Birds of a Feather Chapter 3

Story by Grey Tail on SoFurry

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#9 of Feral Minds

I did a thing! After a long time! Mostly due to exams! More things hopefully to come soon!

So I finally finished this set of stories for Feral Minds! And now to prepare for the next. The only question is lizards or wolves? Or sheep? Maybe deer?

As always, story and idea suggestions are welcome; if I like them, you may get a "free" commission.

Don't forget to like, comment (please comment, I need my ego stroked after those exams) and follow if you haven't already. Also check out my other stuff, I'd really appreciate it.


Samantha stood silently, still in shock at the sudden attack, watching as the panicked young man moved hurriedly around her, grabbing items from around the cave. She looked down at the sheet he'd pressed against her chest, still held firmly by her own hands as the deep red colour slowly seeped into the crisp white fabric. Blood... her blood. The thought struck her suddenly, the young ranger letting out a pained gasp as she realised what had just happened, the pain forcing the air from her lungs. Her legs shook under her as she began to fall, suddenly lifted back up by strong arms as Zach gently laid her down on the camping bed, his eyes darting around frantically. She shivered slightly despite herself as he slid a hand behind her back, gently lifting her upright for a moment.

"Drink this," he ordered, making Samantha jolt at his suddenly commanding tone, the neck of a bottle pressed against her lips, "It won't do much at first, but it should at least help dull the pain."

Confused, the female took a gulp of the liquid, the burning taste of alcohol immediately filling her head as she was forced to take a second mouthful before Zach pulled the bottle away. She could feel the heat of the vodka running down her throat and settling in her stomach, her thoughts already becoming woozy as she felt herself being lowered back onto the cot. She could hear Zach cursing to himself as he pulled the camping light around beside him, the harsh glow hiding his face as he opened something beside him.

"At least those bastards were well equipped, maybe too well," She heard him mutter, barely registering the rest as he slipped something wide and bitter tasting into her mouth, "This is going to hurt like a bitch. Try to bite the belt, not anything else."

Samantha could only nod, between the throbbing pain in her chest and slight nausea brought on by the alcohol she could barely breathe, let alone speak. She started as she felt Zach pull away the sheet, her cheeks flushing slightly as she realised that he could see her breasts, a strange thought to have when she was busy bleeding out in this cave. A rough hand brushed against her nipple as Zach carefully wiped away some of the blood from the wounds, the clear bottle still in his hand. Samantha shivered at the touch, unable to stop herself from gazing almost longingly up at the young man as he looked back apologetically, the bottle tilted over her chest. Her mind froze as she realised what he planned to do, the ranger instinctively gritting her teeth even before the lukewarm liquid hit the deep wound.

The pain was intense; it was all Samantha could do to not scream as the alcohol flooded over the open gashes in her chest, her vision fading as she listened to Zach's frantic mutterings, the glint of a needle catching her eye before the pain forced her into unconsciousness.

The dull ache in her chest brought Samantha out of a groggy sleep, the sunlight that filtered in through the cave entrance seeming entirely too bright to be natural. Moving slowly, she groaned as her head began to pound, the hung-over girl gasping at the sharp pain in her chest as she tried to sit up. Confused, she looked down at the bandages wrapped tightly around her chest, red splotches already forming on the white fabric. The memories of the previous night suddenly flooded back to her, the female feeling her cheeks flush as she remembered the feeling of Zach's hands on her skin.

I must still be drunk,_Samantha thought, shaking her head, immediately regretting the action as the world around her swam, her headache pounding even more violently, _I mean, why else would that be the thing I remember first!

Taking a deep breath, the young woman slowly lifted herself upright on the small cot, keeping her eyes tightly closed until the world stopped spinning around her. Tentatively, she peeked out, her gaze falling on the two bottles of water just beside the cot almost immediately. She snatched one up and drained it in moments, gagging slightly as she felt another wave of nausea wash over her, fighting to keep the precious liquid down. After a few moments she picked up the other bottle, and noticed the smaller white container beside it. Hesitantly, she picked up the bottle of painkillers, looking at the note taped to the front.

