Death on paws, The dark elucive killer. Chapter 2

Story by thedespicablestories on SoFurry

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#2 of Death on paws

An extreme story were a dark ruthless werewolf is committing crimes throughout a country in medieval time.

WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING THIS STORY IS CLASSIFIED AS EXTREME FOR GOOD REASONS AND NOT BY MISTAKE! If in your country you are an underage minor, please leave right now and don't read further. THIS STORY has gore, blood, digestion, scat, EXTREME SCAT FETISH, extreme graphic description, enslaving, and IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. If you don't like these sorts of things, please just leave and never come back to this account or the big werewolf will get you. WEAK STOMACH PLEASE KEEPS AWAY!! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!! Chump!!! Note: In real life the author or this story does NOT eat or play with scat or do anything described here. It's a fictional work for the reading enjoyment only. In real life, I am against slavery in every form and would readily condone any use of it. That being said, those of you that are still here please enjoy this fiction. :-) Your comments good or bad are welcome. WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING

Final edition with the removing of a lot of syntax and grammar errors, and making some story fix.

Chapter 2

Two days after in the forest not far from the town where our sleeping beauty had its last meal, a young man in his late teen named Eanlac was walking around hunting games unaware of the event that had transpired two days prior. In fact, even with the large pile of shit found in the middle of the courtyard, no one from the town was able to connect the dots as to what had happened, and the incident was branded by the town priest as an act of the devil brought by the wrath of God against the depraved citizen of the town. Case close... for now.

Thinking he was all alone, Eanlac heard a loud snoring coming from nearby which did surprise him stiff. Overwhelmed by curiosity as to what kind of animal made such a noise, he decided to investigate. Using stealth, he made his way in the undergrowth and using his hunting techniques got very close to the source creeping along on his belly close to the ground. Three feet in front of him, a furry beast was sleeping in a clearing. The animal was just huge, so much so that from his point of view, he could not see it all, only part of the tail and lower back. Also partly visible was the huge belly, towering over its sides, that seems to be larger than the beast itself.

Then to his horror, the beast started to move... Staying still and not making a noise Eanlac prayed that he had not awoken the huge animal... To his relief it seemed that it was just moving in its sleep. It lasted for a while, then the beast made some grunting noises and calmed down moving its tail out of the way revealing this huge black pucker. Frozen in place by both fear, and curiosity, the young man stayed put, fascinated by what he was seeing in front of him. Since he was really close to the beast anal region, he was also starting to smell the strong musk emanating from its exposed anus. He had never seen such a huge animal before in his life and was very intrigued as to what it was. At the same time he had this shiver going down along his spine reminding him of the danger it could represent. From what he had seen so far, he knew that it was way bigger and by far than the largest horse he had ever encountered which was also the largest living thing he ever knew. Then the huge pucker suddenly did unfurl increasing in size producing a deep fart that rang the young man bones. Being closes to the orifice, the amount of expelled gas was great enough to displace all the beatable air in the surrounding area overwhelming the young man knocking him out cold.

Many hours later, Eanlac gases induce sleep was finally dispelled by the noise of rustling leaves. Having a headache, his consciousness slowly rose above the fog still floating in his mind making him realize that he had been gas unconscious by huge fart from a very large beast that was still lying only a few feet from him. Now having his eyes wide open, he could now see the beast almost human-looking paws scratching its huge belly with the help of the extra long talon jetting out of its finger... It was awake... The human just froze afraid of being caught, he was way too close for comfort. Then the beast slowly rose from its sleeping position and sat on its butt, finally giving Eanlac a chance to see what it was. The revelation was quite a shock, the huge beast had wolf head. He had heard rumor about their existence but never actually saw one, yet here right in front of him this huge werewolf sat there peacefully awaking from its slumber. Then it decided to stand up on its huge hind paws. It was a big male, now quite visible from his huge genitals.

The gigantic beast, now towering in front Eanlac, was at least 15 feet high. It was entirely covered in wolf fur that shone in the sun. Rippling with muscles, well the ones visible on his back and limb that were shifting around under its pelt as it moved around, it really gave the impression of great strength, something that it definitely needed to move its huge mass that was betrayed by the deep imprint it left in the soil combine with the small ground tremor that Eanlac felt as the beast moved its huge paws around. No wonder it was so heavy, the huge hanging belly that just seems too large for its body probably did account for a good part of that weight. It definitely had a very good source of food.

