Strange Purple Fruit

Story by Mnty on SoFurry

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First time writing something! Of course it's smut. I wouldn't consider myself a writer, so sorry for all the typos and grammar mistakes. Hope you guys like it!

This story contains a lot of adult material. If you are not comfortable with some of the things I draw, this may not be suited to your tastes.

It's my first story! I really wouldn't consider myself a write, next to no real experience. Sorry for any typos and grammar errors in other words!

"These look interesting." Bastion proclaimed as he lifted a box of strange fruits to eye level for a closer look. Faded purple with dark red stem balls of fruit rolled around in the 6-pack container. "I've never seen fruit like this before, but they look delicious!" Bastion said with a smile on his face. The white-tailed deer looked for the fruit description along the isle of fruit, noticing this box to be misplaced with the oranges.

"Whatever this is, I bet it would go great with my morning smoothie." Bastion carelessly thought to himself. He threw the box into his cart with the rest of his fruit and headed off to checkout. He threw all of his items on the cashier conveyor belt and walked up to the cashier to pay. The cashier, a young leopard, greeted him with a bored and uncaring welcome. Once the leopard swiped and bagged the purple fruit, Bastion lit up and asked, "I was wondering, what exactly is the name of those fruit?"

"I don't get paid enough to answer stupid questions." Snapped the leopard. Bastion rolled his eyes grunted to himself, only wanting to get out of here, he swiped his card to pay and quickly grabbed his bag and left for home. It was already late and the sun had gone down. The deer was set in a bad mood from his bad encounter, but was slowly replaced with his previous curiosity of what kind of fruit he bought. He figured it might have been one of those hybrid fruits, possibly a plum dragon fruit mix. In any case, he was excited for the next day to try them out.

Bastion was by all means average. He wasn't the tallest and had an average body type. Even his cock was an average 6 inches hard. He was slightly on the husky side in terms of weight, so he decided to go on a healthy diet. The fruit he grabbed last night was his first step towards a healthy morning.

The alarm of Bastion's phone rang, singing an annoying tune to get himself out of bed. The deer rolled out of bed with a yawn, stretching as he sat on the side. Bastion has never been much of a morning person. He dragged himself out of bed and began his morning routine. He quickly stripped his clothes and jumped into the shower to wash himself off.

Bastion has always loved warm showers, the water running through his short brown fur all over his body. He especially enjoyed lathering soap all over himself, taking extra care along his groin. Before he knew it, his cock stirred awake from his cleaning, twitching for attention. Bastion slide his soapy hand once again down his chest to the base of his cock. He grips the base of his hard cock and slides his lubricated hand up to the tip. A small moan comes out of the deer's mouth as he lusts for more.

"If only I had more time, little buddy." Bastion said while looking down at his needy cock. Quickly rinsing off, Bastion jumps out of the shower and gets himself dressed. The deer trots over to the kitchen, his cock finally flaccid again from distractions of getting ready. He quickly pulls out various fruits and ingredients and toss them into the blender. He grabs the box of purple fruit he bought last night and sets them on the counter next to the blender.

"It's time to see how you guys taste." Bastion giggled to himself as he slices one of the fruits. Eating one of the slices, Bastion was pleased to find it being sweet and flavorful. With haste, he places the rest of the slices into the blender and blends everything together. The cervine pours the mixture into a glass and quickly chugs the whole drink down. Once the last drop hits his tongue, he tosses the cup into the sink and takes off for the bus to work.

The work day began normally, boring with several pointless meetings. He worked as a software product maintainer, though he did not find much joy in the job, it was stable enough to support himself. Bastion began working on reviewing some documents. He works alongside with a wolf name Tony. They got along inside work, but never talked much outside of work.

"Got any plans for the weekend?" asked Bastion.

"Going to do some barbecuing with a couple friends. What about yourself?" Tony replied.

"I don't have much..." Bastion halted mid-sentence as his stomach began to growl and gurgle.

"Sounds like the thought of food is making you hungry." Scoffed Tony.

"Nah, I just had a smoothie not too long ago, it must not be agreeing with me." Explained Bastion with a disgruntled look on his face. Bastion adjusts himself in his chair as he realizes soft cock was noticeably extra sensitive. With a soft grunt, he moves his leg, letting his khakis rub against his cock as it chubs up a little. The sensation was almost overwhelming for the deer. He had to hold himself back from rubbing it, after all, he did not want a work boner.

Bastion never had much of an issue with work boners, his size was hardly noticeable if he pushes it down his pants leg, but still it was uncomfortable if he has to move around. He subtly reaches down his pants to adjust himself, but something felt off. His chub cock was thicker than normal, thicker than he normally is when hard. He could hardly fit his hand around it and it only thickened as he became fully erect. He quickly shoved his hard dick down his pant leg, the sensation of the head sliding against his underwear gave him shivers down his spine. Gasping as he yanks he hand out from his pants, trying not to rub his cock anymore. His bulge reached farther down than normal, about 7 and a half inches Bastion estimated.

"You okay over there?" Asked Tony without glancing over.

"Y-Yeah, everything is just fine." Bastion shuddered with a concerned look on his face.

"You sure?" Tony said while tilting his head over towards Bastion. Bastion noticed and quickly put a smile on his face.

"Of course!" Bastion announced. The same moment he felt his cock lurch forward, snaking down his leg another half inch, leaving a leaky pre residue along his leg. Bastion grunted as quietly as he could. He quickly swiped his hand over his bulge, gripping down to keep it from moving, only to send orgasmic pleasure to his brain. The action caused his cock to surge another inch forward down his leg, leaving his with an aching 9 inch cock, begging for more attention.