"Take two now, and one every three to four hours," she read, giving a pained sigh as she twisted the cap off, emptying almost half the bottle into her palm. She swore at her clumsiness, before staring at the handful of pills, her thoughts going dark for a moment, before a noise made her jump, the female hurriedly pouring all but two of the pills back into the bottle, gulping the medication down before continuing to sip on the rest of the water.

"You awake?" the familiar voice asked from behind a makeshift curtain, another of the number of sheets Zach seemed to have pilfered from the poachers.

"Yeah," Samantha croaked back, her throat still sore from the previous night.

"I'm sorry."

The words hung in the air for a moment, Samantha staring blankly at the curtain, able to make out a faint shadow against the glare of the sun.

"For what?"

"For wha...For this!" Zach swept the curtain aside, surprising Samantha as he pointed at her chest, the woman blushing slightly as he glared at her, though his eyes were filled more with confusion than anger, "I let this happen! You're the first human I've had contact with in weeks and in less than a day I've almost gotten you killed! Aren't you angry? Or scared? Or anything?"


The answer seemed to stun Zach, the young researcher sitting heavily on the short stool, staring at the girl in confusion. His gaze made Samantha blush as she instinctively tried to hide her chest, the young man suddenly seeming to remember something.

"Right, you're... the injury. Is it okay?"

"It hurts like hell, but yeah," Samantha blushed as she pulled the clean sheet over her chest, completely confused as to why she was being so shy around him, "Thanks."

"Nothing to thank me for," Zach growled, making Samantha cringe, his self-anger obvious, "It was my fault, and it's not like I could do a very good job fixing it."

Samantha sat silently as she watched the young man glower at himself, looking around the cave and noticing that neither of the eagles seemed to be present. Taking advantage of the situation, she got unsteadily to her feet, prompting the young man to give her a concerned look, standing up almost immediately. She pressed her finger to his lips as he started to ask if she was okay, surprising the male into silence as she pressed herself up against him, having to force herself up onto her toes as she pressed her lips softly against the taller male's, a bright blush on her cheeks as she stepped back, turning away to hide her embarrassment.

"Thank you," she said as forcefully as she could, trying to make her point obvious, starting when Zach gave a loud laugh, turning back to glare at him as he sat back down on the stool.

"I'm sorry," he managed to gasp as he fell back laughing, a wide smile spreading across his usually reserved face, "You just... you caught me by surprise."

"Surprise?" Samantha growled as she glared at the male, her cheeks flushing as she stepped forwards again, "I'll show you 'surprise'!"

Zach couldn't react as the ranger stepped forwards, dropping the sheet she'd been clasping to her chest as she sat heavily in his lap, her slim hands running up the sides of his head as she pressed her lips back against his, her fingers curling into his hair as she kissed him passionately. Zach tensed as she gripped the back of his head, stunned at her sudden forwardness, blinking as she broke the kiss and glared at him.

"What?" the young woman growled.

"I...well..." Zach flustered, blushing under her gaze, "Oh fuck it."

Samantha gave a hungry moan as Zach pressed back into the kiss, this time slipping his hands gently around her waist, pulling her closer as she wrapped her legs around his back. Samantha shivered as she felt his hand slide down her rear, squeezing it gently before sliding down further, pressing firmly against her crotch, making her hips twitch forwards. Zach laughed into the kiss as he pressed his fingers against her again, making her hips jerk forwards, Samantha giving a frustrated moan as she leant back, glaring at the young man.

"Are you going to do something?" she panted slightly, "Or are you going to keep playing with me?"

Zach seemed to think for a moment, before a wide grin spread across his face, "Why not a bit of both?"

Samantha gave a startled gasp as she was suddenly lifted into the air, Zach carrying her almost effortlessly to the nest in the far corner of the cave, the female about to protest as she was placed on the blanket covering the construction. Samantha blinked in surprise at the softness of the nest, looking up at the grinning Zach as he hooked his fingers into the waist band of her shorts, still undone from the previous night, and pulled them slowly down her legs, planting soft kisses on her thighs as he went. Samantha felt her face begin to burn as she watched the male inch his way down her legs, stopping just above her ankles before he tossed her shorts aside. Shivering, she licked her lips as he slid between her legs, pressing a hand softly against her crotch, rubbing at her sensitive flesh through the fabric.

