Fox Story: Captured by the Captain

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This little story - hopefully the start of a mini-series in and of itself - is commissioned by FA: Guy_Threepwood and follows the start of a new high seas adventure.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

Captured by the Captain for Guy_Threepwood by Draconicon

Former captain Neman was down to his fourth mug of rum when the doors to his little hidey-hole were kicked in. The human swayed back and forth as he jerked himself to his feet, but the intruders swarmed in before he could so much as reach for his sword. In a burst of tails and flashing lights, his attackers had him bound up with his arms behind his back and his mug thrown to the ground.

He shook his head at the mug, thinking about the waste of good rum before a bag was yanked down over his head. It was pulled tight so he couldn't shake it off, but he could still hear voices outside.

"Do we really need a bag? He's drunk off his ass."

"Captain's orders."

"Still. Little early, isn't it?"

The entire group broke out laughing at that, and Neman wondered just what he had gotten into. A pair of strong hands pushed against his back, making him start marching forward, and as he felt the rain-soaked stones of the street underfoot, he realized that they were intent on taking him somewhere.

But where?

The ship - and it was a ship, he knew; he remembered that much from his old days as a captain - that was their final destination was smaller than his old one. Not by much, but he'd guess it was a smaller vessel. Not a trawler or a cargo ship, but something designed for speed. He could feel the way it swayed, much more than the bigger ships, but righting itself faster as well. Which meant it was well designed.

Even in his drunken state, he could tell that he was either on a messenger ship or a pirate ship, and neither one spelled out good things for him.

His captors' voices were drowned out by the other crew that were apparently around, the noise turning into a senseless din in seconds. Still, his senses were coming back, and he managed the stairs down into the lower decks without a problem. He felt his captors leading him around with pushes and tugs of his shoulders, and he followed along.

Finally, they shoved him into a chair, and the bag was ripped off of his head. Neman groaned, shaking his head a few times as he adjusted to the light again after being in the dark for so long. He blinked until the blurriness faded away, shaking his head -

"Ugh...oh gods, my head..."

"Get used to it. You're not getting any grog for a while, human."

That was a new voice. And not sporting that a clipped tone, like most military men. Pirate, then. Neman looked up, and groaned at the sight of the fox on the other side of a desk. A blue coat swept around him, just barely pushed up by a sword at the creature's waist, and a map on the table told him what they wanted. Or at least, something of what they wanted.

"If ya wanted to know how to find somethin', ya coulda asked."

"I wanted to keep this private. Now listen up, Captain Neman, this is important."

Snorting at a title that he hadn't held for years, he leaned back. Well, mostly leaned back; it was hard to do that and stay comfortable with his arms tied behind his back. He nodded, and the fox continued.

"We're looking for a certain item. I know that you used to be a pirate yourself, and you were on all sorts of treasure hunting trips. I also know that you went after this once, yourself, so don't think you can fool me about where it is."

"Jus' tell me what ya want, foxie."

"The Eye of Xirdneth."

Neman sputtered at a name he hadn't heard for nearly as long as his old title, staring slack jawed at the fox. The captain wiped some spit away from his face, then nodded to the map.

"I will have the information from you, one way or another. I'd suggest you give me what I want; I'll be sailing away with you regardless, so you might as well give me something so I can reward you, rather than make you a toy for the crew."

"A toy - do ya know what yer gettin' inta? This is dark stuff, lad, dark -"

"I know what the Eye is, Captain Neman. The question is, will you give me what I want to know?"

"Nah, ya don't know...Ya can't. I won't."

"You might -"

"I said I won't!" Neman stomped his foot. "Now let meh go!"

The captain shook his head with a sigh, nodding over Neman's shoulder. Confused, the former captain turned around, and his eyes went wide as a larger than normal fox - he would have sworn he was almost wolf-sized - started to strip down.

"Wha's he doin'?"

"I told you, Captain Neman. If you don't cooperate, I have no choice but to find another use for you until you decide to give me what I want. You can either be the guide, or you can be the crew whore. For now, the latter seems to be your choice."