"What is happening to me?!" Bastion thought with a cringe on his face. He sat there, with a hand pressed against his bulge, concentrating with all of his energy not to move. For a few moments it felt to work, his cock laid pressed against his leg. It only kept dribbling a slow flow of pre down his thigh, creating a growing wet patch on his khakis.

"What are you doing over there?" Tony asked. The sound of his voice alerted Bastion as he jerked his toward the noise. The sudden movement causing his hand shift only slightly, but plenty for his nerves to shoot off. Pleasure began to grown as his hard dick began to thicken once again, his hand unable to hold his bulge down any longer. Bastion shot up from his seat and quickly grabbed his coat.

"O-Oh nothing! I-I forgot something from home..." Bastion yelped as he quickly shuffled for the door. His concentration on waking hazed from the immense pleasure he felt as his cock rubbed against him with every step. The cock surged forward, thickening and lengthening inch by inch down his leg. His pants were struggling to hold it all in. Not only was it hard for the deer to keep his cock contained, but began to feel a pressure to spread his legs. His balls began to bloat larger with every step, his underwear was at its limits. With every expansion, his faucet of a cock flowed more rapidly.

Bastion finally arrived to his bus stop and stood as still as he could. His left pant leg's seams were already pulled apart, held by a couple thread. His cock reached around 16 inches down to his knee with balls the size of softballs. Only standing there for 30 seconds, a pre filled puddle began to form beneath his left shoe, leaving his lower pant leg soaked.

"I just have to get home..." Bastion thought to himself. He knew he looked ridiculous, but there was not many people around this early. Breathing deeply, he tried to gather himself, doing his best to ignore the throbbing log in his pants. Though, it did feel amazing, even more than amazing. The sensation, the size, all of it anyone would lust for.

He shook his head of his thoughts, catching himself from reaching over to stroke his straining bulge. "I can't touch it now... I need to focus on getting home." He gulped as his bit his bottom lip. Looking down the road he finally saw his bus coming and brought a smile to his face. His smile immediately dropped as he could feel his cock begin to slowly slug even further down his pants without the aid of any physical touch.

"Fuck fuck fuck..." Bastion yelled in his head as he jolted onto the bus, barely giving the driver a glance. He sat down as fast as he could, only to hear a loud rip. His 19 inch cock finally ripped out of its prison, splattering globs of pre on the bus floor and seat in front. Even his balls, the size of a small melons, snuck out with it and laid on the edge of the seat. Bastion's eyes widened, hearing soft murmurs of the other passengers curious about the noise. His cock pointing away from his face, his belt holding it down with little effect.

Bastion sat there, staring at his mountain of a cock as it pours pre over itself. He looked over to his right, spotting a fox wide-eyed towards his cock, obviously groping the tent in his pants. He turned back to look at his cock, only to see it slowly lengthen and thicken with every moment.

"Fuck it" Bastion blurted to himself as he reach with both hands and grabbed his 2 foot cock. With only one hand he was only able to get half around his dick. He stroked up and down his cock using his whole arm, utilizing the immense flow of pre as lube. Unable to turn back now, he threw his body back against the seat and moaned loudly. The entire bus was looking over in his direction now, hearing loud grunts and pounding thuds with obvious smacking of Bastion's lubed cock being stroked.

Bastion was lost in a haze of orgasmic pleasure, even more powerful than all of his orgasms combined. He could not hear the talking around him, the road outside, nothing. He could only feel the escalating pleasure and the thickening of his cock in his hands as it stretched larger. It kept on growing bigger along with the quarts of pre-cum that spilled out all over his body. All he could do was stroke his monster, over his entire length no matter how long it grew. What felt like centuries to him was only minutes as his dick grew well up to 3 feet long.

He looked to his right once again with his hazy eyes to see the fox with his pants off and stroking himself. Bastion smirked at him, stroking himself faster in response keeping eye contact. The fox nervously gulped, but kept on stroking at the sight of Bastion's log. The fox could not handle it anymore and released his load over his chest and belly.

Immediately the bus halted, sending Bastions hands quickly up his cock and body forward. Bastion's head landed on top of the head of his cock, coating the underside of his chin with pre. The quick rush was plenty to send him over the edge. A cannon of cum burst outward of his cock, splashing his head back. Streams of cum flowed out of his cock, the following beginning before the current one ends. Cum splattered against the ceiling of the bus, again and again, covering the entire bus and everyone in it. The cum-shots kept coming, one after another with no sign of stopping. With every shot, his balls bloated, as if to over flow with more cum.

"Oh god!" Bastion cried with feelings of complete ecstasy. He grabbed his cum hose with both arms and pulled it against his cheek. Placing a hand over the cock slit in attempts to keep cum from firing everywhere, pressured blasts of cum ricocheted from his hand, coating his already cum soaked fur. After many more shots, his streams of cum slowly began to die down. As the last shot dribbles out of his cock, Bastion passes out from pure pleasure.

With no sense of time, Bastion slowly emerges from slumber. His first views are the bus doors opened, letting out the last of his free flowing cum on the floor, leaving small puddles. The ceiling still covered white, dripped little droplets of cum all around the bus. Bastion looks down to see a flaccid, thick, 4 foot dick on his lap filling the seat next to him with more pre. Even lower he sees two beach-ball-sized balls resting on the floor between his feet. Bastion let out a deep breath and laid his head back against the chair.

"I don't think it's going to get any smaller." Bastion sighed. With that thought, he felt his cock twitch in his lap....