"Oh god," she moaned as his fingers pressed against her, "Just do iiiiit!"

The cry slipped from her throat as her body jerked, her hips thrusting against his hand as the pleasure sparked up her spine. Gasping, she let out a pained moan as Zach returned to his kissing, this time placing his lips just before her panties, drawing them down even more slowly than before.

"For fuck sakes! Quit screwing around and fuck meeeeEEEH!" Samantha shouted as he pulled her panties over her boots, dropping them to the side, cut off as he suddenly pulled her legs apart and pressed his face into her crotch, lapping at her slit eagerly.

Samantha's vision blurred as the pleasure shot through her body, her hips jerking frantically, not even caring that his beard scratched at the insides of her thighs. A low moan poured from her throat as she hooked her legs around his neck, forcing his head deeper between her thighs, her entire body shivering as she ran her fingers through her hair, gasping in pleasure, completely ignoring the dull ache in her chest.

A short trill shocked both of them out of the moment as they looked at the eagle, a quizzical look in her eyes as she moved forwards, chirping happily. Samantha froze as the avian loomed over her, her mind immediately running through all the horrible things that the anthro could do with those razor sharp talons and beak. The young ranger watched in terror as the eagle looked over at Zach, tilting her head slightly before pressing her face against his, nuzzling the researcher aside. Surprised by the development, Samantha tried to sit up. The sound seemed to catch the bird's attention, as she suddenly looked away from Zach, staring directly at Samantha, the human feeling her cheeks flush as she realised that her legs were still spread, in full view of the anthro female. Samantha tried to close her legs, only to have her thighs press against soft feathers, golden eyes now staring straight into hers from far too close.

"Uh...M-Zach? Hel-!" the female was cut off as the eagle pressed her beak against her lips, sliding a thin tongue into her mouth.

The ranger gave a surprised moan as the avian pressed closer, forcing Samantha's legs apart as the cool feathers rubbed against her crotch. Suddenly, the bird broke the kiss, lifting herself up as she glared down at the panting human. Samantha gasped as she felt the avian thrust gently against her crotch, the eagle suddenly spreading its own legs wider, forcing hers back as the avian dragged her crotch over Samantha's, eliciting a quiet moan and trill from each. Samantha's legs now hooked over the eagle's thighs, their crotches pressed tightly against each other, the anthro thrusting gently against her a few more times, before looking back over her shoulder, an expectant gleam in her eyes.

"Alright, alright," Samantha heard Zach say quietly, her face flushing as she remembered he was there, "I'm coming."

"Zach? What's going on? Hellllllllllllp!" Samantha moaned as she felt the cool hand run over her crotch, a finger just barely dipping into her slit.

"Calm down," he answered quietly, "Just enjoy the ride."

"Ride?" Samantha muttered, her eyes going wide as she felt the cool hand brush against her crotch again before disappearing, "What are you doooooing!"

Samantha moaned as she felt the shaft press against her slit, sliding up against it as Zach pressed forwards. The eagle above her trilled happily as the young man pulled back, sliding his shaft between their vaginas, Samantha gasping as the hot flesh teased her entrance, the eagle humping instinctively against her.

Zach moaned as he pushed his length between the two females, the avian's tail splayed out against his stomach as he thrust forwards, his shaft pressed between their slits, his mind going blank as the pleasure grew. He thrust forwards several more times before suddenly pulling back, surprising both females as he lifted the anthro up, thrusting inside her as he came, the eagle letting out a high pitch trill as her body shivered.