Then the beast did a morning stretch while yawning widely showing huge teeth. Still hidden in the forest undergrowth, Eanlac was able to see without being seen or smelled. With his hunting skill he was smart enough to stay downwind from the beast. But he also knew that he had to stay put in silence, since he would readily be discovered if he tried to move away. Strangely the big werewolf did not move away either. Had it caught on Eanlac stalking... It seems that the beast was looking around for something, and that gave Eanlac some cold sweat. Then it went still and made another huge fart. Luckily this time it was too far away and did not affect the young man but he definitely did smell it. The beast kept looking around turning in place sometime planting its paws way too close for comfort.

Then right in front of him, the huge werewolf seemingly oblivious to its stalker slowly turned its back to the small human, squatting down and stopping half way with the help of its huge hind leg muscles holding that position while using its huge belly now touching the ground for added support. Splaying its hind paws apart, the huge werewolf then proceeded in lifting its tail up, way up, again revealing that huge black pucker. It almost looks like the beast was leaning on a huge beach ball using its arm and front paws to hold itself in place on that soft belly while keeping the balance with its hind leg. Eanlac could not believe his eyes, right in front of him the huge werewolf was about to take a dump.

Nathan (the werewolf) having just woke-up with bad need to take a shit could no longer keep it in. All that food he gorged himself with two nights ago had to come out. For Eanlac, curiosity just took over and he was just unable to move his eyes away from the show that was playing right in front of him. For some reason seeing what look like a beautiful huge werewolf crouched down in that position woke some sexual feeling inside him and made him hard. Then the beast anal ring started to expand from its pleated initial position getting bigger and bigger while bulging under the pressure of something trying to push its way out. With a hisss sound coming from escaping pressurize gas, a hole in the middle of the bulge started to open up revealing the tip of a huge brown turd.

Eanlac was just glued to what was happening in front of him and inserted in hand in his pants starting to slowly stroke his aching erection. As the turd pushes its way out, the wolf anus became impossible stretches to more than a foot in diameter, which was the size of the poop cylinder coming out slowly making squishy and popping sound as more pressurize gas escaped to the environment. Surprisingly that amount of stretching did not seem to bother the wolf that was just in bliss. Eanlac finally figured that it was just a regular shit for the beast that was in front of him, but damn was it impressive to watch. Foot after foot of the semi-soft poop kept coming out finally touching the ground, starting to neatly coil onto itself.

The smell was gut retching for Eanlac but he did manage to ignore it. The sensation coming from the stroking of his stiff cock might have something to do with it. Meanwhile, the huge wolf kept unloading so much of the stuff that it was starting to build into a small mound almost two feet in height. His belly was also starting to deflate no longer touching the ground so that he now had to hold himself in place by resting his front paws on his hind leg and using his mighty muscle to stay in place. At first Eanlac could not understand why the wolf would not squat down like everybody but now seeing what this wolf was capable of, it made sense for him to keep his asshole at that height of the ground. Minutes keep on ticking away as more and more crap was flowing out of the wolf rectum. The amount was just prodigious and kept on flowing out, piling on top of the already huge heap of shit, sometimes accompanied by some muffle fart. But always present was the wet squishing sound, some popping sound... and the smell.

In the pile, lots of bone fragments could be seen as well as what resembled pieces of clothing, even parts of swords and different arms where the blade and the leather trimmings seems to have been melted away, same for pieces of body armor that were barely recognizable cause most of it was gone and lots of other disparate objects. But Eanlac was to enthrall by the show in front of him and the sensation coming from his cock to notice that the werewolf in front of him did not care about what came with the food as long as it was food. Food was simply gobbling up, digested, and evacuated, and his stomach and digestive system took care of the details. Minutes passed and the pile keep getting higher as the wolf belly melted away. Then finally after about ten minutes the wolf was finally done, flexing his anal muscle a few times expelling the last lingering pieces of shit from his rectum. Nathan felt much better but still had to take a leak. No longer hampered by his huge belly, Nathan stood tall with a six-pack back in place of that huge belly and took back his extra muscle athletes look portrayed by some ancient sculpture. To Eanlac eyes, the huge wolf had become breathtakingly beautiful.

Turning around, Nathan like any good canine, took a moment to inspect his dung pile. It was over six feet tall and stinking to high heaven. He was quite satisfied with the result. Now feeling the urge to empty his bladder, Nathan used one paw to lower the sheath covering his huge inflated red rocket liberating it from its furry & fleshy cocoon. Like any canine, Nathan had a permanent bone in his penis keeping it forever straight as an arrow, and could only bend it at the root (the part below the knot). With the sheath now down to the root, he used his other paw to redirect his penis downward toward the crap pile releasing his urine stream and hosing down his digestion remains of the town's people that he had eaten the night before. One of his best and most successful hunts.

