Say it back to me."


"Good, now I want doggy in the bedroom and I want you to take her there."

A moment later Emily felt her tail prickle as she was held in two sets of strong, gentle arms. She felt the scales up against her again and shivered slightly, the smooth paw pads under her legs and one of them cradling her ankles. She could feel her little curl of a tail wiggling out of her control as she was lain gently onto the bed, on either side of her twany fur and smooth, green-black knobs of thick plated skin.

"Aww, gosh you three belong in a zoo right next to each other, too cute for words."

The miss slid back into place on top of Emily, her paws gently rubbing at the dog's and making her groan again.

"Make them into sandals my size, doggy."

Emily groaned as her paws shifted again, feeling as though they were being pressed by metal stamps, the thick black treads forming along her soles as they shot out under Candice's toes, stretching and groaning just in time for the rabbit to slip her feet into the perfectly worn spaces.

"Mmm, I think pets should show doggy what they can do to her lovely new feet."

Guy had his shirt on the floor while Marie, somehow having stripped when Emily hadn't seen, slipped up beside the leg curiously, exposing her round rear and the tail brushing up along her miss' thigh. Emily could see the lioness' sex and she felt herself tense up slightly.

"It's okay doggy, touch her, she loves it."

Candice guides Emily's smooth white hand with her own, placing it fingers and claws and all right onto the meat of Marie's inner thigh just as Marie's own fingers were rubbing along her treads. Emily's grip tigthened and Marie for just a second sounded like one of her ancestors with a growl rolling like thunder. Guy slipped into the bed just as Marie shifted forward, her leg extending back and placing her thick pads against Emily's shoulder, her eyes nearly slits as a creeping smirk was on her muzzle.

"Symmetry my pets."

Guy tilted his muzzle toward Marie and then stretched his own leg back, long and firm with the smooth scales gripping at Emily's opposite shoulder. His own hands were just as gentle, Emily's eyes rolling upward as she made little wimpering sounds, toes curling under her thongs, her treads massaged.

"And for you doggy, touch theirs back, it's only fair."

The pair of them shifted their paws up and rubbed along her collar bone, fur and scales meeting in the center just above Candice's head. Emily stared down at them and her tongue slipped out of her muzzle.

"Go on doggy, taste your treats."

Emily almost whined as her muzzle rubbed straight into the set of paws, both pets jumping slightly as she groaned and whimpered and lapped at warm, scaly soles and thick pads. She buried her muzzle between them so that the heels were up against her cheeks and toes were gripping at her nose. She huffed and nuzzled desert yellow lion fur and nibbled with her lips, tasting every inch of soft flesh before turning to suckle on scales, the pointed claws teasing her tongue and cheeks as they curled.

Emily's whines grew louder and she could feel her feet twitching, hands she couldn't identify touching her and rubbing her fur. They could feel her tense and her fur prickling, the warm bodies pressed into hers and the soft words lost to her ears as she just became little twitches and involuntary sounds, unsure which were hers and which were others'. Fingers brushed against her lips and drew sticky warmth from them and her muzzle squeaked between a set of paws and long ears. Her lower mouth opened wide at the teasing and the stretching, the rubbing toes and her own so sensitive and thin, she couldn't encapsulate every feeling rushing through her but at the same time heavy, atavistic instincts were surging into her and she needed this closeness more. They hooked into her body and rubbed along her clit and her toes and her face and she was adrift in a sea of sensual bliss....

Emily came in for work the next day. She waved to Mickey who waved back just before socking another trainee to the ground. Luna was doing yoga sessions but gave her a small nod as she passed. She slipped into the employee lockers by the treadmills and was already slipping off her shirt.

Candice was tapping away at her computer again when Emily slipped in behind her and put her hands on either side of the smaller bunny's hips, kissing right into her neck. Candice's ears twitched sharply and she glanced back, her eyes a little wide.

"Hello honey."

"Oh, uh, hey doggy. You're.. um... doing okay?"

"Mmmhmmm, how about you?"

Candice felt the tension in her body melt off as she fell back into the chair, her head resting against Emily's chest, cushioning her ears. She tilted her head back and saw Emily smiling, bright and warm and turning the buzzing florescent bulbs' light into starshines.

"Yeah... I think I'm more than okay."

Emily smiles and kisses Candice on the cheek and turns around.

"Ah, doggy."

She turns and Candice smiles at her.

"I don't hear your flip flops."

Emily grins and her tail wiggles gently, as she turns her steps gain a little 'flap-flap' that makes the Candice smile.

Day Dreams

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Living the Dream

Living the Dream By Zatarra L. Vulpe It looked like the ceiling, but it wasn't. It was moving too much, twisting and warping, too high and growing higher. He could hear her laughing. _This dream again._ A moment and she was there, twisting out...

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