Samantha watched as the avian orgasmed, her hands sliding up the anthro's body to her chest, slipping beneath the thick ruff of feathers, pushing it aside, and running over her sizable bust, squeezing the breasts in her hands as the avian trilled above her. Samantha let out a moan as Zach continued to thrust into the eagle, the avian's crotch bouncing messily against her own, making the human twitch and shudder as she lay beneath them. The eagle gave another high pitched trill, her arms shaking slightly as Samantha gave a low moan, the eagle suddenly collapsing on top of her, forcing the ranger's face between her feathered breasts. Samantha struggled for a moment, gasping when the two of them were suddenly flipped over, Zach running his hands up her back wordlessly, sending shivers down her spine as she instinctively raised her rear, presenting herself to him as the male pressed a series of soft kisses across her shoulders.

Samantha panted as she felt his lips against her skin, shivering in anticipation as his hands ran gently over her body, her back arching as she felt him press against her slit. A loud moan leapt from her throat as he thrust into her, her body convulsing slightly as the pleasure raced through her, her arms immediately giving out as she collapsed against the avian's chest, each thrust pressing her into the eagle's breasts. Samantha gave a shiver as she felt the sharp talons brush against her breasts, moaning as the eagle carefully cupped them in her palms, gently massaging them as she trilled quietly beneath the two. A powerful thrust made Samantha cry out, her body tensing up as she orgasmed, a shiver of pleasure running up her spine, making her mind go blank as Zach continued behind her. A few thrusts later and the male gave a low grunt, thrusting into her a final time as she felt the heat seep into her body, the ranger letting out a satisfied moan as she hugged herself to the avian's breasts.

Exhausted, Zach fell back, sitting naked on the cool rock of the cave floor. A quiet sigh escaped him as he caught his breath, forcing himself to his feet as the happy females lay together in the nest. Stepping back, he pulled his pants back on, stretching as he looked out the cave mouth, spotting a familiar shape approaching the cave at speed.

"Oh boy," he muttered to himself, glancing back at the two in the nest, chuckling, "It's going to be hard to explain this."

The shot echoed into the cave, startling the two females, who looked up to see Zach standing at the cave mouth swearing. Zach suddenly jumped backwards as something barrelled into him, the male giving a hiss of pain as he slammed into the rough cave floor. Wasting no time, he carefully pulled himself out from under the distressed form, frantically checking the eagle's body as she squirmed in pain. Samantha leapt to her feet, stumbling over as the other eagle sat at the back of the cave squawking worryingly.

"Where is it? WHERE IS IT?!" Zach shouted as he searched frantically, Samantha gasping suddenly, "WHAT?!"

"Her wing," the Ranger hissed, her fingers already being soaked with blood, "She was hit in the wing. We have to get her to hospital now!"

"How? The only people with a radio that strong out here are the..." Zach trailed off, suddenly bolting to the back of the cave, grabbing something from under the table and strapping it to his back, "Stay here, keep her safe,"

"Zach," Samantha said as he strode past her, the Ranger suddenly grabbing his wrist, the young man looking down at the blood stained hand in surprise, "The distress frequency is 15.27. Use that and they'll have a chopper out here in thirty minutes."

Zach looked down at the woman, his mind clearing for a moment as he leant down and placed a soft kiss on her lips, "Thanks."

Samantha nodded as she watched him run towards the cave mouth, and leap out.


"Are you sure it's here?"

"Yes I'm sure!" the Ranger shouted into his headset, making the helicopter pilot scowl, "Single pyre, north-north-east of the distress signal, there should be a cave about two thirds of the way up!"

"There!" the other Ranger shouted, pointing at the flare that seemed to sail out of the sheer rock, the helicopter circling around the mass of stone to reveal the opening, a figure waving frantically just inside.

"Well this is going to be tricky," The pilot growled, "Alright you two, let's save this damn bird!"



"Roo-! Samantha!" the older man shouted as the woman burst into the room, "What are you doing? You're supposed to be recovering!"

"It doesn't matter," Samantha hissed back, surprising the male, "Where is he?! Is he okay?! What happened?!"

"Woah woah, slow down! Who?"


"Za-, the researcher guy? He was with you? Where?"

"He wasn't with us when the chopper came," Samantha gasped slightly as she sat in one of the wheelie chairs, "He was the one who sent the distress call."

"Wait...what?" Brett stared at the woman in front of him, her face twisted in pain and worry, "You mean the guy who took down an entire camp of poachers is the researcher we were looking for?"