Eanlac, in his hiding place saw all the fumbling the werewolf did with his dick, followed by that huge one inches wide pee streams. It was the spark that got him going over the edge, unloading a load a jigz in his pants. Having finally relieved that urge Eanlac came back to his dangerous reality of a huge monster werewolf peeing gallons of piss about 6 feet from him. If he got caught there was no telling what that beast would do... Finally done with his nature call the werewolf did let go of his penis and sheath which sprang back to their original position.

Eanlac still not moving was waiting for the big werewolf departure before making his own exit move, but the wolf stayed in place and started sniffing around.

*What have I done...* Thought Eanlac knowing full well that his little sexual release in his shorts might be his undoing.

"Come out of there little human, I can smell what you just did. Don't even try to escape." The werewolf said in his low growling voice.

*Damn I'm dead...* "OK OK easy... I'm coming out..." Eanlac had no choice but to reveal himself to the wolf stepping out from the underbrush and standing on the edge of the wolf large pee puddle.

"So, you were enjoying the show... Lucky for you that I don't feel hungry right now cause you would have been the perfect morning snack." The werewolf grinning widely at the find.

Gulping in fright, Eanlac could do nothing else other than stand there and look up at the huge monster in front of him.

"I know what I'll do with you..." Nathan staring down at Eanlac. "You will be my butt cleaning slaves." Nathan laughing at his idea. "Follow me." He then said.

The order was unequivocal, and Eanlac had no other choice but to follow. The big werewolf walked away from the smelly pile of shit to another clearing that had a small water stream going through it. Sitting down near a tree, Nathan's ears when right up listening to the surroundings. "He human, were you alone back there?"

"Yes... I..."

"GRRRRrrrrr.... How come I can ear someone else coming?" Nathan intensely looking at Eanlac, the black part of his eyes becoming larger. "You better not be lying to me. Now stay here and don't move otherwise you're dead. Understood?"

Eanlac quickly nodded in fright...

"No, you don't only nod to me, but you also say yes master..."

"Yes master!" Eanlac quickly said.

In a flash Nathan using his huge hind muscle bounced away quickly disappearing through the forest growth. A few second later loud growling could be eared than a minute later the big werewolf came back holding in his right paw what looked like one of the town's soldier. Sitting back down in the exact same spot, he was before he left, Nathan started to tear away all the equipment from the soldier only leaving the basic clothing. "Now human speak, who are you?"

"I don't talk to a filthy beast like you. The others are looking for you and when they..." Nathan not impress by that answer gave the soldier a little squeeze... "Arrrggg..." Scream the surprised soldier.

"I don't think you understand your position here. I ask the question and you answer or else..." Nathan squeezing the guy some more.

"Stop stop.... I'm a soldier from the town militia, and yesterday morning we were faced with strange scene in the industrial area and then we found your gift that you left in the middle of that courtyard... That is when a few teams were sent out of town in the countryside in search of clues in case it was not the devil works as stated by our town priest. And it seemed that our suspicion was correct, but I never expected to see a beast of your size..."

"So you're all alone here?" The soldier did not answer. So Nathan squeezed some more... "AAAAAAAArrrrggg"

"Yess... yess, we are a small detachment only a handful of us could make the search, the rest stayed at the town reinforcing the guard." The human said with difficulty having a hard time to breathe.

"Do you know this human?" Nathan pointing a talon looking black claw at Eanlac.

"No..." Nathan continues to squeeze some more until a loud crack was eared and the guy started screaming in pain. Eanlac stood there shaking like a leave.

"You better not be lying to me human filth..."

"Nooo, I'm not..."

"Enough!" CRUNCH...

To Eanlac horror, the human went limp, blood spewing out from every bodily orifice plus some gore dripping down from the werewolf hand. Without any effort the big beast had just squeezed the life out of the soldier crushing him down to pulp, then opening wide did putt the human remains in its maw, masticating and making crunching sound as the bones were grounded down to pieces. Finally, gulping down the tasty morsels then licking clean the remains left on its paw, the werewolf eyes went right back to Eanlac that was now shitting his pants. His master has just eaten a whole human clothing and all...

"Now butt slave, you're going to lick my butt clean... Get to work!" The werewolf said taking a fetal position lying on its sides, moving the tail out of the way in order to reveal its pucker to the waiting human slave.

Having seen what this werewolf was capable of Eanlac was now quite shaken, and knew he had no choice but to comply or else... Approaching the beast, he could see what had to be done. Although he did enjoy watching afar, he never thought in his wildest dream that he would be that close to the huge werewolf anus and genitals. It was both arousing and repulsive and the smell this close was gut wrenching. The expense of black skin in front of him was quite large evens rest. It was more than a foot across plus some more expose skin under the root of the tail, and everything was encrusted with flakes of dry and moist poops. Toward the front huge, water melon size fur-covered balls were hanging low dandling heavily stretching their pouch. Eanlac could feel the warmth radiating from the beast as he got to work on the moist surface. The taste was disgusting but he had no choice, his life was on the line here. So he keeps on licking the area clean spitting out the disgusting bits. To his dismay, his action seemed to induce some erotic action within the beast as it did some approving noises as he got to some of the most sensitive area, and those reactions were also accompanied by some contraction of the huge balls and pouch.