"But I didn'-"

The fox behind him suddenly pulled him out of the chair, and he grunted as he was thrown over the table. Twisting his head around, he caught sight of the rising cock coming from the fox's sheath. It had to be at least twice as thick as some of the men he'd gone home with before, not to mention long as all hell. He kicked out, but the fox caught him with an experienced hand and shoved his leg down, pinning him with a hand on his back and knees against the backs of his legs.

He turned around to see the captain leaning back in his chair, his coat open, and -

"Are yah fuckin' watchin' this?!"

"I don't see why I shouldn't. It is a public show, after all, and after he's done, you'll need to deal with the rest of the crew. Unless you want -"

"Get this beast offa meh!"

Neman continued to struggle, even as the backs of his trousers were ripped apart, a hole cut right up the middle of the buttocks of them. He growled, glaring back at the fox with as much threat as he could muster with his bleary eyes, but it made no effect. He still kept up the glare as that thick fox cock started rubbing against his ass, and only looked away at a sudden smack to his face.

He turned around, and there the captain was, naked save for his coat, and his cock pressed against the human's face. Neman grunted, his eyes crossing before he looked up at the captain's face.

"I will give you one more chance, Neman. Either you give me the information I want, or I'll have Hendrick there start giving your ass a reaming that's obviously long overdue. The Eye of Xirdneth will be mine, or I'm not Captain Kindu.

"Now. Will you give me the information or not?"

Neman panted softly, feeling every throb, every pulse through the slick dick between his ass cheeks. The oozing tip was right against his hole, and he knew that one wrong answer would have him spending the rest of the night with his ass broken in and probably oozing who knew how much gunk onto the deck. If he was being sent to the crew, it would only get worse; he knew better than most how a sailing crew got after so long at sea and no warm holes but what you could force out of another. If there was one sailor not pent up on board, he'd be shocked. was the Eye of Xirdneth. After losing an entire crew in his own attempt, he wouldn't take others to their deaths. Neman looked past that long, slick cock in his face, and shook his head at the captain. The fox sighed.

"Very well. Hendrick, take your pleasure."

That slick tip slid inside of him, and despite his own generous experience with both men and women, the former captain couldn't help but shout as that thickness spread him open. It would have been a chore and a half with some oil, but without it, it left him roaring.

Unfortunately, that roar was rapidly gagged by another cock, belonging to the captain. Neman gagged around the musky tip that was forced past his lips and went nearly to the back of his throat in the first thrust. His head was grabbed by the ears, and pointed forward, leaving him completely helpless as Captain Kindu started to use his face as a sex toy. Considering how hard the fox was already shoving forward, he imagined that the captain had gone without much relief for just as long as his men.

Though likely not for as long as that Hendrick guy had, considering how that fox was hitting his ass so hard. Neman groaned under his breath as he felt like his ass was being stretched by a wooden pin more than a dick, feeling his hole burning and aching with each successive thrust. It was like he was just a hole, not a person attached to it; then again, that was more or less what a whore was, wasn't it?

It was more than five hours later when he was finally thrown in the brig. A number of 'customers' lingered outside his cell, but the quartermaster threw them out, sending them back to the main deck as Neman looked down at himself.

His body was utterly soaked in fox cum, and not all of it was the stuff leaking out of his ass, either. Those that hadn't had a chance to grab hold of his hands or his face or his feet or something else entirely had simply jerked off over him. The last time that he'd seen that many dicks had been when he'd been sailing with his own crew, and they'd found an oasis on a desert island after being out of water for nearly half a week. They'd gone swimming, and then -

He shook his head, drawing his mind back from the memories before they could go sour, like they always did. With his hands finally free, he was able to reach up and rub some of the seed off of his face and smear it over the clear. It wasn't much, but at least he could get some of the damn stuff off of his body.

Worse, though, was the fact that they were already underway. He could feel it in the shifting of the ship. Land was probably well behind them by now, and there was no way that he'd be able to get back with a raft. He was stuck with them, and the captain had him at his mercy. Considering how much they'd already done, Neman had no doubt that Captain Kindu would keep coming up with new methods to try and get him to give up the Eye's location.

But he had to stay quiet. He had to, not just for his sake, but for the world's.

The End