"And you want to see him, right now?"

"Yes. Right now."

The bluntness of her answer threw the senior Ranger for a moment, the man rubbing his eyes as he sat down heavily on the chair opposite.

"He killed fourteen people, Sammy,"


"And? AND?! He! Killed! Fourteen! People!"

"They were poachers! We would have had to do the same if we had met them! They wouldn't have gone down without a fight! You know that! Everybody knows that! If anything he helped us!" Samantha screamed at the Ranger, tears forming in her eyes.

"By killing them in cold blood?!" Brett shouted back.

"They shot one of the girls!"

Silence filled the room as Brett stared at Samantha in confusion, the woman immediately blushing as she looked away.

" 'The girls'?"

"One of the eagles," Samantha muttered, "They shot one of the eagles."

"Gods," Brett sighed, looking around the room in frustration before almost jumping out of his chair and storming to the door, pausing for a moment, "I'll see what I can do."


"I hate this,"

"But we have to do it,"

"I really hate this," the researcher moaned again as he flipped to the next page of the ridiculously thick form.

"Still has to get done," the Ranger replied, getting to her feet and walking over to the groaning man, pulling his head against her swollen stomach, "If I can do this pregnant, you can do it bored."

"Hmmmm," Zach whined, closing his eyes as she played with his hair, "It's not fair, so much health and safety bullshit just to go on one flight? I kind of wish I'd stayed in the cave."

"Shut up," Samantha laughed, stroking his head, "Oh yeah, when was your friend's wedding again?"

"Not for a few months still, why?"

"Oh, you know..." Samantha trailed off.

"I thought we'd agreed to have the ceremony after the baby?" Zach sighed as he lifted his head, giving the woman a blank stare, "We're already married anyway, or did you forget about the proposal?"

"Which is why we're here filling out health and safety forms," Samantha finished, smiling at him, "Or at least you are."

"What? Where are you going?"

"To see the girls," Samantha called as she walked out the door, "Tilla's wing is almost healed and the eggs are due to hatch any day now!"

"Nooooo!" Zach called weakly after her, getting up too suddenly and knocking over a stack of papers, sending them flying, "oh sonnuva..."


Hey, here's an extra type doo-dad that may have at one point possibly been an ending for this, but now it's just a time jumpy thing.


The door rattled as someone pounded against it, the well-dressed young man burst out of the bathroom and stormed over to it, wrenching the door open angrily, "WHAT?!"

"Hey there, I have a delivery of one "the greatest best man" for a Mr Fish fucker? Are you the man who fucks fish?"

"What the hell are you...?" Marc trailed off as he starred at the grinning idiot behind the door, his face suddenly splitting into a wide smile as he swung his fist up and punched his best friend squarely in the jaw.

"Ow," Zach groaned as he stumbled back, rubbing his face, "Okay, maybe I deserved that."

"Deserved it? You damn-well needed it!" Marc laughed, spotting the heavily pregnant woman behind his friend, "Woah, when's the wedding?"

"Been and done," Zach chimed, hanging an arm around Marc's neck, "But the ceremony is after the baby's due."

"Oh?" Marc replied, raising an eyebrow, "Any roles still need filling?"

"Yep, flower girl," Zach laughed as he unhooked himself from his friend, grabbing a nearby chair as Samantha sat down heavily in it.

"That's all? You sure?" Marc chuckled sarcastically, glancing up at the wide scar on his friend's temple, "And that?"

"Long story," Zach laughed, suddenly leaning in close, "It involves birds."

"You finally screwed one, didn't you?" Marc hissed back, a smirk flashing across his face, "Beat you to it."

"Woah what?!" Zach spluttered as his friend walked back towards the bathroom, "You actually fucked a ...?"

"They're aquatic mammals, dumb ass," Marc laughed as he shoved Zach out the door, "Now take your lovely wife and go mingle."

"No! I hate socialising!" Zach called out in mock distress as Samantha led him away, grinning over his shoulder as Marc shouted back.

"You better have been joking about the flower girl thing!"