Finally, after twenty minutes of licking Eanlac was done and the surface was now clean and almost sent free, other than the beast strong natural gamy sent. Stopping and moving away a bit, he was waiting further for further orders.

"He puny humans, you're not done... Still plenty to go." Upon saying those words the huge werewolf did relax his anus muscle even pushing down a bit as to stretch the surface a bit.

"Get to work!"

Eanlac had this sinking feeling looking at what he had already accomplished and seeing that the clean surface he had worked on started to unfurl and stretch to about the triple of its original size becoming somewhat tented, revealing lots of nooks and crannies that were still full of shit and gunk. So he went at it again for another hour until done.

Turning on its back the beast made a pleased grunting noise and Eanlac knew that he was in the clear for now, as his action did have some positive reaction. Even though its penis was only half way out of it fully stretched sheaths, the werewolf was now fully erected including the twenty inches in diameter's knot protruding through the sheath skin almost painfully taunting it tight. The guy was not only huge in body, his sexual organs were a sight to be seen.

"What is your name human?" The werewolf asked.

"Eanlac master"

"No family name?"

"I'm a simple peasant master, we don't have longer name or title."

"Well, then Eanlac, you have done well so far. Now I want you to get onto my tummy and start sucking me. Get going now!..."

"Yes master..." On these words, the werewolf did put his hand in front of Eanlac which he hoped-on, and was brought onto the lower part of the werewolf stomach. The werewolf huge abdominal muscles lying under its skin were rock hard and did not give under the human weight as he had to walk up to the beast sternum and sit in front of the huge cock. The werewolf cock was now fully erected to more than four feet long from the 24 inches soft size and to more than a foot in diameter. Contemplating it Eanlac could not believe the size of what he was seeing.

"Go on... start liking, you have my permission to touch it as your heart contempt." The werewolf said.

Eanlac got his hand on the red skin feeling the bulk, it was warm to the touch, very heavy and stiff, he could hardly move the werewolf penis around. *This is much better than that yucky werewolf anus and might even be even enjoyable* Eanlac tough dreading that he would have to lick the master asshole again on a daily basis or more... So he got to work on the tip stroking his hand on each side using a glob of pre that was leaking out at the tip as makeshift lub, then using his tongue he started liking the inch-wide urethra opening.

Having done a good part of the work licking the werewolf asshole the beast was already quite aroused and it did not take too long to finish the "arm & tongue" job. Eanlac keeps on stroking vigorously the tapered end of the big cock and licking around and inside the urethra opening. It was very effective as he could hear and feel the werewolf starting to pant loudly accompanied by some grunting when the best erogenous spots where stimulated. Then suddenly all hell broke loose as the flood valve open... releasing gallons of cum splashing Eanlac like a fire hoses forcing a few gallons down his open mouth and stomach, even pushing him back a few feet before he could get out of the way. There was so much backup pressure that the werewolf did not even pulsate for the first two minutes cuming continuously and furiously. At least unlike the acrid asshole juice, his cum was sweet to the taste. Then for the next three minutes, the werewolf keeps on cuming but started pulsating huge one inch ropes of the white goowhee stuff, drenching his pecks fur. Even his muzzle and the tree behind were not spared.

Having done his job Eanlac was now standing beside the werewolf that was now in the afterglow of that huge ejaculation. The werewolf kept on panting loudly while resting his head on the tree and his cock still stiff was leaking out the last gallons of cum that were flowing down the beast stomach sides and ending up in the small pool of the stuff surrounding the werewolf.

"Eanlac, I'm keeping you alive for now. Go clean yourself in the stream, I'll be joining you right after I catch my breath."

"Yes master..."

After they had enough time to clean up and dry...

"Eanlac! Follow me, we're leaving."

"Yes master..."

This chapter comes to a close with the two of them leaving for another part of the country.

P.S. If you have read the story, please comment positively or negatively and comment on a PM if you don't want to do it publicly! I'm curious about your reaction, as this story is quite hard core.

Death on paws, The dark elucive killer. Chapter 1

**WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING** **THIS STORY IS CLASSIFIED AS EXTREME FOR GOOD REASONS AND NOT BY MISTAKE!!! If in your country you are an underage minor, please leave right now and don't read further. THIS STORY has...

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